The Atlanta daily sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1873, April 26, 1873, Image 1

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L ATLANTA BUN t AILYiAND WEAKLY. TUB SUN PUBLISHING CO. HonJLH. STEPHENS POLITICAL WOR. THE VOL. Ill ATLANTA. GEORGIA. SATURDAY. APRIL 20. 1873. SUN. NO. 885. BF TELEGRAPH. TO THE ATLANTA 8 UN UrUMMU/AIL office uhiv or biosal sunoi, Washington, D. o.. April M, 18T1. The barometer will probably oontinon to fall ou SUldt; throoghout the lake region, Mew York end Mew England, with generally nloady weather; for the Sooth Atlantic Staten and the aonthern portion of the Middle Staten and the OhJo'Valtey, rising' barometer with part ly atoody and Blearing weather; for the Onlf St dee, diminieWsg northwesterly winds, veering to sonthesst in Texas, with generally clear weather; for the north west, felling barometer, with bootheest and southwest winds and tiring tem perature. gin nan ml mrr < . Ktllewn ArmIng* Nww You, April 26.—A Mew Orleans speoial says Kellogg has bought a boat and armed it with bowitser for operation on rivers and bayonsL He has organised batellion oavalry’. and has • ireeted the Attorney General to prooeed against Mo- Enery and others for treason. 0«raiM Farll* ntale Bntnr, April 26.—The clergy debate luted six hours. Bismarck defended the attitude of the Government, as jostifled by domineering assumptions cf priest hood, and denied having instigated I tel inn occupation of Borne. ■"Louixdr, April 26.—Dispatch from Far- iaaajl gpymnne eatabliabed in Mad- rid, llo confirmation here. Jeff. C, Dsrli. San Fbahoiboo, April 26.— Gen. Jett. 0. Davit leaven for the Lava Beds to-day. Ad Indians an reported sullen and iueo lent. IB8I8H OHlr»|«e. Virginia Cut, Nevada, April 26.—The Indi me aa far East ea Utah know about the Modoo affair. The people appre hend e Piootes’ outbreak. St. Loom. April 26.—The Democrat’s special from Dennison, Texan, reports that the Indiana eeptored a Government . brio ifcerin.d fir Bint Or.lfin. Four of tbs eight men in change wen killed and two woahdeil ■peatih Politic.. Maw You, April 26.— A Herald speoial from Madrid says the confliot over the - -permanent com mission; whereby the as sembly hoped to ooatrol the ministry of Bertwno, who favored the permanent commission, failed at a critical moment. ThtabnMfete fnterniaed with the people proved faint hearted. Wednesday night rrtd condones, the lute Captain General Catalcnia, was fired at near PJuzo Tarraa by the volunteers, who bad taken arms in favor of permanent oom mission, and held tbe Boll ring. Six batteries o( artillery and metraiilensea caused the volunteers to surrender at midnight. Tne m. ms try deemd the diesolmion ot the commission and dis armed its defenders. Tbe > Bade forced them way into tbe preeenoe ot tbe oom mimic n, but members of tbe ministry pemownllpipfotneted it. The Beds have .themselves at cornere of the ad have poeeeeeion of the oity. It is veiionefy reported that Burra has been imprisoned or has fled from tbe city. laltiM. Sawn. Cnramman, April 26.—Tne meeting of )ten4ants of Western Bill ing the oomple- tbte-to e committee. Tne difficulty wee witb the Pennsylvania Central combination. . A ooremittee meets at Mew York on May let of tbe Representatives of tbe Green Line or ganisation to consider the detentions on tbe Nasuville, Louisville and Iron Moun tain Beads, by their Bunthern connect urns, which appear to be snort of cars The Convention determined to iseue 760 additional ears pio rata to tbe diff rent roads, and appoint to look after these can and return to owner* WAunraTua, April 26.—The payment of OrmmuMouer Van Boren’s drafts upon tbe Btate Department ware slopped on eoeonatof informality ie the bond. Mew Oommiaeioasrw to Vienna have been appointed in the plaoe ot those suspended. ' Maw You. April 26—A private debts dispatch says Biachofisoheim ie selling hie Erie stock in Loudon, and hat or dered that held by him in New York •old. .. . i - A SsrSanr leUISss. Bleakly, who murdered hie niece in • bonne of ot ill-feme, out the arteris in bin arms with n razor. The doctors caved him. Vhs Car Hsu la again. Lon>on, April 26. — Dispetohes re ceived in London from Madrid elate that the latter city has been greutly agitated during the pant few day* ‘ Rioting was expected" on Wednesday night, and Ih nmjsmf rfrppn wees all etoeed during the day of Wednesday. The Permanent Committed of lha Asaambly had a session, at whioh all mem beta of the government, with the exftMigm el President Figures and Sonority Mnrgal), Minister of tne Inteiior end Aotmg-President, were pres ent. A long dieccaeion upon tbe situa tion took piece. Beuor C as tel Ur, Minis ter of Foreign Affaire, and Ren r 8*1- meroty, t^taialer ot Justice, made eweeoh- ee, in which they admitted tfmt the e» yf,Wirei« the oity wee gtev*. They (aid, however, that the depreda tions of Carlisle had been checked, dis pline was restored in the army, and the government wan of opinion that it was unnacemarv tpjMta.convoke lha Amen,- ly or poUpoan the eUstioni tor mem ber* of An eonstitwent Oortea Senor CasteUar finally asked for adjournment for twelve hoars, whieb committee re fused the members of tbn government, then retired to deliberate on tbe oopnw they would take, and did not return during the afternoon. Eleven ha ttallions of volunteers composed the mooerattiste who fired on Gen. Oontreaa, who sn ooped, but four other ;.arsons were killed •nd several wounded. Agitation in creased aenight came on, and shots ware fired in various quarters of the dty. A number of volunteers broke into tbe Hall of Ooegrass, where the Permanent Committee was in session, and commit tees sought flight. Marshal Benano and a number ot hie political friends tearing the wrath of a mob, prudently bid. On Thursday the government decree ap peared dissolving tbe Permanent Com mittee, and tbe oity became more tran quil. Lieut. General Booms bee been appointed Captain-General of tbe oity to succeed Gen. Pavia, who tendered hie resignation. A Trophy from a Tyrant. Mnw York, April 26. — A oennon, weighing 1,960 pounds, ban arrived here from Berlin as a present from tbe Em peror fo the Lutheran ohnrch of Titus villa, Pm The oennon wee eeptored at Sedan, and will be cast into n bell for the chorah. i f /. Religions Porsecntlon. Bkhun, April 26.—The Upper House to-day passed s bill tot the control of the clergy. The German Parliament has ordered Urn withdrawal, on the first <igy of Jan nary, 1876, of all bank notes not of new Imperial standard. m* A WreltcU Sensation. Mnw York, April 26.—The Worl-I’a special eays there is tbe gravest fears in the highest circles in Paris of tbe imme diate civil war by the monarchists. They are determined to onat Thiers at any oost. Choir r A U A ■•trim. Nxw Yorx, April 26.—The Herald Vienna special dated to-day aaya twenty oases of sporadio oholcre was brought to tbe hoepital yesterday. Five proved fa tal An effort was made to oonoeal tbe appearance of the disease in ti n oity. Arrived out Russia. • Spanish R«fRg«e«. London, April 26.—Owing to tbe troubled state of Spain a great number of families are leaving tbe oonntry. Steamers arriving here and in tbe Freneb porta are.orcwded with refugees. span Isis Adairs. Madrid, April 25.—A formidable dem onstration wil l soon be made by the Fed. erel Bepnoiicans in this oity. Brig, Gen. Padioe lias recaptured a laige amount of property taken by tbe Oarliet ohief, 8a- ballo. The journeyman masons of Bsioelona are on a strike, and to-day formed a pro- oeseion, whiob passed through the prin cipal (treats ot the oity. Many other workingmen have been oompelled to join in the strike. >IWI ULXANINUS, — The Workingmen’s Association nave organized an etg'it-honr enforcement league, composed of two drlegatex from esoh Union in the Htaie. At their meet ing on the night of the 23d, W. A. Gar sty. of the Bricklayers’ Union, raised a storm by saying tout although he be longed to a Union be did not believe in tbe principle, and tbe sixty thousand men who walked the streets in idlenese, last winter, owed it to tbe Union* — There waa a terrible fire in Owings- ville, Kentucky, Tuesday night. It atarted in an ioe-honae, and was supposed to be tbe work, of au incendiary. About half of tho tom. wan destroyed — A oollialon between two pssaenget trains, going north and south, occurred at Byion, nine miles beiow Jackson, Mis siaaippi, on the New Orleans and Jack- son Railroad, Tuesday morning. For tunately, no one was injursd. —In tbe Ohm Senate, on Tuesday last, tbe proposition to appropriate $130,POO for property destroyed by tbe Union forces during the Morgan raid waa agreed to—yeas 19, nays 12. The motion to appropriate' $130,907 for property de ployed by rebel fanes doling tbe mid wee agreed to—yeas 10, nays 16. — Hun. W. O. Whitthrrue, of Muury, lelivem the annual address this coming June, at tbe oommeuoemuut exercises of the East Tennessee University. — Tbe Knoxville Press end Herald •ays “tbe Governor has agreed upon, end ordered the bonds necessary for landing. It will take about sixty days to prepare these bi nds, and the funding will therefore he eommenoed about the hrst ot July.” — The Cincinosti Commercial says the house in wbieh Andrew Jnhueon was born in Raleigh, North Oaruima, ass pulled down tbe other day, mud now, in the form of walking slicks, threatens tu beet John Brown in tramping over the oontment. — Robert H. Armstrong, of Knox, and H. B. Clay, of Hawkins oounty, have been appointed additional Commission ers to the Vienne International Exposi tion from Tennessee, by Gov. Brown. — Tbe recoinege of lighl-woigbt gold in the Treasury is going on quite rapidly. About $7,000,000 has been recoined this month. — Got. HoEaery wee at Bayvilie, La, a few dsye since, where he addressed a large and enlhoaiastio meeting. Tne people of that sectioa are ell opposed to the Kellogg nsorpetion. aowiu Carolina torn*. —The crops in Fairfield Oounty are re ported to be in good growiap condition. — Profeaaoi Beth Green is to slock the Broad, babuls and Coogaree Rivers in Ibis Btate with yonng shad. —Two Northern publahiog bosses have pseaeated a number ef booXs to tbe hoard of trade library of Columbia. —The lease by tbe trustees of the Honth Caroline University to tbe regents of til*'Btate Normal Behind ot tbe obapel and. wings *1 the university for tbe nscs of (fib noHftal school, was executed on Tweedwy hart. It teenree this building ok ninety mine -yean to the normal chool at a nominal rsataL WEAR HAL. STATIC I1WI. —The matrimonial contagion ia still raging in Albany. —The oats are beginning to head in Thomas county. —The Greeneeboro Herald boss « of a fire company and its machine as evi dence that there ia life in the delapidated end declining old town yet. —White shad era said to be plentiful in the Etowah. They are almost equal to the celebrated roe or salt water shad and not n quarter aa expensive. —Tbe roof of Mrs. W. S. Davis, of Greensboro, wee dieoovered to be on fire on Tneedey afternoon. Fortunately it wae oubdned withont doing mnoh dam- •ge. —Mr* Malloy, who lived near Weooo- obee valley, Lee oounty, Ala., was so se riously burned by ber clothes taking fire while washing on Satnrday last, aa to oanae ber death on Bnndey. — Oleabonrn Walton, s colored man, has been appointed route agent on tbe Western A Atlantic Railroad. He ia tbe "gemmen” wbo figured‘as dark in the Atlanta Poet Office. — Defiance Fire Company, Mo. 6, of Macon, baa aocepted an invitation to visit Augusts on the occasion of the an- nnal parade of the Fire Department of that ci.y, which occurs on the 13th ot May. — Yesterday, about one o’olook, e pile of scraps ol doth in one oorner of the tailor shop of Mr. W. A. Archer, Au gusta, caught fire from some unknown dense while Mr. Aroher was in s beok room. — From the present prospects, we judge that if tbe season continues pros perous, the fruit erop of Dongherty oountv will be enormous. Never were trees more heavily loaded with yonng fruit — On Monday the wives of two worthy cilizens of Columbia county—Messrs John Smith and Thornes Pascal—give birth to seven children—the wife of the former to three, and the latter to fonr. At last eeeonnta the mothers end children were doing well — Gwinnett farmer* have been work ing dilligently for tbe last few weeks putting in their orope. Planting about done, exoept some late crops, end these wi 1 be finished in a few day* Tbe wheat crop is backward for tbe season, and in some plaoes tbe stand ia poor. —On Tnesday nigbtlaai a fire occurred in Albany. Tbe plaoe belonged to Jim Brinson, Tbe loss of the kitchen and contents, ell of whioh were consumed, is estimated at 9600. Tbe fire' woe tbe work of an iuoeodiary, and bad gotten too rapidly under headway before it was, discovered to be cheoked in its destruc tives revepee until the bouse wee in ashes. —Messrs. Justice and Miles, of Thom- Seville, while on tbeir way to the Ocxo luokonea river, last Thursday morning, jumped a wild oat, and after e lively ohase witb the dogs captured him in tbe river ewempe. He waa twenty indies high, measured (independent of bis tail) three eet Ugh. and weighed eighteen and half pounds. —Friday night last tbe smoke house of Mr. R. A. Creddille was broken open, robbed and fired, by some unknown party or parties. The bnildiug and ill of its oontenta that were not m.rned off, were entirely oonsumed, and it was only by the greatest exertion that any of ths buildings on tbe premises were caved. As yet no due has been discovered as to the perpetrators of the crime. - Aooording to the census of children of all colors and both sexea in Savannah between the anee of six and eighteen taken by tbe police force between tbe Mill and 19th of tbe present month number isss follows; White male* l, white fern alee, 1,960; oolored males, 1,400 ; oo ored females. 1,803 ; total, 7,031. Confederate soldiers under thirty years old, 866. — A Marietta girl met with a sad mis hap a few evenings einoe. Gliding hur riedly along she stumped the toe-end of ber vltoe* that her tiDj little foot ecoeaed in and aho unceremoniously went sprawling into s ditoii, ruai.ieg parallel with the sidewalk. Fortunately alu had with her a copy of the Marietta Journal which prevented her receiving any bodily lojurj from so violent e fail. —Mr. 8. D. Dickson. Inspector of Cus toms at Bavsonah was suspended yester day, by Burveyor David Porter. Mr. Dickson is ooe of the old original loyal mm of Ibis oity, and identified himself witfitho Republican par y from ia or ganisation, and has always been a zeal ous supporter of the '* best governmeot the world aver •aw.” He, lika the bal ance of the real Southern Rrpnhlioaus, nas receive 1 his reward in being shelved ! r a carpet-bagger to make room proba- y lor a new importation. —Wheat and oals, although very back ward, looking well and the prospect seems good for a fair crop in the (Xjiiu- ttee of Uulte, Jasper, Wall on, Owinnett, Rockdale end Newton. Planters from tbe above counties report money aoeroe in tbeir respective seciloua. The guano fever has raged high end if e smell crop of oot'on end grain is made, theu Middle Georgia will receive a financial shock that must inevitably cruan some of ber beet and heretofore moat successful far mer* It is to be earnestly hoped the these men will reap a bonutw us reward for their industry and energy. —Nr. John M. Martin, formerly of An- goata, was ran over and killed in tbe sub urb! of Maoon last Tuesday afternoon, by a freight train on tbe Maoon ami Western Railroad. The train was poos i ng around a curve near Bt. Paul’s Church, ■ n that city, (boat bsif past three o'clock, a lien the eDgmeer diecoveied s m n on tne track a ahoit distance ahead. Hr waa so close totheengiae when first seen, that tne engineer wae unable to atop tbe train iu time to save him, end it wae up on bim bef ire It conld be checked. The eutire train passed over the unfortunate sn'a Dodyi — Mr. Waring Hassell, jailor of Chat ham cuuuty, and the Chief Deteotive ol Savannah, had been presented to the grand jury of tbe United Bratea Court lor violation of the enforcement set. The action was brought, it will r >e re membered, by the negro, Paul Noble, whose house Mr. Uunoell was oharged with entering in violation of law, Mr. Itusoeh. is the fsete ahow, had sufficient rounds to inspect this Paul Nobie ol awing tn his posseneiou and se rried in his house certain stolen property, we be- tev, s bale of ootton, and be waa not lumiHsen, for upon entering Noble’s house, be f.ainu tne property. Tbe United BP'tee authorities come lorward now, and witn a packed jury, mostly of offense against -Dougherty ooanty isnotonlyoatnfdebt bat there will be in the Treasury $10,316 90 to the oredil of tax-payers, when tbe tax now dne in oolleeted. —On Wednesday night lent, tbn mail a , containing the Western i en from the oarrier at the depot at Tbomseville. ' —Fruit was very slightly injured in Newton ooanty, from tbe reoeot oold spell end heavy frost. The trees ail seem to be well filled. — Captain Faunae and Lieutenant Btodder, appointed to establish Life Sav ings Station* under a reoent sot of Con gress, left Savannah by the steamer Nan- aemond, Tuesday, for Key West via Fer- nandina, FI* —Another colored man in the oity peat house died of small-pox yesterday morn ing. A new ease waa dinoovered yester day afternoon, in the npper port of the oily. The patient, e negro, wae removed at once to the peat house.—Avgutta Con- tlilulionaliiU. —The Bev. Loviok Pieros, D. D„ tbe oldest itinerant minister of any denomi nation in the United Btate* is now in Savannah. Dr. Pierce in the father ol Bishop Pieroe, ol the Methodist Ohorob, and is now in his ninetieth yenr. He has been in the ministry over sixty yean. —One day lest week Messrs. O. C. At kinson, Billy Hall end Welter Weloott, accomplished the daring feat of running dawn, tying and bringing ashore, from tbe Damonis Lake, a, huge alligator, known to many as the “one eyed” gator. Billy did the rowing, Lum tbe laesooing, and Walter tbe barrelling from tbn top- moat bough of an adjaonot oak. —A gentleman living at Hiokory Flat, Cherokee ooanty, says the wheat is look ing very indifferent, owing to baring been fronen and wathed out by the un usual bad weather just pained. Another gentlemen giv t his ooinion that while i may now appear unfavorable, yet be be lieves tbe wheat erop wtU be better then that of lost year aud that there ia a deal planted, fine. e good In Cobb wheat is looking Rerih Cara lias Its —It is now authoritatively stated that W- D. Haywood, Esq., will be en inde pendent candidate for Mayor of Ralegh. —Col W. F. Green, of Freuklio, has been invited to deliver • memorial ad dress in Raleigh on tbe 10th May. —Hon. Thomas 8. Ashe, member of Oongrees from th a 6th Distriot, has given bis oadetship in the West Point Military Aeademy to William & Hill, son of Gen. D. H. Hill, of Charlotte. —It is thought that the vote in regard to Granville oonnfy’s subscription of $100,000 to the proposed railroad from Clarksville to Oxford will result in en overwhelming majority In favor of the project. —Tbe Raleigh Sentinel says o'. Hon. A. W. Veusble: Although feeble in health, “the old man eloquent” (till re tains muob of nit intellectual rivaoity and is a rare flreaide companion still. —On Friday, at h meeting of the Board of Director* of the North Caroli na Railroad, at Company shops, Hon. W. A. Smith resigned his position as President of the road. —Tbe Conservative municipal ticket of Fayetteville is as follows: For Mayor, W. T. Fizzell; for commissioner* Joseph Atkins, Wra. Hoilsnu, H. McDonald. R. E. Hedberry, R. T. Bcanlin, Oba* Kei nady, aud B. C. Gorham. —The Statesville Iutt lligenoer says that a company of capataliata from B ltimore have lately purchased the Ore Knob Cop per Mine, which is near the dividing line between Ashe end Allegneny counties, aud that they have commenced opera tions on e large scale. They propose to employ some two hundred nanus at the business of digging out and smelting the tiob copper ore whioh is to be found there. Thirty-five ere elree y at work. Wait TiaaiMio Crop* — The wheat crop throughout the ooanty >a growing feet and looking very fine, and will yield abundantly if noth ing happens to it.—SunetwalT Enterprise. — The recent temarkable weather has lert the peacn crop unhurt. The tree* ere laden with one of the largest orope of young fruit we have ever aeon.—Brit- lot Neicn. — A letter from Jeffiraon ooanty to the Knoxville Chronicle seysi Having made inquiry iu regard to tbe froitcrop, and this section being noted for peaches and cherries, I thought it would be noth ing amirs to say to you that we have e (air prospect for the heaviest crop of fruit many somewhat dean jo-gross, indict him foren ffcn law* of tbe government. i pm known for many veer* Our wheat ia aged by the oold winter, bat it is expected to yield equally as well, if uoj better, thau last year. Farmers ore improving the fine weather now, and will toon be np with their work. Florida News* —Mrn. M. R. M»rkn t of Orange county, died on tbe 0th inft. —It is uudentood that Governor Hart haa appointed W. W. J. Kelly, the first Lieutenaot'Goveruor of thia Btate, dod^e of the First Judicial Circuit. —At the late aeaaion of the of Florida, it waa determined to eata’bli female aemuiary within the bound« of the PreabTterv, and a Board of BegenU appointed m follows: Rev. Jamee Little, Rev. F. Jacobs Dr. T. M. Pal mer, Col. Hagan, J. H. McGinnis and Jud«<e J. M. Baker. The Board *ae di* reeled to iieleot a plaoe, raise the fnuds and draw np a plan for the institution. —The 8t. Augustine Press hss inter viewed F. A. Dookrav, Esq., late Presi dent of tbe Jacksonville and St. Augus tine Railroad Company, and elicited tbe following information: “ Negotiations are now peudiug with oertaiu parties, by which, iu thirty .lays, tbe road ia to be eommenoed and oarried through. Fai«- lug in these, the charter will he given np by tbcee who hold it, and the enterprise abandoned by them." —Ou the 15th inst. the cornu, issioaers of the projected railroad between Mon i- cello and Diomaaville, Ga., held a meet ing in Montioello. A committee, oon- Histing of Jjud Denham, tt. Pasco, R. Meacham, F. L. ViHegigue, 8. Bimkias nd J. W. Johnson were appointed to visit Atlanta, Georgia, for the purpose of awakening an interest in this railroad matter, at tbe meeting called there iff May, by the Governor of Georgia. —Dauiel Bell, an old and respected citizen, died at his residence near Jasper, in Hamilton count?, on Tuesday the 15th inst., aged seventy-two yean. Captain Bill settled in Hamilton oounty in the ear 1024, at a place known aa Mioco .'own, ou the Alspaha river, and was the only white man then living in that r»-gion cf country, the nearest white settlement to him being at Dootortown, on the Alta- maha river, near wbst is now Btolion 0, ten/i Quil Railroad* I Virginia Itasss. —A steam sassafras nil factory in in free operation at Bnrkerille, with • en- peoity of about sixty pounds of porn «l pet day. —Tbe Governor ban appointed James E. Stokes inspeotor of floor, salt, flab, pork, beef, batter and lard for tbe city of Portamontb. -Mr. J. B. Titular, Jr., the former obief eierk at tbe Greenbrier White Sul phur Spring* has taken oherge of tbe Alleghany Springs for the ensuing see- iu. —The Portsmouth Oity Oonnail taxed real estate one dollar and aevan'y-five oenta on the hundred dollars Monday night, and raised the taxon pawnbrokers from one hundred to five hundred dol- w* —A writer in the Lynohbnrg Republi can, earnestly commends Hon. Walter R. Staples, m the osndidate of the Conserv atives for Governor. —Mr. Keealey Oerter, Secretary of the Western Union Telegraph Company, formerly of Virginia, attempted eaieide in Louisrillt laat week, by shooting him self ia tha bend, hie wounds are not dan- geroo* —A jury oompoeed entirely of lawyers was empennelled in tbe Alexandria Oor- irution Oeurt on Friday, to trv s ooe* I course they tailed to usee upon n yerdiot, end were discharged! —Tbe Lynohbnrg News lenrar that e number of oaUle nave reoentiy died in the neighborhood of Eton in Amherst ooanty, from • disease simitar in its form to that by which the horses were effected lest falL Tbe disease appears to be spreading in the vioitiity named, nod ro far neae of ihn nettle attaoked witb it have recovered. — Boring bends of Cellists are dis turbing the pesos of the northern pro- vinoen of Spain. To tnie complexion hoe the opposition to tha Bepoblio bean re- Nin ^boctiigmetiKfi AUOTIOfif, W ILL bv sold at (b# Oorrftl, II ffarMtU Wntt. 10 o’oiook tklff dtej. April SOtb. IS h«4 of MMM14 »b4 WClair-ttBoKE lOuil AMD MOLES. Stiff pofflUV*. IfffEDff Otffh. QUEEN * BEaB. Live Stas aoctio* amp Cohmuoiom Muomavts AprMdlt Gardenellis Plants. — • VT'ABLT Fltl Dutch Otbbteft, limb? lot LffUteteff»d4 L$ffk PIahu fart Ntdy lor tsblff uffff Turnip haU4. Spins rot. Ltfc toot. Onions sad BbsUtU. Entrsno* on Houston strofft. Door ill fcvMg* WM. D. BLUE, kpr^aan The Great Whale. 1L0 TJ JIMMM 5 OU LIU—IHMIJULL OOK AND NBWff PAPER. JfnA«T4(FAFJW .JUtMJLMf [JAMES ORMOND, Proprietor. Mg- Refer* to this sheet as • specimen of Now* Paper. Cro RY GLASSWARE, Boo JlifffUDff fr VO. tS Men ail Jolliers of (Mery, ftltsvvt, HOTEL A SALOON .NO GOODS AT BETAI Is DCOATtm BTsxiT u xisim nousa Carriages, buggies; and wagons. Jf. J. FORD, Manulkotursr and I Dealer In UNICES III IIKIES, SPIIIE III 1111 ULE HSUS, CORNER PRYOB AND LIMB TBBEIB. Blocks, watches and jewelry. mm uivriHC, IThe Reliable Jewelry Btere, WHTTEHAI/Ta htreet. OOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, STANDARD GOLD GHAUTS. OLO GOLD-HEADED CANES, SOLID SILVEB WARE, AND A D AOSOKTMKNT of nXl JIWXUT. RUGS AND MEDICINES. I, Ctut MO A CO.. F Wholesale Dnurvists,' No. IS Kimstmll Haase. URNITURE. FLflT A CD.,] LATMTirrui art Parlor Salt* Chamber Smite, Dialag-teaffan Baits, Office Fariltan, aad Faraltara mt ET, i?* v*r^a u Ax v » w - I RAIN, MEATS, FLOUR, too. tTBFHEJTM tt FJLKAJr, General Commission Merchant!, 3 ;" FORSTTN STREW, EAR . BS OAFITUL. IROOERIES. •a c. if m. jf. mnr, miff of lh$ wonderful, h$v$ ia$U$r oppor tunity of MOlna this me nsUr. Doors opsn to nlphl from T to 8 o'olook. Ad mi sal on 28 osots; ehiidron lo oentf. Meet r4s of WIUWfe*U. thrso doom of HonUr stmoL nprt N. R. FOWXiER, Auc’r BOVtE AJtra LOT ft three f'JMVAJM T LOTS. PROPERTY or MSS. A. O. RHOSBIi Rhodffff atroot. sn4 is *« wte* from th. W A . . mm sad shops. > On » fenHpnyinf hosrdin« konst, a g'taes nt only a. rinilruu , No I in n tor. rooms, i vwaMla . thn pint wlil ni$ifffns nay on tMt ton InnnMon bery denirsbis for thnt pnrponn, bffing o*ntmUy ffitustffd to nU th* mnnntofltarinf sl4 r. Urosd in- (•-antoin this city. Ihn vnonnt lots nlsobni4«it iffducffiaffnu to amploTSM of tbn fntlrondn sod •nn msDUfsotores for prisntn rs$14*00sn. 8$- s hums (nr yonrsslvsn it penstb's, nn4 avoid K ing >«nt. Ws hnvs nslsotod th# nbovs 4hy nad r. sn most eoLvsalsnt for yoa to ntfo.ig thsnnU Tsrius—Ooo>ibir4 onnh. hstoann 8 no4 IS with 11) pnr osnt. psr nnnum. sprat WALLAOB h VOWLBR. Ml Ul SlMM|J_CilTII IE, 1171 M. N.ROGERS&CO. MAlfUFACTURRft 8 AND JOBULKB -Off- Mei'i. Tonthi’t Boys’ Clotliii 144 tend Ml BRUAD #8 V, 81W YOhll ilTBOffTCBTO TBS g JUTBBRN TRADE, Ibto VV sssson, n mry torge snd stUnoUvn stock ol •pring nod Hummer Clothing, oa Ubncni Unas, nod «t pries, gnnrnatsod nn low nn nay boas# la tbn rftdff furnisbisg sqnnl gtsrlcs of goods. Our stock to mnuufsbtnrnd saoiontvnlf for Um outbsrn dints#, doutbaru dsnlsrt nn tin tn aad ths sty Is of 0«r goods, sm -sss, bsucr sdsptnd to thnlv wants tbna ia n stock of Oifohipg nsumfortarsd for or Western train. Hr. W. T. BUBUE. formnrly MnnbnU A Burgs obnrinstoa, A 0., hns roauncted bifosnlf with nai ATLANTA AH NEW OttLEANK OUT ZsINSl. By th* way of West Point O*. nad Moutgomsry .10:14 nm .... Mobil# 184)9 pm..... Arvtvn ..18:tf#fo. m MoMM.. Sour—..... tads* M, a se-u,.r. (nun BovlS US SmkvM sld tuC ll.« Os. Ua- dfel M lluj-wa |IM| .Ik, •aovtar ui* Soar. %alotaf lo Sow uvuu ... po,,* UlM ia, ear. funt-Ux .to. t. vieeui .M Ul *mm. la cmtm n« , .UbMik, ue-kw n* Lotuakw. mt ti ■UM 'Ik. out* ku. fU.MI>S PDLM M’S PALiCEJSLEEPIKO CAfiS Tbtoffgk frsa Atlnntn (a Nsw vrlsnnn WITHOUT CMAB44M. THROUGH TICKETS to all POINT8 is. Bny roar Uckwu by way nf WEST FOIST Abu MuklGoMERV. kuA. L. F. OHteNT, Mpi. Atinau 4 Want pofot B B. 44. 9. ruMfoCRite Sapt WcsMtm to R. of Ain. G. 40ED4B. (ten. Snpi Mobun A Mnat. A. H. W. 9. HuUtfTUM, Osnsrni hstasfsr Agnak, a* f ut—t o» m* e» mm. Farm & Portable Kills. Wholesale Grocers, H OommlMBlon MerohAteSs, tnxoz axnpmuTCe STMwt* ARDWARE, OUTT,ERY.».&o.' TOJEJEEF, mWAttT ft Mtg, ETardwitrs Merob snttej AOBNTB FOR 1 ***• ** con-nni)ipxTft»Aruixnion»i»nxT* tkbwwSimkieaatSem Implements, machinery, no. JtMttm w. jtsnmr, ffSAlIB tW UHoltin! HuM, lachiiery zIQUORS, WINES, do. iscr/ffu muLDwtr ft co.. Wholesale Denier* tm uttp ■ a M I'oaetu, wra—t. tut* was ilk. • ~‘A '!nr ILLERM * DEALER- IN STUCK FEED. J.MO.\HOOKHt .\ Cte, DEPOT NO. U BA <K B OCK ftmte* ’ Mijl..«y«* teed Wra, H«A»teklta*Swr.«»ta.OpmStai IAN OS, ORGANS Be MU8IO. 1 OVtLFOttO, WOODi * cn. p PubUahsxs of faergla Moat al ] — Wbltsbnii fora,!. AINT8,!OILS, LAMPS, GLASS, Eto^ Eto. CAMLET, DCCM ft CO, s A tluta Brack drat Button Oil ul Mf frtj,! Vmsl!» SeS2l totaiite-Wnetab tern-lease«edraia,m«amevonl—isiete. ■ ASM, BLINDS AND DOORS. X C. FECK ft CO ^ DEAL, tritS Iff lute, M l*oi IIIIS, MIILIIISS. IIAUETS, HURTS. Ml. SUSS*SWUMI )DS,Et A THS, rtucgrr, Eto. TOVES, HOUSE FURNISHING GOOI MVjrjricvTT ft fuiucjui no. • n.BiffriA mrrm PLUMBERS, STEAM AND GAM FITTERS, OOPfiS Baitb* Bueet Iran Work, end Tin State,nm Dow in Move* Tin Wen, Gratae, Fugn* flee* Tte Piet* Sheet Copper, Bbeet Iron- Shram Pip* Gaege* Woiatie. FitHng* dte, ete.atte WAkDracrounnounuaXrinawte ro*. OPIUM sgmr OH* 4. C. BECK CULMNNAT), tMPOh B7ZSGT0V SO TS L Griffin, Georgia. — •8b)..W. RTLhGTOH. wra •mi uaiiK m Agretrtm Weita*. .