The Atlanta daily sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1873, May 30, 1873, Image 1

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THE ATLANTA SUN DAILY AND'WfckKLY. THE SI'N PUBLISHING CO, Hpn. AJHLSTEPHEN S S -EflL'I'fidL EDITOR. VOL. Ill gtWfc? nmHTnViirr^ jte H' roust. ej 29. —The HSmR moetj /oor thousand dollars in ill ben. it reported that Alderm hu resigned the Preside! tie and Pacific B diroad. in Southern bonds amounted 000. Tennessees lower than Als- »*•-» witti ... i.. York, May 29.— Judge M-Cue, klyn, demands a quarter of a mil- wacaerat His friends offered 820,000, but the Judge is inexorable. The Bnseian Minister, Jewell, expeota to Mm for BL Petersburg early in Jane. The bone malady reappeared in Brook lyn car stables. Twenty are down; two defd. The Tribune advisee 4b it e subscrip tion be takeh for the widow of Own. M taohed to a road-wagon, bad a race oven Fleetwood course! tine, first quarter, 84}; second, 83}; half, 1:73}, This is the fastest time made yet, exoept Dei- tor's JUJtOKID. Madrid, May 29.—Letters from doe tagena report disturbances a few days since on board the Spanish frigates Vic toria and Almansa at the naval arsenal. The ringleaders were promptly arrested and plaoed in dose confinement, when order was restored. BjtLTUrtOHE. BiumioBE, May 29.—The Assembly adjourned to meet at St Lonis third Thursday in May next It is reported that the emigrant ship Edinburg Castle has arrived at Quebec and has ship fever aboard. Ejr«u~ajrD. LOlfboir, Lay 29.—Sir James Duke, Mayor of London in 1848, is dead. Aged 83 years. There were numerous accidents among liters at Derby, oaused by the run r of horaee, falling stands and - _ JMW* crowds Tlireeper sons were killed, several seriously in j ired. mjt rtuMjrctavo. icy^yawiMf Jto^ojftrahT'iaa Steamboat Frank, after a conference with General Davis and a r de through a por tion of t le lava bjd, have been furnished with four days rations, horses and Spring- field rifles, and started on the trail of Captain Jack. The proposition made by them is to kill him or capture him, with the rant of the band. Gen. Dava is sat- sfied of their loyalty. PHlLIDELPlfM. Pbdudklbhia, May 29.—The a°sem- bly of United Presbyteiian Ohnrches, of North America, convened to-day—Rev. J. T. Sconller, Moderator. BOHTOJT. THE SUN. w'jmHumTojr. t Wasuinot n, May 29. —Sherman ro- id British commiaAbo resumes sessions at New Port on the jjrd 1 bfUMf ■»-'*. wt wi w U | ^ A French arebitec*. is planning j apMb- 81d hotel for the French Legation iVe. One result of the Postmaster-G^ne^’b f tecent visit to the South will probably be an increase of the postal car servioe. ’Mr. CrbMweUhaainatiuotedhisseitend assistant,, Col. Routt, to direet; cT'j. Fcesoh, Superintendent of railway fer vice for the South, to confer withctttMUi leading railways for the extension'ot^jiis servieein mworfimce with thi of the iqj|Arii^dcia^^|ieHhes om itiduded are those between AUantatgnd 1 * New Orleans vis West Paint, Montgomery -and Mobile; bet' Louisville end Memphis; between Louisville and Cincinnati via Covington; oetween Bristol and Chattanooga and between Nashville and Chattanooga The to be lorty feet and the service daily. The mails ara to be adjusted on . Bcexo*, May 29.—The Labor Reform Convention have determined t* nrmi nate a toll State ticket in August. Londor, May 29.—The Manufacturers of Woolver Hampton are importing iron from the United States. jwuur. May 29.—The funeral of Mon- . -aonip Joet and historian, took place to- •—Ay>. Thwtown le draped in mouaning. Prince Humbert, Duke Aoeta end the ex-King of Spain, were among the poll- bearers. There were a hundred thous and people in the streets to witneea the pruoeaaigu. * Mobil*, Hey 29.—The Mobile and Ohio Railroad have laid on Ol theft track a AIV .light. rail titrirti ia'fbt Trains passed over It bee been raining herethf past forjy- eight hours, also heavy rains throughout EjLECTKMV «PJRKA •old one million dol ly si Il.l8| to 1.18| the basie of weights, taken after Jane 30, 1873. U^n the terms prescribed in the •ok of March last,most of the through Teafc. as mails will be hereafter sent by the new Missouri, GalVeaton and Texas Railroad. Arrangements have been completed for a sufficient number of postal cars and in adequate number of postal* clerks will soon be detailed to complete the distri bution of the bnlk of the mail before its ai rival in Texas. In many parts ot Texas letters will hereafter reaob their destina tion one week earlier than at present, and in most parts from 24 to 86 boors sooner QUEBEC. Quebec, May 29.—A heavy field of Ice was seen of? East End of Ante costs. Heavy icebergs southwest of Detroit The boiler of a shingle mill exploded, killing one and fatally wouuJiug five or six. The bnilding was demolished. « ' ' COJrCOMtD. Concobd, May 29.—An elaborate opin ion of the Supreme Court decides certain questions with regard to counting votfee, which eleots Austin A\ Pike to Congress. ANOTHER HEAVY LAW SUIT. The Chalybeate Springe Involved. * ill be remembered that some since Mr. Isaac Cheney, of Talbot tjr, died after returning fiom a pleas ure trip to Florida, and that he left a very large amount of property, including the celebrated Ctmlybeate Springs, sitha- ted in Meriwether count}, in this State. His dea'h was unexpected, and Leiug a HJS DIED*INTESTATE, that is, leaving no wdL A heavy suit is now pending, the facts being about ns follows, our mformnut learuine them rom a prominent lawyer of Middle Georgia: Daiiug bis life time, Judge Cheney had by a vtrbal promise given these Springs to Mrs. Porter, a niece of his wife, (by whom he came in posses sion ot the balk of the estate, and his wife also being dead.) and had repeatedly deolared that he had given this property to Mrs. P. After his death, HIS BROTHER ADMINISTERED on the estate, and took charge of the assets, except the Spriugs, witch were in the possession of thiB good lady, and which ahe refused to give up, oiairaiog title us above stated, A short time since the administrator filed a oill against Mrs. Porter, praying for the appointment of a receiver to take charge of the estate, and to restrain her from the u*e of the prop- ertfj which was presented to Judge Buchanan, and from the statement made to na, wo presume he grunted A PERMANENT INJUNCTION. having inadvertently, so far as we can gather, overlooked a recent statute grant ing temporary injunctions, and then giv ing defendant notice, and requiring Him to show cause at a specified time, why the process should not be ma le per(n - nent. Armed with this order of the Court, the receiver proceeded to the Sir ngs and asked this lady to acknow!- edge service on the bill, as it would SAVE COSTS, but she very pioperlv declined to do so, without consulting her attorney, Hon. Geo. L. Peavy, of Greenville. Judging from the condition of affairs, if she had complied with !-his request, the sheriff would have turned her out, and pnt the receiver (h possession of the property, and she would liuve been foiced to a loug and costly feif edit to regain the proper- y, and tAw tha uncertain chances of ion for success. Sho at occe 'is* kbfd HSR ATTORNEY of the situation, who called on Judge * feqnstted a few days * gnd present the ly him, whioh was granted, the injunction mddi- ffedH&bporarily, and a day set lor tne hearing. After argument was had, the Judge dhnotsU ttar jnjanrti.m already granted, and Mrs. Porter remains in pofs. mion of the property. The ad ministrator then commenced suit! in Qlhyr to ggt hold of ibis uerty, by y^ANTA. GEORGIA. FRIDAY. MA Y 30, 1873, NO. 915 coiamcn series. OMrita Items. Nororoes it going to Advnnoe soon. Governor Smith waa in Oolnmbna on yerteedsy. MilleMevilin has had an entertain ment by her native miaajrda. Fort Valley baa hnd n ISO roobery and their. Hoal bebdomodal pionio. Rom. has reoeived her first annual bank; might 100 pound* gran. Wheat crops are looking hotter in Whitfield county. Faimers are more hopeful dr. T. 0. Bryan, ol Savannah, walked oft the platform of e. store and injured himeelt badly. Oar exchangee give gratifying eaenr ;oe with the proriaiona ot imprSvemmt ln“^ ^h- k.<&ti,*.l’*i. ont the State. Judge B, Levy, of Augnata, hat been appointed Oommiaaioner of Deeds for the mate of Alabama. Huckleberry time has begun in Golntn- bua. Prioea are very high. The city ia now oonaidered at saved. The colored troops of Dalton excurted to tha "eternal city” os Thursday last. Uulortunately they oame back. Augusta continues to have he* dail; larcenies. The last waa a fowl affair ani resulted in the loaa ot seventy. A degro ohild waa partially flavoured by rata at Hamburg, t few day* since. That would be small diet for so Atlanta rat Full grown rattlesnakes are to be found upon tbe streets of Thomson. McDuffie whisky is an antidote for any poison, The male of the period in Savannah in .New perhaps, wuich baa been made tt 'tils WpSflM ITT 1 Europe yesterday. It is feared thaWbiaMiadMMMkplh l Now York. him‘New Tank yesterday decided . Troin tuVa eapo, and he District literacy died in end John Menyaaan wins tha eeeeevefui Tha Pcaaldent hat i Knight, aoUactor of' ra ,' owner offoeVarT Theater, Haw Tort, mieided yoatarday, by shooting hinroalf through tha heart. made returnable court of Meriwether ed there, but none hive beaa- i ef'eated more interest man •bifrona will, aa there ia a vast amount of property involved, and tha legated of Judge Chaney and those of his deoetrod wife etw tha litigants. This ■ tvs ooxditior or arraua oa wa gather fi from Hie ai*u-ment mafia to na. We batagivea this butory of the mattes hiecanae it »ih he of intrrert to ot out raafiexw, who are Well ecqiuiuted with tbe pa rile* to Hus suit; and if a^ iajueMaa Jiaa bwm done buy one in the slightest degree, ear column* ere open to maba - tha Hung oonree* “i iinnuwMwJfb* -Fin**. 28/A , this view tLey invito a am lot June 24th. grazes upon the native heath, munohing the municipal herbage with equine fe licity. An Augnata broker bss found out that there are counterfeit $20 gold pieoee in eircnlation. This can be told by their weight. Oolnmbna baa taken the torn oloth from the diminutive oax in tbe way of sturgeons. She has one Bix feet in length and several in height. Bishop Pieroe ia expected to preach the Dedication Sermon of tbe new M. E. Charon, Bsrneaville, on the third Sunday in Jnne. The Regatta of Georgia resulted in a success and the awarding of prizes to the Vernon Olnb, of Savannah 1st., and Pal metto of Charleston 2nd. There is aa hone-1 boy iu Maoon who found a gentleman's pocket-book, aud actually restored it Of coarse, the lad has no aspirations for Congress. The North Georg.a Citizen man has re ceived some oherries lrom a lady, and goes into ecetodea about it. Hia thanks oan’t be bounded by the English" lan guage. A man in Gwinnett oonnty tied his mole to a tree to graae. When he went after the mule h? fuund him dead. Some one had ont him with . knife, from wlrch be died. The, CarteraviUe City Council has uoNiad-as drtioavm ■fvslurtig.s;".J 1 -* longer time than five minutes, upon certain penalties. Rev. D. J. Myrick, ot Forayth station, will prtaeh the commencement sermon ol the Griffin District Meeting; whioh oommenoes on Wednesday night before the 3d Saboath in June. Bomb of tbe boys iu Savannah amuse themselves by poking their pistols through the bung boles of whisky bar- re’s and firing them off. Besnlt: A broken nose and one eye less. August Meyer, of Savannah, killed his father on Tuesday lust. The oanse was the maltreatment of tbe yoaeg min’s mother by his father. Pnblio sympathy is rather in the young mm's favor. Col. J. J. Howard MDitited to the Osr- teisville Express office, the Other day, a fine specimen of needle ore, wbiou he found on his premises. He informs ns that indications authorize the supposi tion that it abounds on his land m end less qa intities. The commencement exercises of tbe Csrteisvili* Female Seminary will em brace Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Sud Thursday, June the 9th, 10tb, 11th and 12th. The commencement sermon will be preached on Sunday, the 8th, by the Rev. Mr. Borkehead, and tne Annual Address by General A. H. Colquitt, and the Cantata by Mies O. I. Verdery’s class will he rendered on Friday night, June the 13th. Oreenville hu subscribed 920,000 for a cotton faetory. The New York Times of the 21st quotes •ales of 91,000 Alabama eights, 1873, at $7} eents. Bishop Quinlan has g .no North to so licit aid lot completion ot the Mobile Cathedral. It is estimated that about one-third of the territory ol Alabama is now, by leg islative enactments, temperance ground. Rev. Cnurles H. Coley, the new putor of Trinity Chnrob, Demopolis, entered upon tbe dntiu of bis pastorate lost Sunday. Col. Sam. Lockett, a fine teacher and eivil engineer, lately connected with the Loeiaians State University, proposes to settle at Birmingham. The Demopo'is News-Journal says the prospect for a oorn crop is better along the line of tbe Alabama Central Railroad than it bu boon for many years. Tbe Mobile Life Insurance Company elected tbe following officers lor the ensuing year; President, W. L. Baker; Vice Preaident, John Msgnirc; Secretari, H. M. Friend; Attorney, John T. Tay lor; Medical Examiners, Dra. C. Toxey and W, X. Webb, The road bed and track of the Soulh and North Railroad are uow equal t» the best in the Soathero States. Trains on this road now leave Montgomery 11 9:20, daily—through mail, and 3:00, p. in., daily, Sundays exoep'ed—aeons modal ion and passenger. Arrive 9:40, ' C m., mil 6:16, p. BL The Eutaw Whig and Oharrver, of tbe 22fi, says we are reiiablj informed tha: Stanton, Mr. Clark, (Vanderbilt’s sou-in la >,) .nd other moneyed men and bank- I New I. * York, are in Chattanooga, witb plenty of money, for the purpose of edacting a fluid adjoatment ol the difflenlnee ot toe Alabama end Cbatta- nooga railroad. The master mechanto at M. rifiiao waa t -quested to meet them at Obstttnoogm with a rotten «f hie man, to aula the trenblas aatatug on llfis di iBto toqputo thenat Tnakalooaa. VlrRlale Items, The Annual Conference of the M. E. Church, South, will be held at Martou, commencing ont the 16th of OotoOer next. We regret to bear that the cut worm, that great enemy to the young corn, has oommenoed its work upon it; also, that the fly ia in the wheat and is doidg It no little,damage. The Alumni Association of the Univer sity of Virginia, for Southwettern Vir ginia, will meet at Marion, on Tburadav next. On tha same day tbe Farmers' Convention will hold Its meeting. Fourteen families of emigrants passed through Staunton, Va., on the ear* a few days sinoe, on their way to settle in Greenbrier oonnty. Tbey had with them agricultural implements of English pat terns. The wheat orop under the warm sun shine and excessive rain has grown rap. idly within the past few weeks, aud that which waa not so seriously injured by the intense cold during the winter and spring, bids fair to produce a fair yield. If all tbe men who are nominated iu tbe Riohmond papers, for the State of- Sees to be filled next fell, are proposed to tbe convention and ballots are taken, and the lowest man dropped after e*ob, the eleotion day will arrive before tbe bal loting ia over. Tbe board of viaitora of tbe Universi ty of Virginia will prooeed at their an nual meeting, the 28th day of June, to appoint a professor for theonair of moral philosophy nnd political eoouomv, made vaeant by the reoent death of Dr. Wm. H. MoGuffey. Washington MoLean and John J. Far- ran, of Cincinnati, and other gentlemen of that city, are at Fort Monroe, Va, on a visit examining into the relative merits ot Norfolk, Yorktown and Newport News as a terminus lor tbe Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad. Kentucky Items* A big oil well is flowing riohlj in Cum berland oonnty. Tbe first annnal fair of the Logan Ckmnty Tobacco Association will be held on the 11th of Jane. The Warren County Agricultural Asso ciation will hold a fair, commencing on the 24th of September. The Hickman Courier says that the caterpillars have commenced dying in that part of the country, and there is yet hope for a good fruit crop. The Bowling Green Democrat urges the name of Col. J. Stoddard Johnson, editor of the Yeoman, as the young men's candidate for next Go* ernor of Ken tucky. The Padacab Kentuokian mentions the name of Capt H. A. Tyler, in connection with the race for Congress, and pronoun ces him an able and liberal-minded Dem ocrat. The Warsaw Record says: “The Lou isville and Westport Railroad is progress ing slowly, a locomotive runs out several miles, and it is thought that (he road will be finished to Ghent in a year." The Elizabethtown JNewfl save: “Flip paid the ftinners well lust year, and we are informed that the prospect is even better this year. This important pro- djct is one of the staples of that portion of the State." North Carotin* Ilrma. Euj eatic Springs, Iredell county, are now attracting attention. t Dr. W. B Noroom, of Nuwoomb, has been eleoted president of the State Medi cine Committee. It is said that there are n number of of smalLpox at Rooky Point, New Hanover oouutv, there being as many a six in one family. The Southern Home has discovered fresh evidence of the truth of the Meck lenburg Declaration of Independence “never before published." The Chronicle says Maj. Sutherlin Las decided to bnild the road oounacting Milton with the R. & D. railroad at Sutherlin's Mill. Tbe N. C. Construction Co. have of ganized, says the Messenger, to build the New York, Norfolk and Charleston rail way, tnrough to Goldsboro daring the present year. The annual cnnvooa ion of tha Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of this State will be held at the city of Wilming ton, commencing 2d of June. The Narrow Guage railroad from Mil ton to Sutheriin's Mill on the Richmond tiiul Danville railroad is announoed as a fixed fact. ■.sa.%kK»il > ,ito, U' DAILY —Par aunua, fff UO Hall jtoily, 4 00 Qwrtsrij, a 00 Monthly, .... r. 70 WEEKLY—Per anna, 90 09 *#-ThR Sot's ootubiirod Daily and Weekly olroaMtoni. H*, ton &*t of any paper in tbe Stole. - VtUtlial Items. Speaker Blaine will assist in Uw Ohio Republican canvass. All the Illinois politicians are writing letters on the transportation question. The Demooratio and Liberal State Con vention, ot Ohio, will be held at Colum bus Wednesday, August 6. Gov. Kellogg says the Louisiana oli mate ia tha only one in whioh lieoan pre serve good health, and that he intends to stay. The Boston News tells the temperanee men of Mnaanhusetta that tbey may es well prepare for tbe hardest fight daring the next six months the old common wealth has ever witnessed on any moral issue. Tbe Virginia BepubUotn State Con vention hae been celled to meet at Lynch burg on July 80, to nominate candidates for Governor, Lieutenant-Governor and Attorney. General. The Republicans of Minnesota have called their’s to meet at SL Paul ou July 16. The New Orleans Picayune treats with muoh mirth the areet of one of its staff, Mr. M. M. Cohen, for shooting at Gov. Kellogg. That journal soys there aire seven persons in its offloe who con prove an alibi, and asserta that it waa not until the carriage containing the badly fright ened Governor bad passed the Picayune office that Mr. Cohen took hia note-book and hastened ont to see what tha trouble waa. The Cincinnati Enquirer asks some pertinent questions in relation to Repub lican rale in Onto. It says: We are told by the Governor that “oar party (Repub lican) has had control of things in Ohio for sixteen years, and that no man baa been able to find any evidence of corrup tion, fraud, or mismanagement.” Then how is it that tbe taxes have inoreased from seven to eight millions in 1866 to twenty-five millions In 1872 ? The New York World diaonaacs the the ory of protection with the Cincinnati Commercial, and says: When protection oan explain and justify tha loss of the purchasing power of the farmer's produc tion, it may with some ahow of reason exult over the deoreaae of exportations aa a sign of the prosperity of the country. At present we hardly think it oan beoon- soling to the farmer, who lias not only to pay double for all he consumes of manulaotures, but must find a surplus of export in order to pay for the toe,-coffee, auger and raw materials oonaumed by hia masters, the protected manufacturers. Agentis Wanted! L iberal terms win b« m»d» with imu in nil part* of the country tor the Ml* of Hon. Alex. H. Stephens’ HISTORY OF THE UNITED 8TATEH, Whioh la now la Us Imsl Ramon. It Is raltod to all olaaaM. sonoral nodora aa war M student* In School* and College*. Apply to E. J. HALE A BON, Puiillrihors, New York city. lllh MJMMUMl Uf m, UA, At Appomatox G. H. April 9th, 18(l5. JANUARY I«t. 1*7 9W —-07 XBt— 1 ** Mu. , 1 K ’»ii <• iv ’f.iUfcf mqu.ita.T3l® Xj1«0 Aeauranoe OF XHE UNITED STATES, I i yjbot bjiigit MO Broadway, fffffelM!*' [CONDENSED.] , .. biii btM Net Caim AJUET9, JenuAry X, 1S73.........a.....4^..,ea.tvp. - 1 10..y....v.i>»l...*»OTe»fil..«e<t»»Hto,a»v.arti net AMliV-noumvi 91 rani Trrnrpyr tar eonud mb inrmmmu m ocooUooUoo «Ad aeiHMl* tin BMNliev* « H nil a. Ezramse,OommiMlona, Belnenranoo, Ao... NET absE aU—ncLUHvm or vtmma n Intoreet end Rente, Premiums in oouree t Total Assets, January 1st, New Business in 1872-19,991 Pol Avars** rise of P« The Assets are thus ap| Total Liabllltlaa, lndudlds raaarva tor mlnaara&aa 1 tzSMlae ValVStt. ■ Oepllel Stock Total Surplai, (including Surplus on Tontine ToUoioe). The New Business of this Society during the part four yeanreiMeda ONi other Life Insuranoe Company fit the Worid: [, ,. :. i / 13,241 Polieise written bi 1869, assnrisg BLQ2L141.00 10,063 •• " 1870, oasuriag “ * WmB.9»,0O 10,082 •• «• 1871, aspiring < -4MNMM00 12,491 •• “ 1872, aiurimg . 6MUW9.00 OFFICERS: Wit, g. iauM* IwSlut vlvun vtill .a j r .i!j JAMES W. ALEXANDER. I CHARLES A. CHOATE, General Agent for Nirttki Offlee No 1, H. L Kimball Boom, or two ezpoHuMMd and anooesaiul aollclta*. me vMtadta aaaniaata thadttriM ATLANTA FURNITUfiE MANUFAOTGBY. NEW FUMITURE HOUSE I •:I ’ /•; ■• ri: ■' : ROOMS 87 W—Utit TBBgT, ATLANTA, ■ • ’’ WHERE GREAT INDUCEMENTS ABE OFFBHBED (tC THOSE IN WANT OF FURNITURE. All parties will And it deddedly to their Interest to examine OUR STOCK be fore pnrobesing elsewhere. Warereoma 87 Whitehall Street, Faetory Cernep . .Seller ’hjm ATLANTA WATER CURB. F. XLAXaOW. Oorasr of IIon tar and Rail swill. B. r. KALOW. well known throush hia * sud rapid our** bus nturuod to our ottp I Eni<ntred In tk* blgiieat sty I* of tbs art *nd prl on iissvy plsie paper. It» truly s gom of art one whioh bhould hsng io th* parlor of every r outUern home, bent by null uiuuuted ou e rul er \nd pt * mid. >»n receipt of ao oeuU, or 8 for 50 cents. Aam Wanted. Address J. U. di W. BS. Burrow, Bristol, ~ CeUluguee of Ploturse, Books, Ac,, Vlorttfu Items. Yellow fever is quoted at Key West. Crops ere backward for tbe saason about Gainesville. Jacksonville is excited over a sea cow, Tbe News of that place says it looks like a devil fish. Ocala rejoice* that she is to have * tram-way railroad, aix mile* iu length, leading to diivei Springs. Personal Items. An ex-Go*ernor of Koubm ia staking type at Cofifeeville. Six little Jaouasoheka call the great ao- tress mother at home. be Um fin CBS _ ^ A lu ilte 0b t«4 but**, Md etui U IIm toast imported Uigurs. For itlchiirtiraBtf Farit j H|bas no IU aft, Hevlng received GOLD end BILYXB MEDAU. DIPLOKABke., altos Steu voire of Virginia, lotelsm end Tesm. FOR S-AJL.S BY W. id. HUBBARD A OO. m. V. MADDOX* MEADOR BRO/H, BOROUGHS A W1NO, BBHMMAM k KCHBT, j V Bs Z*. DAMN, ToUooo Dealers over tke Usliad Melea ! j- UCORUIA—Falswm Ueuty: 7 o the Superior Court qf mid County: T an ratrriOT 1 Low a aiaaktor. faha oot- Ihr. O. Faaplaa, Chart - General Beauregard see* in immigration the only release Tor Louisiana from the political distension* aud antagonism* among its own people, and he urgee tbe immediate holding of e convention to aecur* it. Alexander Hamilton woe bnt forty-seven when be died. His monnment in Trinity Church yard, New York, give* no hint of the manner o bu “taking off” A son, eighty-four years old, may be Men in that cry. A portrait ot Cbenoellor Robert R. Liviugstou, who was a member of the commute wnioh reported to Congress tbe tDeeleretion of Ibdepeadeuce, bss been presented to Independence Hell, Philadelphia, by his grand ohiidren. * It appear* that tbe venerable Kent, for whom Heine “went” in 1840, is brought out lor Governor in the Hgwdtw interest, and that the Blaiue interest will support Nelson Dingle?, Jr., of Lewiston, for the Republican nomination, June 19, Mr. Colfax has written to B friend in Peris, e letter containing this emphatic end sanguine pierage: "I neve* received • defier from Ames oft a*y eosMSt whrt- He who knoweth ell things wiiOfl his own good time, make toy entire inno cence of thieonul end wicked charge manifest to even the biktsssstai my ea- Bristol, T-u, o.. seat freeJ :1 r Wkltell BOU WHITE Hob White Boh Beb White I Bobl White l| Bob White' Smoking Tobacco! 1 Monufootured by j ceo. r. M~**rGnonjrE a (it, . VA. Imy JecJuon, M. J. Clerk*, Julius Dennis P. Hammond. Sidney Dtll, W. L. Calhoun, “ “ Hogs, H. P. Howell, and sunk other parsons now sssoolatsd with them or may hsrsaftac bsoom - antedated with them, aud wao am here of tha bar of Urn AtUnU Otreult, and r in tbe city #f Atlanu and said oounty s*id 1 their successors .wU or the bar of said city) dtsire der the name and *iyi« of The >n, with tostr chief offio* or . _. is said dty of AUaau and said oouaty and BUU, tor th* bpses and Urns of twenty years, wltn prlvUsg* of reoswal. The object of your peUHonova to to ssoure mu tual lmpTOvement and to advuuoo too oolenos of Om laws to regulate tha practice In the Courts of said scanty, by sac^ soggssuuns aa toe sxpsrtonm sf I our pcMUoasrs mav, la an organised form, pro- toot to promote soetal intarooorso smssgst too members of lbs bar of said dty, and to otorato to* ton* of professional etiquette. prtvBagsa tost rour peOOonsrs desire to ex- coder and by tha name of TbaJdtonu Bar itloa are sneh as bv toe iowo of tbe State of sere mow.ot may hereafter be permitted to raised by sarporsliens of s like ohsrsotsr. unount of eapttal ps^fooed to be amptoyed by your pottttonars is oaly su h a* may sriao tostn luiUatioa fsaa aad attest and from donsttoos bp mil r wiiL ^ far wMobpmpaaa yoqr psHHsasra pray toe tea log of an order lnontpsmaag yoor petutoa U m upon thea aad ”toi» dolAad. aad soak aber Itodj turn- m ABBOLD, A trm> 4AtoaaaQi#n WALDIE, EWINa&Co. toj.e. aodiB* * oow ■11X8*8 ANl> BKAIJOIS U EMU* Liver Complaints, Fevers, Paralysis, SterUity, Asthma. Morvoua ABsoUons, 1 ludlgestio., Kbsumatxsm, Miubaloia, Dmeanos fbcolur to W..m*n, All in TUB ilLOOD, BX1N DURASBS, Kidney « Oou pialat, ntoppagrt of too Water. Vltoo of ail ainda, HTRionmu, uoNoaancsA, Ey aad kar Oomplaiats after Mssasinand UoartoMna. fcn.. elm... tor an k Kukri, Mr. BhoUufer, Dr. M. Mltohsll, Mi porlor Vicar; Mr. lunsr, of Brooklyn; lather X* s; Rev Hr. Bmtih, Maoon; Goal a. Dan woody, Marlon; Mr. White, U °Outaide of his lostitatiou he will treat all aoute-dla- eases with groat suoooas. This motbod oftseatmsat ia the most rapid, safe»t aad only sure ottos. Par ttoular attention gtv*n to too erne of aammar oom- pl*lut, Tssthing periods of Children, Dysenteric*, after a few hours trill hd suAoteat for eours. Men ingitis no danger when people call ms final*dlately at the first symptoms. This treatment gtv*d a white, soft skin, end everybody will learn to Inal his family at acute dia*aaes. may 18—ly. WESTERN AO ATLANTIC RAILROAD, omox intm TRimrmci'ATioi, | i mu* O* anil ilTWt SOT,DAT.’JR* IRSWJIT Anive at Oaattanooga e**4tj St m. Inward Train from Mow York Leave OhsUauooca.., ■ - Lm«s Da>ton. M ... (rttward to New iorV, vu ijioiviila •are Atlanta 1*<K St to- rrlve at Dalton tJf, a, to. 7»*rt t^V.T^ HiWunicSumSt- es.te.ts uwbam»ea j ...i...Mn.e.«. inew ioXea'.-,ir55 £ *. 4 %» Li»r%? pii iHuHliiWei’rim meiroeSi « Manat... CrtanfUl. KlaeMos utf Dalue. *.j p^aniwiaM aMlaeMse sto vauMta., wlsb to - - """TTfr1! ^ !i«ri -»w n T" JT* «A, •• 'ttebWhbi AO«*te. fl J^ke^jjwgemiertie -hmih'*hehse,[e4e hq Mbwgrt uU dMirm, ’ '' f H«(OT,R*aM, BerthUrMto* With or with qi OBUBBRATSU) COTTON MOft MrtwtwSafSSSiWkwmg* ■ H AfDBMOir BOW ■ ■’ i.irn li..i it 1 s * . ji|>|) GEO. E. WAHD&OO.’S 11 ui teijfiiri sill: II roil JII ■ 1 to buy ^ rota' 1 * (, inn ” "11^“ ••(<! In .Jill ,ji tulj wuliemfijuaa vullii V> l-f j-i«j ol le * mil -j-l L c r ' “ '■■"WkjUmtmir+Uk'Mii ■<-.) so Iujuu m ij ,UiJo 1- U^^'I ,!«■( edt cilia si: nil'll 1A .t:i«q)io tEnTmimmaH! .1 Vi:ulo« ,iaw oil ri fiili u;Uni lliw mnileelte «*>- a nottilniviibi’ ** a rrwipvucino** MAT* s Pure Blooming Complex*)^ 1 voil* t*eaa«: eer'j oiii l u «M* SrtmMDbWWNT vu.. l)'j(i.H**MhrMil "011... P* Agent he *ertC*|ll Fb—ber. . m iMuwe uHSb*e*ek: t ^ ,,1 . U.J eaflgffW- teZJ