The Atlanta daily sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1873, March 02, 1872, Image 4

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THE DAILY SUN. BiiCEDAT Morning March 2. SV Jfni Advertisements always found o* First Pare ; Local and Business Notices on Fourth Page. CITY AFFAIRS. Fell Down!—An unknown individual tumbled from the atepe leading down into the exoavation under the Broad street bridge yesterday. He remained motionless some time, but we understand he was not seriously hurt Personal.—Oen. Robert Toombs is in the city. The renowned ex-Attorney General A, T. Akorman, and lady, are at the Kimball House. dodge Linton Stephens has gono to his home in Sparta for a week. We trust he asagr return folly restored in health. Cab Loads of Coal.—We hear it ru mored on the streets that the Western and Atlantia Railroad, on the 16th Be* oeaaber, 1870, paid a Coal Merchant in this city, for five car loads of coal, and that the coal was delivered to the houses of individuals in the city—and not to the Railroad; and that those individuals have never paid the road nor the Stute for the coal. Daily Proceedings of tub Sitrehb Court—Friday, 1st March, 1872.— Chattahoochee Circuit—Argnmont in No. 08 was concluded and the following cases wore argued: No. .69—Benj. Johnson vs. John J. Little, et al—Beliof from Harris. E. H. Worrill and J. M. Mobloy for defondant in error. B. H. Bigham, contra. No. 76, (by consent)—R. Perryman, e al. vs. J. M. Gill, adm'r. B. Hill, B. B. Hinton, and E. H. Worrill, for plaintiff in error ; M. H. Blanford | and E, W. Miller contra. No. 73—R. B. Goodroe vs. Thos. Noel —Complaint from Marion : W. B. Butt and M. H. Blanford, toi plaintiff in error; E. M. Miller and E. H. .Worrill, contra. No. 74—llobfc Baldwin, Adm'r, vs. Thomas G. Baldwin—Equity from Tal bot—was taken up ; E. H. Worrill and Marion Bothune for plaintiff in orror; W. A. Little contra. Ponding the case, Court adjonrnod till 9 o’clock to-morrow. Mrs. J. A. Oaths' Cohfany.—The Oates' Comic Opera Troupe comprises mnoh more than nn ordinary amount of talont of a peculiar caste, and we regret that they should be tempted to squander their time in exhibitions and operas which are utterly dovoid of morit, and in which not a member of their company can display his or her peculiar talent to advantage. Such a play is Fortunio. In this piece, noarly all the prominent actors aro out of their sphoro. Thore is no one hotter qualified in or- ory respect to burlesque the Italian .Opera than Mrs. Oatos. Ilor physique, her manner, her bearing, hor gestures, her intonatffh aro all adapt ed to it. Hence her unbounded sucoess in the Primn Donna of a Night, a comic opera affording a broad Sold for the dis play of her unrivalled talent The bur lesque is perfect, and the other charac ters personated by Crane, Allen and the rest of the company, are irreaistsblc. We trust they will rely on their talent and not their gorg eous display, in an insipid extravaganza. If they do, they may reat assured that a brilliant future awaits them. G. W. Evans Disaitf-abed—His Prof xbty Sold.—George W. Evans, whom we mentioned some days ago as having been arrested on the cliargo of defraud ing the State while acting as condnctor on the Woetcm and Atlantic Railroad, has suddenly disappeared, and without haring given bail He has not been visible in several days. His property, consisting oi four two- room tenement houses and one vacant lot (on Cain and George streets), were sold on Wednesday last at auction for pur chose money in favor of Mrs. Catherine A. Currier; and we learn the sale was made under the supervision of his wife. The amount of purehaso money due was 8680.70. The sale realized only 8763, the property being sold at a great sacri fice. The purchasers were Mr. Geo. Ogletree and another gentleman—a pro minent oitizen, who was induced to make the inveBtiment because it was represen ted to him that Mrs. Carrier was fully authorized to make perfect titles. Since Evan’sdisappesrnoehowever.he disavows the purchase, being satisfied that he could not obtain perfoct titles. Evans, as is remembered, waived ex amination and was required to give a bond of 81,000. He w*s released tem porarily from custody upon his word of honor, to give him an opportunity to se cure the necessary bondsmen. Several reliable gentlemen, among them Mr. J. R. Wallace, promised to become his bondsmen until he could have a prelimi nary trial, but he negleoted to got the bond approved by Justice Butt. Now, it is believed he has fled justice, and for feited his word of honor. Evans is the individual, it will be re membered, who indulged in a little pleasant recreation in 1870, which caused him to forfeit his situation as oonductor on the State Road. During the summer months, it is the privilege of the mechanics and employees of the rood on Sunday mornings to take excursion out to the Chat tahoochee, for the purposo of bathing. One Sunday morning Mr. Evans became quite fastidious in tho selection of his companion excur sionists. Instead of the usual number of omployoos of tho road, ho took aboard tho excursion train a troupe of varieties women, in oompany with a few confiden tial friends and ono or two employees, ran out to Chattahoochoe and spent the ontire day in tho vicinity of Iceyillc, in oompany with his very select companions. He was dis charged for this little ad vonturo, and afterwards received again by Foster Blodgett. When tho lessees assumed oharge of the road, he was no-, tified that his services wero no longer noeded. Ho visited President Brown and bogged leave to ask for -what length of time he had been suspenbed. "Only twenty years,” responded President Brown, and concluded the interview. It is believed by a few that he had no intention to escape, but tho evidence ooms too positive to admit of a doubt. Recorder's Court—His Honor Suolr a Suile.—It is seldom that anything dis turbs the gravity of His Honor, but ho “smole a smile" yesterday when FAY DUDLEY was arraigned for some unbecoming con duct at the I’niMcnger Depot. Mr. Dud ley was an indigeut gentleman of pro found ignorance, diabolical whisky and devilish propensities. Ho determined to mako a country excursion on one of the trains. Despising all railroad convention alities,he besieged tho door ot a first-class passenger coach, entered and demanded a State room. There was only one State room, (the obe in the oorner,) where ho was forthwith consigned. An instinct told him to get out. (Here Johnson and His Honor wero convulsed.) Tho penalty for thus defying tho laws was 810 and costs, wkioh was afterward remitted bo- cause of his indigenoe. MOSES QUKKN had the impudence to roll ono of his colossal juggernaut City Carts on the bidc-walk—a privilege costing him 86. RENJAMINTOIIAS was arraigned for contempt, and charged 810. He sworo vehemently—in a horn—when ho reached tho stroct. Tho polios thought such eloquence should not go unrewurded, so they invited him to take a sojourn at the Station House. SALLIK FRADL0680M filed her complaint against the dcgencra cy of the love fraternity of the nude per suasion. She had been insulted by Amer- icus Brown who addressed her in the fol lowing complimentary effusion: "I'd offer thee this hand of mint 1/ you but had the dlmoa; Bui puraoa abort and alia aa thin* Won't do for theee hard times. I leave thee in thy wretchedneaa ▲a one too poor to mate. For lore you know, can only Idea* When baaed on reel estate. and this love it based on very unreal estate.” Miss Angelina sued for danmges, bat His Honor thought she bad suffered damages enough already. A DOO-OOXED LOVE-SICK PUP, as a defense, anado the following doggerel affidavit: "WIiab old Carla tits la Btfli.’., oa.Aa.-tI wUh Uwi 1 vara Uieral m .'r*? “- r ton a user, pot In. he*d, a oh - Aou 11 wloh -two. me IneUmdl y whoa Mr mom tile neck Imnrteon, Oh, don't I wieh my neck w'm hi, u] Whoa Seine kmeeeCorta'e aZ. Oh. don't I wlah that I were Uioee!" "Tor bet!” said His Honor, and ad- the Court(ing), Council Proceedings.—Council met last evening, Bit Honor Mayor James in the chair. Present: Aldermen Hill, WilsOD, Hammock, Grant, Leyden, T. A. Morris, Mayes, Fowlor, Castleberry, Wells, Roach, Mitchell. rrarnoNS. TV '.Merman Wilson : Adopted. That tho Manha) and his deputies be ordored to prooeed to remove the wooden shanties in the old Park ground between the Depot and Decatur Street and have the manure removed. That Marshal at next meeting report Of Policeman Rasbcrry, for seven why the cellar door on side south of J. R. Atlanta Ga., March let., 1872.—To the Colored Men if O’soi^ji—I have Btudiod carefully the politics of Georgin since tho close of tho lato war, and fool myself capable of advising with you, and liavo formed tho following as my codo of prinoiplos in tho coming great, political contests for Prosident, Congressmen nnd State officers, and hope all true lovers of my race, and thoso who have our natural interests at heart, will give mo their hear ty co-operation in this : That any move ment at reform in the present Republican party as an organization ia but tbo key note to the slaughter of that grent party in the said campaign; therefore I would advise you to ally yourselves either to the Republican or the Democratio party, and at onee come out in your true colors, aud I hope at tho coming Convention yon will tako men of principlo and honor who arc above price, aud also to the maimer born, to represent you in tho Na tional Convoutiou. Let us lmvo no more of tbo Bond Ring swindlers, or any who wore iu the remotest manner conucctcd with tho transparent swindlers of the last State administration who claimed to be Republican. A basor lie never was con ceived. I have watched the action of these miserable adventurers until I am bcart-sick, and should the Republican partj bo controlled again by such a sot, for one, am williDg to renounce my fealty to this party in Georgia, and ally myself with men of honor and integrity, be they what they may; and I will use my iufluonoo to defeat these contempti ble wrong doers, and abusers of public trusts, should they over daro to float ou tho surface again. Colorod men, I call on you to look to tho interest of your wives aud children, and your own property, as a people iu Georgia. Now is tho timo to strike a blow for honesty and sucoess. We cannot longer pick the bone whilo others eat the turkey. Yours for right, L. W. West. City Agent.—Mr. George A. Verroult is our duly authorized Agent iu the city of Atlanta, no will visit our subscribers, roceive their rcnowals, and tako any in structions concerning tho delivery of the paper. Wo respectfully ask of the people of Atlanta a liberal patronage of Tub Sun. days’ lost time. Referred to Police Committee, Of Ed. Thomas aud others, for use of City Hall. Laid on table. Ol Benj. Thurmond, proposing to furnish shade troes for City Hall grounds. Referred to Committeo on Public Build ings, Ac. Of O. M. Payne, Executor, in reference to dispute aboot a lot fronting on Mariet ta street between Frank Mills and Lem. Dean’s. Referred to City Attorney. Of W. J. Franklin, for charity. Re ferred to Relief. __ Of P. Dodd, asking that dirt be re moved from the front of his lot on White hall street. Granted l>y casting vote Of Mayor. Of W. H. Turner and others, for two rock crossings at the jnnetion of White hall and Forsyth and another opposite residence of W. H. Turner. Referred to Street Committee. Of citizens asking that shanties on Wheat street and an alley be removod. Of O. S. Burnett, asking permission to grade the side-walk beforo his residence on West Cain street. Referred to Street Committee, with power to act. Of citizens asking that the boundaries of lcters street, from Barracks Avenue to corporation Jine, be determined, and street graded at once. Referred to Street Committee. Of T. C. May son. asking that wooden buildings on Marietta street, next to the Opera House, be allowed to remain. Tabled. Of Arnold A Fears, attorneys for Frank Bcngcr, asking damages for an ox killed by falling into a ditch. Referred to Street Committeo. Of Policeman Couch, for wages forfivo days during which ho was sick. Referred to Police Committee. Of Policeman Jordan, asking same.— Referred. Of West A Edwards aud others, for re moval of shanties ou corner of Wheat street aud alley in rear of J. R. Wylio’s storo. Referred to Marshal. Of H. S. Harris, asking free liccnso to sell Confectioneries on Decatur stroct.— Roferrod to Relief Committee. 0 FINANCE. The Committee on Finance recom mended payment of bills to the amount of 818.016 33. Account relief, SbomouB k Hunt, Maysou Boyd, " R. P. Tatum k Co. " Chamberlain, Iloynton & Co M. T. Walker, * Derry, Venable k Collier Howard k McKoy “ T. A. Morris W. E. Boyd k Bro •• W, A. Blaymakor, on apo. Pub A. C. Ladd •• W. P. Patillo Whittier k Co " * Lawabo k Haynes " • Qco. Edwards k Co. " * llunnUutt A Hclliugrath * Pitta, Cook A Co, ou ape. Pub. Schoo Joff. Oraut " * J. Q. Ppunda " 1 J. J. k 8. P. Richards " * B. MaUou •• Longly k Robiuaou •• ‘ Balary of Teacbara aud Janitors • James Kobtuaon, ou account Poll McBride k Co. " J. B. Langley " J. M. Conley •• * McNaught, Ormond k Co, on ape. Cemota Cemetery Pay Roll " N. Hunt " Gordon, ou ape. Pub. Building Young k Welch on ape. etroet Thomas M. Clarke " " W. W. MoAfee *• " Isaiah Howard “ " Jamea Mann, on account atroe Street Pay Roll •• " O. O. Rogers •* •• Hnnnlcntt k Belllngrath, Gaa L. B. Longford, M W. A. Hemphill A Co, on ape. Printing.. Johu Pugh, ou ape Weill and Pumps.. Garrison Pittman •• * W. Hardeman " 1 George Stewart on acconnt aalar Hugh Angler " •• B. MaUou " •• R. J. Cowart •• •• A. W. Mitchell •• “ Police Pay Roil " •• O. H. Jonea • " " W. R. Bigger*, ou ape. Fire De $ 6 00 69 00 2 06 43 00 . 0 00 21 46 17 80 . 11 40 . 20 00 . 13 60 . 1,618 80 20 20 . 60 75 70 00 70 00 200 00 300 00 , 108 80 , 2,107 03 8 00 25 00 120 57 8 80 . 3,000 00 . 2,404 10 6 00 8 00 . 80 87 00 25 r 8 46 42 00 08 00 25 00 600 00 21 20 281 20 10 71 66 63 , 470 40 60 65 . 128 31 . 208 00 . 206 00 0 00 12 00 10 00 . 100 00 . 126 00 i 166 65 208 33 100 00 , 3,403 16 64 00 . 10 00 Total $18,015 33 REPORTS OF COMMITTERS. Oub Agent in South Georgia.—Our subscribers, and the public generally, are notified that Mr. T. C. Braccwell, of Thomasville, is oar duly authorized Trav eling Agent for 8outh Georgia and Florida - Fob Comptroller General.—Gener al LAFAYETTE MuLAWS. dcc29-dtf »-*-< FOIl SECRETARY OF STATE. Colonel H. J. 8PRAYBERRY is an nounced as a candidate for Secretary of State, subject to the Democratio nomina-1 lar to that of I860, lion. Street—Approving resolutions to fill tho holes ou Mitcholl street ns soon ns possiblo; adopted. Street—Approving petition oi citizens for work on Wilson stroot; adopted. Street—Recommending that tho etroet between Peters and Raootrack streets be opened, if parties will donate ground; adopted. Wolls, rumps, Ac,—Rccommonding that Committee be authorized to repair oistem at Mills on Marietta stroot; adopted. resolutions. By Alderman Hill: That Committoo on Public Buildings nnd Grounds are here by required at onee to have tho grounds around the City Hall ornamented by planting forest trees, and that said com mittco are authorized to contract (orsame without dolay. Adopted. By Alderman Mayea ; That City Hall be arranged for holding City Court, aud that the Committoo|oa Publio Buildings and Grounds arrange for same. Adopted. That upon all aide-walks where curbing was placed by tho Council, that property owners be required to pavo with brick or stone without delay, and that the Street Committee see that thia resolution bo enforced. By Alderman Wella: That, to allow Polico to attend divine service, tho word ■Sunday" in Section 10 of Oovcrnmcut of Police force bo changed to Saturday. Adopted. That Committee on markets be in structed to inquire into tho practicabili ty of establishing a market system, simi Referred to the I Market Committee. Wylie's stroe has not been removed. By Alderman Hammock: That street Committee be instructed to place curb ing on south sido of Mitchell street, be tween Whitehall and Washington streets and that property owners be required to pave with brick or stone as soon as the curbing it placed down by the street Committee. Referred to Street Com mittee. By Alderman Fowler: That the Mar shal be instructed to arrest all persons guilty of non-compliance with Section 486 of City Code. Adopted. This Section requires all persons en gaged in building to see that all ma terial used in constructing buildings shall not obstruct side walks, and shall not ex tend beyond ten feet in the street, and to tako other precautions against accidents. That a check of 815 be passed in favor of W. R. Biggers. Adopted. WATER WORKS. The Committeo appointed to investi gate the contract for water works (Holly system), Messrs. Wilson, Jones, Hill and Newman, reported that the bonds were legally defective, and that in the con tract submitted to tho Council, they agree to throw water only two foot above the highest point in the city; and also that tho contract was made with tho city of Atlanta, when in fact, no such corpo ration existod. Tho company had made known their willingness to perfect the bonds, throw water ono hundred feet abovo tho highest point, to sign the contract with the ‘‘Mayor and Council of Atlanta;” that tho Holly Company agreed to tako one- half of the bonds at 85 cents; that the Gaylord Company (pipo contractors) agreed to take one-fiftli of tha bonds on same terms. Considering that tho ma chinery was ready for shipment, and had been manufactured in good faith by tho Company, tho committee rccommeudod that the Commissioners bo instructed to close tho contract with the com A lengthy discussion followed. Some favored the system of water workH by cunul froum Chattuhoo- cheo; some opposed any system at presetn until tho Georgia Western Rail road was completed. Mr. Edwards, Agent of companies addressed tho Counoil. It was moved to lay tho report on the table-carried; yeas 9,nays 3. Yeas Castle berry, Wells,Hammock, Roach, Grant, T. A. Morris, Leyden, Fowler, Mayes. Nays: Mitchell, Hill, Wilson. MISCELLANEOUS. Counoil ordored that boots given to Mat. Blunt bo paid for by Mayor’s cast ing vote. The assessors ou Formwait stroct wero discharged. Officers’ Reports were referred to the Finance Committee. ASSESSOR’S RETORT. Messrs. Hall, Beattie ltiee, Wylio and Son, Committee of City and Property- holders on I’eachlroo street, recommend ed that 8200 be awarded to Mr. Hagan, as damages accruing to him iu widening Peachtree; adopted. Council adjourned. Local & Business Notices, Local & Business Notices. arn.- Sidney Dell, Attorney at Law, office removed to East Alabama street, next door above Atlanta National Bank. mh2-5t 6@=» Read 1 Read 11 Bead !! 1—It is well known to Doctors and to Ladies, that women are subject to numerous dis eases peculiar to their sex—such us sup pression of the Menses, Whites, Painful Monthly Periods, Rheumatism of the Back aud Womb, Irregular Menstruation, Hemorrhage or Excessive “Flow,” and Prolapsus Uteri, or fall of the Womb. The profession has in vain, for many years, sought diligently for some remedy that would enable them to treat these diseases with success. At last that reme dy has been discovered, by one of the most skillful physicians iu Georgia. That remedy is DR. J. BRADFIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR. lilvoming in all her Pristine Beauty, Strength and Elasticity—Tried Doctor after Doctor. Rutledge, Ga, Feb. 16, 1871 This is to certify that my wife was au invalid for six years, nod disease of the womb, attended with headache, weight in lower part of tho back; suffered from Inngnor, exhaustion aud nervousuess, loss of appetite and flesh. Sha had become so exhausted and weak, her friends were apprehensive she would never get well. I tried doctor after doctor, and many pat ent medicines—had dispaired of her im provement, when fortunately sho com menced taking Dr. J. Bradfield’s Female Regulator. She is now well, and three or four bottles cured her, Improved in health, appetito and flesh, sho is bloom ing in all her pristine beauty, strength and elasticity. I regard you as her sa vior from the dark portals of death, and my benefactor. May your shadow never grow less, and you nover become weary in well-doing. mh2 Jo«i Shari - . U-9-4 5o‘' Order Wood from Wells, 78 Whitehall; Goidtsnovcn, No. 1 Capitol Building, or Sciple, cornel - Decatur and Bell. fcb27.ff Agent in Banks County.—Our old friend, Col. Wm. Turk, of Homer, is au thorized to receive subscriptions and give receipts for The Sun. tf tiJorceeUt’s (Quarto ©icUonarg. BgX. Halt on your way to tbo Post Office and got soma of John Peers finest' 8bud of tbo season, together with bis Confectionery aud Restaurant Refresh ments. mbl-2t Farnham’s Tooth Lozenges were exhibited at the American Institute Fair, 1871. The following is the report of tbo Judges: “New York, December G, 1871.—To the Board .of Managers of the American Institute Industrial Exhibition t Gentle men—After a full and impartial exami nation of the article above described, the undersigned Judges mako report that the Tooth Lozenges aro a very pleasant, convenient and effective deiitrifiee, com posed of substances which are perfectly harmless. 0. F. Chandler, T. Eggles ton, Jil, Judges, Professors of Chemis try Columbia College, Nefr York city. Faiuham’s French Tooth Lozenges, a novel and pleasant dentrifice; the finest in tho world for cleaning, beautifying and preserving tho teeth; endorsed by cmi nent dentists. Sold by— Pemberton. Taylor k Co , Kimball House. Decatur et. Howard A McKoy, Grant Block, Peachtree atrect W. A. LauBdeil, 19 Whitehall etroet Ham’l Hapo. Dental Dopot, 39 Whitehall street Schumann’* Pharmacy, 48 Whitehall street It J. Massey, Phoenix Pharmacy. Judge Loclirano’s Office is No. 14, Kimball House. Office hours, 9 to 1. febltf. ftay- Japanese Cocoa Sticks made for tho first timo in Atlanta, at Block’s Can dy Factory, No. 75 Broad street. Broken Candy 20 cents per pound. Chocolate Caramels every Wednesday.— Fresh Candies of all kinds kept constant ly on hand. nov25 For Moth Patches, Freckles, AND TAN, USE PERRY’S MOTH AND FRECKLE LOTION. It is reliable and harmless and warranted to remove all Brown Discolorations, Irom tho face. Sold by any Druggist in Atlanta. Depot 49 Bond street. New York. SKIN DISEASES. TERRY'S IMPROVED CO.MEDONE AND PIMPLE REMEDY.-Tbo skin medicine of tho age. Ia warranted to eura all pimply eruptions of tho face, Flesh Worms und Blotched Disfigura tions of the skin. Prepared only by Dr. B. C. Perry, Dermatologist 49 Bond street, New York. Sold by any Druggist in Atlanta, wholesale by fcbl3-eod4m Pemberton, Taylor & Co. Steam Hoad Wagon Comp’y (iSEOliGIA—Fulton County. To tlic Honorable Superior Court of said County s THE Petition of H. L. W. Craig, P. H. Loud, J. H. Woodward, James D. Waddell, Dunlap Scott, James M. Smith, J. R. Griffin, George W. Lee, A. B. Ragan, A. J. McBride, B. G. Lockett, E. 8. Barclay, Garnett McMiUan, W. W. Charlton, Joseph B. dimming, Daniel Pittman, L. Carrington, Charles P. McCalla, and such others as they may associate with them, their Successors or Assigns, respoctfully showctli that they desire to bo incorporated a body politic, under tbo name aud stylo of tbo “ Steam lload Wagon Manufacturing and Transportation Coinpa- of the State of Georgia, with their headquar ters in Atlanta, and under said corporate name to and bo sued, plead and be impleaded in any Court of Law or Equity in this Stato. Tho business which theyproposo to carry ou is the Manufacture of Steam Road Engines and Wagons, and Transportation of Passeugors and Freight upon the Public Roads. Tho amount of capital they proposo to employ is Ono Hundred Thousand Dol lars, in shares of One Hundred Dollars each, to be increased or diminished at tho pleasuro of the Com- Your petitioners, therefore, pray that an order may bo passed by this Honorablo Court, incorpora ting them under the namo and stylo aforesaid, for tho term of twouty years, (with tho privilege of re newal at tho end of said term,) with power to or ganize as Boon as Fifty Thousand Dollars of Stock is subscribed, and to commenco business as soon as ten per cent, of said stock ia paid in, as is requirod by Statute. DAN’L PITTMAN, fob9-dltw4t Attorney for Petitioners. A true extract from the Minutes of said Court.— February 8th, 1872. W. R. VENABLE, Clerk CONTENTS “ATLANTA WEEKLY SUN,” FOB TUE WEEK ENDING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2Htli, 1S73, Days Proceedings, Etc, Page 54—Cincinnati Convention Postponed. Con viction of Colonel Stokes. Unscrupulous Detrac tion—What Does it Mean. The National Demo cratic Committee. To Barry Cornwall. Endea voriug to Get up a Coutlict. Southern Stato Debt. Local Notes, Etc. Itobb—Ono More Uufortuuato. Georgia National Bauk Case— Speeches of I.. E. Bleckley, P. L. Myuutt aud Jud^e Linton Stephens—Judge Ste phens' Invincible Logic. Tho Southern Pacific. " The Agad Pilgrim at the Gato of Heaven.” Tho Accident ou the Savannali and Charleston Bail- road. Georgia Matters. Tho Bombshell, Etc. Page 5—Tho Bauk Injunction. Desperate Resort of tho Polk County Outlaw. Judge Erakine’s Rank Decision. Horrible Murder, Etc. The Littlo Milliner, Etc. Page G—Radical Candidate for tho Preside!) Our Now York Correspondence. The Soutln Pacific. Tho Consequences of thoir Crimes. The Bonds of Georgia—Official Notice to the B. holder*. Exhumed Poems bv TeuuyHon and Cole ridge. A Young l*dy who Kuows How to Take Care of Herself, lien's Fashions in l'artiug the Hair. 8uu-Stroke«. Tho American Caso App Pag;c 7—To Henry Clews. Esquire, Banket Now York. Excerpts of Humor slid Fun. Ex tent of the Sumac Business in Virginia. Suprcut Court Decisions. Telegrams. Why Amnesty wa Defeated, Etc. Page 8—Tho New Hampshire Election. Com mercial. Advertisements, Etc. Extract from a Letter from ,, Dated Nov. 19, 71. THE SmraMU. I N I860, tho Faculty of the University of Virgin ia adopted Worcester as their standard, and “mj now stronger than ever in their adherence to l. Tho following is a copy of the Resolutions taken from the Record of the University * meeting of the Faculty of the University of ' irg'.nia, held on 7th, I860, Professor Holmes offered the following resolutions which were passed: •• RESOLVED, That in the opinion of this Faculty Worcester’s Dictionary affords the most reliable Au thority for tha Orthography of tho English Language, i, that Worcester's Dictionary is for tho present recognized as the Standard for 8. MAUPIN, President of the Faculty, WILLIAMSBURG. VA., December 13,1871. At a meeting of the Faculty of the College of William nnd Mary, held on Monday laat, (Dec 11,) the follow, lug Resolution was adopted : “ RESOLVED, That Worcester’s Dictionary be adopted as the Standard of Orthography in the College of William aud Mary.** By request of the Faculty, I have the pleasure to transi Worcester’s (Quarto IMotionary! Contains 1854 pages, and over 1000 Illustrations. It In tl»o Largest, Cheapest and tho Best! Wo have, also, recently issued illustrated editions of Worcester's Primary and Comprehensive Dic tionaries. These Dictionaries have Just been introduced in the public schools of Atlanta, have been ad»p. **" ' ‘ ... Minnesota, Ac., Ac. Fors " ' BREWER & TILESTON, 17 Milk Street, BOSTON. Cjarbnmre, (Fnllcrp, ©nns, #c. W. L. WADSWORTH, Atlanta, Ga., J WYNN W. L. WADSWORTH & CO.* Importers and Dealers in Hardware; Also, n Large Stock of Stoves and House Furnishing Goods. Opposite James’ Panic, Whltoliull Street. 10.1, ATLANTA. RA CAtlania Snn Droapcctns. THE ATLANTA SUN! DAILY AND WEEKLY, live Paper on Live Issues’ PUBIjISECESID BY TEQ3 ATLANTA, GEORGIA. ALEXANDER II. STEPHENS, *1. IIENLY SMITH. ] I*roprI©fcor», Alexander H. STEPHENS, Political Editor A. R. WATSON* News" Editor. J. Henly SMITH, General Editor and Business Manager. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Dally—Single Copy. Twelve Months Six Months • $10 OO I Three Months • 5 OO One Montli • Olutos For Daily-For Annum Three Copies . . • 37 OO | Eight “ Four “ ... 35 00 Ton “ Five “ ... 43 OO 181nglo Copy , 08 UO 84 OO 5 C'ts W oohLly-Por Annum ■ Taliafeiuio COUNTY.—Appiicati' for ExempUou of personalty. C HARLES GRIFFIN, of said county, has applied to me for exemption of personally, and netting apart and valuation of the same, and I will paRs upon ' my office, on Friday, 23d lust., at 10 ' i February 7,1872. CHA8. A. BEAZLBY. Ordinary. Administrator's Sale of Land. TXT ILL bo gold, under au order from the Court of vv Ordinary ofTaliafeiro county, on the Arnt Tuesday in March next, bclore tho court houao c oot iu Crawfordvilie. in Mid county, between tho Uwi ui houisof sale, tho following property, to-wit: Two Iluudml and Fifty-Heven Acres of land, more or less, lying iu said county, adjoining lands of Wm. N. Gunn, Benjamin F. Moore, Mra. Mariam Taylor il ethers, known as part ot the land belonging to the oatate of R. D. L. Peek, late of said eounty, de ceased; sold for the benefit of the heirs and credi tors of said deceased, and to perfect titlea. Janua ry 17. 1871. BENJ. F. MOORE. Adm’r. jani9-t*i laMakaa. oitationT GEOIU-IA—Camden Cocimr—To all whom it may concern. IT7DKRKA8, Isaac Epstein and Scott C. Pratt, cx- f> ccutor* up**n tho estate of Andrew J. Dun- ham. 1st,|of said county, d-tnaacd, apply lor letters of dismiss.ou from the administration of said es tate; Therefore, the kindred and creditors of aaid de ceased, are hereby cited aud admonished, to file their objections if any they have, in my office, in termaof the law; otherwise letter* of diamissory will be granted the applicants,at the Jaly Term,next, of the Court of Ordinary, of said county. By order of the Court, this February 10,1872. (cblJ-taio E. A McWlKmXKB, Ordinary. Slnuflo Copy • • • Tlirco Copies • • Five Copies • • , Ono Hundred Copies 3 OO 5 OO 8 OO Ton Copies • • Twenty Copies Fifty Copies • . 15 OO • 28 OO 05 OO $135 OO W oolily Fox- Sl3C Montlisi Single Copy l OO Tlireo Copies 3 50 Five Copies 4 OO Ten Copies No Subscriptions, tc aii mbaorlptfOM bml time paid for expires. Twenty Copies Fifty Copies Ono Hundred Copies Hinglo Copy iborter period than six J advauco; and all names will be stricken from 15 OO 34. OO 05 OO 5 Cts Books when tho CLUBS: Names for CLUBS must al) be sent at the same time, and take the'paper for Uta wtmo lungth time, ad all be at tho hbiuo Post Office. Each subscriber's name will bo written on bis paper-tho samo iu Clubs as otherwise. To aocure the i term of subscription for oaclt one shall begin aud How to Romlt Mont^y i We will b j re by Express, c _ the loss of tho person *<■ ruling it. p*Ul°lS l Efl)lrM.' W "" ll f “’“ 1 lh ° 0<lc0 UU 1111 *“ ld t ‘ ,r ' “ J w111 1» oruaa .Lon IL. timo W9. Persons sending money by Express must prepay nargoa. To Oorroapondonts ■ ni« conn-cuon with THE SUN -HI ml cb.n*. Li. rc. of £b nuUr dHUnKnlM lor b . lm ’ f * lot 0,1 l lrlv » tu “miter, or couuiKted“itLtLo Volition U«ii.rUm n- Y,| i Kit! 2-m . b0 to Lim at CmwfoBlTtlto, it., «• Diriment, .hould The Weekly Sun 81U * ,! ?, !K!0t 6“ 'loarL> form) nlled with iho clioioo.t rttdinji m,tter.VIt cooiaidi Ui, erwun ° ‘ u our U** 1 u « fit'toral lutere.t. .UI or Ur. atoyhon.' THE SUN is the organ of th. People, the Advocate of Justice, the Defender ol Popular Rights, aud the opponent of burdens heaped upen a tax-paying people, and Oppressions of all kinds. It ^‘ l l “tlliere to the old, safe, time-honored landmarks oi the Democratio Par- , SfEPHpfSis thoroughly enlisted in the Work, and will contribute to its columns almost daily, ,y ,> * >U> *, .T.rjwbore Li »ld la orlcndinj onr clrcuUUon. Our Weekly U.varj tirf:, . U Cl . ub tf' p»rticulirlj farmwble. rao'Mefj will be the meat important in the bl.lorj of America. The Ueuee In- tired » moment, mi, sad .11 tb.t |a KHoU hold dear ii.1 .Like jowho taatruc l '*° truo b-st of DeniH-racy in every Stale of iho Union, and we reco;rnlze every iborty. The rigl in the North; aud v arenot common to North* and South, alike' We respectfully ask a fair share of public patrouge. All comtuuuicaUoaa or letters ou Busin*** should bo ad.L bh a c.»-workor with us tn the great cause of American ■■■a-Ji . / i‘ U “ of tko whole people are jeoi>ardiacd—not auy more so in the 8outh Uuu l* ^orx.i; aim wo or t ho South luvo no Interest* at uUku tn tho momentous issues of the day, ci J. HENLY SMITH, Manager, ATLANTA, GA,