The Atlanta daily sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1873, April 26, 1873, Image 4

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iMrrJTlli, t«T* THE CITY. ITO. EL Whisky, *ud Old Valley, ■k ft. M. >0614 00 6.. Broad EL BUGAJl CrISTmTiR SIILLM WE. MoHftOGHT * Of). • KB PAILY AED WEEKLY RUE ba April vwallfag Sill, * using la Its rmmd tb* promised boar WEm 2 mb lo ytald to datf'e aura claims Ikil<ilml|kUM IU IntfMiUM. It VH evident y*slerd*j morning that tb* weak 1 * work, which old T. * U. had gone through with wm telling on him plainly. The (nil, fraab, jocua4«ooat*~ —nee which be nnully bring* dong with him ob Monday* bad given place to a “allow, haggard and careworn look. BfW Jonaeo, who i* of the hickory bot teat bread, began to look aa if he ru in K hb a Iliad of arotimulalpallor over spreading hie face, aa tboogh hie gal had lilted kimwnfi he had taken it to heart. Bat old "Doable Trigger*” pioked hi* flint and got ready lor action at half-put *JJi JUitow raf»T TT "" rW " Aa 4U*al* *S rate** daw. Temerday a magnificent Palace Sleep ing Oar, manufactured, oat and out, at tbe ahops of the Weetera and Atlantic Road, mu tnrned orar to the agent oi the Hoothern bleeping Oar Oompany at tbia plain, Oept. Vol. Donning, who at once decided to haye a little excursion tip tbe road, lo aee how it would “sleep." This ia one of the fluaei oar* belonging to the o*mp*dj«Dd ahewe to a decided ■grant ge what Atlaata enterpriae ud skill can adeomplidb. It i* furniahed throughout with everything calculated to nr yonng men who d ode snotoer on the prenoua day in relation to remarka whioh were being pawed around, oame np and drew their rations. It wm a quiet affair, and only $15 wa* all that oould be aqueesed onto! the baiob. O. A Gaidar plead gailty to a plain drank and paid tan dollar*. Sarah Striokland w*» np for quarreling and aaing profane langnaga. She i* *n oeoupant of ■ house belonging to Dan Shehen, and when asked if guilty or not, she **id aha was. Dan was present and constituted himself her attorney, and in stated that aha wun't guilty. The Court and Duo bad it for awhile, and Dan was, to all appeamnoee, about to get her out out of ill notwithstanding her plea of ■njltj, when he made a serious mistako in a eertain- point of law, and tbe argil meat suddenly closed by a line of five dollars on Satah and tha same amount on Dan for eon tempt of Court, law, eti quette, manners, . tha Jsdge, aodi •no*, Jooaen and the popula tion gem rally. Dan retired with the oSoar into the bask room, remarking M 'W* faaoa, it’s the first time I enr ■red ’em pat the prisoner and lawyer all ia tha look-np toglther.” Zaek—something, a negro, paid fire dollar* for draying wit tout lioena This wa the lait artiala put np. Tha mutton was oompelled to oloae. Jonaen ' did not gat money enough to pay ex- paneae, whioh,“ddnd to hi* other troubles, ' mad* him disagreeably gloomy. The “other tronbto*” spoken of he related in fortable; besidae, improyemente which the older cars do not poaaeea. This oar ia oalled the "Mil wankee,” and will ran between this point and Leulavtlle. It will be in charge of that very clever and genteel conductor, Park Woodruff, who so well understands the art of making himself agreeable. But to tbe excursion. it was < 'jumped up” affair, and boeeed in oon junction by Vol. Donning and B. W. Wrenn. And they are the beet once on a "jump” that aver were scared up. The party consisted of Gen. Austell, J. H. dime*, Col. Niobolls, E. 8. Jones, 8r., Edward Platt, M. T. Phillip*, Samuel Stocking, J. J. William*, John Stephen*, CoL Boylfton, J*ck*on of the Constitu tion, Jo. Thompson, and aeveral other* wnoee name* do not eomo to mind. The special train left at 8 o’clock and made a quick run to Vinings, about twelve mile*. Thing* went nice enough op to this time, but it w*a not until tbe party on it* re- tarn (topped at Icevllle, and partook of aeveral bottle* of "Uerdaiok,” that wit •nd mirth began to flow. Here Mr, Baum, the indefatigable Superintendent of the works, exhibited to the excursion- iats the modus operandi of manafaetaring ioe, whioh he is doing on an extem-ive aoale. (This ia a great piuoe for excur sionists to atop a!. Just a little, ice, yon know, mekee everything go cool and nioe.) After inspecting the works, the party returned to tbe oar* and ware aoou at home. Before arriving, however, a test of the power and (HI cienoj of the air-brake aa anplied to the new oar, wm given. It is wonderful how nioe and easily it works At the speed of forty mile* an bonr, tha train wm stopped ia a distance of fifty yards The new car start* on its first through trip Bouday night The oompany have spared neither paina nor expeuse in making it one of the finest ever on Southern roada, ar all who have the good fortnne of testing it will decide. Tha exouraioa was one of tb«M quiet, genteel affairs whioh every one enjoyed. Mr. Wrenn rendered himaeif exceedingly agree*ule and oonrtooas and to him ia doe, ia a great amaun, the pleasure afforded on tbe trip. •I "the boll, and oar fMthfld Me El tt« Ui*7 MtM had whirllgi«Rsd Around b *'Boston. aad htrlB thsjtf •nUll WM im lev*. « nmbrorial There to manipulate honey with^ut TbnaMdov of foal auaptetou. Ooa eve, In tbe dewy ntilioa a. 1 a|>iad bar fair form Dunning iaugotdly on bar fa'iter's Kite. I approached nod um aij soaped my artn Lovingly about nar ••••». she sighed not* •west girt— nat spasmodically dropped OrpMBfl' UflMfl HcBlfl Yesterday, . Tha itiaaqaaaible winds and dual of yesterday oauaed the attendance on this fntareatlrg oecMion, to be small in eom- partaoa witti Ibat no tb* aaniveiaary at Oar reportapjp nq|praMnl*tfl|^ be ginning of toe exercia- -., whioh aonaiated of singing ag^addieaaaa by t)» children i Orphan** Hdfero. Those wl of tha OrphmA*^H<AM.‘ ’Those who were present stated that those who took parts aoqrttod ih^lvaswilhetadlt to them- drift tfcai* »CAs and teachers Thay presented aa a body, a prepomeas- lag appanranoa, indicating that them ehiktraai tbgofb deprived at parental af. faction and ears, war* yat provided with both,a*eond to aone bnt such aa fond Bev. Attica* O. Haygood delivered tha aaniveiaary address It was an elo quent and nobln aOsrt—teeming with ffema of thong tit and baaottos of langnaga la behalf of tit orphaned. He paid a wall deserved trabmqto tha project and projector* of this Homs It wm an ln- atitattaw in which he fait n commenda ble grid* for tha denomination under whoaq anspiOM it had bean founded and maintained. 1 ^!!* frtnmntad unanswera ble argument* is favor at the Chxtatian Church ot tfcdt panviiiag aaanlM «*<i moral education for the orphans Tha visitors to the ocoaaion left a mate riakawkflowtmfcdmkndof their iiyrec,* tion of the great good this inatitnUonia accomplishing. Some fliSO or <3*0 were ismtiibatadtor tha parposaot enlarging th* betiding* of tha Homs And no one wha wdl visit the Horn* and see tha good wort but will foal gratafnl that than is aooh a refuge for Uta orphan, and in the •bantam* of hit heart contribute to its lot ft! BUVitKkfl>dld dm. walk of th* Wadtarn and Alii roaddiyaqAanaffhOua* and tbdps A* I, boon hand. Msoarnxuft' Ootrrre. ^TWo kaaault and bsttary oaau ware dia,<iaed of on yagtaplaj for thAjjm* bring by Juattot kflNl rift Jnatto* JUmmoad, by mqah riog the paattoa ahaigad to giv* kmd ton their appanranoa before theCifoM t Hunter, of DcKribamm*. g^Mwoh mr AMdlh'tks Mr with -breaking ifitotha afore of Wmt A Daaator on the night previous /#&r TJimmtBu t*r atlajttj. m A humorous writer, over the nous da piumi of “John,” and whoa* productions are characterised by the queer and ecoan trie atyle peculiarly £i* own, baa been viaiHag Atlanta, and we taka the follow ing extracts from a latter written while hare, to his paper: a icvmx rowa. Atlanta- ia la Du Kalb county. Os Tnia county to named After Da Kalb ave- Brooklyn. It ia 171 miles from AO- 1, 806 miles from Charleston, 292 make a passage in it pleasant and oom- frj?m Ssvannah, 17^from Montgomery, it baa a number of late ** mile* Iroi flosnoiTTor Ohsnos— By last night’a mail we reeeived a letter from Hemp stead, Texas, enclosing sixty oenta in currency, tan three cent postage stamps ono two-Mnt stamp, one one^tant (tamp, olle flve-oent revenue stamp, and one oacoelled two-oenl revenue stamp—in all, ineiuding the latter stamp, one dol lar, m subscription to tbe Wxbxly Sun for six months The writer says: "I have been hying to scrape together aomi ehange to Mod lor yogt valuabl* paper, tCfla atlswts aw, hat I finl A* difficult thing to flo in there hercsbonts, where gold and silver ia oar only eiroaUting medium. I believe, however, I've got about a dollar." naknoavtlls—Mat to by “all rail." Mow yoa know wnare Atlanta is, jaat m wall as I do. Atlanta is bigger than it used to be ooo^ abd la to a real smart, enterprising lively town. I goeas they like stories in Atlanta, for every house baa twqo, three stones, and I aw a sign to-day. ‘ Yarn manufacturer,' There are lots of Smith* in Oeorgis They are plentier than they are in New Haven, Conn., where they have actually got a • Smith Manufactur ing Oo.'in Now York, and there ia one sign over a man’s door there that reads ‘Steele's Feather Dusters.’ I tell you this so you oan look np yoor feather dusters I met one of the Smith family to-day. Ha said be wm in tne real estate busier M. Coma to find out, he wm lay ing out grounds for bia fnture wellare by digging holes for telegraph pole*. qctuui rnoDuonoas Tbe people bere are ecoentno. 1 saw a tight that Mtootohed ms Two women —too dark in boa to ever tan—actually wore bMketo of clothes on their beads Instead of bonnets It was queer; but tbe confedeiate authority did something worM than that when Sherman marobad to tbe sea, to are what he oould aee. They aotnally got a Hood, and they put that Hood over this whole section, and that Hood took ao many anppliM (rum tne Union army that b* ought to be called Robin Hood. He wm rated A1 at hoodwinking. A Northern man has a place m suburbs of Atlanta. As a farmer be isn’t much of a soooeaa. I in- t*iviewed him to-day. Hi* goat had just eaten np bis Iasi straw hat and sus penders, and he hao on a tor osp. curious morns The people drink ao mnch oorn whisky that they talk bosky. Tbe cornea beef down here to quite mealoore. I had aoma to-day. I oommuned with tb* waiter about it. Says I, ' What in tbe tbander is that, anyhow F Says he, ‘ Mass*, that's oorned beef.’ Sayal; ‘It looks aa if it might oegood to hatfaola shoes with; bring m* a paper of taoka and a hamiuer.' Says he - I’ll send the boss, masai.’ Boas—' Wb*t did yoa wish, air V Says I, “Sir I want to buy this meat I wont one paper of taoka and one ham mer; if I oan drive one tack out of twelve through this beef without bending the point, I’ll agree to eat i<; If not, I won’t. Carpet taoka will do, sir, or ahingle nails.' He got mad; got mad a; me, his gueat, so I did’nt try my experiment Hash to vulgar freotions; boarders study vulgar fraotions pretty often. 'Early Rom potatoes' ore said to be good. Who ever nw any potatoes tbst ain't early ruse potatoes ? Early rose in tbe morning to plant ’em. Be good. Furman Ssu To-won.—All should remember to be at the Live Auotion House to-nigbt in order to gat a ohanoe at that beautiful assortment of Oil Ohsamoa whistohave just bean reooived. They are bound to be sold, and persons who attend oan taka their ohoioe of tha lot. Among them are some of the finest specimens of ohromos ever seen in At lanta, gel She atoek is very largo, Mtw- son hat them ail arranged on his walls so M fobs seen in every light. A visit to hia nailery Anting the day will be in. toreatmg. He specially invite* tha ladle* to calL Remember, to-night. Hasan Hooaa, LaGnaxom—This hotel is daily inoreMlng in popularity since Mrs. P. B. Hall took charge of it. Her oloae attention to Us Management, to, gather with an excellent bill of fare and a oorpe of attentive abd polite waiters, ha* scoured to her quite e large publio patronage, independent of the perma nent boarder*, which kse largely in- crossed. Tbe efficient clerk, Mr. Wm. Elmer, to always on hand to look after wants and comforts of i A option or Bonus.—Queen A Bear ning mat oY the wBl toll this morning dbme ol the pret Best howls over brought to Atlanta. In tha lot of fifteen whioh wiU^ha sold to a perfect beauty of a pony, only three years old and in flae order. These ‘gen tlemen have fixed op their core! on Ms- rietta street ia fine style, and purchasers would do wall to call fore lh* sale. Joan. Brilliant Doable Marriage. Last evening at Milton, the home plao* ia Wyanton, the two besatiful daughters of Mrs. W. W. Garrard were married—Miss Helen and John T. Glenn, Bsq., of Allanhb Solicitor-General of the Atlanta Circuit—Mias Gertrude and Mr. James W. Harris, of Mississippi Rev. J. H. Nall officiated. Everything in perfect taste and the brides lovely beyond expreseion. The following were the ATTmrDABTB. Alton Angler, of Atlanta, and Mias Mary Carter, of Money oounty. W. U. Garrard, of Savannah, and Miss Belle Green. Howell Glenn, of Atlanta and Mist Kate Downing. W. R. Banka and Mtot Kate Wiloox, Augusta. 0. B. Grimes and Mite Theresa Grif fin. R. M. Mulford and Mite Mollis Yonng. a Card. In yea’eruay'a lcsue of Thb Sun there appeared* card from “The Other Auc tion Rouse,” referring to a previ jus no tice made by that paper in regard to tha s*i*» pf course, by tbe Ltv* Auo sou HoM °f T. C. Mayaon, in which L. Nathans t Co., proprietas of tbe other station boose, take umbrage at the bare msntopn of the fact of our realiz ng a 'argot amount for goods sold oy us than thsybonld possibly get This feeling we know to be eoiqmon among competitors in business; but this is about tbe first instance in our ac quaintance with Atlanta business com petition that an attempted rival had the abeeh to admit the fact. As regard* tbe oom par stive reputation of tbe Live Auc tion Home and tnatof L. Nathans A Co., no better can be sddnoed than the fact that the Live Auction House did sell a lot of corn that had been pnrohased by one of onr largest liquor dealers from L. Nathans A Co., realising an advauee oi nm pei oent above the amount reoeired by them for the. same, and this, too, on the same day; and, further, that said oorn wm pure 1 ! wed by one of our most prominent grocery men, paid for promptly, and the money turned over as requested. These facts ii Nathans A Co. mw proper to omit in their statement yesterday, and we merely give it now in justice to the veracity of the gentleman who engaged us to sell the corn for him, the artiole ret erred to asserts: “ Tha information given you, m ap pears by your artiole, is iuoorreot; May- son did not get SO cents per bnsliel lot the 2,000 bushels sold by him, and the other honre did get more than 80 cents for what they sold." Aa to whather L. Nathans A Co. ever sold any of the oorn mentioned, which wm consigned to them by the W. A A. R. II, I know Dot; bnt that I did sell the two Oar loads consigned to them, and personally delivered the same in front of their house on Alabama street, is a fact beyond denial, and that a considerable profit was made by the transaction is ap parent to any one with even a limited knowledge of arithmetic. Tbe arrogance, of L. Nathans A Co. in ‘ 'averring' 'a matter that I leave to the pub, lio to decide; that ia the business uapseity - promptness and energy Ac., is only equalled by the presumptiveueas of tbe assertion of their own auperiot qualifica tions in this line. If they, as a general thing, misrepresent their goods at auc tion, as palpably as they have tbe frets in this care, we flatter ourselvee that the competition will be m short-lived as the position they plaoe themselves in to . rid iculous to the publio. I have no doubt but L. Nathans A Do. possess sufficient expertness for tbe amount of business they do, and if their succeea ia dependent upon a capacity auoh m they have manifested in this transaction we feel assured that the pub lio will note this prominent feature in their future relations with this firm. Now as to the assertion that I did not get 60 cts. per bushel for this oorn, I give the statement on my books m follows: First lot sold brought 62 cents; second lot 62 oenta; third 62 oents; fourth 61 cento. There figures comprise the prioes re ceived by me for tbe corn consigned to a>* directly by tbe Western and Atlantio Railroad. I am further preapred to give the names ot purchasers if neoessury Tbe following is ihe result of the sale of the lot consigned to L. Nathans A Co by the Western and Atlantio Railroad, 7611 bushels, for which I received 46 cents per bushel. I have been informed that they sold the same lot on the 'soma day for 30 cents per bushel, while I in less than an honr afterwards realized 46 0601“ for it. We give these faots and figures with out farther comment, leaving it to the piibHc who have by their liberal patron age *o frequently and potently asserted their entire confidence in a T. C. Maisox, “ Live Auction House. [In juatioe to Mr. Mayson. we give spare to the aoovo statement, as we did “ The Other Auotion Hoasu’ ’ on yester day. Aa we Mid then, we hsve’no sides in this basinM farther than in doing jus- rioe to eaob. Mr. Mayson is well-known here M an auctioneer and thinks that it is nothing but right that he should have a hearing —Ed.] W. A. ■Swift, Dr. George J. Grimes, Ohs* Swift, Henry D. Green. Tb* ettendado* wm net large. An elegant inception wm givwo. Many handsome presents, one attend ant giving an 8800 set of silver. Tha marriage eeremoay wm to have taken plaoe at the Proabylarian ohureh but wm ohanged on aooonni of tha death of a relative'—Columbus Sun. Yauublb Paoraaor.—This afternoon Wallare A Fowtor will Mil on* house and lot and three vacant lots, being the A -X precludes•<**sthing. Xh*l> Thb “ tracer of these few lines* to In reoeip* el a vole *f thank* from the “LadiMof the Howe Mw-'Une Offloe," which to v«y highly appreciated, and would bo given entire, bnt tbe want oi regularity in the passage ot o-i* of the resolutions, oonpled with an | inata Mod esty whioh pervades hi* entire system, tka First sill tooepi thi* m id acfcnowisdgmeot •< the reception *k this office on yeetfqlag^f * large supply oi i and t oakes L ire oream and cake* from the festival oi the previous eretiing. Ve return our that aooh token, of recognition are duly ■pyrtstolid ct Tu 8rm offipqp« »/ Nuacjicea—Wuase in reoeiptof sssto- ritath* 6to»a ooAualtto* of Wofcfe stored * paMi* ashibrisoa oa theffldx^ May next IF* return the -"T— Mean. Greene, BivM and JMM. 0(u thanks, and will *ud**vor to be oo hand. YR« l«|Mrtor Cask. In the oas* of Jaams H. Searcy et al va Fitsgerald, bill tor relief, the jury rendered j verdict for defendant^ on yes terday. The following judgments were enter ed, oa motion, by default: Jail us Cahn v*. J. J. Fold, for 4808 36; H. A Shea va. 8hnlla A Broug- afi, for *88 28; L. B. Langford v*. H. O. Hoyt, far 8116 86; O. A Loohrane (va W. D. Oook and L. Soofiald, for 8460; John B, Weems va Moaee H. Beady, tor 8260; Wm. Iawvhe va T. L. Wells, for *402 86; H. E. James AO* va F. M. Richardson, for 8140 IA The following oases wen dlualMed: F. Ok Mutahre va Howard A Sonia appeal case; B. A Strooke va B. H. A A M. Thrasher. A divorce wm greeted In the ease of Sarah Martin va H. G. Martin; and a near trial ordered in tka osrWorwn oas* of Oatbsrin* lambsr va Mayor and Council. ‘In etovre appeal Mae of John Neal re. CoBBEonoH.—Several blunders were perpetrated by tbe oompositor in our notire of tht Episcopal Visitation at St. Phillips on Thursday night, and which appeared in Tux Sun yeeterday morning. We correct th* most egregions one by republishing the paragraph in which it occurred just Hit was written: "Twenty one candidate* were then presented for confirmation by the rector, Uev. Mr. Eilott. At the conclusion oi the cenfirmetion service, tbe Bishop ad dressed tbe candidates in one ot those stirring appeals for them to live right, the force of whioh must have been felt by all present. He hoped they had nut com* forward tor confirmation because they t*lt themselves good to do mi,.bat because they desired to avail themselves oi the means offered by the chnrch end by hex service to help them on to a better by hi 111*.’' Such blunders are very annoying, but they will ooour uow and then in (pile of th* meet careful attention. Nflre notice of pleat* aaA' early garden vigtoakl** from Garden*!!*. All tha aatiy gudea vege- tabtoi ou b* had by ending then. A Boon* Mena Tbodb.—A saddle col ored fellow oitiaen yesterday, persuaded two "gintlemeu from the rural deestrika" that he was the owner of a pair of moles, whioh h* had at Taylor’s livery and horse mart re Alabama street, that he wished to sell re time. The offer wm too tempt iog to be resisted, ao a bargain was struck, and now the trouble w ■ a to pro our* bridle* to bring the ani mule* home. Tha pretended owner suggested that he oould get a pair for fifty oenta, which amount th* porehanre forked over, glad M thaohaacato get aooh a good bargain, lost*ad oi baying the bridles, the dar key, to th*Uttar astonishment oi the pur- «hl*M*. made an effort to obequatuUte, but a star hove in sight and invited him to sojewro. daring hie tony in the city, at th* hotel da oaUhooae, which, of oouree, be va* city CatU ProMirdiBga- The Council met lost night, bis Honor, Mayor Hammock, in the chair, and a quorum of Aldermen. MiDnles of last meeting were read and adopted, exrept so much M related to the ordinance in reference to the Geor gia Western Railroad. Thi* wm recon sidered. PETITIONS. Of D. Pittman, m king for sewerage from Hall sued to Decatur street. Re ferred to the Street and Fiascos Com mittees. Of R. Price, asking for the abatement of a nuisance near his dwelling on South Bigger*. Referred to Board of Health. Of Mrs. 8. H. Lester, calling atten tion to the sidewalk in front of her house. Referred to the Street Committee. Of various citizens for a day police man at Ihe oemetery. Referred to Cem etery Committee. Resignation of W. L. Scruggs as a member of the Board of Education. Accepted and spread on the minute*. Of John A Perdue, to have a rook wall built. Beferred to the Street Com mittee. Of citizens asking to have a oistero bnilt near the Medical College. Referred to Committee on Wells, Pump* and Cis terns. „Of l'allui* S. F. E. Oo., Mkiog that their second quarter’s appropriation he advanced them now, as they have not to meet soon. Granted. Of the Street Railroad Oompany. ask ing for tbe grade on WMhington from Peters to Jones, them e on Jones :o Mc Donough stre-'t. Granted. Of Nipper Wibbie, asking a free li cense to peddle. Granted. O' citizens, asking an appropriation to entertain the Governors that are coon to meet in this eiiy. This jneMuie was strongly advocated by CoL W. H. Weems. Referred to a special commit tee of five, oonsisting of Yonng, Dodd, Meoaslio, Goldsmith and MoMillan. APPEAL OASES. An appeal ease of the Mayor and Ooun- oil vs. Harvey O’Shields, charged with selling liquors in quantities less than a quart, who wu fined 836 and costa, after hearing the evidence. The esse of Mayor and Couneil vs. T. L. Finley, charged with dieorderly eon- duct and using nrofane language. This case was one of the meet flagrant viola tions of tbe Mnctity of Mr. Finley’s in dividual rights, on the part of a police man, in entering his bed-chamber, with out law or authority. BETOBTS OF COMMITTEES. Committee on Wells, Pumps End Cis terns, recommend e cistern be located the corner of Garnet and Forsyth streets. Alderman Langs too moved to indelicately poetpoue, adopted. Committee on Streets, on petition of T. W. Crnasell for dirt, report adverse. Adopted. FINANCE COMMITTEE. On petition of Alderman Rice to have check passed to Riohard, favorable. Adopted. On petition of Howard Van Epps, Majority and Minority Reports, the Mi nority Report is in favor of paying the bill Moved to adopt the Minority Re port lust. The Majority Report adopted. Finance Committee reooinmeud tbe payment of bill* amounting to 81,816 66. Adopted. The special committee to whom was referred Alderman Lings ton’s resolution in reference to water-works, msjority re port* adverse W. H. Brotberton, D. A. Boutin, J. H. Mscsslin and J. 0. MoMil lan, majority. The minority are F. P. Rice and G. T. Dodd and reported favorable. Alderman Rice moved the^adoption of the minoiitp report and oalled 'for the yeaa and naya Alderman Langston urged the necessity of immediate action. The rules were suspended to hear Mr. Murphy. He nrged the pMsage ot the resolution of Alderman Langston. Hie remarks were listened to with marked at tention. Several members of tbe majority of the committee endeavored to explain th* reasons whioh actuated them in signing the msjority report. Those voting yea were: Messrs. Morris, Dodd, Yonng, Riee, Langston—6. Those vo‘iug aty, wers: Brotberton, McLendon, Beatie, Goldsmith, Sparks, Mecuslin, McDuffie, McMillan, Boring— 9. The majority wm adopted by tho same vote. The epeoial committee on veibal ppti tion cf Mr. Dunning reported jadverse. Adopted. RESOLUTIONS. By Alderman Beatie: Resolved, That the street committee lie anthorized to oontraet with Messrs. Hunnicutt A Beilingr itbs for tbe con struction of stench trips on Hunter and Alabama streets between [Pryor and Loyd. Referred to street committee. Resolved, That the Board of Water Commissioners be authorised to oonfer with the Holly Works Company m to tbe best moans of rewinding ihe oontraet ex isting between the city of Ailant* aud this oompany. L lid on the table. Ysm —Brotiiertun, McLendon, Beatie, Me- casliD, Spark* Boring, McDuffie, Mc- Millau. Naya—Mori is, Dodd, Young, Qo.diadtb, L ngaton. By Alderman Young: That a check for one hundred dollar* be psseed in favir of Calvin Fay. architect for Mtfietfa street school, ou aoeount of service* ren dered. Adopted. By Alderman Ooldemith: That M soon as the Gm Company extend* the mam pipe on Marietta street from the juootiou of Walton to the rolling mi'i that tha city proceed to put up gas poet* Re ferred to On Committee. By the Mayor: That th* Committee on street* he instructed to place one hun dred loads of white breat h gravel on Pryor etreet, the whole to coat not ex ceeding 876. Beferred to the Street Committee. By Alderman Mecaalin: That the Joint Street Committee be instraeted to plaoe 168 load* whit* blanch gravel on Decatur street, on North Me from the Willing ham building to Harvei’a corner, ooet not to exceed 876. And also North side of Marietta street. Indefinitely post poned. Counoil west into eecret session. A resolution wm offered asking the Council to submit to the voter* the ques tion of snbaoribing one million dollars .owards ' fie Georgia Western Railroad. On motion the resolution wm tabled. John O’Shields wm elected pvtioeman to fill a vacancy' Dr. E. J. Roach ws* elected to fill the vacancy in tb* School Board eenaad by the reeignation of W. L. Scraggs. Council adjourned. Oo to Pei for < We would ask oui friend 'Alderman Dr. Boring, if he thinks tha horrible dost of the city conducive to th* health ol its citiEens. Atlanta Raised.—The first strawber ries of the season, railed in this eiiy, were put on our table ymterday, by Mr. Miller, of th* How* Machine He gath ered them from his own garden, aud they were fully ripe. ‘ D . 8 . M . I bough, a DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE Over six yi xrs ago, ud up to thepnaeut time it baa aot ooet one dollar for re pairs. I believe it to be as good for Go to Pease’* it you wut s fine dinner for only fifty cent*. does its a ork perfectly ud wears km than ary -oaohine x know of. a would not exchange it for tha newest and beet of uy other make. OlABX RwcoWTwa OfleaNo. 4 DeGive’a Opera House, Marietta Street, Atlanta Atlanta, Jan. 81>4 1878. tf A faux alarm o' fire wa* given abaut 7^0 o’clock, yeeterday morning. Go to Pease’s if you wut a good breakfast for for fifty cents. Suspended. — Tbe wholesale liquor honae of Shepard, Baldwin ft Oo., of this eity, dm made u assignment. We un it nd that the asset* are far in txoeaa of the liabilities, but the pressure of the times oauaed them to oloae doore. Go to Peeas’a if you wut a good room for only fit:v cuts. Anotbee Concur.—Wear* informed that Freyer’a Grand Orchestra will giv* another oonoert some time during next month. . To “grin ud endure” is the farther fate voted us lut night by the City Conn ed by a vote of nine to five against water works. The thanks of th* people are due Aldermeu Dodd, Morris, Langston, Kioe nd Young, for their votM ia favor of this gn it publio necessity. Aa it now stands, we have no h<f>es of any steps being taken ot Mnotioned by the present oounoit, towards tha intro duction of water. Bat the people of this oity will perhap* make it a test question in the next municipal election Tax Bi Evidence.— General A. 0. Garlington, autbor of “ Tha Tyrut of New Orleans" stopped into Tbs Son of- fioe yesterday and Informed us that he had received a larger ‘ number of orders for this play, referring to uaving aeon a notice of it in The Sun, thu in all other papers oombined that have notioed it. He redbivea orders doily from a doxen to two dozen in number This is s gratify mg exhibit for Tax Sun. Qo to Pease’s if you want a good meal at uy hoar. 2t Personal.—We had x call on yester day from Mr. J. 0. Harris, of the Bavin- nab New*. Mr. H. is aooompuied by hi* wife, whom he hu just married. We oiler onr congratulations. Th* happy ooople are at the Kimball Hoaae. The toilers on The Sun return thanks to a parly of serenadera tuat honored them with a visit between midnight and day. Although the oaks and wine had ail been oounumed before tbe party ar rived, we hope by the next time they oome round everything will be ready to —does tha fonna A Whale.—The admirers of the won derful in nature have now another chance to see th* great whale, whioh is on exhibition on Whitehall street, three doors South of Hunter. This issuppoaed to be of the same tribe that aieked in Jonah on on* occasion, and (riud* of the deceased might find a moaratal plvMore in suing h- w it wm done by oelli ng. The eight is worth aeeteg. Ad mission 86 unis, obildren 10 oenta Sunday School Convention.—The La- Grange Diatriot (Methodist K Ohntcb, South,) Sunday School Convention, will meet at Neuman on Friday, May 22, st 9:30 o’olook, a u. Report name* of del egates ud visitors to Rev. A. M. Thig pen, Newnu. Get "lafurn tickets” from the Agent (not Condnotor,) when yon get npon the oara ud yoa will retnra homa free. H. J. Aims, P. E. LaGrenje^p^^iJWS^^^^^ Married, in this eity, on tne morning of the 26th, by Rev. Dr. Will* Mr. W. 0. Dodooe Ud Mina Elia Halt, We ex’end to the happy couple onr ainoere congratulations, and hope that their voyage through life may be abun- dutly'Messed with ail that goes to gi Te matrimonial ezistense its charms and bliss. Our frisod Dodson w* have known for yaara, ud ever found him oourteoua and honorable, well deserving the smile* of the fair; while th* bride resembles the trembling violet, who will always be fuliy sheltered by the mighty branches of tb* towering oak. May their only cares be tittle one* Go to Pease’s if yon wut fresh Peaoh, Trout and Brim. work as w-ien naw. It runs vary tight! J “ *■ * 1 * Siam Freewrs .Baalist. Cobs—Whit* 88; yellow Mi oorn aaal BJABM. Wheat-B«l 1 (OBI 00; wSUal Ugl toiuabu l.bitf'l 10. Oan—Misad 6X Yujvu— Fancy 11 80; extra funllv 10 71; fkaklly 10 00* extm • 00; eaptrftne 6 00; Am • M07 short* IW. Wheat mmam—1 20® 1 25. Hat—€lover 1 SO; timothy 1 SS01 M. Grocery Market. Become 2 I0#4 so per doica. OOffce 22K®34Kc. Chime—N. Y. cretm candles 21 Wfl)22U. Boo* 16®14T lttfllt Faro-Dried applee 4* per ft; gr-m apptee 70S ————.—v- Home, hhd. 29; Home II; hbl. S3. KeeUro sjrap* 45£5i. Oil 89c. Onion* 100®8 0o. Poultet—OhlckeiE tO^Mo; Turkeys 1 M«2 M. Bice 8*@»c. Ba<m 3®4o. 8uo*r«—M*w Orleans lOlfMUJtf; Do mantra 11 k® Taj-low 8*. Bam Virginia 2 00; Liverpool 2 25. •EEdt Hark*!. Timothy I Bine Orte< Orchard I Hungarian • ol par buahal. Hardware Hulls 9 75® I 90. Swede Iron 9®to. Lead lifts. ■tsl Harketo. Bulk Meats—Oletr rib Bldsfl lOmlear Mss 10ft ; •boulders 7ft; ham* lift; augar-cortd Jutma 19k. Lamp—Tlstoes 10ft; teas lift; book— lift. FlMMBClflbl. lings! 1 07; dmllnf si 1 10. Bsjing ut lft; Setting «lft Bonds and Btosks Itorksl. fleoi gia 6a 75® 77. Oeorpia 7a 5*®M. New Os. Bond* st Stats Treasury lft. Atlanta Oily Bonds 7* 7A#76. Se M#M. • ngntU 83®55. Oeorgla HaUroad Stock 93®95. Oooniis isallroad Bond* I* " A. It W. P. B.B. Stock • ■ t VrK.B.1 * 80® 98. : 9IB93. Marketa by Ttitgrffs. * April 419; Block 12.884. 1,413; taken by miUa 1177sales 1U5. Maook, April 26.—Ootfos, weakly Maoon, April 25.—Oot'os, waakiy recelpte I abipmeuta 8«2; stock. 1172, SAlt; 1873, 7797. 8ATAVHAA, April 21 —Colton, net receipts 501; ex port* to continent 4,882. coaetwiee 1.758: aalae 840; etock 84,009; weekly asl recite A OSS; experts to Orest Britain k<*0; conbnant 4,892; coastwiaa 8*180; sales 8,488. ■Else 78; swak 64,808; waakiy ant raoetpto 8,8 ports ii (treat Britain Ml; wise 1.548; eales 8,400 MEXFiie, April 25.—Cotton, reestpto 778; ebi] tents 2,347: stosk 84.898; weakly receipt* exporU cosatwtM 1. 80; asl^slOO; stock 80,790; weekly net reoetpts 9,Ml; exporta Is Greet BntMa 4191; < —= Nsw OiUAiA, April : 1.79j; gross 2,204; expor continent 484; oosstwise 418; lav 8,710; SMMfc 18K8M; gross 20,601; exports to Q >4; exports to Orest Britain 175; weekly asl reeetpte 19,080; to Graft Britain 29.M7; esntt- b 2.971; ealss 26,Out. nen| 18,748; coastwise 2 LimrooL April 28.—Cotton eiosed i lends 8ft | Orleans 8ft; sales lsetadsM W Tom*. April M.—Cotton, Ml rssstpta 1888; I 2,782; aalea ol futures 9,860 bales m foUowa: 1818-18® 18ft; May 1819® 18ft; Tans 19ft ®ia 848; July 19ft®toft; to|M I8ft#198-19; October 17ft®IT to 8J. Cotton qolst; sales 1.412; uplands 19ft; Orleans 19ft> New Yon. April 29 - rionr anchasped Whisky a ahade eerier. Prim# wnmt i®2; lntorior 2®8a Osin s®lu bettor; yellow wasters 71, «\ioe steady Ut 7ft®9ft. Pork snee tUsd M #18 76. lead hsssy tad lower attft®10ft. Turpentine qaist reights quiet hoar Arm al $7 m Corn steady. Puik nominally at 111 79® 19. Lard quiet; offerings light. Bacon Arm; abomdera •; nb aides 10; oiesr aides loft. Wkaaky 85. St. Louis. April to—Marks* generally steady. Laid held firmer. Lou lev ills, April 26.—Provielons qolst aad flraa. Haw Yobx, April 95-MoMy T. sold aterUnsSft. Gold 17ft®17ft. duU and steady. Htuiee vary qolwt. TO CASH BUYERSI W, B NOW OFPKB TO THXTBAOE, FOB 0A8H. aa immaoaafrioek si gsoda, lnolndlfti BACON AND BULK MEATS, OlGkT nib Idf® MuftUlliouldtorw AL80 Tf.. BO Tierooa Huparior Ungar-oared ffmokod PLAIN AND 0ANTA88KD. • * LA AD la Tierces, Barrels. KegeasdOase; Bight Oar Loads MOLAI4E9. la hofsh-mde aaa torseie; Hew Orleans Ohuoe and Prime 8YIIUP. ia barrels aad keg«: FiiOSlDA STSTP; ifl.OSi baskel Waite aad Yell >w OoBN; 3.0U0 bo eh el* OATH; 5uf bales H vY; LON) oarrels FL'>/K ft fail Use ot 40.» Vftft ail grades; also. OOFFltK, PIiH. 200 boxaa TOdA'KlO. vari me graleaenI prises. from tha mainifaata- rera. and many other «oods usually kept ia s Waoieeaie Grooery dad Prodaoe Goose. We odbr r al In ducement* to cnab buyers. ft*K. 91400 a aad W. II. t. AICKELBBKAY. Orrxca Ann 8>i nsnoow-Oecner Fecaytb aad MltchaU mrnta. Atlanta. A4Y8BC9 (8 Plftlten u gnane and Bnagk'a Bnw I ft. K. bbago and W. ft. O. M10KBLPUI8Y Corner Parayth and ftneheU etiasaa. Ailunaa, Ga UOl LD 9 BARTON A CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, fX>E4LERH IN -i Flour, Grain and General Produce, _ MO. *1” JLLABAMA (8TKEJCT. .