The Atlanta daily sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1873, December 19, 1871, Image 1

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THE SUN. VOL. II. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1871. NO. 493. THE DAILY SUN. Published hr the Atlanta Son Publishing Company. Alexander H. nt.phca J., InllS, Alexander H. Stephens, Political Editor. A. K. Watson, • - • . hews Editor. jT IMt SmttA, General Miter and Bust nMS Manager. Terms of Hubaorlptlon» DAILYi Mngle Copy Pec An uuju. * 10 00 1 00 Hit Mouths. . M _ •• * For a lew period than Six Months (per mouth) CLUD8 FOR THE DAILY. Three Copies One Year •}] Four ‘ ** ** Fire Eight Ten as|-i< Copies Single Copy,. Three Copies.. Fire WEEKLY PER ANNUM t 3 00 5 00 8 00 15 00 28 00 I Copies. WKEKL’ ,Y—BIX MONTH8 I 4 00 7 60 16 00 One Hundred Copies, HU Months.. JWng-f e Cepfe* . 84 00 .66 00 5 frail ■lCtorm Rat., of AUvertl.ia* Adopted *jr the Pnn of Atlaata. 4 0 8 18 is iT \W I s 11 i li li Is S li S o' s IS 3 8 8 |8 \ % 1 8 8 1* |s 12 li li Is i d 8 18 8 is i s I 8 8 1 8 8 ti w 2 r S I s \* 8 © It i 1 |8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ti 3 I s * * S s a 3 i |R S 8 8 8 S 8 8 S |s* * 3 8 i * 8 § 8 s s 8 8 s 8 8 8 i - Is * s 8 8 8 8 » » 8 a s 8 8 8 8 8 8 i - 13 s 8 a 8 s 3 S 5 s s S s 1 I I I | 60.00 | kill! I I 8 DOMESTIC NEWS. MONDAY’S DISPATCHES. NEW YORK. I 3 8 | 5 1 l & 3 Advertisements Inserted three times s week, 16 per cent, off the tsble rates above; twice a week, 26 per cent off the table sates. Advertisements for Fire Companies and Churches, half the usual rates. . . .. In order to establish uniform rates of advertising tor the Daily Press of Atlanta, we have adopted the ' r schedule of prices, sod will be governed foregoing i _ by them in the future. . . „ W. A. HEMPHILL h CO., Proprietors of the Constitution. 8. W. GRUBB, Business Manager, of the New Bra. J. HENLY SMITH. Manager. Of The Atlanta ota Sun, Rmlroab dime Sable. Arrival, mad Departar THB WBHTB1H A ATIAIITIO (OB STTAT*) OAILSOAD. WIGHT PASa*WOBB TBA1W—OOTWABO. Leaves Atlanta m Arrives at Chattanooga. r PASSING KB TBAIW—OUTWABD. Leaves Atlanta Arriw ‘ r TOBB—OCTWAUD. Arrives at AtlauU.. 1.30 a r PA88BNGEB TBAIW —IlfWABD. Leaves Chattanooga Arrives at Atlanta.. Arrives at Atlanta... THB BBOBOIA (ACSBSTAI BAIDBOAB. (No Day Train on Sunday.) ^ _ Night Pasaengsr Train acmes a. m Night Passenger Train leaves ;•••••*•**£• “ Day Passenger Train arrives • ~.6.30 p. m Day Passenger Train loaves ? a. m Stone Mountain Accommodation arrives.. .8:06 a. m Stone Mountain Acoomruodxtum leaves. ...0:35 p. m Ha COW AWD WBSTKBW BAILBOAD. On after Sunday, December 17, 1871, trains will run as follows: Shy Passenger train leaves. 2:00 a. n 7:10 a. n ..1:48 p. Leaves Macon Day Passenger Train arrives - Arrives at Maoon , MU Night Passenger Train 1 10 P- “ . 5;S6 P- l Might Passenger Train arrives ^tMp. i Arrives at Macon 6.10 p. I ATLANTA AWD WBST FOWL BAILBOAP. Night Passenger Train arrives * 1 Night Passenger Train leaves.. Day Passenger Train arrives.. ATLAVTA ABD B2CHMOND AIB-UWB BAlLBOAD. Leave Gainesville • Arrive at Atlanta............... .»•• *0 A. Arrive at Qainesvllle.. ■ and Otiarlftftn hallromi W. J. Aki Autos, Agent, Atlanta. Ga. THE MBMPIUS AND CMABLBAAON B. B. GOING Wi Memphis, same day.., itau Tnun leaves Chattanooga.. Arrives In Memphis, next day. .10.13 PM 8:00 P M 14:1A P M Express Arrives in Chattanooga, ne Mail Train leaves Memphis Arrives in Chattanooga, next day 18:10AM . 600 P M Atlantic sad tiuir Kmllrrarail. 71 ROM Savannah, Ga., - -- I i^ROM Savannah, Ga.. via Albany. Jacksonville 1 and Tallahassee, tm Quincy. Florida: ^ ^ ^ ^ .*.*.7.7.7.’. 1:60 P. M ..1:46 P. M Arrive at Tallahassee daily’ (Sundays £«av« TaUahasHce dally (Sundays Arrive at Jackson villa daily.. . 7:36 P.M tadb |>ars Jacksonville daily.... 10:60 A. M 3:40 P. M Leave Albany daily S Arrive si Ssvsnuah daily A. M SBLlf A, ROMS AMD DALTON R. R. TBAIWS BARI, STTWDATS IWOLODBD. Laura Selma.......... 8:43 a. m., 3:16 Arrive at Rome.. Arrive at Dalton Leave Dalton Leave Rome Arrive at Selma 1:41 r 7:60 a or. M., 3:60A. M. >188 i DAT FASSBM0B1 Leave Augusta Leave Macon at.. |BB TBAIW D U.T, StTWDATS BBPBCTBD. 13 80 M 6 OC A. M 7 40 P. M 1 46 P. M Western Uailroad of 'Alabama. 5SRSatejjSy:::.7.::.-!::r.:::n: iSS i 8 flr8aaE!“™**3aa — 6:15 PM .....,11:40 AM I3:>0PM •itreel Leave I Arrive at Baiabridge Arrive at Albany Arrive at Lit* Oak Arrive at Jacksonville Leave Jacksonville. Leave Live Oak Leave Allway.. Leave Jessup.. Arrive St Savannah.. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Leave Savannah, Saturdays excepted. * * “— * wpled. ■ 1:1* A V 7:30 P M 8:30 P M 8:26 A M I1-4AA M Arrive at J< Arrive at A Arrive at L Arrive at Tallahassee Arrive st Jackson villa ip, Sundays excepted, at texasse? • 11.-08 P M 4.-88 A M 8:18 P M 12:66 P M 6:36 P M 4:08 P M a A0 A M 8:43 A II 1 :S6 P M 7:18 A M Leave J< r 7:00 P M 10:30 P M 6 -<0 A M 8:30 P M Arrive at Savannah, M mdaye excepted aya excepted, excepted, st * m 5:00 8:00 _ . 1th Macon trains to and from Atlanta. The 1 weed AITair—Death of llewry T. Tackeruian-lmsll Pox In Ilrooklyn— Cebsa Matters—S<ward Paralyzed' ltVc-xIran News. *" *" New York, DeoUfibrc 185— 1 There is nothin# now in tlio Twctnl uiTuir. It is proposed to arrest biin from duy to day upon new ullegatiops uutil some fifteen indictments are exhausted. Henry T. Tuckerman, a well known scholar, is dead. Aged fifty-eight. The Aldermen of Brooklyn have had a meeting for the purpose of checking the small pox. A special to the Herald, from Havana, says Castino’s grape has not been dese crated, the glass covering of the niche was not broken, apd everything about the S .ve is in perfect order, not having been tnrbed. The lease of Sam ana Bay has expired and the American flag hauled dowu. The latest Mexican advices represent Juarez as maintaining a fearless attitude, and speaks confident of crashing the re bellion. The Cabinet remains uncliunged, and the people oomplain that the opposition is directed more against the Cabinet than Juarez. The revolution in th« Western States is extending. Extraordinary pow eu are given to Juarez as Governor of the Stales. Business is prostrated and all industries are parnlized. A United States protectorate, or annexation, was boldly discussed as the only solution. No important engagements are reported in the Central or Western States. The World's special from the City of Mexico of the 9th says the revolution is probably a failure. Only two States have risen. No popular excitement prevails. Diaz is a fugitive, closely pursued. The i juutry is only disturbed by rob bers. The Herald's special from Mexico of the 11th, via Havana, announces thut the Government has broken the book of the rebellion. No particulars. Auburn, December 18.—The morning papers say Seward is very low with par alysis. The report of the Committee on the Ocean Bank shows a surplus of 8500,000. MASSACHUSETTS. Alexis Don't Paw Out. Boston, December 18.—The loss on the Grand Duke’s boll is over 95,000. MARYLAND. The Trial of the Baltimore Borgia. Annapolis, December 18.—Pay muster General Brice testified to-day that Gen. Ketchum was a healthy maD, temperate and not in the habit of taking drags. SOUTH CAROLINA. The Kx-Klux Trial*—Vrrdlet of Ou >I4y —Governor Scott to be Impeached, Columbia, December 18.—In the Ku- klnx trial to-day, the case of liayes Mitchell was closed by au elaborate argu ment of Reverdy Johnson, who expressed the utmost horror at the outrages to which the witnesses had testified; but contended that evidence had not shown these outrages to be the result of any conspiracy, nor connected with their commission. The jury, after, thirty-eight minutes’ consultation, returned a verdict of guilty on the second count, namely, conspiracy to injure Jim Williams for having voted in 1870. The defense gave notice of a motion for a new trial. In the House of Representatives to-day the report of C. C. Bowers, of the Inves tigating Committee, arraigning the Gov ernor, and other 8tate officials, for al leged fraudulent overissue of 8ta*e bonds, was hotly discussed for four hours. The Speaker ruled that a two-thirds vote was required to adopt the report by the House, because the adoption of its final recommendation wonld bo the first step towards impeachment. The decision was overrnled, and the report adopted as tbe sense of the House. At 6 o’clock, Bowen introduced a reso lution that Ik K. Scott, Governor of the State of South Carolina, be impeached of high crimes and misdemeanors. He also introduced a similar resolution impeach ing State Treasurer Parker. The resolu tions were laid over under the rules. A largo attendance is present aud great excitement prevails. WASHINGTON. Paymaster Retired—The Hamits Called —Southern Claim* Commission—Nor wood to be Seated—The Ketrencbun Committee Still Under Discussion—Ms. teorologlcal. Washington, December 18.—Benjamin W. Brice, Paymaster-General, has been retired at his own n quest. * Major Alvord, Acting Comptroller, lias called for bank statements at the close of businoss on the 16th instant. The Southern Claims Commission will resume its sessions immediately after New Year. The Hupreme Court, in the case of Sernmes vs. the City Fire Insurance Company, of Hertford? hold that when parties fix the limitation, by contract within which an act is to be done and the performance, the Coart will not in terfere to make a new contract; but will leave the controversy to be determined bv the local statute of limitation. In Hartford this is six years. Judgmeut re versed, and a new trial ordered. The cose is from Mississippi. The extension of the time of the Max ican and United Stated Commission does not permit the presentation of new claims. The Spanish and American Commis sion has done nothing yet, on account of the difficulty of getting evidence, owing to the disturbed condition of Cuba. Meteorological. The barometer will probably rise dur ing to-night, and on Tuesday from mid dle and East Atlantic Coast, West to the Mississippi River, with partly cloudy and clear weather. Fresh north west winds prevail to-night north and east of Virginia, with cleariug weather. The storm on tho New' England coast is clearing away to-night. A small of low barometer, with rain, developes in Louisiana and Arkansas and more northeast. Pleasant weather will prevuil on Tuesday in South Atlautio and Gulf States. Dangerous winds are not antici pated to-uiglit east of the Rocky Moun tains, unless possible in a wmar portion of Mossachusettss Bay. XLII CONGRESS SENATE. FOREIGN NEWS. ENGLAND. « Prohibit* A Tbe Slrk Prlnce-Prov lu L*n4oml«rr)-. London, Decern or J 7.—The Prince of Wales passed a quiet day, and is progress ing towards recovery. Parliament meets the second week in February. London, December 18.—The morning bulletin from Bandriugham announces that tho l'riuoe of Wales slept well last night, and his condition is in oil respoeta satisfactory. Pravc s were again offered in all the churches for his complete restoration. The Qaeen has left Windsor for Os borne, where she will spend the holidays. Prncrasioas or nwembliea in Loudon- derry have been forbidden. No trouble is apprehended from tho Catholic ialiab- itsuts; but it in feared that the boys of Londonderry may make offensive dem onstrations. Eugenie has sailed Snm Gibraltar for London. An anknowii vessel ran down the French berk Coate liioa, from Havre for Bueooe Ayres. Beventeen wore lost The Tcmcl passed on regardless of the cries of tho drowning. An official bulletin from Bandriogham ■ays Wales pawed a quiet night A groom to tho Prince died of typhail fever to-dey. FRANCE. Opposition to the Orlran Prlnrr*. Paris, December 18.—The members of the Republican Left, and Union Repub licans, have bad a meeting in opposition to seating the Orleans Princes. Gam- belts premded. SWITZERLAND. Th« Alabama Claim* Canf. renro, Geneva, December 18. —Count Ben- pie, the Italian tnemlwr, ha* been chosen President of the Board of Arbitrator*. The body has adjourned nntil the 15th of January. The New York salt manufacturers pro test against a reduction of the duty on salt. The day was entirety consumed in dis cussion of the Committee of Retrench ment and Investigation. Senator Bay- srd insisted that there should bo two Democrats upon tho committee, and Sumner denounced the exclusion of his wing from tho committee. Tbe disaf footed Republicans claim that they are not represented on tho committee. The debate was acrimonious. Of the Committee on Privileges aud Electious, only Senator Morton favors Blodgett. Tho rest favor seutidg Mr. Marwood. The House bill in relation to steam boilers used ou the Eastern rivers passed. It szempts steam tugs from oertaia re strictions. Tits Committee on Elections made a formal report iu favor of seating Norwood from Georgia. Bcott nominated Cass erlv as du addi tional member of the Committee on Re trenchment. As indicating the character of the de bate, the following from Logan is tele graphed: Logan said it seemed to be as sumed by certuin Senators tlutt all who supported Trumbull's proposition, were trying to injure tho administration. He had no such desire; yet, he had voted for that proposition and would do so again, because lie believed it to be a proper and wise measuro. Her understood that he was uot iu good standing with a certain set of meu, who assumed to control and guido the party; but it mattered little to him whether he was or not He was responsible to his constituents, and to nobody else. Those men affected to be the champions of the President; but if he, (Loganj, were just, aud they attempted to aid him in the same way, he would think it wise to get rid of their assistance as soon as pos sible. It was almost impossible to set uu independent part in the Senate now. These tnree or lour men, perhaps five, who uudertake to manage the party, call a caucus ou auy man who is disposed to bo independent, uuu threaten to read him out For one, he would act up to his couvic- tious aud run the risk of being read out ‘*1 don’t believe,” said Logan, “that the President of tho United States fears in vestigation ; but you have made tho coun try believe he docs. I don’t tv-lieve that tho Treasurer fears investigation, but you have made tho country be lieve he does; I don’t liehevo auy of the departments of the Government fear investigation, but you liavo made country believe they do. As to tho organi zation of this committee, it is peculiar. When the Beuate divided on the ques tion of investigating tho public serviao, 24 Senators voted for the prosecution aud 35 rguinst it; but when it comes to tho appointment of this committee seven members of it ure taken from tho thirty-five and only one from the the 24. Of course, there was no design in this. (Laughter.) Tho committee is composed of honorable men, because Senators are all honorablo meu, (laugh ter) but I fear that the making up of the Committee this way, does not reflect much credit upon No. 24. (Laughter.) The Beuate Committee is nominated, with tho addition of Caeserly elected. The resolution of Trumbull, with the privilege to send for persons and papers, was adopted. This is a triumph ovsr the ultra-admin istration men. During tho debate, Bum nor said a Senatorial caucus was a mere matter of convenience nud binding upon no one. SUNDAY’S DISPATCHES. WA 8 HINGT ON. The Southern Claim* Comuilsaion—DIs- position or Claim*. Washington December 17. — The Southern Claims Commission will resume its sessions immediately after New Year's Day. In the meantime they will take up two or three hundred canes now already for decision and prepare them for con sideration by the House Committee on Claims, if that Committee shall desire to have them submitted during tho present session under the operation of the pres ent law. The Commissioners are only authorized to make oue report each ses sion, and that at the commencement of the session, but the pressure from per sons whose claims are not included in the first report are qo grok% that a change in law may bo effeofced. There is no expectation that the Claims Committee will be much delayed by any further examination of cases, they being understood to* be satisfied with the inves tigations in regArd to them by the Com missioners. Unless an act to make an appropriation should otherwise provide, those claims which were allowed will be settled by accounting officers of the Treasury and under the ordinary rules of that deportment. A number of claims were purposely omitted with a view to their further investigation. DOMESTIC NEWS. NEW YORK. Vive 1b ComMiM-Thc Procession Sun day— llanarrs and lnierlpll*M-Tbr Spirit J of later nationalisin'—Cotton Statement. New Yore, December 17.—Tho Inter national parade to commemorate the death of ltoeel and others, came off to day, with about two thousand portioi- ] )auts. Among them w ere General Ryan, O’Doonvan Room, Claflin k Woodhull, the French League, Printers’ Union, Bricklayers’ Union, and others. The Catafalque, with six coffins, decorated with red flags, bore the inscription: “To the Martyrs of the Universal Republic.” The banner captured ou last Sunday, by the police, bore the following: “The spirit of the Oommune expands as the &xe of the executioner falls upon the necks of its martyrs.” On another banner was: “ The world is our country; to do good is our reli gion. On another banner: “And they had all things in coinmou.” Bark May Stetsou, from New York for Aspinwall, has been abandoned at sea. The followiugis tho cot*on movement for the past week: Receipts at ull ports 120,918 against 105,839 lost week, 122,126 the previohs week; 104,742 three weeks since. Total receipts since September 1,118,557 against 1,372,557 the corrospondiug period the previous year, Hbo*”iuu :in increase since September 1st o( ^J4,010. Exports from all ports for the week 107.473 against 117,- 598 for the same woek last yeur; total ex ports for the expired portion of the cotton year 592,609 ugainst 755.168 for same time lost year. Stock at all iiorts 406,472 against 468,256 for tho same date last year. Stock at interior towns 71,435 against 104,340 last yoar. Stock in Liv- rpool 458,0000 against 185,000 last year. American cotton afloat for Great Britain 147.000 against 310,000 last year. Indiau cotton afloat for Europe 283,041 aguiust 135.000 last year. The weather South has been cold iu many sections during the week, although thero are few complaints of rain. Cotton lins beeh very active during the woek with an excited market, aud a sharp advance at the close. Tho sales for the week reached 140,000 hales, of which 122.000 were for future delivery, uud 18,- 000 on the spot aud to arrive. The spot exporters took ubout 5,700: spinners 9,- 500, and speculators 900. A CHARAcrrERiOTio thing is Tom Hughes’ way of aiding Chicago. It is to send the city a public library. Some time ago his friend Burgoss hod suggested to him that it would be a clever thing for English men to do to give Chicago a free library. The suggestion pleased him, and he be- E n canvassing at onoe, to see what could done. Everybody fell in with the plan the moment it was fairly explained. Lord Lome undertook to lay the matter before the Queen, and was sanguine of a favo rable result. Mr. Foster, Minister of Education, promptly offered the complete works of his father-in-law, Df. Arnold, of Ragbv. The Duke of Argyll, promised a set of hi* own works and a subscription besides. Professor Munro, the greatest of living English Latinists, promised copies of his Lucretius, Horace, and ASueid. Disraeli gives a full set of his works. Carlylo does the samo. The MacMillans promise a sot of their mag azines, with all the autographs of con tributors that can bo procured. Tom Taylor makes the same offer with regard to. “Puncu.” And so the kiLdljr work is going forward. When the noble gift is established in Chicago it will be one of her most cherished possession*. And it will be entirely unique. A library made up eutiraly of author's gift oopiM of the works of living writers does not exist This fact alouo will give the collection value wholly its own. iOUyllflmffn* X&mtt»enuni8. King’s Mountain MILITARY ' SCHOOL, YORKVILLK, 8. C. rpHE FIRST SESSION OF THE SCHOOL YEAR A of 1S73 will beelo on the 1*1 of February, and end on the 30th of June. Tkbm—For School Expense*,!.«., Tuition. Board, Washing. Fuel, Light*. Rook*. Stationery, Ac., |135, payable In advance. circular* containing full information may be ob- THE ATLANTA SUN DAILY mud. WEEKLY ‘A Live Paper Live Issues.’ The Cincinnati Enquirer says: “New England, with throe millions of people, has the chairmanship of nine Committees in the Senate of the United States, em bracing the most important of them all. With her twelve Senators, that little oor ner of the Union ha* a tremendous and disproportionod influence in Congress. That is one of the compromises of the Constituion—eqaal State representation in the Senate—that New England will never see her way clearly to give np.’ r Among the plant* of Guinea, ono of the most curious is a cannon ball tree. It grows to the height of sixty feet, and its flowers are remarkable for beauty and fragrance, being of a beautiful crimson, appearing in large branches, and exhal iug rich perfume. The fruit resembles enormous cannon-balls; hence the name. However, some say it has l>*en so colled because of the noise which the ball makes in barsting. From the shell domestic utensils aro mode, and the contents con tain several kinds of acids, beside* sug.u* and gum, and furnish the material for making an excellent drink in sickness. Bat, singular as it may appear, this pulp, when in #porfectly ripe state, is very fil thy, and the odor from it is exceedingly unpleasant The number of distilleries in tha Uni ted States on the first of December 236 grain and 9 molasses, with a total daily producing capacity of 227,000 gal lons Allowing 300 working days, this would give an annual produot of 68,000,- 000 gullons. A tax of 60 conks a gallon on this producing capacity would give a revenue of 934,050,000 a year—a much larger sum than is now obtained. MISSOURI. Navigation Opened. 8t. Louis, December 17.—Two steam boat*, nfter cutting at the ice gorge be low this city yesterday and to-day, suc ceeded in opening a passage, aud navi gation to the South is now resumed. SOUTH CAROLINA. K. K. K. Columbia, December 17.—In the Ku- klux trial on Baturdav the argument in tho caso of R. U. Mitchell, accused of conspiracy, was opened by Mr. Chamber lain for tbe prosecution. Mr. Van Berry replied for the defense, taking the ground that tho actions of violence proven were uot connected with any organization. Argument will be resumed Monday. Charleston, December 17.—The small pox q> .1 itinc, established here some weeks ugo, against vessels arriving from New York ami Philadelphia, has been discontinued. TENNESSEE. Drew u I'rlzr. Mhmi'Iiis, December 17. — John It. Durfif, clerk iu tho Post-Office, drew 925,000 in the Louisville Library Lot tery. St •Spooinl IVoticos. HOUSE. No Ulln of general interest were intro duced under tire regular weekly call. Mr. HiUdemun of Peniwylrania intio- daccd * resolution regretting the severity of Thiers’ governmeut toward the Com- mnniatn. 'fbero wa» objection to this, waa not tbe repaired two-thirds, and tbe Hooae ref rued to suspend tbe rules. A reeolation eiprewing eympatky with foreign people straggling formlf-govern- ment wan unammoiMly adopted. The Committee on Elections will post pone Urn eaM of Cc»ua n Mycn uutil after tho hcfidiiya. lforict TO Tratktbb* Goibo Wbot Via Mbmpiii*, Tk*n —Tbe Proprietor* of the “Commercial Hotel,* corner of Front »nd Jcff. r*«»n etreeU, Memphis, n>. ■pecttoltj reqneat the traveler* from Georgia to put np at their e*tabli*haent. The Hotel i* moat conve niently *ltu*te<l. can accommodate over three huu dred gueata, liaa a first class table aod'bhargua very toderate, |2 50 per day. d*c6d3w [Signed] ALLEN BROS. •Xcut Xifnetiwraitm*. _ G. W. ADAIR, Auct’r. 39 Residence Lots! F’SESSl Wednesday, 30th Instant, at 2 I will sell, ob the premise*, Lot*, situated on the o'clock, aide of McDaniei 'treet. a ehiort distance couth of L. C. WcUa* plfr •. Thee* Lota lie well, and are within Walla' ntare. iuea*i»«i neweii, anti are wiinin *** than Ml) yard* of the Street Railroad. Each lot whdn Haldcmau moved a suspension of .m be eold with the prlvUen* of the adjoining onea _ only *o o •W£“SSfc Intercat. In thu CUM) of Bowltat va. E Iwank,» HiMlWpia HUH I** Junction of Marietta and from Arkansas, the committee refuse* to | " Anyanmunt nnder 400.000 can beawpfltod. grant more time to Edwarda, uo.vwu BHIOK8. rnHOSh W.NTIXCl MUCKS. <u b. KCWr. 1 <Uted. 00 ■!>■'« O' llc. h, leaving ‘ Mm M.KLYKA. Nun 2tbBcrii»rmeni6. STEAM SAUSAGE MANUFACTORY. l’uddlnK,*afwaya on haud or madu to ordcr.^m short notice and iu auy quaoUty. JOSEPH FANZ, nov2tl-2in _ ^ Knoxville. Tom Agenla Wanted fop A.HSTEPHENS talnod upon application to declAwtll latFeb OOL. A. COWARD, Principal and Proprietor. HALL COUNTY White Sulphur Springs TOR SALS OR RENT. I WILL SELL, RENT OR LEASE for a term of years, these celebrated Borinas, six mile* from aAZSnBVIXjZalL In a lew weeks the track of the Air-Line Mmiirmmd 1 be laid within a mile and a half of this Tama ble property. Also, some valuable plantation* tn th*nnlghhr»heed Address me at Gainesville. .«. RMoCAMT. RURAL SOUTHERNER THE DMT AMD LABOE8T DOLLAR MONTHLY I SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS, the seoond column of figure* after the name* of publication*, the regular subscription price of •ech Is given. By special arrangement, we are enabled to furnish the RURAL SOUTHERNER and any of 'he following publicaUons at the price opposite In the flrat column, and the publisher* of tho SOUTHERNER wlU be responsible for the pro per pending of papers with which we club. Kamo* of Papers dubbing with tho Rural Boutberuer. Atlanta New Era Augusta Chronicle k Sentinel.. Augusta ConatituUonaUat.. Macon Telegraph k I" Savannah News Atlanta Constitution.. ahnw • iteuiaaiw.. ............. , Augusta Chronicle k SenUnai Christian Advo- • Bnral Nsir Yorkar New York Tribune.. New York Sun Albany. N. Y„ Cultivator k Country Boston Every (Saturday.. New York Hearth * Hoi New York Scientific American St. Louis Column's Rural World.. Memphis Southern Farmer OltEAT HISTORY OF THE WAR. Complete In one ing Co., Atlanta, Ga., Philadelphia, l’a., or St Louis The UarrlMburg. 1‘rnwtylt tiHia COHN MIIELLER. Warren aud Taliaferro 00 untie*. Add re##: Craw- Unemeos Catito. r. Or. thro w: Proprietor fixoelator Plastering Works, P. O. Uox 400, ATLANTA, OA. ang28 6m. ROOKS,, C ontractor for brick and Stone Work, _of all claases. Plastering and Ornamental work, atone Catting, e Griffin. Oe.. May 12.1871. IIW. .W.ICAIE, Painter and tier orator. O nici .ho,, w. a. Ink;, Whittui itrat., turns tliauks to his old patrons for format favors, sod hopes by attention to business to merits of the seme. ap-JS-ly MIDDLETON & BRO., Cupper Kmllbe, Sheet Iroa Worker* and liras* Mouldera. W 1 , Broad street. prepared to doth# above Work In a anpe- shop next door to Bun office, dec*- Atlanta Collecting Agency, OFF IOBi Up Mtalrsi Dodd** Corner, WHITEHALL STREET. Kents, wages, and account* collected Books Touted on Reasonable IVrmr. A” ordc promptly atfoudod to. P. 0. Box 313 J. If. OAVAN k CO. U1*I IOLMTERINO, Paper Hanging FURNITURE REPAIRING ( )LD CHAIRS CANED AND NO CHARGB FOB BEVABNI4HIN0. Lounges Kepalred, and Carpets O. H. IIBOWN, No. 3 DeOtves' Opera Hooae, Marietta street. Mc Daniel & hooper, Wholesale and Retail Dealers In NKRH, FRUITS, _ mwallFCJrc—* TOYS AND t'liUlSTMAM GO01>H Peters. Atlanta, Ga. dec 13.1m GEORGIA—Tali*ran*> Cowry. Cjuwroaoviixa, Oa., Dec. 7,1OT. iMUt'H as «i* Atlanta Ban has the largest eir- TYASM . ^ A culatiou tn said oounty. of any newspaper of « . * - - — - herflTsadvi New York American Agriculturist New York—Tbe Galaxy Chicago Nat Live Stock Journal Augusta Farmer k Gardener (semi- Mil Ilf 10 00 10 00 18 00 10 00 10 00 :s • 60 ALEXANDER H. STEPHENS, Political Editor, A. R. WATSON, News Editor. J. HENLY SMITH, General ] principles, and a defender of Liberty-adhering to the time-honored landmarks of trad Democratic faith. We I008 upon the eaceaea of the party In the coming straggle as a permanent object ef patriotic desire. To this end we ahaU MborsealewdyTleok- lng eonSdently 86 the hearty coopers**. <£ every ~ **“ * * grand united effort Radicalism and Cen- towln Agkwkma triumph o JI3aa MMocoe of tho Dam » _____ ••cure to oa Liberty end good Government oa this eontlaeat. For this saocees we shaU labor lathe ranks of the mighty Democratic boots, who stUl the Legislature, and pabRah the Decisions of tbe ttgaewnift** 1 '' almost dally. columns of Tu Ira Atlanta. Ga. T»RM8 OF BUnaORIPTIOW Dally—Slagle Cepy 1 Twelve Months.... $10 001 Three Months 8 00 ‘ Offj One Mon*.,.. 1 00 Six Months.. JST °*r:::::: SSSJSf* VskS S fflvs “ ^ 43 001 Siagls paper 6 Weekly—Per Amman* • Single Copy... 2 001 Ten Copies 1 Thres Copies f 00 •••! _ _ • 001 Twenty Copies.. ..m Five Copies I 00 TUtyOopies .*6 One Hundred Copies 1x6 Wrsklp tor Mon< — ISHBgXgg- « 00 | One Hundred C T 601 Single paper... tabeoriyttons to the w period than tax man subscriptions mast 1 paid for la advance; and all x % .e#'will be stricken from our beaks when tbs time paid for expires. OLUBIl Names for CLUB8 must all be sent at the same Urn*, and take the paper forth* rams length of Urns, 1 bo at the same Foot OMce. • respnesdkls far the safe ssrival of al na by Money Order, by Registered Let was, or by Draft, bat net edterwlse. I doclO-UA wlw ONE BAY ONLY! Return S the Favorites TT ATQHT cft> Go’s Clrcaa, Muxeiim. Kensgerie k BsIIgob I ATLANTA, THURSDAY, December 21 I^XTUAOBDINABY ANNOUNCEMENT \ THE M’me CARROLL, La Petite ANNIE, the child der, only six years old, lu her feats ot Equitation; Master WILLIE, the hoy wonder, Pirouette end Somersault Rider, and the glorious Colloquial Clown. 0. LEI FOWL EH—together with all tbs able and wall known Stars. Acrobats, Voltignsrs, Equestrians, he. Mr. GEORG I W AM BOLD and his troop of performing Dogs and Monkeys. Grand Grstuitona Balloon sod Free Wire Asosnsions. Among lbs Geological additions la s huge Terres trial SLOTH, and many other raro and 1 Ai speotmena fromthi Congress of Wild b II MOTH PAVTLIOl Magnificent SildfM , TWO MAMMOTH PAVILIONS. On* for the Cir cus sad the other Sir the Museum sod Menagerie. One Ticket admitting the holder to both. Only TWO Performances—ona. Afternoon at 8 the eth er at 7 o'clock, p. m. Doors opera an hoar previous, tdmlesloa 76 cents. Children under 10 yean 83a. W. W. DURAND, General Agent. Dalton. (to., December 14. Room, On.. December 18. Cartarevllle, December 30. Jonesboro, Decem ber 32. Msoora, Dec. 33. 6*010,17.16,1836,31 by Draft. I . __ it in an unregistered 1stbv Is lost. It 1 be the less of the prason sending it. paid for expires. connection with Thu 8w will not 1 1MU». AU Matil>U tor bUaTXhMoQ nU nuUu, or oonaMtod attK Uu FolUkal pv«Miorihi,mur.*oud tu to at Crawford villa, Georgia. All letters on business of any kind. Tun Sun, except its PoUtkraT^ addressed to J. Henly Smith, E: gout BHnctsrg. SASSEE IT HOUSE, {'SOMMVM Vj LANTA OIO. W. SASSZEN, Clerk. ™ lw i^sSd f ^LSitar r d * 7 “ OctSf W 1 BA JUNESVIms MOTEL, - *■ Proprietor. J. R CAMP, (NEAR DEPOT.) DOARD 93 PER DAY. REYNOLD’S HOTEL, MUWNAM --. OXOMOI A. [FORMERLY MoDOWZLL HOUSE.] Ante Bellram Kates g4 OO Plcm DRY. KENNESAW HOUSE, MARIETTA, - - GEORGIA, families desiring Cheap and Oemfortahte win ter quarters; only one hour's nde from Atlanta. FLETCHER k FRZYEB, Rankin House, COLUMBUS, QKOBQIA. J. W. RYAN, Proprietor li-tf FRANK GOLDEN. Clerk. BROWN’S HOTEL, MACON, GEORGIA. rilHIS SPLENDID FIR8T-OLA8S HOTEL IS THE -L largest and beta Hotel in the City- 4 is situa ted Immediately opposite the General^ Passenger Depot,sad tor Comfort, Flejpnne, T * taction of tta Employees arnfaltachi Employee# sad attache* It effers great- ar Inducements to the traveling public, than any ESTABLISHED. STUART RAILROAD HI Opposite Depot-VALDOflTA. GA. r?S ploasautl) located, attentive servants, and ebargm moderate. O. X. STUART.^ LITCHFIELD HOUSE, AO WORTH, OEOROIA. T able always furnished woh the beet the market affords. JL L. UTGHV1ED. SPOTSWOOD HOTEL, hacob, noun. (Mnrtr oppo^t, tk. Pum«|W THpot.) Only On* MmuU'a Walla. 0.1. Hi tOULLAM, HABSHAU, HOUSE, WrAWMX'M. A. B. LUCE, Proprietor. Planter’s Hotel, BOMB O-AXWI for sale, tat the growing rjlHE undersigned offi town of Opelika,* Mo. 1 arad Prratal in store, (the brat stand Ira town) all newly stocked, arad Imvlng gMaohed a fin* Eastern- rani all dotag a fins cash business. The proprietor retires ouseoountef hodhetith. This la the beet invsstmeut in the State. Address: JOHN UNO. Sr.. deel7-eodhw3w Bus 66, Opelika, Ala. FORT VALLEY, OA. 92.00 Per Day. T. W.S. MUEFBR, Proprietor. m Id fords from MdlrunA. Aset-tf HENRYItAYS, IWr_