The Atlanta daily sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1873, May 28, 1873, Image 1

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DAILY AND7WELKLY. TUB SUN PUBUSHING CO. Hon. A.H. STEPHENS POLITICAL EDITOR. THE VOL. Ill SUN. BY TELEGRAPH. jtew' ro«K. Saw Yojuc, Haj 27.—Tue OauUmiU iDMafontB hare purchased General Siiertusa with a cargo ol material. The Colombian Government baa pur- chimed the • learner Virginias. Mo oorreepondeate or drill ana will be allowed to aoeompan; the Tallow Stone expedition. The eaptolna cf the ships Horner and R. 1* Meier, from Bio Jauerio bound to Now Turk, both died of yellow fever "fiflOTi*,* —lellow fever pa tients are oommenoing to arrive at qoar- antina. Two ponng men (ongbt about a girl at a picnic in Jefaej. One of them was fatally stabbed. Among Wallaok'a pall bearers were A. Oskey Hsll snd Beoorder HsckstL A negro fatally cut a white man with a riser, tn XHaabeth, Hew York. ThoMayof, Comptroller, and Oonndl of (nit' city hive lent a request to the Legislature for the passage of billa em powering the imposition and collection of taxes, is tnc new dty charter as lately paeeed, virtually repeals suoh powers. Tnw body of Ms. On, laU Minister to Russia, will He in elate in this dty be fore being taken to Anderson, South Orolina, for interment. The remains have not yet arrived. bjubi^sjub. London, May 27.—The Alabama Claims was dimmed in the House of Commons to-day. Bentwick declared that the gov ernment policy wns humiliating and de grading; the government should have broken the negotiations at the time when the revalue of shame would have been lent to England; the arbitration was the greatest monument o( human folly. Sir Stafford Nortboote admitted that during the negotiation of the treaty he had not minutely examined the oonse quenoea for British subjects affixing the ere of war st Lee’s surrender. Gladstone said that the advancement of indireot claims by the American Gov ernment was a gigantic error. In *the other tworespaots he defeuded the eourae the arbitration had taken. The debate here closed and the item waa agreed to. Loudon, May 27.—A fire in Berkly Square look plaoe to-day. Six persona were killed and six hurt. Mo water available. A motion to adjourn the Parliament until June the 6th, for the Derby races, was carried. Tbe Weat India steamer, Moselle, ar rived to-day from Nissan with the forger, Bid well, who was captured in Cabs. He was ooomitleu to Newgate. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. WEDNESDAY. MA Y 28, 1873. NO. 913 IUUi cf lafesarlftliBi DAILY-Per annum $$ 00 Half yearly...... A 00 Quarterly 2 00 Monthly, - to WEEKMgwPer annum (a ou «rTn Buu'a ooubined Daily mi Weekly circulation is bugec than that of any paper in the State. trjtsmjrtiTojr. Bjurntjurcuco. San Francisco, May 27.—The Captain ol Company A, First Cavalry, ol Grooa’a oommaod, reports the killing of five In dions snd eaptnring tbsir supplies. Im mediately after the action the First Cav alry was ordered to the Modoc country, leaving Arisona exposed. Ban Fbaniosoo, May 27.—The bodies .of three Chinamen, who died from small pox, won found to-day conoetled In the pump boxes of the steamer Lord ol the Isles, lying st her dock. Tbe vessel was ordered to bo quarantined at once. The patseogera ago in the oily, having all lanaed yesterday. Local opposition to Chinese immigra tion is taking definite shape. Tbe Board of Supervisors will pass an ordinance that all Chinese sentenced to county jail will ba deprived of their ,->ig tails, and levying a tax of 116 a quarter on Ofainsao humdrymeo and prohibiting tur removal ol dead bcdiei to China. The representatives of six Chinese com panies have telegraphed to Hong Kong, representing the state ol affairs, and ad vising Chinamen to atop ooming to Cali fornia. Sensation rejiorts are published about the leprosy, as if it was a new thing here. The cases are old ones, the dis ease having existed in this oity M or 14 years. fUUFWl. HaiitCgR, Miff SB.—Tlia sohouuar Annie ifcowt, which waaofaartorad by toe New n>rk Wrecking Company to curry goods from tne wreok, baa been aeiaod > y orders of the Yioa Admiralty of the Court at a anit 6f Edward Ryan, Jss. Oonlen, and others, of Prospect, who ol sun $8,000 aa compensation for saving life and prop- erty af'lbe time o( the wreok. KA4A4A Washington, May 27.—Zsusson*, the New Mei’oan Commissioner, is expooled next week with n treaty extending tne commission two yean, when work will bo retained. The following was received this morn ing from Chicago, addressed to the bee- rotary of War: General Anger telegraphs that the Hexioaos on the border are well I with the punishment given the Kicks poos by MoKenzie. Tbe remain der of the Kiokapooa threaten retaliation, but wo are ready for them if they oouao. (Signed) P. H. Shwdan. Lientenant General. The Secretary of War hat addressed letter bo Quartermaster General Meigs, stating that to* the purpose of decorat ing the graves of deoeased Union soldiers in tbe National Cemetery at Ar* Iington it will ba under tbeoontrolof the Grand Army of the Republic on the 80th inat, and that all organized pro- oeesious or parties desiring to visit tue cemetery for the purpose of decorating graves other than those named above oaa ba admitted on any day subsequent to the ona above named upon proper application. MFiuXfH. Sanannan, May 97.—Tbs annuel races of the Regatta Association of Georgia oommonood to-day under tbe most favor able auspices. The weather beiog clear and present drew to the scene an im mense number of peraou. The baloo- and every available position oora minding a view of the river were com pletely jammed witn an enthusiastic crowd of i pec tutors, who evinoed great interest in the- three entries. The first race, whioh was between f mr-osred canoes end gig hosts 1 over a straight oourse ol one mile, was woo by Maggie, entered by the Tenon Club o this oity. Time 6:32. Ssoond between single skulls over the same oourse, won by the Lilly Palmetto Club from Charleston. Time 6:66. Th-y oontinue two days more. Toxxba, Kansas, May 27.—A diapatob from MBpIriffteJLthU Neosho river has oveifiowed the banks coping, extensive damage to oropa. Trains on the Mia •oun, Kansas A Texas Railroad are de layed at the bridge serosa the Big John Creek, south of Connell Grove. The walawie running mound both euda of the bridge, destroying I 'Cottonwood Valley in flowed. XhuMfcuad tfettsk is The bridge mOeder Creak is gone, msoh damaged and vMjrcurjrat s c DiritHi.ufi tottrty off snfi throw the flr'Srito f££<!S!£ ead body from the train. Rohe, May 17.—Tne Pope, in s epeeoh yesterday, deolared he bed eran prayed for Fnnoe, bat would now pray with greater oonfidenoe. The election of MaoMahon was a guar antee of order and jostioe, whioh had been threatened on nil aides. The Chamber of Deputies hive finally passed the Dili abolishing religious cor porations. rjKW Paris, May 2".—A special dispatch to the New York Times says that tbe new Government will adopt tbe free trade polioy snd rodnoe the army expenses. Thiers will resume his literary labors. Thitrt took his seat in the Assembly to-dsy. Prinoe Pierre Bonaparte it in Paris BjH.TIJUOHE. Bai/tihobb, May 27.—The Assembly referred nil overtures for a union, paoially looking to the reformed aburoh, to Bev. Adams, New York; Darling, Albany; Musgrove, Philadelphia; 3a- oobhs, Pennsylvania; Mitohell, Illinois, and ionr elders. ST. LOUIS. St. Louis, May 27.—Mcmbrino Tern pie, a famous stallion, ia dead. St. Louts, May 27.—Two women were killed by lightning in Kansas. Dispatches from Kansas snd Iown rep resent immense damage to oropa from the rains ol the past week. MBJiJTY. Am amt, May 27. —Tbe decision of the Court of Appeals in Stolen’ oaae will not ba rendered for several days. QUEUEC. Quebec, May 27.—Heavy rains snd five million feet of lumber adrift. A4DMID. diADUD, May 27.— Captain General Pieltan has been offioially notified to carry into effect tbe order of March 24tb, liberating 10,060 slaves. SuRVXY OF THS ATLANTIC AND GuLT Uailboad.—Iu a talk with President Screven, the editor of tno Thomasville Enterprise learns the following: The new survey for the Atlaotio and Golf Bond, from Bsiubridge to Pollard, la about ball completed, and tbs route found to be the moat favorable yet sur veyed ; making a difference of from twenty to thirty feet average grading per mile lees than the lormer hues. Two re markable Ungents of a.iout twenty-five mues also appears on the new route, one of them eommenetng at Bainbridge and the other at the crossing of the CostU- hooehee, thus giving fifty miles of air line road in the first fifty-two or fifty- three mike surveyed. •V* The printers of Geneva are on a strike, and a queer one it is. They find no fault with their pay or their hours ol work, but they have ooncluded that it ia degrading to have a toceman. They want to rrgulata tbe composition room aa equal partners. The Swiss 1 imea baa set been abtu to see tntugs in tne same light aa its oompuaitont, and* hence ia aau tinning its pubiiaataoa under diifieul- CONOWHMBD S1WS Alabama llama. The Mobile and Girard Railroad has carried into Columbus this year 17,618 bale* of oottoa A sturgeon five foot long and weighing one hundred end fifty pounds was caugb ; in the Warrior river, near Tuscaloosa, day or twoainoe. Colton’s new pooket map of Alabama ignores Colbert oountf, altogether. It unites Franklin and Colbert and calls the combination '‘Franklin." Tbe Columbus Enquirer, of Friday, save that crops below here, on tbe Mo bile ud Girard Railroad, though book- ward, are by no means looking so bn promising h w* had expected to find them. The post ottos st Union Springs has beau moved by tbs new inoumboat to a vary iooonvenient piooe. The new post master pays a high tribute to Grant by publicly proclaiming that he, the post master, it not fit for the offlos he bolds. Tbe Selma Times, referring to tbs sus pension of Ferguson A Co.,Tinkers, of Selma, aays that "not n merchant or business man will be involved or dam iged, ud while the affair it, of oourse, moon discussed, still there is no unessi- and tbe oourse of business will not be affected by it. People away from Selma need not put any oonfidenoe in uy will statements they may hear. Tbs true status of tha affair will be furnished through the Times, snd a reliable de tailed statement of tbe oondition of tb* firm wili be given as soon as it can be obtained." North Carolina Items. The fruit erop in North Carolina will be short this year. And from every quar ter of tbe State the prospect for field oropa is very disoouragiag. The Wilmington, N. O.. Star ohronioles several cases of small pox at Rooky Point, there being as many as six in one family. It baa raged mostly among the oolorel people, but n number of whites bare also <*d it. The Goldsboro Messenger says the coat of growing cotton this yetr cannot be less than 14 cents per ponnd. of Bonday A man ud wmu married ye. tendny morning, got drunk ov dinner, ioegbt in ike elaornoon sun slept in tbe ~~ unaa-Aa, with oil It was boiling a* Urn tune. Political Hems. Colonel George Williams, of Louisiana, baa been appointed resident minister in the Central Amerioan States. Ev-Oongressman E. Y. Rioe of the 10th Illinois District, is said to be building a new house with bis $6,000 of the salary grab. A few weeks ago it was reported that S. C. Pomeroy had given up politios snd was shunt to honor New York City by aooepting a luorative uusinees offer in one of our great commercial houses. Mrs. Harriet Beeober Stowe, writing from Florida, aays: "With suitable iu- stiuotiou, alligators may yet be seen in the Legislature. They osrtainly would not be more grasping ud voraoiotu than many in the utuation; and there ia a fine openness about their muner of doing things that is prepossessing. ” A special diapatob from Oolnmbut, Ohio, says the Liberal republicans pres ent at tbe meeting of themselves with the Democrats, on Thursday, to fix tbs date for a State Convention, manifested t desire to preserve an independent organ ization, and determined to issue a call lot a mass Convention, to assemble st Oolumbns on August 6, the date flxtd for the State Convention. The ornaments upon the Bepubliou nomination lor Citato ofiloera in Ohio by the prees of that Sts'e are somewhat in teresting. The leasing aomini-trstion journal, The Oineinnsti Gazette, emphat ically commends both tbe tioket and the platform, and thinks snooeas is even mure oertain thu it was in 1871, whan Gov. Ncyee was first eleoted. The Oineinnsti Commercial (Ind.) ridioulss the platform tor censoring Congress for the salary grab, snd praising Geoeril Grant for bis 'rigid eoonomy”when his salary ha* been inoreated to $200,000 a term. It thkhs Governor Noyes hat gained popularity daring nis official tom, bnt says nothing about bis pros pints for re-eleoticn. The Enquirer (Dem.) of the same Q'ty dis poses of the matter in this summary way: “The tioket represent# about as little talent as uy planed in the field in thin State under tbe present Constitution. The gentlemen who brought it into the world have been guilty of tbe orime of the period." Tbe Columbus State Jour nal (Rep.) thinks the platform a strong one, but oonsiden its resolution for the repeal of tbe Sultry bill too sweeping in including tbe President’s salary ud that of the Judges. It thinks Governor Noyes will be re-elected by u increased sjority, and D,-«Belle Items. H. E K-mal Bey if said to have e hand a new drama in Turkish, turning upon incidents of the detenu «t Silistria. Madame Nilaon-Rouzaud ia tinging in London for the first time ainot her mar riage. She is being encored ud admired to her beirt’i content. Henry J. Byron’s oomedy of “Fine Feathers” has not been praised by the London newspapers. His ‘Time'sTri umph’ is ehortlv to be brought out at tbe Charing Cross. When Signor Goveau first offered his 'Geeu Cnsto” to the Teatro delta Corn- media atMilao, it was forbidden; bat* ohange in the title to "II Itedeatore” made it acceptable to tha authorities. Blanche Davenport, of Philadelphia, daughter of E. L. Davenport, the trage dian, is said to be the ooming Ameriou trims donna. Blanche is in Italy, study, ng under Perini, the tutor of Bose Her, see ud Mian Gary, A new Margutrilt was recently intro duced at OoTunt Garden Theatre, in Lou don, whom the critics do not teem to It is said in a notice of her per- fonnuoe that “tha ideal Grttchex neither it a eoquetie nor does she gush." Wevstge ll«m«. On July 1st Prinoe Euwards Island will become a part of tha Canadian Con federation. Nost, tne ourrioaturiat, ia in Boglsmt. where be is ‘ikely to remain, ai d where artist* are paid with a liberality unknown to tbit country. Newt of tbe serious illness of tbe Pop* are again revived. He has lately bad several severe attacks, ud la in dangsr of -nffoosUon. Tbe Cardinals are al tbs Va < aa ready foe uy emergency. The Friuew ol Waits, Queen Victoria's oldest toe, who I as beteiofon led a life oi extravagance, is now said to be econ omising, aad fo have saved 4500 oot of kit put yearly aBomaor. though it is be found the sum ia a he had forgotten Itsllgtewa luma. Unitarian ism, it in said, is not as strong in New York st it waa twenty-live years ago. One half of the Protestant Episoopal Churches in the United States are free- seated. The number of converts in the Protest ant missions of the world is computed at 1,334,993. The Baptists in Iowa claim a member ship of $20,000. They hive 374 churches ud 109 pastors. Tiehendorf, the eelebrated Bibliosl oritio, will be one of the delegates from Germany st the Conference of Evangeli oai Alliance. There are 821 students ra the seven Congregational Thelogical Seminaries in thj United States, forty-three more than last year. Aeoording to the last oensns there are 48,874 clergymen in the United Slates. Of this number 8,572 reside in the State of Ohio, The Old Catbohoo have arranged for the election of a Bishop st Cologne on 'the 4th of J one. This, it is believed, will give definite shape and permanency to the movement. Aooording to Methodist statistics, the increase of their denomination in the United States for twenty years has been fifty per oent greater thu the inoreaae of population. The rationalists of Germany are en raged in a revision ot the Bible, whioh they propose to call the protestaut Bible of the New Testament. The same have united in a uody called tht Protestant Union. A Methodist paper says it is no seoret that the itinerant syate n, with all its ad vantages, is severe in its severances of the pastors aud peop'e. This is stid iu view of the reoent removal ol several hundred ministers. A missionary in Utah states that of the Mormons be found fifty-seven per nest, had belonged to the Church of England, sloven to tbe Methodists, and eight to the Presbyterians; ouly six per out. had Mormon parents. Tbe oentenary of tbe firat Methodist Eoclesiastio Convention held iu America is to be eelebrated by the Methodists of Philadelphia in July next, beginning on Sunday, the 13th, ud continuing for three days. The organic union of the virion pres byteries of British Amerioa ia now as sured. Tbe committees, whioh met at St, John, N. B., have sgieedupoa terms of anion, snd notbiug remains but tne ratification ot their work by the several assemblies. miwatlaaeoas Items. The Uaion newspaper ol Columbia, 8. C. has been sold, and it is said will b* discontinued or removed to Charleston. The Oity Counoil of Riohmond offer to give a site on Gambles’ bill, in that oity, for the mouument to General Lea. Mrs. Elizabeth Lee died at Sport m- burg, S. O., about two weeks ago, iu her 100th year. The report is that Chiosgo gets impor- Ini .asm uf BuiVtrarau UiCIUUHUUiiro *>J UiV way of Montreal muob cheaper than through the New York Custom House. The Mempnis Ledger says that Ham Carter, u ex-Memphis negro politician, will i s a candidate for Governor of Mis sissippi belore the Radioal oonvention iu July next. There are 71,800 Baptists, 260 Baptist Sunday Schools with 13,000 pupils in Alabama, The remains of General Oanby were interred at Indianapolis on Friday last. In the Connecticut Senate last week, a constitutional amendment, providing for one State oapital, to be loomed in Hartford, was passed. Of tbe grand jury impanusled to in. vestig te the late troubles in Louisiana sixteen ere colored, ud every one s Rad ios!. Ezekiel T. Oox, father of Hon 8. IS. Cox, of New York, died reoently at his borne in ZaneeviUe, Ohio, and at a ripe old age. Mr. Oox was many years j.rom- inontiy identified with journalism. The annual couuoil of the Episoopal Ohurob of Virginia snd West Virginia oonvened reoently at Winchester, for the first time sinoe 1857, The editors of Ohio in oonvention last week deolared in favor of a discrimina tion in postage oo newspapers circulated in the county, distriol or btaie in whioh they are published, and those sent from a distance. Nearly one thousand feminines of SL Louis have signed a petition to the Ooun- oil of that city asking a repeal of the social evil regulation system in prautioe there. The Geneva Arbitration oost the Uni ted States $144,000. The amount sward ed in our fsvor ia fifteen ud a iuuf mil lions PtriOHtl Items. Ex-Congressman George A. Halsey, of the Sixth New Jersey Distriot, has re turned his book pay to the United States Treasury. The present editor of Lippinoott's Magazine is John Foster Kirk, who has obtained a good deal of reputation in Philadelphia from the authorship of sev eral historical works. After the late Captain Hall’s return from nin first Arotio exploit!ion, Lady Fruxlin journeyed tromCsliforuia, where she wen traveling, on purpose to see him. His additions to tbe mementoes of Sir John Franklin greatly interested her. s-V-e — Tl»e Lata Wether Helmet. In the death of Father DeSmet, which occurred yesterday at the St. Louis Uni versity, the Catholic Chuich loses one of ill mutt em-nent ud veuersble rep resentatives in the United Sistea, For more than forty jeers, n resident of this couutry, ud for a number of yean mazing bis borne in St, Lonis, a con siderable port-on of this period wts spent in religions labors among tbe Indiana of the far West, with whom bis uooeie was unprecedented in mimionsry so oats, at his memory will be long ud affectionately venerated by the benefi ciaries of bis nonle self-saorafioe. Full details of this distinguished gentleman's life ud eventful experiences, aa also tbe arrangements for bis interment, will bo found in our local ooiomas—Ex. Present iadioaUuna Samuel B. Oox will ba the fund id ale lor Congress ia t! trot of Maw York to fill tana tat whioh Jamei UccUiUaUcil. THJ? KORTHKUN GBNBBAL AIUOIDLY Baltimobe, May 24.—The Presbyte rian General Assembly to-day appointed a commute# to oontider ud to report to the next General Assembly on the sub- jeot of issuing a free paper. Tbe report of tha Board of tha Ohureh Emotion Fond showed receipt# daring the put year of $110,774, number of ohurohea contributing 1,903, not contributing 282, amouut expended in aid of ohnrches $88,091, oburohea receiving aid 160. Daring the lest three yegrs the board has completed 385 ohnrobes, free of debt, ud insured aburoh property worth three million dollars. The board recommend that in the future not more thu one thonsud dollars be allowed in aid of any ono church. The report and recom mendation wu adopted, the sfiut of the southern assembly, A special from Little Rook aays that tha Southern Presbyterian General Assembly have adjourned, ud that nearly all the members have left for home. No defi nite notion was taken in relation to an organio anion, bnt tbe general sentiment was clearly in favor of uniting with the Dntoh Reformed Ghnroh, rather than with uy other body of Preebyterius. In the afternoon tbe repoit of the Committee on Manses was taken up ud dismissed until recess. Alter recess, tbe special order, tbe report ol tbe Committee- on Missions for Freed men, wus submitted with a recommenda tion that the Assembly oommend the Miseions ol Freedman to tbe sympathy and hearty support of the whole Church. The report shows receipts during the year of 863,125, expenditures $59,260, The report gives tn interesting aooount of number of oburohea, Sunday soho-ils, Missionary associations, oomauinioants ud Sunday school scholars. Bev, A. 0. McCU llan, Secretary of the regular Committee on Mission of Freed- men, addreased the Convention snd was lollowed by Bev. E. J. Adams, oolured, wrho delivered a forcible speech. Other speeches were made and tbe report adopted. Tbe Committee on Ohoroh Polity re ported, and the Assembly adjourned un til lip. e, wlion tbe report on theological seminaries will be oousiaered. OETTISBDEft KATAITSKE WATER. T HE United SUtee DiepenMuNT, the eatherined reoord of our Meterle Medio*. e)$n$$ thl* Wefterwith the ■ * ~ known In it* i$l pw$$ni»| p»D|wrft*. detorlontU. tj bottling end keeping. It he* never been eleimed tor uxj other mineral wsterthe power to dlMolve tbe aratee. or eo-celled oheik fonneUen* in the bod j or en the ilnabe and Joints. This the Qettjsbarg Ketelysine Wster (im done in handled* of initsnoee. Gout, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Dye* pepele, Gravel, DUbetea, Kidney and Urlnmy Die- ■*“ generally have eU yielded to its influence. gw-O made ia importing English or phans for domsstio service. The Thomasviile Enterprise, of the 20th, says: " We had the pleasure ol meeting yesterday Hon. John Screven, Preeiaeut, and Ooi. H. S. Haiuea, Super intendent of the A lautio aud Unit Rail road, who visited Thomseville on busi ness connected with tneir road. A pleas ant oh*t with thorn informed os that the new snrvey for tbe extension of tbe At lanta snd Golf Road *rom Bainbridge to Pollard is about half completed, aud the route found to be the mosi favorable yet surveyed; making a difference of (rom twenty to thirty feet average grad ing per mile less than the former lines. Two remarkable tangents ol about twen ty-five miles eaob also appear on the new route, one of them oommenoing at Bain- bndge and tbe other at tne orownng of the Chattahoochee, thus g viug fif-y miles of air-line road iu tbe first Ultv-two pT Uliy-Uirtm union Itaaa lojotl, I'.Auldwu Sorcveu is aJJ ouergy aud activity iu set ting ou foot tins muob needed exteusiou, uud we hope to see tbe whole oouutry support him iu the greet undertaking. Jt is no smell matter to extend a railroad oue hundred aud sixtjr or one hundred and seventy miles in »nis section of the oouutry/aud under the present stringeu oy of the money market, bat 'f any muu in Georgia cuu do it, we believe Presi dent Wei even cun. Tne people slung tue line, however, should not sit down, fold their hands uud wait for him to open up their localities to the world, uud mukt their fortunes lor them. They snoulu nsu up, like a strong man, and pat tht lr ahoulders to the wheel also. If they oovot the great benefits to be derived from it, let them also show gnt and man liuess in the acquisition. ” lu« rtnorad mtuotUsr powsr to tbe pemJyUc, our*. Abdominal Dropsy, and given healthy action to the Torpid Liver, ft ha* oared Chronic Diarrhoea. Piles, C the tflu IHam . by the Bottled Water. It la a powerful antidote for excessive eating or drinking. It correct* the stom ach, promotes digestion and relieve* the head aim set Immediately. Pamphlets containing a history of the Spring, reports from eminent pavslclans and mtdioal writers, marvelous and well-attested corea. and tes timonial* from dfjiingaiahod oltlaens, will ba fur nished and aent by mail on application to WHITNEY BBO.’B, General Agents, W7 Sontn Front at., Phils Jalphla, Gettysburg Spring* Oe. For Hale by HEARD.OBAXQ k OO. generally. druggists apdfla Magnolia Balm A FEW APPLICATIONS HASH A Pure Blooming Complexion It U ▼•eatable lu oamtloa Is seen and felt aft once. It doe* away with the Aluahed Appearance censed by Heat. Fatigue ttxl Excitement, lloalaaud removes all Blotches and Pimple*, dispelling dark and unsightly Spots. Drives away Tan, Freckles and Ban- burn, and by Its gentle but powerful iufloenoe mantles the laded cheek with YOUTHFUL BLOOM A YD BEAUTY* Sold by all Druggist* end F*ucy Store*. Dc* (ot, 83 Tark 1‘laoe, New York SUtt gUtowtifiomnie. J-ILANDEBDONtoOCh, an iissaws Hmm,», . A““vwim*h torn* Motts* wan Si. Mowers and Reapers, Hone Hates, Scrtbea aad CratU** mito*.^nsesisss85i AORIVDliTUHAL HIPLESISW,’ INCLUDING nKLItol 00m*, HARROWS, PUMPS, WAGONS, NO. AGENTS FOE SHOWN’8 OXUBEATNV COTTON NSN, TEXAS COTTON PRESS, BLAND VS ST RAM RNGINBS xsn SAW WrVXA Coll uid am is MMapiHhiatat MMvaqpS. “JJ® J..H AWlTEHSOH a O f GEO. E. WAKD&OO.’S TO BTJY YOUR CLOTHING! Tb»r kmoptMAa vtaadid Stock of Clothing THIS OIIBATI Southern Remedy OoDiumptlon, BronohlUi, N.rv.tti DAbtlltp, sisMMswuias fewm impure —■— blood. dittos *Mh. WU1 of MSB. Osk.i Are... Aeoording to tbe Traveller, the will of Hon. Osu.s Ami s was admitted to pro bate on Saturday. The witnesses are Moss* Dillon, N. G. Ordwsy, Philetna Suwjar. Tbe beque-ta. areas follow*: To his wits, Eveliue O. Ames, *100,009, all the household furniture, hones and carriage., snd the use of bis dwedinn boose dnnng her life. To his daughter, Susan E. Frenoh, 32,000 a year daring her life. To eaob grand daughter, 320,- 000. To hi* son, Frank M. Ames, ail his interest in the Kingnley Iron snd Machine Oo., snd in the bouses, lauds and buildings bought or received from the estate ol Lyman Kingsley, iu Oan- ton. To hi* sons, Oakes A. Amee snd Oliver Ames, all bis rasl estate in Easton, Canton, Hsintree and Weat Bridgew.ter, with all msohinerj, tools and fixtures that pertain to or in any way connected with the shovel business. The income of $60,000 .even per cent, railroad bends to be used for tbe support of schools in School Distriot No. 7, lu North Easton. All tbe rest, residue, snd remainder to be equally divided among hi* three sans, Oakes A., Oliver and Frank M. Ames. Oakes A Ames and Oliver Amen, his sons, are appointed executors. r will. Died of Snahlb-bitb.—A negro boy, eighteen years old, iu the eu,p!Ay of J. M. Kimbrough, seven miles south of Hamilton, Harris county, went fishing on tne 18th inst., and was bitten on tbe finger by a moccasin nmke, from which he tiled on the 20th inst. A physician wus called to bun eighteen hoars after tbe oite sn l found him in a comatose condition, talking incoherently. The doctor says be frequently blew like un adder, protruded bis tongue and struck st every one within his reach—always striking st anything be 'dt at. He would seize tue bed clothing and shake it, and in every way imitate the actions of a on eke.—Hamilton Vitilur, 284 tone. Another Bmaxzbite. —The Mar: na (FI*,) Courier ol a recant data sms: Lit tle ike Irwin, *on of OoL J, M. F. Ir win, of Greenwood, waa nitteu on Sun day last by a rattlesnake, whioh ha* earned the little fellow great suffering. Tha brave brother of the unfortunate sufferer, Bryan Irwin,immediately tockid the wound, and also brought tha vsnojn- oqs rapti'a along with bis little brother to the home. Oo!. Erwin applied the inaiae ot a freshly killed chickan. whit* warm, to tha wound, and g*v4 heavy doss* of whisky toddv, with satisfactory •access; and little Iks, when naard from on Tuesday, was rapidly recovering. _ . Mrs. Gan. & E. Lee ia soon to - tpjiZxzrSF* y x m invalid in* years, ba. a astd saw to ha i ) in batter health than lot tomattaMpHa. Ska ia now with her aoc, Gen. W. H. r. Lea, near White House. known that % naiainn aotto* ia “Had the radars of lfcta trana otutoywm&si** Certificate* oan be presented from many laadln* l U7*loiaca, Mliilater*,and heads of famlllas thromrb- •at the Soath, endonlng it In the uigheet term*. The Fluid Bxtraot of Hoesdalla. DB. B. WILSON OAHH, of Baltimore, baa need It in out* of Sorofoia and other with much satlsfbota j ” n, T,-0. PUGH,«. Baltimore, reoommead* it te ail persons aufferln* th di*eaaed blood, saying it OBAVKN A CO., Ura (late, at OordonavUle, Va. ItfScUon. . Mnrfreeaboro Tenn., it cared him of rhe it* it cared him of rh* istlns wh*n all else failed Did oar epeoe admit, re could aiv-» you testlmo nlhl* from every Rtate in the Souto from person known to everr man, woman aad obild, either p« sonaily or by refutation. doaadallN la sold by all Druggists. JLBMENT8. k OO., Baltimohs, Hole Proprieto JOHN F. HKNBY. No. I OoLABOn PLACB Ml ovk.W halemle Ageoov GEORGIA—fnltsa Coanty; Vo the Superior Court nf laid County: T UX PZTITION of Loewi E. BI*okl*r. J.h* 0*1- 1U>. O PeepU*. Hobart H*ugh. N. J. r mood, Wlhiaoj has rd, B. H. Thrasher, T. 8. row, P. L. Myuatt, H*uben Arno I a, Jesse ftft. ( Georg3 Htllyer, B. H. Clark*, John A. Stephen*, Henry Jackson, M. </• Clarke, Julius L* Brown, Dennis V. Hau.mond, Sidney Dill, W. L. Oai boon B. F. Hogs, B. P. UoweU, and such other person* aa ar* now associated with them or may hersaflet beoom aeaeclated with them, and wno are mem ber* of the bar of the Atlanta Circuit, and resident in the city of Atlanta aad said county and HUt -, >heweth that they and their successors iwho shall likewise us uiembei* or th* bar ol said oity) deair* tael improvement aud to advauo* th* science of the law; to tegulaU tha praUio* in the Court* of said county, by sucq suggestion* aa the experience ol your p< uuoner* may, ia aa organised form, pro duce: to promote social intercourse amongst th* member* of lb* bar ef said dty, aad to elevate the tone of professional etiquette. Th* privileges that your petitioners desire to ex rote* umler aad by iha lunie ^ T»- liar Association ar* such aa by C - - y hai r Nnoftil ueorgia are now, *“ irclsed by _ _ amount of capital proposed to b« employed by your petitioners is only su h aa may aria* from initiation fees aud dues, aad from donations by gift tiuoner* aa lag of an _ at ora said aad oontervlng upon them and (heir successors the prtvtleces specified, aud suoh other privilege* as are now slloweu by law and may htre- after be conferred by law. This May 13th. 1813 SIDNEY DBiJe, Attorns.i «xtraot from tha ml nates. W. B. YKNABLB. Oterk. Gen. Lee at “StoieialTi” flme. A 14 x It inch Bngravlnff ef the grave of ••stone wail* J so-sun, in the Lexington, Va.. eam< t*ry Th* noble Oen. Lee stands beside the flowei strewn grave over which uang* a weeping willow. In in* distance is to be seen a beautiful tan $ a gem of art: on* which abeatd hang la the parlor of every soother t home. It ia withouf a rival the awoeteet and soogt tottuhtagly oMUfnl hagrav- Utd before the public. A oopy td this beauUful *o- graving will be a«ntty mad. poet-paid, to every peraou sanding to cento for six mouth* subeertp THE SOUVENIR, attraattfU-ma, I0n Marietta Street in Odd Fellows’ll Blitting. myMtf. C. BOUAIFIfiLD, Funeral Undertaker, I Setalic Caskets, Burial Cass I Coffin, Agent -CWjS* Preaervsri so. i Dsai/n ofbu noun. ATLANTA WATXik vtlML Dr. F. KA. D R. F. IULOW, w.Uferenra tbraask Me srett and rapid euras haafWanied to our dtp aad opened again an eaiahiltkmsoa for th* oom ef att Chronic Diseases, of what ha will laspaetfnliy fora tha otitoana ef AMana •teriUty, Asthma. Nervous . indigostlo., UnsuMATUM. NnunALuiA, Mcrofula, Diseases psoouau to W«mm, all iMreamns oe theHluoo,aug Dmuasm, Kldteiy an* ateddm Oomptolut, dtoppag# or th* Water, Piks of all Kinds, *, toeneawBiRA. By- and Ur (iitonpiainM T. W. Mucker, of Chapman, Bucks* k Oa.ilfsfa* W. B v'-x, Mr. T. J. Hightower, 0*«L W.«. Wtehar. emptb Jean aad James ignoa, T. Flsishsl, Seen- man k Kuhrt, Mr. Nhulh ler/Dr. M. MM-ball, Ba> psrto* Vloar* Mr. Inaner, of Brerkiynj VkthawMa* rouy, Fhila .eiphiat Mev fr. Smlih, MaooataaaL don yuiunan, Mrs. Dsnwoody, Dtotfli Mr. White, Oo.yers- plaint, Teething periods of Children,!. ~ ~ ifite hoars viU be saActoat tor some. Mtew i no danger when psohie call me liamediatoiy at the fir fit symptoms. Thin treaiwagj gftvos 0 , white, soft skin, aad etkrybody wbl Marti to teraC 1 hisiamUy atacfje(|ig)f>ra ,7. . jjpdtitpi ifj wAsavAA^ewrante m - operators. Terms modatam and advsategte nasiM. passed. Good ayD g poMiiona a* *qop aa gntetiwl Ad.ras. J. W. FOMMtoU. anp i, myflUf. id uhnieh street, IbahvilM- Tram iSfiSlAlT ATU ltl( HAIl.ROAD. OFFIOttl uumkoa. feuz m, i cn.feSZ OV SCttttDU LK. toaSA wofsO On AND AFTEB SUE DAT, »TH INSTANT .. Anlve i Inward fnin from New York Leave OhettesMaga... ra,L*n Leave 1 Arrive MAUauto ii feet Use te New Yen brave A tier's v rrtveat Dalton Vest laua wid put og and take an pateengwe MVp. Meneti*. Oerters vibe Kingston and DteMte•> Way pmsengera are requeued net to get on thto uralounUmtheywiteto be •miw GROOBKIBj^ u utt .. »;«• w .wo y«tt New Gtoc«rjr ra.aro.uiJ>Ji' PARKS aud AIXAK::