The Atlanta daily sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1873, May 23, 1873, Image 1

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TilK Sl'.N PUBLISHING CO. Hon. A .H. STEPHENS J POLITICAL EDITOR. VOL. IH ATLANTA. GEORGIA. FRIDAY. MAY 23, 1873. NO. 909 DAILY —annum, 18 00 Halt yearly, 4 00 Quarterly, 8 00 Monthly,. 70 WEEKLY—F« a—, $3 00 ttfTb» Sox’. combined Dally and Weakly dronlation is larger than that at any pepar in the Btata. BY TELEGRAPH. TO Tits ATLANTA SUN. FliOU OPELIKA. Bl’lOUL TKLKGKAH TO TH1 TON. Ui-ki.ika, Ana., May 22, 1873. A difficulty oconrred to-day between Mr. Jihn D. B. Hooper and Mr. Thomas Phillips, in wliioli the latter wea killed. The all tie gad cense was that Phillips had made eoargea of an injurious nature against the character of an estimable yonng lady of high standing. , Obskrver. FROM WASHINGTON. ■Washington, May 22.—The following ' prdelaatation slotted surprise in. all dr- ■ etas. Senator West equally with others, a PHOCLAMATION. Whereas, Uunder the pretense that William P. Kellogg, the present exeeu- sues,* the State adminiaira- elected, certain tar- bnlent and disorderly persona bars com bined together with foroe and arms to resist the laws and' oonatituted authori ties df mid Stale; aud whereas, it ha. been duly oert-fled by the proper local V.. antberitiee, and judicially determined by tbh Inferior and Sapreme Courts of said State, that mid officers are ratitlad to hold their offices, respectively, and exeonte and disoharge the fnnotiona tbereoi; and, whereas. Congress at its late session, upon s due consideration of the subject, taeitly recog nizee the said Executive and his aaso dates, then ee now in office, by refnsiDg to take action with reepeot thereto; ana, whereas, it is provided in the Constitu tion of the United States that the Uni ted States shell protect every State in this Union, on application of the Legis lature or of the Executive, when the Legislature cannot be eonvened against domertio violence, and, wnereas, it is provided in the laws of the Un.ted States that in -11 oases ol insurrection in any State, or obstruction to the laws there of, it shall be lawful for the President of the United States, ou application of the Legislature of suoh State or of the Executive win n tho leg islature can cot be oouveued, to call for: h the militia of any other State or States or to employ suoh parte of the land and naval forces as shall be judged necessary for the purpose of suppressing suoh in surrection or causing the laws to be duly executed: and whereas, the Legiiilature of said State is not now in session and can not be convened in time to meet the present emergency and the Exeoutive of said State, under section 4, «r» iole 4 of the Oonstitntion of.the United States, aod the laws passed in pursuance thereof, has made application to me for suoh part of tne military force of the United States as may be necessary and adequate to protect said State and the citizen? there of against domestic vioh-nce, and to en force the due execution of the laws; and Whereas, it is required that whatever it may be necessary, in the judgment of the President, to use the military foroe for the purpote aforesaid, he shall forth with, by proclamation, command suoh insurgents to disperse uua retire peaceu- bly to their respective homes within a limited time : Now, therefore, I, U. S. Grant, Presi de at of the United States, do hereby make a proclamation, and command Mid tui buleut and disorderly persons to disperse and retire peaceably to their respective abodes within twenty days from this date, and hereafter to snbmit themselves to the laws and oonstitutea authorities of said State, auu I invoke the aid and co-operation ot all good cit izens thereof to uphold law and preserve the public peace. In witness whereof, I have hereunto aet my hand aud caused tbu seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the Jity of Washington, this 22d day of Muy, in the year of our Lord, 1873, aud of the independence of the Uuited States, the 97ib. U. S. Quant. By the President, J. 0. Bahobovt Davis, Acting Secretary of fctate. Washington, May 22.— It is stated in Republican ciroles that some time ago Kellogg applieu for Uuited StatiW assis tance, bnt was persuaded to withdraw it aud the National Executive regarded it ot no effect It is probable, that the President who was absent at the time, never saw the request as the denial of a previous dispatch, that such application nad been made, came from tue Presi dent. The proclamation of to-day is stated |to be prompted by Carpenter's pressure upon Kellogg m renew the ap plication, and the personal representa tion, from Carpenter to the President by telegraph, ot tne dangerous condition of affairs in Louisiana, hence the renewed application from Kellogg and the present proclamation. New Yobk, May 22.—The counsel of Tainier, the defaulting oashier of the At lantic Bank, to-day moved to quash the indictment against the prisoner, on the grounds that the exact amount of the alleged embezzlement waa not stated, and the exact denominations of the bills withdrawn from the bank were not given. Decision reserved. FROM WYOMING. Wt. Beams, May 23.—Two companies ol the Fomrth Infantry, soruute lot lb* Modoc war, is ordered to nnnin kern, FROM NEW YORK. New Yobk, M.j 22.—Amoog the bids for gold to-d.j was one tot #1,600,000, si 111. Th. .Id osbla rate, will be resumed June 1st One thousand dollars ot Ala bama 8a, ol '93, oold at 79. FROM SAN FRANC1BOO. Sax Francisco, Ms, 22.- A oomrauj ot forty-nine volunteers, from Douglass county, Oregon, passed through Portland to-day en route lor tie Modoc oonutry. The British steamship Lord of Isle, is two days overdue from Hong Knag. FROM SHAMOKQf. SasMOKiH, PA, May 22.- -While lay ing the ooruar stone ot the Oatholic ohnreb, the platform fell with one hun dred people. Three parsons are daad, fifteen seriously wounded and thirty- five mom or less hart. Bishops Wood and O'Hara, with twenty assisting clergy men, went down, bnt escaped slightly in jured. FROM BARCELONA. Babokloka, May 22.— Gen. Vorlarde has issued a prodam Ron calling on ail malee between fourteen and sixteen years of age into the Reoublieer oolomns, and threatening an infliotion of heavy penal ties upon all municipalities whioh shall th sort its operations. FROM LONDON. London, May 22. — The Lanoet pub lishes a detailed statement of the malady of the Pope, whioh it enys is worse than baa been officially stated. PROM GENEVA. Gknbva, May 22.—Hyaointhe, in his sermons, atlaoks the confessional and oelibaoy, and urges the election of priests by the people and the use of the Bible in the Nationul language. FROM HAVANA. Havana, May 22.—The arrest of Frioe, correspondent of the New York Herald, nas been confirmed. It is reported Jhat O'Kelly will bn tried by ooort martial in Cuba. FROM BALTIMORE. Baltikobk, May 22.—Representatives from Great Britain were iulroduoed and addressed tne Assembly. FROM CLEVELAND. Cleveland, May 22.-8. G. Aroheroft, a prominent resident of Bandusky, was shot dead on the street to-day. Ex-May ol Jesse Greggs was arrested on auspioion. market* by Tclcgr* |»n. OORUR. New Orleans, May 22.—Cotton in good demand; oidiuarj 141; good ord- nary 161; low middling* 17; mid diinp* 181'ilHj; net receipts 921; gross 972; exports to continent 1,382; sales 2,000; last eveniug 6,000; stoex 111,886. Savannah, May 22.—Cotton, not re ceipts 664; exports to contineut 3,060; suits 512; sioek 27,000. Wilmington, May 22.—Gotten, net receipts 21; sales 65; stock 3,640. Galvk8Ton, May 22.—Cotton—net re ceipts 452 bales; sales 450; stock 41,044. Boston, May 22.—Cotton—net re ceipt* 3 bales; gross 489; sales 4,000; stock 4,000. Augusta, May 22.— Cotton—receipts 157; sales 265. Liverpool. May 22.—Cotton firm ana tending upward; uplands 8f; Orleans 9|«9i; sales include 800 bales of Ameri can; shipped from Bisaonab and Onarles tee, allay delivery, 8 13 16. Memphis, May 22.—Cotton—Receipts, 488 i-ales; shipments, 1,090; stock, 32,290. Baltimore, May 22.—Gross receipts, 65 bales; exports coastwise, 71 bales; sales, 325 baiee; stock, 6,10 i. New Yobk, May 22.—Market dull and little doiug; low middlings, 17*0. Net receipts, 515 bales exports coastwise, 700 bales; sales, 125 bales; stook, 7,242 bales. Mobile, May 22. -Cotton higher; good ordinary 15»15l;low middlings 1 GjalGj; middlings 17|; net receipts 51; exports coastwise 251; sales 1,000; stock 29,400. Charleston, May 22. -- Cotton—net receipts 358; exports coastwise 1,127; sales 800; block 22,362. New York. May 22.—Cotton qaiet and steady; sales 1,487; uphud 19$; Orleans 19}; net receipts 592; gross 1,096; solus of export to day 381; last evening 53. Bales to-day for future delivery were 13,000 bales, as follows: May, 18|; June, 18|al8|; July, 18 13-15*181516; August, 184*1813-16; Bcp. 172; Oct. 17*. PRO'vision s. Louisville, May 22.—Floor quiet and unchanged; corn iu good demand; pork very dull and offered at 16 cts., and with out bayers; oacon declining; should, rs 7is7|; clear rib sides 9ft; clear sides 9|; packed lord lower; tieroe 9n9ft; kegs 10a 104; steam 9|; whisky steady at 89. Cincinnati, May 22.—Flour quiet at 97 76*98 00. Ooru quiet at 47a49. provisions dull aud weak, and lower to sell, with some indications of a reaction in its close. Fork unsettled sod entirely uominal at 916. Lard dull, and nothing doing. Bacon doll—jobbing sales, shoul der* 7ft ; dear rib sides 82*9 ; clear side* held at 9ft. Whisky dealers sport, salea ble at 88 ; hold at 89 New Yoke, May 22.— Floor inactive and Whisky, 95c. Wnest one oent lower, and dosing a little bet ter. Corn scarce but tirm; yellow west ern, 65a Rice steady. l\.t k active st s decline; mess, 916 76. Lord steady. Naval stores active and tirm. Fallow steady. Lavbepool, May 22 —Br. ad*tuffs dal*. Flour 37s. fid. Corn 27». 6d.a29. Lard 39a. 6d. Turpentine 38a. 6d. MON EX. New Tome, May 22. - Money 6a7; sterhnf 9f; gold 9117M 17|; govern ments eioeed belter; priea of Btotes very dull and non curoiiibd ibwi. Crarfis Item*. Fort Valley is to haw s picnic soon. Duluth, G*., hsa ■ new Militia Dis- Mot laid oak The colored people of Oolnmbna pic- nicked yreterday. Mix McKenate, of Borne, Ga., died on Muoday night but. Savannah has had ■ rain, wbieh is immortalised in Latin. Savannah is expeoting a change in her P. O. management coon. There it talk of establishing an iron fumaoe at OerteraviUe. Drop prospects in City .on, Monroe, and Crawford coon ties good. Soperior Court is in session at Oolnm- btu, Judge Bartlett presiding. A Griffin boy had a tooth (extracted a few deya ago and the gam continues to bleed. A little gh-1 hee been emoted in Au guste flowers from the oem etery. Savannah is making great preparations for tho Regatta on tho 37th and 28th inatants. Wilor Peters, an aged oanal-driver of Augusta, fell dead from a mile, on last Tossday. The dogs of Bibb oonnty indulge in mutton to tho great detriment of cheep cultivation. The eeini-eentennial celebration of the Episcopal Ohnrot., took place in Savan nah yesterday. Savannah has the oldest chartered Maaonio Lodge in the United States, Solomon, No. 1. Tho hook and ladder company of Co lumbus has purchased a champion fire extinguisher for #1,860. MiUedgevilh continues to mourn for her Oapitol, and will not be comforted until she get* it. Poor thing. Some muobievona boys changed one of the twitches of the Central Road, and threw an engine from the traok. The Biaekamitha’ aod Maebfnfsfa' Uaion, now in Oolnmbue, attended a pionio yesterday at Fort Mitchell. An enterprising youth of Savannah varies the monioipal monotony by ohok- ing a freedress. AM about a piece of eoap. Dalton reader! were deprived of reed ing e first clam lo ml,on aoeonnt of one of the belligerents in a colored row going ofi home. The testimony that waa oolleoted for Hon. Morgan Rawls in the contest with Sloan waa burned up reoently in Effing bam oonnty. The Ladies’ Memorial Association of Augusta gave a concert at Ginrdy’s Opera Honae on Titeedaj evening laet. It waa a grand suooeea The OerteraviUe Express says there ere good stand* of corn and ootton through out this section of the State, but both are very backward. The wheat crop, whxt there is of it, is looking very well also. The annivereary celebration of the Cio- eroni .n and Pbi Delta Sooietiee of M.r >or University, will take plaoe on the evening of Friday, the 30th instant The orators for this will t-e Wm. E. Reynolds, of Uaion Point, on the part of the CJio- arouians, aod WiUlSUl Ira Smith, of Ma- oon, ou the port of tho Phi Delta So- OiOty. North Caraltaa Items. Capt. Patriok M. Henry, a grandson of the Oroat Patrick Henry, died s few days sinoe in Washington City, aged 68. He was raised in Rockingham oounty, says the Record. Raleigh Sentinel: The list-taken of Wake oouuty in some of the townships report that the negrom flatly refused to give in anything for taxation, not i-ven their polls, sUegmg that as they paid no taxes lost year they did not intend to pay any this year. This is a free oountry. Sapreme Oourt meets in Raleigh the lint Monday in Jaue. As usual the two first days wUl be devoted to the exami- estion of tppliosnts lor license. Appeals will be celled in the fallowing order: First we- k, First and Second Districts Second week, Fourth end Fifth District! Third week, Third and Seventh Dietrioia. Fourth week, Eight and Ninth Districts. Fifth week, Tenth and Eleventh Distriote. Sixth week, Twelth and Sixth Dial riels. Tennessee Items. The Athens Post has reports from the country which says that the out woi m is dt straying a good deal of young oorn. The Jonesboro’ Flag and Advertieer •ays that as s general thing through Up per East Tenners.*, the fruit has been kUled by the frost. Tbs Cleveland Banner, of last week, annoonom the appearance of fly in some of the wheat fields of Bradley. From the Athens Post ws learn the prospect for a heavy wheat crop in 1-wer Eiut Teuneaaoe is not very encouraging. Personal Ii«ms. Senator Sumner baa tuned bia back pay into the Treasury. Senator Caaaerly, of California, refuses to participate im the “ Congressional grab.” Minister DeLong, of Japa*:, rose fM<n ibe ranks. He was once a hotel waiter. Mrs. Livermore is said to have been in vited to become the president of a female college in Ohio. Within the last three months ten new names have been added to the list of lady preachers. Baron Adolphe de Rothschild proposes 'o build and endow at G» nova, Switz- land, a hospital for eye diseaaea, at a cos: of about one hundred thousand dol lar*. The remains of Judge Orr, late United States Minister, will be sen* to this country vis Hamburg, in charge of hts son, on the opening of navigation, which will probably be iu about tou days. Raymond was the son of aennll farmer, and in hiseaily youth soppo.Utti himself by teaching t» district school. Bei nett, arriving in this country friendless ana penniless, also earned his bread in Hali fax by teaching. In bis tint struggles Greeley was likewise a teacher in the rostic regions of Vrtmout, as James Brooks was at sixteen in the rural dis tricts of Maine. So the members of the quartette all bad some experience in school-teaching before they found their vex ation in journalism. Tburlow Weed a as as much self inode as an y of them, and at the outset of his career was a cabin-boy on the Hudson K.ver, but soon broke into a printing office by the irre- MsUbk law of his destiny. Forclfu U#Mi. Frinoe Arthur, of England was twenty two years old on the seoond of May. A Oarlist recruiting officer has receutly been arrested in LaBooage, the residence of DonOarloe, near Geneva, Switzerland. Distressing account* have come from all wine-growiuf counties of Fnnoe to the effect that hardly any of the vines have escaped the recent severe frosts, varied w*th cold, wind and rain. The " Neue Freie Freese." of Y ienna, announces that the powers entitled to a vote on the election of the next Pope havo agreed to veto the .eloetion of auy cardinal favored by the Jesuits. Spam is not included in the compact. * The " Uoloss" of St Petersburg urges upon tho Russian government to take the opportunity offered by the presence of the Japanese mission in thatoity to re open negotiations as to the island of SaghaBen, wbieh, though it forms part of the Japanese group, was up to the year 1866 withott a possessor. The Nonoonformists are no' at all sat isfied wi'h Mr. Gladstone’s educational and religious polioy, aud those of South Hampshire have held a oouierenoe at Poriaea, when zesolutions were adopted denouncing it hostile to the interests ot religious liberty, and declaring that the persons composing the meeting would vote no candidate for a seat in the House of Commons who was not in favor of perfect religious equality. There is a rotuor in Rome that unless new o&rdinsls see created any election of the new Pope made by the actual College of Cardinals will be contrary to ecolesias- tical laws. Ttie present uumber ol Car dinals is forty-five, and it ought to be at luast seventy, and the twenty-fourth ses sion of the Tridentine Gounoil prescribes that the Cardinals should be possibly ohoven in equal number from all nation alities. Of the forty five Cardinals tbir ty-three are Italians, five Frenob, three Spaniards, two Austrian, one German, one Irish. The 20,0.10,1)00 of Italian Catholics are represented by more ttian half the number of Cardinal, while the 180.000. 000 Cat^olios have a number of representatives mnoh less in proportion than the Italians. Political Items. Candidates far the Chief-Justiceship are multiplying' rapidly. The most re cent are Caleb; Cushing, Judge Black, William S. Gfroesbeck, and Lymau Trumbull. Senators Ghftidler and Ferry are two of the bithertO' unnamed Senators who have turned over the share of the back pay steal to the Treasury of the United States. Ex-Congressman George A. Halsey of Vlth New Jersey District, has returned his back pay to the Uuited States Treas urer. This is the first mau iu the New Jersey delegation that has been heard from ou the subject. Gov. Austiu, of Minnesota, was sum moned to appear before the Grand Jury at St. Paul, reoently, to testily concern• iug the defuloaticns iu the State Treas urer's office. He coolly disregarded the order and left tne oity. Sumner reoently wrote that the real purpose of his bntile fl ig resolution was not to euter the Government Depart ments and tear from the archives the reooids of the war, but to prevent those records from being pi see.' upon luture army registers and the battle flags to be borne hereafter by the regular army. The Senator said he did not doubt that the resolution would take care of itself. The Baltimore Commercial, speaks its mind iu this pertinent w<«y : "On one thing the people .re rtsolutely determined. They will permit no man to hold that salary grab aud be re-eleoted to office. If Mr. Hamlin wul ding to that ill-gotten gain, let him do so; bui don’t let him, by silence, attempt to ue- ceive the people into ttie idea that h * has restored the money to the treasury while he holds it iu his pockets.” Fire Items. Four stores in Meeting street, Oharlts ton, S. O., Known as Barrett's block were burn d recently. The lota is 940, 000, partially insured. Saturday’s telegrams report the burn ing of Pearson A P«tyue’s piamiug null at Chicago; loss 925,000. and of McNa mara A Co.’s shoe house, and Meiss A Muyur’s notion house at Cincinnati; loss 911,600, insurance 940,000. A fire iu Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad car shops in Aurora, 111., ou the 18th, destroyed eight wooden buildings belonging to the railroad com- uny, together with two dwellings ou forth Broadway, three Pullman cars, several passenger coaches, aud some un finished work. The total Iohs is estimated at 9250,000, aud is fully covered by in surance. Th# Natural Alliance—Vlrglala vs. Georgia. We call the attention of all interested in our Georgia projects of connecting the extreme South and Southwest with the great Northwest—to the following very significant notice of the results of the movement in behalf of the Kauawha Canal project. TLere can, and will be, but one outlet South for the produce of the West—and Virginia and Georgia are the competitors. The Richmond En quirer, referring to the St. Louis Con vention, says: “ We have just learned that the Con vention above referred to adopted reso lutions in fevor of the James River and Kanawha Canal. The following tele gram to tne President of the company has been iUrnished ns: Sr. Louis, May 16, 1873. Colonel C. 8. Cumnylun: The following resolution just adopted: That we icgard the completion ol the James Itiver aud Kanawha Canal, the cherished scheme of its author, George Washington, connecting as it will the waters of the Atlantic witn the great Missis^ >pi Valley, as worthy tne prompt and profound consideration of Congress, and that wo cannot too warmly express the admiration we feel for Virgiuia iu surrendering her interest, 912,000,000, tins imp ovement, m ord*r mat the same may be dedicated to the people of the whole country, to euaure them cheap rates of transportation by water to the Atlantic coast [Signed] G. O. Walker, John T. Harris, J. Ambler Smith, A. M. Davis, J. B. beuer, Thomas Whitehead. gOakly Hall, ia uia defense of Bleakley, pronounced Tennyxon’a "Come into the garden, Maud,” to be ths same song that Satan sang into tbs ears of Eve iu ths Garden of Eden. So Tennyson stands a convicted^plagiarist. Capt C. F. Hall was for • long time engaged in Cincinnati in the business of steel engraving. KUClaBSIAETICAL. l*roceea!mg« la tike Frctbjterlaa fl#a* •ral Assembly. Baltimore, May 20.—The General Assembly of ths Presbyterian Churoh continued in session this morning, and resolved that the next General Asssmblj convene in the First Presbyterian Ohurch, St. Louis, and that the sessions of the churches of St Louis be a com mittee of arrangements. The unfinished business of yesterday, the consideration of the report of the special committee of Benevolenoe aud Finance, was re sumed. The partioular feature of the report whioh bos given rise to suoh pro tracted discussion is that it proposes a radical change in the benevolent *ud financial system of the Presbyterian Churoh, in orealing a permanent con tra* of the Finance Committee, who •hall reoeive all benevolent contributions, and phy out or distribute the same to the several boards, who had heretofore each levied ar.d distributed them according to the direction of donors, or propor tionally aooording to the sums deter mined to be raised by the board. It also proposes to dispense with all paid Treas urer* of the Board. Ibe secretaries ot the several boards were requested to give their views to the scheme lor a grand central treasury, each being restricted to ten minutes. Dr. Kendall and Dr. Dickson, of the board of Home Missions; Dr. Ellenwood and Dr. Bawrie, of the Board of Foreign Mis sions; Dr. Hail, of the Committee on Sustentation, and Dr. McClelland, of the Committee on Freedmen, severally ad dressed the assembly. A majority of them were decidedly opposed to ihe proposed cluing *. After <ho secretaries had spoken, the debate beoame general indoontinmd till noon, when a recess was taken. During the session a telegram of frater nal greeting was reoeived tram the As sociation ol the Uuited Bretnreu in ses sion at Dayton, Ohio, whioh was reoeived with mauitestations of appreciation and good,will, and the Moderator was directed to reply. Dr. Smith, from the Commit tee of Arrangement, submitted a state ment in regard to the proposed excur sions to Annapolis and Washington, The Assembly agreed to visit Annapolis ol Monday next, where they will be ra ce ved by Governor White and Mr. Wash burn, including u call upon the President on the Wednesday following. After a recess, the discussion was re sumed on benevolenoe and finance, and finally the report was voted on, terictim, aud with a few unimportant amendments, die principal one giving Churches per mission to contribute through a perma nent Committee on Benevolenoe aud Finance, or directly to the Board, adoot d. The suojeot of the publication of a free penodioa# waa referred to a commit tee. The matter of the conflicting olaime of the two churches at Jacksonville, Florida, was disposed of by directing the Board of Church Electors to appropriate 91,900 to leimburse the ohurch at Jacksonville, and allowing an appeal to the Northern churcues for $5,000. Tne sessiou then adjourned until 8 p. M. In tho evening ejssion a resolution, that baptism as aim mistered iu tne Gathrlio tud all other evangelical churches is not oapVitm, was ta W. ••'t hat Bundle of Conyon#”—Letter from Mr. Cnnley. Editors Chronicle and Sentinel: I notice iu your paper o' the 16tli iust. a letter from Governor Bullock in reier- ence to a " bundle of coupons” found in the Executiee office at Atlanta. Iu cor roboration of ho statement made by Governor Bullock, I aak space in your paper for the following foots in reft reuoe to said "bundle of ooupous:” Whilst I occupied the Executive clmi*, I luqnestcd tne financi*! agents of tne atuie in New York to sena me an ac count current of their transactions for the (State. They furnished the state ment at once, and in transmitting the account they sent to the Exeou tive office a large number of ooupns which they had pa'd for the State. These paid coupons, together wiJi theaooouut, were ae it to the Treasurer of u e Slate, wnere tbey prop rly belonged. Dr. An gler, the fre .surer, return* d me coupons to the Executive office, refusing to rec ognize their legality, etc., wberoDpOn I directed my Secretary to seal them up m a package, label them, deposit them lo a safe in the Exeoutive Department, where they were subeeqoently fouud, " while engaged in overhauling office pa pers.” These were the only ooupous iu the offloe when I left the Exeoutive obair, and they were there because the Treasurer rtlused io noeive them and Jiher disposition oonld be made of tueu. These are the facts about the " bundle of coupons which had been paid but whioh Bullock had nev r can- ooUeu or destroyed.” Benjamin Conley. North Cm*U.» ,ni. CohT.lttloa. Tbu foliowiug resolution, were adopt ed bjr tbe lato Press Convention ot Norib Carolina: “Tuat tbia Convention disapprove of any diaorimiuation in favor of au; udver- tiaing agency, Nortb or Houtb, aud that tho preaa feel themselves in dutv bonnd to charge publishing rates; to take efleci on preaent runniog contract. Aud that all "apeoial rata," of a lower grade be discontinued." Whuhnah, The prevalence of tbe credit system of .utocriptions baa been found to work serious loss to publishers a bo have adopted it, and whereaa ei pe nance prove, that the cash system ia tue only safe one, tbetefore be it resolved, that tbe caah system be adopted aa lar as possible, aud adhered to aa elosely aa possible." Resolved, That no member of this As sociation shall receive wbat is known aa Legal Advertisements” published un der tbe laws of this Htate, except n r on prepayment. That a committee of three be appoint ed to draft a bill requ ring all legal ad vertisements to be published in tbe ne a (papers, and tuat Ibe oommittee be reqnesMl to present tbe preaeav bill in person to tbe members of tue legists’ tore aud urge its adoption, after tbe bil (nail have been approved by the Eteco live Committee of tbia Awuoia ion. Thk Postmaster General awaits the return ol Bnpennteudant Banka Horn a war of inspection to Chicago, 8«. Louia and Cincinnati, when be will maka im- C iaul changes in the transmission of itnsrn mails He has already or dered tbe leorganiaatloa of tbe New Orleans Postofflce, aod will increase tbs number of postal oars on routes Booth parallel with lb* Miaeueippi, Anstbcr n.»r Belt. It will be remembered by most ot out reader*, that some tear yea re ago ths Legislature of Georgia waa engaged for * considerable time in disaaesing tbe Mitchell heir alaim, and thet it wealth* oanee of considerable talk in the new-* papers. When Atlanta wea first found ad, aauiisL tuionus then in life, and residing in Pike oonnty —where his family atul Uvea—owned some land around that oily, and gave several acres to the Slate Road, : where the prerant depot stand*, opoa condition that it should be need for railroad purposes by the raid road. This was never d me, aud sinoe the war, the heirs were advised that the TITII REVERTED TO THEM by reason of noa-naar, and upon this tbey went before the Legislature request ing that body to declare thet whatever interest the State might have had ia it, bad, by this means, bien forfeited, sad that they were entitled to it The eervi- cos of Gov. Brown, Judge Loahmne, and other eminent attorneys, were engaged, and the ball was put in motion. The Legislators at first refused to naaa th* bill, when it waa represented to ins hairs, aa we have been informed, that u wea neeeaaary to procure the service* of io oontrol Bnllook, for without the influ ence of the latter, nothing oonld be ao- oomplisbed. Tbe arrangement was mads, when it was said that the only means of soooees was for the bain to aell Kimball their interest in it, and they finally mad* him a deed, or gave their obligations to make him one, upon the payment of the sum ot TimtTT-nvn thousand dollabs. This accomplished, tbey soon get the measure through tbe Legislature, end as Gen. Toombs oroe said, ‘ Brown, Loeh- rane and Kimball beoame the Mitouell heirs.” Bnt be this as it may, thew at torney* own a large portion of the prop erty, and a bill in obanoery baa bean filed to set their title aside, and deolere what thr legitimate helm ere entitled to, upon the ground that Brown A Co., took ad- vautuge of the OONF1DBNTIAL BBLATION of attorney and olknt, and defrauded them of their joet dues, thr amount ap proximating two hundred thousand dol lars. In otber words, the basis of the suit la, that by three representation., the heir, were induced to aooept e proposi tion whioh was false in preniaea, which they never would have assented to bnt for the legal ndvioe of their oonnael, whom tbey had employed and agreed to give ONB-FOOBTH ON TH* MATH in the event of tbe reooverv- Bnt aa it tame t out, by thisptece of strategy tbey received lees than ona-flftb, and their at torneys tbe remainder, Thlsolaim reived a good share of attention at the bunds of tbe committees appointed to investigate tbe O' adoot of Bollock and for otber purposes, and doubtless it' last sufficient insight into tbs t waa gained to warrant the bringing of ihia anik It be* been made returnable to Fulton Buperior Ooort, and OXSBBAL TOO KBS has been employed as leading oonnael, and will be assisted, we presume, by otber equally aa d stingnisbad attorneys, it is thought that Hon, B. H. Hill will also be engaged in the oase, and any way there will b. big guna enongh initio maka the ebelliug of lb* woods pretty warm aod exceedingly intereating. The war ha. oommenoed, the knights are buckling on tbeir armor, and when the struggle commences it will be fierce, sharp and derisive. Bad Coadaet of UaliUsa S#|nm, Bed negroes in Louisians, by the ad vice, oonnael, aid an encouragement cd Kellogg, the usurper end minion of radi oal tyranny, are committing intolerable outrages, wbtob, io a oonutry governed by just law., administered by house! officials, would never occur, Tho N‘ a Urleaua Picayune of tbe !8ib mmUi na a oa«e of an outrage committed by an armed baud of oegroe. in Algiers, upon the steamboat "John Howard,” aod tbe same pacer of the 20tb inatant state* that a repetition of that outrage was en acted, at Algiers, on be 19th, oy a simi lar band of armed negroes upon tbs •teamen "Thompson dean and "City of Quinoey." Tbe Picayune says: It appear, tl-at tb« above iiamed (team- era bad ei.gaged a sufficient number of laborer! on tbia aide of the river, to go over to Algiers, for Ibe porpoae ot load ing the boats at tbe warehouse* there at a stipulated price. Tbe oootract with them was al tbe usual pi ices lor auoh work, and waa by them accepted. When the boat arrived on ibe Algiers aids, tbe laborers engiged by tbe respective boat* ware met by e band of armed negroes, wbo commanded those hired by tbs boats to refoaa to pro ceed with tbeir work, anises tbey oonld outain an advance on tbe prioe already agreed upon. They dated, emphatically, that tbe boat* ahonld not be loaded if their oommanda war* not obdjred; ct the time (.setting that they were empowered thus to sot by the anpport if not tbe order of the Kellogg authorities. They threatened tbe live* of the laborer, in case they touched a pound of freight. The goods intended to be ahipoed by three boats were in the bonded ware houses. If tnis state of things continue, th* Linage lo car commercial affairs will be incalculable. The numerous obstacle, already existing in tbe Way of handling of freight are enongh without au-h bigh-han<ted above related. There are at present 130,000 rnUas of railway on the globe, whereof ebon! 68,000, or more then one half, are in the Uuited Btataa. In oooatries where Oar er a meat management axial* threw are altogether (boat 9,000 miles of radway. Tue Belgian Government baa lb* great est interest in railway*; that is to ray it has tbe greatest pi oporttooate ownerattip. In Austria Iber. are 7.0C0 mile* Of rail way. and Buaaia ninimm 8,008 open for Irafllo, ana 6,000 mors in l ol construction. The Moetb UeroUns pagan Mecklenburg Declaration ol ladagan- deooe oriebrated. The M-ektononrg that at PbifadeJ- New Xtoeriiaraunu. Votlco in Bankruptcy. WtittaM WSmTmm Factory, oouty rf dhaMoofa *od MM*ef Qi—li. vto Em —m NMpi • tanfenpl «• Mo m m«- tteo. iMIMI A# foyaoot ot say ME. Mi 4o> ilTwry ot ooj yrop««ty OWoHh m wmA fto hlM* or too hi* «m. aod Uo tnuMter af oay yvop* my fartloAn byfa*;Uul* biiH otlkoUlMlllSE#«MdiHlWjl,lljOIT# ttMfa So Mo. Mi toekoooe ou or mom BMlsn— of too •ateu. vll to told ok a Oourt of BukttiAoy^to kOMOB to Aftfaafa. Cfce. —™ BMUiN, ■iglrtM, «M t inn, to 10 o'clock a. m. Notice in Bankruptcy. maffi is ,1 afar. tofltU J. H. ANDERSON CO, M Alabama Straot, AUsato, ^EEBoBjWp-oAto.f—EE FtooUro wMk tkt Miwtn AM Reapers, Hors« RAkta, Bcytfeet ai4 Cradles AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, INCLUDING PLOWS, PEED CUTTER*, HARROWS, PUMPS, WAGONS, AO. AGENTS TOE BROWN'S CELEBRATED COTTON GIN, TEXAS COTTON PRESS, BLANDY’S STEAM ENGINES AMD SAW MILLS. J H AN VERSON A 0 • Good Boarding! £T TOU WANT BOARD WITM Ol WITHOUT LODGING, AT OMtfUe Best Hcises IeUmCRj, a mu ax MZtffi. (WXXiffiOX’ffi. Pryot StNoi BMi oorato of Hoafaff Two aluoloo walk from Um ,IN—ism Dopoi. THA.N8IENT BOARDHRM wyaodst GEORGIA—Tallafirra Ooasiyi Court ox Oodixaxt, at Ciamdi, I May 17Ik, loll. j UU. MARTHA 1. RTkNd oppltoo to mo fax •*- lu •mpuon of porooBtoty. s*A*Eaf ops-1 sad ▼dilution ot tho uaai and I win p— upon tho mu to mjr <An I* Cnvfaadxlllo OB T««adoy, SA day r4 jono. to o'olock. Otrito nadw my band and oGofal stptovo ttlo May 17th, 1STA CHARLES A. BXaZLEY, T.O, Hotica in Bankruptcy. !▼• notice tkto m i , 187a, • warrant not tho atoafa ot Lart O. Waha, of Atlanta, oonnty of ration and State of Georgia, who haa b##n adindpoda Bankrnpcun his own p#> UUon and thalth# paymaat of noy dobte, and d#- ilToy of aoy property tolooitos to onoh Bankrupt, lo him. or for dla ou, and tea tranafar of any p repute by him, arafoitoddaatolawi Umlsaoot- mg of ioa eraditora of tha mid Bankropf, lo prora tbatr dobte, and lo ohooaa ooa or mora amfgnaaa ot hte aatete, will ha halt! to a Oowt of Bankrapfte, lo ba hoidaoto AUvota.Oaorgla, oafbra luwnan SUok. c. fiouficrujD, Funeral Undertaker, ffetalic Cadeft,. Burial Cm t CdOh Apit Cer Taft rt Oerpss Ft—rrcr. no. l Daeivri OPKEA HOUSE, adwonxe Otor* To Rant O WN of tha tool elaada In Iho toly. As I Intend aaorlBf tetemy saw aiiUcUi,! DEAL BDILwDia. OOUEB ALA BAMA and rcBsm mm*. MIS liHirerm rarat mm tmar rest. •UrerbuaMn. Ml rafretteai- .re. inSMgsre rarm.rt, US. bmm. tkst 1 SOT. a *■■!!■» ore re .owesea te-iw Ttereare., ass hum. non. Pow«.,acio Ore-Ire, Orere Swnkre, ore. — “"ttHk w. joHsaov. ATLANTA WATER CURB. Dr. F. KATaOW. ni f. r JLB ufr _ . mig reals is reuMl-breret lor IBs mm or aS Oaireio Maresre, re vtre as sfb ireasreisUF latorm iss MSreaa re AMeis re* reijioillo, BassMAius. XKuusau, awre-ls. ‘ozzrtjz'zrssz ra re is. Wure. Hre re all areas. nsiurcisa, uososjumu. Ir-reABu OsM^SSM sfui MmmM uA areriMliia, SA. ret UM WIANMIK N ABB V1LLR, TfetNN.