The Atlanta daily sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1873, January 23, 1873, Image 1

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IMMfclUe! THE DAILY SUN ■’■bushed lij the Atlanta Sun I'ublliihln* Cunpanr. ALEXANDER H. STEPHENS, Sole Proprietor and Political Editor. SUN. Dally—Single Cnny a lVelvo Months fa Vi fy*KntSj* * 80 Biz Months 4 CO | One 3 Clubs tot Dally—p«r >—-■ , Three Copies S3 40 iTtm eoptoT?!!7.L 14 M me « - m ooi vol. m ATLANTA, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1873. NO. 805. Throe Oc five Copies s One Hundred Copies, Weekly—For Annum i ... soo*— — ... 4 00 -..OH Atlanta., Ga , Thursday, Jan. S3.1873 JK&’-Hr. E. Nebhut is the General Traveling Agent of The 8c n. mg' Ur. J. Clarence Stephen, is the agent lot Ten Soli on the Mscon and Western arid Southwestern Railroads. PSP Ur. B. W. Davis is ageut for The Son on the Central, Haoon and Brnns- wick, and Atlantic and Gall Railroads. Pgr Ur. D. U. Trne is agent (or The Son on the Atlanta and ]fest Feint Bail- road, in Alabama. CHAT WITH STATE PAPERS. Athens wants a steam fire engine. Katie Pots ah will appear in Colnm- bns an next Uonday night The Commercial seriously advocates ths establishment of a cotton factory in Borne. J. E. Hates, of the Bainbridge Sun, a Republican paper, was a full blown Democrat the last time we saw him. Fbom every direction, the information comes that Saturday was the coldest day we have had this winter. Mb. J. J. Hiodon, of Decatur county, had his gin house, containing six bales o! cotton, burned on last Saturday night Messes. Baron am. Hoist A Co., on Uonday, cleared the Spanish brig Car- lota, Captain do Sards, for Liverpool with 661 bales upland cotton, weighing 298,157 pounds, valued at #50,000. At a sale in Obattahoooheo county last Saturday, corn sold at #1 per bushel, fodder #1.80 per bundled, dry cattle . #10 to #12 per head, cotton seed 21 cents per bnshel; also, agricultural imple ments, eto., brought good prices. NoTwrrHhXANMNa the cold and threat ening'aspect of the weather Uonday, delegations from the several independ ent and department fire companies of Augusta united in a dress parade in lion or of the birthday ef Robert E. Lee. Ur. B. A, Norris, recently elected Chief of the Macon Fire Department, wss for merly Foreman of Young America No. 3, of Columbia. He is well known and liked by onr firemen, who are mnoh pleased to hear of his promotion. At the annnal meeting of the stock holders of the Colnmbna Manufacturing Company, on the 20th inBt., the follow* iog gentlemen were elected officers for the ensuing year: President— Gen. R. H. Chilton. Directors.—3. R. Clapp, J. Rhodes Browne, T. M. N. Phillips and Jaa. Todd, of Lonisvihe, Ky. Ub. Citables Baker, an old merohant and bnsiness man, died in Angnsta on Sunday last. The Chronicle and Sentinel says that in all the elements which go to make np the character of the good oitizen, the deceased ranked high in the appre ciation of his fellow-citizens, and his loss will be sineerely mourned by a large number of friends. Monpat was a memorable day in Sa vannah, saye the News, and will ever be referred to with pride and pleasnre. Early in the morning there was an nuu- snal aotivity observable npon the streets and handsomely uniformed members of the different y companies were seen hurrying in the direction of their respective armories. The anticipation of a grand demonstration in honor of the natal day of the South's beloved chieftain—the immortal, peerless Lee— had drawn from their homes at an early hour thousands of people, and by nine o’clock.South Broad street from Drayton to Whitaker street presented a moving mass of heads. The balconies, stoops and windows were thronged with gaily dressed ladies, whose bright faces were wreathed with smiles of weloome for the momentarily expected gallant soldiers. Shortly after nino o’clock tho sound of music floated upon the morning breeze, and there was an immediate stir amoDg the assembled throng. The News gives a most glowing description of the events of the day. tien. Wado Hampton was the orator #fit"Thirly-flvo thousand tons of wheat are stored at Stockton, Cal., for ship ment to Liverpool. #9*The Misses Greeloy are residing with their aunt, Mrs. Cleveland, at Cot tage Plaoe, New York. The Denver Tribune says that up to December 17, some eleven distinct camps and rsnoherias of the Apaebes bad been taken and destroyed by the troops, with numerous prisoners and great amount of spoils. A Pennsylvania man who walked bare-footed two miles through the snow, on a stager of seven dollars, won the money. He has siaoe paid forty dollars for Ills amputation of one of his feet, which wss frozsu beyond recovery. Bf&. Even a Grand Duke has to suffer tho paDgs of despised love. It is reported that the Duke of Mecklcnburg-Sohwerin has absolutely refused to allow his daughter to marry the Russian Grand Duke Vladimir. gfr- The vintage ol the Called States is beginning to receive some attention at the bands ol Congress. A bill is now in preparation for the protection of wine growers, and to prevent the manufacture of imitation wines. Tbo internal revenae barcaa is taking the initiative steps in the matter. Mr* The Milwaukee Sentinel says that tho total amount realised in Milwaukee for the past year from mauu lectures was #20,000,000, as followi: Iron,#4,»00.000- tan tiers, #2,600.000; clothing, #2,000, COO, tobacco and cigars, #2,600,000; lager boar. #3,000.000. ■g- The coinage ol the Ban Francisco Branch Mint for the year 1872 amounted to #16,000,000 in Bold, and #380,000 in •ilvsr. A lot of #9,000 in silver dollars wua coined for tbe first time in marry years, as an experiment for an introduc tion into China. TBE FIALLOTIXQ MOB SENATOR. The galleries of the House were jammed and packed at 12 o'olook, when the bal loting commenced. Not anothar man could have been wedged in. The flrat ballot resulted as follows: Gordon received 84 votes, Stephens 71, Hill 85, Fielder 8, and Akerman 14. Gordon lost 9 votes on yesterday’s bal lot; Stephens gained 15; Hill gained 4; Fielder lost 10; Akerman gained 2. On the second ballot, Gordon got 87 votes—a gain of 3; Stephens 71—no change; Hill 85—no change; Fielder 5— a loss of 3; Arkerman 12—a loss of 2. On the third ballot Gordon got 87. votes—no change; Stephens 74—a gain of 3; Hill 32—a loss of 3; Fielder 5—no change; Akerman, no ohange. On tbe fourth ballot Gordon received 95, a gain of 8 votes; Stephens 75, no ohange; Hill 28, a loss of 4; Akerman 14, no change. Fielders’ friends on this ballot went to Gordon; also some of Hill’s friends, On the fifth ballot, as first announced, Gordon got 101 votes, a gain of 6; Steph en 76, s gain of 1; Hill 20, a loss of 8; Akerman 14. Just here members began to change votes. Some changed from Hill to Stephens, some from Hill to Gordon, some from Stephens to Gordon, some from Gordon to Stephens, some from Akerman to Stephens. After the ohange the fifth ballot as an nounced stood, Gordon 112; Akerman 7; Stephene 86. Gordon eleoted Unitod States Senator. Georgia Legislature. SENATE. WsDHKgDAY, January 22,1871. Senate met at 10 a. k„ pennant to adjournment, Piealdent Trammell in the chair. Pnyer was offored by Rev. Mr. Warren, Faator of First Baptist Church. Hull was called and yesterday's Journal read and approved. Leaieof abionco was asked for and obtained for Mr. Eetes on account of sickness in his family. Mr. Roeee, Chairman of tbs Judiciary Committee, reported back several bills to the Senate. Senate then took up blha which were made tbs special order of to-day. i extension ef the road, via . md the Stats to lend its aid in tbs constrnctlon of the sal* Camilla and Cuthbert Boad, thus sxtsnded. on this bill ths Committee on Internal Improve* merits reported adversely to its passage. Mr. Hoyl moved to disagree with the report of the Committee. In 1868 the State had proffered lie aid from Bainbridge to Oolnmbus. This road To amend the charter of the Georgia Railroad Company so as to authorize aid to the Fort Royal Railroad to the amount of $500,809. To amend the act creating a city Court In Atlanta. To establish a Board of Commissioners for Bibb oounty. To Incorporate the Bartow Iron Company and te oonfer ocrtaln power* upon the eamo. To require the Secretary of State to furnish the Ordinaries of this State with all election blanks. To Incorporate tbe Cherokee Iron Company. To Incorporate the Atlanta Paper Company. To ohange the time of holding MoDuffl* Superior Court. To change the time of advertising sales by ad* minlatrators, ex (enters and trustees. To amend the claim laws. Te amend the garnishment lew*. To amend the set establishing County Courts. Te amend the Jury laws of this State. lo amend 8ectien 3018 ef the Cede. Te prescribe the manner of appro#rlatlng money by reeolotien. To provide for the return and payment of taxes on wild lands. To regulate motions for new trials la criminal "**To amend section 4622 of the code. To provide for the trial of aooeselona before and alter the feot where principles have been pardoned, or otherwise discharged. To amend the garnishment laws. To change the reeldenoe of Leonidas W. Hoff of WHkea oounty. To legaUie the adjournment of Wilcox Superior Georgia at Athene. To amend section 4433 of ihe Code. Works Company. To incorporate tho Georgia Iron and Coal Com* pany. To amend section 8, paragraph 1340, of the Code. To amend act authorizing the Council of Talbottui o subecrT Beil road. KCDumx comm. Mr. Hunter of Brooks, moved to suspend the rules Report agreed to ana bill lost (election of United States Senator. The Senate amended the Hones resolution relative »election of United States Senator by inserting te publish and declare the vote cast yesterday In the Senate and Roue* of Representatives, Ao., which was instructed to notify the Senate that the House was ready to reoelve them at the hour of U m. for that purpose which was agreed to. votes cast the Genets! Assembly proceeded lo bal* bed never been built, nor never would be. The State had already given Its -aid to a road from Camilla to Cuthbert. He now asked an amend* meut to extend aid to the reed as now contemplated. It was fifty-eight miles from Cuthbert to Oolnmbus. This reed wetxld oonnect with tbe North and South Road, thus giving an out* let to the great West. It would open up e valuable country, whoae people desired connection with the ontside world, and whose products would command wealth to theae peeple who were In sore need r this o or», an present labor was leaving these valuable lands. He called upon the Senators not to let nearsay evldanoe that the road would not pay—to govsra them In re- lualiig to open np sod develop this valuable eld,eto. Mr. Wofford, lu defending the action of tbe com mittee in reporting adversely te tbe peesage of the blU, said it was against the polio* of the State indorse any more bonds for railroads. It had i been made deer to the committee that the State would be safe la iadoralug the obligations of the company. However, if it could be made clear to the understanding of the committee that tbe State would be made aate in Indorsing these bonds, the committee would doubtless agree to report favors* i the passage of the bill. _ Reese favored the report of the committee. Aa the bill now stood before the Bonate, It clearly unconstitutional. Not a word been said in regard to the pay ment of any stock bv private corporators. This might hvre beeu an oversight w *lch might be come by amendment, etc., but aa It now atood the Senate was debarred from taking any consideration of the bill. WhliO discussing tbla subject the Senator desired to enter his protest sgalnst the re-inauguration of the policy of granting the endorsement of tbe State to railroads. This contemplated road had not even established, by figures, that It would be e paying in vestment. He was at liberty to state to the Senate, thaw the great body known aa the Macon and Bruns wick Railroad, of which all men nearly believed would pay—ilfis corporation which ha a coat t*~~ State two and a half millions cf dollars, would leas than 60 days be thrown back on the State. If this la trne, will it be wise to keep up this policy which have the same results, Ae. On motion, the bill was laid on tbe table for the praeeut. .. —i second reading taken, reed end mint a Joint thiee from the House to investigate the wild land grants tbe Axecntive office, and to call upen the Gever* r for them in order that meeua may be adopted to prevent the issue of such grants in tbe future.— The President appointed on part of the Senate for this committee, Mr. Klbbee. Message from the Houee: ^ The meesage from the Houee asking for a Joint for Uulted States Senator, and If ceed to ballot for an election ot eneh Senator cording to tue prescribed mode of the law of Con gress, was tasou up and agreed to. Several bills were taken up and put upon their second reading. n FIRST nXlDING, A bill to amend an act amoudlng an act relative to the North Alabama Railroad. incorporate the Georgia Iron Company. sad •• A bill relative to amending an act creating county courts in certain counties of this State, and for other purpoees. _ Mr. Hillyer—A bill to incorporate the Atlanta Car Manufacturing Company. Mr. Brown—A bill te incorporate tbe Southern Land and Immigrabou Oomuauy. Mr. Harris—A bill to allow the Albany. Mobile id New Orleans hailroad Company to adapt a Road >w being built from Albany to Mobile, to be la uded in tbe privileges of its Charter. Mr. Lester—A bill to amend an act relating to sec tion 4768 of tho Code, regulating the voting prlvite lege in the city of Savannah. Mr. Bin moue-A bill change the name of \ Glean Iron aud Coal company, ana for certain changes '** Its charter. Mr. Wofford—A bill to Incorporate the Rogers Iron Company of Bartow conuty. BOl'bE SILLS OS THIRD BEADING. A bill to inatltnte a County Hoard ef Commis sioners of Hanks county. Report agreed to, aud the motion of Hr. Erwin, laid on the * for the present. Mr. Hoyl moved to take np the Camilla and Cnth- »rt Railroad bill, In order to bare it re-commilted. A bill to create a meet THE ATLANTIC COAST-LINE fM.MK.reEn route, noorcaulaed for tho Summer ot 1078. DOUBLE DAILY All Rail Connection Via Augusta,Wilmington,Hi sb- mond. An Additional Dally Con action via Augusta, Wilmington and Portsmouth AND THE MAGNIFCENT BAY LINE STEAMERS The equipment of the Roads of this line UflretclzFS. PULLMAN PALACE Sleeping oars. Are run upon all night trains. Double Daily Schedules Are operated upon the entire route, from New Or* leans and all main terminal points lu Alabama and Georgia. By taking morning train out of Savannah- Mac ji and Atlanta, passengers connect with th? «6 r. ml train out of Augusta, aud can choose be weeuthe All Rail OonneoMon, via Richmond, or the a ouie up Chesapeake Bay, having In the latter ease but ONI night of railway travel,and the second night rnjey tbe Luxurious Accommoda tion* Of the Stosmcra of that line* EVENING DISPATCHES By the N. Y. A a# oc la ted Press. THE CANAL QUESTION. Washington, Jan. 22.—Ool. Oarring- bon, President of the James river and Kanawha Canal Company, denies the statement that he said thero waa a con flict between the work whioh he ie foster ing and the Atlantia and Great Western Canal. Ha says there is not, and never can be, any oonflioting interests between the great enterprises. Tbe Committee on Ways and Means informed Bontwell they do not propose any legislation for a negotiation of United States bonds. BBoonNa or oouutJNisra. Pams, January 22.—Ferovnlly, De- Camp and Barot, the condemned Com- manists, were (hot early this morning oa the 8-lory Plaia. Ferovnlly died withoat uttering a word. DeOamp'e last words were: “I die assassinated; down with ialse witness, lawyers end Thiers." Berot died charring the Itepablio, the Uomraaue and the Army. Only one volley was fired, as all died instantane ously. There were bat few spectators on the ground to witness tne execution. GATT. JACK. San FBANorsoo, Jan. 22.—Reinforce ments are moving against Captain Jaok. Fourteen dead whites were left on the reoent battle-flelJ. TEXAS PACIFIC BA1LB0AD. Surveying parties on the Texas Pacific Railroad east and west, met at Ar zona City. past mrs. The clipper ship Young America ar rived from Liverpool in 99 days—the fastest time reoorded. STOKES FEELS BAD. New Yobx, January 22.—The decision in the case ot Foster, the Oar-Hook murderer, soemed to depress Stokes very mnoh. IN LIMBO. The Colombia and Orescent City of the Havens line are seized for debt. IN AGAIN, Woodhnll and Olaflin are again in the tombs. UXMOniAL OP MERCHANTS, NEW ORLEANS. Washington, Jaa. 22. —Senate. —A memorial ol the merchants of New Or leans woe presented, asking the Govern ment to take charge of the Misaiaqppi Levee. INDIAN AFFAIRS. The Senate is discussing Indian af fairs. RESOLUTION OP WEST VIBOINIA. In tile House, a joint resolution, of West Virginia ceding certain fran chises to the United States, was taken np. ADMISSION OF COLORADO. The House ie discussing the admission of Colorado. LOUISIANA INVESTIGATION. The committee on Privileges and Elec tions will commence the Louisiana In vestigation at 10 o'clock to-morrow, prulmbly with opeu doors. A Urge num ber of witnesses have arrived. No sod den', bat the trip wss tedious All well. tiul tin, of VIRGINIA SPRINGS AND EXCURSION TICKETS, TB J8TTMACTMWM BUMMER REBO i *B For time schedules, price 11#U, and all do#li_a,i luformztion, apply to followi?® unmet! Agents of the line: T. LYONS, Agent; M. J. O'CONNOR, Traveling Agent, Augueta; A O. LADD, Agent, Atlznts; BEN MOCK, Souther* Agent, Montgomery, A .abasia. The “Atlantic Coast Line ’Freight Route, -VIA- WILM1NGTON, COLUMBIA & AUGUSTA 1 TO AND FPOMJ B.I/.Tf.TfOftE, PttlLeUtELPUUt, ME If FORIt, UOSTOA tj And all Eastern l ilies, and all Points South and Southwest, Over the Wilmington & Weldon, and Wilmineton, Co Iumbia <& Autrua^a Railways and thoir Gom>ectionp* A n entipelv new link ov indupbuukht comNACTIONS FROM aoiA WisTKRi. .Wilmington, N. 0„ zud PorUnioutk, V*., znd of unbroken gauge fr A llmluqton transporting Freight, without trzuefer oi detention, to znd from zl 1 Interior points The management of this line preaenta lie advantages to the Southern Public upon the assurance Oi ful znd quick transportation, uniform rateb with all competing Uuns, the lowest current lueurance, perfect a system of Steamship connections at Northern Porte, as to enable blUs of lading to bo atgm A. POPE, General I'anonger Agent. G ROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS. THOMAS M- GREEN, 88 VT.CBdlto. St, near Hr Hid*/, Fine Groceries of all Kinds, Dealer In English and American Pickles, Capers and Condi ments, OHvee, Italian Mao* elronl and Vermecilla, Freeh Canned Fruits of all kinds, Canned Moate and Flab, Foreign and Domeetlo Preserves and Jellies. I have on hand a fine etockof OLD R RJiJK DIES) WIJTE8 % I mis Mi l ES, JUVU GIJTy Which I offer to HOTEL KEEPEB8 at] the very lowest prices, and ask a call, gar I am prepared to offer great Inducements to customers. WHOLESALE and RETAIL, *y a call la solicited. THOMAS M. GREEN, 88 W. Baltimore at, near Ho-llday, novlV-tf Baltimore, Md. TUB NKYV IflPIlOVKD HOME SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE, PRICE FROM #25 TO #75. *0 tion, the , the llall of Representatives for the purpose of counting and eoneohdetlug the vole Ihe hour of 13 u. having arrived, Benzie proceeded ~ purpose of co United Staten Senator. HOUSE. House called to order by Speaker Da con. Prayer by Rev. John Jonts. Mr. Welcbel, of Lumpkin, moved to reeoueldev the action of tbe Houee on the bill to provide for compensation for iarorsin Lumpkin coonty. Mr. Turnbull, of Banks, meted to table the mo- tlon to reconsider, which motion did aot prevail. Motlen to reconsider prevailed and the bill recom mitted to the Judiciary Comir'tUc. Mr. Lyon of Doughtily, offered a resolution that the Senate and Bouse of Representatives meet In loinl assembly at 13 u to-day for th- purpose of counting tie vote for United Biatee Senator, cast vaeterday, and If no one is elected that the General Assembly proceed to elect in accordance with law. bulee suspended and resolution sgrsed to. Mr. Mercer ef Chatham, moved to eueeend the raise In order to take op Senate bills for a first reeding. Bulee euspeuded. man uus o* nut naastaa To change the Urns of holding certain of the Bn- Denor Courts of the Atlanta Cl*cult. Fallen Su perior Court changed to Aral Monday alter foorth Monday in March and September, and Da Kalb 80 pen or lourt to third Monday "* “** > March and Sep- To amend Ihe set preventing gaming ef any sort m reia.1 liquvf houses. Minor or minors inserted i& lieu of peroo® «r persona. MAKKET RE 1*0RTS. BT TBLOORAPH TO THS ATLANTA DAILT SUN New Yon*, January 22.—Stocks very strong. Gold firm at 131. Money firm at 7. fixohange, long 9J; short 10). Gov ernments dull but firm. State bauds firm and dalL Cotton steady, sales 2,448; uplands 20|; Orleans 211. Flour strong. Pork quiet and firm, mess #13 75. Lard steady, western steam 81. Turpentine firm 63a631; Rosin quiet, #3 00 lor strained. Freights quiet. London, Noon, January 22.—Consols 921; 6's 881; tallow 44 to 46. Liverpool, Noon, Jtnnary 22.—Cot ton opened qaiet, uplands 9,; Orleans, 10#; shipped from New Orleans for De cember end Janasrv, 915-16. Latzs.—Cotton heavy, sales 10,000; ■peculation and export-lion 2000 ; ship ped from S*T*nnab, New Orleans and Char.-ston, for January and February, 91. Bruudstaffs quiet. Beef 94. O UB MACHINE I. , BhnlUs Muhin,, end ell kinds of work equal’y as well as any high priced machine. Is durable, light running end war- ranted for five yeata. We receive almost every day certificates from parties residing lu the city, and oftnecc icheai Shuttle.' ,Agents wanted In territory nnoccnpIM. Address D. G. MAXWELL, Geueral Agent, ml Atlanta, 6 GUTHMAN &HAAS No. 3 Granite (Hoi k, Ilroud Street. ATLANTA, GLOUUIA. Wholesale Liquor Dealers S LE AGENTS FOR THE CHLEBRATID TOMMY, STEWART & BEOK, HARDWARE MERCHANTS, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Are uoxv Opening n Large and Well Selected Stock of Ilardwure in tlielr New Store, Corner Pryor and Decatur Streets, Opposite Kimball House. Manufacturer's Agents, aud Dealers in all Kinds of RIlWIRE. Ill JN, HTKI MiTKUlAL; Agent, lu, SORT'S SHINOLE UAOH1NRB. FILLET’S FAMOUS SYCAMORE POWER OOMPANT'S RIFLE Mid BLASTING POWDXlt. MILL BTONES ttul BOLTING OLOTH8, Proprietors of tho BRUGES COTTON Mid UAX SCREW PRESS ABB MADKlBOLHLT|OT.TVK xcilsior Manufacturing Co. ST. LOUIS, MO., OIGARS! CIGARS!! CIGARS.!!! _ __ No. 4 BROAD STRUT, next door to No. 1 Engine House, whore I hope to see all tuy old customer* and many new ones. 1 still manufacture 4h* Clour Iiuyunn Purtu^us, MumooyUu A Henry Olny# wbloh I claim to bu tho fluent Ctgara over acta red this elds of the ooean, and equal to the beet ex ported brands. Maunraoturod here, they aro 36 per rout, cheaper, te the tax on imported cigars amount t > that much. I import direot the beet grades of Havana Tobaoco. Manufactory No. 4 Broad wholesale aad retail, and rotall eiaud 63 Whitehall atreet, de32 F. H. CTOttBlB. Are doing more aad better coobibo iUTOKKR tad G ly Stove of gam ARE ALWAYS LOW.PKICED,! Aad operate perfectly. i street WILL DO YOU* - i - * looKinoasBAr Always Warranted ►, Whltehsl njanUM c upon the a«eu*«noeok oar* , mlform rates with all competing unoe, toe ion perfect a system of Steamship_ _ ;oods forwarded dally, by one or the other ot our routes over both of which EXPRESS TRAIN lUANSPOk NATION Is given to Columbia. 8. O., and Augusta, (la., thero connecting with fast Freight Schedules to let- minal points. Obsorve tlie Following’ Excellent HolioduJo ol Cou* ncotionii VIA. Wilmington aud HtoainishlpTJnoN: With BALTIMORE—By tho Bon thorn HtMunshlp^Oo/s Bteamers.Ladje^Rebeoca, 01 yds, Uollvar, «avUf , Fiona*, Leaving each uzaeipn'* * * • - . I. j, - _.avade In With NEW YORK—LorlUard'a Stoamshl# Line of First Olasa Iren , . __ iinteer, Fanlta and two additional thlps now building, leaving each pert every fonr days, II. B. Ohi, Agei % Pier 83 East River. Wilmington and Atlantic Steamship Company's Steamers Metropolis at* Equatoi Leaving each por t weekly Washington & Oo., Agents, 178 Greenwich street, Pier 13 North River. TheSteamshlpi of these -lues being bnllt exclusively for freight transportation uarrya'l claesas of frelgb in unlimited quantities. Via Portsmouth and, Inland, All- - Z/ln* With BALTIMORE—YU Bay line Btoamera, Dally, R. L. Poor, General gent, Union Dock, a 1 teg d. Contracting Agent, 154 West Baltimore street, Baltlmon. With PHILADELPHIA—Annamesslo Line, Irl-Weekly, John 8. Wilson, Genoral Agent. 41 Sont'i Sthtfc Philadelphia. Olvde h Oo.’a steamers, semi-weekly, Clyde k Co., Agent*, 13th South Delaware Arena* Philadelphia. With NEW YORK—Old Dominion Steamship Company** magnificent Steamers. Wyano»e, Niagara, Isaar Bell, Saratoga, Hattera*. Old Dominion, having a cMiaclgy o! l8,tr“* *“* ' ' * port Tr\-Weekly all the year round, and oftener If ni bales ef ootton per week, leaving eat b ly all the year round, and oftener IX ' ' — roadway, 187 Greenwich street. Pier 87 North River. With BOSTON -Via Boston and Norfolk Steamship Company's Steamers, leaving each p Jrt Trl-Weekly E. Sampson, General Agent, 55 Central Wharf, Boston. g eith these perfect Steamship conncotiens, freights are net exposed to the risks ol weather or drayt osiers; Through Bills of Lading ere leaned leell points common t* competing lines. Kates, olasaUl analers; Through Bills of Lading ere leaned is ell points common te compoUt<g lines. Kates, i ■nipping directions, tags, stencil plates, Ac., furnished on application (o the undersigned or agen sd. Mark your geode via “Portsmouth and Wilmington,” or via “Steamships to Wilmington,” aa /< prefer, and direot bills of lading to be forwarded to A. Pera, Gener • I Freight Ageut. at WDmJngU end they wiU avoid ail detention. The following Southern Agentsef the Line «an furnish ell u< y information, aa well* also, aa agenta at railway stations: j. a. Hannan, Traveling Agent, Chariot# A. F. Butlrb, Looal Agent, Augusta, Gt.; H. X. (JoTriMtaui, General Western Agent Allan! Ga.; Bum Mock, Houthern Freight aud Passenger Agent, Montgomery. Ala. g(V AH slain is for lose,damage aud overcharge promptly investigated sad settled by fbe oaderrigued. feb'J7dtf A. h>PB. 4>*n*r*l krttlflil Age it. r. W. t'LlUIK, Assistant Freight Agent. THE GEORGIA LBOllUYOEEv let district—R E Lester, Dem. 3d district—H W Mattox, Dem. 8d district—J 0 Nicholie, Dem. 4th district—J M Arnow, Dem. 6th district—M Kirkland, Pstn. 6th district—J D Knight, Dem. 7th district—W L Clarke, Rad. 8th district—U F Brlmberry, Red. 9th dJ-trict— Reuben Jones, Dem. 10th district—W A Harris, Dem. 11th district—L O Hoyl, Dem. 13th district—*J E Oerter, Dem. 13th district-R O Blaek, Dem. 14th district—C 0 Klbbee, Dem. 16ih district—D W Cameron, Dem. 16th district—J F Roteyson. Dem. 17th district—J B Cone, Debt. 18th district—JG Cain, Dem. 10th district—Oolumbua Heard. Dem.; 30th district—J N Gilmore, Dem. 31st district—J B Devaaot, oolered, Bad 33d disUriot—T J Blmmous, dem. 33d district—IU Andersen, colored, rad. 34th district—B H Crawiord, dem. 3 tb district—W P Mathews, dem. 26th district—W W Mathews, dsm, 37th district—E. Steadman, dens. 38th district—J W Uudaoa, dens. 29th district—W M Reese, dem. 80th dletrlot—R Heeler, dem. 31st district— W 8 Erwin, desk 83d district—W H McAfee, dem. 88d district—M Tan Estes, dam. 84th diawlet—8 J Wins, dem. 35th dletrlot—O Hillyer, dem. 86th district—G L Peavy, dsm. 87th district—G W Faddy, dsm. 88th dletrlct-J A Blancs, dem. 89th district-J R Brown, dem, 40th district—H W Cannon, data* 4let district—J A Jervis, dem. 43d district—J W Wofford, dem. 43d dletrlot—L N Trammell, data. 44th district—W H Paytie, dem. 40 Democrats. 2 colored Radicals, 3 white Bad leal uramxnTATivaB. '—Sellers Leu, Dem. •W H lioggard, Dam. ,‘:csi GEORGE J. HOWARD, (Successor to HOWARD A McKOY,) WHOLESALE DRUGGIST Bartow—Thomaa Turaitu. Thomas Bake Berrien—W H Sneed, Dem. Bthb-G A Nutting, A V Baoen, A M C'natham—T R Mills, Jr. U A Marses, A Q Met Arthur. (Jamdon—R Tompkins, Dem AND DEALEll IN Mills, MIS, U, PERM, (HE WINES AIDHPRS, PROPRIETOR OP PONCE DB LEON BITTEPa An Elegant and Pleasant Preparation; a Ter,lo In low forme of Fever, end to persons recovering from sickness, the Bltteie are highly beneficial aud gently stimulating. 321L GRANT IILOCK, PEACHTREE STREET, Atlnntn, Ocorgln. PACIFIC GUANo COMPAN CAPITAL mi,000,000. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO ADAIR & BROS., Agents for the Company ATLANTA, GEORGIA. demei.strstes that 20# pouude per acre Iticresees tbe crop from yield thus making oae hand eqaal to two, and on# aero equal to two. ihs policy sf the Pacific Guano Company is te sell a fertilizer unsurpassed for excellence at the lowest aad look to large sales end email prcflte for^reeeonable return* on capital Invested, hence this jenre prompt doll very. ADAIR A BROTHER#, Selling Agent e, Atlanta. Geor JOHN B REESE k CO., General Agents. Baltimore, Md.delKUtowAwtepr Charlton—George W Roberts, Dsm. Colquitt—John Tucker, Dam. Coffee—John Lott, T Clay—John B Johnson, dim. Caiheun—T F Dunn. dem. Coweta—A Leigh, A Moeee, dams. Clayton- L O Hutcherson, dem. Carroll—B N Long, rad. Campbell—T W Latham, d«*. Crawford—J.W Ellis, dem. Columbia—8 0 Lampkln, Wm McLean, d Clarke—U U Canton. 9 Jackson, dams. Cobb—W D Anderson, J D ttlaokweU, 4 Ckerokee—W “ Chattooga—ft Catoosa—M Li Dade—J W Cureton, dam. Da Kalb—8 01* Douglas*- W M Duncan, dem. Dougherty—3 K Lyon, W H Gilbert, dsm* Dawson—8 ■ r'owler, red. Effing asm—C f Foy, dam. Emmanuel—G B Spence, dee* XchoLa—B W PaiUlpe, dam. Early—E O Dunlap, Dam. Hltiert—J L Heard, Dem. Fannin—B 0 Duggar, Bad. Fayette—R T Dorsey, Dem. Forevth— R A Kakea. Dem. Floyd—John B Towers. Fielding Eight. Do* Fulton—O Howell. W L Calhenn, E F Hoge,. Franklin—B D Yow, Dem. Glynn—James Blue, negro Bed. Greeu—U U Thompson, Jaok Beard, asgre ! Glascock—A Bneeeli, Dem. Gilmer—M L Osborne, Dam. Gwinnett—J W Baxter. B A Blakey,,D*mn. Heard—M C Summerlin, Dem. Houston—G M T Fagln, W A Mathew* 0 ■ Eleh aydsou. Dems. Henry—E Morris, Dem. Hancock—<J F Pieroe, Jr., J In Culver, Pie. Hart—M A Dunran, rad. Hall—A D Candler, dem. Haber > it* m—J H Grant, den* Haralson—R B Hutcherson. Irwin—J Dormlny, dem. Jefferson—J Stapleton, M A Bvani, d Jackson—Qt B Duks, dem. Johnson—H J Hightower, dem* Liberty—H F Boras, dem. Laurens—J T Duncan, dam. Lincoln —W DTutt, dam. Lumpkin--M M Wbstohel, dem. Lowude*—J A Oueiey, dem. Lee-H U Upsey. W 9 Sadler, dema McIntosh—TO Campbell, Jr., nagrs Montgomery—J Moaae, dem. Miller—IA Bash, dem. Mitchell—John B Twltty, dem. Macon—Leroy M Felton, W H Wills, Marlon-* B M Bolt, Dem. Moaoogee—John Peabody, JAMES A. GRAY 8t OO., Meriwether—J B Roper, E A • Vr Monroe-r-Wm J Dusjaa, A B Shi, Morgan—8 Reese, J O Boatwlck, 1 —’AND THIJ— TRIUMP3 NOTIOH TO LIQUOR DEALERS AND THE PUHU0. I HAVE been appointed Bole Agent In Atlauta BUfel A Pfelfrer'e celebrated LASER BEER 4r CREAM ALE, and any person dealring e splendid article can get It oy applying to me. Any good* shipped or delivered wlllbe guaranteed. O. 0. CARROLL. CONTRACT. This le to eertlfy that we have this day appointed O.O. Carroll Sola Agent In Atlauta for our oela- brated Ale zed lager beer All order* most be sent direct to him. and any orders addressed to O. C. lerrotl. Mo. 9 Pryor srreet, Atlanta, Oa.. wlU be i. 8TUBL k ha P7EUTBB, nenfXjl Wholesal . 1> R Retail, Y G and Importers O O Ik « oi Murray—B F Wefford, Dem, McDulLa—AI Storgls, Dsm. Newton—a B Simms, W F Dr Oglethorpe - J T Bart, WM Wl Vis. Deans, rtlllnghsm. I 194 and 196 BR0AL STREET. AUGUSTA, Oa- LKE PLEASURE in informing thrir friends, through tho meriinm of The Ai- lanta Sun, that thdj hard motsi! iut<i new atoro, cs|>enaily erected lay themseWed, for tho WHOLESALE AND; RETAIL DRY GOODS BUSINESS. Having foot floors 125x41 feet, or twenty Itioaoand five hundred auporficiitl tret oJ flooring for the arrangement and diaplej of til- r magnificent ftoct, which ha, bee* EXCLUSIVELY PURCHASED FOR CASH From anotion, and the largest mannfactnmre an# importers lu tho United States, thereby oaring all jobbers'and middle men's profits. We wonld confidently aawrt to merck.nta deairons of laying in small supplies, that we will wfilingly duplicate any bill pnrctia* d ffe* York to two ot thrav thousand dollars, if they will only oaiedlate Hit accessary expense* of going aftes them. Goods Sold, Payable the First ol Novemoei next, on Citv Acceptances. J awes A dray- JSc Co Pike—John R Jenkins, Dsm. Putnam—W f Jenkins, Dsm. rauiaing—aown jiuduwu, at Qaiuaau—U M Kalgtor, Dem. Baudolpb—C A Harris, W Oolemas, Dem. Richmond-* Waiak, W A (Mask*, E • I Rabun—D T Duncan. IMm. Bockdato-J A Btewzrt. Dsm. Beriven-JO DeU. Dsm. _ Mator—All,. r*VJ H sum, »■ mu, ■■ BHwsrt—I a LOW. W w nmttn4, HK. Schley—C B Hudson, Dsm. TaifZlr—T J Smith. Dsm. Themea-A 9 A Minnow. Jaap* BUS* 0k ^Talbot—R M WUUn, 0 B Lei oner, D#m* Troup—J L HlA, # M Longley, Dsm*, fsrrsil—W Kalgtor, Dem. Taylor—B Hwwart, Dem. Twiggs-V» Griffin, Had. Tzliaferro—Samuel J Fiynt, Dem, Cnien—Mzrien WUhnma, Emm Wzyna—Dandel E**pn. Emm Ware-J B Oae**. Dsm. NUoox-G P Held. I Wsheser J F Bmto. Dem. Wins— WC Idem*, Dem. Washington—P E Taliaferro, W ff Wyrss OB Dnbss*. T N PidZ 1 vrUkea--1 A Barksdale, J W FiMW,! WJtoQ—Henry D Mrtfertal, Dam. Wblto-A HiirW. Dm*.