The Atlanta daily sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1873, June 21, 1873, Image 2

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TKE DAILY SUN. ALIX1IDCR U. ETBPHCKi,) 1 *“ III AH. II. C. WILl.INUIMn, J ATLANTA. Oh.OKOIA : Halulii HaralM, Jut *1. li»3. CAPT. O. J. rOHIACRE. We base reforre i to tliia gentleman frequently in the ooluinna of tln» paper u one of the rising railroad ttfen in tLe South. We bow refer to him again, not merely to bedauo him with lueaninglesH flattery, bat aimply to rndfo a few state ments in regard to hiaJbat ought to be made known ae an aot^f jaetioe to a man who baa performed J nterad that when be Uontgcmery A Went r known aa the Western Superintendent, a t wee in a moat da- condition; that it hie indomitable energy, never- peraereranee and floeadmiuia- traUve ability, that it waa. in the oonrse of hia oonneelion with |t, made one of the beat running roada in the Heath, and that be left it on the diet of Uarch laet in a highly pioaperoua condition, to baoome the Superintendent of the Me eon k Western Railroad, on the the lat of April. When Captain Foreaore left the West ern Railroad, anch had been hia uniform kindnaas to all the employees of the same, ooupled with hia splendid management of it, that a presentation of a fine gold wateh and ohain, worth 1726, was made to him by the liberal contributions ol all oenneoted with the road, from the higbeat in position to the humblest in its employ, white and blaok. After the watch presentatiou had bten made, whiob is a magnifloent time-piece, it was found that there was a surplus of the funds left. What to do with it wss the question, which wee decided without mnoh delay, and it waa determined that the remaining funds ahould be expended in oomplimont to the wife of Oapt Fore sore. This ooaaiata of a splendid ice pitcher, of solid silver, together with a large, handsome aad unique salver and two silver goblets, gold lined; also, a handsome finger-bowl and receiver. This whole set is of solid silver and of the latest style of silver-ware. This pitcher has the name, “Mrs. Delia H. Foreaore,” tastefully engraven upon it in Oerman text, and the initial “F.” is engraven upon the other pieees in the same char aoter of letter. This elegant present to Mr*. Foreaore reached Atlanta on Thursday morning, in the special oharge of Mr. H. W. Crit tenden, of the Western Railroad, who safely delivered it at her home; and it would be diffloult to say who wss most pleased on the oooasion, the reoipieut of the present, or he who wss obarged with its delivery. These testimonials to Oapt. Foreaoro are the spontaneous sentiments of all those under him in the employ of the mad. They were unexpected by him, and are the free-will offerings of a class of men who know where to plaoe their oonfldenoe, and how to appreciate that confldenoe when so entirely reoiprooal ae in this case. And while Oapt. F. may not expreae hie gratitude to hir old fiiends in sentences ol beautiful diction and rhatorioal finish, he feelt more than these can express the overflowing of s generous end grateful heart. SOUTHERN AVTHOUe. We are always glad to note the success of,and give shat enoouragement we oan, to able and meritorious Southern au thors; and now take special pleasure in slating to the publio that we have in tbit eity a gentleman of extraordinary genius end power as a writer of fiction—though hitherto unheralded and unknown as such to any except a very few intimate per tonal friends. Many thousands of readers in the United States have been entranced by penning hi* thrilling productions They an very popular and many of them are sold in this and other Southern cities, the charmed readers of whiob never dreamed that the gifted author waa a native Georgian, raiding In this city, whom modesty in tuoh that hia real name ia eonooaled behind a worn deplume upon the title page of his books. We allude to Survey K. Shackleford, E'q., and trust ha will excuse ua tor naming him, which we have done with out hia knowledge, in the hope or secur ing to him a small share of that public appreciation to which be ia justly enti tled. We prediot for him a brilliant oareer in that vocation, for which be ia eo highly endowed. Mmu>.~A Kentucky paper baa dia- covartd anothsr of those fearful family complications aad tells the story thus: “John W. Daniels married the daughter of Mrs Sarah B. Bravard; afterwards S. B. Daniels, the father of John, married the old lady, an^ still later James W. Daniels, the nephew of John, married a lister to John’s wife. It is very assy to set that John is ace and aon-in-law ol B. 8. Daniels, and abet Jamas W. ia grand-scc and eon-in-law el the old man end hfother-ia-lew and nephew of John, kc., and John now deaira to know, through the ooinmm of the local newspa per, whet relation the children of them three seta of parents are to each other." . THE NON UK HEAVEN. It seems that the Missile of Japan i* not the only Oriental potentate 4ho ban forsaken the ancient seclusion of his au gust rank. The Emperor of China baa actually shown himself,-to the vulgar world outaide of the Dragon Palace. He lately paid to the toiqf/s of hie ancestors is exacted of every perial throne. On the palace, be asked a were. The streets, , were as deserted as an Lady Godiva the anunal visit occupant of the ooming forth where all acce rdiug to those of C/venlry took tbo strips when told that no comm borsenack exercise; even and doors were sealed with paper. The Hon of Heaven, eye was per- all the mittedAo look upon the fofp> of the Em- to whiob be has perorot Chins, replied, ruths, irrever ently, that he old not see vi\j the peo ple should uot see him. Accordingly, when be returned from the ancestral tombs, after several days’ absenoe, the imperial show was witnessed by all who ohose to look. An Eu ;lish correspond ent of a Shanghai journal, who stood in lina most loyally seven hoars to gaze upon the person of “the Solitary Man,” des cribes the Emperor as looking sbmit forty ysars of eg,, rather than nineteen, aa he is reputed to be. He had a dissipated look, long, pointed face, with a worn ex pression. Tue Empress Dowager, and Empress Mothei accompanied him, each borne in chairs on men’s shoulders. The pr xiesrion was a mob cf officials and spearmen, aud was concluded with eigh- teen carts oovered with yellow cloth con taining the Imperial concubines. The exhibition, though significant, was dis appointing to the foreign speotatois. Tux Last Touaooo Chop op Missouui.— The greet tobacco fair whiob waa held in 8L Louis last week,says the Fulton Preae, develop eomo facts which show how eerily even experienced men may be deceived when making np general estimates. It waa generally supposed that the tobacco crop raised last year in that State was uot oalv tbs largest iu quantity, but the finest in texture ever cured in Missouri. But the exposition showed that the crop is not nearly so g„od as it has been in previous years, the finest grades being very scarce, aud falling far below the standard upon which the average value of the orop waa based. There is always a vast preponderance of corns3 over fine tobacco, but this year the proportion is considerably increased, while the veiy best falls short iu quality of that formerly raised Tux Soutuiun Claims Commission.— The New York Sun thinks that the do ings of the Southern Claims Commission will bear investigation. A number of Georgia negroes a.e said to have put iu olaims for cabins, oalliug them residences, worth three thousand dollars apiece. the fact that under the laws of Georgia, before the war, a negro could not hold property, theae claimants are now asking Undo Sam to reimburse them for their aabins, sets of marble-top furniture, mule*, osttle, to., one oouuty alone presenting claims of this character amounting to a milliou and a hall dol lan. GROCEttIKH New Grocery Store BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF OTHER CIT1E>. ACUDaTA, UA JOUM It. PARKS. TUOMPVOS ALLAN 49* The St. Louis Times thinks that the lesolutions adopted at the “combi nation” meeting in New Orleans, on Tuesday last, are of a somewhat extra ordinary nature, and will attract general attention. In accepting the situation on such a basis, says that paper, the people of Louir.aoa oonid not have demonstra ted with more terrible force the humilia tion to whiob they have been subjected, 49* The editor of the Golden Age says that, on attending old Trinity Episcopal Church, New York, be found the congre gation made up of what the 1 rayerBook styles “all ranks, olassea aud conditions of men"—the rich and poor, white ana blaok, native and foreign, high aud low, all intermingled iu Christian equality in that grand aud oostly temple. 40'Ooean freights on grain have been advancing at New York for some time, aud have at last reached thirteen pence sterling per tioahel to Liverpool. This is equal to ttieuty-six cents in geld, American money. The reason for this advance Is the iutufficient supply of ves- tela Cornelius 8. Brady, third officer of the ill-fated Atlantia, was presented with a purse of sovqaeigns by the pas seogert on board of the Ueltio, on the passage of the latffcr from this port to Liverpool, iu hqhor of bis beroio aotion in rescuing payengcre of the Atlantio. Miss Ros^Poe, Bister of Edgar Al lan l’oe, is old, feeble and in destitute circunntances at Norfolk, Vu. PARKS and ALLAN 47Peaclitree Street. W E announce to ojr and the. public generally that we nave ,n*t npeued, at tbe old •tan4 of UcPberMcu A Bami*.U, Penchtroe Hi res* i, a Grocery JCatablUbwout. Wa a hall keen ou band at all times a fall Stock of Family Grocery Supplies, Which will b« aol j a« low as by any other houaa of the aame kind In the city. PARKS & Allan. GOTO GEO. E. WARD & CO.’S TO BUY YOUIt CLOTIJLING! They hire opened a aplendld Stock of Olotliingf GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS! In London Store, Marietta Street. mjm>. BOB WHITE ! Bob White Bob White,! Bob White! Bob While!, Hob White! Smoking Tobacco! Manulaotured by GEO. r. EJtJTGHORJTE * to., ForjKIchness.snd.Furity lljlias no lllval. Haring received GOLD and SILVER MEDALS, and DIPLOMA8, ho., at the State Fairs of Virginia, Louisiana and Texas. FOR SALE W. L. HUBBARD * 00. R. F. MADDOX, MEADOR BR0.’8, BOROUGHS * WING, BEHBMAN * KCUBT, B. L. DAMN, And Tobacoo Dealers over the United Htatea 286 BROAD STREET. 274 BROAD STREET. bbc*a, Hata, Caps aud Clothing. 3 MTERA. C ENTRAL HOI Elf, Mas. TUOMAB. Proprietress. € i KEENE k IiOSaiGNOL, V* Successors to Wm. H. Tntt, Importers and Dealers in Drags, Chemicals, Essential Oils, Corkf Sponges, and Druggists' Sundries. 204 BROAD STREET. A MENDLE80N, • Rectifier and Wholesale Liquor Dealer. 295 BROAD STREET. J. O. MASWEWQAI.E. Travelling Agent CIIAHLESTON, S. C. B ank of charleston, (N. Bk’g Association,) 12 Broad Street. Wm. B. BURDEN, ~ * Caabier. tiiT Capital, IftMi.iMiO. nmv GooiJH. E dwin bates & co., 124 MEETING STREET. W. MARSHALL & CO., J«3 MEETING 8 r REKT. OflNSTON, CKEWtt Ar'CO., 41 HAYNK ST8KET. H HAHt* HTAHK. ART k CO. , 39 HAYNE STREET. hoots uuraa suoats. GETTYSBURG KATALYSfliE WATER. ^HK United States Dtspeui known :n Its self preserving properties. It does not dsterioraU tv bottling and keeping. It bas never been claimed fo.* any other mineral water tbe power to dissolve tbe nrates, or ao called chalk formations In the body or sn tbe iln.ts and Joints. This the Gettysburg Katalysiue Water has done iu hundreds of Instances. Gout, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Dya- papsla, Gravel, Diabetes, Kidney and Ji nary Dls- - jjg i n fl uen ^. > paralytic, cure*. ... _ liny action Torpid Liver. It baa cured Chronic Dlar Piles, Constipation, Aathms, Catarrh, Diseases of tbe Skin. General Debility and Nervous P.ostra- tion from mental and physical excesses. All these by the Bottled Water. It la a powerful antidote for reports from eminent pnvslclaua and mtdical writers, marvelous aud weluattested cures, aud tee. tlmoulale from distinguished citizens, will be fur* ulsbod and sent by mail ou application to WHITNEY BRO.’S, General agents, 227 Houtn Frout at., Philsielpbia. Gettysburg Springs Co. For Sale by HEARD,CRAIG A OO..and druggists generally. spilt*. UKOKUIA—Fulton County: 7b the Superior Court qf mid County; T UX PETITION of Logan X. DlncW.j, John Col- litr. C. Peeples, Robert Baugh. N. J. Ham mond, William Ezcard, B. H. Thrasher, T. 8. Far. row, P. L. Mynatt, Reuben Arnold, Jesse M. Gose, George HUlyer, R. H. Clarke, Johu A. Stephens, Henry Jacktton, M. J. Clarke, Julius L. Brown, Dennis F. Hammond, Sidney Dell, W. L. Calhoun, E. F. Hoge, E. P. Howell, and anch othor persons as are now associated with them or may herearter becom- anaeciated with then*. and who are mem bers of the bar of tbe Atlaflta Circuit, and resident In tbo city of Atlanta and aaid county and MUt>. ► bewoth that they and their successors (who shall likewise be meuibeis or tbe bar of said city) desire be incorporated under tho name aud style of Tbe AtlauiaUar Association, with tueir oblcr office or plaoe of business In tbe said city of Atlauia aud said oouuty and Bute, for the space and time of twenty years, witn privilege of renewal. Tbe object of your petltlouera Is to secure tual Improvement and to advance tbe science of tbe law; to regulate the practice In the Courts of said couuty, by sucq suggestions ag the experience ol your petltlouera may, in so orgauized form, pro- duoe; to promote social Intercourse amongst tbe membors of ibe bar of said city, aud to elevate tho tone of professional stlquette. The privileges tbst your petitioners desire to orcisa under aud by tbo name of Tbe Atlanta Bar Association are auoh aa by thq lawa of the Htata of Georgia are now, or may hereafter bo permitted be, more.sod by corporations of a like character. The amount of capital proposed to be employed by your petitioners is ouly su b a* may arise from initiation fees aud duos, and from douaUous by gilt T will. E HATH, VAtHjjrC, DMONDS T. BROWN? (of late firm I F. D. Fanning,) 43 HAYNE bTttEET. O UOCtiMMMiH. C VECL W. WILLIAMS k CO?, If I and 3 HAYNE STREET. H enry bischoff & co., 191 and 199 EAST BAY. O F. WIETER8, • i8i east bay. S teffens, werner a duoker, Ua Fast nay, 2a, 30 A 82 Vendue Range. W H. CHAFEE k CO., • 06 aud isU7 EAST BA W AOENER, MONBEE8 k CO., ■ «i6 A H,3 E *8T i AY and a A 4 (JUKKN ST. iTLAKTA WHOLESALE BUSINESS HIRECTOHi OOK AND IVKW-* P,U EH dtrULUTTA P3Fe« JMVI.8, JAMBS ORMOND Prop,let.. 49 Relero to toia -hoet a a -necimen ot News Paper. fROCKERY GLASSWARE, fc- .TteUHIUK A C’O. Importers M J ooe«s t Groctery, Glavware HOTEL, An HAIXJON FIXTUHEta. NO GOODS BETAI I. DKCATOIt STREET 1, gnuii T BOttr Parriages, buggies and wagons. J. J. FORn, Manatho- arar and Dealer in C1RRIIEES m BIIC6I.S, SPRUE III IROI i/LE MISSIS QuRXxn ruvott anl use htkeets. ‘LOCKS, WATCHES AND JEWELRY. EH M H'SHK, The RoltatWe Jewelry Htore, OOLD-HEADED CANES. SOLID KILVKK WARE, AND A OK ESAL ASSORTMENT OF VINE 1EWKLRV. URNITURE. PL41 T K CO.. LA TEST STYLES Or OPERR Parlor Suit*, • liaiuber Su U, Uiuinf- Kooiu Suita, Office Furniture, a <1 Fuiullure of Kvetjf Description Whatever. Nl b. 7 : • JAMES RAN DLOUX I RAIN, MEATS, FLOUR dec. &Tt:RHEA'S K Fvrjfjr, General Commission Merchants JFOB9YTH 8TRKET, NEAR -HE OAiITOL. IKOCERIES. H J. c. a a. r. rnr, VV holerinle drooera, —AND- Oommlaslon Merobauts. CORNER PRYOR AND DECATUR STREETS. It Ml/OS AJ>1* cHHMtCALS, D OWIE, MOiail k DAVIS, Dnportera aud Wholesale Drnggu aforesaid aud conterrlng upon them and their successors tbe privileges specified, aud auch other prlvi! >gee aa are now allot i by law aud may btre- J. H. ANDEHMON At CO., 90 Alabama Street, Atlaata, A RK now prepared to furnish Planters with ths bast Mower* and Keapen, Horne Hakes, Scythes and Cradles A OKI CULT URAL. IHPLKNKNTS, INCLUDING PLOWS, FEED CUTTERS, HARROWS, PUMPS. WAGONS, AO. AG KITTS FOR BROWN'S CELEBRATED COTTON GIN. TEXAS COTTON PRESS, BLANDY B STEAM KNQINK8 and RAW MILLS OaB and eee aa befors parchaalng alas where. ■*J» J. H ANDERSON 4 00. CIN01NNATU8 PEEPLES, ) REUBEN ARNOLD, } Com SIDNEY DELL, ) Attorns ■ a for Petitioners. ATLANTA (WATEH CUKE. Dr. F. KATiQW. Oorner of | Hon ter aad Boll street. D R. F. KALOW, well known through bis great and rapid cures has returned to our city and opened sgaln an establiehmeut for the cure of all Curunlo Diseases, of what he will lespccttully inform the citizens of Atlanta end surronudiug country. Live* Cokkjumts, Fevers, Paralysis, Epilepsy Sterility, Asthma. Nervous Affectiona, Dx.r*i>iA, Indlgaatioi), Rhbumatux, Nkuealuia, Scrofula, Dimka*-km pkccuae to WoUIM, ki.i. Imfcsitiu oi tub Bloou, skim Dukases, Kidney au>i Bladder Complaint, Stoppage of the WaUr. Piles of all Binds, HTUicruim, OoNoaaHCBA, Ey. and bar Complainu afUr Meaaela and scarlatina, tic., etc. T. W. Rncker, of Chapman, Rucker A Co.; Major W. B. Cox, Mr. T. J. Hightower, Geul. W. b. Walker, kfoaars John and James Lynch, T. Fleiahel, Beer- man A Kuhrt, Ur. Sbnlhiler. Dr. M. Mikhail, Su perior Vicar; Mr. Turner, ot Broo klyn; Father Ma rony, Philadelphia; Rev Ur. Smith, Macon; Gaul den gultmas, Mrs. Daowoody, Darien; Mr. White, Conyers. Outside of his Institution he a1U treat all acute-dis use with greet success. This method of treatment la the most rapid, safest and only tore cure. Par Uoolar attention given to the core of semme ■ com plaint, Teething periods of Children, Dysenteries, after a few hours will be sulficieut tor a cute. Men ingUu uo danger when peopte call me immediate } at the flr«t aymptoms. This treatment gives a white, soft akin, and everybody will learn to trvai hia family at acute diseases. may 13— ly. OPIUM by Dr. Beck's only known and snre Remedy. MU IJUAEUB •r treatment until oared. Call on or addreea DR. J. C. BECK CINCINNATI. OHIO. J'OMJKiHJr AJS'A* MOMMtHTJlV HUtJiTH. BAUT 400.. • 66, 67 and 69, MARKE1 STREET. P AUL WELCH k CO., 216 EAST BAY. Oi.O THIJS 6 I^DWIN BaXEo k CO , JLA 4*. 61LL.1NU bTREET. 1 L. FALK k CU., • 303 KING STiaEET. JOHN G. MILNER & 00., 136 MEETING STREET. 4300H. MliJS'ii AJS U SASH 4-ALTOH I*. P I*. TOALE, Factory—Hoibeck 1 • Wharf ; Saleroom aud Office, 20 HAYNE Si b SASH, HJAJS'US AJY11 4300HS. H. HALL k CO., 3. 4, tf, 7 and ft MARKET STREET. oatJS'HHAL < O.n.HihSiOJT— f/ oi m, HHAIJT, A TV. e ctoAHs Ajraa tobacco. M AMuI’Ea CO., Proprietors of Ibe ChS’leatou Braucb Havana Cigar Factory, “LeValeulioe," 118 EAST BAY. TMJTSM4THS AJV33 CL.H.H H KHS, BOOMS AJS'M3 TOOLS. William shefherd k co., ?V 29 HaYNE STREET. ATHENS, UA. S UMMEY k NEWTON, Wholesale tud Retail Dosiers in Hardware, Agricultural Implements, Ac. Agricultural impiomeuti, Chicago Farm Pumps, Ac. A L DOKSEY, • Dealer Iu Dry Oooda, Groceries aud aa* sot icd Merchandise, aud Agent for be Justly cele brated Sea Fowl Guano. D EUPREE'8 OPERA HOUSE, Complete m all IU appointments, coating tty 800 persons, apply to LUCKY k YANCEY. ANN k REVES, Sale a Livery Stablee. EWTON HOUSE. AjJl^LINARD^Proprletor^ OTUUMbit's HALL Washington, Gkorgia, iJ FOk Bails, Concerts, lbeelres, Ac., apply I mavis--ullianl. JOHN D. FLOkD, Uvotcsomual ODireitorn M alcolm h. johnston, (Lat. ot (Horatal .ttoruey at la*w xc.a:, ram. Balttmoie, Maryland, Hon. Win. Mo >e Mull, and Wm. A. Walton. Mq.. Augusta. Ua Gan. A. K- Lawton, Savannah, and CoL L. N. Whittle, Macon. Ga. aprl3-ddm J AMES 0. DABION, Attornaj and CouuMltor U law .no Iteal E.U0- 4««m. Co ,.n, Ua. will pnclic la lb. aoiarlor ua Coarts of Georgia. Office first door east of Court Mouse Building. Decatur st.-eef m»- Speotal atteuUou given I sum 1 dly. J Collections. VV - 1 per w. Agents wanted] AO 4’Otoh>mV olaaeoe ot working people.of aMam young or otd, make more money at work lor na fas their spare momenta, or all the tuna, than at any hlng else. Particulars free. Address O. Stlnaon ARDWARE, CUTJ ,ERY, &c. TOjnJtlKir, STEH'ART tf SCtS, Hardware Merohante, AUENT8 FOR Hmrt t himflt AtmcMnn, Spemmmrt P«r4r ftaesss'f HiM n „ Ulmtiur f*eieder. AUlt HUma mmd H+IUmf C!»th*. OOB ’■NR DECATUR AND PRYOR 81 BEETS. In fiont of ttta Kimball ho a Implements, machinery, &o. JIMS* *»*. jouAraojr,\ DEALEB IB AgricnM Implements, Kadun^ry Chemicals, .Guano, Seeds, I.lve Nt Olk.r DlGXVE*B OPEIt, BOOSE BLOOX kaRIE ITA STBkb S AINTS, OILS, LAMPS, GLASS, Etc. 1 to, duck r co.. Atlanta Branch Great southern Oil aid Pant Work . _ , 35 South Pryor street. American Yarn Is tu-s, Paints aad Paint Gila, Kemuoay Par j White 1 ee QIaae. Lamps snd Fixtures, at the rary loysat rales. ASH, BLINDS AND DOORS. J. V. HECK if CO., DKALKR8 IN BOOBS, MOULDINGS, BRIGKErs;PUITS.:OIL GLASS SiSH;BI HO JO »RNIiU LOYD sraEKT AND GEORGIA RYIL.tOAG, OPPOSITE GENERAL PASSENGER DEPOT. S rOVES, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. Eto. HVA'.riVUTT as HKCLiAORATKS, Nil. e M , Itl ETI’A n rUEET, PLUMBERS, STEAM AMD GAS FITTERS, OOP?Jilt Smiths, Sheet Iron Work, and Tiu Rootiling. Dealers in Stoeea, Tin Ware, Gratea, Pumpr, Hose, Tin Plate, Sk.e’_Oopper,J}lieei Iron, S'earn Pipe, ' eh!., ate., etc ECESEWES FlPE. BOOT, SHOE AM) HAT STORK. JUST OPENED AT VS WIilteL-^H Street. BARRE1T, COKER & CO. BOOT, SHOE .A. 1ST ID HAT BTOFlwJ WE propose keeping first class GO JDi. which ws shall sail as lowas say boas# ia OU/. Otve as •' • BARRETT, COK •• tt & CO. ap»-lm. UOILU, BARTON A CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, DEAL£»SIN Flour, Grain and General Produce, NO. Jtl ALABAMA STREET 1