The Atlanta daily sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1873, June 06, 1873, Image 1

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TlirDSnrafiJWeelsIv Sun. ALfcX. V.*l»til H. STEPHENS, Preprlcior KA-|'K.4 OK Sl USnillTIOI. DAI Y—Par an mi 111 Half marl, ..4 00 Quwterly „*j no Monthly ,.7# WEEKLY—P*r iurari i m '.Z. || 00 TELEGRAPHIO j mtlAsmM*. •yrtioJ cAArinfsibtiki SEimor. “ r For tb« Booth Atlantic States, souther* 1; to wsstaci; winds, with probably rain fross Sontfa CkrolUrtdftbMa/'ft* ' Onli States, east of the Mississippi, winds backing bn asMhscty and otoi VOL. IV 4UL& Mxam JSL^Sl Ii]isrmest<ruu«urfaad r«nness»e, wlUl akoaU o; dorunon, and at U| partly cloudy wtslbic, with probable rain arena over Southern Missouri and the western portions pj |Tenne^ee ,no<J Kentucky. St. Loum, Juua 5.—Leo Hudson, ao- -itHUfcWtnwitw '»*•', atM,*is - d<Er The remains were taken Now Torn, June S.—The tailing valla at Kaypprt, N, J„ killed two ouioted per sona a ana »a>w a f The District Attorns j denies that new indictments were obtained against Tweed and bis associates. Nsw Tons, Jane 5.—A youth aged 11, and lis mother, were arrested, obarged with the attempt to poison the lather. The youth oon leased. i rj» -1 The MtondaneAstfthe Stock Ekbhange was alight, an most OH oirhebiidtenbare gone to the yacht race. Transactions in ths Southern Stales ous hundred thous and dollars, and generally steady. The Government sold two millions in gold to day, mostly at a Iraotion undef 18. . Nnw Yobk, Junefi—A New Orleans THE SUN. n ATLANTA,GA.. FRIDAY. JUNE 0, 1873. NO. 933 maerjrwr .•xcuu.rr. iepns, reed two papers Lmu Book, June 5.—Four Judges ol the Supreme Court—Ohiet Jui McClure dissecting—decided Ibil runs ST MANY'S. ASHE8TS IN CAMD1K OOONTI UNP1B WAU' BANTS ISSUKD BT UNITED STATES oomuasionn benbx n. oTompkins,were candidates lor 'he Legis- nop r^mi ci.and, June 5.—The Honiee patina luetitnte, in session here received ixpolmon laughter app'anee. * Baictmobb, Jane 5.—Two persons |fMm hpdFopfcohl*.. (fee feitils art 1. % H I to Baltimore. Mrs. P iwy whose htuband assailed her, Will probably reoover. He pleads in sanity, aud claims to be Captain Jack. Chicago, Jane 6.—Returns indioats tbs election ol A. M, Craig, tbelannsrs’ candidate lor Judge of the Supreme CPWrtvDVWr JndMiLawrenoe, the present Chief Justice, by a majority ot about 1,600. ' FomBonl OAKada, June 6.—Lent's eimas train -has ran off the trsok. The animal, weie injured sad a msu killed, and another lata 11. nnrt. Sab Francisco, June 6 —A torn mb. proetrated the New York sad New Ot leans oircus, cauaiag a great psnia. No A Were fatally hurt * NAe'df the Yanktowu Indians have lature from this oounty in ths Ootuber election. Hillyer contested the Boat ol Tampkhi, and upontbe evidebce, wnieh ass snbaatlivs, the seat was given to Tolhpkins. Although the aleotion took piacs as Yvrtsnk as October last we beard nothing of prosrrattoifs until to-dsy, when the asms Henry L. Hillyer turns np as United States Commissioner, mid issued warrants for the attest of a num ber ot gentlemen who voted sgminst Mm. He knew ad 1 the Urns kbst there le no fonndstion in trath for anch proeeoutions, sod that it is Amply persecution. One of the parties who. swore that he was hindered from voting did vote without being objected to, ana the whole evidence taken in the contested case, fails to show any cases where parties were de prived of the privilege ot voting who ware legally entitled to-do so Without turttMY oemmsokat present, 1 sloes by promising to ra|toK future developments. Farrow is hers. “ How Ions, oh Lord bow long f Lrctntaus. > on the Upper Missouri. spedal to the Jonuistsf Oommsreessys jheir reeervstiuns to join the hostile end February interest on ths hooded debt of tbs State is deposited in the Louisians Nations) Bank, injunctions may cause some delay, but the money is in the hands of the fiscal agetd. I The di- pateh ia signed Chancer Glinion, Audi tor. .MTl'm'ia) ‘>liW New Yobk, Juue 6.—In tbs. Grand new oonstitntibn was proceeded with, Among the amendments adopted was one C roviding that the warrant of s lodge can a surrendered only when there cannot be lonnd among! HA hieMbdldi iavth qualified brethre tue “ not be allowed ton visit any lodge or jgm aay. maspaio psoeeseien. as re ceive Maeewle fellaf OfbbHal.“Mg Diem ber ahafi hi ■permitted to sever his oon- neotion with the Lodge of wbiob he ia « member until he shall precept a ticket from some warranted lodge tnkt he" has p inioned for membership thereto, v » JI WIUSl.' Chicaoo, June 5.— |(. uur, to imu mi t s but a strictly «a> ’y Md MrMjUU family remedy, t to an euure msd: MMl 800; stock 12,103. —Cotton firm; lit tle doing; middlings 181; net receipl 872; sales 40; stock 17,084. Npw Yobk, June 5.—Cotton—net raf oeipta 480; gross 1,320; Mi< export if ' JA iSay 16i. • Lakt 'sieniug— 870. bales fu tures 10,600, Market closed, June WU)-M(<jfl8t; ) 9ttly 19@19 1-10;) August J9 l-16@10i;Ueptember 18@18 132. Oatten qaiet; salts 2,432. New Yobk, Juno 6.—Mouey 4@6. Sterling 8|@9. Goverumeuts and Buies vary quiet. Ppvu.vifAit, June 9 —Floor dull. Oon on her way home. The buggy was driv en to Linooln Mark; when tfie'drivOF, f tiling topptrsg. her, killed her with s knife; Tue citato ie in jail. tog dupatoo was sent to day OBaiteatiiO, Oregon, to the Secretary of War, at g j3 jg Washington, in regard to tha outlaws pow .in ths Custody df the UuitbdBtaies mili tary authoriiies: I most mpeeifully ra- •qnsa. that those who now stand indicted ,iu the Circuit Court of Jsouon County, •Oregon, for the crime of murder, -who are not amenable *o tion, be delivered to ib*' 61 Obi of this State fp^ trial and jpiuiubmeel. "SlWn^pMtt the Kllii'.. It IHej have UfgA defense, npoi t proper tribunal. Signed, L. F, Gbovkb, „ Governor of Oregon. jtmw* FM0M mu mo pm. Ron, Jane R • Urban no ttbni 1 died et 9 o’clock this morniog^ft FrueL none, 48 miles from this city. Signor Lease, President of the Oounoil end death of this eminent statesman bps pro- '‘r.So^^FriiHMlO.. lotto, in its issue of this afternoon, pub lishes the appeal of cx-Empreas Eugenie to the President of Franoe in iavor at hereon. It is reported tost Eugenie has been in Paris two days. s.;WRSraS, bark Mon arch from Daboy for idvsrpool, wrecked off Ht Aafiveaa Bound on tue 81st. The Captain sad his ails, 1st mate, carpen ter aud seamen while attempting to reeon the land iu life-boats were drowned. , schooner Soaifck. 1 of Brdatwieb. 1 ‘ umbO TXLEOBJPMC MB MM E TB. Augusta, June 5.—Cotton firm and it 1 hpittsf: 174; receipt# 18 .CHAsunsK, Jane 5. -Co ton quiet; t!ddln;g8' IS; reoeipte 838 bales; i in‘d unchanged. Bacon quiet; shoulder* 7±; i le«r rib 9£; dear aides 9J. Whieky firmer at 88. LouisyiiaLI, June 5. — Flour quiet. Coru firm at 66(^C0o for mixed white, shelled. Pork neld at $17. Bacon firmer at 7|(ai9|(a<9|, packed. Whis ky 91o. Livkhpool, Jun*6 5.—Cotton . duU( opiaod^ if; OHeCbs^f, to! Amerioan 5,600 balpa; at Savannah and 1 Vwt l, an ‘ 8 13 16. tk and July delivery, Sr. Mart's, Oa., Hay 80, 187A JldUort Stm—Henry L. Hillyer end Bay NEW ADVERTISEMENTS TICKETS FOR SALE, A T REDUCED RATJW, to Cluclnnatl, UklUmor*, J\. Hew Orleans, Montgom* j and return; Me- rlAlan anti rtturn. Aleo, l,c00 mile Tloketo Wartorn Raada, al No. 4 Kimball llouae. SPLENDID 7} OCTAVE PIANO AT AUCTION. '1X7'ILL be aold bj the Lira Auctiou Hoaaa of T. Tv O. Maaraou,Matordajr moraine, • o'aloafc, A ilNNDID OCTAVE ROSEWOOD PIANO, with pearl keja aud ialtld with pearl. The ladles MPBCtBL X OTIC EH. PB'.^mKHW UVEH EEOOLATOB. Kxbaet of a letter Atom Hon. Alexander H. phene, dated 8th MaroS. 187i: ongiaal color. Mo poison, “ ' htof rooomrn ended in '!to place. There preparation iu the market that oaa ta'ie iU place. Lot your druggist order It. For family oaa—Oastary Whlaky. Thle la no Intoxicating beverage or dootered liq- •, to lead tha tippler on to drunkenneee and rule, bat a etrictly mod leal preparation made fr jMJ root* _ *—*- ‘tibia to any age or condition. Afh Id apite of yonr teeth, They will saver break down, bowala la natural motion aad •Stall Imparities,aad a Hon. They restore the * >n and claanalng tha »yetqm a poeiUva cure for oooetlpa- dieeased livar, stomach aad k. TUTT'B OSLBBKATXD BXrXOTOKAjrr—SOW ACTS. First, It detaches from tha bronchial of, wind tabmiua toseoa or matter which sometimes ad- her* a to them with the teoaelty of ghm. Secondly it ru 1C gates tbs pain aad remove* the constriction of the bronchial tubes and mntelee of tbo chest Thirdly, it raslats the progress of inflammation, and seel at* the lunga to throw off the irritating matter which *i cumulates. Jerry Tate, of Bameoville, Oa., ha* Just been < iwludled ont of a thirty years rheumatism, by oue KHtie of Jackson's Msgtc be learn. What a glorious 8t. touig, June 5.—Flour dull and OU' bangeJ. Wheat dull and lower. Com quin, and aocUng.d .•87i038^ o “ ? -^- JXSLJ. No. A mixed, on the track 38(wooi; lu * iris ths .opular verdict that pot pla who bars _ It . It i(gi45.Wkf4a iPprkioli ‘ at $(7(ai7 25. Btoon kod Vti^hnticed* bunnew snsall at 7i@9 09J@9|(o.9^; hams 14@16. Lard i nil and unchauRed at 8 for summer steam rendered; 74 mauuNciuriug. Whuky steady at 90. ' KoBlLl, Jane 2.—Cotton—middling, 171; ret receipts 156; export* ooi-stwise, 487; stock 22,766. Galyxrtom, Jone .2.—Cu toa—goo<l ordinary, 14K^14ir Net reoeipts, 828; 50q; fftyq^ 86,094. A,x Intebroftion in Postal Card FRIMRKO, --The luunufaotnre of postal cards was snapended by no order from ( WMhington, Thursday, tut it was •topped by direction of Special Agent Tyrer, aanl paper should be obta.neJ of the icquisite itody and finish, which has not yet been doue. As the Hudson- Cheney paper eompahy made thw paper yf tbeaamptce on pinch the bide were uflored, it ia believed they can do it •gain. Complaiut is made by the paper nptkfjct aad the contractors that the eoarwf water mark of the Giivcrament renders it impoaeiDle to oaleudar the pap< r satisfaciority. ' It is hoped that the printing of cards will be speedily re sumed —Sprinyfi Id Republican, May 31. Norths, ia District of OwmtkIs- la the matter of Moss* Morrison.- In bankruptcy. r OTUalsto Hg" 1 fisTltm Muse* MorrUon, ot Walker oouuty, la said dieuiet, who has been sdjodged sBenSrupi wpoa his own MMaahr —•— , is 7 a Vjtm OSkMj Jaaa A—Tha Timaa' Austin apoalal hag* tfcaLegiAatar* ad- jiKWBad /aatoadaj. Tha Hcoaa bring ft ur-fifUis Demoarkito, toft a Conserve live majiaflr, ♦ Bepoblioan. 1 ha« b^n"r“ r pfc«d JUUshuBtoiSbl anergatie vetoes of iba Governor. -— The legiatotora coaitivalv ratnaed to ratif, ta aotoMha took lagUalan, giv aaapximssi^su captured ou tbe bigb pea bv Oonunodui *‘“Wakes, wWto ptocaefiiak to Franoe i Ml* Mot at tbo bead ol bia ola a in 1862, aud Fort tytopA u ^fS6 Biva, Arcantiue CIUAD it Paws, Juts 6,—Ffinoa Jaronu NWO- ttsasral MrK*amia. ,General Rouul.i B. McKenxie, who ha. hMn brouvtt iyio great piominenoe, within a brief tiwe, bj bis raid iuto Mexican feiritury aud pnnljLm.ul of tha Kiofcapao Liuiana, is a non of Commodore MoKeuxie, who, in 1843, bung to the jard-arm of bi* ship, for mutiny, Miilatiip oao Hpeocer, a Kin o, the tbnfl ^wiffr "f. Wii bnder Tue KHiedkaor.g- mally* XiMiiffiAr Wideli, be heting ehaagad it at tue request of a. relative, in order to inherit ana property. He t native of New fork, and e brother took np arms <n the Union oaute as 2d Lteutaaeat of Eng.oeen. Biepbyatapbe won bia way to bigbto position, until,na. the oloae of tbe .!ruggl% be was made foil Brigsdier-Geoerai, with the brevet rank «f M«ior-GanaraL He Bow bolda ry.a in tbe regular army as Colonel, aud ———^--i- the FiwrtbCand'F' He has MB*3So6waTeSfreFk«eAd years, and during that tint baa done good ser- vioe against tbs rad akua; Fills fur penssccat relief. Hamilton's BtfShu aad Dead*lion is taking thw piece of ah outer dluretio remedies. The intrinsic it of I!.# preparation has gained for It a deserved iUtfon al in# best * ‘ of tha kldnsys, eases generally have all ylolded UlSous of ths kldnsyiand livsr aver preset.ted . ths public. Any physioira oantoU yoa that ths in- h** restored muscular power to the paraiyUc. it route, i (a la this preparauon form a valuable altoiw Abdominal Dropnr, and glv* i htaithy actlou uva and bipod tmnisr, removing laroagk ths xori - — - - Sidneys, liver and bowels ths ..Mis to ' " * * 4 Fox's. .The malarial polaoa ia tha blood, which mm zv&ass stryubuins, and la also wurrautsd to our* agu* If ts- krn aa directed. Mo risk to health or portmonme. No cur*, ao pay. Gat the remedy at tha drug store of Red win# A Fox. aRABTD PICNIC - >MD — Open -A-ir Concert, TUESDAY. JUNE 10, M79, Admission M canto; children 2i cants. -Proceeds to go toeards buying new uniforms EXTENSIVE AUCTIOIN 8j\LE SATURDAY MORNING, 9 O'CLOCK, Live Auction House of T. C. Majsoiu J. B. BARRETT, Auctioneer. larly nsw, aud warranted in perfect order. AT AUCTION. HOUSE AUD LOT ON PEACHTREE ST. o'olook (coo! of the evening;. Ool. G. W. Adair has kindly consent ed to extmd tbe pr< fesslonsl courtrsy.and will setae sa'es- man on tbla occasion. rpiUB property is located on Peach true street, A about two hundred yards bsyoud tbe Guver- a r's Mauslon, and adjulns the property of is. Dougherty on tha uorth, aud la immediately the styeet from ths iseldeuoe of ». F Rice, 4. M. Wylie and JCd Platt The house has six rooms, be tides pantrv and kitchen. The lot fronts fifty feet, including alley, standing back two huudrod leet, -■> R. O. Mitchell’s lot. many years that residenco property street has brought end is now bringing Defer prices than auy other In tha city. The property In quos- is Just a pleasant dlstsno* out. 0-0 TO GEO. E. WARD & CO.’S TO BUY YOUR CLOTHING! They have opened a splendid Stock of Clothing In London Store, Marietta Strast. GROCERIES. New Grooery Store. Ufa X. PARKS. THOMPSON tU.ll JB. PARKS and ALLAN HPistBra strut. W E announce to our friends and th*,,public generally that we uave ;ust opened, at tha old stand of McPherson * DArnett, Peachtree Street, a Grooery Establishment. We shall keen on hand at all times a full Stock of Family Grocery Supplies, •Vhloh will be aol j as low as by any other house of the same kind in the dty. PARKS & Allan. nult-tf. ; Real Setat* Agents, Alabama street. JuS-St 6BEENBHIER WHITE Woeii: Ylrgluln. Famous for their alterative waters and fashions- ble^etronags, are now opeu, *T. H. ANDEUHON A CO., •0 Alabama •Crest, Atlanta, A RE now prepared to furnish Planters with tht best Mower, and Raapera, Horae Rakea, Ncgthea'and Cradle. lor «ccomu>od.ttuii 2,1100 porioDa. Caaboes: 93 60 1 er day; 9.1 per wetk, 185 per month. We are also proprietors of tto* Sweat chalyekayh Springs, IS miles from the "White," known for their uosurpsa ei Nervine Tonlo Waters and bath- r the use of visitors without i roayt f7< GEO. L Tamil. Hitta- •> p«ii| I'.ifpir moilli. ■ - ■ raiTu.kOO. GETTYSBURG KATALYSINE WATER. I ’ HE United Htstea Diipt uee.^.y, the autherixed X record ol our Materia Medic*, olaessa thU Water with the most mnowued Alka.lne or carbon* •Ud Springs of Eoiope, It far atcela any otuur known !n its Mlf presfrvlDg properties. It deteriorate Iv bottling and Beeping, 1th . _L 1 any «nher mineral water it _ . i o dissolve the uraise, or so oelied Chalk lormaLons ths body j>r on the iln.b« end Joints. This the t does not t has never 1 water the power Gettyaeurg Kstalyeiu# Water has done in hundreds of instanesa. Gout, Bhenmattsu., Neuralgia, Dys pepsia, Gravel, Diabetes, Kidney and Ji nary Dla- II has cured Chronic Diarrhaa. Piles, Oonatlpatloo, Asthma, Catarrh. Diseases of the Skin, General Debility end Nervous Prostra- fl The malarial poison in the blood, which causes ggceeetve sating or drinking. It corrects the stum- ague and ohiU* and bver. la spsedHy ^ucelled and promotes digasttou and relieves the head almost __ taern lNetriot ot Georgia. William Whiitea, B nkrupt, la beakrnptcy. This la to give notice, osoj a week for three weeks, tha. i save teen appointed assignee ot the estate of William Whitten, of Wiiltfield county, ■aid distr et, who has been sdjodged a bankrupt (re own petition, by *he D.atnot Co .rt of eald tat June ni. \91*. JooeS-dlawSw Northera ANstnet at Geergto—la the Utabard J. Mostly— In bankruptcy. Turn isle give notice oaeee week for three weeks, that I have been appointed assignat of the estate of Richard J. Mostly, of Morgan ocunty, la said die* trict. was has Se*a edjsegeda bankrupt upon his own petition, by the District Court of eald diatiiot. PATMIOK M. BURN *Y, Assignee. Madislon, Go., May *0,1S7A JuldlawSw CbarlewM. Doreett-In fenftupfcy. This la to give notice once a week for three weeks, that I have been appointed Assignee of the estate ol cl tries S. Doreett, of Gordon county, who tue been adjudged bankrupt upon bis own petition, by the Dtainci Court tor sal dleirht. |JoIdlawaw 1 M TU D.rraiOT COURT of the Usltod Statee- hortheru District of Georgia-In the matter of Jieep s Heard—In Baakrwptoy. This le to give aottss eaeee wash tor three wveks that we have been eppotatou eeetgaeee of ib* eeut* ot Joseph beard, of uherekee county, who bee been edjudjed benkiupt upon bte own p«llhoa, by the District Court f jt said dubrief. May a, ISTS. J. J. a. MHeKP, I JAR. 0. DOWD*. J - hiifis ■ 1 0 TUE DISTRICT OOCBT CP THE UNITED fatoe-Rotiberu District of Georgia—In the matter ot Joseph King—Iu Bankruptcy. Thle to to ft vs notice oees s west tor 'tree «»ki that 1 have been epp dated assignee 1 tbe estate of Joseph KHw. of W hitdeld -oemy. In astd Dirrtat, WboVm beta HJumed ranhrwpr npou bte own pe. uuoa by tbe District C^art tor said District. May WK P. rnOOT-IXlTOX. **.«*»; WHI1NKY BUU.-M, ItolnrU l|«ll, 937 Houto Front et, Phils lelphla, Gettysburg Hurlngs Co. For Hal* by HEARD,CRAIG A 00..and drui generally. ggUt >7l«. the Board of Truatses, up t > tbe let.i ol June, tj o'clock u . ». alo.1 propoatie for farulantag tbe ar- liclea apecto d below. Parties otfering bids, wi'l be at liberty to bid for any one or mots of tha article■ in iu* usi, all being required to lurnlsh with their bide, samples of lbs erne lee proposed to he eupplted. end euv artlolee furnished net eoailag up fuuy to eucb samples may be rejected and returned et the espvLet- of the bid der. All artistes moat Ire strictly aoeud aud of good merchantable quality, 'the meet must be delivered in such amount* as required weekly. one-third of t«* articles must b« d* ivervd et Mil- lodgevlile, freight prepaid, by the 1st of July, laid, and cash win be paid for the same, or ao eoon there after as received Horn the Mttte Treasury. One-third mu.t be d* ilversd at Miiledgev.lls. freifhi pr*t aid, by the 1st of August, aud cash will be paid lor the same on tbe I6ih ol August, or as soon thereafter aa received from gieiu Tressary. And one third mod be delivered et Miliodgwlii* oy the 1st of r- optember, freight prepaid, end ce-h will be paid for tbe same ou the let of October, 1878, or as soon thereafter as received from the a let* Trees- mj : • - LINT OF ARTICLES. 250 bushels White Corn, 8U0 bushels Oats, ■J,uod pounds Timothy Hay, 10'bOo pounds O ear tub Hide I T.udo pounds 8oould«r«, Beoon, T.bdo pounds Soouldcrt, 2 58u pounds Leaf Lard, 27,000 pounds Family Flour, .»,oOO poundv White Corn Meal, water ground, 8.MO pounds hio Coffee, 8,890 pounds browu dugar, JOO pounds White Crushed Huger, 400 peunda Tobacco, Mo gallons Molasses, beet quality, 50 galh be Apple Vinegar, 4, 80 pounds iiominy. , 4,000 pounds Bice, 40o poaad* Adauioottns Oaedlee, 8 JO yards Oseaburk*. No. 1, xuo pound* mrpenune amp. 9b pounds Green Tee, good article, mu pound* uoobtag Horn, 12 doeenifmoni*. The bidder muetepocily the price* at wsisheech item or Bind of goo * U proposed to be furbleiMte. by the pound, yaUoo, or . ash, as the case may be; right being rvs -rved to award the contract for treasurer A Steward i. L. A. AGRICULTURAL INPLCHENTtf, INCLUDING FLOWS, FEED CUTTERS, HARROWS, PUMPS, WAGONS, AU AGENTS FOR BROWN'S CELEBRATED COTTON GIN. TEXAS COTTON PRESS, BLANDY’S STEAM ENGINES Ann SAW MILL* Call aud sea u* before purchasing elsewhere. may9 J. H ANDERS JN b 0 5 Hates of Advertising. Not toes for Bn companies half the u FORTH! WHBKLY. TALIAFERRO COUNTY. GEORGIA—Talialorr* Conatv: 1K7HKER48. William C. Amnor applies to me for W L ttera of Administration on the estate of Mrs. Mary A* Barries, lam of ealdboanty. •eeeasad. These are therefor* to otto ail persona concerned to show oao**, If any they hate, within tbe time p/escribed by law, why mid letters should not be **Glven and*’ my hand *4 efftoe in OrewfardviUe, this June 2d. 1878. CHARLK4 A. RKAZLEY. c OUHT ON* ORDINARY, M r 1878. OBOIXOIA—Tnllnfhrrn Csnntyi Motto* Is hereby given to all pereohs having ds- ---* *—“—*- * made against Mrs. K. J. Overton, late of aald ooan- , deoeaeed, to present them to me properly mode out wtthln the time prsaertbad bf tow mm to show their character and amoont; and all persons In debted to said deceased are hereby reqdirod to make Application (or Leave to Sell. GEORGIA—TALIAEEEEO OOUTtTXJ Fond weeks after date I win make appHontlon to the Oourt vt Ordinary of said o- nntr for leave to soil the land belonging to the estate of Martin Woodall, late of said county, deceased, These Mr* therefore to cite and admonish all oersona concerned, to show ee, al the July term of the Court of Ordinary, why — —“ ■MAH - *— * lesve to sell said land should not ba granted. This Jnne td, 1873. SINGLETON HARRI88, Ju4-law4w Adm'r of Martin Woodsil, dat'd Application for Lettsrt of DIsRdfibioR. G aORGIA—TALLIAFERBO COUNTY. WHnansa, Wliaam A. Heaatey mid John 8. Beaslsy, executors of the last will and testament of heriee Beaai*/, late of eald oomnty, daoosead, have applied to me for tetters of dismission from said sxaeutorahlp. ■ > Those ara, therefore, to q(te *4 persons eonoeraed la.iowskuse, If any they hare, (wltaln the U u* rosorioedby law) why mid settee* should not ba Given under my hand at ofltoe in OrawforvllI this May 8, 1878. Q.HABLER A« BEAZLEY nsit■•••'• O’ Appliratloa for Letters •( Ad- BinblrtUtn. /'1I0BUU-IALUBYKW10 COUNTY. VJI WueniAS, John V. Andrews has applied to me for letter* of Adm InistraUoa oa tha estate of Mrs. Jeinimah Rhodes, late of said oounty, deceased. Them are. therefore, to olte and sdmdateh all per. UKOUUIA, Tnltnferro Uuaty. ORDINARY'9 OFFICE. IX THEREAB, John ▼. Andrew a, has sppdtd to YY me for letters of Ad ministration on flit estate acted on the fliat A ondsy in June asst, and. Whereat, this notice by a efer sail application for June haa not bees advertised in eon* nitty to law, in aneh caeo made and provided, w, the refore, notice la hereby given to ail and — - — - ‘ —ft creditor* ol said d« c«ts«d N ow, the refore, notice !• hereby given i slngul sr, the kindred and creditor* oi said to be ted appear in my ottos oa the drat Aonbay In July next, to show cause, if any they have, whr •aid Jotters of Adminiiteetton should not he granted, wf* ,or - . oi, “ tuiAtf asasr*" 7 ' May 80-wtd Orflinavy T. 0. P A M I w L Y ■ lmplot M A O H 1 N 1 ' V# 8 B W I , N O r»or Hoot P A V o R Z s n t * * Fur eimpllollly of oonslrnclloo, ease of compre- henaion, eouvenience ot arrangement, durability qaantlly and quality of work, range or capacity and general ad*ptabilily to work of every grad* or description, without change uf adjustment or tire »me preparation, have VO superior, ear mm-cu*# Agent* wanted on Liberal Terms WEED SEWING MACHINE CO, ATLANTA. GA. Taliaferro Coontr Sheriff's Safes. YITILL M told on tka nnt Tu«d«y la lot, next. YY within the leeai hour* of sate, be lore the Oourt House door in the town of Orawfordnlle, Tal iaferro county, the foJowing property, to wilt A trust of land In said county, containing tone hundred seres, mere ot lees, edjotbttfi made of Jofoph T. uoUo. .TM4 Ml Jcoa B. WUUMU, tNBMltla ,<*• -ar..*. W UbuM pi.0., willb. Hi 8 (Motor lud.Ui WK8.M4 O.U1IJ. oonUialns twu b.nOiKl <84 ■.T.nty-U.c (IT,) ur.a, man or 1«, •djolalu. 084. «< Ml., MM, J08W. JotD Dnh M4.u.n, umd .. y i6».g^yjY»LS;ig?A Jon**, by vtmn • of inn mem tie nnpener court CTSrris. w E E OPIUM MorpkSm cured by Lr. Reck'a only n ana sure Remedy. NO CM A RUM for UwikiUii unitt cured. Oall on oi a,l Ires* DR. J. C. UtCK< U1N01NN41 > Hummer Reoort I K E* NE8AW HOUMB, MAKIKTTA, UA. Announcement. Dk J. B. MURPHY has retort ed to Uw dty. aad will be tound at kia office on Alabama strej by pet* deeiriLg bis services In dentistry. PBTMJTTMit rffAA Jffiffg. CHEAP WELLS FUR CVRRlitUDY. OFFER to to# people of Georgia “ PO< e PAT ENT WELL AUuER," Invented auo <-wn’#d hy Ham peon Pep* of Covington co. my, ALea. With this Anger, tour bends mb. In common **41, bore MM flalen np TITTY FtMT P4CH DAY. H will nee* torongt^rocks that ere not t rry herd. Mgtves .». ROWELL, AUbNfoTflfo YEARS AGO MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT SB'S. oldest and hast resaw <4*. .... nuM 08,oa* 800 taiilBi PAIN-SUBDUING LINIHEFf^. IT'BA* BO KIU. II U rlHIW4»lll4l1 Wilt 88,0884.4 mariOH D*M of the Jotnte. Ft Odin Heel, Bern, he.. k* M Horses, Mules or Cattle. mm InnHEHT wax auo setfsm, Gent, Unt Bub Bites. External Bona an* Nipples. Ac , sndmarhei thapsnsnm fogaR EXTERNAL WOUNDS. «r ImiaKi.IkU UalanUHint .,1a ■ Oar or a im in <■■*»« mioniMU jDro.»88«0ll»8.CMiap 8avUltn4..fwl)a4MM, Ktk.Ual8MBlU8NMM8aal4ia4d.ik. MonejviD feUefimM Mfffi. MutlSff LomL 19*1 • % ^TOV sore* OOL