The Atlanta daily sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1873, June 03, 1873, Image 1

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THE ATLANTA BUN DAILYlAND'WELKLY. THK SUN PUULISiRN(i VO, Hon. A. H. Stephens, POLITICAL EDITOR. THE SUN. VOL. IV 1 <-««l>KNM3D JXEWtL Georgia ( nop. wound Griffin «re proaming. -Eqrly oooniy i.iiw-ding »m ill.bower. . ‘Je^unon county .top* .r« looki^ iSSisr* for . Monumental Smermi Honra At Hennn.b ha* I tor ibe rammer. • Bjme i. aumlf .waiting ih« advent of W* rowtrn card* in that burg. ■teqra* I* troobled with a colored brtaa band at wsaeaaon.ble hour*. pCdL-tnbn- hai tho oraai Saturday Cran ing row*. No liven loat yet. jasa ^-Tbe Bniobridge Democrat apologise* for a half aheel bad oAnivhtek tu.ii* ttnifed a building. Sia»^iao«ffc4rtitnwi»we , i America, ia going to hare a moonlight ^°l*hed when be retorna from Europe. The Hon. David H. Mason, United 1 HUtra Duurio* AUo.nay, died at N** ton. Matt., on the 29th, aged B6 yean. ■t j ri) Kniui-y'imoi Xt Gia-gow i. nbippinc curled walnut Eoroj^ to be ripped into rineeriog. Quantities o( pig-rcn from Fitchburg and Cottage lurnaoee, pan through Wia- jrW shipment un the Rig Profrnor N. S. Sbaler, of Harvad Da*ranita, who wae recently tendered the pontoon of State Oeologist by Od*- ernor Lealie, has telegraphed from Ed- rope—whete he now la—hi. aoceutaiM of the appoiutment. He will retnru at dttb to: abler upon hiidntiee. Oampan.,' the cOmpoeer, ha. rewired the order ol Bt. James from the Kina of , U .ill Joaa Jordan, 96 yean old, and n (ti dier of the war ol 1812, ta no inmate (M the Bowling Green, Kj., poorhouaet pionk). Oolamboa bad * Santa? school picnic on Saturday, and an addres. by Dr. Mew- ellen. U<j Ferrill, of SsTiDDib, tigs been summoned lo Washington to attend busi ness In regard to ootton claims. Col. Robertson, the )al»*pp*int6iaa mialmAM ‘ *“* „ _ ^..aastta B .ck.hear, out himael! aeverely with hi. little hatchet. , A Hr. Yoaman*, of Prioe oottttvJliii sasKrar- eoi-^ohjdned fi^r tbreemyntln|.L. , T^|r'"‘‘j- t5oT.‘ J. Baigroln Thhma*, of Chatham county, died a few day. ago in Liberty mantg. > A Him Kearney, of Havanoah, waa M- ncurly injured by lbs explosion of a Keroaene lamp on Wadnaaday hut The port of Savannah ia to have anew Revenue cutter. The ‘'BootwaU'‘«f two haudred gnd Rfty ton. burthen. The Rev. Jeenee Jnneeotmeneerbeing aerionely iajbied on Saturday law, el the car abed, by the fulling of a brick. The reeidenoe of Hajor Gillespie, at Pineville, was entirely oooanmed by fire on Monday last. Griffin Fire CompanyJSp. 1 odebrata their annivetsary on the Stli isst, Rher, wind up with a big ball. v * Cob HoGee, colored, killed Jim King, oolored, near Harriaonville, on Friday lut. r # MostVnbd rble-Mbiied nfen of Maoon are abraut on flailing excursions. Won der if Coart is not in session f The port of Brunswickabipped caring last mouth, to foreign purls, 8,315,491 feet QJ yjjch 253 _ _ uulj w Iri-nl-fo ia gi liing pel uu si on troni owneis o' property to ust- Ikg grouuis. Xu* woui.L* ami dog that low excited ao muob iuterci tor some time past has smred in klaoon and laquued tor Wat son. ■ ** - I < Chatham oc-unly issued eevnuty-one marriage lioutws batn.mnilth—t*iiity live white nod t-rty-sii oolored. Tney are acripiurally inclined in that section. Mayor £bnff only reoeivad five dollars for the city on Sarnrday fast and oomplalna of a dulntw in the mai kei ol municipal ijmPOMiflPh TaHJo A wagon load of oorn in the ear passed through Frank! m last wees. Turn and the flue crop prospeots make* the people iu that section feel independent. y The Superinteudeufa of the Jackson ville, Pnuaaoola aud Mobile Railroad, and-*. (jhl AtiaAio Ad 4ul(,hwLi meet aoou in Savannah, to arrange lor a change in aohednle. OoT H-*nry Moore, late proprietor ol jooroala will h< rrafter be pnbli der the name of the Savannah Adver tiier and Republican. parentage but nnoertain birth, u luxuria ting in n negro houoe iu this city, Tuey want to rand iia Pa np. The body of Chao. Baapiliipjid, pf area some I yean. Prafcmor Danipt 0. Ewlcn, of Yale College, propose, to make a boiaoixing excursion to the White Mountains, in oompsny with a party of students this WsAfenm I Modidal fcnpsiln^ndems of Amarioau Iustitutiona for the losane njw tm nmaa iw Baltimore. -*xt akll-Weftf-emely gratifying to the attached'to the Egvptiax aimy, to learn that his tslenfs as an angineer aud bear- leg as a soldier bare secured for him abroad the reoognitioo and appreciation .0 justly due him. He has been dtoo rated with the highest Turkish order within the gift ol the Khedive-that of Commander of the Order of the Medji dioh. Before entering the army of the Khedive, Col. Ken non served both in the United Status and Confederate State* navies. Vignettes of the late William H. Sew ard and Thomas Corwin have recently been engrared at the Treasury Bureau, for tree upon the obreks of the State and Interior Departments respeo-ively, r (An enclaved likeness of Ethan Allen, Mfnedfrmn a ptaiUiug made by Trum bull, of Connecticut, in 1782, bu reoent- iy been bronnht to light in Boston. Un til its disoorery, no portrait of that Rev olpUjnarj leader was known, to be ex A portrait of Chanoollor Robert & Livingston, who was u member of the committee which re or ted to Congress the Declaration of Independence, haa beem nreapnted^^) Jja^eneudeuo ~ fiSSmo’.n»SXS. d !„. _ rail vjr Hfuart, owi ed oy yrukwbijr j muted aboui 1796, wbon Mr t Lifiagm- d was a mem ber of the Cuum il ol R -vihiod of (Lai State, at in the picture. A hue portrvit o (ieo. Alexauder Bcammell, of bevolutiouarj fimo, painted by UJyaaea D. Tenney, of New after a poruait b> Co . Trumbull, nA beeii prBieuTed ib^tne State of New Humpehire, «t d will iiuu^, by the side ol Brigadier General Poor. It was in hon or of thf So two herOta >hat Gen. Lafay ette gave nis toant, ah the State Houae, Yorktown ScammeU.'' and PolttlCMl ltCBI(. ••■la Oarallaa Items. Large atandx ol ootton hsv« boon plan ted, and the crop* are gel),rally looking good. Sewn oolnmns of the Beaufort South era SUndard axe oeeQpied by the detiu- The Marina and River Phoaphate Com pauy have eommenoed woik iu the bed of the river near Beaufort. / l'>| The Cheater. Bp porter ^uise'tcithe militia of thstvCteinll *ML»reorgani»ing, and wuojsata that <*tba» is some devil- chief wf the signal service, a reeolnuon requesting the establishment of a MaBoti in that city. 1‘ieir annual meeting from th* flrat Tues day in November to the flnt Monday in IjUBhB anoaenbad thirty CpesUf and Oheraw Th# wheat nod kilftliiMNit^tW itUTillo —o>iuii. po Daaar Dai u Out Ebumbd ■‘DtlTMia^ ■* .WedmauUv aw "Derby Day >v l W* laara from tea VrioaJ of Xwapar- gland, and a special dispsteh to il anas that Bathsrlorl^lMiagnJtan had Ann - -- Una term HO ‘ g *° oM, a yoaag l.diaa, m -a“ '* osdenu aaaeng th. visiter* to wftette ten It is rawored that aoase o* tep tega y*o*.jpgAha ikwry Bwkes, cauied by tea fstuuuitmSsS tv ey. oollaetad ba «k«n m Ska wmAamm. gMOti rdkOOtmed •mM'MYU.l othais 1>J^ • The new temperance law in Illinois 1. rousing the Germans of Ghicugo in ati unprecedented manner. Maas meetings arf beiogkeld in tue varies wkrda, and eflorts are on foor to orgiuisj au anti- temperanoe party. The new law cloaea dll the drinking saloons, lager beer as wa'l as other?, on Sunday, aud compels them to dose at 11 o’olock each night. An elaborate-opinio.*, aigaad by a lthe btraw, to the effect that when a town wterlr nrvtm the record and return of votes for Repreaeotative in Congress sc- .to lbs Modsrator’s count an (on,j^|id Governor and Gouncil authorized to require tue Clerk to amend his record and oorrect an error rn the count. This ouiuiou of the Judges will elect Austin F. Pike, o; Franklin, to itoupm iwmike third district. •VinuiitVfr* HVff d.v . Mr. BmilW vmtnilaaf book, SWp," baa bean teaiwlated into Japanese, and adopted xs x OoWnnferft text-bpok. Willixm Lloyd Garr.aon uid recenlly that be UmI set type euough to form . typographic nulruad from Bostou to Liv- WpooL .1 h •• ' The wpenlitiouaui-ss of the late Em peyor of the Fraoeh ia made the sabjiai rf 1 junnr in Th* wrong- eat point mads in the last will and testa ment of his MX]##, rjfjj j a anmftgttishna Egyptolo- hxxed, at Tbtbe*, x remark- hieratia napyrnr. It con sist* of 165 pages, and treat* 01 moat maladies tee ia heir to, from ' - Bachan, containing many bal.di aud atmtiiAiat(Muted in bit "Gleanings" of 1826, or his “ Anoieol Ballad, aud tioogs “'te^h^i^imityi. frequently disturbed by o-imulimeuiary silnxlada to* w TkiMatopei*" as the heat "JVMJKin trpuaiatioux of eatery works ten Jhpanroe text M all the r I . Jxpau nlih locelgn uonatnaa; another * fait -km of Japan*** oflMerf _ above a certain grade; and i third is on Mug Two- Oh* Prtee.pU.of Freedom. Mb bwtirw Herald, mpd«* date at tea WM, aistea that them war* uateteo*. ae- tha vioater* to alteiW ten a»ar _aivqi' iaoi. ATLANTA, GEORGIA TUESDAY. JUNE 3, 1873. NO. 930 MadMaHHm DAILY-Pm annum, .$8 Oft HMI jteriy.. 4 M QomMy, IN MoottiJ. * WEEKLY-Per annum, If fe MN-Tmi Soft combined Daily mt Weekly NnolaMam M larger team teat cf •ay paper in the State, TELEGRAPHIC, oxrmwiMiMt. icnmr Wj OF RISHBL SlaVICE, 1 uanaias, D. 0., Ixm 1. f For New England, light to fresh winds, mostly born the anal and sooth, and dear » partly oloady weather. For the Mid Ik Btnto, light to fresh and easterly nod southerly winds, and inoreaung alondinee* and poadbly light vain in Mn- tylaOd and Virginia. For th* Lower Lake region, easterly to eontherly winds, genetelh cloudy weather aud am* cf light rain. From th* Ohio and Upper Mtedaaippi Volleys to the Upper lakes, southerly to westerly winds, oloudy weather and rain areas. For the Booth AtlaatioS.atee, coolinusd cloudy weather rain sod eesterly winds, the letter prob* b|y shifting to southerly end westerly, with dealing weather in Florida, Geor giaand South Carolina during Tuesday. From Alabama and Weaten-Tenneteee to Eastarn-Louisiana, • clear or pertly oloudy w. ether. Afterncon telegnpbto reports are musing from* portion of the stations in Texas, Miohigau, Dakota and Indian Territories. TOJT. WashxxOTotr, Jane 2.—The fnllowtog, prepared by n lending E!drr, member of the Baltimore Presbyterian Gen oral ’ Assembly, will interest Son them Presbyterians: This targe and influential body, oonaUting of te- tweou flv* or six (hundred minister, and elders, representative, from .11 part, of the (Union, after a remarkably barm ioo. melon of two weeks, finally ad joa.awdoo Wednesday mgbi28tn nit., to meet next year in St. Louis. Its ore- aiding offioei or moderator was the Ber. Howard Crosby D. D. LL D., of the Fourth Arson* Ohurob, Brooklyn, aud Cbanei-llor of .the Uuiveraity of New York. Many ' important subjects were dismissed end decided, the details of which will be fpund in the religions papers. What will be moat interesting to Southern Chris tiana, was the broad, liberal action of this assembly in relation to fratrrual orgsni nation, at some early day, with the South ern General Aomnhly and o'her brmnones of the greet Fre^byteiisn family bolding the asm* faith *bd aiming at the same re- salt*. — — - - - Th* unanimous adoption of a report of sundry resolution^ submitted by Dr. Nlohoubrcil. Louu, would uem tore- move Ju difficulties hitbeyto existing as to n union with the Southern Genera! tha Old Sesoel Synod of Assembly Missouri. After it preamble, the resolutions de clare: 1st. That all former declarations ol the assemblies representing the Old and New Uobonla,toaching «n the Southern Gaut r- -1 Assembly or the Synod of Missoni i, are B , and have lieeu siuoe the reunion, and void, . 2d. TLat the Assembly express full confidence in the snundueea of the doc- insee aud Christian character of those brethren, aud cannot doubt that a more iMimste communion would lead to the speedy removal of the barriers that now operate those of like faitbi; and to n N *n» manifestation of their belief in inn. etc. It we* understood that tele an iu the Assembly was utiafaotonly to, aud approved by toe leading men in the Southern Church, such as Dr. st.iari Robmaea and Dr. Wilson, of Louisville, Ky.; Dr. Palmer, ol North Carolina; Dr, Seaborn and Dr. Bollock, of Baltimore, ete, and U is hoped thtl such sentiments extending the Olive Branch auy he adopted and parpetester in all part* of oar common country. Dr. Baird, of Nashville, Temtcouee, repreauting the Cun)b*iland Peeaby- terian Church, made Ml 6-ie end elegant address lo ih* assembly, and eeid: There are one huudyad and uve FteanpOsalaa Churohes, with one hundred and thirty thquxand mambern, with ail thou college. kudfrohooK w. re ready nud willing to re turn to their mother uhuroh if re-uuiou considered desirable- The Moil era tor replied in fraternal aud eloquent terms, and n ootemtttee for otmterenee woe appointed. Similar proposition, came from the general assembly of lh» Welsh Presbyterian Obureh and other bodies and n teemed indeed, as if the era of good feeling bed returned. T'n Intention of these reeolutaosa aud tea effect of the action of tue assembly, ia to remove all tOapatalion of crime from ^ 1* who. took a part with tea booth recant struggle. WasHinoToa, June 2.—The Court of Ciaime to day rendered a number of judgment, in wits brought under cap tured and abeudonsd property act for the value of aottou taken and sold by th# Government agents, the proceed, of whtoh wete placed ia the treasury. In the case, of Uyaatn Houston sad Og- rangs, executor* it was decided that the Government hod no right to with hold eitbei she two per oent. cotton lex or custom house fee*, etc., irum pro- deed, of sale, of captured and abandoned And judgment, sere rendered for smohnta ao withheld. Judgment ter *35,581), the prehaea. of captured out ten, Waa rendered iu later ol the Home In- oirapue Company ol tisvennnb, end ia a ■milar eeee judgment for 8271,76 wet given in i.vur of the Souiheru Insurance aud Trust Company. Tuese corporation* Were creeled by th* Legielstam ef tee Slate ol Georgia While said Stats was in reneiiion against the United Hiatus, sad the question raised wax whether they -— endowed with a legal exiatanee by i Mray were eapehle of owning tee ' qtptqred and oapable of smug in u;t for.tbeprooreda. Chief Justice iuto Cxpt. Jack's fees wi . • „ . ,. . leraet, but h* heed* that ------ of tha. Wgtetatora u< a kM Dmm, did W>t tend to further or rapport thwibta |. Aggregate losa $86jfiu!* ■geetic affair, of tea people of theState' at a emaaidntty, wide from the ctrsneo- **u meat, afriata rWiMrba the ales; It it tbeaefoy* ketd. tha* they bare a valid axiateooa, and ir, entitled to Ih* liidgmdriUnMTe means*ed. The oourt adjourned till Wednesday jrsfr rojtJC. NxwYonx,June 2.—Judge Dua gran ted, this morning, an adjournment of trial to Wm. M. Tweed nntil the Oeto- brr adjournment, whloh wee granted on the affidavit of bis physician., to the el- feot thst to prooeed with the trial now would ojdenger the life of John Gra ham, Tweed’s leading oounsaL A Captain of a seow on East River fell overboard. Hie wife remarked that he had enough trouble with her. A police man rescued the body. Mr. Otapo, who keep, a tailors' boose on Water street, opened tee head of a boarder with an ax. Wm. Shaw, while drunk, split hit wife’s bead. Vineent Blood (ool.) eat Wm. Thorn ton's (col.) throat. Thomson waa trying to bite Blood’s nose off. Ieaxo Laurens accidentally shot him- telf. A mad dog, after biting n man and a boy, was shot in Harrison afreet. New You, June 2.—Th* following card wee published this afternoon by Henry Ward Beecher: " I have maintained eilenoe respeoting slanders wnioh have fur some time past followed me. I should not apeak nos, but for the take of reliering another of unjust impntation. Theduonment which was recently publti bed, bearing my name with others, was published without con sultation with me or with Mr. Tilton, or with any authority from na Iftbatdoo- ament should had the public to regard Mr, Tilton as the author of the oaium- nies to which it alludes, it will do him great .injuatioe, I am unwilling that be should even seem lo be reepootible for lo.uriou. statement* wooes furoe was de rived wholly lrom o’bers. [Signed] Hbnby Ward Bukohku." lojtoojw London, Juue 2.—The Time* of this morning pal liehes epec-al dispatches from Berlin, which ray that tbs German f overumout ia dissatisfied with Pres. Mo- [ahou’a address to the Frenah assembly, and w.U not enter -nto regular- diplo matic regulations with hi. government until satisfied that Franoe will faithfully adhere to the treaty of Frankfort. cvrcijrjrjiTi. Cincinnati, Juue 2.—Tne dwelling of Alfred Loudon, and the store of London A Kautx, at Higgineport, burnt last Sat urday. Losa 818,000. ofiroffirM, Ban Francisco, June 2.—The renegade Modocs lead the troop* to within e half mil* ol Captain Jack's stronghold. Then the commands moved to sarround him, bat Oapt. Haabronox’e command did not reach the designated point in time to make the arrest complete. Gspt. Jack with three warriors escaped. Captain Jack was surprised. Hi. picket, ease iu orying “ Bun ont, run quiok I th* tid dler. or. coming I” The soldi u» behaved well and their gallant advauoe called from the rook, exclamations like " Surrender, w*f no; fight. We went ,fadk pence, w< li e peace." Boston Charlie; who killed Dr. Thomas, came in fall view. He waa o< vered with a Lalf dosen rifles. (Pri vate—Darwin ia doubtless light.) T hour* afterwaro* Boston Oharlie was tent after the Modoc, as peace commie- sioner bnt failed to overtake them. The surprise resulted in thenrrender of Bos ton Obarl'e, Oapt. Jaoks nater—the Prinoea. Mary, Black Jim—a woman and other female Modoee, ranging from 9 to 90 in age and (even ponies. Capt. Jaok refngeed in a oanon with waits 40 feet perpendicular. Later—Soar-faoed Charlie, old Sahon- eohin, and ten other warrioia eurren dered. Capt. Jaok and three other war rior■ decamped during the night. Append atn’s Houax, Clxab Lake, Cal. , June 1, 3:30 p. u.—A eerie* of prolonged ella and cneera aroused this camp from beaaant Siesta halt an hoot altar the de parture of my last crarier. General* Daria and Whaalon and other fflera, together with all th* man, rtuhed irom thiir house* end tents to find oat the oatue of the nproar, and at oaoe tha whole otmp waa in a eoanmotion. Gen. Davia roe on tea lave! plain, north of the house, where was a Hand Oaraloads of mounted horsemen, who rushed for ward at ouoe at a furious mu ou t neared the groups of •peotator* lered around the pn miaes. -• Captain Jaok 1. captured I" snouted th* sturdy sergeant. Again the valley reechoed with cheer, and yell*. The mounted oommaud wo* Perry’*. Ho hod returned from a scout of twenty-three hoars terse antes above th* month of Willow Croak. At half-past ten o'oiook this morning the Warm Spriug scouts .truck tea frail and allot a brief March tee Modoc* were d'aoovered. Col. Perry surrounded the Indiaua’ re treat, bu men were bound to fight. Sud denly a Modoc shot out from the rock* with a white fiaa.t Ha met a Warm Baring Indian and said "Jack want* to surren der.” Three eoauta ware aunt to meet Jack. He oame ont cautiously, glanoed about him a moment, and then, aa il siring up all hopes, oame forward and .held oat bis hand lo hia visitors. Then two of warrior*, five squaws land children, darted forth and j lined him in surrender. The oommand that made tnia anions scout was the First Bquadron <il the First Cavalry, Colonel D. Perry, oom- posed of Troop F, LienUcaot Miller, and Troop H, Major Tram boll, and med ical officer Assistant Buraaon Demit. The guinea were a Pallmsa and Applegate. Cental* Jack ia shout (city years old, 6 feet 8 ‘~rhir high, Haupax, Joneil—James Howe, Gov ernor of Non Sootis, is dead. Aged 68 yearn. MtULTLMOnm. Bamtiiobi, June 2.—Five for murder and one for rape era awaiting the death sentence iu this State—three white and three blaek. Markets by Telegrirp*. COTTON. Acquhta, May 2. —Cotton—demand moderate; middling* 171; receipt* 192; sales 177. Nnw Onnaaxa, May 2.—Ootton—de mand modem!*; middlings 18*181; net receipts 1,649; grora 1,772; exports to Great Britain 1,122; to Continent 28; coastwise 8,812; aalea 1,209; last evening 800; atock 94,141. Mkmfbin, May 2.—Cotton firm; low middlings 16; reoeipta 888; shipments 1,237; atock 26,852. Nnw You. June 2.—Ootton ataady; Mies 704 bales; uploads 19J/Orleans 19f; net reoeipta 578; gross 6,017; mIm lor export -to-dey 188; last evening 160. nw Yonx, June 2.—Sates of fntarai to-oay 16,000 bales, cloaing ax follows: 181; July 19 116, 19 8-16; , 191; September 181; Ooto- sad compactly built; M* a well formed laoe, wbiobtl :«Rof mdivtd- utiuy; but though dreraeff in old cli-thea, be looks every inch a chief. He does m t apeak to any one. Tbs Mod oca are l;rouped iu field near th* boose, and ui rounded by a guard. • tfruatatnri peer Jack's law with au kagaa in- tOTJ Pt.RV, UAUWJI. Fixe, Jon* 2 - MCffimrA - Bicuhond, June 2.—Special* bom I— folk, Y*., state diet Mr*. Da*.posy Joum and her stater, him Dollar, itvua sin* mite* mm that place, were mkrdarad yrataeday and tea boom pla*8»f*4 tahtU ! Ilr. Joan* aad akihfra* wat* at B—fay ooL A bloody dnb wax hand is the and bloody mark* cf ban Mat •d at tee frY*kratet*eo TMra to th* mardarara, tad Ik* oifr- huntin* team. T*a wMoat «• ol^eaMut prerau*. Jane 18f, 18 Aagniit 19}, ber 17}. Mobili, Jane 2.—Ootton—middling, 17}; net reoeipta 166; export* aoratwtec, 487; etook 22,766. Galvibton, June 2.— Co'ton—good ordinary, 14}®14}; net receipts, 828; Mlea, 600; stock, 36,094. Bavaxmah, June 2.—Cotton firm; mid dlings 18}; net receipts, 463; export* to Great Britain, 4,266; coaatwtae, 1,167; ml.*, 876; etook, 15,998. OftABLXBTuif, June 2.—Cotton qnlet; middling, 18; net teoeipia, 267; exports ooMtwiae, 720; sales, 100; atock, 16,979. WiiiUntoToN, Jana 2.—Ootton quiet; middlings 18c; net reoeipta 21 bales; sales 84; stock 3,692. Nobpulk, June 2.—Ootton qnlet aud firm; lor middl-nge 17; net reoeipta 405 bales; exports ooaatwiae 3x6; aalea 126; stock 7,473. PBODCCn. St. Lntns, Jane 2. -Flour dull and unchanged. Oorn alow and market fa- rora buyira; No. 2, mixed, 88}e89iu ele vator. Pork quiet at $17 25*17 60. Ba con doll and unchanged. Lard doll and unchanged. Whisky steady at 99. Cincinnati, Jane 2.—Flour qaist it #7 50{<j)7 90; oorn dal! 47@48; provis ions irregular; pork qniel, 816 60 bid, 810 75 asked; lard doll—nothing doing bxoon fair—demand steady—teonldera held at 7}; dear rib aldea 9}; dear rib •idn held al 91—fair demaud, eighth lower: whisky firm 90. Nnw You, Jane 2—Floor doll and dediniog; common to fair extra 10 76*8, good to olioioe 88 06*11. Wnuky firmer at 92 Wheat bMry and lower; winter amber; Iowa 81 70. Corn bearr; tallow Western 68}a64}. Rioe qnlet Pork doll and nominal Beef and Lara ateady. Navals eteudy. Tallow quiet Freights very firm, MOUNT. Nnw You, June 2—Money easy *i 6*6. Stoning higher et 8|a8j. GoU 1171*117}. Governmanta low, bnloloaad little steadier. State Bunds very doH. NemJAbDetunemeo;*. N. R. FOWLER, Auct’r. MR*. TOWNS’ PBOPIBTY.—IUwi*BQb*T Ul« ate JXL of iboMalM low os M iimmutni jt - mround o« Houston stiMt. thii mdo of Obi. bori’fl, B o'oiook l.Mot mxi 1karoAffi7rHfa ^bbCa Tboj bolobg toibbi rbMNL tdd Dm cMm cm to Mil. Borgblbi mtjU WriL Tmsm—half ooohi btlbboa la t abd • aiobtha, witk M bar eaal ibMraa jbltt Q. W. ADAH, kmratrta Hit OMnda-lb tfea Moom Mbrrlixm.—Ia Babkrbptay. TkUUto BlY«BOttoo,onooffi«aokforthiM waafca. that I hkT« bMb aypolbtad AaNonaa af th* oalata a« Momo Morrlaoba of WtUaraobbly* *• «ti SUtrlat. who kM boon aJJodgaS a Bab tract byobM* — goUtkm by tb« Dtatrlot Oobrt Cor mid DUtrlot. i>4Tn a buxton, of uvtr«tw. (M.. jbcoi—diawtw *— _ thorn District ot OoorgU. la tha Wttilaa WhlMab* B nkruyt, lb Babhrbbtay. This la to gtaa nottoo, oaoj a weak for tkvaa wsska, tha* 1 hara bMi appoibtaB flftw if tha aalata of WUllaa Whlttra. of WtutfUM o»aaty. tb aatidlatriot, who haa baaa adjodfad a Bant rapt apaa hla own paU«on, by tha OtaMol Oourt of aaU dtatrlot Juno td, lira. JOHN T. BBGTHJtBTOH. JbBOSd. Jaaot-dlaorfw U " B1TBO BT4AB8 DMTBMTOOUBTfbrtBall» thorn DU trio of Oooryln—In tha i DobM Stout—In BaokrapOor. This u to gift boOoooaoo a waok tor thro# wooho. that I bora baaa aqpclatad aaatnaa of tba oataoa of Danlol btoat, of Wblkor obbb%, U and DUtrtol. wbo hos boon sdjadgod a boakrapt upon hU own path tlon, by uio Dutrlot Court of Mid dUtrlot, Jams 2d, IbTS. D4Y1B 0. BUT ION, LnNayatU, Ob, JunMlawbw FElnlALE COLLEGE, ReidvitU, H. O. (Ifoar Atlanta aad Jtiohoond 4to>Ltoa Badvoad.) Bit. TBufl. W4BD WMTN, ProallMA B oard (ton Calendar Months) BUB; inlttoa B4b; Masu |4 . No extras, rail fatal onoaa Inly 1. Tha President will loa - a tha Klathbll honaa, Ah lanta. Id July. In oharga of papdla. jaSdltwM fiprciat WotiecB. DB. SIMMONS* LIVES BKQULATOB. • Bztraot of ibttor from Hon. AUxaador H. 8to> pboo*. dated 8th March. 1871: I oocaolonaUy too. whan my condition requires U. DR. B1MMONB* LITBB BBBUL4T0B. with good •Boot. It U mUd and snito m batter than moot Oth»r romodleo. DeGive’s Opera House. Taesday EtbmIb^ Jbbb8, 18m Pfi/nrjir mi aj#8 Grand Concert OF THE SEASON —T (ProTteno to the romodoli|g of the Theatre), —ar—— FBEYEH*8 0#U IIENT^A • oteotad by tha boat Vocalist* of tha city f MT Proceeds to • a tppUad tor tha forohaaa af lb* ramonta aad Mateo tor Oroh*atra. t. Trio—Obi Ml rrona”. : Mio. Thompson, Haynes and Aagto. A lolo—“Oaata Diva**...... M ..l Mrs Bobartson. 4. OlarlonscBoto—'tMvattnl 1 * .1 Mr. H. lUsslt. 8. Boto-«M*Apps^ntt Anwr*’- Martha A Watta—“OatloilstutfulPlusDabnbs”..Bt (By rsqoastj-Prayor'• orebssua. . LaTravlata ?. Ovsrtarc—''btraddslla’* Flotow Prsyor s Oashsatra. I. Cavatina—"Ah! Fora’s LoT* Mrs. Uobsrteoo. 8. Vlollb Bote*—"Bouvaalr da BaOlal” Artel Mr. f. L. Iraysr. lb. Ait It. Quartette—“Midblgbt Bound a” Martha Mrs. Robtrteoa aad Thompson, Morgan and Anglar. 11 BaUvoad «alley, (with imitations) Msaaai (By rsqnsst) -Prsysr’s OvchMira. MB. SfDNBt LAN 1KB, TAB OBB4T trLVTUT. •teppli.* at MarlsUa, haa kindly sobssnted to rsndf aBolo on the occasion. SW In order u give partlss Uvlaa at a distance _ abac os to attend, the Osuosrt Will commence • t pr>- JJjjjJjM o’clock. No p tatponsmsnt on aooobb*. cf ADMUbsoif if oarnj oallhbt, twkntt raj o a BWBBVItD HEATH, TB OBNTH. Ttobote to be had at Pntltlps A OrswV ntdbt N*m 26 uni i arm nut Nummer"Resortl KENNUfAW HOVIB, MARIETTA, 04. ixTonaa * nim -..rao>aiA.,u «4 TO THB MOUNTAINS t ^ nd aruprwit xteian at-rtra A WAYfUJDIS HOUSC, I whlsr>oa been •dd xltsvsi^ large sottagata A J. BIULbM,' fbayrltter. Notice in Bankraptcy. T hu tstb ftvs nottsi that an the AH day e* May. 4. u. 1an, a warvaat la Uahroytey wm tented MNmt tbs estate af Mssaateb «. CkUter. of Ua conafy af Uharohs*. and Stem of ueosgia, who baawaan adtbdgad a barkrwyt on bis own p«tl, Ban. induat the aaimaat af any debu aad Ae- » m yswysWy tilaaatngte wdilitran, aa. or tor hla aaa. mm the ua osier erf any prwm -- ftettetoa by tew; (has a dM prJtS’tXX a«w— • ~ Montvale Springs. rpH18 r AYOBITB BUMMBB BttOBT. altnated 8 X Blount oonaty. Boat Isnaesaao, is now opa for the rtoeptlon o< visitors, and wUI be maintains in a style worthy the palronaga of a dlssrtmlaatlb. pnbllo. Tbs marked bonoftmal rssulta altebfteg vhe uae of Uaoo wawra In functional Ursa gam wit ot the Liver, Bowels, Kidneys It 8Ub, Andthaenia af Chronic Diseases * Attest thoir Medical prnyarttei. AU tha aceeaaorlaa fer so Jot men! itfiariiL. at tha beat watering pieces will be found here. Bpaolai attention wlU ba g>van ta tha Bsbtfartiani making tba oiiy of KnozvtUa, Tanaaaaae, a point. thenoe vis Knoxville and Obarteaten Railroad ta ManvUte, aixtssn talks, wSense passsogsva are convsysd in msII stagsa, running In oonnsetten wMh Board par day...... MM ^***....^X B>fb •• •• Wash •**■* 14.4b - :: ^iSwaRaw ttS OWUraanadaa frajaanef agaml HlitHaaa- rants half prloa. Aldrsas, for iho pamyhtoi naHIUHl aailyaia aa description of the water, tte., JO. L. KINO. Proprietor, juaSdhwtf Montvalegyrlaga* Ba»t Toon. ATLANTA WATRffi CUBS, r. HLflXOW. Oatm* at* aad ma afrata, , , 3ss.-amrs , fe‘«‘, inform tha olMasns af t tte ate aad r aonatry. Ufab OotmaAgra. 1 ladlgaotte’i, MBMMflPVMf — amass sgsa.sya8tfyiu _ ***-**- SSSS& saacattymteg«g>8t! ytelnt. TsatMagyarteda af raudmn* ByaraMM niter a tow honra wUI ba oaMstebt for aabN. BMb Ingtetenadangar wttenyso^a sa* atnteBteaBIMjMK at tha ftrte aymytagta nte teaaanaaa MMi b white. wUk ahtn. and aaarybody will teacte te BtebB his family at sente dtertwaa. ■MMCMt: r. u. waldxx, aao. n. Bwom, WAUHKI^WOfcCo. ■1LLRBS AND MAUW UI STOOIK T>epot, N& IS Bmk luiuamur, *X. H. ANDBRSONii^ ** dlataaia atraat, tllam, A*taT r A BK I % Y npl*l 19 A O H W B B D 8 B W X O • " i'I i ii ' II: JF ni (Itiu A w 0 b;.'; 1 T-'.-.’l',; t: *11 « Vi Rlll U 0.1 D- Y m N E 8 For almplldlty of kaualoa, oaaTaawaaa l* dmafrllfr fuinutx aad qnaUfr al mak, raw ar aapatafr wid awiacal arUrptabUlfr to vat* ad avarx and* at daaertptiea, wttaoat akaaga a« adlaafritot a* Nra. tons prsparathm, have NO saysrier. *T riiat-Oiaaa a*aau vaatad aa Utaaal Tamil. "aiftitea inklCDLTtlUli I ncLunmo nm 1 ■ABAOWB, ram Wliu «ft NLAWT i nnuK Nfranim m» m» ntg Oatlwtaaaaaa>i(aiii*maN t matotai rrrw, GEO.E.WARDAOO.** TO BUY YOUB , . OLOTHINOt Btook ot Clothing ixp— anmiiiiiiiiMu In Loifloa Store. XariiittaJMl aHipCEBUEM. '^rr New Grocery Stow. —WSiWMt' PARKSandlLLiJt 1 .XMtmd&Z Vo Rent moving into my BKW AiiRlCULI URAL BUIL^INO, COhNBB ALA BAMA AMD POBSYTH hTteKBlB, early la Jans, I offer ten aboanl amr aaaayy far rant aUear^and let me know M any af the Bs- Family CtajCfy; Awla.wriav.frtoktara«al pZrhS * [if.* r 'taitraW Which Win Uaatosa aMUIn .» Powms. Oram Ornutes. flwnByif.ste, r la ttera aad arrirlp^.^ Annonaoament. Da ae> wwrttob* Smoking 4 nw. w.fl^tetebmrtri^ tmowmatA. : ‘ B. J. A MURPHY tea asteroad to Um city, and win be iound at hleoAcs on Atehaaas afoae By pec- dssfring hla ssrvtess In ffteBatoy. . W. ADAIR, Anot’r. Edwin Payne Propmt)i.|o pinma m. ra. at «■ : . Tv IXa UUJ UW1 UXT TU**BAI-XAi-t t MUWa.WW|l.lMl l ta.*lllll ,, Imm wta atkar tamu, e W' ^ t»°atata wd taa *>■! ta- uw—0*a< third aaak. tela era ta M NMI (^VtafrteW. dtaTtaSi ate. Idbaaad *lte*vfrta arid 1 8m*M B. kan. ihta MagMih, duty Alin Bite- iTOBBIVSJk 'dS-lmiSfiwdwSwiN.