The Atlanta daily sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1873, April 09, 1873, Image 3

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| rHE DAILY BPN~ , AUauU, Ua., Wcdaeiday, April 9, 1879 O (1.1- PttiDnoni. . . Hall yearly. 4 00 Quarterly .. Monthly.. W t»- ALT—Far annum .. „.l_ THE SUN’B combined Dally and Weekly olr- TO OllR 8U08CK1BKK8. At tke expimtioa of the time to which subscriptions are paid, *e InvAribly atop oar Weekly; and our Daily also, except at poet offiors regularly visited by our travelling agents. This we do, beoause with our thouainds of subscribe!*, it would bo impracticable for us to open ac counts for subscriptions. We send the paper at the following rates'. The Daily Sun, 3 months 92 00; 6 months, 91 00; one year, 98 00. ' The Weekly Son at 92 00 per annum; 91 00 for six months. Honey can be sent by express, post of fice order or registered letters at onr risk. Do not wait for our Travelling Agent to give you a oaU,.sa it is impossible for him to pay a visit to every post office. All Pott matter* or* authorited to act a* Agent* for The Sun. WGPO. E. Whisky, and Old Valley, at a. M. KOBE tt OO'g., Brad Bt. HOll CRUX PAPER SIILLB WM. HcNAOQHT A OO. SBE DAILY AND WEEKLY SUN For Pp«clm#n ofour •‘New*.’’ Carrisiti ud their Make. It is with no sma l pride that in call ing attention to the advertisement of Hr. A. T. Finney in this mo Ding's Sun, we can point to hia establishment as the largest of the kind in the oity and one of the largest in the South. Since the days when cur ancestors rode afoot .or walked on horteback or in the old jostling cariy- alls ol their day, Finney's name has been connected with the improvements and advancements which have marked the carriage manufactory. Always at the head of hie trade land ever looking after its interests, he has done as.mnoh, if not more, towarus the oomfort and convenience ot those who ride as any man living. Whether it is bis cabriolet, or bis Dish jaunting oar, hia beautiful pLceton, or the dashing bugsjy, all alike bear evidence of bis su perior skill and workmanship, ancf dis play snob a degree of perfeotness ns can not be exoelled. The variety and num ber he has always on hand is only com mensurate with the extent of bis trade. The demand, though great, for bis manu facture, is equalled by the number he keeps ready to turn out. Two things of beautiful taste, which now we only have time to mention, are those doctor car riages, which it seems he has jnstlfln- ished in the nick ot time, in order to please some one or more of our medioal visitors, and consummate a sale of them to take the plaoe of their old, rickety, uncomfortable oonoerns whioh they have had to use. Bond, and stock. Market. New O. Bond, at State Treuurr 1 00. Atlanta CltJ Bomlt 7s 7k«70. S> #!®«i august. SO® SO. -urgis ItallroLi stock 0S®85. Gt'Oivialailroact Bunt I ■ V6tq97. A. k W. P. R. R Stock 80(490. M AW R. R. Stock 91@93. An Old Silver Medal: On yesterday morning a colored man oarried quite an old medal to Mr. W. T. Harris, mitobiniat and engineer in the Empire Steam Planing Mills, for the purpose of having a hole drilled in it, to be used as a toy for his child. Upon one side of the medal is a palmetto tree and a sheaf of wheat, surrounded by an arch, in whioh is stamped in capital letters: “ Agricultural Society of So. Ga. Found ed Aug. 24, 1786.” Upon the other side is stamped and engraved: “Charleston Awarded to Oapt. G. 0. Geddes. For the Best Heiter Calf. 1843." This medal was found by the oolored man in the streets of Augusta before the war. It is about the size of a Spanish silver dollar. Doubtless, Capt. Geddes, if ltviug, would be glad to reclaim this lost medal; if not living, perhaps mem bers of his family would. Produce Market. Cohm—White 85; yellow 83; * Wheat—Red 1 900a C“ ~ m ‘‘ V«09 10. Oatu—Mixed 69. Klocb—Fancy 1! 10 UU* ex.ra 9 00, superfine 8 00; shorts 9 JO. Wheat i>bah—1 9001 98. Hat—Clover 1 80; timothy 1 8601 9J. United Staten Coart. As the close of the term of this Court diaws near, there isu marked diminution in the trial of important eases. Yester- duy the Court was in session, aside from several orders taken, for the forfeiture of bonds, and for nolle proeequiet entered in a ease of Ephraim Baddrige. Bnt two judgments were entered; one was by confession on action of assnmsit brought by James McGowan, surviving partner, vs. J. W. Grier, Ordinary of Gilmore ocunty, for $50 37 principal, and $24 80 interest. * Tne other case was Jona.han Davis vs. Levi Bronson, on debt Judg ment rendered in favor of defendant under the Belief Law. Those oases against the policemen of Atlanta, and some citizens, who were oh*rged with interfering with the elec tion, are generally understood to be abandoned. Court will adjourn either on Thursday or Friday next Tuu select aoiree, by the German Turn- Yereins, takes plaoe to-night at their ball on Broad street Grocery Market. Buooms 9 6004 60 per doxen. lJUTTEB 960J6C. Chbbsb—M Y cream 19. uvsLJi 9IJ*099»* Faon^Srted apple* 4# per lb; groan apple* 7 00 08 00; raisin* per box 3 96; figo per lb 16. HlDB* 7017. Molaosb*—Sugar Boom. hhd. 99; tierces 81; bbL ML Eastern a> rape *6066. Oslo** 6 0006 Ou. PociTBT—Chicken* 0040c; Turkey■ 1 K03 00. Putatoeo—karly Uoea 4 9604 60; Pink kya • 60 04 00. Rating 4 00. Rica «H09c. bc«*OrUana 10*01114; Dtmarara 11)40 19)gc; Refined 19%019)4- tea 6#7c. Tajxow 8>4. lua - Ybglate 1 80; Liverpool 1 J*. CM TV JP9LICB COURT •'Black yor bntoo, 8ur. ohlue ’em well." Soli the bate black ter ther swell. “Jaa yer vote 'll I cums »>ak," 8ola ther swel Ur ther buie-black. Bnt he onmeth for no ohiueth Heee gone where the woodbyne twlueth.*’ A couple of vagabond negroeu stole Henry Woods sister’s bench-leg dog, and when Henry came home the entire f*m ily held an indignation meeting and de cided, first: That tho cur had “twined where the wood binetb.” Second, and last, that Henry most go in search and bring him back at all uazirds. The meeting no sooner adjourned than Henr (who had an idev all the time), “lit” out and soon came up with the rogues. He demanded his sister’s dog, and opon a refusal on the part ot the thievee to re turn the property, he was just “ shucking himself, * as he said, “to dean 'em oat’’ One of the darkies, .n particular, Henry wanted to go for, and the Court asked him how muen he thought ho ooold give him. Henry replied that he proposed to give one of them a belly full, and if they both saw fit tc “jump him," he thought he coaid “clean ’em both." The Oonrt though* Henry looked strong enough to do it, and let him pay five dollars Zaoh Thomas owed John Bobinson, a blacksmith, fifty cents tor shoeing his mule. John was in a pinch for money and called ou ZaoK about sun up for his bill. This so enraged Zaoh that he pealed away within an axe, barely grazing the os/rontis of John. This was enough. Zaoh was arrested by a bailiff and also brought before the Beoorder. A good deal of cross-examining was done and a great deal of false ditto. By an inge nious and shrewd device, the Beoorder, notwithstanding the voluminous and contradictory testimony, was enabled to tell just exactly how it all was. He tok them that it was impossible for a negro to fool him. He had been raised with them from childhood, had drank water with them from the branohes on his all fonrs thousand times, had coon-banted and fought with them and had studied their peculiarities all his life, and at tnit late date a nigger was tooling away bib time when he tried “ to give him the goose’’ And it is so. What our Be- oorder can’t sift oat of a negro ain’t worth sifting for. He cau come as near un tangling a negro fnss as any man in the world, and if he ever has made a serious mistake in that business it has not come under the observation of this reporter. Well, all these things were well shaken down, and notwithstanding a Daniel Webster came up to the relief of Zaoh, the Beoorder is a rght smart Daniel him self, and told Zseh he would let him off with ten and cost, and make (John dis miss the warrant he had for him in the State Coarts, whioh was about the best thing that could have been done foi the Be. “Guano" Pemberton, as the Conrthad her down, wa9 a very bad, ugly negro girl. She pirooted around aud got drunk the night of the fire, and kept up a series of drunks ever sinoe. “Gu’ was in an ace of gettirgoutol the scr pe until an old colored aunt who haduV. been long from the country, aud hadn’t learnt town ways of swearing and doing yet, had no moro sense than to tell the wLole truth about it, aud as soon as she had had her say, “Joana" was put down for ten dollars and costs. She was rath lessly borne on wings o’ outraged mum cipal justice to the cold cloisters of the city castle, where the mournful strains of song came floating back as she re peated— This world Is fuli of trouble,— '1 Here 1* nothing bere but woe,— Hardship*, toll and struggle, Mo matter where we go— Do what *« may, go where we will, We are uever free from care— This world wo know. Is nothing But a “Castle m the alrl" Jane Gresham wan ceriously impressed with the idea that it was her duty to tell another freedress h?w sorry a nigger she was how little she thought of her. She ouuched her words in such strong lan guage that the other girl couldn’t sUnd it, and had Jane hauled up. AH this happened right in the Court room on tho previous morning’s session, but Jane proved by Mary Hayden that she never made any suoh remarks on thato.:- on, because she was sitting there souua asleep all the time of Coart. Aunt Mary swore she was sound asleep, because she heard her snoring. ‘Ob, tho anors. the beautiful soors, Filling the chamber from celling to floor! Out of the wiudow and into the street, The Gem. K. A Lc* Hoenneit. The grand monament to the memory of Oeneral Lee ie now rapidly being oon eituoted under the diieotion end skill ol Pii-f. Valentine. And in order to com plete it at the earliest posable day, the iixecotive Committee ol the Lee Ifemo- nal Association, of Lexington, Va.. wuicb ie composed of enoh distinguished men as Qen. Pendleton, Qen. Terry, Hon. ffm. McLaughlin, Col. Preston Johnston, Cnas. Davidson, and others, have authorized the publication and sale of s perfeot life size steel engraved por trait of Oeu. Lee. The proceeds of its sale to be applied in furtherance of the object of this Association, namely: to the erection of e monument to the mem ory of Gen. R. E. Lee, at the Washing ton aud Jjcc University, Lixington, Va. The portrait will be sold only by sub scription, through regnler authorized agents. Every subscriber for the por trait will receive a certificate signed by the Secretary and Chairman%f the bee Memorial Association. We oommend this portrait to the public, end hope some good energetic man will secure the agency in this section in order to help on the good work. Messre, W. W. Bost- wiok A Co., Noe. 177 end 179 West Fourth street, Oincinniti, Ohio, neve been constituted end appointed General Managers of Agencies, and any commu nications addressed to them, for circu lars, terms, and certificates, will receive prompt attention. * Released fbox Bond.—Day before yesterday the bondsmen of Samuel P. Welle were released from their obliga tions, and that gentlemen was exon- orated from any complicity in any charge for , violation of the Enforcement Act. It will be remembered that Hr. Welle wee one of the managers of the eleotion held in this city lest Fall, and was arrested aud bound over for appearance before the United States Court onaohsrge of that i.escriptiou. The osae was noteven before the Grand J ury, and we congrat ulate “Sam” on his exonoration. Mr. Wells was at one time connected with The Son office. Financial. . Gold Buying at 1 16; Selling at 1 17. a • T -~ r - - 1 07; Selling at 1 10. • “lOu — 1)4 Premium. The Doctors.—Up to 9 o’clock, last night, but fe n of the medical fraternity had registered at the Do tela. We give the list so far as we can. A nnm bei of them took quarters at private res idences. The Georgia Medioal Associa tion meets to-day. At the Kimball House.—Dr. G. W. Holmes, Borne, President of the Asso ciation; Dr. G. J Grimes, of Columbus; Dr. W. W. Evans, of Oxford; Dr. J. B. Fioklin, Washington; Dr. Mnsgrove, Burke connty; Dr. W. F. Daniel and B. C. Carroll, Twiggs connty; Dr E. P. In graham, Albauy, Dr. J. A. Urquhart, Columbus, At the National.—Dr. J. B. Uuder wood, of Bomo:Dr. Thomas F. Greene, AJilledgeville. Capt. Foiieacke.—Hear what theGrif flu News has to say about him: Captain G. J. Fo roue re, the pewly appointed su perintendeut of the Macon and Western lia lroad, passed down theiuad on Sun day afternoon towards Macou. He ii giving the line his closest personal su pervision and is determined to put it in tliorongh repairs. Capt. Fi reacre is oue of the most sucoessful railroaders in the country, and will soon restore the former good reputation of the Macon & Westeiff. Seed Market. Clover 8 60 psr buabel. Timothy 5 < 0 per Ittmhel. Blue Grass 9 600 3 60 psr buabel. Orchard 3 60 per buabel. Hungarian 9 00 per bushel. Rev. T. H. Morgan.—We learn from the Thomasville Times that this gentle man, who is representing the Southern Baptist Sunday School Board, Ups been visiting that city. The people of Thom asville, with their accustomed liberality, did not ullow him to letve there without some substantial tokens of the interest they feel in this rood cause. Mall* 6 76 ’a 9 60. P .wdor, Hiflto 7 60. Wrought Iron 6@9o, as the beautiful suor«t~of Elizabeth Jaue. This last clause settled the tea for Jane. The Court looked upon it as a reflection upon the importance of bis morning levees, and the case was carried over for another day. It’s going to be a serioas thing for Jane; and if she was really asleep “at books”—“By-by, Jen nie.” Mollie Spence was quarreling and dis turbing the citizens, and like,. Jam Gresham, she came near getting oat, until Jonsen called up the same old country nigger. She tbrowed Mollie. She remark'd that she conld uot do justioe to the language Mollie used, and therefore had it written down on a piece of paper, whioh she handed the Judge. It farther turned oat that Mollie was drank, and cavorting around and singing like one possessed. Her— Coos* tbs debbil round de stump, Glory, hailelujstit Olv* him a kick at ebbary Jump, Glory, hallelujah I was more than her neighbors conld stand for two days in anoceasion, and the Court allowed to ohase the fleeting hours away until she conld pay ten dollais and costs. The Court then took its hit in one hand and itsumbr. lla in the other and qmetly dispersed. A Good Idea.—A lady on Peachtree street suggested to Whidby. yesterdaj, that the men ooghtto bo willing to mild water works on the score of economy. The extra amounts paid for new hats and Sonnets which are daily ruined by don*, would more than pay the interest ou a sufficient quantity of bonds to boiJd the much needed improvement. Crop Prospects in Taliaferro.—We learn that the planting prospect was never better than it is in Taliaferro. The weather is dry and warm. Corn is gen erally in tho ground. A larger amount of fertilizers are being used than ever beiore. The fruit is uninjured. Very little wheat wan sown. Pryor Street, between the Kimball Huuse and Republic Block, is at present impassable. But in a day or two it will have become an entitely new street The workmen are busy macadamizing and laying new crowing and enrbioga. Sewers.—Atlanta needs a thorough system of sewerage. Bad drainage, many physicians believe, causes cerebro apinal meningitis, a fact that ought to be full of snggestivenees to city fathers. Meat Markets. Bulb If oats—Clear rib sides 9)4; clear sides 10; shoulders 7)4; bail 11',; augar-curt-d home 16 Loju>—Tierces 10; cans 11; bucket 11)4. Odituaby. — Died, at Sharon, in Talia ferro county, Ga., on tho 221 of Harch, Philip P. Mahouy. Daocased wax born in Cork, Ireland, and waa aixtjr yeara of age on the day of hia death. He waa a good eitizen, and haa left many friends to mourn*hia low. • Accidental Hhootino.—On Saturday afternoon laetteo boye were outguuniug after ducka at Ohurohill'a mill, near this city. One ot them descried a duck swim ming in the pond, when of the boys, named E lward Payne, in the excitement of the moment, while trying 10 c<ck hia gun, let the tali,., discharging the piece. Most of the load took effect in the thigh of' hia companion, whose name onr Reporter did not remember. The gen wa, 1-:adml with .mall bird .hot, though producing a very pain! ul wound, was not considered any way serious. Confer/.nr./ csmuiltt.. 'Water Work.. Yesterday afternoon a committee from the City Council met the Water Oommiaaiouers in conference, on the soo jeot of eatablisning water works in the city, and particularly in reference to the proposition mads to Oonnoil by Heaars. Burkhozerft Tittlebanm. The commis sioners seemed to bo of the unanimous opinion that the granting of the Iran ohise of bnildiug water works to a pri vate corporation wonld work disastrously to the iuterests of the citizens and oaiue the cost of this necessity to become too onerous to be borne. Messrs. A. Murphy, J. L. Dunning, Dr. Robinson and Hr. 3. L. Ormond make very pertinent speeches on the sub ject, pointing ont various defects in the proposition submitted by the gentlemen spoken of above, comparing the cost of water furnished for oity and private pur poses with the costa whioh obtains in other eities, showing thereby theee geo tlemcn ask at least from twenty-five to fifty per cent, more than the snms paid in other cities where the franchise is in tne hands of private corporations. All were agreed in the belief that water works had beoome a matter of extreme necessity, and the longer it waa post poned the greater wonld be their seed and therefore urged as one objection, in addition to the above, the length of time before theee parties would, from their present opportunities, be enabled to com mence operations. We feel pretty sure that if Steibel, onr Cincinnati strest sprinkler, who made an effort in this city, about a mouth sinoe, to induce the people to.suhsoribe to his proposition to keep down the dust, had been here on yesterday, he wonld have found the task a mnoh lighter one than when be was knee deep in mnd, We feel sure all wonld have taaen stock liberally, provided he oonld have Sound their places daring the immeuse clouds of dust whioh careered through the streets all day. It was almost imi oaai- ble to go out, and the streets were com paratively doll. Personal.—Gen. 0. W. Field, who will be recolleoted by many Georgians as commander of a division in the Army oi Northern Virginia during the war, is at present in the oity and stopping at the National. The General is here on bnei- nees connected with the Life Association of America, of whioh flourishing compa ny he is the manager for this State. Burglary.—About two o’clock night be'ore last a burglar emptied the till of the Tarf Exchange of what hud been left in there the overnight It ia sup posed that he secreted himself within the house before elosing time. A po liceman at that hour saw a man come out (from a side entranoe, but supposed at the time that he bod descended from a stairway near by. Mr. Eimbro does not know what elec vs stolen besides the money. _ Meeting of Citizens—Atlantic and Great Western Canal.—Last night a very respectable number of leading oiti Zens assembled in the Reading Rsora of the Kimball House, for the purpose of making arrangements lor the assembling of Governors and others on the 20th of this month, to advance the interest of the proposed Atlantio and Great Weatern Canal. Ool. U. W. Adair presided over the meeting. The Governor of the State waa introduced and made a very pointed and earnest speech in favor of the great project. He gave an account of his pro ceedings in refewnoe to the matter, and urged every one to make earnest efforts to have the convention a grand affair, so as to make a favorable impression on tbe expected visitors. The following com mittees were appointed: oommittee of BF-oipnoN. Hon. C C Hammock, Chairman: J B Gordon, H. V. M. Miller, CincinuatUH Peeples, J H James, ,W U Lowry, R ,J Lowry, Z D Harrison, J 8 Pemberton, W H Weems, J R Wallace, Judge Era kine, Maj Smythe, R M Rose, W B Cox, L P Grant, 0 L Redwine, |B E Crane, A Leyden, B W Frobell, W 8 Walker, ,B H Hill, M A Bell, Daniel Piltman. ENTERTAINMENT, so. W M Nioholls, Cnairman; R J Lowry, R F Maddox, M Markham, O H Jones, John I Hurt, W F Peok. EXCURSIONS AND TRAINS. G W Adair, Chairman; Campbell Wal lace, J T Grant, A ,T Hurt, Perino Brown, E A Werner, B W Wrenn, H F Clarke, W Ruahton, H Parton, H Gottiugham, E Hulbert. FRESH REPORTS SO. I W Avery, Chairman; A 8t Olair Abrams. 8 A Echols, J J Toon, N G Whidby, Burgess Smith, O W Huhner, 0 H C Willingham, J 8 Peterson. GENERAL UANAOEIIKNT. A O Garlington, A Austell, G H Hillyer, L J Gartrell, A H Colquitt, J E Brown, 8 B Bpeocer, A W Mitchell. E E Bawsor, E W Marsh, J C Peck, A Jordar, Col Eggleston, M O Riser, V B Tmnmev, J M Willi-, J H Ball, John Morrisou, O T Dodd, W ,T Gar rett, J M Johnson, W F Westm Ire land, J P Lcg-ir, A M Wallace, D F Hummoud, T M Clarke, E P Otiamber- 1 n, J Norcrosa SERENADE, AO. R A Alston, Chairman, Dr Gonnally, J F Fntikhn, W B Lowe, W T Nsw m:ui, B B Crew, Kirkpatrick, How ell Glenn, Evan Howell. BALL, AC. Harry Jackson, Chairman; John Kee- ley, J B Daniel, Benjumio Briscoe, J T Olson, G W Hartison, H 0 Pope. L 8mitb, K J Godfrey, 8am Williams. Ju lias Brown, B H Hill. Jr, Joseph Thomp son, Jr Otis Jones, Alton Angier, War ren Jounlan, G W Henderson, Hubert E Bualiton, B D Ji Aries. DECOHATION OF HALL, ETC. E Y Clarke, Chairman; J H Morgan, W A bpeooer. Great Briscoe, Jndd Smith, M >ra W Jobnaon, Johu Junes, jr., H 8 Johnson, Donald Baine, 4 J Meador, J U Holotook, J H Bitten, Marshall Clarke. (official.) tteorgla Medlrai Association. This body will convene in the Senate Chamber at the Capitol this morning at 11 o’elook. Membera of the Association who are in the city will have an opportunity of regiatering their names and presenting their Credentials to the Oommittee of Arrangements at the Senate Chamber between 9 o’olock and tne hour of meet ing. The pnblio are invited to attend. A portion of the gallery will be reserved exclusively for ladies. Jas. F. Alexander, Chairman of Oommittee of Arrange ments. Second Baptist CnuxcH.—The inter est in the meeting at this ohnroh is still increasing. The leoling is pervading a great many of, not the members, but out siders. Preaching every evening. New Show and Hat Stobe.—At No. 75 Whitehall street, Heasrs. Barrett, Coker & Co., have just opened a Boot, Shoe and Hat store, to whioh they invite at tention in onr advertising columns to day, The gentlemen oomposing this firm have recently moved to Atlanta from Amoriou-, where they have been doing business. Mr. Coker of the firm ia a brother of the President of tbe State National Bank. Hr. Laramore, the company, has an extensive acquaintance throughout Georgia and the Booth, due to a connection lor some time with a Baltimore house as traveling agent. The store ooenpied by the new firm is next to McNuught & Co.’s hardware es tablishment. We notioe it has already opened a large and handsome stock, whioh will yet be largely added to. We heartily wish the house great su-oess, and solioit for them a liberal patronage. Two Paras of Rascals. — The police arrested y esterday two white women and two negro men, acoused of open lewdnees and disorderly conduct. Soon after their incarceration in the Station House, a warrant for each was taken out, and the quartette carried before Justioe Monday, who committed them to jail to await the aotion of the Grand Jury. Neither of them denied the orime of whioh they were accused. No changes were quotable In our mar kets yesterday, * Attention, Merchants !—For Tnes- d-iy next, 15th inst., T. 0. Hayson ad vertises an immense sale of goods, whioh will pay merchants oat of, aa well those in the city, to attend. A large amount or goods will be sold, and regardless of price. Read his advertisement and don’t forget the place nor the time. T. 0, Mayson’a Live Auction House, Tuesday next, April 15th. Col. Owens, of the National, being rather a short man, and near sighted besides always up to bis eyebrows in bus iness, has employed Hr. dam Andrews to overlook his business. He’s got tbe very man for the work. Besides being every way competent, he aan stand flat- tooted aud look through tbe trunsome lights of the front door. The ohief attraotion at tbe Kimball last night, aside from the pretty girls, was the sweet muaio by the string band, whioh waa discoursed until ten o’olook. Postponed.—From dispatches received yesterday, we learn that, the drawing of the great Kentucky Library Asaociatiun Lottery, whioh was to have taken place yesterday, was postponed antil the 3th of July. Considerable dissatisfaction was expressed by the holders of tickets in this aity on the reaeption of the news. False Alarm.—Tbe alarm of fire given last evening, abont 8( o’clock, proved to be withont good cause. Tbe eteamers aud firemen all hastened some distance up Peaohtrec, Dut soon returned, as no fire oould be found. Theatre.—To-morrow night the young American artiat, Oliver Doud Byron, oom- menoes a three nights’ engagement at DeGivee’, Reserved seats at Phillips A Crew,a. Ha tinee Saturday afternoon. Cotton.—Dull at 17(<$16ic. Very little transactions yeeterdiy. Receipts fur the day were very light, indicating exbana tion. A large lot of lawns, luce points, fis such aud sacquea, of onr own importation, at much lass than usual pnoes. An un usual large and attractive line of dross goods, just r oeived by Chamberlin, Boynton A Co. D . S . M . I bought a DOMESTIC HEWING UAGHINE Over six years ago, and up to the preseut time it has nut coat one dollar for re pairs. I believe it to be as good for aurk sb wuen new. It runs very light, lues its aork perfectly and wears lew ban ar y maobiue 1 know of. A would xchauge it for the neweet and beat of ai y other make. Clark Brookins. Office No. 4 DeGive e Open House, Marietta Street, Atlanta Atlanta, Jan, 31/1, 1878. tf Merit will Tell.—To gi ve onr read 's some idea of rbe large sales and ;rowing popularity of the “Giobe 'lower Cough Syrup,” we will stale that Dr. Pemberton's agent. Dr. H. Marshall, sold in Louisville, Ky. in oue dsy, /our- teen gr ss being over one hoosand dol lar! worth, and the demand at present is so great that it ia impossible for Dr. Pemberton to fill his orders. The many thousand remarkable cares of ohronic cough ana long affections made by the Giobe Flower Cough Syrup is sufflcieut to establish its popularity upon a basis as strong as the Bock oi Gibraltar. Pease promises to keep sober, be kind aud obliging, and give good Diuuers to all courts and jurors, if you will not me ou the jury. Missouri Apple Cideb.—This moat delightful beverage ia for sale only in this oity, by Paul Jones, on Whitehall e'reet, next d, or to Uesdur Bros. Over fifty barrels sold tbs past week. Fresh heap I A. apri-ti Attention, Y. M. L- Al 11—The annu al meeting of the Young Men’s Library Assooiatiun will be held at the Library rooms on Tuesday, 13th ol May (prox.) at 8 o’clook p. m., at - whioh time repor s of offioers for the past year will be in or der; also, nominations for President and Directors for the ensuing year. Messrs. J. W. Chester, Geo. H. Force, F. B. Gartrell, H, L. Collier and N. F. T. Finch, have been appointed Inspectors for tne approaching election. Something Rather Cool. -H. O. Pope's splendid ice m eam noda fountain is now open for tbe season. Cold and sparkling soda water with pure and fresh fruit syrups will be dispensed daily/ The only ioe oream soda fountain in the oity, with Dow’s Patent Ioe Cutter, thereby rendering the water as cold as ioe itself. Try it. 8-6. Pease’s Dining Booms are still the pride of the oity. _ Jersey Apple Cider.—Guthmsn A Haas, in the Granite Blook, Broad at, have, in addition to the celebrated brands of wnieky advertised in The Sun, e large invoioe of fresh Jersey Cider. They were basy all day yesterday in storing away an immense stock, and say their trade in oider is fast growing into popularity Tnis is a most delioions and harmless drink, and the people are fast finding it out. tf Pease invites the publia and ail their kin to iry his Dinners. Pease's dining rooms for ladies still merits the poblio oonfldenoe. XDI=t.. J. Jb.* JONHS IS NOW PRAOCTOINQ AT THE IUSJZZ UOVKB. JTI.J.VTJ, WHERE BE Closes his practice in Georgia on the 10th of May, on his way to New York, he will practice at the Stanton House, Chattanooga, Tenn., from the 10th to the eve* ning of the 13th May, 1873. READ A FEW OF HIS GREAT CUBES. Dr. Janet: Dear Sir- I write to tell you of the progress your treatment ia making in my niece. She is getting on finely, and says her head feels oiearer and better than she ever remembers to have known it. Tbe disagreeable smell has entirely left her noee. Her father eema more than delighted with yonr reatment. We follow your directions perfectly, whioh is easily done. I sm, most respectfully, Mbs. S. E. Lumpkin. Lexington, Ga., February 19. Remarkable and Great Cube of Diabetes—(Sugar in the Urine)—Br Dr. J. A. Jones.—For nearly three years I was sick unto death with that dreadful disease diabetes—sugar in tbe nrine—during whreh time my sufferings language oonld not desoribe. My disease was oontraoted in September, 1870— nearly three years ago— while in the em ploy of Ool. Edmund Harriaon, In Mont gomery, Ala., who knows of my case well. I was treated by all the beet plfysicians of tbe prinoipal Southern cities, and nearly all of them gave up my case as inourable, after treating me for weeks or months, I also tried the mountain air of Birmingham, Ala., and tried bitters and all kinds of patent mediolnes. Noth ing reached my disease, or tonobed the ■ oot of it, or changed my nrine, whioh was white, and soon after being voided in the aan crystalized into anger. I had to get np every honr daring the night to tdriuk and void water. Everything I ate and drank turned into sngary nrine; and thns, by onnoee, I was wasted and re duced from a strong, healthy, stout man of 17dponnds to a skeleton of 89 pounds. Forty-eight hoars after I commenoed Dr. Jonee' treatment, my nrine changed to a natural color, with the natural odor, and in a lew days my pains and ills left me, I leel as well aa I ever did in my life; have good, natural appetite, natural and regular bowels, and am gaining my former aotivity and strength daily, bnt my teeth are loose and discolored from tho bad effects of tbe memory, iron, arsenic, eto., given me before I saw Dr. Jones. I have not taken over an ounoe of medicine from Dr. Jones, and it waa pleasant to take, and be never ahanged bis remedy, and he gave me but one email bottle of that, but it went to the very spot, and I and my wife both saw that I was onred, and i telt and saw it after the first twenty-fonr hoars' nse of Dr. Jonee’ medioine. I feel that I owe my life to the skill of this great physician, for my shroud was prepared and at my bedBide, and my disease was prononn.-ed incurable bv so many physioians, some of them stating that no person had ever been eured of diabetes. R. W. White, Haoon, Ga I know Hr. White; have known him for matf> years, and can testify to the truth of tne aoove remaraabie cure Dy Dr. J. A. Jonee. E. E. Brown, Proprietor Brown's Hotel, Haoon, Ga Nervous Debility, Lobs of Vital Fluid, Seminal Weakness, eto., Cubed. —Dr. Janet—Dear Sir: When I flist employed year (kill, I was indeed a suf ferer with all th ‘ ills that follow the vio lation of those laws of onr existence, tbe abuse of whioh leave their terrible tale too plainly told. My memory was im paired, my body nearly rained; I had a gone, langor feeling, nervous debility, irregular sleep, startling and wasting dreams, weakness of the back, floating spots before tbe eyeA sometimes like webs, forgetfulness, inability to ooncen- tr>te my mind, awfal forebodings, desire to avoid company, doll, heavy feeling. I was wasting away and despondent. I nave been neiug yonr wonderful reme dies now two montbA and have regained my former vitality and vigor; my mind and body are improved—I am, indeed, a new being, with nearly all my former vigorous mind and body. I am now able to pursue my ooonpstion, end feel ibat I am a man again, and know how to ehun, in tne future, that awfal secret habit which would have ruined me, bat foryour skill. I sm, yonr friend, Joseph W. Joslyn. Hy address for the next year will be Yale College. An Aoed Han, Totally Blind fob Twelve Years, Restored to Sight by Da Jones.—Ai/retviUe, Putnam county, Mo.-Dr. Jonee—Dear Sir: This is to oertify that you operated on the eyee of Jacob Oarriott (my fatber-in-law) for cataract, with complete eucoees. From total blindness he can see to pick np a pin on the ground, and oan see every thing with tolerable accuracy. Jaoob Garbiott, aged 66, Da T. L. Martin. Judge Speer of Grifflu says: “ Dr. Jonea operated upon my eon and daughter for two hundred and fifty dol- lan, but I would not take five thousand dollars for tbe good he has done them. Hr. P. J. Howard, a well known plan ter of Calaparchie, Ga, writaa: Dr. Jonaa: Sir.—I have been under your treatment for several difficult chronic diseases, and the benefit derived ia worth mnoh more than the money paid. Dr. donee’ Fee. roe, from »1D0 to |MM1 Hie Terms are Caen. Letters, tt eery brlel and eoatala |1, answered! otber- wlae they are not read. Hr. Smith oi the Geneva Norrery, Geneva, Ga, writes: Dr. Jones, yonr treatment by inhalation has saved the life of my daughter. We cannot speak too highly of it: it goes to the spot and is pleasant. A Great Cube c f Rheumatism, Dys pepsia, Disease on the Liver aed Spleen, by Da Jo es.—I cams to Dr. Jonee opon orotehea, having been afflic ted four years with rheumatism and dis ease of tire liver, tod enlarged spleen. Having oeeo nested and given np by onr beat doctors as a hopeless ease, and was reduced to a suffering skeleton—^was scarcely ab.e to move in my bed part of the time. I had the dyspepsia, also, and oonld not eat, sleep, nor walk, and of fered intensely dsy and night. When I wee placed upon the cars to go to Dr. Jones, my neighbors said I oonld never return Alve; bnt in three weeks I re turned a sound man, and have attended to boainesa ever since. And to Dr. Jones I owe my life. I advise thesfllietedto spend no time nor money with any other treatment, if they are within reach of Dr Jones. I live at Harioc, Perry oonnty Alabama. B. H. Weak Geneva, Ga, March 29,1873; Dr. J. A. Janet: Dear Sir—I wonld have written yon sooner, but I wanted to know for oertain whether your medicines were doing me any good or not. Yon know when I consulted with yen at Macon I was raf tering with laryngitis, trsihetie, bron chitis, perioarditis and functional de rangement of the liver and rhemnotiam and asthmA I have taken yonr medioine four weeks. My health has greatly improved, and all those bad symptoms are disappearing. I hope the afflicted people of this ooontry will lay all prejudices aside and avail themselves of your wonderful skill in the ecieuoe of medioine. If yoo re main in Atlanta nntil Hay, may be I will have the pleasure of seeing von again. I hope I shall never lose sight of tonr whereabouts. I am, very respectfully, yonr friend, Da B. Bunas. (Market* by T«i«gr»pa. middling* 18; r*oelpU4«9; ule*3 Havannah, April 8.-Cotton dull and bsarj; mid dling* 18)4; Ml receipt* 1,166; **le* 384; itook 90,041. WiuaxQTQV, April 8.—Cotton firm; middling* 18)4; n*t receipt* 76; export* oQMtwlM 828; **le* 96; • tuen 4,924. Galtcbtok, April 8—Gotten steady; good ordi nary 16)4018; net noeipt* 1,011; tzport* to Oreal Britain 894; a ; sale* 700; *took 66,947. Ling* 17H: good ordinary 16)4; net : •Iptsll; expoat* coaatwls* 80: sale* 400. itooft 9,629, Norfolk, April 8.—Cotton qol*t and steady; Include 6,000 American. groM 9,976; sales for exports to-day 107; i future* 7,800: April 18)4: May 19)40198-14; Jan* 19)4019)4; July 19 9-16019)4; October 17U. Cotton dull; Bates 880; uplands 19)4; Orleans 2u*. Br. Louis, April 8.—Elour qulst and weak; bust* ness small. Corn qulst and unchanged. Whisky steady at 87. Pork quiet. Baoon—little doing la jobbing and orker lots; shonidrrs 7)407)4; dear rib sides 9)409)4; clear stdea 9)409)4- Lord firm. Locuyills, April 8.—Flour quiet aud lower for family; extra medium and fancy grads* unchanged. Corn firm; white, sacked and delivered at depot. 64. Provisions steady. Whisky steady. Tobacco very active; all grades firm; sales 886. CixcnnuTx, April 8.—Hour dull. Com steady at 40o. La«l Arm at 8)4 for steam; 8>4 for kettle; demand aud offerings light, baoon Improved and la demaud at 6)406)4(*6)409)4. Whisky steady at 86. New Yoax, April 8.- r'Jour quiet and heavy, < qulst and firm. New Yob*, April Money doted at 7. Gold. •rtlap * n irregul Otbei States OLOTHINGH FOR SPRING AND»SUMMER r n attention of my patrons aed ter pnbilo in general Is respectfully invited to my stock of Clothing for this Spring* mad* np of Um BEAT MATKB1AL and LATEST STTLBIl Bplendlt NZOK ' WEAK, th* very beat Paper aud Linen Ool- tars, eto. An examination of my stock and prlees Is respeot* Farm & Portable Mills. For Corn Mea*—Stook feed and Wheat Flour - Seketed French Buhr Stone — over 8.000 now In um — Beat Mill Made-All kinds of Mill Ma- ehl tery—Bolting Cloth—Com Istablif had 1844. marlS-dltwSm. Sbebsre-Hominy Mills, Price “9, makes one quart in five notes or money returned. SEND FOB CIBCULAB. STRAUB * CO., Box 1480, OWCnWATI. O. THE W. JACKSON HOUSE Palmetto, Georgia* W. JAGttOH. OPELIKA HOUSE. m. B*. C90FBM . Ft AT Tttl UaJLHOaD DEPOT, And conveniently loci of th* OUy, Opelika, J. W, THOMAS. ATTORNEY AT A. LiW. GBNNRAIi land agent a IS Sm OOEANCBE. TEXAS. N. S. JONES, Cincinnati, Ohio> O. Orders eerefuily and promptly fitted tetowee . ENGLISH BAKING POWDERS AND ENGLISH FLAVORING DCtliG roan MAKING HWEJCT AND WHOLK80MM J? Mread and Biscuits. A BATTEN AKTloLI THAN ANY IN THE MABKKT. having th* qualities or the best Baking Powders sad Ysst combined, and recommended by all a " «--**-»- — Bread made f UNULI8U BAklftU POWDB&8 rlctly pur* lugredJsnm. *3 e of the beet Kngltel Far Bail* la Qsaner, Ualf and P*»at rims by ml* Mrspectmhl* terooere sad Druggists- i®fiS£A.. LSfflST AUsste, * Head OMe* ter tke.l/mlte* Km 11» ■ ^ ;