The Atlanta daily sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1873, May 15, 1873, Image 3

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THE DAILY SUN. F* om the Mobila Register.] • 'I'M* Democratic Party a ad the Demi cratio Creed—What are lhey f Oar (ti«nd of (he Chicago Time* re futes to sooepfi auybodj’s definition of what in those dajs constitutes "the Democratic creed'* or "the Dercocratio party.’ A number of onr ootempora- rioe of the craft have tried th< ir hands at Hie job—lor ir stance, the New York World, tne St. Lems Rapublioas, the Kansas City Timi s—and our Chicago coufrere passes all their efforts in review only tc condemn them as figments of the brain or shadows of tne past. A Demo cratic State Convention in Kentucky had juat spoken its opinion on the subject, but the Times dismisses the body and its oread with en epithet—"Kentucky fomits 1** luis, and nothing more. Now, we ad mit that it would he diffioult in these disjointed times to tell what an assem hinge of all the men who have here ofore acted with the Democratic party, would to-day "gtf e upon as a working platform of ortted. And it is from the fact that the times ar» morally oat of joint that the difficulty arises. It is not a quea ion of what are Democratic principles, for any candid enquirer can find that out *ith- out a guide. Bat the real question which makes the real aifficnliy it, wh ch of the principles of the Democratic faith do men now dare to avow end stand upon ? Hence where there is no quea- tion about the faith itself, and about what constitutes "the principles of the JDeuioeratio patty;” there is an imaense doubt about who constitutes "the Dem ocratic party.” In onr opinion the oaa is dear as to woo should constitute the party. It is precisely those who profess and are ready to sUnd by and act np to its principles. These are the corps dar- mee of the grand old party—the nut and the nucleus of its power—and, like all strong armies, it will have its auxiliaries for a thousand different motives of inter est, expediencf or chance welded upon it and helping it in the day of battle. But the last are useless without the solid nnolens of formation. It follows, that in order to form or to reform any power ful political organisation, there mnat first be e basis and framework of aonnd and positive opinions and principles upon which to omld Thera may be the wideet diversity of opiniou and sentiment as to what would consti tote a Democratic cfeed as a whole. Therefore, if e Democratic platform is built on the ground of expedieLoy, with an eye to pleasing and uniting the great est number, the work is a failure from the begining. But, built or the solid timber of unquestionable Democratic orinciplbs—a platform of the era of An drew Jackson—while many may hesitate and question the expedienc y 01 certain planks, none will qneetion the parity, the authenticity, and tne enduring worm cf the whole structure. In otuer words, if you would have yi ur house stand, build *1 on the solid rook of principle, and not on the shifting sands of expediency. Nothing is more common than to bear it confidently said tb-t the Democrat! party has lived ont it* days of usufolntas nod possible life—"played cut,” to use a common phrase; but this is not because Democratic principles have tost any of their salt, c-r saving power. Indeed, they are the very medicine for rhe political ills of the hour. Applied to the mid* of gov ernment at Waebington, every disorder on the body politio, from Maiue to Texes, would melt away, ike the miata of morning befoica summer sun. Wby, then, will not the Democratic party reoi gauize and spring to the frout of govern mental power in ti*is country ? If it does not, it will be aijQplj) because the men who belong to and be lieve in it have been .Tightened out of their wits and courage by t< c howl of its enemies, that its day is gone; that the war has revolutionized the government; that the republio has entered upon a new i ra of progress; that might has sub jugated right; that our father’s wisdom la turned to foolishness, and t'leir chil dren into slaves, because we iiave had civil war of four years’ duration. What American Democrats need is faith iu their faith—in its energetic and saving prinoipha, in its power to work reform, to restore liberty and right to forty millions of people and to abase bad men who have stolen inio high places, and to root out the pernici ous praoticea and principles that have brought the institutions of our aLoeatora to the verge of destruction. Yes, it is easy enough to find out what Democratic principles are, but to find men with »he nerve and the courage to uphold them, hiclnbor t hoc opus eat. Democrats have got the oime; nil they want is the pluck to stand up to it. We are of those who firmly oeheve in Democratic redirec tion. Not to believe it would be to loan faith in the native sense of the American people, and to give them over tc a mas ter. And now that no journal or conven- vention seems able U lay down a pro gramme of Democratic faith that is ac ceptable to the Chicago Times, will not that able and influential journal tell us what its platform is ? Journalistic Foes. The late James Qordou Bennett, of the Herald, very seldom went anywhere, his life beiDg divided between bis office aud his home. The only publio occa sion ou which I remember to have seeu him was at fha dinner given by Sir Mor ion Peto, at Delmonico’s alter the close of the rtbclliou. Benner thou seemed out of place, and was personally a stran ger to tne company, many of whom did not even know his face. Besides him Horace Greeley, Henry J. Raymond, Mantou Marble, Thurlow Weed, James Brooks, William Cullen Bryant, Theo dore 'Tilton, David M. Stone, Parke Godwin, Sydney Howard Gay. George William Curtis, and other noted journal ists were present. Not a tew of these were unacquainted, and still more were unwilling to speak to each ether. Greeley, Bennett and Bryant, passed and repaased each other without a nod of recognition. Weed sod Greeley ignored one another's ezisteuc*; so did Rot mond and Marble, Stone sod Brooks, Tilton and Godwin. Gay and Curtis were, and are still, personal friends, and the letter seemed to bo al most the only gentleman holding arnica ble relations with his brethren of tne press. I did not aoa any one of the fra ternity apeak to Bennett during the whole evening, and he held himself aloot, as if afraid he might be sposen to The terms on which the principle scribes were at the time have not materially changed since, though Greeley, Bennett and Raymond have quitted this planet for one, let as hope, in v bich there la ♦ more professional courtesy and esprit de corps.—Chicago Tribune. J#*Tbe Kahn of Khiva haa offered to surrender to Rnatia, which is probably as wise a thing aa he could do. People havoMt little interest in the matter, tinea it became evident that England was determined to eoLtinoe her passive policy. The evil day of the great con flict is pul off a little longer, h oasis ad vances another step, and *' the area of encroachment” between her and la-lie Jre Jefferson is in Buffsle. Ohariotto Cushman is at Newport. M’me Luo» has made $80,000 in this oountry. Charlotte Cushman thinks Jsnausohsk an actress of superior intelligence, edu cation, and ability. A new play by Mrs. Rachel Maoanley, entitled "Vanity Pair,” was prodnoed in Cincinnati week i»efore last. Mr. John Brougham’s comedy, "Play ing with Fire," has been revived at the Court Theater, London. At a reoent concert given in Florence, the overture to "Semiramide" and tbs march from "La Piopbatw" were played by forty-eight bands on twelve pianos. Shakspeere’s "Winter’s Tale” has been produced at the Walnut Sir- et Toaster, Philadelphia, With M’llo Jananachek aa Queen Hermoine, in which character she lias made a great hit At Posen the Btadt Thnattr is now pitting three nights a week in German and the remainder in the Polish lan guage. The Emperor of Germany-haa given $40,000 toward erecting a new theater. Mr. Boncionult and Mr. Stuart «re to be asaooiared in New York in the man agement of the new theater at the corner oi Broadway and Twenty first street, next •eason. It is to be a theater of the first class Misa Neilson appeared la*>t Monday night, at Booth’s Theater, New York, as Amy Robsart, which she acted over one huudred uignts at Drary Lane Theater, London, ou the origin >1 production ol the drama. Parodi, the onoe famous singer, is re- S orted to be living in Milan, in oomforta- le maidonho< d, on the proceeds of her lyric earnings in the Unified States. Her conscience is easy, and bar voioe—well, she never had much voice. At Constantinople, the Israelite oom mnnity having hired the Armenian The* ter, at Ortakeni, for the benefit of the Jewish poor schools, a well-attended per formance took place there in Hebrew, and the sale of tickets realized the sub stantial sum of $6,600. A number of the admirers of the great tenor Mano have formed a fund, th<« in terest of wbicn is to be devoted to i Msrio scholarship for ybnng tenors at the Conservatoire de Musique. Mario, being torched at the compliment, has presented to the founders two original full-size paintings—one of himself as Don Joan, the other of Giulia Grisi as Donna Anna. A New Father Matthew. Father Matthew's mantle has evident ly fallen upon the shoulders of Father Nugent, af Liverpool, who is doing abont aa maoh for temperance aa any man now in the flesh. Within the past fourteen months he hss induce ! nineteen thous and diinking men to become teetotal lers, and seventy-five per cent, of that number have kept tbeir pledges inviolste, notwithstanding the fact that the major ity of them beiuhg to the lowest classes in the community. In Febrnary of last ;rear he inaugurated a temperance league ] u one of the Catholic ohurches of Liver pool, and so successful waa it that in two mouths he had branohes in three or fear other ohurches in the city.. One branch alone comprises over three thousand per sons, and the organization and enthnai- ssm are so complete under the inspira tion of the Reverend Father, that tba work of redeeming men and women from drunkenness by moral suasion goes on st a marvel ona rate. His work commenced in behalf of the men alone; bat he has now begun to save the many women wbo, in a great city, also fall into the vice ot intemperance. He recently brought to gether in a place kuown as Newsome’s Circus, about 1,500 women and gir a wbo gained their living by hawking wares ill rough the streets. Never before were there so many bare beaded womeniorougbt together in the city, aud for twi hours they were Kept perfectly happy by excel lent music aud a fund of appropriate amu-ft ment. Alter that lie spokt to tnem upon temperance, while they listened to him with patience, snd seemed to be much impressed. —Previous to his departure for Eu rope next fall, Josh Billings will ooutinue bis regular contributions to tbe New York Weekly. The public are familiar with the siftings from hi "ttpico Box;” and do one knows better than Josh kow to make " nash” and bow to season it. "Bilbngs* Farmers' Alminax” (Carl ton A Co.) for 1874 is on the stocks, aud will be launched before the Philosopher taxes h’s foreign trip; so that the Pint Arts progress, and the agricultural in terests of the United States will uot ruf fer while Josh is abroad., We copy a few ot his leceut temarks: First, bis opiuio i of TBK INTERVIEWER. I pitty the poor Interviewer; he iz not plwuz a bad pbellow at heart, but hiz trade is a mean one, aud the bizziuees has spilt him. I would rather lead a blind mule on the tow-path for a living, or retail soft klama from a ricketty wagou, than to be an Iuterviewer, and worrv people with questions, they wvz afrade tew answer and too vain tew reiuae. They are wnss than a flea tew a long haired dog. He haz just brines enuff tew keep hiz mpndenoe aktiv, aud tho he baa but little malice, he will hunt yu sharper, aud worry yu wuas thau a canal boat bed bug. Modiaty would ruin an interviewer, delikasy would unfit him for bizzueea; he can even tnrive without b« ing hones', aud tew make him an adept iu hiz oalling, he don't require ennv mure teuderuese loan an undertaker duz. I hav been lit onto by the Ioteiviewer miself, and hav answer* d hiz questions, az nonest az ever a child did the kate- kism, and the next day rtad the dialogue in the mormeg paper, aud it waz all az new to me az Old Probability log ovtha weather. There is no knre for a r »glar Interview* ; he thirsts for the game like a fox aud on th * trsk; he lives upon plunder, and would rather be sent np for 80 daze than to see hiz collum in the morning Gazette without a trophy. Interesting Item*. Century Wnitkej—recommended by Pror. John Darby, and Dr. Hall, of Halil Journal of Haaltb, for medioal naea. Luxury, Health, Economy inaured by tuing Dooley’s Yeast Powder. Elegant Light Bolls, Biscuits, Ac., prepared in ten minutes. Try it. Sploy breath, ieeth white and rpeeklesa, Fragrant Hosodont secures: Levies, can you be so reckless Aa to fail to aaske them yonra? A psrftct Benerotor of the system, car rying off ths vitiated bile without the aid oi Oaloinel, or any mineral medioine. Simmons' Liver Begnlator is entirely veg etable and barmb-aa, and ought to be taken by every ona. A Pnoor.—Nothing is better proof of tbs exoellence of an artiole than the fre quent imitations of it. These oonnterleits are the universe tribute whioh worthlessness pays to merit. The sterling worth and popularity of the Charter 'Oak Stove is attested by this standard. If yonr hair is falling out, use Nattana' Crystal Disoovery, whioh supplies that nourishment irom the loss or snffloient supply of whioh the hair falls out. It gives new Ufa, A trial will eonvinoe. Sold by Drnggiata generally. Pnoe *1 per bottle. There gever will be e ease of Neuralgia that Jeokaon's Magic B.laam cannot cure in ten minutes. Sold by Heard, Craig A Co., and all Drnggiata, Caution 1 Every genuine box of Dr. McLane’s Liver Pills been the aignetnre of Flam ing Brothen, Pitlsbnrp, Pa., and th. ir private U. 8. stamp. J0-TaLe no other. The market is fall of imita'ionf. It is the popular verdict that people who have been aoonetomed to tbe use of bitters and oordiais are obliged eventu ally. to resort to McLean’s Liver Pills fur permsnent relief. Hamelton’s Bnobn snd Dandelion is taking the place of ell other diuretic remedies. The intrinsic merit of tbe preparation haa gained for it a deserved reputation aa the oeat ramedv for all dis eased conditions of tha kidneys and liver ever presented to the public. Any phy sician can tell yon that tha ingredients in this preparation form a valuable altera tive and blood purifier, removing through the hea'tby notion ol the kidnoya, liver and bowels the imparities of tbe blood. Bay the remedy at Bed wine A Fox's. Tha malarial poison in tbe biood, which causes ague and chills and fever, is speedily cancelled and mastered om by the use of Kress Fever Tonic. A box of pills free el charge goee in eaoh wrapper. The remedy ia warranted to oontain neither arsenic nor stryohnine, and is also warranted to cere ague if taken as directed. No tirk to health or port- monnie. No eure, no pay. Get the remedy at the drag store of Bedwine A Fox CHEAPEST FURNITURE HOUSE IN GA. Far aver FORTY YEARS this PURELY VEGETABLE LIVER M EDI JINK haa prorad itself to be the GREAT UNFAILING SPECIFIC for Liver CompUInt end Ite peinfnl offspring, DYS PEPSIA, CONSTIPATION. Jeandlce, BUloae et* teoke, SICK HEADaOHE. Colic, Depression of Spir it®. SOUK STOMACH. Heartburn, CHILLS AND PEVElt, fto„ Ac. Alter year* of oerefol experiments, to meet e greet end urgent demand, we now produce from ir origin®! Genuine Pewdere THE PREPARED, Liquid form of SIMMONS’ LIVER REGULATOR, couuluiug ell IU wonderful end velueble proper- end offer it Id ONE DOLLAR BOTTLES The Powdf ra, (prtoe ea before f 1.00 per peekage Sent by mall I.*4 W CAUTION l -BN Buy no Pewdere er PREPARED SIMMONS’ 1ATOR umlaaa in om engraved wrap- i mark, SUmpa end Stgaeturee en- irokan. None ether ia genuine. 4. H. ZEILIN ft CO.. MAOON, die., and PHILADELPHIA. OLD IT ALL UNDO GIST Agents Wanted! L IBERAL TERMS wUl be made with Ageete la els parti of the countrv for the sale of Hon. Alex. H. Stephens’ HISTORY OF THE UNITED HTATEN, Which la now tn lta Second Edition. It ta auited to ell claaaea. gaoarel reader* aa well te iu Schools end College®. 13. J. IIALE AfSON. Pnlillehere. Ne. Moira ) Btrt«t, New York Oit brolu tt THE FURMirtTHB EMPORIUM. 55 Corner M arietta, and. 1 ’aacti tree Sis. j£k TLANTA, OA. THIBTY THOIJSAIN O DOLLARS WORTH OF CHEAP MEDIUM AND ELEGANT OFFICE, CHAMBER AND I ARLOR FURNITURE CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. 250 Complete Fed Room Nulls from $40 to $500. 100 Pai or Suits in Hair, loth, Wool and Silk Baps and Terries B.ocka- telle an l Satins, Plain, Pip dor Puffed. Manufactured HEBE and WAR- BANTED TO STAND. IN THIS RANGU WE KEEP N J OLD B OOK NOR STYLES, ALL OUR OOODSARE FKESUAND 4, Et 1RABLE, > ROM THE HA DS OF OUR UPHOL8TER8.—THE LARGEST SiOCKOF COMM NAND MEDIUM FURNITURE BBPE I ALLY ADAPTED TO THE WHOLESALE TRADE, To whom we can give the Ixmeat Figure*. All enquiriea j romptly antwered. 1.000 Cheap Bedstead* from 93.50, Upwards. 3.000 Chairs from 60 Cents, Upwards. And uverjtl ing Usually and UNUSUA* XY kept in a first und EVUII OTHER CLASS Furniture House. Also, the Ce.ebrated WOO \TJEOr WIRE MATTRESB, The Greatest Invention of tbe Age. The CLEANEST, 00 >LI8T, and MOST DELIGHTFUL BED In l »*. Uea In eeero of FURNITURE will And it dooldedl to their advantage to CALL, end we promt* iltkir to eeli yor or make eon® other Dealer '*0ABVh HIS PRICES,” end grit hie teeth. In elthei event we will be t e means of saving you fully 10 per oeut. M. T. CASTLEBERRY. KILL’S CORNER. V. H SNOOK. eprli 18—eod Cl EOlHi IA STATE LOTTERY. FOR M A. Y- Drawin^H Daily ut 5 p. i FOR THE BENEFIT OP THE ORFHIHMUniMML OAPlk AL PttlZK #7,04)0.00 80,Prizes, amounting to $53,258.20 T10»KTS $1.00. SHARKS IN PRUPOU1JON. N the above Scheme, formed by the lnrnary Combination of 78 nuuibere, making 70,070 tick- 1, ei d the drawing of 14 ballots, thuru wul be ‘440 prlxea each having three of tbe drawn uuujl>erMwii *10, each heviag two of them on on. 40,740 tavlug one only of them on; aud aleo 45,70o ticket' wi h neither ol ihe drawn number® ou them, being jlauks. To Oeteruma tbe fete of tbeee prise® end blank*, 78 nuuibere. from 1 to 7H iuoluetve, wul be severally pieced In a wheal ATLANTA WHOLESALE BUSINESS DIRECTOKY I OOK AND NEWS PAI EH Jt tMjAjttji Pdrni jmis.ea, JAMBS OBWOHD. Proixtotc. »W" Helen to thic vheet ar . qpwimen ot Maw. Paper. IROOKERY GLASSWARE, Son Me BHIDE S CO. Hers mi JsDosn c (Mery, $)mm HOTEL * HA1DON irrpimine, NO GOODS AT RETAI L. MOATOB nun. u im<uu nor* fARRIAGES.BUGGIES!AND WAGONS. J. J. WORD, Manuflto‘ arer and Dealer In cmeusEs in loccits, spbiri- hi iiii ixle iieiis QOBinm mron aw, fJKi eTxxrix. 'LOOKS, WATCHES AND TEWEiaRY. EH LfrfHE, Xlae Reliable Jewelry Wtore, ax tiuLaMoBTimiTov rtmnwtLir. URNITURE. PLH T * CO„ Li 1*81 8TTLE8 Of UFIU Parlor Salto, Chamber 8n ta, -Dining-Room Holts,Office Furniture,* d Furniture of ET %k^77i& l0 ,5, I RAIN, MEATS, FLOUR &o. STEPnEjra tt ranjA-j General Coiamission Merchants vroEvrra irnurr, xau -h* oa, non, , IROOERIES. jt. c. a m. r. trrLr. Wholesale Grooere, If OommlMBlon Moroliaute. i oem«b eaiou amp DioaTDb ariaeia. ARDWARE, CUTLERY, <fco. TOJSJftT, STEH'.IRT a HELM. Hardware Merchante, AGENTS FOR mrnrt ikhfaru .WMMan, team P.w4*r*my’. am . r*mrnr, All Hh. mmd Bailor <»••*.. . ;OOB X»ueoatUE AMD PBTOBalnrnera. Ulioaioi ua XuabtU ha t. Implements machinery. &c. mmrk. w. joojraojr\ nti,ii ia M l Moral Inmleients, lacMifir Chemicals, Quaao, Hoed®, Live Mtoolc, Dcarvrs OPBRt HOUSE BLOCK . ...ViaEIECTA STASk, • day of the drawing, aud 13 ranotmi; end that combination tb<- let, 3d end 8d drawn uumberv, will be enUuad SOUTHERN TEHRA COTTA WORK T HE underalgned uave tneir work* In full ope>e> tlon end ere now prepared to receive ord t ell klude of TERRA GOTTA WORKS —even as— WINDOW O A 7? "1 Enriohments for Ooruloea, auah as run IcetM, Medalllou, And everything In the Aroblteeturr Up ». cmtMJsmw vpu. plqirtem pot* btjmti j§*\ mu. Also Manufacturers ot —Smoking taa been forbidden in tie •trreta e< Jiyu. We are pleased more and riore vilh the course and appearance of 1b> At lanta bon. Baring its poor attemote et illustration, (it |is now perfeot in iu typographio make np, while iu matter ia greatly improved. The lest Sunday's issue wss particularly good; besidi a a stirring aud soand ringing leader from Alexander H. Stephens, it contained a well written end intereiling sit cle ou tbe eaoject ot Xt Century oiosadee Apropos of Mr. Stephens, leader, we could not help from admiring the grand t rath of the statesman in contrast with the pigmy vituperations burled egeius> him by tbe Herald of the same date. Tbe dig tilled utterance, of a atatraman an> ■lie puerile mumblings of . oharlatai never appeared in greeter contrast, t< oor minds, than they did in reading tin two arielae.—Burnt Courier. This Oomcsntbatbd Vegetable Hpkch parts perfect heelth ead purity tn (be entire cot ett- tution. In every form of ecrofubua, mercurial aed ayphllltlo blood ooapUlnta it stand* without com peer -reitdly curing Ulckrs. Pumtuljm, Oabbcn \n. le a aicfcly •Uulnetlog these from the eyatem. Tba a on of IT “■ * *—'*■—*■ —Father Patrick use le. t Savanush f» Columbus, where L. will b. stnuoueu l.r . few months. based upon tbe trutba t a lure, sod tbe knowlec. cke-wtetry. The Fluid Exthaot op Quieea Le- pared by Ch. y. 8. Pemberton, has m*d« oudarful and aaUtnisblug cur e. IU pu hralth. It la barmlase to tbe most da Meat*, ead can eaves be used anuee It la tha true baeutlder of the pleiio*. If you want rich bleed, clear akin ead CM ft CO.. FroprieUtra, AUante, G OA. OPIUM JeralUM FeMI :ur*4 by Lr. Beck’s eely keeva sad eure Remedy. _ 10 « UARtfl for Wvatmeat matt! rated. Oail aa tr address DR. J. C. BECK GIN SIMM ATL oMIO. ath drawn number*, to ’hat tick dt bavtng on it l •th drav n autubeis, to. That ticket having ou tt the It th, Hth and 13th dra* a number*, to That ticket having ou U the *4d, 3d and 4th in It the 3J. 4th aud »• ’it tbe 4lb, 0ib aud t tha ttth,7th and tbe 8tb »tb and tbs’ Vlb, 10th and It th* 1st. Zd and 4th i It the let, 2iid aud it tbe 1st, 3d snd 0ih u»»|SBWBR PIP EI From I iDobee to 3 Inches In dl *meter. .lao, Interior Decorations, saoh as «0oooiCe«tre Plec«0, i’oruicea, Etc* PKLLBtiRINI ft 01 RikL li drawn nnuibors, That ^ lbth drawn number*, Tual tukft Uavleg^uu i That ticket having un drawn n am ben, U hat ticket having >i 0th drawn uuuiba ll ether ticket* (being .07, with tnree ol the orawn uumbers on, each, Those M tlckfcM having on them thr 1st and 2nd drawn cumbers, each Those M tloaeta having on tiu m ’be 2nd 4th drawn number*, • -ch Ail other tiafcet* ibeiug 4,244) with twi ol th* drawn number* on, race \nd all those t CAPaTAL PRIZE. Ou Mond.ya capiul will be t On Tneedaya and Fridays capital will be On Wedneedsj a capital will Hu Thursday* aud Haiurdays. i tiriber particulars arnd (or acnem*< N* Uctet which shall hav* drawn a prise ir'er denomination can b* cutitied t « an i.itirtor sea payable fort; (4b. day* after the draw tijaette tbe tiaual deduction «f it per c All prise* of $40 OUaad under will he paid ti dlately alter the drawing, without the a tlon of 10 i*r cent Bull WHITE ! Bub Wliit- Bob Wlili.f Bob Wkltel Hob. Hbitel| Bob While) Smoking Tobacco! Manutaotured by €iEO. HP. LAATGHOHATK if €*., _ ^ FINKtfl SMOKING TOBACCO Meeufactared in the UultM guua, aud equal tv the finest Imported Cigar*. For KlrhurM And I'nrlty I^Iiaa n« IUtsL, Having reoelved GOLD and SILVER MEDALS, and DIPLOMAS, he., at the Mate Fairs of Virginia, Loulatana and Texas. FOR SALE) BY w. U HUBBARD ft 00- E. F. MADDOX. MEADOB JUUV8, BOROUGH* ft wuia, BIHBMftN ft KUHRT, B. L. DANE, An 4 Tobeoeo Dealers ever th* United Matas GETTYSBURG KATALYSKE WATER. I HK United Slates Dlapenaaior/, the Sutherland record ot our Materia Medics, claaaea tbt> Water with the moat ruuowned Alhailue or i arheu- atid Spruiiia of Kmcpe. It for excels any o«aer know.i u lla »elf preserving propertiaa It does not deteriorate t v bottling and keeping. It bee never been cleluied tos any other mineral water the power to duseiv* the urate*, or eo called chaik furmatioaa the body or on the ilmba and Joint*. This th* Octtyanurg Katalysine Water ku done tn hundreds oi inwtancee. Gout, liheuiuatlan,, Neuralgia, Dys pepsia, Gravel, Diabetes, Kidney and Ui narv * goneraily have all yleldftj to Ua influence mho red muacular j.-ower to the paralytic, ct mlnai Dropsy, and give i healthy action to Turptd Liver It ha* oured (Chronic Diarrheas, Piles, Constipation, Asthma, Catarrh. Diaeaeea of **” hkln. General Debility and Nervous Proetra- from met ml and phystoal exueaeae All th< by tbe Bottled Water. It ia a powerful anti.l .to l excessive eating or drinking. It corrects Ihe atn acb, promote* digestion aud relieves tha bmil almost immediately. Pamphlet* oontalnlnge history of the Bpring, report* from eminent putslclana aud mtdical writers, marveh-ua and wel’.attested cure*, and ta*. nisi* from diaiingiii*he<l rltiseoe, will be far- alebed end sent by anil ou application to WUI1NKT HKO.’8, General ages! 227 Houto Fiont st., Phil® lelphle. Gettysburg Hpnnga <>. For Hale by HKAltD.CRAiO ft CO..and druggist* P ILLBBB Sc DBALCRv IN STUCK FJblEiD. irHf/e, Ktrtjro \ co„ DEPOT NO, 13 BA-^K B'jOOK, A Stur Htv,Oatq, Osniglr i Will keep ooaatantly on baud Float- Mt.l, 8 to ok fee P IANOS, ORGANS & MUSIC. ocicFt*no,<a»rooo a vo„ UfrOBTXM AXO W30LCSAI X DSf XailX MoexoAii MamcffcaMroxea PnbUahen of Oaorcui Mao «l Sol ratio, ■ MIWklMkslI III, I, s AINTS, OILS. LAMPS, GLASS, Etc. 1 to. csMir, duck a co., Atlanta Brand Great Butted Oil ail Pantfwfo. SO South Pryor atreet. Amerlaan Varalehi-s, Pauu* end Patna Otis, Kaainoay Par I am a Qiaaa, Lamp® and Fixtnrea, at Ua veqr fowaal rafoe. ASH, BLINDS AND DOORS. J. C. PFCML.a CO; DB’ALBftBSISj 00005, MOULDIIGS, BRlCRErS.'PlIITS.xOIL. EtiSS.SfSiMI VI suBxxn Loio arucer aku axonuu xutaOAa, orpoaira ataxxBAL rmitmtn aim. K sft C ATHAIRON Only 50 Cento per Bottle. It premetee the CJ UO WTII, PKENKRTI 8 the COLOU, n n« Increaee* the Vi«er and HE A LTV ef the HAIM. One* Timrrr Ttm i a* von tmu ILia waa first pi Professor K Tbetnaa Isou, i ColleC* The name is d*.. M KATHmO,"*lgWl(ying te tlamna# puryf; or rtunrt. Th# favor it hee veceived, and the popu larity It has obtained,ia unprecedented and lacrel- Ible. It Increases tbe Gsowtii and Bkautt of the Ham. It If a debate I drearing It eradicate* Dandruff. It prwver t* toe llair free* turning grar. h keep* (he head eool. and give* the hair a rleh, aoft, gloaay appearance. It is the samb ta guaBTiTX and Quality a* It waa over a Uua*tb*of iCcx- TUBV AOO. and I* eol-1 by all DruggleU and Oeon- try Store* at ealy l-'kny Coals per Hettle. K Woman’s Giory ii Her Hair. LYON’S ATHAIRON S roVES, * IOUSEFURNISHING GOODS Etc. HV.CjriVUTT a BELLI*ORJITHh, no. e M,RffirrA arnasv, PLUMBERS, STEAM AMD GAS FITTERS, OOfi-AU Smitba, Uuo«t Iron Work, and Tib RooSibb. Dm en in dtoTM, Tib Wara, Grates, Pampa, Hom, Tin Plato, 8heetpopf)er,_8be«i boa. 8 1 Mib Pipe. * «, eie., .to, eta. re 8BWKP I ml BOOT, SHOE AiND HAT STORK JUST OPENED AT Tn ’Wlaitolxa.U Street. BARREIT, COKER & CO. yyff Bag to annouuee to t v»*ltls*n* of Athtat* that wa hav* opened a: tba loeatie she*a named i * BOOT, SHOE AJSTE5 -HAT OTOF141 WX fropaw OMplox tnt oUaa OO iDi. which wa ahdl .dl aa law u oar kia» la h. (Mr. «,w aa ‘ BARRETT, COK - K& OO. •W-AJCsTTElID. G IHTLEVKB. of |o> laiwiln laldirui ta Milan crd.r. la tka BC.lA.ra BUM-, lor HllltS' IIIE1LIIUI IITE1EST TiBLES. S, 1.1, t and 10 per ean* These Tables are at onee* meet cvmpreheaalva ard oommt^t, -a• *imfleet th* cheapeal a < raagemeat of Ignraa yet pre- ■ *utea. They reteh at $1 50. and will sail readily 10 any i ntali'geat huatnaee man wh. oaa bd U, i!a HAlMMhPahitohar^fS lanaeu 8t, Phila. dercaatu* labia Bdaka, af aU kinds, a eg trial! ly. aplff-lm. EfSTEM Ac BELL. Attorneys «,t will praotioe ta ta* aou .ttM aampnaind tha Wash ern Circuit, and Dawson and roveythOenntlaa cf the Bl # Ridge Circuit They wUI ala* ptaaHaa te Supreme court cf ttearaNb SMd Ml the V. &9h 4Seu*4 titibahi Edward H. Hyde, XOEJSIO-lXrEUFL • AXD Enffnmr on Wood, * *TUMJ»TJt, SJ. omoi nw ruLUH a cxxwa, mnm wbm Ml.talHnlA