The Atlanta daily sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1873, January 21, 1873, Image 1

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\7 THE DAILY SUN by the Atlaata Sob Fublhhlng CoBiyoBy. B1XZABDEB K. STE7MERS, Sol. Pr.prl.tor Atlaata., Ob., Taaadap, Jan. *1.1NT3 I®* Hr. K Neblint ia the General Traveling Agent of The Bus. W' Mr. J. Clarence Stephen* ia the agent for Tire Sun on the Macon and Wee tern and Sonth western Ihiilroads. A®* Mr. It. W. Davie is agent for The Sub on the Central, Macon and Bruns wick, and Atlantic and Qulf Railroads. A®* Mr. D. M. Trne is agent for Tm Bum on the Atlanta and West Point Rail road, in Alabama. Rip Van Winkle. The accommodations at DeGive’a Opera Hooee have been mnch enlarged by pre paring the gallery for first class seats, and they are now selling rapidly at Phillips A Crew’s store. These seats afford an ad- mirable view of tho stage and are consid ered as desirable as any in the boose. There will also bo room for several hun dred persons in addition to those having secured seats. Jetferson and family ar rived yesterday and ia quartered at the Kimbull House. The company aupport- ing him is said to be thoroughly trained and of the most choice artistes of Ford's Opera House, Baltimore. Georgia Legislature. SENATE. Atlanta, January 20,1871. Bennie met at 10 a. m. ; President Trammell In tbe Chau. Prayer waa offer ad by Her. Mr. Erana. Hull called, and Friday's minutes read and appoved. On motion leaves of absence were granted Messrs. Pajue, ltobereou and Cone. » much of Fri ll to amend s<*c- * lost. After debate j bOlto alter and amended section, article 2, of the Constitution of this State, which was lost. In furtherance of ti ls motion, Mr. Hudson stated that to protect the right of franchise—the ballot-box in all ita purity—woe a duty which the fcfanate owed to the State, and ha hoped the motion to reconsider would prevail. On the vote being taken, tho motion to reconsider prera 1 led. The Secretary of the Senate made hla weekly re port of tho naiaee and number of the Senate clerks. Motived. A message from the Governor, stating that tke Comptroller General has leaned two 11 1st and placed them In the hands of the Sheriff against Foster Blodgett and hla securities, etc., and he had traasmittod all documents to the Senate. Message received and referred to the Judiciary Committee. Mr. Eibbee—A bill to amend an act to proscribe the manner of incorporating towna and villages in this Slate. BILLS OB IHDD BSADI50. A bill to amend section 99 of tbe Oode in reference to the fees of tho Comptroller General. Finance Committee (reported a substitute In lieu of original bill, agreed to and the bill passed. Message from the Hooee, stating that body had passed ssvaral bills, and had concurred in several Senate' " The Judiciary Committee recommend a substitute, wnich woe agreed to and the bill passed. A bill to provide for the return and paymt-nt of tax on wild land. Committee recommended an amendment. Agreed to and the bill passed. Mr. Reese, chairman of tbe Judiciary Committee, Mr. Himmona, on Finance and Mr. Jones, chair man on Agriculture reported back seTeral bills to the Senate. BILL! OB VIXST BXADlBO. Mr. Arnow—A resolution that tho committees ap pointed by the President of the Senate and Speaker of tho House on education to meet in (Joint aea»lou ... a committee to aeli the academy in Olarkeavllle. Mr. Hoyl—A bill to ptovld* a way in which Justice* of the Peace and ex-offlelo Justices to collect Insolvent ousts. Mr. Eeteo—A bill to repeal the law as it now stands in regard to the renowal of actions lu certain cases. in October of the year in whloh they are to be several counties of this State. On motion, tbe bill waa laid on the table for tbe present A bill to repeal the law relating to fences and stock laws in this 8tate. Committee recommended adversely to the p .ssage. After debate raely to the p .stage. After debate was partlcl- 1 in by Messrs. Brown and Jones, the yeas and nays were called on the motion to agree to the re port of the committee, and the vote stood y«as 20; T ilS. Bill waa lost. btu to amend secUcn 4522 of the Code, in refer ence to killing huge and stock. Committee report ed an amendment as a substitute, which we* agreed to and the bill waa passed. On motion the rales were suspended, and Mr. HUiyer Introduced a r '** — -* * w ~ io, that J/. 41 !• made^lie duty ol the Governor to seud a Judge forthwith to cad and hold a Court, and proceed try the cue wituout delay. Bills on third reading resumed. A bill to incorporate tue Da ton Gas Light and Water Works Company. Committee recommunded *u amendment. Agreed to and the bill pessrd. A bill to provide for the payment of the public debt of this stare, and to designate what fund should be oo set sport u ogre u motion of Mr. Cain, prevent • laid on the table for the A bill to alter and amend the 2nd clause of the 13th aectlou of the Ato article of the Constitution of thle State. The^Judictery Committee recommend it Senator Deveux, colored, in moving to disagree with the report of tho committee, said that the Commissioners «ere guilty, ludlecriminating against colored Jurors. This was an abridgement of tho rights of the colored people oe citizens of the United Utetoe. He asked no special legislation, but de- Mr. Reese, in reply, stated that these Jury Com- — ' they wer i colored THE SUN. VOL. Ill ATLANTA, GEORGIA, TUESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1873. NO. 803. migratory mountebanks from squatting at • place oud by politic*! Buceovetlng oc me into place and power and direct the destinies of th ■ BUI6. The yeas sod nays being coiled ter, tho vote stood, yeas 24. nays 9. Tbo bill woe poses 1. Mr. Simmons, Chairman oi the Committee on Fi nance, made the following report Mb. I aaaiDiurr: The Joint Stan ling Committee on Finanoe, have examined the oocoanu and vouch ers of the Comptroller and Treasurer as required by section 175 of the Code, aud respectfully submit, that the books of these officers have been neatly aud ac curately kept, and their annual reports are sustained by the true condition of tbfir offices. Supplemental repotu were also submitted by the Comptroller aud Treasurer from the close of the fls- cal year to the date of surrender of same to ihelr successors, which reports were also examined by your committee and found correct The supplemental report of the Treasurer shown a cash balance in the Treasury of $818,919 IS, which ■aid tho amount your commit!*- sale pay OTur to hla anoceeaor. Tbe efficiency aud lnb i retiring Treaai efficiency and' integrity of the roUrlng Treasurer, N L. Angler, and tbe great services he Lae rendered the State of Georgia in the faitbfal, skillful and watchful management of her finances, entitles him to the gratitude of the people of tho State, and yonr committee take pleoear* in Prayer by Rev. John Jones. Mr. Calhoun of Fatten, moved to reconsider action i the biUto amend the act amending the attach ment laws. Mr. Celhoun made an able argument i support of bis motion. Mr. Turnbull opposed. On motion of Mr. Dell, of Scriveu, tbe motion to sconsider was tabled. DILLS OB 7IBST HEADING. Mr. Adams of Wilkinson—To create a Board of Commissioners for the county of Wilkinson. Mr. DuBote of Warren—To pay tbe clalmi of the Milledgeville mannfaoturlng company. Mr. Williams of Union—To authorize the ocnatrno tion of a public road across tha Blue Bldg* and Dan- can's ridge,and Bradatona’ mountains. Appropriates $3,000. Mr. Stephens of Towns—Tj clungo tho lines bo- tween the ooantles of Union ftpd Towns. Mr. Dell of Scriven—'To change tho time of hold, ing the annual eoasiuus of the Oeuvral Assembly, 'langes to second Wednesday In July. Mr. Duncan of Rabun—To rcpral the act aa tore- »wa! of actions within tlx mouths after dismissal. Also, to authorizo tho Ordinary of Rabnn county to purchase surveyors Instruments out of the county Mr. Brant!y of Pierce—To change the lines be tween the counties or Pierce and Wayne. Mr. Watt of Muscogee—To amend the act incorpo rating the North ft s-.uth Railroad. Mr. Twltty of Mitchell—To amend tho act orestlng County Court In M. to bell. Mr. U«ru« of Litany—To prohibit the planting of crops without b.iug enclosed with a fence. Mr. Grant, of Habersham—To repeal tQ.OO'l latneer oi tho locum Hivef Dots the State Road fot damages sustained by the explosion of tha butler of said locomotive. Also to repeal tbe act to protect tbe people in tho sale of kerosene and other oils. Also to amend the act incorporating West End. Alto a resolution inatiucting the Finance Com mittee to investigate tho claim of W. Msrsblo against the State Road. Mr. Ucge, of Falton—To organise *n Insurance Department for Georgia. Also for the reiiel of Charles P. McCalls. Mr. Yow, of Fronkliii—To regulsto the per diem f Jurors in Franklin county. Also to requlro tha tax collector of Franklin county o receive Jury scrip In payment of taxes. Mr. Leigh, of Coweta—To authorise B, H. Mitch- 11 to peddle without license. Mr. Moses of Coweta—To provide for the reglsln- ion of votes in Coweta county., Mr. Walsh of Richmond—To amend tha law for the distribution of arms. Mr. Mills of Chatham—For the relief of Joaoph P. Uoe in the Supreme Court. Mr. Howell of Fulton—To appropriate $1,000 for tbe relief of J. M. Alien end J. T. Wilson, ol Lee county. Also, for the captare of O. C. Reese. Mr. Clark oi Richmond. To amend the act incor porating the Augusts and Louiavllle Railroad Com pany ; increases the capital stock from $5o0,000 to $5,000,000. Mr. Latham of Campbell—To authorize the Grand Jury of Douglas county to allow compensation to tho Ordinary, Sheriff and Clerk of said county, for extra scrvloes. Mr. DeLooch of Dullock—To allow the counties of Bulhnk, Appling, Mascog-o, Marlon and Mltcbo 11 to draw their shire of the fuud fer paying the school debt oi 1871. Mr. Turnlln of Bartow—To repeal the act allowing the Sheriff of Bartow county extra compensation.— Also, to amend the first section, seventh artlcio of the Constitution. Mr. Baser of Bartow—A resolution that all bills relative to allowing persona to practico medicine be referred to a special committee of physicians The House refused to suspend the rules to take it up. Mr. Trumbull of banka—To prohibit all municipal corporations from taxing farm pr ducts. Also, to make it penal to obstruct the waters of Middle river in Banks county*" Mr. Williamson, of Baldwin—To aunnd section 1,636 of the Code. Mr. Lee oi Appling—To authorizo tho Urdinary of Appling county to aell the Court Uonae and grounds at Holmesvilie. Mr. Smith of Telfair—To amend section 8,827 of the Code. Mr. Kaigler, ot Terrell—To ameud the fee bill of steamships between tue porta of Europe and Oeor- gin. Gao, to oetablish a Damn of Immigration and de fine its duties. The rulea wore aaapended and litres hundred copies of these bills ordered printed together. The message of the Governor relative to tbe elo cutions against Foster BloJgett and hla assciates nos road and referred to the Judiciary Committee. BILLS ON TDIED BEADING. To incorporate the Tyboo Telegraph Company. To reduce tho official bonds of the Sheriffs of Gil mer, Fannin and Pickens counties. Judiciary Oom- mltte* report adverse to passage. Report agreed to adoption with on amendment making it apply to all counties where County Courts have been establish ed. Report agreed te aud b-M posited. To repeal tbe act Incorporating Jefferson, approved Angust 22,1872, and re enact tke one approved Aa gnat 14, 1871. Commute# < mend its passage with si TELEGRAPH. SUNDAY'S NEWS, ByN. T. Auoetitod Pro... BOWED YB. DELABOE. Wash isoton, January 19.—Til* report ol tke Committeo on Elections, in the case of Obrietopher O. Bowen, oonteet- ing tbe seat ol Robert O. DeLarae, from the 2d Oongrcaaicual District of Sooth Carolina, mjh tbe committee find, npon the whole, evidence that DeLargo did not receive a majority of votee legally catt, and is not entitled to tbe seat. This came before the oommittee to be beard at tbe December session of 1871 and 1872. Delarge then applied for s post ponement, and lor leave to take farther testimony, on the ground that the coun sel employed by him to prepare bis case and take testimony in bis behalf, had possession of tbo evidenee, and refused to surrender tbe same to be need beiore tbe committee; and further, that said counsel had been tampered with and Bowen, toact for him. Theocm- mittee found both these allegations to be proved. Hume of the committee are of opinion that this proceeding wbieb would furnish ground for the expulsion of tbe contestant, if be wero a member, would justify a refusal to permit him to pro- ceed with the oontest, or to award him tbe seat. An apportnnity to take further testimony waa granted to said member, and for that purpose tbe cue was post- S oned to tke present session of Congress. n examination of all tbe testimony, and tbe statement on both aides, show tbe frauds snd irregularities in tbe condaot of tbe election were so great that it ia im possible to determine which bad the majority ol the ballots legally oast, and lor this reason the seat shonld be called vacant. It farther appears that on tbe 19tb of Octoberil870, on the aamo day when be appears to have boen elected to tbe House oi Representatives, the contestant was choren as a member of tbe House of Representatives of South Carolina for a period of two years. On tbe first of November be was to take his scat as a member of aaid [louse. It further appears that in 1872 Bowen was elected Sheriff of Charleston for a term of four years, and in Novem ber last took the oath of office, and en tered npon the duties ot the same, which offico he now bolds. These offices ara in thair nature incom patible with the office ot member of tbe House, and aro expressly declared to be so by the Constitution of South Carolina. Some of the Committee are of tbe opinion that the aooeptance of this offioe by Bowers disqualifies him from the further prosecution of n claim to a seat, and from taking a seat therein if he shonld be found to have been duly eleeted. While the committee are unanimous in finding these facte, they are not nnanimons in holding that either one of tbe reasons atoreaaid is sufficient of itself to disqualify tbe con testant, but they are unanimously of tbs opinion on the wholo cose that Bowen is not entitled to tbe seat, and, therefore, recommend the adoption of a rcsolwtion that neither DeLargo nor Bowen is enti tled to the seat. TBE COTTON TAX. Washington, Jan, 19.—Nearly all the members of Congress proaent in Wash ington from the ootton States, at a con ference last evening, agreed on a new bill to refund the ootton tax, which they will ness in Congress this session, instead of ;li« bill hitherto introduced by HoKee, of Miaaiisippi. Tbe provisions of tbe Utter are materially changed, so as to carefully look after tbe interests of the planters and treedmen, in scouring to them absolutely the return of the ootton tax that they have paid. THE STOKES CASE. New Yobx, January 19.—Tbe hill of exceptions in the Stokes case was pre sented by the counsel yesterday to the District Attorney, and will be submitted to Judge Bourdman probably on Thurs day. A WBXCK. New Yobk, January 19.—The Minnie Bresteur, Lisbon for New York, with fruit and wire, is wrecked. “AnKANSAW” SENATOR. Little Rooe, January 19.—S. W. Dor sey is elected Senator to succeed Rioe. The Domocrsts voted for Dorsey, who had pledged himselt to reform measures. A MILITARY FAOEAKT. n 19. ilitury and civio, was otsdam to-day, in the Garrison Church. Eighty-six flags, captured from the French during tbe late war, wero hm.g from the walls with im pressing ceremonies. Tho Em peror, "Empress and Princes and tho chief gt,nereis of the army were present. The Emperor thanked the army for its heroism, tbe results of which, be aaid, were eternally engraved on the tablets ol history. SOMETnnta ABOUT THE SYNDICATES. Washington, January 19.—The propo sitions mads to Secretary Boutwell yes flrat time. Mr. Moaea ot Coweta-To Incorporate Milner in Pike county. Leave* of absence granted a number on account of atekneaa. Mr, Dinltb, of Dryan, offered a resolution tender ing the uoe of tbe Ball of Representatives ” were left oat, not for i invidious cauae, bat be- of Chatham, offered a resolution that . >uru until 10 o'clock in hone birthday of Uen. Lte, which waa agreed to. Yeaa and naya were celled tor and the vote etood: rea* 80, nay* 4. Report agreed io and the bill was lost A bill to define who should become aaretlea, Ae, lnthlsbtete. Committee reported adverse and the bill 1 and tbe bill waa passed. a substitute whlctT wee agreed to and bill prated. A HI! te altar and amend 2d aectlou, article 2d. so far aa relates to tbe residence of voters. This bill C Tides that the voters aboald reside in the elate twelve months and in th* comity for six months prior to Ute election. Mr- HUiyer approved the bQI. Several parts of thsOoasutuUoo needed amending as all agrerd^ad aa it now required some time to amend the Consti tution it woe better to proceed In this Chamber, rather than await th* hoaardooa eveat of walling for • Mr. Wins ihoeght that the Oonetltntion aa It la waa amply able to meet the objection urged by ibis bill. Tbe county elections come off early in tbe year, and this migratory class ot voters would be cut off any way from partictpatiag l However, there were feature* in the' which be desired to see changed, am people demanded eh mid be changed, turn wars oo objectionable as to cause I come his repugnance to tinker with th* fundamental law of dw land. Ha thought this * • ictment el th< d the bill fro .j the Ian domanial law. It bad grown to be a manta almost to dungs Constitutions and law*, 'tin tbe people hardly knew what tbe laws or the Coneutatiow really ware. Mr. Hudson—As the introduoer of the bill, stated that ha introduced this bill fur the purpose of Dra ke tag the purity of the ballot box. To agate place the governing power te the a aide of thoee people who lived in the State, who owned the property, fforth, add IhtoUigeAfo of the Mate, rad te fvtToni deliver an address < men waa agreed to, Mr. Meroei Hon a Thureday Elucotieo, MARKET REPORTS. by TELaaiurn to the Atlanta daily sun London, Jan. 20. —Consols 92|@92t; Ss 89|; Erie 18|. Fabu, Jan. 20.—Rentes 51f 26r. Ltvebtool, Jan. 20.—Ootton opened quiet; oplemlsOi; Orleans 10|. Lateb—Ootton dull and unchanged; sales 10,000 bales; exportation andspeca lxtion 1,000. New Yobx, January 20.—Blocks doll. Gold firm at 12;. Money firm et 7. Ex change-long 9J; abort 10). Govern- ment eeenritiee firm end qniet. State bonde doll end steady, quii lends 20|; Orleans 21 (. Flour firm. Wheat qniet end firm. Corn quiet. Pork firm; meee 913 70. Lard qoiet; Weetere steam, 8| aeked.— Turpentine quiet et 63J@6t Rosin steady at 93 85 for stmiael Freights quiet. —Detroit manufactured end eold 0, 000,000 pound, of tobaceo leal year. id steady, Ootton quiet; eelea 1,073 balee; up. Beiujn, January 19.—A grand dis play, religions, mi made at F( QB0BGB MANTIS THA IN, refusing to give bull, remains in tbe Tombs. St. Louis, Jen. 20,—The mcrchanti bare bare formed the St. Louie Inter national INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION, with a view of bringiog tbe merits of St. Lonie before the world. Capital stock 91,000,000. Tbe documents to accompany the President’s message regarding the LOUISIANA AFFAIRS are printed. The committee on Judi ciary will take bold of tbe malter imme diately. NO BOUHEBN HAILS this morning, wbleh probably detains Louisiana folks oomlog here. House.—Cotton tax bill, foreshadowed last night, was introduoed by l’eirce, of Mississippi, this morning and reterred to the committee on Ways and Means. A bill was introduced relieving uol, THOMAS Hardeman’s political disabilities. Senate nulmpormut. NOTICE] l DEA1.KB8 and the l n>v°lut«l Sol, As-iit lu AtUuU lot lifer', c,lel" TO LtQUOB DEALERS AND TUE EUULIC I HAVE boen appoluted Bole / Btlfel h-Pfeiffer'* celebrated LAGER BEER d• CREAM ALE, and any peraon desiring a splendid article ran get it »7 applying to me. Any goods shipped or delivered will bo guaranteed. O. O. CARROLL. CONTRACT. This ia to certify that wa have thle day appointed O.O. Oarroll Sole Agent In Atlanta for nnr rw*u. brated Ale and Lager bet. direct to him, and any orders addressed Oarroll, Ho. 9 Pryor arrest, Atlanta, Ua., will be promptly filled. * *19 J. HTIFEL ft I* PFEIFFER, Ncliool Notice. Spring term of the 8. m. f. college for 1878, opens 15th luatant. For clrcnlara, address the underrtgned. J. N. DHADSUAW, l'roaldent. Covington, Oa, Jan. 2,1873. JutiH GHOCE1UUS, WINEM, LIQUOltH. THOMAS M. GREEN, 88 W.fBalto. St., Near 11< Ulday, Fine Groceries of all Kinds* Dosier te English and American Plcklee, Caporg and Condi ments, Olives, Italian Mao- olronland Vermeoilla* Fresh Canned Frulto of all kinds. Canned Meats and Fish, Foreign and Domestic Preserves and Jellios. I have on hand a fins Block of OLD BRjiJIf DEES* iriA'ES' WHISKIES, UJTO OUT, Wbleh 1 oiler to flbTEL KEEPEBS ot; tho TOTJ lowest prtoes, and oak a oall. •V I am prepared to offer groat inducement* to caetomere, WHOLESALE and RETAIL. IM* A oall is solicited. THOM AW M. GHKEN, 88 W. Baltimore at, near Holliday, noviiMf Baltimore. Md. ON CONSIGNMENT terday war, from two diltinot syndicates, one by L. P. Morton, representing Mor ton, Dlias & Oo., and Drexel, Morgan A Oo., New York; Baring Bros. A Oo., J, S. Morgan A Co., snd Morton, Rose A Oo., of London, for either one bnndred, or all of tbe remaining three bnndred million dollars of five per eont bonds. Tbe other proposition was by Jay Cooke A Co., who are reported to be associated with the Rothschilds for one hundred million dollars. The Secret cry reserved a definite de- ciaion until after a meeting of the Ways and Means Committeecsllcd for Tuesday next, when the subject will come up for liuai action. NOON Disl-AT C II E» B, N. T. AMOcUteA ITele. SUSPENSION OF A PLAT. New Yobx, Jtnosry 20.—The drama, “Jeauitrin America,''announced for leal night at tha Stadt Theatre, waa dismissed the request of the Redempturist fathers. H. PIKE'S ESTATE uats three millions. Tha bulk goes 10 his wife and three daughter,. Eight liqoor sellers were attested in Brooklyn. A Havana latter aaya SEVEN HUNDRED COOLIES arrived there, worth six handled dollars a head. Ilia reported in Havana that a large expeditien of friends of the Cuban revo lutionists, with arms and ammunition, bad landed at Topete, near Quananto neme. TEN SMALL pox in Boston and vicinity ia creating grave apprehensions. Three thousand < are reported, sod more deaths than from —On New Year , day there were 32,- all other causes. The »i»ims ara buried 370 poot-iSom ia the Unitedbtaive. let night BARRELS FleOUIl. ■tore aad t 200 1000 30 Cana Choice Tennessee Lard. 10 Casks Prime Rice. 250 Doxrs Tobacco In Store and to arrrlve. J. A. AN8LKY, Corner Pryor ao«l Houter eta. delStf UEOKGlA—Douglas County: We. the undersigned Commit*loner*, appointed by tha General Aaaembly for th* pnrpos* of Dis tricting eaid county, oak leave to report oa follows, via: That we have performed said coinmutaiou by arranging No. 1, commencing rm tho Paalding line, at tha north ooal corner of land lot No. 618 in tha first dUtrlct end th'rd section of originally Cherokee, thence due eoatb, croealug tbe purchase line at th* north-east corner of the fractional lot No. 230 in the socond district and Ofth section in originally Oarroll; thfince south to tbe soulh-weet corner of lot No. 101 in aaid aecond district; thence east to the south-east corner of lot No. 102 of th* first dlaUiet and fifth section of originally Carroll; (hence north to the north eaet corner of lot No. *M. In the 18th district of 2d section of originally Choro- theLoe along Cobb and Donglaa line to the ■tartlng point at the north east cornet of lot Fid, la the lot and $d of Cherokee. No. 2—Commencing et the north -eaet corner of lot 618, in tb* let and Id as aforesaid i rnnnlag thence along tbe Douglas and Paalding line to the north weet corner of fractional lot No. 248, In the Id and 5(h of originally Carroll; thence sonlh to the ■oath-weet corner of lot No. 79 in aaid 2d dletrlct; thence east to the south-seat corner of lot No. 70, in sold 2d district; thence north to the starting point- No. ill oi aforesaid. No. $—Commencing at tha soaih-eaat corner of No. TO, in the 2d district of origln^ly Carroll; run ning thence west Io the southwest corner of lot No. 79, in district of originally Carroll; tbenoe south along the Douglas aud Cam.ll line •outbweet corner of lot No. 200. io the 3d district of originally Carroll; thence east to th* nortbeMt cor- uer of fractional lot No. 82, on Chattahoochee river thence along the river to the southeast corner of lo No. 64; thence north to the starting point, at the southeast corner of lot No. 70, lu 2d of Carroll. No. 4—Commencing at the northwest ctruer of lot No. 93,In tha 2d diatrlct of originally Carroll; thence south to the southeast comer of lot No. SI, In the 2d of Carroll; thence along the Chattahoochee river to th* northeast comer of lot No. 160, in the let dis trict of origtually Carroll; thence west loth* north* weet comer of let No. 92, In the 2d of originally CarroQ-tbe • toning point No. $—Commencing at tbe sooth weet corner f lot No. 142, in th* let district of originally Carroll thence seat to the aontheeat corner of lte No. 191, In ■aid lot district; tbenoe along the Chattahoochee to |he Cobb line; thonce along the Dooglees sod Cobb llne'to tho northeast corner ef lot >o. $66, la tke 18th, tad 2d of Cherokeo; the nee south ginning point—ai the eonthweet comer of lot No. 112, la the eold let district of Carroll. We. th* said Commissioners, would foither repor that No. 1 te this errangemeatU designated at 720th District G. M.; that No. 2 in thle arrangement he* no militia namber; that No. 8 baa no mil Ilia cum ber; that No. 4 is designated as 716th District O. M.. that Ne. • ia designated as 7Mth Dtetnei U. M. Respectfully eabmitted. tele, the 7th day of D* camber, 1872. W. If. MAOOUIBX, ISO. C. BOWDEN JAB. H. WINN. Commie® cm Dovolas Count #e Oonnuar, Ax CaAwaaaa, Decembi r Tift, UfrX ordered, that Ik* wlUua report be approved and is mlnateeof this Court. | TOMMY, STEWART & BEOS, HARDWARE MERCHANTS, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Are now Open mg a Large aud Well Selected Slack ot Hardware in tlieir New Store, Comer I’l%4>r and Decatur Streets, Opposite Kimtmll IIoiihc. Mauuiacturoi' H Agontn, and .Dealer** in all Kinds ol RfiWABE, IR ;N, 8T MaTLRIAL; Ageutah BURT S SHINGLE IIAGU1NK8, SYCAMORE POWER COMPANY’S RIFLE and BLASTING POWDER. MILL STONES aud llOLTINU CLOTHS, Proprietor! of tho BROOKS COT ION and HAY SCREW PRESS Wa are doing a Wholesale Baelnesa, and always koop on hand an ample Stock to supply ReteL Merchant* an^Coiitrertor*. decl~ CIGARS! CIGARS!! CIGARS!!! No. 1 Engine Hoaae,' Clear Havana PiirtuuuM, Muxcavltn Ac Ilenry Clay, which I claim to bu the finest Cigars evar manufactured this *lde of the ocean, and equal to tho beat ex^ ported bramla Manufactured hero, they aro 25 per cent, cheaper, as tbe tax on Imported cigar* amount to that much. 1 iini.ort direct the b«et gr ados of Havana Tobacco. Manufactory No. 4 Brood atroat wholesale sad rvtail, end retail eland 52 Whitehall i de'JJ P. H. ENGELBER. The “Atlantic Coast Lino’’'Freight Route -VIA- - WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA. & AUGUSTA* TO AND FPOMI H.ii. n.non i’hilidj.i.i-wu, Jti.H' rouH, uostoji, I And atI Eattem Cl lies, and all Point* South and Soulhu>e*l, Over the Wilmington & Weldon, and Wilmington, Co lurabin & Ausua'a Railways and theix Connections. transporting Frei> ht, without trauafrr o The management of thle line preoe ful and quick transportation, ucilort ipeting Uuna. the lowest turnout lufuranoe,and K perfect a system cl Htesmablp connections at Northern Porte, aa to enable Mile ot lading lo be klgned erd oode forwarded dally, by cue or ibe other oi our routes over both of which EXPRESS TRAIN IRANBPOl AT1UN is given o Columbia, 8. 0., and Augusts, Ua., there count cting with fast Freight schedules to ter minal points. Obwsrvc tlie Following Fxcolluut NoheuuJe ol Con* xxoetlouM VIA. WllmluMtou uml HtounMlilpLIue*: With BALTIMORE—By tho Southern Steamship Co.'* Steamers, Locus, Rebecca, Clyde, Bolivar, verixf each port every five days, Andrews ft Co., Agent* 73 Smith's Wharf, Baltimore. With 1‘UH.ADLLHilA—Southern Mali Btenmahip Compauy'a Steamer, Flonem, Leaving each *t ■very ten days, W. L. James, General Agent, 18U South Sd Streot, FhilodeJpbia. Alio, through Andrews Co.'* Baltimore Hue with Hhrlver'a Doily Propeller Llue; without drayoge in Baltimore With NEW YORK— Loriliord'e Steamship Line of Pint Close Irou Steamers. Benefactor, Regulator, Yob uuteer. Fault* aud two additional ehlps now building, leaving aeoh port every four days, IS. R OhJ, Agei a Pier 83 Eaet River. Wilmingtou aud Atlautio Bt«<am*blp Company's Steamer* Metropolis aixi Kuuotoi Leaving each por I weekly Washington ft Co., Agents, 178 Greenwich otr< et. Pier 12 North River. The Steamshipi of these dues being built exclusively for freight troneportation carry a'l claaeef of fretgb in unlimited qus'itlllee. Via Fortsmoutb. itiui Itilanrt All* — uinn With BALTIMORE—Yl* Bay Lino Steamers, Daily. &. L. Poor, Genera' gent, Union Dock, 0. 1 teg d, Contracting Agent, 154 We*t Baltimore street, Baltimore With PHILADELPHIA—Annamesnio Lice, Tri-Weekly, John 8. Wilton, General Agent. 44 South BtMft Philadelphia. Clyde ft Co.'e steamers, semi-weekly, Clyde ft Co., Agent*, 12th South r*lewar* Aveun* Philadelphia. With NEW YORK—Old Dominion Steamship Company's magnlfloent Steamers. Wyanote, Niagara, lea** Bell. Saratoga, Hatteraa, Old Dominion, having a capacity of 13,0(10 balee of coUon per week, leevlug eerh »rt Tri-Weekly all the year round, aud oftener if necessity demands. Freight* received daily oi 8t| roadway, 157 Granwicb ■ treat, pier 37 North River. With BOSTON -Vie Boston end Norfolk Steamship Company's Steamers, leaving each p jt* Trl-Weekly K. Sampson, General Agent, 53 Central Wharf, Boston. K ith these perfect Steamship connections, freights are not exposed to fnc risk* ol weather or draya« k ■lore; Through Bills of Lading are Issued to all points common to competing lines. Rates, claaaiAaa- Uon, shipping directions, tegs, stencil plates, Ac., furnished ou application to tbo undersigned or Agenit 1. Mark your geoda via "Portsmouth and Wilmington," or via "Stonmshlps to Wilmingtou," as yor refer, and direct blUa of lading to be forwarded te A. Porn, Qeuer I Freight Agout. *t Wilrnlngtm . and they will avoid all detention. The following Southern Agonteof the Line tan furnish ailan esaary information, aa well, also, as agent* at railway statlous: J. A. Haulkb. Traveling/gent, Charlotte, N.C.i A. F. Butlko, Loud Agent, Augusta, Go.; U. M. Cottixoham, General Western Agent, Atlanta, Go.; Bxn Hook. Southern Freight aud rasaenger Agent, Montgomery. Ala. GEORGE J. HOWARD, (Sueoensor to HOWARD A McKOY,) WHOLESALE DRUGGIST A1VI> DEALIMI IN PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, PERFl'lM, mi WINES AND LIQIORS, PROPRIETOR OP PONCE DE LEON DITTEP8, An E i gout and Pleasant Preparatioi 4=L UKA.Vr BLOCK, PKAl'UTRIiR 8TKKF.T, At Inn tit, Gcopj^ln, PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY OAFITAIi 81,000,000. SOLUBLK PACIFIC GUANO • ADAIR & BROS., Agents for the Company ATLANTA, OKOKQIA. f PI1IS GUANO boa been in extensive u«e for seven years In Georgia and a 'jolnlag fttatrs. Fipeilenc X demonstrate* that 200 pounds per acre tm resect tb* ciop from double to three-told the nature tftM mufti \ ^ojlcy of price, and look _ valuable Unaoo le put Into market et th* preeent low price to consumer*. Planters ore requated to put tu their orders early to loenre prompt delivery. ADAIR ft BBUTHER8, Belling ftgtu|e, Atlanta. Ueor JOHN 8. BFF.HK ft CO., Osnerel Agents. Baltimore, Md. dsl2dt'iawftwtopr TIIE NKW IKIPUUVICU HOME SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE. PBIC£ FROM 895 TO 970. 5 GUTHMAN & HAAS No. 3 UreeiU Oloek, Brood Blrert. ATLANTA, OKOItGIA. Wholesale Liquor Dealers 8 LE AGENTS FOR TUE CEI EBRATBD . W. Mur hah, Ur«ltn*ry end et-offkie Clert. ■it kinds of work equally as well as ar.y high II parte of th* loantry. unsoiicitsd, wl o apeak highest terms of tb* "(tow Improved Home tfbuUle." Agent* wtnted In territory nnorenpted. Addr«*e D. O MAXWELL. ; . General Agent, Allan t*. «s. 1 «Uc2i ^ ->SD THE;— thiumpkh tshbms or ecawiqmpz DAILY wa 8U Moothi ioolou Club, for Dill; club, ibr DbUr-m inn t nn. copm — MM Flfi nsiMV-Mb 7 W.ekJy—P.r Ann, ■ |)U Hopdwa Ooplu.. FILLET’S FAMOUS ARE MADE|80LELY|BY.THX xcilsior Manufacturing Co. ST. LOUIS; MO., ^ Art doing more tad BETTER GOOKXWO Doing it QUICKER end C loan any Stove of earn ABB ALWAYS [LOW.PH1CBD.RBLIABLJI WILL DO YOUB COOKING CHEAT Alwaye Warranted iw'' Sold, by H. LANGFOnO, Whitehall M Ailante.G THE CiBOUGlA LEOIlUTVKf. 2d diatri'.t—H W Mattox. Dem. Sd dtatrlrt—J 0 Nlcholls, Dem. 4th diatrlct—J M Arnow. Dem. Bill diatrlct—M Kirkland, Dem. 6th diatrlct—J D Knight, Dem. 7th diatrlct—W L Clark*, Bad. 8th diatrlct—B F Brlmberry. Rod. Vth district— Rsuben Jon**, Dem. 10th diatriot—W A Harris, Dem. 11th district—L 0 Hoyl, Dem. llth district—J G t'ain, Dem. 19th diatrlct—Columoue Userd, Dtm.1 20th diatrlct—J N Gilmore, Dorn. Slat diatrlct—J B Deveaux, colored, Btd, 22d diatriot—T J himmona, dam. 23d district—1 U Aaderaon, oolored, cod. 26th diatriot—W W Mathews, dem. 27th district—K. Steadman, dam. 81st district—W 8 Erwin, dem. 82d diatriot—W U McAfee, dem. 53d diatriot—M Yon Bates, dem. 34th diatriot—8 J Winn, dem. 85th diatrlct—G HUiyer. dem. 56th district- G L Peavir, dem. 17th district—O W Peddy, date. 38th diatriot—J A Blence, dem. 89th district—J U Brown, dem. 42d district—J W Wofford, dem. 43d district— L N Trammell. d< m* 4«tb district—W U Payne, dem. 40 Democrats, 2 oolored Badlco-'M white Bid 1ml Appling—SeUere Lee, Dem. Baker—W i{ Hoggard, Dem. Bald win—Wm W WilUamai ft, Dem. Bank*—J J Turnbull, Dem. llsrtow—Thomas Turnlln, Tftoama Baker, Dam* Dorr ten—W H Snead, Dem. Bibb—0 A NutUug, A O Baooa, k X LilfcMj Arthur. Dundee—It Tompkins, Dem. Clurilon—George W Roberts, Dei Colquitt—John Thicker, Dem. Coffee-John Lolt, Dem. Clinch—J Simone, Dem. Chattahoochee—J M Ooek, d< m# Cloy— *-*“ ** '-*■ — OtUftoi Cowet_ Clsyton- Corroll-B N Long. rod. Campbell—T W Latham, dem. Crawford-J W Ellis, dem. Columbia—g C lAmpkln, Wm McLoan, das te ClarkO— II H Carlton, F Jackson, demo. Cobh—W D Andersen, J V idoekweU. demo. Ckerukso—W A Tossdy. dem. Cbelt'toga—ft W Jones, dem. Catoosa—N Lows. ind. dam. Dade—J W Curetou, dem. DeKalb-8 0 Masters, dem. Dx-cetar—T A, A NteftoloM, rad*. Dodge—J M Buchan, dem. Dooley—liiram Williams, dem. dHuSmit-T 1 UL.jwH WuciuM*, «MMk Dawson—8 B Fowler, rod. EAughom—0 F Foy, dam. Ljuuisnuel—G B bus ace. dona Echol.-ll W Poll lip*, dem. Barly-H O Dunlap, Dem. Eloart—J L Heard, Dem. Fauuiu—B C Dugger, Rad. Fayette—ft T Dorsey, Dem. Forsyth- R A Bake*, Dem. Floyd—Job* ft lowers. Fielding Bight. Deme. Fulton—O U owell, WLCaiftoan,BVHogs.Dm Grean-G H Thompson. Jeeft Heard, aegr Gloeoock—A BreeeeL, Dem. Oilmvr—H L Osborne. Dem. Gwinnett—J W lioswr, B A Biskay, Demi Gordcn-U M Young, Dem. Homs—F Hargett, J W Morphy, Demo. akdson, Demo. Usury—B Mo Hancock—U I Hart—M A Duncan; rad.' Hail—A D Candler, dam. Haber.hsm-J H Oraut, dem. Haralson—R It Uatoherson. Irwin—J Doriuiny, dem. Jones—C A Hamilton, dees. Jasper—L B Newton, dem. Jeflsrsou—J biaplston, M A Bvana, 4 Jtcksou—O U Duke, dem. Johnson—It J Hightower, dem. Liberty—H F Horn*, dees. Lincoln — W DTuu. dem. Lumpkin—M ft Womcbel, dem. Lowndse—J a Ouaiey, dem. Lee—H B Llpsey. W F Hadlsr, deme. McIntosh—T G Campbell, Jr., negro. Montgomery—J Moke*, item. Miller—IA Beak, dem. Mitchell—Joha ft Twltty. dem. Macon—Leroy ■ Felton, W H WUM, Asm, Marion—H M Butt. Dem. Muacegeo—John Peabody, T J Watte, Perns, Meriwether—J B Boper, B A ft Yiemeem, Demte Mooroa-Wm J Duma*. A H Sftt, Demo. Morgan—8 Hesse, J a Host wick. Demo. Milton—A 8 Bell, Dem. Madison—J V Kirk, Dem. Murray—B F Wofford, Dorn. - McDuffie—A E Sturgis, Dem. Newton—A B Him ms, W P D»vte, Demo. Oglethorpe -J T Hurt. W M Willingham, Btma Fierce—B D Brambiey, Dem. Pulaski—T J Bank well, O H Caldteg. Damn Pike—Joha U Jenkins, Dem. putnsm—W I Jenkins, Dem. Pickens—\ P Loveless, Had. * wer, Dem. Polk—E D Hightower. Dem. Paulding—ftooert Trammell. Dem. gatUuon—U M Koigter, Dem. Randolph—0 A Harris, W Coleman. Item Richmond—P Walsh, W A Uteri* M 0 2am. Itebun-D T Dunoon, Dene. ft. Htewart—J U Lows, I f I 8chley-0 b Hudson. Dam. Hiwlding -Win M Blanton, Dem. XUcall-G M Edward*, Dem Telfal--T J Smith. Dem. Thom**—A P Alfttnaott. Jeopes tteltt*. « l ai'boi—R M Willie, 0 B Latimer, Dem. Troup-J L Hill. P M Loagtey, Deem i'errsll—W Koigter, Dem. Taylor—B fttewort. Dem. Twiggs—W Griffin, Rod. rattoferro lemnel J Fiyst. Dem TowiuteJudge G fitopheos, Dem Ui.a.>dP P W Mathew*. Dem. Union—Marlon Wilbama, Dem Wayne—Daniel Hoppe, Dec. Were -J b Cason, Dorn. Worth-D McLeium, Item Wilcox—O P Bold, Dem. W ebster—J P Meat*. Dem wukinsou-WO Adams, Dem Woshirgtoa—P B Tshe terra. WOMeftrtAa, Wacraa-GS Duboee. T N Ptwte. Bma Wilke*—T A Becksdato. J W Mattel. Bern# W dtoo—Uesry II McDeslsI. Mem White-A Merritt: Item. Wbll