The Atlanta daily sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1873, June 10, 1873, Image 1

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ALIXIMIKK H. STEPHENS,Proprietor RATE4 UP tallBHCHIPlVlV; DULY-Per tnnnm, . f Vu)AUY*. A.i Half yearly, •SCO 4 00 •utuNkHo-. mmU Monthly',....’ It - T.t.j| -%n iddnwwi to JAMES I. Mil LEE* a *r’«rr*-'i VOL. 1Y a iti.Ui r/|lJ .. p Wk ( S3Gl*9B£r DOWS l/AY PASSENGER. Lmtm Atlanta... '^kiOoOOfe OFFICE CHIEF OF 81(111 AL SERVICE, \ nwn» «*TA«Kl WA “ , " OTO * , D ' °" J "“* * * ” “ aKaocK^rt ^A*» wwvwwin ».-wmwm» CMttag owsyjtofri train* ran on tint road aa foliovi: Lear* Baraeevllls wat pjtnn i %«W!y .Woody weather. For she Jfalll State, out o! the Mississippi light Dual fllQIT PABm “• In fnaah anniKaela anJ BiMlarl* ainla 'or Tennoasno and Kentucky wind, veer tug westerly and nortbweftlerlyJ^IMr ,T ■ loviiH OBOKUIA RAILROAD. UP DAY PA88EHuRR TRAIN. Leave* An usta- 8:3» t#S Arrives at Atlanta 5:4tpW Down DtfUliiPIJmH A. Ai Leave Atlanta.....*^.. S:lla Arriraa at Augusta. UP MACON PASSENGER Leaves Augusta, Arriraaat Cams DOWN MAOON J ^YKnB^Kvnsrramdta ‘J CT DJJLT—(lUXDAYa ISOOTID.) Leaves Unian Point 1:38pi Arrival,t Alban, »» Down BAHT—(tun>AT> unanl.r* •» Lmtm Athana ••• • • •» Arriraa at Union Point..... UP NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN. Lmtm Atlanta ......10:00 p DOWN MIGHT PA88BNI “ n »» troAiw Mfr ttJiW RHUtf Dalton Accommodation ATLANTA *W 1.0rt >aa;a . 7:30 a niTOMUtOi |? ioar tAMMOWUMAMw,^ Arriraa at Want Point. . 8*5 a rttor of ra„‘s«massa=t“#: - tiStr S~SgMMWW<»tOMK*C«*terrible weeks, the* 1 nara ba*u appointed the UuiUd Slates. mum -«&”&» >ta«. jriBBta mj ' ■MPmn»;ih~ 01 u. were uot t0 SUN. ATLANTA, 0A.. TOES DAY. JUNE 10, 1873. NO. 936 lii. n»EGRAPHIC. ja-wW"**"* 1 "*- For the South AtUntio State dJ uorlhtrtiKterly^mrittr CJBLM OOVJVBIJYOtS. 9.—Alexandria P.lace, 'on, ie burning. Additional brigades are called, bat it ia feared the; will not Arrive in time to eaS| IW entire deetrnotion, M The palace AlddtlA^' «ev- ste&r June 9.—The Shah ol Persia arrived hare to-day eu route to idODs. _ of Russia has arrived i from Vienua. Jane 9.—Priuce Jerome ITa- oieon called upon Presideot Mac j4tnd they threw stones at n tut of troops who ohaiged the iy were hurt. Ti e nui>or o» ie cit? WiS hit with a stone. The bite meat ia fearful. London, June 9.—The lore of A exandria prisons ftrff ijj^iupy, Q •r tub jnonocB. Kiukoisoo, June 9.—Dispatches ! ojle’a Camp, dated yesterday, re- ulars ol an atrocious n«l r late the loo prisoners, supposed to j.rwudWXMVHW-i*. «.’n »« bava been perpetrated bjt Oregon volau- mi , .-..o....v .. ittepw Saturday morn ng, JameAlair- ohild and abont a dozen other naKieft w.ihi.cion B,...h T«n*. .y 11 .frittfciU’t rmnotavtA OMAMoMUkek, Wksuwww ibg women and children, and Sitacknakiy Ji mMSB Charley, iabee Jack, Puny. " and LitUa John The Indiaue were in* ~ p by (onr mulee. At (he Lott river the (arty en- ooantsred e.* body of Oregon vjol- onteere under the oummandl; ex Captain Hiaer. The soldiers gsUared abbiktlshe wigber smj <ji ' gluld— .Thejatter told them the Indid Were'all Huf Creeks except, Little Join,, and that there were no ohargee agaihvt them. Fairohild undertook to push on aifMA’ camp, and the vulunteeiske- nna tB their oamp near Crawley’s. On Um road Fairchild noticed two 0*"“ * aimad, riding to R >cky Point, as if to tefC8pl him. when the team appn the two men, one of them preseu g^Hninoild. “By miue, I am go ing to kill Indians and yon,too,” was the Hy. Toe leader caught hold ot the J2SLSL mules aftdnnbitnhtd them, the ML'4Jr.M*: ^fViroh Id, clinging to the li iiroh ld, clinging to the liuet^ to the grouud. Toe poor wietcUea •red for mercy, tnd begged Fairchikp} to save them. Toe warriors were unarm ed and knew resistance was us* Iesa4f ht-y were the coolest in the party, altUxgh ns w^tata4.....^;a'-r1Hy« 4C»P+l9IM.>*e!»»lW<**(A.Tliet*olBe*md mrtUM- .. A ***:_ children abru ked, greaned and wept pi gtwaatAiihhild bad nothing but »‘9fk» aided 11 small piato,, and six inches 'rom his 1UJ; steam 8|. Whisky steady at 89. the muzzle of a media >ya testa came into his eyes, minglod bis entreaties with those “tj«f the Modooc, in hopes that the maata- avoided. He adds that jv 1 jBSS KS of Gaor^la—In th* MNMf of UobArfl J. Moaaly—in BanAruptcj. OuarlM ita»rriiwrt MRS; but theoowaruly hounas be backed.” ▲ suot and Lit tle John lay detd in the wagon, with a hrlhti' Wlik~n‘n The mules deshed .^pUpKiATHirohild, who became to- uipgled in the lines. Five more shots #ete urea lioi rapid succession, by which Tahee Jack, Pony aud Mooch were killed, and LiJle John’s squaw was frigMdly wounded in the shoulder. Awa.v aBead oa the road to the direction of B||le’a .yUWiOHlLof dust was perceived, in- diiM4Wg 'he approach o! a team. Thw pfied the dost, aud sliortty . were riding rapidly a why. _ ^ urphy, of battery O, Fourth with tcu men and a summer, C|ga« up to the NCone of the ajassaore. The sergeant took ohurge of affairs, and remains I with Ins jnsn on the ground. In Um Joaapb Baaed—in Hankraptaj.’ Ttua la to giv* nottaa ooca a waak for tkrto week* T,zr»'X2£ssne&anaG tcjaSs.d waktapiuoa W. «a ».ituoo, e, u. OiMliM Ooort tir *■-“'■* Fairchild, a tevm.ter and tne wunuded UT"JUfL2L; Md ,T«?!r‘ It is gtn rally supposed the guilt} parties Oregou voluuteera. Fa|f- cftild is dr that opiuiou himself. Tim aTThara toon appUntod Aaatfno* of th* aaiau of gttattastagrggMii ^ aownpo- tt«M. kf tho UtaMcl Ownit for aaiADIatotet May urywomtat AOWhBfa*. iaW*! A AU1SHM ol ms SMBts of AuCrew 1. Oovlaftoa, ot GlwrokM cooetJN-ko Am Sma *Ot*tO* apo. Us vn pWAUo. kf t*a Dtotatat Ooa/t for «f ' —— ipt opoo Ua own p—niw,, ay -fAsamnuir opiuiou noptsponma own p^imon, «jr *«• warriors killed were uot charged wNh a. *j»fy Li , mmlpr. -ThoaT «ho xnow them jaa. o. nowna. ) •*"&**• aay tney have omy bean pai ticipmturs lit ‘ EnM<ktfJv , | wlimiis e sflsirsMalrjpi J^MkiAOlzuuse. 'here |> nl dtAi^S^nDva'ap w* re riedfoil BpJFcJielnny irrsugrik plain a. Fairchild uoticed the hp|i , ton the rood Ahead Shd'belund when the ■hois were fired. Had John Fairchild, taateAd of Janet Fairchild beat prezent, auother murder might have been added 'Id* the HW, aAWf/gJiifWWtllWtif M» mas•mmft Iheir hatred to Juhn Fairchild. Tho old man ahd the ether CalilonilAae, aa well as the Warm Spring Ibdi ms, n„ve SXOOSD OH. (JaHP, nM .vprJr*. I WarnnOTn*, June A-In A fid» At Fort Dodge, Iowa, the nMinrtAl, 1» At tempting to HHai a Aalooa keeper for Mlmg Hqeor eoutrary ic city ordinknoes, killed the SAloortsorM. f.lli * unf the maH exp if id beg- AAd sat fkAiehted^ with terJa^, fo.l MfdWMifiM Hvfr, OiuabA. There i. oue musing passenger. The train will be detained one day. tfdv.' WMta, td Mar) land, Ptafted Hd|Ahfn(o the first of Angtix'. « ,c»\ pae baking eelabiiahment on Snlb- van itrecl. Hear Xork, i» boned, with thirty hona« u JCh^ hw is *190,000. A yedhiooo light OofTheflrAerig ioated between Soatli and Park steeets, ia tbe yard of the Marietta and Otornn Ra triad. Ttfea milium feet of lumber sre-tfiMMi * ’ - June 9.—Tho Msicd has requested Ueneral Sfialer to dalul the Info UeaiMbi territory ,a«d aay SSMUsA .,, T . Y _»eti, an latursuoe It code Islander, w deaa. Uev. Vt. Jno. Quinn, of Pro4d,uoe, M dead. ; T - . KssHvillx, June 9.—Thd diseafe lore, which some call cholera, ia subsiding. Fewer bases reported and these ol amild- J^fnne A— Chief Tustioe Thomas B. Butler di, d here on Moudsy. SoATolr; Jhne 8 —One firenmn was tlUm. And thfan eaxerrly. rmiuidtfl In the burning of Hyde Park Mi la. Fear fiw yeskuday WlAOOOr umplojmeut. t, Jane K—Total insoragoe on NonwaUC, Jane 8.—Three ol ter. boys, rcurnieg from a pionie in. i botL were dWwned.'* 1 * Na* OitLekun, Jane 9.-—‘A negro cut "■ iM r2M18LL**o, mTS^STu, resigned on Satardpv. „ Tj» ^b\j pneed res- DHutiflna ia favor ol a DemooraRowlppub- atHeliBiBSBwrrr N«U tbW Jibe ‘ Kenny, this mnediag was engaged lambdlfros- ‘ r pateenger, wHb*pro- tion with another paasenger, wHb*i posed they alioold gel off and fight it < Rtpit PtiittniH wthcwaiiNttMNaiaif JUWTpMM^UU'XTfMrff < t Neivbdkoh, K. Y., Juue 9.—A itrge firu occurred hefw this morning, apd is stiff raging. Loss half a million.* B '- l! ^ • 0, Adousta, Jane 0.—Colton firm; little <fph£ middlings ITi; reoeipta iV» |hip- lente 117. Loduti la, Jane 9. —Floor unchanged. Oorn firm at 66@60. syked. Proys^ne, Tf for ihoiiaeis; Si. X'Ot’hk Jane 9.—Flour dpJJ and dreoptag; only hrwae to aeli) only a liojuad juhbinn demand. . Corn in fair demand and firm; No. 8 mixed 881, cash. Whisky dell at 89@90. Perk, iriiieored - nand an 1 firmer sir *17. Bacon, bet- ... faaiiag, bat oaly jobbing and order tsade; khaoidaas 7i®71 alear rib rides ■@9j; clear rides 9i(u,9|. Lard doll WMMMtaMr; t-if Mi i 1 II kiaveVMUt, Jon.. 9.—Cotton—net re- oeipU 618; nrom 9^rita_Bales lor fntare delivery 19,800; Jane ft}; July 19 13-82 @19 16 8J; An*eat 19 l» »K4ll9 11-16; September 187-16@16i; Oerilf l«-»8@ 171. Wan street market opened drill; money very enonasnt. CnonntATi, Jane 9.—Flonr qnlet et *7 25.7 76. Corn dull rit 45e. ttovis- lotus Pork held at *16 871118 60; mostly held at $16 66.16 7* Lard quiet aud held big bet; an round lot* ofomg; M tm 6), bid; kettlanomioally 8 JAflhuou steady; bwbi at 71 for ahonldeta; 71 tor •idea; there ia a good demand at id 1 tue price-i lor jobbing Skies ol sn< and c.ear rib udaaetqgotaUOM- aseady at 89a. ... r ± • - CiuoiuMim. June f. —Cotton quiet; mi idlings 18*; net teoetpto 198; exports coastwise 618; sales 800; steak 11,351 Hatxwwaw, Jane ri.~OoMan heavy; muidUuga 18*; uet receipts 896; exports oosstwise 3,756; shipmeuw 782; stock tfjMBd it <r l Jl M JO ».l . Z WtutotoTOH, June 9 — Coitpn qtiiet; middlings 18c; net receipts 16; sales 6; sliick^S.lXW. ,.tt , j LivmrooL.—Ootton closed for nplands at 8*n; Orleans 9|r; eaiee, Amerioau, 7,766 baits; riavauoah and CharUatan, shipped kl.y, 9 13 16), deliverable June and Jtfly, 8 U-16c: New Orbaus, deliv- arable July and August, 911-Me.' I, gxw Ton, June 9.-Ootton steady; ■sits 1,729; nplands 19*; Orleans 30. NEW Ton, Jane 9 -Ftoar d«H and drooping; eommon to lair extra *> 20t<p 7 90; wbisky HHrer, boyeia, 93; Wheal firmer', orn folly sent better; yeliow _ MJ . wvetsea 64@66; rice qajet end un- i&ym wewk; fieigbU Gwlt Affair* !• Mi«#$a~HlllF*r'a Oaart. Rt. If ADT’a, G*., Jao* 4,1171. Editor j Sun:—Hillrer rendered his de- oieioo ip the otae of Mon. F. Adairs thk morning, discharging him. Several other emits are to be madly and then is no telling now long theno people will be enn >ytd wl'h these petty eeeee—eonh eases as would never have been notieed except for political pur-, pjsee. * The Badioala will make e very etiong efiort In thu eleetimi next year, end ell stub proceedings are calculated to intim >4 *te the people, and they know it Lrocnom I i I it '-T T7- - “ 51 ormcuL jroTiCM*. PH. MPlCOkfl* XJVXBAEUULATOB. KrWsot of a letter from Hon. Slsuader 11. Bta- yksna )*tod Wk Hank, 1S74: I ooc**lon*lly aae. wban «ry oouJitiou rrqnlraa ll. DU. 8IMMO>b’ aK?«M 4 LIVER REGULATOR, with good OrjMA) UlucoTorjr wUl positively re.loro it to tha oriRnR «l<m Mopoiao*. »o la<U»4iU, uo akakluu. Tale nothing recoin minded in ita p'aca. There ia no oUier preparatioa Hi tb* market tb*t can taY* ita ttaM» Lai yoor drucflat ordar it. Fur family u*a—Gontory Whisky. j%&Kn^(iusE£!r: but a atrtevy nediaai prenuraiion made fr-m root* and harha.jauiUblo to mjj aguor condition. Aa* tdhiiy TwBMdy, ' ~ Himuicu'a Liver Rt-guisior is equal Ik aplt* of yoir teath. Both above aud beneath, Bom* lightly enamei’d aud thin, They will navar break d >wn, Mor tarn yellow nor brown, IT the BoioDOVT’a dally brushed In. la a purely vsgaiabto ooooentrstion. tor keeping tha bovaia la natorsi motion aad cisanaing the »yato« of ail lmpurittoa, and a positive cat* for oonsllpa- Uon, They fkefor* the diseased liver, stomach sed RMa^aio • a«ttlthfai ssuoa, »bU«*t tha same tints they brace aud invigorate tho whol* system. yirot. it dotaohet from tha bronchial of wind takm tuo macas or metier which rom-times sd- « * to them with tho tenacity of glae. backudly. lllgataa tha pain akd ratnovM the coostrioHon of the bronchial taboo and maoelre of the chest' Thirdly, It reriato th j progreoe of Inflammotiou, and aaoiata tho lango to throw off the irritating matter which accnmnlatoa. GBXAT SWINDLE. r Tate, of BarnaovlQo, Oa., has joat boon _iad out of a thirty year* rheumatism, by oa* a of Jackson's Nagle Balaam. What a glorious dial Would that then wore more Just such swindles. What an amount of suffering would be avoided. This owlndlo ia for ml* by ail druggists. Bowar* of it, you who am suffering. • CAUTION 1 Every gonnina box of Dr. XoLaaa’a Liver PlUe bears the aignator* of Fioming Brother*, Pitta- burg, Fa., and thrtr private U. 8 stamp. JHT Take G. W. ADAIR,. Auot’r. SJDKNGK LOT, corner Frssor and Fulton stieota. Remember tha aale at I o'clock seat Tuesday evening of that beautifDl lot, 84 by 99X feet, lmmediktely oast of the residence of Mrs. Mary x. Turner, on Fulton ttreo*, 300 feet from street ear* on MoDonoogb street line. Tt*rms cash. Bale positive. G. W. ADAIR, Aral Estate Agent. Ju8 at aRANS Piosrio Open Air Ooncart, ATWENT END, Freyer’o Grand Oreheata. Admission BO cents; ohlldrenD oents. boek oooustomed to the use of i resort to McLano’s Liver . - » . . . utaio- •arifiar*, removfug through tha do Sidneys, itvflt ahd boWAIa the uf S^fi/iL bM * * ujr tb * re»«dy at Red- The malarial poison In tho blood, which causes ago* faid shuts and fever, is speedily cancelled and mustered out by th* use of Kress Fever Tunic. A bos of pilli.faaool charge, goes In each wrapper. Tho remedy is warranted to oontaln neither arseulo nor atrychuma, and is aiao warranted '• “* *“* _ kraas direetsd. No risk to’ — No core, no ps^. Get th* res of Redwinu k Fox. art ague if ta- r portajonow. dy at tho drag store Udw ard Jtl. Hyde IDEJSXCa-WEIPL Engraver on Wood, utTLutJt T»#, Out. OHIO! onr PHILLIPS A CBkWa, nm WUitr WWW Agents Wanted I L nxaaL TXR« win b. un «im u an parts of the country for tha mi* of Hon. Alex. H. Stephens’ lUSTOJiV OF THE UNITED STATES, i I i twek ia a.* in tu am) ZAiUoa. ,i It ia suited to all classes, geuoral rsadsrs as waif aastodsuts la bohueiasad OoUagsa. K. J. IIALE dk HON. Pnbltallero, New York City. _ a' pure stimulant. Century P ERSONS in delicate beano, often had it dlfleol to obtaih a Fur* btlmoieat whsa praaartbed b that* Physician, aad it is for Druggist• asdotoi flrst-sisss trade list ih# UKNaUM WHINEY i particularly denignad. Band for a pamphlet oontafnlng ita maord. B. K. THUBBXB A OO, Naw York. Gsnaffaf Agents, Fat sal* by reputable dealers everywhere. I Of THE DlhlMOT COUNT et IlNorUM o District of Geo> gla-1* u# matter of ~lTEa War * ‘ This is to kivs uotics one* a week far throe m that 1 bar* been appointed tselgass f thssst William Wstklss. < f Atlanta, la county of Fultou who has book adjadg.d bankrupt open ais own pe (Uion by tho Dlatrtet Coot* lor aaid district. May m ‘ U AUGUSTUS B. CULBERSON, that I have b*.n sppolntod Assiguss of tha ssUts loss? Balsa, of the county of Gordon, who has been adjudge* o Bontrapt upon his own petition, y/$ f District Court fur said District. Calhoun, Oa , Juue 3, 1879. ROBERT A. TERRILL, Juon 5—dlawlw DamialBbat—In Ilsetrng*sr» Usorgta— In the matter of Ntafi ./ *1 1 b.s talc git# notice one* a weak for Uurse works, that I have oeeu appolutsd assisue* of the eotate of UnlstNloot. of Walks*c««ua>. It said Pfarfst, woo has bsao adjudgtd a bank, opt upon hi* own psti- Hon, by thsbuuiot Court ofsaid district, June 2d, HEW ALVERTJSEHEHTS MOISEY LOST. KTafftfas, 3NM& MLTAtos! BOWN MACHINE OOMPANY’8 Ofice. Brood alrssf. ] N THE DINTUOT COUNT of tho Uaiisd Simon, Northern District of Georgia-In th* matter of iiflans Duke-In Dankruptoy. This ia to giro notice, ones a «t$k for thrs* sHm. that f navt boon appointed assignee of th* sstata of WUUam Duha, of Pi Old District, who has beau of Cuattoem ceaMy. la bsu adjudged a bankrupt tha Diet rial court at said I N S^MS^ D cS r ,^r. , rL?r& WDMain A Edwards—In Banktuptoy. This is to give nodes, ones* * * that I have brso appointed An William A. Ad wards, of Oliei District, who has been adjud i his own petition, by ths Distriot C tricL June 7th, 1873. EGBERT B. MoDARIEL, Junio lawlw of Oartoysvlllo, Assignee. TAXI TAX! ERCUANT8, 1 ilonal and Laborlug men of Th* books for rsoaiving i Stato and county t*x wlU aoon bo oioesd. Oom* t th* City Hall aid make your xsturns, aad save u panto, aoubls las and "double trouble." Jun8d2t A. G. OHIEK, Re,*1 VST. GEO. E. WARD&CO.’S TO BUY YOUR. CLOTHING! They fairs opened a splendid Stock oi Olothiug In London Store, Marietta Strsst. ■yrttf. ' J. XX. ANDEBCION Sc. CO, SO Alabama, Atlaata, A BE do« prepared to farnUh PlADUn with th* but Mower* and lira para, ,, Horse Hakas, HcftUrs and Cradle* Thrcalsera aad I’owers, SIM hsv. . ( w sortxneut rf AgRlOUi/rURAL INPhMlflUifl, INCLUDING PLOWS. FEED CUTTERS. HARROWS. PUMPS, WAGONS, kO, * * II AOEWTB FOR 1- BROWN’S OBIsEBRaTED OOTTON GIN, TEXAS COTTON PRESS, < , BLANDY'S STEAM ENGINES AMO SAW MILLS. Call aud ess us before purchasing elaswbsr*. mayl J, H aEDEEAJN h 0* F M X w E B D L Y mplal M A C H X N 1.71 # E W X M gplf. F.rloot F A "Xr ,,,i ;; w o = B E 1 E For almplidlty of conatrocUon. aaaa of aomprm hanaion, oouvsnlsnos oc arrangement, dur^blKty quantity and quality of work, rang* or oapaafV Udintnl atapubiutgr to work ot not) po&o tir dMorlpUSD, wUhsulchSB*. of UJoMamt ot UrW taw propantlon, hsv. WO ,up«rlor. nist-OOM J«UU W^IM-ra AnwbAXhr^fc' ATLAATA. UA. “Sales of* Sdvertliiag. flrst Insertion, sod fifty cents per square for eaob subsequAut one. , r| . r t Uborel deduction* will be mad* for advertise ments running longer than on* week. Hollo,, for nr, oomponlwhUf Ik. orari ntai. , rOULHh WUALX. GHOCJ5IUB8. /. ut r>i >*\0 iU id ti awjnw .nmriiVV (■■U!- ult Jo ale mm 09th box ,Cd«I Ji «t»qu »pVI NeorflWSKSttb 1 - 1 .11 i ll rviajiO .id ta nsivuuui). “» *■ ■ . m... «f«Sf"■ PARKS U7i stainM u.Oi Meta au6rih«U|nbiio •CajWiritttl't aoattj Hgtahilshmaut. T> iMMgn IE itinhd |7>ll Muy xfgffjHWff t* Family Oromry " Which will be sold M ldir kf iy 9&14 th* same kind to the city. PARKS * AuDAK. AT WEDNESDAI^JUlHitUI, ' at » O'elMk f.'-'A’ ,!1 lUslMfH I. sill aoqn fon7 31 AaftKTttflbifiHkm' ^ ■ 5^r*tsrJSi.“*aS“ l « mtMsaatxi Ki.flimwswrkik 1 «v/>¥ G'wii'/i(i‘iaiartava ( knn jzrSxwMguK; lu jr.dtatwndwW ta currr wq n. taoji*.hath. l^ssassassssK rt i«isuw«?ri;Ml»jiii|»3PlftdBir. fodaJMrjr ~ ‘ JiwUtaa XrtairikDtjiaacs; »****&? jjXBitMih _ rrof. «—•.*■' —auu*. Ob*totrtci »mi Di rmMfsAnni "-n"-maws i"o JSCTV- ! o-taVusAU 0, |. T.rroUaVir^ ' j ywJ _ j 1 For »riJM»tk AOtotabr «