The Atlanta daily sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1873, June 11, 1873, Image 1

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The Daily and Weekly Sun. ALEXANDER H. STEPHENS, Proprietor HATH OP SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY—Per $8 eo Half yearly 4 00 Quarterly... .3 00 ' jiootllb;. TB WEKXLY-Pm annum. $3 00 All littmofi buainma character should be jAxmimm Mr All i iddmwd SUN. VQU iy UUHk II. 3 Lmt( Atlanta. Arrive air UP MIGHT FAS8EN iER TRAIN. Lnmi Aa^pa.l3JAi < .:^«J.i.«j MW *A | li lillpi from Nashville. Bj the oonrtssy of • gentleman hom Nashville, who left that city yesterday morning at 4 o'clock, and nrrivi lath night at ’Ko'eloek, mb van Wile hurt m«ht >f the Union A Amiri' Him of the same date. From it ve learn tfkbre were 18 interments on BnodaJ, and" 26 on Mon lay. including one peni tentiary oonvict, making 43 for aAd Mond^aO^hitas nn^ 23 Arrlm at 308 p at UF MACON FABBRRGER TRsIN. Laavas aogu*l* 11:18 p leans (task _ i«:g»l h O* the hartals of Monday, fire of the ‘TrtertV^YnKat.vf vr • vnviVi ffl “i mnnkn died from other diseases than I Athens Branch Train. ttamesg^&m DOWN »*!!.%—(SUNDATB nODTO.) Leaven Athena 9:00 a I Arrives at Union Point 12:18 p i Leaves Union Point IrOSa i An Ives st Athens 4:18 a I WBITBRI * ATLAN'iftlViiliyiQAO, _ X . Trt> niflHO aiMKlflKIt toaiw. • pea *s..h.».. SCSI H DOWN NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN. Leaves Chattanooga 8:48 p Arrival at Atlanta 11 :lo p UP DAY FASSRNaEAJ^Ap.i; | Leaves Atlanta. 8:80 a iZSt&Jftiittiijflji Isi' 1» Oholere or Oholen Morbus. It wan the n general opinion on Monday, Bays the tlrion A American, tout the abating, and that Tuesday' ments would' he 1 nhall \t^ie4mpnri ihoae of lid three previous days. Oar informant further stated that the ! manlier given iti the Union and Ameri can dues not include the paupers, but only those who wore interred in the oem etery. The gentleman referred to InfMui m that the stampede irom the city was in oreaaing, and that the railroad trains in every direction were crow with people fleeing from Nashville, negroes as well ea the whites. 11 Our iniormant also stated to faal Liu to new York. ~~ dm* Ion. 12:30 a a u A3 a a - YU ATLANTA^ yfflY ^ MAILUOAD. vui iuiuiuhm paean/ nwicu to up lust OOftSOOM the phyiiciseifl pronounoed the disease a ^91 bales, malarial fever, that will perhaps the oountry aa did the episootie the^ ist Dallsn A< Ltavee Dalton — Arrives at Atlanta....... Day PASSENGER TRAIN. TSStS Arrives at Wsat Point 11:86 a m uktunauM: < * L***«* WeaePafnt.lidSnjn Anita! l:«»ya I ' NIGHT PASSENGER TRSIN. Laavas Atlanta 11 CO p ■ Arrival at Waal Point 8:88 « a Laavas Waal Point.. .TSSKUiL. J MW Arrival at Atlanta, . y.. a CH81HAL itlhSOtn-AllfSl* Dir. UP DAY PASSENGER. 2S2S*!£?C"$E Ur NIGHT PASSENGER. Leaves Mason Anivsa at Atlanta,. DOWN NIGHT PAH8EN .KB Laavca All. nta ^ Arrivaa at Macon Oonneotfng With tbs U^on Ooanty Railroad, tbs trains ran on that road ts follow*: Arrive at Ibomastou ,...., 3:30 pm Laava ’.Tbe«nett*>n.— Boots n Arrive at BsrneevlUe 9:80 a m Connecting with the gevanntk, Griffin k North A.e- i stma Railroad, the tralna run on that road as fol low*: Arrive rt «*> ■ i ‘Cirinifa*)I8:88 p m Laava Wbiteaeurg 8:00 a m An Its at Griffin ...lM;S7a m jjy^PISIMPT^COURT^tftbeUnlud matee- Thts is to give notice, onos a week for three weeks. tt's&vt&i&asxesx wbo has been *4Judg#d a Ban troy t upon bis own petlttoa by l&elMMrtot Court for nod Dltirlct. June 2d, 1878. DAVIS 0- 8UITON, of LaPayette. Ua, jnna8-dlaw8w Aeeignss. them District ot Georgia. In tha Matter af akr.ipt.iu Bankruptcy. Tnis is to give atiUoe, ones a week for three weeks, tha* 1 nave U*u appointed sseignee ol the mf£aSSc££&S2 ‘""bow t. bbothbium, tt£g£3 mmamsfitei? . ma sum. i^i«h_ MMlinMM alUi.vuUUIMataa- E5SE& “ Tkla la to 0.. MUM aw a MSS ki «bn* wMka, d luL 1 ban lit ggiiliinf > My nee nf ik* nlnir r* liZSimiL iwironi. n# uordon eountv, who ti-a t*«n adjudged Bankrapt apon bis own petition, by tbs DUtrtet Oanrt tor aaL. district. M*y». 1878. nfuBsk. r-vrr- I n Ten omraior oouut a ia. Umu. nut, Uonkara UMU of IMOf|la-la lha mauw of /m.,1 Hart-la fUutawloj. . ., y . Tkai k lo fin MW oCda vMl fo. Oao. >Mk. maa «. km ban appoiatoo wl«o«, of Iko ,Uu of Jo.MO t-wd, ol ukoroaoo ooaoly, who koo rt» aifla.nod bank.aptroakkla ova p-liuoo. b, mo DiMIrt Court t* oald dulrtot lb. k. iaT9. j. t. a. nnaar, •kWiS^lSS^SSlWSi.'SmTlSS'S Joeepb Ring, af * bltSeid waaty, la asid District, “■ ■ —- Mcr ' MrMi -an. rooDkT of tkahbftadUrtiV _m et Ooociio—la tka aullac of lain. J. UnOflaa—In Bouknlptcy. IkbnkVnaMrtO-atwa lortkno .eoki, Ikat 1 MV. kaaa appolbicd IM.O, ol Ik. ,u« of good deal ninrmted nt J jrmw TBIJI rum era* Now Tosn, Jon* 10.— 1 Tht Omfl of Appnalk. by • nnaninamin opinion, gtnnU aw trial In Btc bin, thamangnvn* cl StokMin gronlljr ddigbfed apCn Ua toimoMoa Untn now trial hnnlxon ttssL“ss£rs s OomL Hinonanmt navn upon 'sriKr&ssnfirss ■TOM HriarepmanntsUon ni Uo mm from Sf d.y Of th. bmydy, nod thny will U UbmMMU is ■ lanonnmn by «vi- dnoaa of nfc' l/vMwIMnrtng ohpnwtnr. mnosemmsb^i • 4nmu, Inn* 10.-Cotton Aim demand, 17*; reeniptn 184; skipmrata 924. Ta , mid ’ ' SATAint AO, Amo la—Cotton dng mid - kedinn|MW.« JJlngn 18ir Jtnt re ? «iptn 696; m1S»414; s list oli$>ter* sM)c * 16 9QCkounp aUiphriroo to ^**W*ST TELEGRAP; OFFICE CHIEF OF SIGNAL SERVICE, I 5rTT * WASHiMorow. D. 0.. Jane 18.) [ mTT PBOBABILITIRS. For the Gulf States cloudy weather, rsiu areas and southerly winds, the lat tes probably shitting to northwesterly, with eieenng weather on Wednesday night For the Soutu Atlantic Shoe* southerly to southwesterly wind! sod partly oloody seiltfc. 1. ■ ’ * M\ Ik t 4p*lWJi JY9TBH. Ban Francisco, Judo 10.—The Mayor has vetoed the ordinance fer ah-tving the and a viola tion of the treaty with Obina. San Francisco, June 10.—The news of the maHsacre of the Modoc* causes uni versal surprise nnd inaigoftios. Omaha, Jans 10.—Puree cavstn, sis infantry and ‘J4 homes of a soootiug par ty, Irom Fort McPherson, were drowned on the Aloct Woi-d creek. T* e balance were treed 18 hoflr >. Sweden and Norwav have ratified the postal OOUveDtion recently concluded be- ^jy. 1 (ween the United Sottes snd those King* !* dome. Two of the former officers of Monby’n Bnttnliou bt-eu ap|)oiut(-d |>o.Ul hl.rb. 1 T olarkn. Jadge Hktnlwr I,m bnnn appointed to rrpteneut tbin Oovernment at tka eon vaatioo * .Ilea by tba Emperor of Aus tria f ,-r tba purp we of diavanaing tba fea- nibibty ot International patent law. Tbe bemvieat tbnndar storm of the ■eaaun raged in St. Lonis last night. Couaiderabla damage done. c/nti kmujeBMwm, Faun, Jane 10.—The flret instilment of the mat milliard ilue Germany wan paid on Hatnrday. Madhio, Jnob 10.—There being never el fnilnrea from Ibe min etry, the whole Cortee Anally appealed to Figneran to re- main ip power with 11>e old miuiatry. Be conaentM. Tbe Coiten panned a vote of oonfidauoa and adjonrued. Fabu, Juue 10.—Tbe naleof jonrnnb in tba atreeta of cities and towns, in the Department of tbe Bhioe is prohibited London, June 10.—Tbe weatl|ft is far n-rable (or erope. It it sail that Count Von Armin, Qer- mnn Amnanandor to France, ban been ra- oallad, beonuae lu made nnnucaaeary ealin upon MncM.liou. LonDoN. June 10.—Whitty, proprietor Liverpool Daily P-wt, is dead. The (Jacetu pubiiabea a report that tbe enre of Saute Ciuae ha. abaudontd tbe ranee of Don Carlo# anu proclaimed tie Oatholio Republic, with Oalveraaa Freai- fsoE-juoii ~ A*r iw*f.v§rs*. Dr. Jtiiiiu* E. Julian, proprietor of • Freu h d r ug store, was sentenced to one rear's imprisonment snd s fine of $500 lor sending obscene printed matter through the mails. The Governor s room, etair cases and pillar, of tba Oily Hail are draped in moornlng, out of reaped to tba memory of Minister Orr. Nnw Yonk, June 10.—Tha President roe to Went Point to day. The grand jury bra indicted young Walworth for murder in the flr I degr* e. Letter Wallack in making n fight before the oonrtk m lyur tmta, bron^bt him ##4orad n bin theatre. tarn maimam rejuaer. Wasbinoton, June 10.—A d inpat oh ATLANTA# GA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11, 1873. 37 NO. 837 dant at low rates. Ezoliange 8|(a(9, Gold 17f. Government necnntlen ‘ dull and atendy. . June 10.—Cotton higher, low middling 17*o; reeniptn 266 bales; shipments,4C0 Dales; atoek 24.611 bales. Ouoaioa, Jnna 10.—Cotton oniet, middlings 18*; net roeripta 293; Bales 200; atoek 11,647. Craaunun, June 10.— Flour dull *7 96. Corn doll nt 45c. Provletoi firmer. An improved feelieg prevails. Pork Arm; held at $16 60al6 76; Miyera Arm at $16 96. Lard steady at $* for MMftfi* Fans 10.-«oMoa Am; prod ordtjsry 16o; lew Rings 18e LUb Is randarad alawabu vb,a Ui. 41f rtlva or tes Brmsrssjt:itsr o h*va n**d Ul$ iavalonbM msdlcln* . _ tMBo, **uun», •pMULgoI Mood, oronp, la* flAiainUion of the long* or ohMt, hon.*« Boaitf of bMUftng, braanhltu, wd *M 4 th* lung*. AttMt its hBUbm. For lung II bn* no *qanL 60; lew middlings 17e: mid- i; net reeaipta 199 hebB; ex- wise 194; sales 300; stoCk 21,- LomavnjLB, Jana 10. - Floor *eady. Corn steady at 66j68c, ranked. Fen flam at $17. Ba.-on Arm and JhUly ae- tivo at 7* for nheniden; 9*e for elanr rib ardm; 9*e for oiaar aides, peeked. Lard lower at 8* in tienea; lOalOJ in kegs; 8*e fer iteam. Whisky fluanitMe. Si. Lena, Jane 10.—Floor dplL Corn Weedy; No. 1 mixed. aSadOe. ’Wbiafcy '■ at 880. Fpri dull at $17. Base* ibbing sod order lota 7*o for shoal- den; 9e for deer rib tfdea; 9h%e for ranifim clear aides. Lard doll; 8e tor I •ales 12,000; spseulatteu and < 3,000; Atnarienn AUXUJfapr .. for Savannah tad Charleston 8j; delivery 8{; Ananat and Sapteml livery 8(; New Orleans 9 8-16, Nnw Yobx, Jane 10.—Cotton quiet and tleady, ealee 1428 nt 19*@20. Nnw Tons, Jane 10.—Southern floor qaiet end unebauged; whisky more active at 93; wheat opened at one sent better with moderate export inquiry, and clos ing quiet, any era generally refusing to any advance; $1.66@68 fer western ; com opened n shade Aimer, fair export and scarcely so p ■tier, 54@&9 for mixed western; pee quiet at '<*@8*; pork steady, new $18.87*; beef duH, mess 9@11|; lard ~ it 9*; turpentine dni, 46®46*. ehr- ing at 46* without boyars; roam atSady at 3@3.10; freights to Lirenpool quiet, per Hu,lan ta ursyrtto, Alabama. Editobs Bra: Last Friday; M La- Fayette, Air., Squire Brooks (colored), expiated npoe the gallows with hh life one of the most fiendish mnaiira that bra ever been reeorded In Alabama. The of this diaboiiral dead are aa fol Iowa: Sometime lari January tba vaetiaa, Mr. A. P. Alien, n quiet, peaceable i law-abiding eMaen, reaMiag aboat nine miles from town# was visited about dark, and shot down ia Ua yard. Qoite early in tha atoning, huge crowds from the enrronndlng oountry could be seen pouring in from every 1 Tbe town pave an ted uppearauoe. Over three thousand people wets present. At a quarter past twelve the guard, numbering sixty-five men, formed a pro- evasion on tits square, and marched to tbe jail. The eofiba was taken through tbe streets in n wagon, nt the bead of ta< guard. On arriving at tbe jail tha earn mend of halt wn given, and the prisoner was led forth Irom bis cell, with e rope __ ad bis cask, abroad on and tied ochind. Taking bin sent upon bin ooffln in tbe wagon, the march was re sumed to tbe place arhciJt! jrancak" ,M DB. SIMMONS* L1VP.B BEQULATOB. JT1-S2-."SW"! I ocensionAlly nm, vrtoon mj ooodiUon rwoolM* M. DR. UMMONB' LTVRB REGULATOR, with woof <4R*I. D R »U4 mk —id — bHuT than 55 Irarv In *o«al Mi W«*a ‘Ivigt ptrtlM* Umj fcWMIT. 'li* M* to 1m, R—ntiBM U* irtrr. N* *1 good eb$ •as r*to, of OnraMviil*, On., fen* jnal . _ l on* of • thirty jmn rheamansm, by on* Jtekaon'a Magi* imImm. VhM aglorloo* *«Jn41*| Would that th*r*w*f* mor* jn*t auch ■vlndw*. What ID Mount of*a0*rtog voold b* Mliif. Thl* ivlndi* in for Ml* by AU draggutn B$<rm HR jon wk*N* $nfrri*A OAVMDHl Ev*ry gwnln* box of Dr. MoL*n*'* Ltvpr Mb Mr* th* RgBAloM of Filming Brother*, Y burg, Pn., ana their prtv*U U. 8- lUmp. ggy- rioothor. Ib* Market 1* full of lalMtkxu. It 1* the l «pul*r verdict th*t potplo wbo Mir* boon *o*u*toM#d to th* dm of uittere *nd eort Ul* *i* *bllg*d eventually to reeort to McLon*’* Liver MMng th* pl*o* of aUothnr diuretic remedie*. Theintrlnalo * of th* Xidniija and liver ever preaeLt*d to BtiMtaaraseft A blood puriOer. removing through th* notion of the kidney*, liver and bowel* the of the blood. »«ry the n*Ry at jraliudlhlil* 1 and* fever, ^apMdUy o*mm!mc moMModontby the oae of Kreee Fever Tout*. A box of plii*. free o< oherge, «oe* In wah wrapper. 11m remady t* warranted to mom •» mHI leohM warranted to our* ague If ta* No riefe M health erpartMOBWte. 6*>0$»nHy at the dragster* LOBT. BX A LADY, MVSB&e Us wu ert> a SkSmSSXcSX. P THN DIETRIOT OOWBT of the UnltM State*, Northern Dirtvfet ef Geergta—In the moMm «f William A Bdwnrda—la Hf>iMli|, Thfe I* togtre u *- *- i»rtx aiMioi' J Northern Dietrtei Northern Dtatrtat of Ooergto.Ia th* matter l*M *- L - T ~ Ugulngtog, Thla la to give notice, one* a week for three eeka, the! I neve been appointed assignee ef tbe esMte ef WUliaa* Duke, of O eat t a eg* aoanty, la aeld DUtrict, wbo ha* been edjodged * benkrupt upon his own petition by the DUtrict Ooert of aaM District. June 9th, 18T8. JUDBOH OLRMENTI, Aattgaa*. Junto la wit LeFayatm, Ge. Bgninri persons end tbe indictment ignored isen- wJS inlornubon end not by to- the platiorm with a Arm step. Hu oona- teusnoe was calm, end st times would brighten with n smile. He seemed per fectly resigned to bis IaU, end cud Out be win wimng to die. Bev. W. Bledsoe Administered spirit- net comfort to him in hie test hour* by " i Bible sod of- emooiee being over, be wee naked ny toe sheriff if be bed say reeurks to make,to which he netted thet he hedjMhing to SA> tost wotdd do bint Any good. If they wanted to hsng him they eeald do so. He was reedy to die. Tbe sheriff then tightened toe BOOM, which bang loosely eruand his neck, toe bfcek cap wm then draws over We fees, end Us tegs prosed. Tne abac «. ttep- , lotos reerof toegnltown, sprang trap, ewd st teo miantos to 1 oVtof k, tbe cool if the murderer wm Ueaofatd aiafitUf. Tbe Ini' did aoi dbloesU hie aeek. After • fcw Urd shrMglee his body toned partly enraad snd remained still. iAthe aprintiea ef toirtee. mtorie^ ble wm declared cxtucA. J, a & >* THI DUIISIOT DOUBT « i LilHenks-sDlratsKB Uw.sts-Is IS. suMMS« ruiMM Welkin*—IN bankruptcy. ■ This l« to give notlee oweee week far three weeks that I bare been appointed Assignee of tbeeetMe o William Watkias, of Atunte, la county of Fulton who bet been *4Juig«4 bankrupt upon hi* own pa ffUou by the Diet riel Court lor aaMdiatrlct. May 88,1878. AUGUarUB R. OULBERBON. Aeatgnee. ir ot lease KEWADVEETISEJCENTS KTOTIOM. agttBtagOTimfc t»sssestffsuasei~ GEO. E. WARD&CO.’S TO BUY TOCK CLOTHING! They bare opened s splendid Stock of Clothing Ii Loiioi Stun, Marietta M J.H. ANDERSON A CO, 18 Alsksuu street, Atlanta, ^ BN uow prepared to fnrulab PlMiter* with lb* Mowers nod Reaper*, Hone Rakes, Scythes emd Cradles Threshers had Powers, Wjywwitnratemwstos. Alws.n.«warrtw AUKICVLTCHA L INrLEeESTt, nauuiuia non nao odttxbs. XABBOWS. PUMPS, WAQOKA AO. BBOWM'S (JBtjnitATXn 00TX0M BIN. TZXAS OOTTON PBXM. 1 > " BLAMDTfi STNAM BNQINU ABU SAW wine. OrtissesraMSilmimdeMsgtonnne. ■sjt A M AXDXXSOS > OB .a DMrlrt or Owrsis—la tt. _ ee—In Renkrnptoy. Tkle ie ta give soiloe, oneea week for ihm* week*. tRmttPMe of the eetete or ef Gordon, who km been ' own peUUun. by th* that Above been*) R0HBiv*. ihbiu i June 8—dlewtw Aettgee*. T"1 NITrB VrsTE* DIfirrRfCT COURT for tbe Her* U tberu Dietrtei of Georfie—In tbe matter of DnuM Bloat—In Bankrupt*/. 7rT; “ Ibis la ie gf*e node* ooae sweat far flbtee weeks, that I bar* been appointed amlfuea of Ibe *MMe of Daniel Moat, of Wafkereouufo. u ae>d DIM riot, wbo km been adjudged a bauk upt upon ble own poll, ttoa. by tbe ot*«not Court of a$4d duarfot, June 2d. 1878. D4V1B U. BUT ION, LaFnyette. Oe.. JiHfwIhi Smtgsea. Hates of Advertising. ExatTLAR ▲pvRRTiantRWT* win be lBMrtedat one Jolto csrsqeww of Mine 9 t Inwil for 'h. OrMlDwrUou. ud imp orals pet curate wah Local, Bcitwxw .set BracuL notlsw will b, is, Mrtet apou nMoasbts tors., Nottow hr In eomsssus toff Du turns! nt* tobtBx wxixlt. htn**hmtrBsiuos wfittootaieraoM ectorvw •*»><«n«r GROCBRIEB. ,ii». I edT -miw La CU*,|ll,s New Groocrye^ie. b*tMMa i‘,g * OB M B. PARKS. fl a j v:^,i)_ kii sect i| baA^^ak flfatoG 47 rfflCffauB (muff. si»ai erAiiwI iR%qqa X¥2E££mS3£?. m m,M wsira wis t. kBm rawss bysspemos seL. of ItowraskleetB Ihesto- died ,'V L»dI - “ PiOBHgOrAiJAM- mtolA , i yu-.bcvl »ii< tom ST ATJOTION. { ' £j U'lf fa-jUlfl ,^1»u WOO 9lU 1 i Ml- i luiUibihai tuu ulda am . i wmuw JSKDAY, iwee, A* n O'.tesk s>. Whsnuq UVriJ *d>leid r&r^z&dsxsraui ervwr- rpjroes who laSLJS? Uraad Summer Resort 11 whod.Ai.rrtirt fhosi thslsaiwC u es« avail themeelvM of tbe «i njrm nmri: OOT TO TUU OGLETHORPE PARK, Where ample preparations have been amdf tbe nil nf men « ibe uuMie. (Hill 225 Feet iiUutk, 71 tit fUe With Bpleudid floor end ell other arraugenieuU far lOMfac* ard pleasure, to be used Aar dancing ■ad flaattve purpome. Oler, ▲ BottUtlftU TMUG, With boat* tor tbe amuawuit ef gneat*. The green I are free to Fle*N«e parttee. (mpm *rvang< ■ euM for BALL •. fl—FMai l—, BoMBIB. etc. to be found bare* tm tbe wuy *8 la# ee foe Rsm TnG; n ENGLISH BAKING POWDERS AMD kkubm eureaijmi extract UWB MAKING 9WWTT AMD WHOLEBUMX T H««a« add BteeolU, A BETTES AETIULI TRRBf ANY IN THE MARKET, bevtug Me of tbe beet Baking Fowders aed Year oomM {sr=rn2.i , r to -‘**-“‘ ENGLISH BAKING POWUKIU ana be <Mkud at eeee, ** may wutit fa tb* dough forty-eight bent*, and la guaruefoed to amhe m good breeder WmhUmU used imwedGMy alter mlxleg. and U varveated free tram the dates tertoea ettaet* ef Eakiag Fowieae gaeeaelly. Using tuna a fact u red from MrteUy pure tegmilil*. and under toe supenritten ef om of tbe baM Ea dm Rearut, Half asi: Patut toy Mi itapeatekta flirwber* qaaatfty and guellty af wash, mng* at aafSaM and general adaptability to work of tnmj gveda or dssertpttou. without ebeoge af adjustment • Utnceea. dm SOM MMKilfat ■ttiri.j I* .. WTO*- .I.UMtotfkUtot s!!!wVri!reew"i. S.T'rasrt'4w!ll^^ w assagai SS&&iiSmrllnl.t ■ I *x:z3tuxjcat ti. •Ism OWtoiH«*»e4B hfrfuGjUi .yBNNPIWmB>SSMbSBE4 .irNiwHriMW? tTMte^r jjm*XZj33ESB$j& wuniMewr ‘TJBihwHWHBes. ATLANTA. OA. . jar P . a Bra MS. . Montyole Springs. mia FAVORITE SUMMER RESORT, situated fu 1 Eiauut eowty. Rate lau*$**ee, la now epau for tb* rtoaptteu ei visitors, and will he maintained ta a style worthy tbe patronage ef a BiarHailuailug pubtle, Tbe sorted beeedetel acmOte attar ding ibe no* of these waters In foneOeuel derangement Liver, Bowels, KMacytk Shim, Aairtoran ri ChronlO Dtbeames ABIto Keenrie hrnjraertrtr neelB. rt ihehert wwrtas Shraswulh. IraeShSrti. Spocias attention will be g. ven to the eoaafort and latarnwamaut af Intend* Viet tors to Moutvala atmamrUy pam evm Ibe East Tennessee, Virginia sad Georgia Katlreod, making tbe city ef Kaexvdl*, Twat uM, a pcttM i tkauaa vte luauvHIa and OburHstea Eellvaed to Maryville, alstaeu mike, wkeam p*«iang*c* are euTeyedlnmailategaa, ruuutegteeaubeaMau wMb ‘he toaine, to the Springs aloe mltoe distant. Return tfofcataS be rttainil at all prom state. *••** tf* * --torseroraj : “ ^iRTSSrdiMcii Children under ton years of ng* aod lalmui VMkBVMIfl, W.L. MPIEdEEb OOw, W. W OOMjPTGM b OG.. GOODMAN b WADR T. J. rglUlfl Ittania, Ea, iAAerac Mr tbe HwakidfiMidnl Lranrora - as wu % ~" laa jxsStowrt Mral..U Wtoh-I Irae UlffED STATES UTEEMiL REIEUUS. Hftirih HBsatorasratort astohesrastora. For Hale in Atlanta b r WEST A-EDWARDS. fro tub movnMinmi I' tneeeadUof tb* WAY MIW jaiiMil bJ.Mililii