The Atlanta daily sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1873, January 24, 1873, Image 2

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1MB DAILY HUN. PRICE FIVE CENTO DilLX—Fwlbnum... — .1 t 90 Half yearly... 4 00 QMrJwlr".... - - *09 no»t*ij...._ o n W r 0 KLT—for antiam - *1 00 **- THK BUS'S oomUori lsUlr •»« Wortly dr- emotion U lerglr thnc ibst of 0117 piper In Iht llle. llleHO, »«., Srldny, Jl>. *4, 1ST*. obnebal lira psesoxal. — Rltnnnd Yitti bos ingested 92,000 Is OUcifs nil etttu. — Jos Jefferson's (oar cng» ements in BnlUmore broonht him 14,400. — Miss Good win, grtad-dzaghter o( Wio. Onlles Bonnl, Is 4 8u FnneUoo belle. — Kesilj all the offloetaoi Victor Em- manuel'a household havo America wives. — The French Canadians own a church in Albany and ran a newspaper In Troy, Vow York. — Brigham Young is under the imprei eton that polygamy la good for 1,000 In the Units* Stataa. — Tho Girard estate is now Y&lued at t*,061,7m. In twanty-fl*# yaara the collage baa ad nested 1,00a orphan*. — Eighty-eight pieces of discarded ronze oannon will be used In the atatoe to tha —A small squirrel at Franklin, Penn sylvania, was lately oaptorad with eight bnabala of sboiiad mss in tla possession. -A N#w Hampshire baby,one year old, |ba 100 pounds. Tha happy father weighs ISC . _ . J happy father weighs lid pounds. —The order of Isabella the Catholic has boon conferred on a prominent Israelite M. Caro, who la tbs representative of Spain al Frankfort — The Iowa and Minnesota division of the Milwaukee and fit Paul rallrord baa bean cleared of the immense snow-drifts, and trains are now run* nlng on Urns. Tbs roads in Wisconsin are also dear. Kalarki, an Esquimaux, lately do omeed al Oops John, wore a gold medal, from tb Kaglieb Humane Society, care to him for saving mans lives, daring s Urnflc gale on tbs coast o —A letter of inquiry, sent frtm the Philadelphia Poetofflce to tbs Postmaster at Bare- villa, Pa, November it, 1B61, was gravely answered on the £d Inst, as If Just rvcolvsd, mors than 11 years after. —There ie a mao io Wtnkesbn, Wi»., who always celebrates a rather remarkable anniver sary. Thirteen years ago ho was bnried In a wall, where be remained for seven boars, whan bowaa dug oat alive. Ho now novar falls to observe the day of bis deliverance In a festive manner, end all per- aone who are buried for seven boura and than dog oat, aagbt to follow bis axample. — A singular story is told by a Mill bridge physician. of Rafts Mitchell, aged thirty, who recently bled to death rrom a alight cot: He was one of those unfortunate men who bleed froi the alglbtest scratch of tbo akin, and many times 1 baa lain and bled till itaaemad that the blood tu_ all run oat, and then bo would gradually reeuver. This time tbo out was quits largo, and he Uvad bot a few boars. There la something remarkable about this family, who are hero termed as belouringto the bleeding family. None but the maiee bleed, end **“ anally. then vlJl fc lead, but if the girls should have boys in their families they will be of the bleeding kind ; but the boys are themselves free and their families will be the same. I cannot explain ibis. I have prac tised in the family for more than twenty years. Doling this time a number of them have died from this caueo, and others have bled, often dangerously. MR, BTMPUSSS FOR fuK H0V8B, A« bn* already been announced, Mr. Stephens has been called upon by tbe ItepreaentatlTOi end Senator, of tbe Eigbtb District to fill tbe vacancy ocoa sinned by th* death of Oen. Wright— Jndga Hook and all the oapiranta for tbo position In the Diatrlot retiring from the race in favor of him. Tbe Importance of Mr. Stephana’ presence in the Federal Connoila, joat at tbla time, ia ao fixed upon tha minds, as we believe, of a ma jority of the people of the State, that it ia, by a ipontaneooa outburst of popnlar sentiment, determined that he (hall be placed in the Honao, if not in tha Senate. The gfherul call ia for the "Commoner' to return to the arena of liia former triumph. Nor does this deairo find more prompt and ready expreaeien from the people of any,part of the State than it does from his own Diatriot. Tha oonfldenoa re- poaad in him by tha Democracy of that Diatriot, and the devotion with which the whole people of the old Eighth Dis trict era attached to him, will, wa doubt not, inflaenoe Mr. Stephen* to yield to the general wiah of the poopl* that be shall take his old stand in the Honae.— From thiaplaoe tbe Democracy of the en tire State can hear from him aa well aa if he were in the Senate. Mff* The publio man who affects to deepiae newspapers simply kicke tbe beam that sustain him in pnblio position. JW* An Iowa widower recently mar ried a widow who proved to bo his own sister. This is one of the results, doubt- lea, of relatives neglecting to write to each ether. Tbo Woodbury (Tenn.J l‘rm is beg ging its delinquent subscribers to pay up in wood; but the editor forgot* that the delinquent, can get tho cush for nil the wood they can haul. Mr- An Indiana negro haa been oon- victed for marrying a white woman, and sent to the penitentiary. Tha woman wss sent to a reformatory institute. In a case of this sort onr sympathy goes with negro; he was doubtlee imposed upon. MV* Two Louisiana brothers aat on the jury that found their own brother guilty of murder, and then saw him hanged. Thee* brother*, of oourae, witnessed this elevation of a brother because, perhaps, they thought 9* would never elevate him •elf in a better way, wbs— ■■■■ ■ It would bs vary strange in the history of the world'* affairs, it Col Jaromo Napoleon Bonaparte, of Balti- more, a native Ameriaan citizen, should on# day lia called to preside over the fieatiaiaa of France. Next to the Fiinoe Imperial be ia declared to be the legal heir to tha throne. MS>Bov. Dr. Gilbert H. Iloberteon, of laxUavflke, conspicuous soma lime since on Account of various charges And eharch trial, has accepted aa editorial position on tha Loniaville Commercial, VhMa We frost his moral character will bo kept above suspicion within the aa- eted precinct, of bis sanctum Kmo-orem. MS* Oor tnanka are doe and hereby tendered to Capl W. D. Chipley, Super intendent of the North and South Bail- road foe an annual pass over that Boad tor 1873. Tho North and Booth ia one of tho moat prosperous of all tha sew railroad entorpritca in tha State, which !• dna to good manaSmuant of WHAT DOES OEN. G,BOON'S ELECTION IBPLTt It is already claimed by a oity contem porary, that Oen. Oordon "goea to tbe Doited States Senate filled with the pro gressive ideas of the present generation.” The earns authority says: 'Our peat is a weighty lesaon to be well learned, and to be faithfally remem bered, bnt not to be repeated. We can not afford to blunder again, and General Oordon 1* too deeply imbued with tbe spirit of our peopla—too well aware of oar necessities, to lead them info anoth er blunder." Another say, that “Oen. Gordon ia a practical man, in fall sympathy with tbe practical progress of tha age, and we look for large things from him in the United States Senate.” We may not exactly understand what is meant by tbe foregoing quotations ; but, if they aro intended to make the imprenion that Gen. Gordon's election implies the success or triumph of any po litical idea not Wholly Democratic, and on Jeffersonian principles, we beg to dis sent from snob views Gen. Gordon’s election was secnreJ in the face of the well-known fact tbat he, in the late Presidential eon teat, stood square ly npon the Georgia Platform, and per sistently refused to endorae the Cincin nati Platform, whieh embodied the “pro gressive ideas of the present generation, ” and whiob may be regarded aa being "in full sympathy with the praotieal pro gress of the age,” according to the ideas of a modern Democracy. Elected by a Legislature nearly Demo- oratio, all of whom were eleoted npon the Georgia platform, adopted by n Demo cratic Stato Convention that refused to indorse tbe Cincinnati platform, General Gordon was elected Senator by a large majority over Mr. Hill, who not only supported Greeley, bat indorsed the Oin oinnati platform, and still indorses it.— It tha Legislature intended to indorse the movement of last summer, which re sulted in the defeat of the Democratic party, why was not Mr. Hill eleoted, who was the ablest advocato of that move meat in tbo State? Our understanding of Gen. Gordon’s political views is that he is in full eym pathy with the Domooraoy of the State, who havo refused, on all occasions and under all oironmstanoea, to indorse any set or platform of principles not in fall and perfect accord with the Georgia platform, Tho writer of this article knows fall well Oen. Gordon’s feelings in regard to what ia termed " the progressive ideas of tho present generation,’’ whioh means in polities that the post ie passed and no account is to bo mado of the errors of tha past Gen. Gordon entertains no euoh views He will, wo believe, nse nil hla influence in the Senato to correct the arils that have flowod from the so-oalled "progressive ideas of tho present genera tion.” Gen. Gordon and Mr. Stephens, as wo understand it, stand on the same platform—the same upon which the present Democratic Legislature was eloot ed. We, the awociato editor of Trra Sun, advocated tbe election of Mr. Stephens to tho Sedate in prof- erenoo to General Gordon mainly up on the ground that we believod that tbe former, from bis great experience in Congress and admitted ability, oonld and would render tho country more eervico than tho latter. In this, we believe large majority of tho people of Georgia oonout with us. It was not because wo differed from him in bis principles as wo understand them. Aa stated yesterday, we believe Gen, Gordon's success wss owing mainly to military services and the associations growing out of camp-life with the attachments there formed. Those who voted for Mr. Stephoae no more “went back npon their reoord,” or ‘stultified themselves,” than thoso who voted for Gen. Gordon. Tho record of the Georgia Democracy elands unanlliedl SEX A TOR POOL. It is stated by a Washington corres pondent of tho New York Journal oj Commerce that Fresideut Grant hue inti mated to Sonator Fool that he would op point him to a Cabinet position after tLe 4th of March, tho portfolio to bo tbat of tbe Interior cr Fostofflee Deportment. Mr. Fool's friends inako this statement as coming from tho Sonator himself. sruaiiTS or the obiutx MEWS Has been all tbo way to Dooly county to witness a marriage. Should a cate arise iu tbo future requiring the legality of the marriage to be established, we don't know that Speights’ testimony would bo received as reliabla evidence. IV* Qoutle Sue Authony, charged with illegally voting, has had her case carried np to the Supreme Court of the United States for final settlement Now it Ool. Susan U, Anthony is sustained in her right of franchise, every "strong minded” woman, every old maid and every woman who hen-pecks her hus band will be after exercising the right of a free man. 9* Bole, of tbs Chronicle, baa been eleoted Mayor of Knoxville by tho Re publican*. If bis rule is no better than the avenge Republican, we shudder and tremble for the people of that city; bn then, it la "a poor role tbat won't work both ways.” 9* An exchange heads aa article with "Gold or Greenbacks, Whioh?” We are so inelined to either, that we do not atop to enquire "wkioh ?” The oiroulation of Tu Sun ia daily, and rapidly lnoreaaing. It is a splendid medium for advertising. Col P. Wise, and Gapt Dan Fry. of Apalacbioola, U. S. Local Inspector* respectively of steamboat boilers and huus for the Apalaohioola District, ex tending from Apalaohioola east to Key West, and north to Borne, are in the city, for tbe pnrpoeeof investigating the cause of the meant disaster on onr river. Their report, when completed, rill twpoMiihri. MB STEPHENS. We clip the following from the special telegrspliio dispatches ,of tho Chronicle and Sentinel nnder date cf the 22nd inal, from this city, which we suppose to be substantially correct: A CLEAR THICK roil HU. STEPHENS. A meeting of Senst'.rs, Representa tives and prominent citizens of tbe Eighth Congressional District was held at tho Kimball Honse this evening —Gen. T'jombe in the chair, and Henry Moore, Secretary. It was ananimooely requested that Mr. :epheua stand for Congress. Tho fol- owing gentlemen were present who signed tbe request. SxNATOBa—Eighteenth District—Cain; Nineteenth District—Heard; Twentieth District—GilmorejTwenty-uinth District —Reece; and Thirtieth District—Heatei. UipnxszNTATivas — Columbia—Lam- kin and McLean; Elbert—Heard; Glas cock— Braasel; Hart—Tamer; Johnson —Hightower; Jeffureon—Stapleton and Evans; Lincoln—Tutt; Hancock—Fierce; McDuffie—Stnrges; Oglethorpe—Hart and Willingham; Richmond — Clarke, Foster, and Walsh; Taliaferro — Fiynt; Warren—DuBose aid Poole; WaahiDg- ton—Taliaferro and McBride; Wilkes— Barksdale and Mattox. Prominent Citizona—Genrril Toombs, Governor Johnson, Major Camming, Col. Pottlo, JolmO. Bold, Heury Mocre, J. D. Mathews. B. T. Evans, Judge Hook, Judgo Twiggs, Milton Reese, Chas. E. McGregor, Hardeman, Dr. Walton and J. E. Rooney. All tbe candidates have declined in favor of Mr. Stephons, which loaves him a clear walk over the track. It was decided that there should bo no Convention, and that Mr. Stephens should stand according to tho English custom. Mr. Stephons accepts (he nomination, and iho Govornor was requested to issue his proclamation for an eleotion forth with. Onm.Rvzn. POSTER BLODGETTS TNDBIITEDNESE. The following is the text ot a resolu tion relative to the 11 fas. issued against Foster Blodgett and his sureties, intro duced in the Senate yesterday morning: Whereas, The Hoc. Madison Boll, late Comptroller General, in the discharge of his official dnty, issued and ordered to be placed in the hands of the Sheriff of Fulton county for collection two fl fas as follows: One vs. Foster Blodgett and securities upon his official bond ss Superintendent of the Western and Atlantia Railroad foi the sum of3 20,000, principal, besides in teres:. The other against said Foster Blodgett and securities upon his official bond as Treasurer of the Western & At- lectio Railroad for thoanm of 825,519 40, principal, besides interest; and, Whereas, Lewis Scofield, ono of the securities on tho said Superintendent's bond, and Martin J. Hinton, ono of the securities npon said Treasurer's bond, havo filed their sworn statements deny ing in effect, that the amjunt claimed in said fl fas aro due from the said Foster Blodgett to the State of Georgia, nndor bis said bonds, and havo petitioned the suspension of tho futnro execution of tbo process against them until an oppor tunity shall be offered them for an in vestigation of said facts. And whereas, It appears from tho sworn statements of said Lewis Hcofiold and said Martin J. Hinton, that they have net been heard npon tno statement of facts: therefore, Resolved, by tbe Sentte and rtonne of Representatives, Tbat a oommittee of two from the Senato and three from the House be appointed by tbe presiding officers thereof for the purpose of invest gating the facts as to the said indebted- nose as aforesaid, and reporting the re •alt thereof to this session of the Gen eral Assembly. Resolved, That said committee aboil have power to administer oaths and to send for persons, books and papers. Tho abovo resolution was taken np and ordered transmitted to the Honso for conourrenee, Jannary 2tld, 1873. POLITICAL DISABILITIES. The World's Washington correspon dent says: The Senate Oommittee on Political Disabilities held a meeting to day, at which Senator Hill, of Georgia, was present. It was agreed that the namo of Thomas Hardeman, of Macon Georgia, against whom objection was made bv tho United States District-At torney for having aided in some illegal transactions, should be taken from the bill, whioh Senator Hill has in charge. Several names wero added to tho Dill. Among them those of Messrs. Crawford and Gartroll, of Georgia, ex-Oongress- men, and Good Bryan, of Georgia, for merly a nontenant in tho army ; also, the name of ex-Governor Graham, of North Carolina, and Messrs. Craig, Smith and Asb, of that State, all ot whom exospt the latter, were members of Congress, ANA NEl'DOTM IVB THE LIBERA L S. Tho following anecdote is commended to those deluded persons who were lately engaged in the Cincinnati movement and supported Horaeo Greeley for President of tho United States: “A boy got fooling around his father’s horses, until finally one of them nut I: toot in his face. He w as earned in and the doctor sewed up bis lip, and band aged bis eyes, and poulticed bis cheeks, but ho puffed up and laid abed a uuuihe of days; and when lie i ognn to get» little better lie ealled for a looking-glass, aud, easting bis eyes upon it, bia eouu tcuauce fell. ‘Father,’ said be, *doyi think I shall ever be us pretty again?' ‘No, my ion,' tbe old man replied, ‘you’ll never bo eo pretty again, but you'll know a damned sight morel” Special Notices Dr. Situ .■ oils’ liver Itegnlator Extract of a loiter from Hod. Alexander II: Ste phen*, dated 8th March. 1871: •*I occasionally a so, when m j condition require It. DR. HIMMONS' LIVEll REGULATOR, with good batter tlun moie 1M Shaken lonetttutlona. General debUitj, and the despondency by which It la Invariably accompanied, are often regarded tha symptoms of Incurable physical decay. Of per- thus afflicted It la often aai that their consti tutlone are undermined: that they hare nothing lalt to fail back upon; that thay are hopeless Tbla, In at leaat tight luaUncea out of ten, la a felse conclusion. A constitution may be ahaken without being undermined; and even If indermined, ma> be propped and strengthened; aad In many called hopeleaa cnaa there are reserve* of vitality and latent rigor lu the ayatem that only require stimulating and dtrelopiog to render them equal to the work of repair. Tha beat and aurtai at mu lant and Invtgoraat that can be given aa a remedy for decay of the vital powers, whether natural or casual, la Hoatetter'a Stomach BUtera. If thsf*]- terlng phyalqna can be roueed into heat thy activity by any human meant, this regenerating vegetable cordial will accomplish tbat cbiect. It* effect upon the appetite, the dlgeetlon, the nervous ayatem. the secretive orgnue aad the bowels la moat salutary. - It not only aots directly upon the solids and fluid of the body, but Indirectly upon the oonstltutloi. Itself. Persona left by fever in such a deplorably helpiaaa condition that it would teem aa If they oou»d never recover, may be completely built up- it might alaaoat be aald re-boilt—by this mighty this well-nigh infallible, vegetable restorative. A\ thateaeaoa of Inclement winds aad chill lag damp* s. Bitten ikiaU 4* SIU M i remec Urt •kUaLsi TELEGRAPH TO THE 1I4I1Y 811. NOON DISPATCHES By tha N. Y. Associated Press. Washington, January 23—House.— A bill passed to relieve alcohol, used (or scientific purposes, fr<Hn tax. The consular and diplomatic bill has passed. Tbe naval appropriation is pending. Senate.—Mr. West succeeds Mr. Kol logg on the Railroad Committee. A big petition was presented by New York merchants, for a repeal of the bankrupt law. The Appropriation Committee of the House agreed to appropriate $125,000 for publio buildings, at Columnia, ti. C. The Senate Committee on Elections and Privi'eges, commenced the Louio* iaua investigation. After two hoars pri vate consultation, tho doors opened. The Chairman stated tbut the scope of the investigation was first with regard to tbe Presidential electors; second, with le^ard to the legality of the election; third, whether a legal government exists in Louisiana. One person on each side will be allowed to make suggestions and cross question, but tho committee will not hear arguments. THE MODOCS Virginia City, Nevada, Jan, 23.—A company of tho first cavalry moved to day for tho Modoc war. SNOW. 8t. Louis, Jan. 23.—A twenty-four hours snow storm, West and Northwest, has delayed the trains. THE MARINE DISASTER. London, Jan. 23.—The North Fleet was at anchor when tbe collision oc curred. Three hundred and twenty, in cluding tho Captaio of tho North Fleet, wero drowned. A hundred pounds re ward is offered for the vessel which ran the North Fleet. FIVE PER CENTS. Washington, January 23.—The remain ing three hundred millions of tho live per cent, loan has been placed with Juy Cooko A Co., Dabney, Morgan & Co., L, P. Morton & Co., Morton, Rose & Co., Jay Cooke, McCulloch Sc Co., they hav ing combined to take it. 3IIDX1G1IT DISPATCHES, By N. Y. Aikociated Frets. IN FAVOB OF BANKRUPTCY. Boston, Jan, 23.—The Boston Board of Trade to-day instructed its oflicers to memorialize Congress against tho repeal of tho bankrupt act. St. Louis, January 23. —Tho Board of Trudo adopted a resolution protesting against the repeal of the bankrupt law. ANTI-SLAVERY. Madrid, January 23.—An immense anti-plavery meeting was held in the royal enclosure to-day, under the auspices of the Abolition Society. There was great enthusiasm. A FEW BUSY BODIES. London, January 28.—A publio meet ing was held at Birmingham last night, the Mayor presiding, at which speeches were mado and resolations passed, con demning slavery in Africa, Polynesia and Caba. A resolution was also adopt ed urgiug her Majesty’s Government to support ihe Amcrioau Government, in the demand it nuvkos on Spain for the abolition of shivery in tho Antilles. MANTEL*FEL DEFENDS BAZAINE. Paris, January 23.—Gen. Manteufel made a speech recently at Metz, in which he defended Marshal Bazaine from the attacks whioh has been made on hi* mili tary fame. He dwelt in generous terms on the bravery displayed by tho Marshal, whicii ho declared was quite equal to any iu the Gorman army. Tho passions of the hour prevents an impartial judgment of this case, but ho believed history would jas'ify Marshal Bazaine. Tho Assembly this evening passed a bill preserving sevoro penalties for drunkenness. Ton members of the Internationals have been arrested in France, in addition to thoso previously reported. FLORIDA 8ENAT0R8HIP. Tallahassee, January 23. — There were two votes in the Assembly to-doy for United StAtes Sonator, without any result. It is reported that Mr. Osborne will retire from the contest. New jabpttliettncnts. MlTEl ST1TES DISTRICT CODBT. A ARON COLLINS AND W. L. GOODWIN, Bank- rupta. hiving petitioned for » dlachar|« irom ill their debt* provable in Bankruptcy, nil peraona intertaied are notified to appear on tbe 7tU day of February, 1873, at 10 a. m., before Reglator Black, at Atlanta. Qa., to ahow canae why the prayer of (he Bankrupts abould not be grauted. The second and third meetiag* of the creditors will ba held at tbe same time and place. jSitMU w. n. RMITII. Clerk FILLETS FAMOUS GUTH3IAN& HAAS No. 3 Granite Block, Broad Fired. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Wholesale Liquor Dealers B LE AGENTS FOE THE CELEEBATED THE lnifvib EAT Southern Remedy 8CROFULOU8 TAINT, Swelling, OoHt, Goltry Nervous Debility, aud all unpuro ccudiUon of ihe stock of fauiii) Certificate* . , Physicist-h, .Ministers,and heads of iamillcs through endorslug it In the highest ten hai uaad it in cases of Scrofula aud other Uiseaaes, with much satlstacL .a." Dn, T. C. PUGH, i Baltimore, recommends It to all persous nulTcrlug th diseased Blood, sayiug is superior to auy pn nation ho has ever used. Rev. DABNEY B »L .of tho Baltimore M. E. Con fereuce South, says h, \ »a been eo much brnefitted by its uso tbat ho chi yfully recommends it to all hla friends aud acquaii . aces. GRAVEN it CO., Dro »lffts. at Oordonsvllle, Va. aaye It never failed to a ^satisfaction. SAMUEL G. Me FAB -CN, Murfreesboro Teun., aaya It cured him of rhe latism wueu^ll else failed. Did onr apace admit, •’© could giva you testimo nials from every Htato in the South, from person known to every man, woman aud child, either pci aonally or by reputation. Rosadalls ie sold by all Druggists. CLEMENTS, k CO., Baltimore, Solu I’roprlcto- G HOCEllI ESI, WINES, LIQUOHS. THOMAS M- GREEN, 88 W.'Balto. St., tear lit lllday, Flno Groceries of all Kinds, English and Am, I*1c*1cIch, Capon mid C*onill< xtB, Olives, Italian Mao- lronl and Vcrmccilln, Fresh Cannod Fruits of all kinds. Canned Meats and Fish, Foreign and Domestic Preserves and Jellios. I have ou hand a lino stock of OLD BIM.VB/O, WIVES' 9i'SISSHIKS % c/.r, Which I oOfr to HOTEL KEEPERS at, the vary lowtat prli CjT I*m prepared io offer gnat It ducomonU to customers, WHOLESALE and RETAIL. •V A call Is solicited. XIIOMAS M. GllEF.N, 8« VT. Baltimore at., near Holliday, novliMf Baltimore, Md Macon & Brunswick RAILROAD company, Change of Schedule. 8UPERINTF.N Macon A Uhu.n*wr Mai on. Ga.. November 80, U72. . O N AND AFTER WEDNESDAY, NuV. 31,187/, tralua on this road will ruu as follows: DAY PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY (£ US DAYS EX CE1TED.J Leave Macon 3:15 A. M Arrive at Jcaup fl:£0 P. M Arrive at Uruuswick 10;OOT. 51 Leavo Brunswick 4:30 A. M. Arrlveat 4esup... C IS A. 51. Arrive at Macou 5 25 P. M NIGHT PAS5ENGER TRAINS, DAILY. .... 8:00PM Arrive at Savannah Leave Savannah Leave Jesup Arrive at lfac< n I n:,; ht uJ fr. .... 5:00 A 51 ... 8:3‘>A .. 7:3') Fll .ll.'O f .. 7:43 * vety at Ie* HAWK1NSVILI.F. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN DA.LY, (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED.) Leave Macon 3.’t P Arrive at Uawkiusvir.e.... C .K p Leave Hawkin^vllie G 3.*. A .M Arrive M Vj: ARE MADE;SOLELY|DY THE xcilsior Manufacturing Co. ST. LOUIS, MO., Are doing more and BETTER CdOBINO ABE ALWAYS I.OW.PKKKD.UKI.IABI.K Aad op.rat. pnfMtljr. WILL CO YOUB COOKINOCHEAP Always Warranted Hold by LAXUFURO, Whltrbill 81 Atlauta.G The LaGrange Reporter, VOLUMk XXIX. J. X. WJ lTERMAN. __ „ Editor and Proprietor. This wall known and popular weekly la tha oldest of its class io Ueofgtk. and Im a clnruli u °; szzzmzis ^jsSiSK* 1 a clrcula- In the State. Bnalneae i^** trade Tronp, Meriwether, Heard and Uarrla conntlco wlil And the Hop orter the beet medium for _ _ obtaining tu Subscript to m, *4 SO per „ UH „ m TABUS BOARD. ^KTZIUL I'ERSONB cu b. .ccommod»Ud .lu krd by applying to MJU JOHNSTON, Marietta St, WtaPH WSHL WNI, MACRAfc, ^diuii’.nl Lilis’ Mon, A Bad Lot Will be commenced in No. 270 of tho lEinOIFMESffilN Out M( \t Monday, January 27. TKIias—One Copy, One Year $3 Two t oplea, one Year 3 Addrets GEOiUlK MUNKO, New York Firesido Companion, N4 BELKMAM STREET, NEW YORE. Jan22-tf C AN be bought cheap. The Lot la fOiJOO feet Tbe Home contain* four rooms, two of which are well plastered, four flre-placae, two with grat a Good well of water, wal.t d from bottom to top with good bard eye-brhk. Tcrma reasonable. Ap k ly to O. 8. BURNEfr. Jirttlj BnnOfflon, GUANO__DEPOT. P LANTERS can be supplied with the following STANDARD FERliLIZLRH, at tbe lowest prices at which they can be prepared for marks' either for ca«h or payable lat November, 1873, or cotton will be received in payment at firteeu c«nt» 15c.) per pound on the clrsaiflcadon of "New York Middling*: PURE PERUVIAN OCASO, DISSOLVED BONES. LAND PLASTER, PHtENIX GUANO. W1LLCOX. GIBBS A CO.’S Manipulated Guano. Guano Salt and Plaster Comp u-d. Or Jars w.u have dispatch. Liberal terma will be made with imcinxr agents to sell tha> above Fertihluera. Address J. a ANHIEY. if Own CcmnUAme VAnlwt. ENGLISH BAKING POWDERS AND FLAVORING Bread mado from the EVULI.SU BAKING rOVVDEItS can be baked at once, or may remain in the dough forty-eight Lour*, and Is guaranteed to make s* good Bread or Biscuits a* if used immediately after mixing, ai.d Is war:anted free from the dole- Kur Bale Iu (Auarfcr, Half and Roan Tins by al* Ib kptclabie Uroctra a iu! Druggists. Wholesale by WE<1 A EDWARDS. W. L HUBBARD A CO.,a W. W. COMPTON A CO.. GOODMAN k WADE, T. J. FUILUP8. Atlanta, Da. H< ad Office for the United Elates, 101 DUANE STREET, Mi 1 noSQaodfitn TIHIE] “Q-HIXrtTIISrE]’ “COALCREEK COAL!” J. M. UOK.V, Jr., & Co., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS, Corner Alabama anil Loyd Sts., Opposite O. n. Joues, Esq., and Georgta Railroad Depot, the belt "Coal Crook Lump" and Anthracite Coal. Tbe new office and yard on tbe la«t named etreota, we have found necessary to open within the last few days for tbe accommodation of our friends and the public in tho eastern and southern part of the city, where they may at all GOOD AT FAIR PRICES, for grates or manufscturlcs. GEOKOE PAGE & Cp K A NT PACT l’UK BS OF * Patent Portable Circular Mills, Stattaary nad Portabi' STEAM ENCtiiLS ODIST MILLS, ,[■ Wo, S Sc\eocIcr LUcq‘, / .,LTIMC'.4r. MO. ul.for Cataluffuee and Price-Lisle . GETTYSBURG KATALYSINE WATER. I T hail been demonstrated by a series of practical experiments condnclcd by eminent physicians, and attested by thousands of gratofnl people who havo been relieved from their Bufferings by Ita use, that tho Gettysburg Kstalyelne Water is the nearest approach to a epecifio ever discovered for I Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Gout, Gravel, Kidney aud Urinary Diseases generally. It restores muscular power to the paralytic. It cures Liver Complaint. Chronic Diarrhoea, Piles, Constipation, Asthma, Catarrh and Bronchitis, Diseases of the Hkin, General Debility and Nervous Prostration from mortal and physical as-esses. It ia tne great est an thloto over discovered for excessive eating and drinking. It corrects tbe stomach, promotes diges tion and relieves tho head almost immediately. No Louscliold should be without it Every hotel should keep it ou band. For sale by all Druggists. ft*),For a history of tho Springs, for medicinal re ports of (he power of tho water over diseases, for • testimonials from distin- ' lets. i. General Agents, t., Plrilalelphia, Ps. For Halo by 11EKA, CRAM h CO., and drill legists >U3m BUY THE GENU STANDARD SCALES Nora (linn 130 DlfTcrent Mollifications. rs also ron the debt alarm mosey draweb. Fairbanks & Co., 3ii, .vBr ron* ICC BalUmoro street, Baltimore. 53 Camp street, New Orleans. FAIRBAMtS S. EWING, 7IS CffBMTr ST., PhtUddtpMm, FA IK HANKS, UKOWN & CO., 118 Jlti.H Ar., It—lorn For sale by leading Hardware Dealera. Ntiu EAtotrlisemenie. MARDI GRAS! C8XVO KXC UHNlOJf MOBILE AN 1W 111! THB GREAT rAMEBIGAI C1BIIIII New Orleans TO TAKE PLACE ON Tuesday, Ft brvary 251 A, 18T3. THIS TRIP 1* BEOABDED BT THOSE WHO BAV1 BEEN THEBE A8 OKE OP THB MOST PLEASANT. J *W-fU.VIFICKJYT TBMIJT With Elrgant Day-coaches, BeaUuzants, and Bag gage Cars ran through from Atlanta and Augusta, Withont change, via ATLANTA AND NEW ORLEANS fast line, M4Ucg u quick time u line a aftrerUaed. “SHOHTHH.V HI Tot And affording all an * Excellent.opportunity of wltnaaalng this Carnival of Carnivals. tub .fr/j.vr* j.nt .vjrr FAST LINE. Loe* since perfectea amngemente for Tick** and Train* tbrongh withont change. . This line is one hundred and elghty-nlna SHORTER Than another, "and nearly ona day leaa time aad EXCUKSIONIST8 -ABB — rjMTICDLMMLf MB^VMBrMN To notice the above, alnat being deceive* _ , - . title of "Atlahta ai Shout Line," and ramember tbat PLEASURE SEEKEU8 DO NOT SEEK AFTER SHORT LINE8,’* •PAY TBE1B MONEY and TAKE THEIR CHOIOR" Between Sand Barrens. Plney Woods, etc., and the BaauU- fnl Blue Monutalna of AJabam«, together with naag- nificeut bridge* over noble rivera, one of which— the Tenaa—la the iongeat on the continent: not for getting the beautlfol Bay* Incident to a line whose '--ita run aloug tho ahore* of the GULF OF MEXICO. "lam 8olo Agent for thia Line In Georgia.” but for the accommodation of the "Dear Pnblio,** htva placed tlcketa on sale at the varieua Ticket Offlcee In other places convenient to all. Ticket* will ba on sale from 15th ?o Wnd Febru ary, good to return on any paaaanger train within THIRTY DATS FROM DATE OF 8ALR. MJBK BOVJSn TBtP, ATLANTA to NEW ORLEANS and Return.... tat 8S bleeping car fare extra. Beclioua or birth* can be aecnred by addreadnu "? . . |Y- DUN MNG, 8up t Pullman Son them Palaoe Car Company, or, RbAU CAMPBELL, Southeastern Agsnt Atlanta and New Orleans Fast PROF. LOONEY’S SCHOOL. The Georgia Stable. I ll vVE removed to my now Pi able in Oglethorpe ' t t r i::. . .1 l,v Pitfo .v llatrl 1 havo h«<l the atablik nd trading Block i public than I for past goo t driver* always Coiumtux, Ga., Dae. 2.1, is?! ON CONSIGNMENT IIAnRELH FLOl'Il. 30 200 1000 arrive. Cana Choice Tennessee Laid. 10 Cask* 1'rliue Hire. 250 Uotei Tobacco In Slur? anil arrrlve. . S, A. ANSLKY, lelhtf Corner Pryor and Uanu-r its, 81’OTMWOOD HOTEL, (NEARLY OI’TOSIT PASIESOEB DEPOT) .flO.V, UKOBH1J, Board 00.00 per Day ISL!T. H. IIABBI8, Pfoprlilor. LITCHFIELD HOUSE AOWORTH, G KOBO I A. T able always furnished rith the bt ai the marhet affords. FOn SAIiH Four lliintlreil ami Fifty Acres I1>T QUALITY ETOWAH RIVER LAND, me Riilrcail, and about finely, with all tbe Cereals year, aud deferred p*> incuts. Title* perfect. MMEDIATELY on twelve uuli * from It proances Cottun t and tilover. Txaura—One-third c**b; me third #ww . third two y«ar«. with Int. rcat at ten per Apply t del rtf A. ANSI.EY, nciiaslo Vercbni, Atlanta. Qsersla Eatonton Hotel Boards at ff'J.OO P»-I- Day. W. H. FELOT. ProprUtor. rifHE SPRING TERM of tbll ralobrilcd Iaitlln. -L tion, located at Palmetto, Ga., will belln on the 20th of Jannary, 1S73, and coutinne twenty-four weeks. The entire expense lor Board and Tuition for lbs Term to a first-class scholar is only $103. Other classes atlll less, according to the stndlaa entered. The locality la very healthy, easy of aocaaa, and b0 J^MI“- 8O ? d BOcf « t 7 “ vlllsg* In tha State. ,rP.oP. NKKNNE88 AND MANNER or ROW- DY1SM STERNLY FORBIDDEN. Xxtravaganc*. use leas expenditure of money for dreaa, Ac., net •Mowed, either to boy* or girls. For particnlai*. address GEO. C. LOONEY, A. M. President, or Mrs. O. D. CRAWLEY, Priori pal Fa- male Department, Palmetto School, Palmetto, Ga. J Jan7dlm ukOlittiA-l AbiA b fourt'u iUuVT V.— counv ow onoiHaav, at Gnainmea, nov. II, 1371. W h»sa*. lianke Muhlenhriuk. axscutor el Charles Axt, late ot raid county, deceaaad, ap plies to mo for letters ot dlamisaton from said lit- catorahip. These are, theratore, to cite all persona eeneara- ed, to show cause, If any, within the time prescribed hy law, why aald letters of dtsmlaaion should net be nted. en under my haa4 this. Nov. It*, 1872. 9. .aw 3m WANTED, 10.000 ZbXlzx-U. E rilUE unlersigned will pay as high and llbeswl a X price aa any houae In the South for Miak, Coon, Fox, Otter, Beaver, Opoaanm, MuakraS Furs sent him by freight or expr«sa. Gash remlttad promptly. He also bays Raga, Hidae, Beeswax, eld Copper, Brbaa, Ao. Keep* for tale Fruit, Vegetables, leads aafl To baccos. For twslve years proprietor ef Atlanta Fas Company; for last two years corner Tallapoosa aad Railroad atreeta, OpeUka, Alabama. Trad# raapest- futiy solicited. BERTRAND ZACHUY- WJl. G STEPHENS, ATTORNEY AT UbW, 0B1WF0BDV1LLZ, •*. JOHJT ti, .HWf.r, ■ ttorusT-at-Xiaw- (-UUTKRflTILLZ, OBOIUiU. V ••<»•. On Mtln Mn, ia counties comprlaH Prompt attention gl ° rmU toAS School TVotice. fbijo Tznii or mz k. if. r. collxos IKS. llth ic.Ur.i, For clrnlnn, aUrM the nudenigbed. J. V. BRADSHAW. President Jan* Covington, Ga., Jan. X ia;a. LIVERY STABLE- M R. O. V. FAIR, of MilledgevWe, baa reeaatiy pat up a commolioaa Livery etaktabulidlnr