The Atlanta daily sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1873, June 13, 1873, Image 2

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■Mb TICE DAILY STTN. A LKXANUKH H.,I I Kftll CUES. II. C. WILUlalllH, ) ATLANTA. OUOKOIA : ..Ana* IX. 1111. THI UKHOCHITIOInllt ■■ TBXAI. Two or three d*jr ago wo gave a Timet, adaowiabiwg ail thoee who claim ta be Democrats to return to their an- oient faith. The Waco Keaminer, of the aame State, thinka that "the trimmera hare ‘played their tone,' and we can now affordfenJdttheta g* M thgjrmay heee- after choose.” Oonthmea that paper, "Oar doty « aew plain and natram- mated. We Should re-organize the ele ments .of Dmocim; an JafTenoaUn principles. and hy adhering to tnoae head-Ughta of PlOKIfuaey, there will be no diffleulty in mswhlng to victory again aa aforetimo. A ad by aa doing wo ah all be making another 'new depart are* that oar proeparity, honor and aaoreii right* damami Tw do leu than thia would be trifling with the golden opportunity.” The ahilly-aheUy poliey of those who aaeumed to lead the Democracy a year ago, reanlting in the greateet demorali zation of the party, and ouln the moat damaging defeat a political or ganiration, baring the aame strength, war erer anb) anted to, la oertainly sniff oient to oonrince all Democrata of the neaemlty of taorganimng the party upon ita old prineiploa. The Democratic eigne in Texae arw Italy ref leaking to thoaaof the party who are oppoaad to the semi-Radical doctrine, attempted to bo tofeetad into it within the pant year. Tran Democrata realize the blander oommitied in taking op for President the bitterest Bsdioal in the country—wbioh was aoeompliabed by the intrigue* of man who would denounce Democrat tor toting tor Drank Whenerer Iks Democracy eat entiy rot# as did the Greeley wing last year, then we do not tea bow they can condemn those who voted tor Dan. Grant. Bat the great mistake in that the Damnaraay entertained the propos tion to rata for either. This the true D mnwnay M clearly enough now, and thqy natanSy tan with diagaat and oon tempt from any proportion tor future notion that ia not on the ttao Jefferso- nian Una Let oar Tezaa frianda heap the ball iu motion, and it will soon acquire a mo mentum all over the oountry that will oruah every Badioal tendency (torn the ranks of the Democratic party. tub rottn as n rnoncAL world. a dei THE Kin ion or nan ran hatob in IE VOLAR AWD EQUATORIAL BEOXORH Of IE ULOBX. Dr. O. Kaktwio; «dlt*d with iddiUonl oteatan hr Da. a. a. Ornuor. FrlaU* tor ETI«ea«O0raiana. C—H*. Thia handsomely printed volume of nearly 800 pages, is a sublime and living revelation of the wonders of two worlds. The reader is not only earned into the uldst of the remorseless rigors of an aro- tio winter, with its snow-held* and ioe- bergs and midnight sane; bat he in also placed beneath the banting rays of the equator, whan ho beholds, with at. ton Uhment, the flora and fauna of tropical countries. The endless ourioeitiee and contrasts of these two mysterious regions are rendered the more vivid and impresetve by the praesnei nearly two hundred illuetraliepc. The prodigious exploit* of the following great explorer* art read with breethleas atten tion: Charles Francis Hall in tear oh of Sir John Franklin; Agassiz’ travel* in SonUt America; Livingstone's ia Airies, and Wallase*! in the lialsy Arohipclsgo. The new edition of the Polar and Tropi cal Worlds, whioh will ahortly appear, will oon tala a fall aoeoant of the last ex pedition of Oapt. Char. F. BaU,and of the tragioa) and myeletiows fate of that brave man. In these supplementary ohsptem there will be thrao fall page maps, whioh will show the location oi the Polaris Bay, where Hall wintered in 1871- 3- the far thest point north roeohed by him and other explorers—thq pine* when the Polar!* vessel was leal seen by the Tyson party, and the devious roots of the lea floe upon which this party remained till teaoaad by ths Tigress. Hr. £. Nebhut, our worth? and enterprising Georgian, ia the general agent for this work. »WOV, H. A. WISE. General Henry A. Wine, of Virginia, baa published a latter in whioh hear- nigosfaoth parties in that Bute; the Conservative beoaoee, he alleges, it perse- oatoe the eefarad man, and the Bepobli- He favor* pease between the raeaet Hi* platform of principle u Aeanmptioo by the DaitadBtatmof thadabtaof old Aid West Virginia contracted when they wet* one States beoaoee that State waa de ployed by the Qovmaaant mid two new ones mate; tb* aawmetgn right of the State to do town ii unto, eompletion of the James Hirer md Kan.whaVtaul by national tod; railroad — viogs pmarnted hrionnlttm; the rat* of STo-AKSirss 1 aRI*IGl«>US OPtCttATIO** M THE AH«V OK TJGNiVKlAKK. Rev. J. H. Brynou having bean ap pointed by the Southern Historical So ciety, located at Now Orleans, La., to prepare a history of the religions opera tions ooDuected with the army of Tenn ta- eee, be desires, ho soon as possible, to oolleot all the material that can be made aervioeahto for this work. He most, of oonrav, look to those who labored with him in that department for much of the material to nuke up this history, and he nsfinsrif mquuols alt the chafflaiae and missionariea of the "army of Tmutewiee' to prepare and mud him, so soon as they CM, foil neepnnae ot their labors, giving their eteolletoion of particular revival meetinga In whioh they participated; hi to, any remarkable conversions, or reiig- loue exporienoee, or any eingalar strange proridanoas that may have come under tbetr observation. Please to oommunlMt* to him all enoh facts and incidents as srill throw any light upon the great religions work of the army. He wishes to get the foil name of erery chaplain and mlaeioaary who ia the ermy of Teanemee, BmMUSTGUIAM ! TTXTH inON CITY OF ALABAMA. t with a statement of west particular pert of the army they were connected with, also, the lime they entered the service, and how long they eootinned in it. Address all letters, papers or pack ages to Hr. Bryson at Dulvenity of Vir ginia PoatoSoe, Va. Great Sale of Lots At Auction at wKUA'KMnjv, Ji’.yn invar. isra. TITLES WARRANTED. Omci 09 Ilttok Land Cowaxy, Birmingham AW.. April 16.187a. The Klytou Ldhod Company will Mil at auction. on the 18th of June neit, a large number of lot* In thle otty end on their property adjoining. tfuburban lete will be eold in Mae* to rail pur ehMere, not exceeding twenty ecree in euy one lot Tide* will be guaranteed without reetriettoa Ml if time of erecting buildings or nuking other tm provement* Terwa of sale. either ceeb. or oue-fifth c*«b, one fifth lu rfx monthr, one-fl.tb in twelve month*, end balance iu eighteen montha. 'The Mle will be couducted on the premises. J. K. POWELL President. meyat-tf A reaotntion ha* been adopted by the Ohio Constitutions! Contention depriv ing members of the benefits of their per diem in case of absenoe. A motion to reaetnd waa earnestly opposed by Colonel Ia Baber, of Frsnklin oonnty, who well •aid: *1IR* UouUtaUes iti*l will brash Ihl* iLlag nr With what ton* ran w* uk the pnopl* to daprlT. leg. UlsUva sbMAteM of p»y If wo *r« nualUIn* lo On- ruin to our—lvaal It I* nld thnmntnbera of to, oonventlo* «t* bp J.w to r*o*lvo tbo unit d*j aa main bar* of th* (.mural jl—rably, snd lb* Uttar for aurydayof tbo —lou, In oouMNju.ncn of * nountrul** ana* pneaed thro* ooootmotlo* do., not rightfully bnlong to tb* (Jen- •ral AHnajnly .1 *11, sad It I* jarf'ctly o-mpotent, sa tl 1. pruyar *04 right, tor tbla 0*nVMllon to dt abwnnteen of p*y during tbetr Hum ofobatnen. Colonel Bsber is a leading Democrat in his section of Ohio, a man who will do right under all ciroomstances, and no personal pmwjjiary benefit conltl induce him to ohange ills views from wbst he believed to be just aud Uoneat. 8110b men deserve the confidence and respect of the people. A IVAgry* MOTHER. The MeOarty-Hordeoai danl, which took place a short time sinoe near Bioh moon. Va. promisee to denlop the fact that them was more than one- woman mixed np in the npfprtnnate affair. Maw Fork Herald oorreepoftjepj writes that it is related of the venerable mother of HcOsrty that aha waa aware from the first of her son’s intention to nail Morde- eai to aooonnt. That op his suggestion to her as be lay sick from the beating re wired from Hordeeai, that possibly his friends might refoae to bear hie message to hia opponent, she said: "Be of good cheer, my son; if they refuse, I’ll carry it myself,” As is known, Pol, Tabb being sent for readily ooneented to act, It ia said, we know not with how mnoh truth, that thi Spartan mother wsa not far fiom the field when tbv combat took place. At any rate, when the perforated body of her son arrived home at a late hoar on that fatal Friday night, the anxious (rispdg who oonreyed him into the ma ternal presence found every convenience neoeeesry to ujevt jugt *noh s contingency ae had happened. Chief Justice Chase’s HnvKasoa, — The itoiy ia onrrent in Virginia that Judge Alennder Hives, now of the Fed Stsl Court of Virginia, a brother of the late William C. Rives, will be made Chief Joatioe of the United State*. Judge Bhrea la al present about fifty-fire years of age. He ia below medium height, squarely built, of clear, fresh, nnwhis- kyed skin, and to singularly benevolent expression to fine. He ween a toll, white hat, is very ereei, has a broad, re treating forehead, and prominent, aqni linenoee, end wearing only side-whiskers, and look* like an gngjishmen. He dreem in good taste end with th* almost neatness. The lawyers eey be is an able end honest, patient end painstaking indge- isflux or moRRone. The hemigvettoo of Mormons to this ooontry is lately on the increase. Among the striven at Mew Fork on the 8th wees Urge nnmUrof Mormon dignitaries, who left 8*11 Lake City last winter, and have sines visited most pleoee of in tort at in Europe end Asia. Quo. A. Smith and Lorenzo Snow are among tne number. They have •meads* U making a large utmber of oonverts to Hormoniem. Threw or fear hundred British Hormone were to erriv* on Tneed^ end Wednes day of this week. Abewt the sente num ber ot Swiss wiliamivaia July, and the number of Soaadtoaviane one week of propsstv ad -■ ' 7 . HlEtoo.—The Array <md Moey Oweacto meat ta pwbUe axpemtA ^elfhto oL 17* ,,ood oftheptot^ssn. BOB WHITE ! Bob White Bob White.! Bob White I Bob White! Bab White! Smoking Tobacco! Manuiaotured by GEO. IT. JUMJrGUOHJTE * Co. LTVOHBUBG. Yk. la pronounc«4 bi OunnuiMon to b« th* PINK81 8MOKINO TOIIAOCO M*QufactQr*d 10 the United Bums, »ud *fUhl to thB fineat Imported Oi**rm. For.mcbaeiw’aiid Purity UibM KUal* Havlitg rwoelved GOLD and SILVER ME DAW, hud PlELOMAtf. he., at U»* htete Fair* of Tlrglola. LooJaUna and T*|m* FOR SALE! BY W. L. 11DRLARD h 00. ft. V, MADDOX, MKADOB BttO/8. DOBODGUBh WlliO, DEUUMAN k KDUUT, b. L. DANE, And Tobacco D*aler* over th* United But**. ao-tf ATLANTA WA'i’ER CURE. DV, F- BLALOW, Corner of L Bnntc^ au^ tyty ?tew*t D R. F. KALOW, well known tLrou^h" hi* giM and rapid enrea ba* returned to our city an< opened tfcain an eaiabllebment (or the cure of all Chronic Dlfleaeei, of wbit he will ieapcct:uUy Id form tb e citizen* of Atlanta and ear rounding Liven Complaints, rover*, P*raly*l«, Epilepsy, Sterility, AatbQia. servoud Affectlc^i, DThPinoA, inditfMtiou, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Ha^pfuls, DlNEASE* FECUUA* TO Wo MEM, Aid. luFUMITlE* 6* thc I loud, Bxim Diseases, Kidney ana Bladder Comv taint, Stoppage of tbs Water, Piles of all slnda, HTBicrutfEM, UpMOBBHOBA, Kyn and ksr Complaint* after Measels aud Hcaylatjua, tie., etc. T. W. Rucker, of Chapman. Hunter k Co.; MaJoi W. B. Oox. Mr. T. J. Hightower. Genl. W. B. Walker. Messrs John and Jamee Lynch, T. Fleishel, beor- man k Kuhrt, Mr. Bhulhatar, Dr. M. Mltcnell, Bn* parlor Vicar; Mr. luruer, of Brooklyn; Father M» rony, Philadelphia; Rev Mr. Smith, Macon; Gaul den Quitman, Mrs. Danwoody, Darion; Mr. White, °°SISL of hip Institution he will treat all aente-dis eases with fere** surf's**. I£l* U ths most rt ‘ * * Uoular attsnL ^ _ plaint, Teething periods of Children, Djrienteylee, after a few houre will be eulficlent lor acute. Men ingltla no danger when ptople call me immediately at the first ejmptom*. This trealraeut give* e * everybody will learn to treat may 18—ly. iBthod of treatment white, soft skin, and averybo hie fanflly ft artite ATUMTA AID M OKiEAN^ o^QRT uorai. By the way of West Poin^ 9a v - Mo tfomery, Ala. O M AND AFTER MARCH 1st, 1878, DOUBLE DAILY PABBEMGER TRAINU will ran on this line as follows: First Train. Second Train. Leave. I«av*. 7:00 a m 6:00 p aa ......... Utyiam Arflro" * Arrive [ontgoBjenr ..10:16am- 6*7 pm EubU*........ 9;Upn 6:46am MewUrlMpe...* 4:00am.,,, 1:66dm Paaeengttre gaftfK Booth apd Be^thweet will find f* 1*“ 0 K.r? a H** iwai «ito* a«wi Nut lvrkJv. bus,, urnUr lo nit uri—a, *wl *U point, tbs* H, otter- ruflv-Hz mil— Shorter to Vicksburg and all points Jn Csnifal and Boatheru Alabama, Mlsalaeippi, Louisieua «ttd Ar> kanaas. 'lb* oni* line running POLMAN’S PALACE SLEEPING CARS frem Atlanta to Now Orleans WtTHtWT CHANGE. THBOUQH TICKETS xp aj* POINTS M. Bay your tickets by way oi WMJT ^OINT AND MONTGOMERY, ALA. L. P. GHANT, BupC. Atlanta k Wsst Point B- R. O. J. FORK ACRE, But Weatern R. R. of Ala. u. WHBay.u-.torLHHtebR^H. n. bur mm in auaitic BAILBOAl). OFFICE MASTER TRA^BPOBf AT^ON, ATLANTA, OA*. MAT JM, 1878. CI1ANQB UK 6CUE1H1LB. BUSINESS DIRECTORY BF OTHER CITIfr. AlOIM A, ©A. J OHN W. J3E.S8MAN, Wholesale Dealer in Choice Liquor*, and Ageiit tor John Olbton’e Bon k Co., Philadelphia. 787 BROAD BIUb.LT. W A. RAMSEY, Ao’t. • The People'* Clothier. 786 BROAD 81UEET. MYERS k MARCUd* 1TJ. Jobber* of “ Bhoo*. Mats, Cape J. MYLKH. f IKNTKA.L HOlEla a—. rnoHM. r«... ^REENK A HOSSIGMOL, MliNDLESON, M4 HBOXD 8TSER. U—titer ut Who—le Lfqsor D—lw, B ( I1AHLESTON, 8. • tUJram, r: j.^ ANK OF CHARLESTON, (N. Bk’g umr 099nn. i ilDWIN RATES k OO., 'J 134 MEETING BTREET. E W. MARSHALL k CO., • 1*3 MLET1SO B'RRKT. JOHNSTON, CREWH I^OOm 41 MAYNE BTREET. J OHN O. MILNOR k GO., 186 MEETING STREET. u ART k CO„ 86 HAYNK STREET. E. ADGEK k CO., Lte MEETISt* STREET. Mi LiJTMtm F, rJtJTVF U9VUH, JT9 i M9JY9 jurn ormiTti 9991m. OHN 8. FAIRLY i CO, 87 H AYNE HThEET and 70 MARKET BT. ^ m99rSJLXUH99iiM. F. FLEMTNO A COT Jl UaYNE street. B. BTODDARD k CQ., 166 MEETING STREET. rp M. BRI8TOLL k CO f • 145 S1EET1NO BTREET. D. itrvrya, r.yv- it-wK, hull, r- s-j«k, ... *tv k WX7ILLUM SHiSFHEBD A CO., VV » Ha VUE H1UEJCT. JfcJTa. t-if«.jro. E dmonds t. blown, (oitatefirm r. V. Fuintliir.) *0 HAYNK HTKKKT. «IHWKUllM. g1KO. W. WILLIAMS & CO., VJT luni UAtNL KlIU-tT. H ENBY B1SOHOFF ACO., " Ui AUd ll» KAHX BAY. |k F. WIEl’EtiS, IJf let east bay. fcJ TLFFENS, WEKNKB ADUoKiiK, kj no h..t u.v, at, soa’L vJuainj teiigi \mr H. CUAF’EE A CO., VV • ' 06 And *07 £ABT BAY. \Mf AOENEii, MONSEES & CO., V V -Mb ia|{»»T ■ QgEEhKT. miiTi vioimii lilmm uirectob B OOK AND NtaWi* PAI EH JdTULMTTJd IMPCJt JttlLl.S, JAMB* ORMOND Pvopiiett .- MT Befure to tbia iheet a u -pooimeu oi News Paper. C /i ..i<>r KOCKERY GL^SVVARE..Jei'. C Ifflportm anil j ttei^ Cmterf, Btoiire Hotel a saj oon ; nxtVio»t. NO O'JODS ATHETAI Ia'" ' DECATUB STREET .............If rm^lfi ARRIAGES. BrK^^ES AND WAGONS. n Mitnufitu’ C drear ai<* Dealer tni/. ■:» CISIIIflSES III Mtfil‘5, SPIIIF UI |||l UK WHS GORMEE FRYUR AWD UNK BTREgiy, F LOOKS, WATCHES ANI) TEWElyRY. mm LineE Xbe Reliable Jewelry Htere, WHITEHALL. STREET. VZB WATCHES. 8TAHDABD GOLD «BAIH*. SIS, SADSH C4NKK. gOUD 81LYKE WABK. AMD I i.-maaLAitetjBTtrewT or mra ntwSSr URNITURE. PLTl T K CO.. LllEST HTTLKB UT UFEU Parlor Suite Chamber flu ts, Dlalmg- Rbom Suits, Office Fureiture, , a Kui Biters ef TM'"'- ■ 6 I RAIN, MEATS, FLOUR 1 ««">•**.< stkpucjtm k t'L. o.v; General Conmission Merchants tyoggyrH omizr. mam .he <mjphm* ROCERIBSI, j. c. * h. r. srrtr, Wholesale (I rooert*, umuua JA It CUMMIVaLK, D OWIE, MOI8E 4 DAVIS, Importer* mud Wholesale Druggists. kiJvLTlNO BT., corner RsBhL. C BART k CO., • 66, 67 and 68, MABEL L BTRBkT. JJAUL WELCH k CO., 716 EAST BAY. ^I)W1N Bates k CO . I MEE-lNG bTIlEET. CLQTUIJS 9. C^I JCA ‘ J ' l. Falk & co., - 9 ' 303 KING BTREET. rOHN G. MILNER k GO., 1 186 MKEfiau STREET. 4JOQH, UbMJYft JJS'U t'JVTOiiy. P " p. TOALE, Ftuitory-—Hoibeck’s • Wharf; baleruoui and Ufilce, 3u UAYkK oT. H..SU, UMeIJrUH JJTJt IM90HH. HAT,!, A riUkU - ntks, Ni itOSgON,' 6S lilt ll.y, 112 Atluitic Wharf. ft*-**” **tt VtMMff’Q. ltf4Nl'OOE4 00., Froprie.tif,of the ITS. Htohoh jL^^Vlor,, On ANP AFTER BUNDAY. 26TB INSTANT Outward Trains will tear* Atlanta A: JO, save Daltou.. 3:84, p. m. Arilve al Chattanooga 38, p. m Inward Train from New York Inara Chattanooga.... UI. a. m. Leave 8u«. a. m rrlve al Arfaata. 1:46. p. m. Outward toMew >ork. via EaoxvUl* or Nashville M*a Atlanta 10:<Xh p. m. rrlve at Dal too 806. a. m. Arrive at CfcsItMWCgl — t.Oo. a. m. Inwmd Train NawTork. via Dalton and cm. Leave Chattanooga 3:46, p. m. Leave Dali on - ~.J:6fi, p. m. Arrive at Atlanta. B:U, p. m. last Line to Mew York Leave Atlanta. — 6:00, p. m. Arrive at Dalton - ,.mfiA0, Fast Lina will put off and take on paseeugsr at Msrtotm. CartersviUe. Xlngatou and Dalton. Way naeeenget are reqneated not to get on this wiah to be Undid at above named M* b. WALKER. —*.i». Announcement. Du. B* MURPHY has retorned lo th* aity, and Win be ioond at his oAoa on Alabama stxee by pen- tote jamlp. *v, if aot, to rabait to o— wW ote„ nominee to the other ba A-.nT,7n , **"* h ** T * r *° *>• Mb to* which, tm th* ^ ** OCk 04 M “^°- *oor- m* boot* ptaUdrm. |ter ah* most, 0( be puiahed." note thiongh roohs that an B( the ahtogato well ever smde t KlTiLLiAM BHEPJiERH A GO., Tf 78 UaYNE hTREET. HKe 8 ? OA --- S UMMEY 4 NEWTON, Wholesale md R«ufli Dealers In Bardwan, Agricultural lmplemoute, ho. ( CHILDS, NICKERSON AGO., J Dtftem in iiardware, Iron, Nails, Mill mgs, Agrltiiiiuuei Imulemeati, Chicago Farm Furnpa, ho. A L. DORSEY, • Dealer lu Dry Goods, Groceries and as- eururti Merchandise, and Agent for he Justly cote- brated Bea Fowl Gnano. l^EUPREE B OPERA HOUSE, JLF Conipjote in ail its appoinUQ>-nu, leaUu, capacity 86U persons, apply to * LUCKY k VAN OR?. ANN A KEVE8, bate h Livery Stables. EWTON H0U8E. A. D. CLIN AUD, Froprlstor. H Commission MeruNonts. 1 OBHEB PBYOB *HP PEOaTgE KT»H1Z ARDWARE, OUTi,ERy, & c . TOJUJOvr, STEtf'j^KJ 4 mg, XfardMrgce Moi-ohaute. - OOB -KR DKtJVrQlt ifXqpBYQB»I gEgfW ulloTVf Implements machinery. *c. JfiJtHML r. JOiiJTSOtoT, DEALER IM Ipfeiltpl IniDlsieDts, lacllFry Obggi, Ousno, Seed., later* BStuuls.r D.OIV S-a 0PBB.I BOUSE BLOCK baBaiTA REEK p Airy^S. OJLS, LAMPS, GLASS, Eto. J, to * * V VI:: >8 nil ns s 08 South Pryor *1 rrwf.,, hunud P.mi OiU, K.urao.y r.r .WBJ.,1 Qb—. I—p. ind Vlxtor—, — th. ..ry l*e—1 id*. s ASH, BLINDS AND DOORS, j. ft p^cMf * ooobs,MQiiLBiiies. iueurs,:utiu. suss m m w Q mqr- ueaiVek, he., apply to JOHN D. FLUID. profeesional fflirrtiotj M 4LC0LM p. JPBNSTOP, IU* of OwirttoO /LttormeT tot la• TO, BO. It, hi. Y*;L aXL.ES. Bnlllmore, Makrylnad, UOU. wm. BOS null, aua »ui. a. naiton. Esq.. Augusta. Ga. Gen. A. h. Laeteo, Bavaanah. and Ooh L. M. Whittle. Mason, Ga. age It fifim AMfS G. BAUION, Attorney and i AMJ Oou .Dto. Georgia. Of louse Building, Decatur street «T *p«*tei attentten given to Coltectioaa. euru 1 dl>. . VV. r. LUMPKIN AtWovney to Law. Union INdut. 6a.. wRi give eqrt t auanUon to neto entrusted to his oar*. Refer* U) p. W. mayis-lf. J OHN V. REDLINO, AUorney at La*, vtlte. Ga., wlO give strict *CL utfoe to 32£^ , $5ro$20 —x.yo*ae — wd,—.te—. —twdnk te le thrlr .pal. thomant*. or HI tk* Urn*. Itea tt uy ala*. Faroe—a traa. Add— Q. Wlaaae TOVES, HOUSEFURNISHING GOODS* Bto. HVJtTJriCVTT »S BBLLUt OIU fifk pro. o m: . itittr i * a ruBBT, PLUMBERS, STE4M END 048 FirFEBS, OOPPitt Smith*, Sheet Iron Work, anil fin R-jodtia*.,. in Stove., Tin Ware, Urate*, Pain pa, Hoaa, Tin Plate, dhaat Copper, Shoal Irou, S>aa— Pipe. Queues Whistle. Fittiagi, eto., .tc.. eto. - lyzscrzoruitriw coNoufru »kw«b i>rs - II.J iiLi-j. -! '-O-jlL-— ' !' r a "i"ggj'jaij«BeBqy» BOOT, SffOE AND BAT SfORF- JUST OPENED AT 75 ' street. BARREiT, COKER A CO. W K Beg to annouao? to t*te a ttl*eue or Atlanta that we kev* -uMtned at the loo^lo af^vfi n*«*4 * ' clysiveijr 4 ' BOOT, SHOE A-ISTIO tXJLT VrrOF«.^J WB iiro.0— k—^os Stat oU.. no JDS. which aoHuU—II —— aarhawhaM-"atlll*. ••**»« •’* BARRETT, COK i- tt & IX). UOl LO, BARTON erco., .... COMMISSION MERCHANTS, DSALERMIM Flour, Grain and General Produce, NO. *1 ALABAMA 8TKBBT