The Atlanta daily sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1873, June 17, 1873, Image 1

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t The fjEjjliJB ALEXAM>BK H. STEPHENS, Proprietor HATBI or SUBSCRIPTION DAILY Half yearly I....:**. MantuirT.... • - ." X £i Kt. WEEKLY—Per annum, $3 addressed to » * VOL. 1^ ATLANTA, GA.. TUESDAY. JUNE 17, 1873. ■ - - 'I )■■ } i U~ Na»42. ,.. r . r u, |,,j weir •BR'PW, iV Yn, . job u tiuJ ma | >1 b . ^00.14 l TRAIN. DOW. HI um Attost, -• 8:11. a AT,ire M Annum. - Mp» w«wii«W»WW (t MTMlivM. — Ii»»« «:8D.m tjwwH ■laflf.rmMMT WAX'- «n,< L..TS, WsUtS., • • * UPli ' - A •)•* DOWN M.OON 4-A8HXNGBB TBilN. SSiS5te^3*aaW» AtMu Braaek Train. AUBt For the Booth Atlnntio tuid Golf State, eert of the Misniisippi, oloody 'Muttor,! hfcAifirekklrad Kght' t«. tm* •oatfWifyttt sAthtenturly wind*. From the Ohio Talley and Missouri to the up- aWMMBgrvsa *f l iSfp m 1,Wia y weather. lmtu ooim Point T.r\„. ^ . arrirw *bk££J2£Ba«MuorjQwraw. .11:11, . 4:1ft . m Arrivt ITT NIGHTLY. Leavei Union Point Arnvea at Atoenu... DOW® SIGHTLY. Leave! Athens .. 8:00 pm . »,- Arrlvss .1 Union Pom*'—xCTVr-WO-jj.tfhl'S ijijl suihWBorys« "Voaii.j Arrivm lini, JK!w IdlPi'M 4:10 p WE8TBKN A ATLANTIC K .AILKOAO UP NIGHT Leave! Atlanta.. Reaches Dalton...... Arnvea at DOWN Leave! Chattanoog*aAL*AU-JUt - « AdM^l^gl Arrive! vt Atlanta...... sr;...... z..*\ UP DAT PAS8ENGEB TRAIN. Leave! Atlanta. 8:30 Put 1 Leave! Atlaut| Arrive! a Ltivai _ >m!!W***=r*«**'.**f*l‘ Arnvea at Atlanta... BBRaATS ATLANTA St MlMST POINT RAILROAD. D»Y TABSENQEB TRAIN. Mth Leave! Atlanta w WW - *m* «w Arrive* at Weal Point. .•#. 1..!>.. Leavea W^HE^DV m Arrive! at Atlanta NUjHT PARSE 1 Leave! WHaWiTj Arrive! M^i Leave! Waat Point.. “...TT.T.'.. 1:00 Arrive! at Atlanta. «:#tya CBITRAL HllLHOtD-AUlkl. jrfl*.‘ . UP DAT PABSENQEB, Lostm Mho, -*4-w.l*Ae> Arnvea at Atlanta. l:Mpm DOWN 1/AM PAHHKMtihJL. 1 oaves Al Armea at UP NIGHT PilM^r B111 I ab *•* i?jy««aiErmK:=:=:: , !8fS4 DOWN NIGHT PA8SEN »EK Leavea All. nta 8 80 p Arnvea at Alacou jf m Connecting with the Upeon County Railroad, the traina run on that road ae follow!: # .g% > £ t Leave Barueaville l:<k>p Arrive at Thomulou 3:30 Leave Thi Arrive at Connecting with the Savannah, Grifflo k North Aia- l am a Railroad, the utena ruaneu teat roaS as ftil~ lNM8Blal|T »■ * f* 4. -* » Hi f l » Leave t.riffln 1:08p Ita Arrive at Whiteeburg (preeent termlnuej.. 8:86 p m Leave Whiteaourg 8:00 a m Arilve at Griffin 10:27^.iji Moaee Morrison.— Io Bankruptcy^ . This la to give notice, once a wire for terse weeks, that 11 Mosea who hi _ petition by the District Court for sold Dl.trlct. June 3d, 1M73. .GAOvJlia Alim< ' <’* a DA’ June3-jUwlw . theru DUtrtct « Wild Thi! i! to week!, tha* i in oatate of Will “““'il#* Rates of _Aflvertlslng. •UIXinrUM*, to rE ftftAPHIC. 'Mmxmiam. KITOW- WlMB jrWTKH. | < SHifran, Jkfifi ]S-«r*tntytafi4 MUt) maMMPVhV.Jkgma twelve yesterday Wte.-ifc, 0 " nnmbur of ohol- 1 inoreaiing, but tbe die WWpifielda more readily to treatment then ^ lti*-pn*b «<B /. WOHUKH ON, N. 0 , Jose 15.—A fire wj« dlaoovered at 9 P. u. in the whole sale grocery house of Williams A Mur chison. Ae almost tottl^wyqt ftpek-fbg fire ana water. The building was only par- tUIr>d|Wti^wA. tMuok and bn tiding lolly insurer. Two other small fires on blook to-day, but both were ex- , ttogrtMtod-wilb Viking loss. iMadjMiili via London 15. —Tbe Itwo^urustbar hoe signed toe treaty tk Great Britain for the aappressiou of the slave trade, whie i wee negotiated by Bir Bartle Freer. -vTWplondimem ddf, or 8pViogfiota, ay, and Taylor was then went home aud shot gun, returned to house and killed him. Taylor > again ard shot himself, in flicting a wouud from wbioh he soon died. New 0bleaks, June 16,-^Tbe-Jibel I Ijpa^in, ^va^tbe' Pim/Me u pro ng; six white and snd six oolored f jphyysurt erowded. iAdelphia, Jane 16.—Two bathers int4eBrandy win imaged 18, drowns-1. —The nommission to examine Smith, the West field murderer, reports him sane. He har^nt^th.. defeated tbe O.rl- London, Jane 16.—The Shah of sis wilt srrtvo here on Wednesday next 3N, Jan* 16.—Hon. Moses Bate*, hunt member of the r party, radio*abut*yeara the of ila Oerrtml Oomaattee, died in East Bridgewater. |Wsw«M*oa, Jons 16.-The Star ssyS yUl b» made in twenty Ban Fbahouoo, Jon* ,16.—James Old dUL who stabbed Ms victim sight in th* presen’ is of Ms wifo. . TfififW.—Flwarttrenty a please re party le two boats collided ware drowned. The oth. era were taken from the water uncon■' bet were rastorad. 'aaatgteasaS tstf. whi Carolina, has been served " by t tb a x: day hi imam Dunn JDMMgsrrsy near Vittoria. fOTTJr tbe inanrgeuts were wounded, -even hundred Julo 16 —A special from Paris to tbe Indepondenoe Bulge says M. Buele, Minister of tbe Interior, has re- . sigqed pod Gpnlard is.his HdoOnser-' 11 ^ Ba^Kcmco^jAb 6 15.—Tbe Bulle- bliftaefi reports from Biztj>aiae in terior towns of tbe State respecting grain crops. The prospects are very euoour- *“ r‘ Jt “ 8u ild it promisml. The eoope of coun- lay,covered by the reports oowpnse tbe whole grai^gro wing notions of the Statu. Havisuta, Tax., Jane 15.—A fir- swept Washington Avenue from Brjseig to thp post,(lice. Leas, 1200,006. Ju- satauoe 675,000 -It is believed to ’thr Newibebu, La., June 1(5.— Sanet, a Vlex Suuer, tie oolored 1^.7 • were brutally mur- i in tbeir store, live miles from tbia pijpe, »Bit uigbt, by three negroes, and Iaa (tor* robbed and burned. A number 9f aittaenfl have gone in pursaik New York, June 1G.—A five mouths I N the DiSTRior cocut of in* Umtcd Ht!te«-« LaSahbed hi*, wgfo fiveHim- a aud (ieuili en- Nurtbe.ift DUUict of G^orgio-In tSe nutter 'of gU ed in five miuntns. juues-diawg ^auii jmmtfi inw mmifuim* tuif &nn i* tontti8to< k for throw weeki. i lckord J. Moaoly, of Morgou oounty, tu utld dls> -HHWKaBfe® kUdi!ioH, Oa., May !0,18T8. jaldUwSH rN THE DISaRlCT COURT of the United SUte!- Northern Llurtct 01 G®or«l»—lu Ui! wattor of CitiriM H. Doraett, of Gordon county, who baa bv«u adjudged Uaukmpt upon bla own peUUon, by tb* Duirtot Court lor tain dUtrlcL May 4PhI#?1. JvMaeH MooOVtmLlJt Aiatgu •. jaUbalt J^N T11E D.STRI0T COURT of tha United Stall Jean Tb that A disreputable periton killed instantly laoenng mm >• * free fight -, SfiiiW 16.—Tbe bridge over Bolling Fork is washed awuy. Trnins henoe from Louisville will be de layed two days. Naw Yuiik, Juno 16. —Tbe reported seizure in .Broi'kljUAyestvrdsy pi .four- tera stills wi*hg25,00o gallons of msah find inher tirticies nrrtbe mi uufseturs of tlHoit WhWkf,’ proves not to have been al Ggeiher outfuet. The revenue men thought theyoonld manage the affair Without tbe aid of the polios and made the Minors; bnt tbo mob pelted them with a too**, mod the illicit whisky(d;sti;iei * cooly procured e enrt snd drove off tri- uuiphsutty whfi Hie stills tud other prop- worth preterviug. Meanwhile oue . =aifts&.t hu t.!wi» siale^. then ooufioed in the abandoned distillery, be rescued. /. HlW'Yon$, -JUuto 16. -The Sun cays th'ttonr other persons, in addition to Bacon whose death has already been re ported from yellow fever, were attacked Ida the' ateamvt Yazoo, . en route from Havana to Philadelphia and this port, and that two of them died and were WHIM- ui JO!»pu king—1U muiruyicy. JiMepk Hag, of OhMi^d doanty, la Mid Dn’.ri< I« JlIJiH^ajfjr rtn;&T of tbo^ Uuiu^Buu^.^ Suknptey H|BtoBwaottMO.Mi«Mk furlhruo weak*, iv mga Bmb appoteted AMlgaM Audiawg. Oovii a Oovtagyia, of ClwtokM county. 1 •a mail* teal • DlMrtot Court t M&krapt upon hi! own p "POT-*"- kaviM sentenoe. ashtzllb, Jane 16.—Thirty-two fn ienta from ohblefs ‘ hive been re ed sine* Hsturdsy. A huge n*r aentsgw of those nttaaked have reoovered. Tne deaths are nearly sllnolorsA people. Naw-Voniii- June 16.—The vestry o{ Trinity Otiufeh vn -robbed b- last night of eeverel hooka The poor boxee were cm|t**d/ “ * 1 ‘ " >bi s dfttfeffigff. 11 Twoor me alaKl. [ on his wife weift oom letely tbrongb r heart, aud another through be* liver, lien was sent tb the Tombs by thi O t T >n ftaulo VV '' * '“‘•AUWI”- i xjrrHis, Juju 16 —The weather to ds/ has been very unfavorable tot the irovement of tbe health at the city, ifig tU night tfre mercury fell 12 de- s, end to-day it was rainy and hot. ere w/sre /19 ihtarmaata to-day, of _ ich -16 died of eholers sod oholers in- fsmfim.' The” UJty O ionci' this after- noOu pasttd an ordinanoe bstablisking a board of health. Bai^AST, Mja, June 16.—At daybreak this morning Almood Gordon, a farmer, living near Tuorndyke Btation, and his ie snd bis yonagest daughter, Were ijly inurderedlu one bed, and bielittle D bit year* old, who slept in a crib in d same room, was fearfullv woooded, and lhe house sst on fir*. All the bodies Were feerjbiyv mutilated. A bloody are, h which the slangbier was done, wss nd near st band. A younger brother of (bu murdered men is now under er* I, charged with the orirne. Tbe ak d oeuse of the Moody work wss i sttttxsai some property. These* -a man appears perfeoily calm and ifests no MXiety. BSmllton‘1 Baohs'agt pwvr.eKi l,|auts the phoe of »liother diuretic Hmwlfei. TnemtniMio U of tlio preparation lua gained for 1U doaerva lablio. Any phyelclvn can tall you that tbe In iauta In tbla preparation form a valuable altoia- and blood purifier, rMbdtlog tiiruugb tbe Malty action of tbo kldneya, liver and boweie the UK'S'ilSsSl Tha malarial polios la tha bihod, which iua an* chela aud ' ■vwarad aat bj tha rplila, Traa at cluwva. ; WUnodp la warrautas to atrychoiDa, and la alao warranlad laoanaaua it la- traiadlraaiad. No rlah MkaeUh oapaaseoaula *0 tufa, no pa,. Sal lha raawdr W t4aftn|S* rsAsssiirsn auxinl Aq«j»g,_. dlings 18c; iptaldtbMcKI Mshfbm, June 16.—Cotton firm; tog middlings 17 io; reoeipts 755 boles; ship-, meats 2,262; Mock 20,97t).* ~ a Bavafnah, June tfl.—Cotfon fugond demand for export;’ mMdlfngs 18); net v.oeipts 427; exports ooratwise 3,207; sales 472; slook 14,864. Modilb, Juno 10.-^Cotton #rm; mM "••IViiHetre SontlBeni 3,100; ' steady. ; stock 17,728. New Yoke. Jons’ 16.- Money closed e^sy st 3. Sterling 9a?)s9), Gold 15f» 15). Governmenla dull and' Bute bonds very quiet. C Cincinnati, June 16.—Floor dnll snd ever et66 75s$7 24. Corn dull 40s*l 00. otk quiet end steady 616 nti, held et 616 56. Lard qalet, weld steam 8); ket tle 8). Bacon firm; shoulders 7); clear ribsidesO), with jobbing sales; slesr aides held at 9]a9). Whisky steady, 80. Is uisvillo, Jane 17.—Flow dnll; ex tra family 65 20. Oorn steady. Pro- visions, demand light; holdenflm; beoon, snonlders 7|; sides 8f w Whisky 80(0)90. Livebmol, Jong 18.—Oott steady; sales of American 7,40 June delivery 9 1-16. — St. Louis, Jwo* 16.—9U«r uuehenged. Oorn eegier; No., 38a39 on track; 89 In elevator, ' Pork tin ged at 16 75al7. Baoon In fair de mand and no disposition to make oopoew- ■tons; shoulders 7s7i;ele« rib sides 9); leer sides 9). Lard dnll snd nnehanged; ufsotniing 7)a7|. Whisky fitend.v New Yobx. Jdne l6.—The week oiens on a quiet market at the etook exoh Gold sold first et 16); et 16) since et 16)al6); pcexrai. prioe.J 16). ‘Money extremely easy et 8: Prime 60 to 90 dev mesfibestal 6)*7. Govern meat bonds needy bnt in-' active. Southern State bbOds, at th first Board, Vera 6*ll, the only sale hav ing but. one thousand dolisrs new Twq- neeaess at 79). The talc about rwpndis- Uon intome Southern BUtanixdixoonr- iging dealings in Bontbern securities of every klndj The seech market Spaaed stead j. Telegraph, 8L Paul and 0{)i^ Snjirt, IfX. Jane 1A—Almon Go«-l<teeUoed m fraction after op' ' w*«r- '(tin don, his wife snd child, were fouid dered in tbeir beds, st Thorndike, New Yobe, Juue 16.—The trial of Vio- ‘YJ lotM WbodbWl -nfi Tekwia 0. CtalCn.fuf libelliug Luther C. Chains, was to have begun to-day, but has been adjourned till 4aJL- Aha!W ><'' V*> M!iy tall , Yesterday Bir Bartta Free re reports nirtfifrty I' ty thousand persons are am lily exported Iron eoid into James Curtin, flit AuuJ^Ajf Jos- g, qnarrrUed with bis wife, j and idiotio brother of the latter interfered aud struck Ourun with uu ax, killing him. Ni I |U, 187a. Lf)uw intoeforc. >4 «*JIPAIA JWf/WE f au vn. tkxhoirr5*8 ttokiiteA '' JiW Kim IS&E&Br&SSi SK-ttMf *«* * WSt£& ?ewa»virtisbxmts ! — J—, ini1 ^ iiumiiii mm SSfSSSSS oiufliri hi. rant < t si ,f VI ■!.. s’Wrtftili lees uih. ism. *»rtf«s’hstat,rtrtffH. Wh. mikhr'Vbtai a* sssuoaii. AM rush me. ima. i win «n m eatan**. taa asie <nr of ansa, msuma. m me S5“ °“^ * ?UrtT ' ,h * w i MlktOa Brntemaua sa-« DaUsha U ssaairaMs svasr ska i* Uw r-ivr.rvi 10 • w r Ila low hast him at aopsMssNn aha ''iSS3. o si , ir2JsX'Ar h rtft Jaalons lihM, b»t throw thsir : i will pnvsll, sua so will this assdtoisa. , ; ! 'MswsSl.faplJi~ ' 1 lH »■' J *» 1 j KStWaiAata. •nt Icsoararr. I want, ouSat iwnmud great iwudlk] Wnort8f!gk) BtfMMiikgMtaladl*. Wig ittf tb!ir paliui Tb! [•oa^M^ie B^imbhi!>rtw!l§« SSMffMSS^£g& MATUEE'B REMEDY. . ■Ollrlnil virtuM of Uiu xooU. W*uul arm) RlUrutlva proportlea for the our* of «cro/u- uioerv, tuincra, mercurial and ayphalitlo affeo- ' "*"*o dJM!!*B, rheumatism, and a'l urnUdiM _ from a depraved blood. It li fraa from •UiVielimt mbMrslie, CAUTION 1 burg. Pa, and tbeir private U. 8 etamu. Taka 00 other. The market Ie lull of liuiUtioui. It la tbe popular verdict that pet pie who have arty art appaa tl'hu thirty 4sjrs ffom Jst,' hsrsof. sq4stir, boa* AS xsqnlrsd by Isw. ofherwlss ths’ssms win bs sold, sue lbs asl proftssds csposltsd 4o tbs ersCh of tb* Ssorsnry sftbsTtssssi*. si odi *: i ' i O.I,.:.: T j. 4. *w«>we. ,1 S pi, sd.tMiiBh. N. R. FOWLR, Auot’r. ’ uiPMMJtt rjrfWMMrMM*/ v “Til 1C GREAT VRKMIWN." Who la He mmd Wbev* Pom Live l * rt ft has recently died inteatale. leaving a Isrgs ee- wltb nephewa and nieees her only diatrlbatMO. of t|!M nephswa. whose urttkmM WOfli^ p owmisii, to*. It is ssl*. soaswbws sh ta* Eds hi bhihts* oen Chattanooga and AugnsU—believed to be between Atlanta and Chattanooga. His Christian Mas M not known. • If this BoUen ahonld raaoh him, and he wilt oob- fir Immediately wuh the BBdemtyBed, an wld be pul in poeeroetou of information of great import* Moeto £ STEPHENS, Jel4-fmwli Attorney »t Lew, Atooi^Qa. COLLECTOR'S OFFICE, 4TH BIST. WflRGIl. ATLANTA. June 14th, 1873. Notice ie hereby given that tha following aalsurt baa been made by mi for vlohUou of Motion 14* Act July 13th, 1088, and aaatien 48, Aot June 80th, , to-wit I piopertyof i ifred Elrod, of PM Any person or persona claiming any of aald arty are required to appear aud make apoh claim wlibm thirty daya from data hereof, aud give bond aa rtqulml by !»w; oihorelaa theaami- will be told nod tnanetproeeuda depostud Ie tha and it of tha StiriUry of tho Treat cry. J. A. HOLTBOLAW. JnnUwSt OoNaotor. Grand Summer Resort 1! city Lite, eon avail thetueelves of i plaaaoresoi 4 rure out nt oousTBOBFAi kra-B*. Where ample preparation# have been made lag ie enjoy nea of no paMn M 22$ Feet ii Lnitt, n M Vflf With Splendid Odor and aU outer arraugemei for -omfort ard pleoSBrA to ha used fcg loOdi and festive purpoaeA Alar, tiful Xnka, With bn amusement of gMa. Tha ’ (Ml robbers. Tbe traina river, falling in on top CSTiit iwnei.1 *. re. .ox aMyiM*J»eW«Wd. v’ou ro! t -tj.dl Now Xonx, >WM 16. —4M«oO qnfet snd nominniieulst 677; middlings .296; nut reoeipts 478; gross 4,060; sales of uxport to-day 20LtttoUUd*J uvunlng 182) Sales to-day bar lUtarw dskvsry wevw 22,100 batesTas Wltfwv; Jtrtre 20 t-M; July. 20)«90); August. 2D).20f; BeptemiMT, 19 1-16.19 6-16;Oo»06*», 18tl8)ul§M6; Novrasker. 18 8-l6;Dee#mb*r, 181-32. Hkw YoEk, June 16.—Fionx Anil and deultniug; ewuuuson to fair e*U»« 80s 7 80; good to uboics 7 85 til. Wbiaky steady. Wkswt sXaodywud in loir export deaud: wIMe* red Western 66. Com dnll sod kUAVy; yellow 65. Fork firm) new 16 Lara week at 8)s9). Nsvsls MtipraMM*. Tsilow wusk st8|. Obarlesiton, Jane 18, mifiiiMWiWfiuW;—t ogMp Mqtoili iq vu. and] gg| umnM COLLEGTII'S IFFIK. 4TN BIST. SEflttfifl. , ” ATLANTA, Jans lftth, 1STS. « Lis aat " U::lJ ITp S 1 gltottss Is bvoby (Ivsssnst ,t»s fsllwvtac ssftsass saffjL^tapanra: TwwPaohagia, ontoatabM »boht Wtoa^y, taUapKipartyof |f of aatd prop. One Wagtm and Two 1 flf^r-nino gaUnna Core 1 BUaa Aired, of Tipkana ct nt<n Jr«il t HOUSE & LOTI On Rlllffi aitreet. oun!>i>iq*t e'oi mUj^nnuh r.nloi b it ift* on the preinlssa, THIS ArTKRNOOM, oom* ,,| „ wettologat 6 o’clock. «IH property i. located on the south aide of 1 ntlia btre«t, adjotaiaa B. M. Berry*e resideu4e, SO* tbs tot treats M IssL Mta<utaw tart Seo. T*. atybrt, loea.ion, ■arroupduigi and qelghborhood are all pieman tu. tha pripaatyi bnUgpt ila anonfanat at, and Wo have porttlve instructions to sail. Go 1 ebaminathe premia*#) and b4 p*ephred to buy this lot. A bargain la on band for aome ona. Wa roaonnee the tltiee dear and uneuoumbaiad. TERHH-Hau cash) halenoa iu.4hreo.4t and nine heaths, with tan pe^oenL iyer—tj^erannuni. Real Oatate AgJuii 17 It NMWlf >1 IWUllUM dollar poraqturv often Unas of Nonpareil for tha fiyte Insertion, and fifty oapUiptr fqnnrefor aaoh | annoaquent ona. ttbswl dsdboUoas «U Iwsssds tab «*MMtoS- Manta running longer than ona wnak. 8 Bowll ^Jg^ | NWQ UI ' ootloas winTa^ta. Notices for fire oompnnlaa half tha ttanal ratea V*M roil TUI! WEBXLT. GROCERIES.’ 1 ' New Grocery. Store, - n u , t..W j4»y0 nfnT.aihtt WA. e*a< t /* tosn( a* tiareill n**dr*nei MMNHiaf ty.- T PASKS and ALLAN. TbefirartAs-taVraMlKM ii/Mmi "• W.StBlbsMtolBMl t4sHto,4ssfsikedtsr' ,/ Family ,.'j . *MsUwtUb.»N*ss tow ss bjevrtwtosts* MMHWr.. A. R ?«st ir lwl ** >l TStafsk Itafitranw iflwxrwrsnailKvnperm, HtanaKtakaa, rthwsta uo-nil tas V | lOT ” ' teytteM Untdfex * ed - fA otiJ lo %aoiJ4'ylaiM| oiai ^riv aoh]uultubia‘l itaViki|kwTe. .„ wolcdino nowx. no Loog i <:ia- n „ MAOMmtW- WAB0*6taV l)’-! ju ’ li nine Mn'i‘11 II *lssiis sir bbownw oumn) pmm<w. /.,de» blanutw ^S7nv tanj* gfoni bsfbwpMtototogatywwbMit I 1 *‘‘I r »df VHS- vi’t— -' **4»CT«yLWL. Tarrant’s Belfzer Aperient. A remedy for nuarv ailamml . . ) \>«a • 'mu (Ter which the Bilious make bawi llqieut; . A aantive. tbeagu aatkh i8ntei, TT i L A tonie, nervine and correr.ttve; An sbbdjrfi! and aedorl fie, 1 “ '' 1 " » A wonderml 8Ai4Mn bmweo-, - * it , a Hmbodylog avary rare Ingredient That Mother Nature deemed expedient, With kindly lib mat hand tuffg Into tha temona Hattsar Hpringl Tarrant's JtrraNvaaoagT Hkltznr Arnuuir. HOLD Bk ALL DR^OGUTHw Jonl7 Hampton W. Collier—in bankrupt^. This ie to give notice, once a week for three weeks, that Daevs bees appointed assignee Of f mute of Ham t it W. Collier, of Cbarueo coun In said Olatriot, who has been adjudged a henkrt upon hts orvn petltton bv tho PUtrtot Court for at District. Juue 14th. 1873. Hs.pttHT* b. MaDANIML, AnatgRaa. CwrterevtUe, On. ' >uu it. leanheax—4u bnakrapiap. This la to jdve notioe. ouoe a weak for three Save boon appointed AfaUpM aflha * , “* CTr **“ *•** ®eT‘ ba "NS4to.«tarw.«.iM M 4rt4fts . .. . ■ '’"•’-iztJttsrszrud a One wagon and four a pMkagee f eontaialng about — '‘■■6^ “ 4 '*” k" 1 U< “ Mists of svss D. IssBltoai,' of tam. 'MW. In Oa. ated Diarrtct. wuo baa bean adjadgad a kaofihm * ow, *" nC OOTEIO. GEO. E. WARDAOO-.’S Southern Y*sg)r»A>«|e.44m>ntlrt.. ,