The Atlanta daily sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1873, June 12, 1873, Image 1

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» .• The Daily and Weekly Sun. ALEXANDER U. STEPHENS, Proprietor -2 OO HATK4 OP SUBSCKlPTION. DAILY—Per uouK. 1% .UVAT... .1 $8 CO Half yearly 4 ISTSh.::::r^~ WEEKLY—Per am mm ..»2 00 tm All IHwmIi baedasea character should be addressed to JAMES I. MILLIE. WAD PASSENGER SCHEDULES. •^nfrriqufwiA UP f»AY FAftBEMtlKR TRAIN. Leave* Reausk. 8:20 a m Arrive* at Auaata 5:45 p m DOWN DAY PA88KHGER TRAIN. Lear* Atlanta 8:15 a m I. ffiSS UP MACON PA88ENGEU TRAIN. Leave* August* *....i. 12:15 p i Arrive* at (Jamah 2:55 p) DOWN MAOUN PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave*Camak....... lb ;M) a Arrives at Auguste.. SUN VOL. IV ATLANTA.GA„ THURSDAY. JUNE 12, 1873. NO. 933 TELEGRAPHIC. t | , > J* KT K*m* L*U !L\a L. PROBABILITIES. For Ken tacky, Teonene xnd'Qje Oatf Mi^nippi. liftrtfo u.„ lUrW . «■* w«“ »“ d P"«J «lo" d y «:aa.m weather, with probably ocoaaiouat areas of light rain eoath of Tenneeeee. .•wuiui"? .■list. * r r??v, l «P DAILT—(SUNDAY* EXCXPTED.) L**ve* Uoien Point 1:25pi Arrive? st Athens. 4:40pi poors DAILY—<*UND ATS SSCMrUD.) Litres Athena tf:00a i Arrive* at Union Point 1205 pi OP NIOHTLY. Leaves Union Point . ... 1:00a i Arrive# at Athena... 4:15* i DOWN MOSTLY. k Leave* Athenq.*,..,,...^.. 84«pi Arrive* at Union Point 11:05pi ini.), th. pratsiiiiJK eiokneoH shows fewer and bint Wilhlojtos .... V:80 a ) WESTERS «fc ATLANTIC H .AU.ROAD. mi>. s‘i. . __ 10:00 pm nsr. S3 .* £ DOWN NIGHT PAR&ENGJKB TRAIN. Leave* Chattanooga 8:45 p in Arrive* at Atlanta - 11 :lu p UP DAY PA8SENGER TRAIN. Leave* Atlanta. 8:30* Beach?* Dalton 2:0tp» Arrive* at Chattanooga 4:28 pm .ef'l * NNWm CP Now Y*h. Leavoa Atlanta 6:00 p m Arrive* at Lalton- :...wU 10:8c p m *' IMIten Accommodation. Leave* DaUon -.. 12:80 a m Arrive* at Atlanta « 42 a m ATLANTA & WEST POINT MAILUOAO. DaY PA8SKNGRR TRAIN. Leave* Atlanta 7:20 a ni Arrlvea at Weat Point 11:86 a m Leave* Weat Point 1:40 p.m Arrlvea at Atlauta i. 8:40 p m *•* MIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave* Atianta. 11 KM p m Arrive* at Weat Point 8:54 a m lttllJltNINU: Loaves Weat Point i :0J a m Arrlvea at Atlanta^ ... 640 a u CEN1HAL UAILMOAO—Atlnnla Olv. UP DAY PAbBENGER. ILeavea Macon .... 7:25 a ui Arrive* at Atlanta - 1:25 put DOWN i/AY PASSENGER. Leave* Atlanta 1:4ft a m Arrive* at Macon 7:46 a m UP NIGHT PAHaENUER. Leave* Maoon 10:00 p m Arrive* at Atlanta- 6*00 a m DOWN NIGHT PASUEN <Elt Leave* AU-ute 2 30 p m Arrive* at Macon «... 5:2 pni Connecting with the Upton County Railroad, tho tralua ran ou that road aa follow*: Leave Barneavilie 1:00 pm Arrive at Thomaaton 2:30 p m Leave Thomaaton - .. .... 840 a m Arrive at Barneavilie 9:30 a m Iowa: Leave uriffln 1:00 pi Arrive at Whitesburg (present terminus;.. 5:35 p n Leave Whltosburg 6:00 a s Arrive at Griffin - 10:27a i ru cbolkmm Mjacm. Nashville, June 11.—The ex shout cholera is sbating. Th« has turned unusually cool, and to the exultation, of the ,K lighter cucea- Very few, if sny, of the esses hsre proven fstal in the past few days where medioal aid was promptly consnlted. Memphis, June 11.—Cholera is un doubtedly increasing. There won eight een interments to-day against eleven yes terday, while undertakers has aeeivcd at 6 o’clock to-night orders for tourteen burials to-morri w. Tlie weather con tinues oloudy ai.d sultry. Hon Jacob Thompson, Secretary of the Interior, under President Buchanan, is lying in this city dangerously ill with •bolera. user »»,/jrvurtia. J Louirort.— The expeoted prosecution » inst the T-ohboue olaimaat will be e to rret tbeir case next week. Prince Amadeus and wife have arrived in England, when they will remain during the summer. Bourn—Many of the Monks belonging to monasteries which am to be sup pressed will go to Bolivia and Chili. WW0 MUM CJJTMWt A Modoc special says Cept Jack, In hia interview with Sea. Pavia, said: “ Bogus Charley aod Shaoknasty Jim nullad Gen. Canby out Allan David, the Klimath Chief, advised ua to kill Gen. Canby. 8o wa did it. I am telling the truth. I dio not kill him. I had it done bnt did not do it. I do not lie. Bring the men that saw me do this. I want to face thorn. If I bad my chains off J would tall ail the man who did these things.” TMJLM*m*rM4C 4M«Urt . Norths, n District of Georgia— In the matter of Moaea Mcrrlaon.- Iu Bankruptcy. Tfcia la to give notice, once e week for three week*, that I Nava been appointed Aaaignee of the eatate of Mieea Mortiaon, of Walaer couuty, in aaid district, w'jo haa been adjudged a Bankrupt upon hia own p Hltiou by th* District Court for said District. Jane 1 d, 1873. DAYIsa 8U1TON. of LaFayelte. Ua, Jnnat-dlawSw Aaaigoee.^ I N th* District Court oi the United btatea, Nor* them Diatrlct ot Georgia. In the matter of — . .- k lnJymlQy, ie a week for three appointed aaaignee ot the of William Whitten, of Whitfield county. UJS»S1. n petition, by the Diatrict Court o JOHN T. BROTHXBTON, TH THE DISTRICT OoURa of the United X Northern Dletnct of Georgia—In the matter cf Richard J. Moaeiy—in Bankruptcy. Tina >■ to gtva notice once a week for three weeks, that I have beeu appointed Aaelgne»of the eetate ot Richard J- Moaeiy, of Morgan oounty, iu aaid die* 4rieL who 1m be«n adjudged a bankrupt upon own peutton, bf the Ida!nnt Court of aaid district. PATBlcK8.BURNkY. AMguee. Madialon, Oa, May 30, 1878. Joldlaw3w Thi* la to give notice once a week for three week#, i bd* X have Naan appointed Aaaignee of the eatate ot cnerleaU. Doreeti* of Gordon oounty, who has been Jtlikrk MotONNEtoL, Assign* t I 4 IN nBJABTRIOT0U0RTcf the United *aiea- . I #XT Mlfthrn Diatrict of Ue#gf*-ln the matter oi that we have been appointeu aaaignee* of the eatate ot Jotaph Keanl, of uberuka* county, who haa been adjudged bankrupt upou hia own p«tiUon, by the Diatrlct Coart for aaid diatrlct. May 3c, ie7S. J. J. A. UH4BP, I JAS. O. DOWDA, J Aaaaigaa* Jnldlaw>w ~ • court; L Diatrlct n ImArJa that 1 have bean appointed Aaaignee of the eatate of . _ - 4- i mid Diatrlct, t* tiR DI.STRWT COUR' H S'Mo* -Nurthwp Diatrlct I wftr In ■ ^Ufla to give nofKe once a Joeenh king, of g[hitAaid county, iu aaid L who haa been adjudged Bankrupt upou h<a < tition by tbe Diatrict Court ior aaid DiauicC key 23. 1873. JOHN D. BROTMRHTON. Aaaignee. m*y29—dlawtw Dalton, Qa r TBB DISTRICT COURT of the United State*— Sorthera Diatrtot of Oaorfta-ln the matter of Andrew J, Covington—In Bankruptcy. Thia ta to give uoUce o.oe a week for three week*, that I Nave been appointed Aaaignee ol the eatate of Andrew J. Covinglou, ot Cherokee county, who bar been adjudge bankrupt upon hia own petition, by th* Diatrict Court for aaH^dletrtq^ »j. GG8- Juldla— % who baa been adjudged a Bankrupt upon IUao«S JOSEPH BLANCE, At taaignee, lown.UA J TBjrjyjHmuMK fjf.v Memphis, June 11.—Tbe most severe rain aiul (builder slurDi ever kuowu bare raged about 10 o’clook tufit Light, Acoom punied by ad immense sheet of electrici ty. Iu au hour Aud a half 2.70 inches of rain fell. It ie feared that grout damage fa done to tbe planting int n et in tne adjacent country, but tbe sanitary con dition is greatly improved. f\ j mu mn mm mm mutf umt tmd. Dover. Del., June 11.—In tbe West minder case tbe jury rendered a verdict of acquittal ou tbe grouud o. self-de fence. Tbe remains or a negro, mu i- jatwd for apa*omicoal purposes, was found ii< Dr. Weal’s office. Before putting tbe body to this nse Dr. West killed the ne gro, as the jury aver, in self defence. vrtMK jymTJSn. Steubenville, O., June 11.—Fonr children exploded a powder can which was left in a cupboard by a miner. Tbiee of the m are dead and one fatally burl The perente were absent. Bath, Me., Juno 11.—Two children, ug*U 8 and 13, were drowned while fish ing. Shamokin, Pa., June 11.—Tbe Henry Clay Colliery exploded. Eight brought out dead, fifty iu tho slope, and thirty- five are kuowu to have escaped. Washington, June 11.—The Southern Claims Commission bus suspended oiul examinations until the second week iu October, aud will then rcsnniu them and oontimie until tho middle of November. St Louis, June 11 —Fred Bsek, who is living in Decatur, Illinois, went home last evening, ufter h three days’ debauen, and was invited to taae a seat at tbe up per table by his mother, whereupon he commenced abusing her with vile 1 n- guage. His father remonstrated and told him he must ce* s* of leave the house, at which he drew a revolver and shot his father in tbe fane, inflicting an ngly bat not dangerous wound ; he then fired a ball into hisowu braio. At last accounts he was in a dying condition. General Sherman reached West Point Rt noon, and received a salute this after noon. He joined President Grant in Examination Hall. JYKW 1*0 A A JS'OTKH. New York, June 11.— Hev. Drs. Bel lows and Taylor, Howard Potter, Prof. Hitohoock, J. E. Williams and others, left Dy the steamer Yunset for Norfolk, Va., yesterday, to attend the examina tion exercises of Hampton Normal Agri cultural Institute ou the 12th. Miss Mary Carpenter accompanied the party. The remains of the late Minister Orr were landed from the steamer at 11 o’olock and taken to the City Hall, where they will lie in state. Walworth, who was arraigned in Oyer and Terminer to day, pleaded not guilty. He will be tried in abont two weeks. N-itbsu Bretman shot Jas. McAdams dead last night, near the yard of tbe Pennsylvania lliilrojd. Bretman had been discharged by McAdams. President Grant aud sUif will attend the funeral of Minister Orr, on Friday. James Newcom*-, a well knowu sport ing man in Middletown, died this morn ing from sn overdose of chloroform. Dr. Lewis E Meyers, dentist, of Mid aleiown, New York, while drtuiE this evening, subbed his father near the heart. The wouud n supposed to be fatal. iPitUHTmmmjr rmm mjul. Newark, N. J., June 11.—The passen ger train from New York and freight train from Market street, Newark, came in oolhsiou at East Newark at 2 o'clock this evening. Both engines were de molished and bj -- °x% COL JUgUe toluMop*! id the Out i-Ofiaacr *as fatally A large number of pi gera were oat aod bruised. Tbe panaeu- gen in (he umoking oar wer crowded tbroagh window.. Tbe air brake* pre vented a more aerioue diwater. Had tb* accident occurred a minute aooner there would ham been * terrible late of life. Tbe engineer of the freight train U blamed. Gakhiwin, N. Y., June 11.—The Chi cago exprewi train, which aft Sew York city at I* o’clock Ibis morainv, met with .0 oocideLt at tin. .latino. The journal of tDe panaeuger coach broke,and tbe ear jumped from tbe rtiiaand bounded along - - \ One littto ■aertained, . , . Both track, are obairnoled uni all train* delayed, hut the road will noon be clear. lVeougem by tbe UWcagv expraa train bare goo. forward. >/ Auguhta. Jane 1L—Cotton firm; mid dliuga 17 3 4: receipt* 80; ttiw 144. Livhbtool, Jane 1L- Cotton closed firm', aalea inolude 7,500 Amerlenn; 8a- rannah and Charleston, deliverable in August and September, 9; Jane 8i; Or- leans, May shipments, 9j; Jans and July delivery 9 1-18. Laiu. — Savtnnah and Oharleston, August and September delivery, 9i. Chablestoe, Jane U- -Cotton firm end in good demand; middlings 18f;good ordinary 1C1@17; ordinary 136jjl4; net receipts 385; exports ooostwias 333; soles GOO; stock 11,699. Savaexah, JunelL -Cotton Arm; lit tle doing; middlings 18|; net reecipts 330 ; expoits coastwise 684 ; sales 165; stock 16,601. CntciitEATi, Jane 11.—Floor dall at r 25@7 50. Corn quiet at 45. Fork steady at 816 25(3)16 50. Lard quiet at 8f for steam; 81 for kettle Bacon firmer; shoulders 7j; cicar rib 9f; dear sides 91; Whisky steady at 89. Sx. Louie, Jane 11.—Flour dull end unsettled; superfine winter 83 25@4 00. Corn firm ana steady: No 2 mixed 38} in elevator. Ahisky dull at 89. Fork hold at 817. Bacon dall; order lots 7( for shoulders, 9| for dear rib, and 9J for olenr aides, laird dull at 8 for summer steam. Louuville, June’11.—Flour dull; bolder* unwilling to make conaearions. Oorn nnohaoged. Provision, quiet end auoiiauged. Fori 817. Bacon steady *t7i»7j for shouldera; 91*9) for deer rib; 9} for clear (ides, paoked. Lard 8f*9J for tiuros; lOalOf for keg; 8*81 tor earn. Whisky steady at 89. New Yoee, Jane 11.—Money nn- ohaugod. Exohsugo advanood to 9|. Uotd 171*171. Guvornments dull aud quiet Slates steady and uoinin.l. New Yobk, June 11.—Ootion Eteady; soles of 2,820 bales; 19|c for middling uplands; 2Uf3 for Orleans. New Yobk, Jane 11.—Southern flour less active and unchanged at 6 *0*7 90; common to fair extra 87 95*11; good to choioe do. Whisky a anode firmer at 931*94, obiefiy at inside prioe, Wneat lees active and scarcely so firm; exporters ere less disposed to operate; 62o for win ter red western. Corn opened s shade firmer with e very moderate export de mand; holders are dispoaed to lealixe 54 s541c for nnmixed Western; A5o for new Soathern yellow. Fusk steady at 816 55 *16 621. New mess best qaiet at 9*1125; plt.n mess 11 50*13 for extra do. laird week at 9*91. Turpentine steady at 4 5a 451 Boein firm. New Yobk, June 11.—Ootion—net yet ceipts347; gross 2,107; sales for expor ter day 640; lost evening 250; soles of fa- tart* 10,200. Tbs market olosed as fol lows: May, 19 18-16; Angaat, 19 1316; September, 18 13-16; October, 18 1-4; November, 18; December, 17 7-8. Min Bmmt Zsohry. He did marry, too, and one of those pleasant, old-fasbionrd qaiet family affairs superceded the latter asy style of flourish end flummery. The ceremony fistne off at 2 r. is., and the cortege went the " overland route'* to LsFsyette, The “ undersigned ’ would not die happy end in full posses- sion of the belief that he haa done his whole duty to his fellow-man did he not here record his thanks to the msncsavsring of bis friend Black for a baggy ride ol fifteen miles (it appeared to be only four or five) with tbs ’-oharm- ingest” little sweetlsart in Alabama. How it asms about i* not generally known, because it wo* not originally down on the programme; bat it so happened, end was the most doligutfol ride now known. The p .rty arrived in time for • hand some reception as tbs bridegroom's res idence, whioh oame oflat 10 o'clock p. m LsFsyette Is sn old town, bnt of late has recuperated wonderfully, since the railroad has been completed. The Clip per is n splendid little oountiy paper, and this week has been enlarged. To-night 1 am going to indulge exten sively ol the hospitalities of Opelika. A reception is to be giveu to my young friend, Mr, W. W. Barnes, whose mar riage lust week yon made mention. While in Opelika I may send yon a bit of news, or mtv not. The great Hooper- Fbiilips trial eueorbs all the attention of the pablio, and if any developmenta worthy of record aod of interest to your readers should appear, I may soud them to you. Uodentand me, I am not on business, sod am only looking out fur a week as will most oonduoe to the pleasure NEW ADVERTISEMENTS COAL! To the Fubllo. mHE andsritsMS having sol* out hit IntoroM In A Ik* ooel baslneM to Mr. H. W. Emory, ot loe l*m* ( ittarn* hi* think* for th* patron*** battowed upon him, end aoUci’a * oontlnu*HonIo th*m indonitablr fl.m of Peliiem A Oo. __ ' H. W. JOYNER. r. tKLHAH. H. r. EHEBT. W* on sow prsparsd to mat. oontraou tor a ,UD- plr o* oo*l u ndaowl nmmsr mtti, for gr*t« uh MS SO maautuinmn. Offlos n th* *0ut* In ■oan. (It] PELHAM s oa Southern Female College, LaGrange, Gsorgls. KXAMlBATION THtTRSDAT, FRIDAY AMD MON- DAT, ISn, IWTil AND ISO INST. SXBHON bj Bav. Jaois Diiw, D. D„ of Aug on*. I EXHIBITION—Tgndov, 941*. LlUttrv 7 H. G. McC*]|, E*q. ( of Uuiuii Spring*,Ai*. i EXHIBITION—Jun* 25th. nmuU Ad- Add res* by . BRRIOH EXHIBITION-Jon* 25tb. .'nnukl Ad- drea* by ▲. A. Wltov. Eaq., of Moot*om*ry. Ala. CONCERTS^ of Yooal aud In*trnm*m*l Mueio— L ¥. OCX, rrosldoat S TATE OF GROBQIA—Dongle* Oonnty: „ J. F* 0*rn**, guardian ol William aud Thom** Orraei, orphan* of T. A. 0#rn*i, a Pile* to m* f«*r leev* to **U th* Und balomrlng •eld minora. Thi* 1* tocito ell p*r**ns oonoerned to ahow can**, if any, why Uttora ahonld not b* Krented th* *ppllo8Qt, on th* first Monday In An* to what and oomfozt of George. •rjfCM4L JYOTiUH*. DU. SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR. Kitraot of * letter from Hon. Alexander H. St*. ph*n*. dated 8th March, 1872: >1 occaeionaily uu, when my ooodltiou require* “LATOR, with good • better then moat UTATE OF GEOKOIA—Douglaa Oonnty 3 Where' a, F. M. Winn appll** to me 1.. of guardianship cf th* property or Id* Wiun, minor of Allen Wiuu, d*oe***d. Thla 1* tocl e *11 pereone intern tod to ahow cenee, If any, why letter* ahonld not be granted the applicant, ou the tret Monday 'n August next. Thia June 6th. 1873. Junl2 JOHN M. JAMES, ordinary ". O. of Ell Vaneant, late . > _ appll** to me for l**v* to *ell tb* land belonging to aaid oounty, deceeaed, - r , . J Ah* land belonging to aalJ eetate. All pureona couoerned will 111* their — —i my 1». DR. 81MMONB* XJVKR REGULATOR, with good •flhet. II to mild and suit* — other remediee, Thoee using Battens’ Crystal Discovery for the Hr assure us the! it certainly doe* all and really more than 1* claimed lor it. It is au extraordlnai preparatio of Its klud. and should be tried by For sale by druggist* everywhere. :,7 Ivoi 'twlxt parties' lip* you see, S04ODONT, ’its safe to bet, Htoutifla* the ivorv. Be of good cheer: there is Ilf* and health for you y*t- Bo those that have token BUnmon*' Liver Regulator attest. A HEALTHY DIOMTIt... Life 1* randereu mi*er*bie wneu the dig* stive or- ins are Impaired. Food becomes repulsive; the emaciated; the mind depressed, aud uulau Letter frwm La Payette — Marrjrlag **d dlvlsg la Marriage — * G*orge” •a ta* Beat Iter 4*lea*are, asd Mas Birack a Warm Trail. Speolal Gorre*pond*n**.] LaFaybitb. Ala., June 11, 1873. A flying trip over tbe Atlanta aud Wsat aud is n decided pleasure st Point Beilroi this season of the year, especially to on* who hoe been denied the God's privilege of breathing pure fresh sir all the spring, SLd being forced to iuhals the odorifer ous breezes for which Atlanta i* it pres ent so celebrated. Tbe pleasure is cou siderably euhanoed if one ssleots tue train to go on over whieb Jim MoOool i* boss. His ides ol o'everness aud aooom- modation are singnlsrly enough In nel son with those of his passengers. This, taken in contradistinction with tue too ireqaent habit of oonduotors in treating their patrons as a lot of oenviots on their wsy to tome pnblia works, is traly re freshing. I intended telling yon of ths crops ou the line of road to West Point; bat tbs sarroundiuga iu tbe car were too comer- oils to afford one much of n chance to look oat. Bonds* a batch of bsautiinl girls, who were on their wsy home from Word's Seminary (and the cholera) at Nashville, and who got off at LaGr -age, there w*. the little smiling face of Prof. B. F. Moore, who oame to West Point to establish a Council of Masons; Bev. Dr. Leftwicli, who got off st Newnau; Beau Campbell, who was dilating upon his ex ploits; Paul Jones sod Aaron Hass, who werealter delinquent oostomcra; and * flue ear load of moe people—ill oaloula- led to keep one's mind iu a stats of un certainty a* to what should i-« noticed. At West Foiut ( had the pleasure of moot ug Dr. Uedwine aud hit bride, who bad jut that morning nunwl iu Colombo., and who wer. looking cheer ful aud happy—all to them stive*. I had only time to “tender my best,”utc., etc., when another wedding parly from Uiu plaoe oalled on mo la 'W in aud let’s go, because its time. ,r Tois was my dear, old-'imn frieud, Georgia IL Black, who hod conic to West Point to marry . . vi HUs is th* remedy for th*** evils; they produce ■ouud digostlou; craeto • good spi elite, impart re freshing sleep and obearfulue** ol mind. A'l who have used this invaluable modlnlne for cough*, colds, asthma, ipttUog of blood, oroup, in flammation of tlio lungs or oiieaf, boat mhuims, tltf- flculty of breathing, bronchitis, and *11 diseaM* of *1* lungs, attest it* usefulness. For lung sflectlons has no equal. GBEAT SWINDLB. Jerry Tate, of BaPDeaville, Ua, has Just bean swindled out of a thirty years rheumatism, by oac bottle of Jackson’s Magio iislsam. What a glorious awindle! Would that there were more Just surh swindles. What an amount of sufleriog would be avoided. Thia awindle to for ml* by all druggUta. Beware of it, you who are suffering. been sooustomed to the use of outers and are obliged eventually to resort to MoLana'a Liver Pill* for permsd eat relief. i Buchu and Dandelion la taking the _ ;uer dluretlo remedies. The lutrlneic merit of the preparation haa gained for it a deserved reputation as the best remedy for all diseased con ditions of the kidney* and liver ever prevented to Th* malarial poison in the blood, wbioh causes ague and ohuls and favor, ta speedily cancelled and mustered out by the ua* of Kresa Fever Tunic. A box of pills, free ol charge, goes in each wrapper, remedy le warranted to oontaln neither araeiil strychnine, end Is also warranted to core ague If ta ken aa dlree<ed. No risk to health or portmonnle. No cure, no pay. Get tho remedy at tb* drug store M?rfo, Montvale Springs. Blount county. East lennssaee, la now open for the raoaptlon oi visitors, sod will be maintained yle worthy the patronage of a discriminating ol th* Uvei, Bowels, Kidneys a Skin, And th* cur* of Ohroaio Diseases Attest their Medical properties. - * am and i i found hern. a to the comfort and at the beat waterlog places HpecUi attonUon will be g improvement of invalid*. Visitors to Montvale necessarily pass East Tennessee, Virginia and Geergla Railroad, making th* olty of Knoxville, Tennessee, a point; thence via Rnoxvilie and Charleston Railrosd to Maryville, sixteen mills, whence passengers are conveyed In mall stage*, running in connection with July, August And Bept'r... 6b.oo Children under tan yaata of age and color ad ser vants half price. JunSdhwtf 10. L. KINO, Pfoprteto,. Montvale Bpringa, last Teon. I^GLINU BAKING POWDERS AMD ENGLISH PL A YOKING EXTRACT T7*OB MAKING iSWEET AND WBOLEROMk X ’freed and Biacnito, A BETTER ARTICLE TERR ANY IN THE MARKET, having the goal!tie* of IB* oast Baking Powders tad Vast combined, and rsoommanded by all sminaal English Physicians. Bread mad* from th* ENGLISH BAKING FOWDEH8 may remain la the after mixing, and la warranted free from th* dele terious effects of Uakiug Powders geeeraily. betas manufactured from strictly pure uig red touts, ana under tbs supervision of one uf the beet kagliel objootious, U any. on or before th* first Monday in August next, else leave will be granted the appli cant aa prayed for. This June 6tb, 1873. Junl2 JOHN M. JAMES, Ordinary D. O. Notice in Bankruptcy. was Issued against the estate oi 8 shorn M. Bradley, oi oounty of Walker and BUte of Georgia, who haa bean adjudged a Bank tition, and that tb* payment ins to transfer of any w creditors of the udd their debts, and to choose one or more assignee# bis estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holdan at Atlanta, Georgia, before Lawsou Black, Eaquirc, Register, on th* 28th day of June, A. D. 1878, at 10 o'clock a. m. W. H. SMYTH. United Btefiaa Marshal. 4a Messeugor. Notice in Bankruptcy. T HIS la to gtvo notioe that on the 7th d June, A. D. 1*73, a warrant in bankruptcy issued against tho eatate of Van A. Br*water, of county of Polk and Rtato of Oeorgia, who haa been adjudged a bankrupt on hia own petition, and that the payment of sny debts, and delivery of y preperty belonging to sucb bankrupt, to him. for hia nfo, and the transfer of any property by m, are forbidden bylaw; that a meeting or the ere. Go*.• o: the aaid bankrupt, to prove their debts, and i < wboose one or more asslgneea of bia estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at Atlanta, Oa. beior* Lawson Black, Esquire, Reg ister. on the 28th day of June, A. D. 1873, at 10 o’clock , M. W. H. BMYTb, United State* Marshal, Junl2 It aa Messenger. J. JHL. ANDEHHON A OO., 90 Alabama Street, Atlanta, A RE now prepared to furnish Planter* with the best Mowers and Reapers, Horse Rakes, Scythe* and Cradles Threshers and Powers, With or without Separators. Also have a general as sortment »f AGRICULTURAL IMPLBMBETS, INCLUDING PLOWS, PEED CUTTERS, ■ARROWS. PUMPS, WAGONS. AOs AGENTS FOB BROWN’S CELEBRATED COTTON GIN. TEXAS COTTON PRESS, BLANDY'S STEAM ENGINES and SAW MILL* Call aud aa* ua before purchasing elae where, mays F A M X L Y W lm plol M A O H X N L_H ANDERSON 4 00 8 E W X N W E E D W E E G Fe'ri'eot: F A V o R Rates of Advertising. Regular Aovaiiaxun will be Icsertedat one dollar per square of ton line* of Notrpsreli for th* first Inaertlou, and fifty canto per square for each Local, Bcsinkm and Sfccial notices will be In- •artsd upon reasonable terms. Notices for fire companies half the usual rates. FOR THE WEEKLY. » F GROCERIES. New Grocery Store. ion X. PARKS. THOMMOK ALLAN JA. PARKS and ALLAN, IHtM W E anaonnoa to oof frlaada and theJpubllo generally that wa nava .lit opanad, at the old •tad of McPherson A RaraaR Paaatali Street, a Grocery Establishment. W* shall keep on band at all timaa a tall Mock of Family Grocery Supplies, Which will be sold •• low as by any other hone# of ta mat kind in thaetty. PARKS & AjlXjAN* ypta-hL UNITED STATES INTERNAL REVENUE. B’8 OFFIOK 4iu D] Atlanta, June 7tl be foil - ^ - r -r tahttlM 14. Act July 13th. 1844, and section 44, Act June 30th, 1864, to-wit: Throe packages, containing about 87 gallon* Oorn Whlakj, one amply kag and on* wagon. Throe pa whisky, o aa the property of J. M. Praaley, of Plokena county, Georgia. Any paraon or paraows claiming mar of aaid prop- artv are required to appear and make auch claim within thirty day* from date hereof, and give bond es required by law; otharwiaa the earns wUl be sold and the nat proceeds deposited to the credit of the Secretary of the Treasury. jun8w8t J. HOLTZOfrAiy, OoUcctar. BRAT£d A m ttwitoRNM a vo maoxiMf) mr work u^i- lug ryRaUnaitalMy stker Toaio or MUd- A NI KE I’KEV HTtOH an isVAauaaas. A* an Al'PKTl.'.KR •nil itK- cn>KUANT. find Is stw *f QRSKKAL DI 01LIVY they k*t>' txivorlss «ia*U IniUBca fnll<-i| luprcJu.inj th* iuo*t ‘rsnafis wurwrws rwiKT- n.K A8ANT TO THI TaRTK sad at th* rams Him NB-bln. JK-™ Every Fninlly Mhonld Have a Bottle. No anparsMra le (as irariA mm ^vaSooo w near uuqua I- “ * radorwtsrau by phyaioieM »f lbs vary blfboov muffin* 'n-iorud mlf bp (As Cltryy mi (Ao tmiimg 4*nom,n* Rauoonr, tb* *M«sl MotboffUt ■(alaur In Hi. 1’,*^ VwMrutioe‘ofaiy^sw oattb, aa iucru.«'. «r wwa. • OsssesMe., Jsaotl. 1871. Vrroon* poafily ffaMllUUff, aS T bav* beoe, ltd vkn rcqt.l •«* •ua'**** * rnsMla^Kteoff lt^g. Obst*X.^toWsbyg Motrki. "*"*nCuaSMe.. Otiv. 1 Jams* A. bum A Oi^-l Save issatas* lbs hrwole for •kin* tb* " IIosm Hlomoch Bluor*. ' aod JMd Ibam la (bio braviul Uo teal Smp uMtoU*. 1 tonMisr lb<a AoBraaHall- ” r — off (tlmulnsl mv to mo. 8. H. MXLCBSK. , Ijain.o la SAMS* V. *. Martas Hospital. < iicnoK * Co.—Gootltoisa: Biuaiootoff to tbo modlosl ,'to tea* ton Ibo rtaip* of (bo ■’Umtuo ■Ilion,"It mm. tbovodbrob* iiartffonff ill paffsat tool- Uiu*. uo pxtrui borlM boom tokoa far it. Wo bov* •Batola>4 Ibo foruiulo for rnoklss lbs** Mow* BltWro." naff uhtou- Uacly any :b* ecmtlnoiloa I* ta* If ran nnlUaoo, all lh« anictos^ steff la ta ormptojhdjHi ^n^m^ boW ar im cUxo ^to OarerinlUra! a^awrbtfy tfisIStVl, Tb** »■*•"•^sr^porfac ‘ itrlctlr la *^rf.rffaaoa *1 lb (b* ru!#» of pharma.- t aaaff taoto Iu onr artvat*practira. ao labajMsnr* (a •ufflnr Ibom to all poroaao ffeilrou• of taktaff Biiirr., . ,uu., T-I. >b*UUlr«oaff niviw of Wiaura, CoUago of Ffcy.l- aUMaa r ^■£5oHu JnBBB FnC-af at Wotoou, Bt. teal* Mo*. Oailar*. DBAXX Mcl•<iWKLL, mTd., Uunui Ma.^M*4Uol Ooltocr. irfory. Mo. MoffUal Coilcfo aa-l loto X—Mout Fbj'ol. Hy HooplMl, Xt. Lost: MtMtoirt. ubkkt prixm. mr. E D Fat >alt In Haarter, flnlf and Psagt Tina by nil Rcapertskbl* Urorors es4 Ikrnnnist*. Whsional* by WENT * KDWARDH. W. L. HUBBARD ft 0O., w. w.ooMrruMftoo., good ram * wade, T. J. FHILClPft. Atlanta, tin. Kor slmpUcHty of constractloo, ease of compro- hension, couv«nlance ot arrangement, durability quantity and quality of work, rang* or cagaaRy and general adaptability to work of every grade or description, without ehaag* of adjustment or tiro- some preparation, have NO superior. tmr First-Class Agents wanted on Libesal Term*. ATLANTA. GA. *r f. a Box 448. OPIUM SSfe; or ttemmenb entu esued. Cell on or eddrein DR. J. C. BECK* ClRQMHATIo OHIO. i‘. itru,M. Si W.aI U ‘ f. C. FRANKLIN, M. D„ r. t. vASTtKfsr* ^rmme vk rmt. of Miff■!r*ty oa* DUomt* of Wonea, Oodisgs *1 Hoa<ao- patkio PhysloUaa aa* It-item. iSSSLKSjdkfiUb JNO. OON8LBMAN, M. ft., LaOtorar " MlUoosrt. fnf. of Pkyololocy, HototoayteUW ^teffto* I ^CoUo^of Mo. Clialoxl Wad lei aa. Cat. ■semoyslttsriyvflss * ss/aari'*. Tbsy sro ngwim • BW - Otenut. Eminent PbysUteu *f tftleago. TboWraoioter tb* Uosm Bluer* bbs booa rabalttok u, so. oaff •* boUrro tb.a to toi lb# boot Mats ud sKnfilmt tut (moral am sswsftmd to too yabXa. J*uVYCUVh. rtotCtetery, kirt X. MoVicaa, M. D., «”u-.iirVT. *' a - r.r raarwr*. "ilaitent feiy»l(l»ia tftfiJaa.ll, ssurs&sr 1 *• •— U O, (.li. « - j tTtesA.v. tzSkV* v. , a. V titaftfk xl-BBSfVtr* teSSTb*?- LLSB&fc 4: wass".'!*' W. K. ( OILM, M U„ !>. H. Wiu-xtoa. M O . O. Vvn, Cboadst, l.« Marunaaen n. And Jfnndrcdg of Olbrra |B SlIjMvU of Urn Notts. WVte aaAJMuU. Ckrum m.B»m.JMsr*n ft* ifftl J.MM A. JtcnM A Ou —ti«< .nr *i>nlao4 ib. bmib si n. “ anaurk H «*rv.' I Bov* i ^wrlito* m a ta ay pi «• u, t fo€ *ov,o life*, ai,*1 I'T"aouao. (b. iu tbotoalToaU BiUoa* mmw <n am. ft U- MvNXROk. U l*. (J y -re* x*u by sit .irurr1*u sad fraonv. * Lobroun y 10c aud Uf ffiififlfcaSHnHsr: For Hale lm Atlanta by WEST & EDWARDS. TO IHI1 'MOUNTAINS! *dnante Toomwuw xr in i WAYSIDE SOUSE, To whioh has bean added seven large eottag* room*.