The Atlanta daily sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1873, June 01, 1873, Image 1

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THE ATLANTA SUN daily and wklkly. THK^I'N publishing CO. —•difc'&A-JLX. ' Hon.!A» H r Stephens, POLITICAL EDITOR. THE VOL. Ill SUN. ATLANTA.GEORGIA. SUNDAY. JUNE 1, 1873. NO. 917 mM'T DAILY—Per annum, |g 00 Hilf yekily, 4 00 Q°“**8y, 3 00 MonflUy, w WEEKLY—Pe* tnsua, ..IB 00 _*R®5 tarti Mr and WreUy oiraatationis largerUmnAntof my paper in the Stale. lor a fair crop of applr* and peaches. TteHop pruapeeta arm Seuuto .re -SMJSTJK. L V® r . eoki, "' il **•> rail'll iring. menopment - will begin July 6th. ■oeilj of Lonisville. bat for eevera-’yei awsssri&sn?;^ Iio., Wl m „ since U Mra. Garnett, also formerly of Loui* doe b.Y$ ^ lodetirin of ILe government builX- • re wilding of the Hamilton Pe- i“g. to . b8 erected at Coring ton n«a 1 “ to rapidly progressing. * " ator was killed in the •aiiied, and about four bnodred and fll ty of the patriotic oi tizenaot tout villagi 11 lota for the looatiox rNo. 18,0. B. B.. a fi 01?fc^blj h wife?f4.^, > 5221f^ f^^^ 9 ^^W-W. , Mo 1 fhe^ —-jl ’ 1 Pieaident of the Ooviugton City dour' tAu «nMM#fctiKh4bffl« i tfc.tW wnjypa naliam he* reached it. climax faUJCStee Court olthel bui Tbo “! *■ w »lli , . Ea*| aB .*l* and UtaMLtha thiatjMaa Bal.road trae! r&r! Ctm«b, E ’.V* •* TiA«~ begin on he 11th of Jane. Mr. William Arthur haa in preee, on- Emma ind Hickory Jack wi 1 hare **}? «i»gnl« title of “The Modern another l otting match next " 1 — 1 * The race Will take plaoe over .sapaittfc :k wi 1 hare ““““ “ngular title of “The Modern >t Saturday. *?”• • leriew of the ooUeoted apeeohee rjfctAegmta. < > TELEGRAPHIC. awgtiMie/ML .. T 5® Client and hia family reanmed ine Long Branoh residence Thursday. 8 0nB 10 West Point, snd Robeson to Annapolis to award di- getber i; was decidedly one of tl entertaining performonoe^j^iu for some time. law of «•«*_ lyif '^et ai.„ iron, from 8ehofleld'a Bolling HnU. hu been Jail MaaaltWJmmtlod to the Labca- atory, on the Macon abd Western Rail r\ jlYI The Oathohoa of Albany are to btte a fumed tie Mason and i Oufrcda, emumg nation, ana not Jfjr from the line of Bibb and Monroe oonnties. The atonh eo**red a tract about a mile wide, aha mnch damage to treca, fenoce and oropa. . r » ■ « Negro men go to partiea ft Bokoi Ad represent that they hare been sent by the health effioer of the city to clean np acme place abont their ore mi tea whieb has been reanftedaaa naimmae. i Th*! atory aeema BO plaritlole that they are pot to work and get their own price lor the job. W. T. Burge and family, of New York; Mr. Ballaid, of Maoon; Mrs. Stickney, of WilkeSwnftPr ' - ~ of Fji Englon Lpf the sale for the m of the war, with Preei lent and Mile ■tlAtaauBle to: the lug.- It la rumored tbit the work np amble and servant, Georgia, are visitors at the Geori of Maco Indian Spring iiJm: ailie lyt week, waa Jargely attended by the min tatty and toymen ot the •barefcr and waa a feaat to the aonl. Kot. Dr. Lewia Prioe. Biihoi Lewia JWo. "pore milk of the word. ” Thee ddweea TategrapK tertxhe inBi Tenary oel-bratidn of th-< two literary the craning weae very threateningonc— the clouds utfetoaa* forebodings of more nin—4 large andienoe turned ont to en courage the yonog men. and wiab them bon royage upon the wide, wide aea of literature. 1 *( Biahop Marrin, of the M. E. Church. Sca b, vriWpteeMe over the next annual conference in Alabama. The mhilMyeiL^IvSjm railroad* in pnrpoae l5iilIt>C'...uA June, the Diatriet Con ference ot the Metbodiat Church, Sontbr contenu at Toakegee. Biahop Doggett will preiide. The Advertised bfetti preunoe the ' wagon* laden wii the oonntry. tli^eare'now ton blast ation in Alabama and fenr in the oonrae l.uJ-ii™!™® ” ” of negan, P. O Conley, J. G. Stewart. Gen. A. M. Clayton, formerly of Holly Springs, Miu., ha. been, ‘ dent of the Bed Monntain to All the Taoauoy oeaaMpn death of Daniel Pratt. * . • The capers) Iftpeiinton abtoag • the new.paggjj wiU not range\igher < than too or twelve cents next U'aon. The Sooth baa pitched for about six million bales. , m Ex President lefieraon Davi., whcplt an honorary m dels, bu sent aasiat in creating Confederate That lond Pi Friday luAn HonlaviUe, alter a of more than a week. The next meetftJ of Uie Assembly will ba held in Spring- fleld, Mta»nri.a 0 r r F lf ,-e The Diatriotf CtmikKnoe^d gooiery Diatriet of Alaoema Mtthodiat Episcopal Church oonrenmm&Mhagm Bay of Junk next prraide. > , frn hs Ihsl t »■ pfumoD wbqwlt ig tnair monument to their the work upon the ^ lali'OuJTdAAe flbaeni whieh wu in proglewwith a view e*dy publication oy Jodge Robert 'arden, of Ohio, wiii Not,appear, m [uenoe of leriou. disagreement be- the biographer enif the enrvlving •ee of the Chief Jnatioe. almanac has been phMiabed in the Armenian langnagh-. at Ccgistantinopto, for the first time. Among otherTnter- Mfttg article* to ope on t^e atotiatim gt the race, aoeordmg id which the Arrne- utons are 5,200,000, of which 3,500,000 ffl,a’to U » riD8 ^ j0re ^’ A statement juat prepared atthe .nrydepaxtment (hows that for the nine monthe ending March 81, 1878. the re- Uimejorn Mfcma rtere 3147,228,078 (10. “ Dunrrtr Ahe ha. period ending Maroh 81* 1872, the receipts from the same source were 1166,747,106 68, show ing that nnder the new tariff law the re- rftytioyu taxation fa. JO,624^*87 V/' President McMahon is above the mid dle size in statore, bu a aorntinizihg look, and rather intelligent features, bearing the iirpreu of his military pur suits. His wife is of Irish extraotiou, takes - a--pratnine| ltablu'.aaivfmt-i hUtJrartfd fi era soon afier the bsttie’ is on frieruly terms with some of thi Irish residents in Paris. The PoatoBce Department is annoyed at the carelessness of many poatmutets of minor grade throughout'the country, ♦ho' fHU to the department inciosiog money for stamps, envelopes, etc., and ' on tneir over 80,000 post- ffioes in the oountry, mifny of ibe poot- meters having nauM alike, it is eaUreme- iy ddhoait to aaeertai.. the names of such writers, and therefore quo not be answered «£lfcrthe Northwest and to Mis* northeasterly mid southeaaterly diminishing pressure, warn** sad feasing cloudy weather and oooaaional a. For the Lakeaand thanes to Een- tuely, northeast to nurthwutotly winds, h barometer, low temperature end generally olear weather. Fur i'anoeaue, "® Oplf and South AUantic Statu, gortheaat a*d southessterly winds, high lirfmetar, cool, steady weather and oe- nauonal min. with incretsing doudinees tompereiure in Uu. Weetern GHtlf amtox For the Middle and Eutera amtea and Canada, northaaateriy and ewltoriy winds, high baromator, oool, dear and partly cloudy weather. Be- porte are missing from tha Paoifio coast and wait of the Miuoati river. A~£»' lYfllh. -Jfoiuc, May 81—The fire in the Dela ware and Lacks wans Railroad' depot, at Hoboken, to at U raging. When the '“tee -ware first discovered four trains ready to start were run out of the dei and saved.. Bat four freight care, tl could not be removed, were horned. The dames oommnnicatod with the dook, and the firemen are endeavoring to uvs it. The origin of the fire to unknown, but is ,aaid to be the wore of an inoendtory. T*e World’s London special uys Gen. K.rnpatri k has telegraphed to Oarlist headquarters requesting Bradlaugh’e re- The Spanlkb frigate Baragaza, with twenty-one guna, is in the harbor. hpjfpenVO JJ^T i? Olif ml tiara are getti , Personal Itefiaa. Miss Kate Field has nearly ready for pres* a book to be entitled “Hap-Haz «di" Wilkie GoMins is expected to make hia sRricjg fkluQta Bus'iif eaflyl in Au gust. Bev. Asher Wright, of New York, bu translated the Gospel ihto the Seneoa language. yBontwell will not conbnehiseloqaenoe to the flensto -Chsoilmr next winter, -but will Mure oooseiousUy. iJ Bsob-pay dhgergest ' Jbhn Hill, of New Jersey, George A. Halsey, of the same State, andTHenry H. Starkweather, ot Oonneoticut. George Francis Turin leevu immedi ately for Europe. He bu entered anils ageidst nearly everybody in New York for hugw sums. The ^sssengi PAKM Fams,' May 81,-The Oricenista in esumblir an seeking an alliance with the Lett Oentie, having refused to fojcfii ooalition with the Ls^tlmista and Bo- Mnartirt. Tha Left Centro, however, dedmu to entertain their proportion. MMaZijr. Braun. May 81,-Thn Bhah of Penis bu snivel. He wu received at the rail road station bv Emperor William, sev eral Imperial Princes and Prinoe Bts- marik. He wueauorted to tha palace assigned him daring his sojourn in Ber lin by n body of troops. Gnat crowds of oitizans enthusiastically welcomed the visitor. CMVOMUTU. Oxmtobkia, May 31.—Qen. Davie hu returned from his soont, on whiob five Modocs led him. No results. Three other Modoos, who went ou an jnde l icndent scout, were expected yesterdav Cant. Jaok’s adherenta are well mounted and armed. The total Modoc pnsonen are 19 braves, 28 squaws and 80 children J|Ntv loan, May 8i*-Dr. Brown, sen tenced to ten year's lot aauulting a gu collector, died in Iprison. The owners of the Cromwell, overdue at New Orleans, think the msehinery is ont of gear. It is not apprehended that serious calamity will happen the stumer which is in command O'app, an old and experiesoea officer. A special to the World uya that the Car lists have released Bndiaugh. jrstr oiu.K*ra. Nxw Oilmans, May »!.—Steamship George Cromwell, some days ove&lne Irom New York, hu not yet reached here. Several schooners from the Gulf :«r depot at Hoboken &e missing vessel. np to-day, but they bring no tidioga of issue ' is barm A dispatch from Dayton, Ohio, uya the President’s father expects to die: Junto 1 Nriw Yobk, May 31.—Wall street is ui-t—most of the brokers left Thnrs- lay to be a'oaent till Monday. The decline in gold is attributed to the f*ct that cheoks tor bonds ulled in aie fisted to-day instead of Monday. Money abundant, Trannsaotions— Soutpan ^Stqt^e, 17,000; Paoifio Mail N^ Yobk, May 81.—Bethesda Foun ta<u, j the latest glory of Central Park, wu (jublioly unveiled this evening in the pre«*ioe of a veey large number of citi- zepa This Work of art wu from models >ed and neon led at Borne by Miu Stobblha, daughter of Henry G. SMbics, President of the Board of Perk Commiuioners. The design of the foantaia wu suggested to Miu S. by the pauage iu Sori Bare describing the Pool of Bethesda. , George Francis Tr tin sailed fqr Europe to-day, just e* -aping k Subpoena u wit ness h the Government suit against the Union Paaifla Beiiroed. Hpeoie shipments this week, 1586,! Lsrge. P (Sengera left for Europe to day on eight steamships. The Germans of this city and vicinity will oelsbrato next monday by outdoor ufirw.s t «« , K , J , aS T. D. Haxdv, of Londoo. Bbe will bt 'J. Mrs. Miller No. 3. W. B. Aator baa ordered $10,000 worth * stone from Rome. Ibe bew ring fs'ld be done bv Dana, tho^culptor. i iif Jhosa baa to Si sTblsck her teeth, riled- «p(W BITS. Oapron and evinced-her desire of conforming to the customs of other nations. Julie Ward'Howe, Mha Peabody, of Gaasbridgk, and ME. Lyuia Dix, are tha Aumnuu members el >he Ladies' Inter national C-wrespondenee Society, of wbicb Her Royal Hiuhnms the Princess Loots of 'HesaeTs President. The ex-Dnke of tocegfiy vto- §t Vitales in Vienne, and g of the repreuntotivu oases of Stnsrt and luelpnuc- The ex-Duke is a decendant of Wbut- In the oout region of Alabama and fruits will make a good yield excepting thaipcaN-AbM LU.beao ont ebort to some extent by the slag; it hu now about TRKftMMrrnWnigVmniv an enoour- MMLXt X !BtNW fpVwitb a number toraigffihpUHim' t JWatoaemplh tog tout'ftouisisna this ‘ V ^aetiona'j of Ibe mu IS a «**ae*. Ujglsra are getting .bold sgsin here. One dwelling np town w_s ransacked but night and a watchmaker’s store on Fourth avenue robbed. Naw Tons, May 81.—A letterto the Tn linin' of the 8th uys the dipiomatio caret r of Governor Orr Crime to a painful CSd before it wu fairly began. It is not quite two months since he arrived in St. feteraburg and presented his credentials to the Emperor. He wu suffering at times from severeoold, oontrsoted during his Atlantic passage, and about a week after hu frrmal installment in his new office be wu foroed to take to hia bed. From that dty he did not leave his apart- meotit Cold settled ou bis lungs and afterwards passed to hia liver, so that hia blood became seriously affected. No eerioue result wu apprehended, however, and ok Friday, lour days before he died, his friends thought be wu slowly yat Bloodily improving, but Monday lut the tost obange came and he died quite suddenly at 2 o’olock. The funeral urvieea were celebrated to-day at the cbepel of the English American So ciety. There wu no discourse, and the pastor aim ily read tha impressive ritual Of the Ohnreh ot England and eloaed with” a abort prayer. Toe gloomy little fibapel wu bv no means fnlL There wu (ome dozen ladies (Ecgliah and Ameri can), ball a dozen American gentlemen in I lack, and thirty or forty diplomauin theii brilliant, yet sombre oonrt ooe- tame. The Austrian ambaaudor wu there, the Ministers of Brazil, Italy, Greece - and stas ihee of other legations u well u of foreign offlee. Hr. J. L. Orr, Jr., in a solitary minner, stood side by side with Gen. Pomilza, the Consul, ho wore e familiar uniform of Brigadier Geueral of the American army. The scene wu indeeoribably ud. After the reetor had finished the service the dipio- ls Walked around the ooffiu and drop- i eaeh upon it a little sand. The iviliaas present did theume. KJA-LM Putsom, May 81.— Oonnty Attorney Ward retarned yesterday Irom Tezu »itu tbs body of Nionolan Manin or Uxopn, supposed to bare been the aocomplice ot tha Bender family mur derer. The Ktnus assassin, Dennison, has mare some important confeesi-ms end Milan be ka« BjlLTlJmRE. Baltimore, May 81.—Jas. Gibson, oolored, iouictsd for killing a paramour with a hatchet, wu oonviotod of murder in the first degree jrjtsRriLLE. Nashville, May 81.—A negro who outraged and then crashed • widow ady's aaull, in Butherford oonnty, is in ail. If she die,, whion is probable, the people will hang the negro. ELECTRIC HRjtR U8. The Agricultural Congress, at Indian apolis, adjourned yesterday to meet in Atlanta iu May next. Falling walla killed five men in Boston i Friday. Chicago bad an acoident at the decora tion frolio in whieh two were killed. Boring bauds of Carliats ountinne to interrupt railway trains and plunder pae- ngars. Tne new Government of Franoo pro poses to abandon the commercial treaty with England. It is reported that the Bank of France will advanoe tti< lands necessary to com plete the payment of the war indemnity, end the evacuation of Froneh territory by German troops will follow immedi ately. Constantinople hu had another dius- trona conflagration in wbioh fifty booses were aeetrojed. t worm. The army won assess than in aiy of the other a. *»££££*£* sr’a^r-™ •parted -“fit rfmttef— ~tatV*. ji" 1 ham oporto this sseek ska*' art rather •he-MiifiapteO , - dmouaging. Thera writ b. cl Intis cnmipuJiirt writes that ex-Tram -teait, and tha caterpillar or army aonw Ulm. ot Gnewvilla, bmrirahrt paw- is Making rad woetr‘ with sot too -Hid — r ..... . .. w wera.-.(t is not the oottrtr tteferptWh', V but the true army worm peemtar wr-vfii- ’■ *n*o atAheiMarift The ground i> s auakpiy eovered w f wT 'SAadaat to it rirr Thi New System of Collecting In- tbbhal Bkvbnde—One of ihe govern ment officials, who hu just returned to Wuhiugton after an ex'unded tour in the Bontli and Wut, reports that in his travels through the different collection districts he particularly inquired of the internal revenue offioers what wi* thought of the proposed obange in ihe system of oolleoting revenue, end found, without exception, the new plan most oordially approved, even by some whose terms of aervioe would expire on i's go ing into effect. It wu generally con ceded that the plan ought to have been inaugerated long ego. Commie inner Douglu is confident the revenne receipts will be fnlly kept np, to uy nothing of the great saving to tha government in the reduotiun ol expanse of collecting the revenne.— Savannah AJverluer. t&~ “ Bioketty little renegade, to the not inapt name applied to Mr. Alexander H. Stephens by the Lexington (Mo.) Oaucuian. By the bye, The Atlanta Sum hu oeued to oome to the Appeal office since we had the temerity to make a tew edito rial ismarks rather refleotiog, though quite respectfully, upon the claims u a statesman and a true Southern man, of the mod eat and mentorioui editor of that luminary. The Appeal oontinnea to ba publiabed, however, notwithstanding the occasion.1 loss of ouch exchanges, and of railroad patronage and advertisements.—Mmpklt AppoaL Ths Sowlhsm Railroad. A correspondent of the Commercial writes that he was “somewhat startled'’ qy this editorial statement in that paper of Saturday: "Twenty millions of deilua to tne very [cut for wnioh an independent road can be built from this city to Chat tsnooge;”—and proceeds to oonment — follows: I wu prewnt at the meeting of the Board of Trustees soma two years ago, when this Southern Bailroad question wu op for dtooussi'in, and reman-her that etatoments similar to yours quot above were made by Joseph O. Batl_, Theodore Cook, end others; bat they mre promptly denied by B. M. Btohoy and Mile* Greenwood, Trostees, who stated that th* line of road could' built for about ten millions of bonds the oity. I oonelnded that thaw who wen op posing the road either knew nothing of what it would cost, or ware willfully misrepresenting it, u the Trustees were in a condition to be informed, while the opponents were not. Sinoe than, when 1 have heard this bugbear of ooat spoken of, I have always considered it bnt the wild assertion of thoee who would op pou the but interest of the oity. Will you, Mr. Editor, if consistent with your view of Ihe publio good, in form your readers upon, whet authority such statements are made? Barely not upon the authority of the Trartoes, for they stand upon Ihe record so far u the oo it, at icut, is oonoerned, and to it not lair to presume that after fear years of dilligeut, arduous work m this int rest, they ere well informed upon this subject? I ve.y muoh tear, Mr. Editor, that some ot the statements in Ibis article referred to ere not oaloulatod to infnae that spirit of zeal wnien, in view of this great project—the Southern railroad- the buis of all oar future prosperity, demanded of our people. Let us uphold our Trustees, and let the work prooeed. This should be the watohword of every good oitizen. Our eyu are Ohztta- noogaward by the air-line. Woe to that man who looks' ■ backward. ■aw Cal rax was Detested. The North Adams, Mss*. Transcript makes a curious revelation in regard to tha corrupt means employed, as it alleges, to defeat Colfax in the Philadelphia Con vention and aeoure the nomination of the S ': Vice President. Its story to that der Johnson, of North Adams, waa a delegate to the National Con vention, and waa aooompanied to that wi- aembly by a noted Maaeeohtueita politi cian named Tinker, an internal revenne oolfoctor. They found in the oonrae ol the canvass that Colfax wonld be nomi nated, untau some dee; crate scheme ww adopted, and about the same time they discovered a Southern delegation who were for sale. linker opened negotia tions at once with the leader of the dele gation, ascertained the prioe for himself and the rent, ool looted the money from Wilson e friends, and, with his own hands, paid the ossh to the leader of tne delega tion. When the proper time came thi purchased leader rose and cast the vote of his State tor Wilaoo, whiob deoided the contest and neon red the defeat of Col fax. The Transcript says that after tin Convention Tinker told this story to sev eral persons ib North Adams, and teat Johnson enlarged upon the immense cun ning they had displayed in the tranxac lion. It is raid that Mr. Wilson did not know of it. As the mean has washed away some fifteen feet of the blnff at Long Branch the last seven or eight months, it estimated that In the next ten yean it will have destro>ed the present site of the hotels. The oonrae of the Atlsntie threateus to be very destructive to the «• a-fron e recently purohaaed at extrava gant prises. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO FARMERS! J*. Flour. Com. 0*U, 11*7, Btoon, i«ru, as Most. Obfloo. HU.M, MoIamm, T >b*coo. So.. Do. Ad(lrMg A. K. BJCAGO. mrtiaauwat. promised to tell til be knew about Bend ers when he reached this city, but near Atoka Station, Indian Territo «ho» liimratlin tne bead with a re. voiver, inflicting wonuds, from which be died. If teems to be Hrtriie th .1 Bend ers sse ifoW To Texas making their way to Bio Grande riper to cross into Max- !?r. HWIUtVTOff. Wasbieotor, May 81.—The Military ewihontiee here consider the report of Gwieral Dana’ ailtooee with Bogus -C--arii« and other alleged renegade Mo- aurar as rather a loose etatoraeah The w*r Drpertaest oondemn the efforts of the lute i lor depsrtAsnt to (at See ten to • Messed. General *her- _ The London Times- aarcsaiically points to the feet that Franoe has just mid over to Germany ten million stari ng, without making the slightest Iota about it, jahite Eugiaod eannot nay a third of that snm to the United States without resorting to every possible de- ay, and then borrowing money in order do it. The government to alto warned that the withdrawal of three millions of ooin suddenly next September will eet-i- onaly oiippli the finaooee of the oonntry, and la advised to commence dept riting coin at once on tha other side of the wa ter, in order that the Ices Buy not be ao severely felt. Death of a DisnsocisHBO Actor. — The Richmond Whig eonteiu the follow ing: “Sitnntoy morning Mr. Jamen W. Waltock, while en route from Aiken, South Carolina, to New York, died in a iing-oar of the Biobmond ana Dan ville Railroad, near Bnrkeville, ofoon- umption. Mm. Waiteek slopped in this city with the remains of her husband, which apse taken to the Exchange Hotel Several gentlemen of this city set up with Saturday uukt, and yester day tha body was seat North outhel .••d Big Tarn man u very plain his denunciation ot the r Reid mAnowlefigea RtUetlp- , to the Greedy atataa body in Waoh.agt Mrs J. W. Waltoek Where ffie funeral w Baoent Anew Mae aeper portion of he State have alarmed the neidenU. ITS! HATS! HATS! Silk Hats, LATEST STYLES AMD BEST QUALITY. $7.00 Cassimeiv Hats, LATEST STILES AMD BIST QUALITY 00.70. FUR HATS, HADE LICHT FOB SUMMED NEJM. Petri. Brown. BUck and White $010 to ft 00. PANAMA OO to $4 OO. STRA.W 25c to Also good aMortmoot of CANES. TRUNKS. SATCHELfe AND UMBHELLAb, Which Will bo sold Hi low DrloM. JOHK a. DO AMI. 6 WhllolteU And, Jiairc' Buk Block. Iffij AtUnte, ti*. Edw ard H. Hyde, DB3IONBR aas EngraviT on Wood JTU^Tal, Get. OmOl over PHILLIPS * OBEW’S, concr WW* kill k PMoktiM Ste. GEOHOE PAGE & Op M A HU CACTI'MIU Of * Patent Portable Circular Mills, Butlsaaay sal P.rt.kl. 8TEAM ENGINES flRIMT MILLS, Off, ^o.S Sf'Vocdor OtrMt, mLTIMORfc, MD. id,for OUaiotua and PricfLitt*, MIDDLETON Brat* Jftlfgi ft- Please BIT. we n (mil.-ft* EAST SIDE BROAD ST., ATLANTA, OA. Jut 1-dlw. J. XX. ANDEHHON fit, OO. a. Alabama stre.t, Atlaato, A BB now,repute to fUBiak Martaea wkfcfta bed Mowers and Reapers, Horse Rakes, Bertbeoand Cradles Threshers and Powers, With or wlttovt Bcp^rdorc. Alaohorcc|M«mlc* AGRICULTURAL IKPLKMBITS, IMOLUDIMG PLOWS* FEED OUTTEBS, XABBOWS. PUMPS, WAQKXMS* M3, AOMSTS FOB BROWN’S CELEBRATED COTTON OUT, TEXAS COTTON PRESS. BLAHDY’S STEAM ENGINES AND SAW MZLLB CAR aud m« oa bafora porohaalng AlMWbffre. UV9 J. B ANDBBSON * OW GEO. E.WARD&OO.’S TO BUT YOUB , CLOTHING! Thffj h«T« opanad a Hplandld Stock of Clothing In Lonion Store, Marietta Street GROCERIES. New Grocery Store. ronr a. mu. maicnov auai n PARKS and ALLAN B. . Cill 1 •tend uf MoPbaraon A Baraatt* Paaohtraa Siraat, a Wa shall kaan on hand alaUS ■ aMUMookaf Family Grocery Supplies, M«h will ba *oL aa low aa by any oth*r hoaaa of i kind in th* oily. PARKH /So Allan. == ± = — s ^ a==c ATLAfrtA WATER etrKM, d». arv (KATacyw; rs; Jt'xrtZ’isrm hucarelta as uate fllogam. ^ **11 l>. , min mi Amine RAILROAD. XTIAEU. 04.. XXT a* lap. coAiaaetieuDtift mdi~ Ob xhb aytebioedit, wra am** 1 ' '' Anita at Inward Train Zraai Maw Yotk ^S!S«:.v:=.-::rr:v.«L» lain M auanta lea. p. aa. OamateloMew Xuk. via Kaanllla <a ~ WALDBE, EWDfGkCo. HILLEBS INTO SEALKRfi IX FliotN —AMD— ■ took mas. Depot, No. 18 Bank Block, O. MUXBrELO, Funeral Undertaker, Board at Donetnn g and Hum mar. Fo« funkat Infot- THIS OfflflU. NOTICE I OATOB TROD EFT Iba iriranlawof M- B. Danmgtan as MxwteQ • Alb day of . 1818, la Payatte «ooav, H. T. w IkarTaoool 'h ymtfM; abont ft faat 8 or 9 inobao nigh; walghtng anont 140 pound* s aandy hair, nntek apokan: write or right >«an allot. Sted Walkar took or oarrladoM i ataad mar* mala: on* bote la aaeh aar: •oml la oolor—ring around bar tail whara um hair oan rubbed off tbteal raward wUl ba giraa Cor tha •pprahanteon d Walkar with mute, or afthar, dalrrerud to mo JouMboro, Clayton oounty, Oa. maylO M. B. DEVAUOHB. TELEQRAPRIC & BUSINESS. COLLEGE. Pioneer or the dmitlil A FIBUT’OLASS TBLBdBAFWrO IM8TITUTE now In auocaaffful operation, la Lfbaaon, Middle TMMma Term* moderaU and advan tage* nnanrpaaMd. Seed to B. W. MoDoonokl, D D-, LLD.. Fraaklaut, Corotrouter and OoUaa* lotml Uxr. THOMAS TONEY, lyftwOt Batenaan Manager. BOBGIA— COUNTY. WUl ba aokl bofavo tha OourA HouaaOoov In Mate, on Um lat Tuoaday la Jut naxt, bo- tha teoal hoar* of aate. aooat term Suti ry a A feiasuadoa a>4oekM*i*of Nmi tafhvot A. 0M ofiookhiuiaof Itea I tftii. WdiFr 1 out by on* of Um gtelaiUY Saldod 1 what 1« known aa Um * plaoa” la ITS Dial Q. M. H..D. l. Ooeaia, &£mL BOB WHITE t Bob White- Bab Whltol Beh White I Bob White q (Beh WkMel Smoking Tobacco! Manulaoturod by 810. r.iaiwflOjuriochH LYMOHBUBO. YA. , IMNMUM4 by Ooanoteoura to ba tha YTN1MT SMOEOIG TOBACCO Maamteohuad la thaiatead ■Km I afoal to tha Saaat ItegaataO d—B. Far Bichkeaelaaff :Partty tlftaara Rival, Ravlac reealvte GOLD aotallLVBB MEDAl*. ao* VUUMJt*. ko. at tot Mata Maa ft Taliaferro Canty M'l Sola. W ILL ha aaM aw the 0r*t Tumdxy la July aas_ within tha tagal boon of ala, hteo-a Mm Oonrt Houaa door hlw town of CmnltegtlBa, Tal- ro oonnty, tha fo.lowtnf pronortg. to wte i A of land in mid aonaty. oontatateg ntwa hnadmd i. now or lam, ndjotoftef tend* of .’om»S T. p. A. B- Brown, John B. Bnmr. and othffra. Lawted onm th* yrngarly of Maary D Ontt^bywlr* moot a E fa. framEmSnteartxrOonriofmlraaSBtr in <a> or of Fotterd A Oo. wa. H. D. Smith. Written uouoe mm on John B. wnitema, tenant la pan- B» Jooaa. Ihia MaySOlh, ITft.^ ■yftltd FOR S-AJ-.E3 BTT a Aad^atemaol ^^N.STJONEa Provrlaaloaa BM*tV qq a hits oraxa »jnp enwanft Olnoixuamtl. Otoao. ■.Oriarakrtr see aara im«klih«« Man Maas»>ipa*aripuM, Ageat !■ -Tfifil rft Oqw Ima MLiwunwaiKM ;A .--•Cl : - - ' *“*■»*- - -III GEORGIA—r*ltoBVH*l|l; l i to I To Ike Superior Oturt <ftaU ftteefc-' ifw a«i UUDUSL* F - , tewre "^aaraSSeteBM haw?h ihahavAti ihter aanftat ua*wtm»a amafeSita hr tea SBwtmi s^fsrsaassr Hewn' nlao* of baatama h ihaated a* —* *** •ona yaod Stem. terihTTp* laal irepavwaie raeea eaaraea mt leal la retteaia tkaprevtsas ooaatj, b* --- | ~ q| ~ - —- - -- ^ ta^^grefaBias.. lav reUriu.aUiariawlatoe,- "■■FNw,** ffitlETeTP^ir/Sf’* . rj-.i _ L11 - GETrafifl lATAlTSOB li ftraterwtlhtho mom .rflH ten atetemd ter *ay tehm aziamal* g to fteiewi Um nmm*. m a» mlted ffh*ik tegaw