The Atlanta daily sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1873, June 24, 1873, Image 1

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Tie Patiyaml Weeiiy Sim aLF X.1KDKB H. STEPHEN, Proprietor jRATBO OP HUBBCHIPTION. n A ILX—PM •““■f 11 ;••••• u.iri»*r t «8 CO *j-All letter* of a bbelma gddreMeO* 0 I character should be railroad passenger schedules, dhrfri*?hf > ^f Vf * r irr* v ^ OBOE61A RAILROAD. op sir pisfiuiSitB fcmuft. Lmtm hnouitu.. i.Mvee Augusta- ..j... t «... 8.20a o irrivra at Atlanta - 6:45 P m DOVE DAY PA8BESQER TRAIN. Leave Atlanta. *» “ DP NIOHT FA8SEN ARB TRAIN. Laaree Augusta .. 2:16 pm Jsivee at Atlanta. 11:16 p m DOWN MIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave# Atlanta..... - ...*2i6:00 p w ‘'ri- ^ '- 8;U> * “ .12:16 pa Arrive*atOamak.. • 9:66pm DOWN MAOON PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave* Oamak.........~..........10:o0 a iu Arrive* at Augusta l:»6pni Athens Brandi Train. rr QAiBTv^lVJWAi* ajoan»».) Leave* Delon Point 1:28 pm Arrive*etAthen* -•••*•••• 4:66pm DOW* DAILY—(bUSDAYii EICimD.) * Leaves Athen*. ——** 0:00* m Arrive* at Dnion Point. 12:16 p m UP NIGHTLY. Leevo* Fnlon Point 1:06 a m Ariive* at Athen* 4;18 a m DOWN NIGHTLY. Leave* Atbars 8:00 pm Arrive* at Union Point 11:06pm Waihlafton Branch Train. Leave* Washington.'............* 9:80 a m Arrive* at name*..;.. ...lliOOa m —aaiawi WESTBRIAATLANTIO K .AILIIOAD. DT NIOHT PASSENGER TRAIN. Leaves Atlanta 10*0 p m Reaches Dalton 8:00 a m Arrives at Ohattanooga. 6:00 a m DOWN NIOHT PASSENGER TRAIN. Leavea Ohattanooga........ 3:45 pm Arrives at Atlanta — ll:10p m DP DAT PA8SENOER TRAIN. Leave* Atlanta. .. 8:30 a m beaches Dalton 2:0i p m Arrive* *t Chattanooga... 4:98 p m Leave* Atlanta...... » w v Arrive* at Dalton..... 10:8L p-m Dalton Accommodation. Leaves Dalton..... ...... 12:90 a m Arr.vea at A llama 9:62 a m ATLANTA AWE1T POINT KAILIIOAD. DaY passenger train. * Leaves Atlanta 7:20 a m Arrives at West Point 11:30 * m hxtubming: Leave* Wegt Point,. 1:40 d.i Arrive* at Atlanta night passenger train. Leavea Atlanta. 11:00 p m Arrives at Weat Point, *?1W¥«WU. . 6:*0 p u 3:65 « , 6:60 a . 1:26 pu . 6-00 a Cftfll KAL K»ll,KO*D_*<lUl. Dir. UP DAY PAHBKSaEE. Leave* Macon Arrives at Atlanta - DOWN l/AY PASSENGER. Leavea Atlanta...— — Arrive* at Macon •• DP NIGHT PASSENGER. Lsith Macon Anivea at Atlanta...*......- DOWN NIGHT PA88ENjEU Leave. All lit* ?“ » “ Arrives at * Connecting with the Upson Couuty Railroad, the trains run on that road aa follow*: Leave Barneaville •;« .lilui Y, l!! Arrive at Jj;. u , F Leave Thomaaton 2;j!r * “ Arrive at Barneaville * - * *“ Connecting with the Savannah, Griffin A North i am a Railroad, th# traiua run ou ihat road a* fol- Leave uriffin ~ £ m Arrive at Whiteaburg (present terminus).. 6.36 p m Anlveat Griffin •••• r)a7 G Jb^OKGlii STATE LOTTERY. j^OB J U NjE* UniwlntfH Dally at 6 p. m. TUS. THY BENEFIT 01 IU* MU. NR 4 86 ■* CAPITAL PKlBfc 80,81 i Prises, awountiuK to $58,258.!20 TICKETS $1.00. SHARES IN PROPORTION. IN the above Scheme, formed by the 1 ernen' 1 Combination of 78 numbers, making ?6.076 tick- eta, at d the drawiug of 12 balloU, there will be 2A1 prises each having three of the drawn number* •* ‘.3^6, each having two of them on o “* one only oi them on; end also 46.70o ntbyr ui the draan uuiubera ou them, >t these prtee* end ttankn, , inclusive, will be severally the day of tile drawibg, and li -. then, drawu out at random; andUiati“SMJKn lug foi U* combination the lat, 2d and 3d drawn number*, will be entitled to the CAPITAL PU1ZE CP - • • • ;i» 7 * wu w Tost uctet baviug on it tne 4tu. 5tti ana eth drawn uumbera, to ••••••••*• *1 0 That tickjt baviug ou it th* 7th, 3th and 0th draw u nuuibeia, to. That ticket Laving on it the It th, 11th and 12th draan uumbera, to .... •••••»••••• That ticket having «n it the 2d, 3d and 4tli di awn uumbera, to That tickets having on it th* 3d, 4th and each having - tlckete VUhntl 78 number*, from i to 7fi placed iu a wheel THE SUN. VOL. IV ATLANTA, GA.. TUESDAY. JUNE 24, 1873. NO. 948 TELEGRAPHIC. MMTB9BOI.OGICAL* 660 00 650 00 6th di That 7th ’it tikeith. 6th and 'ttiirtl, 7tii and That ticket bating on It the 8th, 9th aud 10th lrawn number*, to.......* •••••••••• That ticket having on it the 9th, 10th aud 11th drawn number*, to • • ;•••••»• That tioket having ou it the 1st. 2d aud iui drawn numbers, to That ticket having on it the let, 2nd and 6th drawn number*. ^ Tba6tiek«t having on it the let. Id and 6th drawn numbers, to All other ticket* (being 207, with turee ut the drawn number* on, each, •••• •••• Those 66 tlckete having on tham the lat and 2nd drawn number*, each ••• Those 66 Uehem having on them the 2nd 4th drawu number*. «*ch. ... ' 650 00 660 00 650 00 660 0 650 00 217 60 ill 60 ‘JO 00 10 00 6 00 th* drawn * And ail those tickets (belug 26.740) with V, oiuy or me orawu ntuuueie, eeoh CAPaTAL PRIZE. On Monday*captui will *»*••••• ■ On Tuesday* and Pridaya capital will be 4.BJ On Wednesdays daptai will on Thursdays lad tJemroay*- ..... 6.W0 For ( ° r ■ cne “* 4 '- perior prise, tnw. ■ W Ah prises of $20 00 and under wiU be paid twin** ...i? ..... ih. without ‘the uaua. dc'uc- diately a , drawing, without - th# uaua. de« Sed at'ihle oBoa. HOWARD A OO., Managers. PROBABILITIES^ For tbe Southern States uast of the Mississippi, light to fresh winds mos ly from tbe boutU und went, and pertly cloudy weather. JS'OTEH. Nkw York, June 23.—Three deaths occurred in CinoiunMtt Huuday, but were confined to the very oM aud young. Keportb from Louibvilie bays that city ia unujually healthy. A sudden btorm in Chicago, yesterday evening partly demolished a Swedish church in Chicago avenue. Two pleasure yachts, containing re spectively nine aud fonrteeu, capsized. All rescued. The American Hotel, saloon and sta bles, Petaluma, Cal., wi re burned. Loss $75,000. Xailluess & Co.’s Lord, Oil acd Can dle Factory, Eggleston avenue, Cincin nati, burned. Loss $90,000. The woods m the mining districts of Pennsylvania ate burning. Several towns are threatened. Some villages and many farm houses burued. Many nar row escapes was the reault. No loss ol life as yet reported. A negro and white man robbed a house in Omaha, dangerously wounding several people. They were followed and both killed. The peoplo of Frankliu county, Mis souri, hanged a negro who outraged a young German woman. A quarter of a it.lie of salt and lumber ia on fire iu Bay City, Michigan. There were 52 dt uths irom cholera in Nashville yesterday. There was an incendiary Are at Mount Morris, Lexington county, N. Y., yester day. Loss $80,000. The Board of Health of Brooklyn de clares that there .6 no yellow fever in that city. E. B. Wing, Judge of the Supreme Court of Missouri, is dead. Lewis D. Tappan, one of tho earliest abolitionists is dead, aged 85. Jockey Clark, who was injured at Je rome Park, by a horse, Sorrel Dan, tail ing on him while practising for a hurdle race, is dead. A dispatch from Long Branch says Grant le seriously sick from diarrhoea. A tire at Point Breeze, near League Island, this morning, destroyed Turn* r’s toA *i9)ma natk. And were saved trum fourteen valuable trot- An accident on the Midland Railroad, England, Rilled several. The steamer Columbus from Hub iu tor Hollybead, wrecked. Twelve of two hundred passengers were drowned, aud three of tbe crew drowned. Beriiu, Rome and Constantinople re port cholera. Same dispatch says the Pop' will tx-communioute Victor Em«u- uel to-day. Richmond, June 23.—■JChe Pullman car of the night express train to Ciuoinnati on the Chesapeake and Ohio Riilroad, was thrown Iron: the track last night soon after leaving Richmond. The cur was turned bottom uppermost aud bieily wrecked. A nnmber of persons were in jured, though none fatally or very ben ously. Among the injured are Mr. Gao Arlingstall ol Eughtud, Mr. and Mrs. Waller aud Mos Waller of Guicago. Mrs. \Vailer had her shoulder blade broken. London, Juue 23.-Sir Hear* Rawlim son, President ol tuo Royal Geographical Society, is seriously ill. Utica, June 23.—Five houses and two barns burned. Loss $20,000. Cincinnati, June 23. Fourteen ab dominal deaths Saturday, mx of which were classed a-> cholera by the Board ol Health. Passaic, N. J., June 23.—An iuceo diary lire to-dtv. The incendiary was arreoted. but subbed the officer and es caped. Two uieu are missing. I be sauaro upon which the Avunconouk ZuistoLd burned. Loss $100,000. Philadelphia. June 23.—There were eleven horses burned in John Turners stables, near Poiut Bi eeze Park, out of seventeen in the stable. Portland, Me., June 28.—Mrs. Rob erts, aged sixty, ail . d; a femaie teacher futnlly injured, * ud « child striou dy hurt, escaping noth a miruibg house. London, June 23.-The Shah of Per- H ia visited Woolwich Saturday and the opera at night A grand review of the channel licet took place to-day in his honor. Nkw Okleanh, June 22. —The Hawkins Picayune nbel cm* which b»e been going (ol eight <'»}ii before wbat is known uu thelFonrtb District Court, terminated at 10 P. M , to-night. The Jury returned a verdict ol *18,000 tor flowktn*. Imme diately after u (j,.urn nmol, «**» jury wentto tbe Picayune and acknowl edged that they bad been bribed, one re ceiving one hundred and tweuty-hve dol late, the utlier rtceiving an order for five hundred. Ihe' Picayune Company will apply for a new tiial. IIichmosd, June 23.-The wernds in the Mordecai and McCerty duel made a successful effort to got bail to day. I hey were taken on a writ of habeas corpue oefore Judge of New Ken. county, bel.w Richmond, aud after bearing the case i.nd argument of counsel, they were admitted to bail in *5,000 each to appear before the Oruud July on tilt eeventh ol July. . -’BotTtjr, June23.—Ilaucock’ahotel and atablea wilh .wo men were burued. LoMUON, Jane 23.—A special dispatch to the London Pol, from Pane, eaj* Prince Jerome Napoleon, *1® [“ tha^fiy, badiuetvt.-ww wrfb Bnrrte *>l*i- vier, who wm, Pusident of Conuod aud Minister of Justice and Keligion during the last daya of tbe empire, and with a nnmbir of Eepnblican readers. New Yobk, June 23.—The dispatches from Boston says a person by the sane of Henderson was arrested (or passing a *5,000 forged oheok. The alleged murderer of Carl Vogt was held lor an extradition to Belgium. The Walworth case, upon motion of Charles O’Oouor, was postponed nntil to morrow. The trial of females Woodhnll & Claf- lin and Col. Blood, for mailing indecent matter, has commenced. Buffalo, Jane 23.—Tbe canal stable, near tbe Erie look, burned, with bfty borees. The work of an inoendiary. Cardiff, Wales, June 23.—The docks erected by the Marquis of Bote, costing £800,000, are burning. TKLMumjraic jumuarn. Louisville, June 23.—Flour steady and improved demand,extra farm 5.75; corn, fair demand, white aackrd 58; pro visions qniet and steady; pork 10 37Jal7; bacon, shonhiera7t; clear lib sides 91; clear sides 9ia9|; peeked lard, tipree 8{a8];kegs 9jul0; ateam 81; order lots lal higher; whiskey firm 90. BarAKNAH, June 23.—Cotton qniet; middlings 181; net receipts 384; exports ooastwise 993; sales 110; stook 18,848. Cincinnati, Jane 23. — Floor dull at 0 50a7. Corn qniet at 42. Provisions quiet. Pork quiet at 15 50al5 75. Lard, steam 8i; kettle 81. Bacon steady; shoulders 7ja7{; dear rib sides 9l;clear siaes9ls9;. Whisky steady at 90. Liverpool, June 23, 5 r. M.—Cotton dosed unchanged; tales cf 10,000 bales; speculators and exporters 2,000; Ameri can 5,500; July and August, delivery, Sa vannah and Charleston, 8]d St. Louis, Jane 23.—Floor—Improved demand and unchanged. Corn dull and unchanged; No. 2 mixed, 34c on track; 36c iu warehouse. Whisky steady at 89o. Pork held at *16 50. Bacon quiet bet more doing in jobbing and order lots; ehonlders 71c; clear rib sides 91c; clear sides 9lc. Lard nominal. New Yobk, Jane 23.—Gotten, net re ceipts 420; gross 684; sales of futures 8,400; July, 201.209 16; August, 2J|a 201; September, 18 15-16iil9J; October, 18Jal31; November, 18al8‘; Dec mber, 18; cotton sales 797 bales at 21 .'or mid dlings. Augusta, June 23.—Cotton, middlings 18; receipts 243; sales 134. Charleston, Jane 23.—Cotton—Mid dlings 181c; low middlings 18c; good ordinary 17c; ordiuary 14,15c; net re ceipts 240 bales: gross 341; uifference Caies stock 11,724. About th. Back ray. A telegram from Washington to the New York Tribune gives tbe subjoined complete list of the members of the House of Representatives who ftp to date have covered their baok oay into the Treasury. Quite a uumbei of the names of. members who have been generally credited with returning this money do not appear on the booka of the Treu-ury. The number le 32, making, with the list of Senators a'veady telegraphed, a total of 46 Congressmen who have made ro payments. The members of tne house are as follows (Bepnblioans in Roman aud Democrats in Iudio'i): J. Allen, Barber, B la. I». W. Huleton, Wl*. S. s. Cot. N. Y. M.C. Kerr, lad. J,*n if. Crebl, III. John Ly..cb, M«. John Ooburn, Ind. Q«o. W. MoOr.,r, Iowa Alien B. Cotton, IOWA J.mM HonroOjOhlo. W. P. Frie. Ma. Alex, littchell, Wi*. I. A. Plokelnburg. Mo. /'rrry. N. Y. 11. Varwell, 111. 1■ M. Buih. Wli. J. A. Garfield, Ohio. Wn K Roberta. X. \. John Hid, N. J. H. A. Hl.rkwe.tber, Conn. Qeo. A Halecy. N. i. W. L. Beeelone, N. J. J. B Hawley, Conn. P. S.wy.r, Wla. J. D. H.wley, IU. W. TownMnd, Pmn. Eueeue Hale. Me. Wm. H. Uplon Ohio. ' m S Ho man, lw*. II Wa1dr«H, Micii. Wa». A. Wheeler, S. Y. Ol these 25 are Republicans and 7 Democrats. The Houee, when the Sal ary bill was passed, was composed of 127 Republicans and . 113 Lioeral Republi cans and Democrats. There have been no returns from the South from either Seuators or llepresent- itivos, und uone of tue Delegates from ,be Territories or from the Distriet of Columbia have responded. Maino aud Wisconsin are the only States where the mujority of the Rspnfdioaua have sen' back their money. Mr. Peters is the only one retaining it in Maui',, and Mr. Eld ridge Ihe only ~~ " Ju — Omy 16 bodes bn iu Wiscnusiu __ u heard from Other through SeuatorB or Uupresenia lives. The Treasury D pertinent baa no recurd ol these Ouugri»,uieu who are Mild to have founded or otsisted orphan asvlnmns, high schools, Co'leges, and churches with their share of the spoils. ,-e-s Hun. b. T. Wlgf.l But littm has been heard of th's gen tleiusu since tbe war. It seems that be is now rosidiug in Baltimor s or at least he was present in that city on the 17th inet.. aud attended the lloral decoration of Confederates ou thut day at London Park Cemetery, and made a short noeeoh on that occasion. The Baltimore (Jaielte reporls him as follows: General Wiglsll being called lor, ap neared and aaid bis heart was almost too lull to speak. It was gratifying to bun to know that if the eause is lost, the spirit wnioh maintained it still lives. [Ap nlause.1 There is something more in this world than mere material prosperity In oar licarje there is a leeliog of woiiud ed lion >r, sod "trntn, tnongh orusind to ear'b, will ri«« ugaiu." He Jiu not cry^ “Peace, peuce, when there was no peace. He accepted the situation, bat even if the manacles .hat fettered him were glide they would gall. He was "U|x<*ed to > Heutimtiutaluy CAjubult:r ug tl« « eubjeot. General Wigfall lure entered upon an argument to pr ve that the Southern States bad a right io accede, hut was in terrupted by the a mouucemeut that tne the subscription committee wav ready to report the result of thm, labor.. He close,i by remarking lhat aa be bad been interrupted, he pre sumed that his sentiments were not con curred in by all of those present, and re tired amid laughter and applause. FHOH CAM 13K4 COUNTY. Crop** Lumber, &c. St. Maby’*, Ua., June 90, 1873. idilort SunA recent visit into th* country enabled me to learn that crop prospects are better than they have been, at this soason, for years pant. Within the last few days we have had very heavy nine. The vessels now loading at this city, at the two Lumber mills of Messrs. 8. L. Burns A Oo., will oarry away, mostly to foroign ports, upwards of two millions of feet of lumber, worth about twenty two dollars per thou 'and feet. Mills ou therSt. Mary's, about the city, aud the mills on the St. Allen river, aro alto doing quite well, shipping large quantities of lumber. The business from the felling of the pine tree to the shipping of the lumber gives profitable employment to a large number of persona of both raoes in this oonaty. Lyoobuus. Fits Lee mail ML* Nelli* Grant. From tke Alexeudrl* (Va ) Gazette.] Among the inoidents of the reoent ex cursion from Washington to Monnt Ver non was the following interview between Qeneri-1 Fitz Lee and Mier Nellie Grant: The ex-Oonfederate, having accident ally met a lady friend among tbe lady visitors, was introdnoed by her to her daughter, and also, and to his great sur prise, when he heard her name, to her daughter’s friend, tbe daughter of the President; but, being oourteons as be is brave, he strove to render himself agree able to his distinguished acquaintance, amt by his affability and genial mannurs was so saocessfal that in a short time the reserve of new acquaintanceship wps worn off and they were talking together as familiarly as if they had known each other for years. On their return he was I larticnlarly attentive, pointing out to her rom the deck of the steamer the several objects of interest along the banks of tbe Potomac, and narrating the legends at'ached to them; and, as the boat neared this oity, he expressed his regret at not being able to eaoort her to her borne, Baying he would oertainly beg that honor were it not that he must meet a near and dear relative, an invalid lady, who was expeoted to arrive here that evening. Then, taking the hand she proffered him as ne arose to leave her, ie said, with a smile : 'Please bear my regards to the Presi dent, und he kind enough to tell Jiim squadron of the Black Horse cavalry and iromiso to end the Modoo war and make jim a present of Captain Jack, dressed in General Oenby'a uniform, within thirty days;" and, lilting his bat, bowed nimself toward tho companionway, down whioh he disappeared, she having laugh ingly remarked, as he bade her adieu: “Well, sir, I must say you are the most impudent man I ever met," The nolitioal situation in Virginia, says the Petersburg Index. is moro ull.l more encouraging to the Coneetvative party. When some two months ago the prepara tions for the eampaigu began, onr suc cess was threatened both by disunion and by apa'by. For a time it appeared that acrimonious disputes and side issues, and questions of personal preference, would go far to divide us, while at the same instant au ominous a .atliy of the people was justly complained of. All this has now passed away. The press lias, with on* aooord, agreed to baulth from the oommou Conservative ground every irritating aud useless discussion, and to concentrate every energy unl re- oource of the party upon tlio btruggle against tho common enemy. Over 150,000 young salmon have been ilaced in the Penobscot River, and 130,- 00 in the Androsooggiu. Hates of Advertising. Liberal dednotto** will b* Mdo ht admttM* NMAt* running longer thu GO*n*k. Local, Brain*** end Snouz. notfoM will be in * eertod npon n**on*M* Srmi Notice* for flr»» oomptnle* half the uanel rale*. FOR THE WEEKLY. All edvertUeuttit* i u fried in the Week lr Edition will be clmrged one duller par aqnere for every to- You will find AT GRADER RAILROAD ALE HOD8I. 19 Alabeme street, CALIFORNIA GRAPE BBANDY. tar A Sor* Preventive for the Cholera. “6$ Don't forget the plaoe I NEAR GEORGIA 1 JnMdSt ■^OTlOEIN^BANKRUPTOY. THI8 la to give notioe the! on the 20th day of D. 187$, e warrant In bankruptcy wt* ninat tbe estate of Jam** Mlliloen. of DeKalb end State of Georgia, who has been adjudged e bankrupt on hi* own petition, and that tb* payment of any debts, and deliver? of any property belonging to snob bankrupt, to him. or for hie u«e, and the transfer of any property by bln, are forbidden by law; that* meeting of the oreal* tor* ot **l i Bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more M*ignee* of All estate, will be held at a Court ot Bankruptcy, to be holden at At lanta, Ga., before Lawson Black, K*q litre, Bog later, on the 10th day of July, A. D. lt*73, at lOo’olock A. M. W. H. SMITH, D. 8 Marshal. Jun22 It a* Messenger. po R SALE. A choice residence—six good room*—elegant cor ner lot; flue garden: beautlfnl front yard. Bara cliano* to secure a dcilrabla homo In Uta Gate City, Apply to ~ EMBERS OF CENTRAL LODGE 1YJL NO. 28, L O. O. F. On Tuesday avenlng, the 24th inatant, there will be an election of officer* tor tbe ensuing term held at Cential Lodge No. 28,1.0.0. F. A fall attend ance of tbe member* are earnestly requested. 22 It FRANK T. RYAN, Hecretary. B OOTS AND SHOES. B. F. MDLLENTX S BOOT AND SHOE SHOP, NEWNAN, GA. Fin* Leathers always on hand. Customer* suppUe on short notice. B. 7. MDLLENIX, 22dlt Newnan, Ga. E XGURSION TICKETS. New England, ! R. D. MANN. Agent. DOUGLAS -COUNTY S fkTE UP UKOHUIk, Douglas coaly All persona interested are required to be at ny* office on Monday. July 4th. to i io w oaoae, if any ex- 1 JOHN M. JAMES, mT M. Ordinary B, 0. MSTEm AP ATlASTIt railroad. »« IIKDUI-K. Oh v.SD AFTER 8LNDAY. .5TH INSTANT Outwaiu Train* wilt leave Atlanta JAiJ*. » m Lvavt- ' i f ‘ 4I * 6* “ nivo at luwsrd Train from '•ew York »*»* onatu.iu<»g* - ® StaTB or OBOROIA, Dsagla. Coanty Wbareu. Z. A. Bio., AdmlnUtrstorolJ. W.Hlron, ropreaent* to tbe Court, in his petition du.y filed and entered on record, that he ha* fully administer- ed J. W. Nixon'* estate. Thl* le, therefore, to clta *11 persons conoerued, kindred orednore, to ■how cause, U any they oan, wby *aid Adminl*tr*tor should net be dl»oh*rged from hi# Administration and receive letter* or dismission on first Monday In Heptembjr next. Thi* May20,^8JiA mjr22. S T4TE OF GEORGIA—Douglas Oonnty: Where**, J. P. 0*rn*e. guardian of William and Thomas Orrn**. orphan* of A. Orrn*d. ap- i)lie* to me f-r leave to sell the land belonging to •aid minor*. Thtai* to cite nUper*en* ooaoerned to show came. If any, why letter* shonld not be granted the applicant, on th* first Monday in An- utut next. Tula Juno 6th, 1873. K junta JOHN M. JAMES, ''rdlnarj D. 0 L“"V^»l b nr.7p^!’fir.t Monday n August next. This June 0th, 1873. Junl? JOHN M. J AMES, ordinary 8 “TiTEoy _ axoiiau^DooaUaOounir: WbereM. Young Vanauil, ndmlniitmtor ol tho aata'e of Ell Vanaaot. lata oi laid oounty. daoaaaad, Ippllai To mo for loan to .rtl In. land ^kln. to ■ilJ Mtnta. All pjr.on.couoornad wm fil. ohjoctlom. II any. on or baforo tb. tret Heuiej In AuKu.t n.xt, .Ik ia>« -IU n. ««nud tb. .pyll cant a* prayed for. Thl* Jun# 6tu, 187$. junia JOHN M. JAMES, Ordinary D. 0. BRATto •l»nt MMr iiitCr Tito* ai* -1 or SSSSaiSf rtrfkHAKT. nnJ In cam if UKNRRAL PRMIUTY lh«» bnm never I** ninci-ln»t«nr« fttll-l In prodtteln* the uioel FEiiK.Trir.V'fo'4*w ti.nv. ■LK All AST TO TUlt TA9TK end *1 the Mm# U»n eombla- ng ee many rent nil* I event* '•‘Vrrwwl by ibo rndwl frnUrai- trtiOie beet known te tho ruarnineoptaU. liMatt bet tU* tie lo fire*»tr« n fair trUi. »n* , , Every Fitmlly Should Hav« * Bottle. Me prepereil'Ni In the vend )*n prodee* «e muy itaqmnU. “id endorermi-nt* by pbyetalwu it tbe very higbMt etnndlM Mndoreed 'alee' by fit* Cbryy ind tbe Teedinf denemtae- &***H. Wa»ww. the sldeit KetheMM ml deter la St. ou!*, mti the Heme Ulttrr* umi grtuftil in senirltra- B| la the reetoretlon of my etrenflb, end »n InereeM t OanamntU Jran4S.Mll. rnekUng Elder M. K. Ohmveb,.^ Otatrta*. ,.„r."'3S»SISA2!Ki.'L Bkklo* tbe ■•Home Sumach gliur*. rad I»e4 Ibtm la Ula SmdIUI tbe leit four month*, f emiMer them the met »•!«• nbletculc endetlmulrat now <* n*e. f.jf. MELCnkM, Kealdo.t rhyeleUn In eh*r«e V. fc. MnHra«ra*M*L ^ munlonied uft*Ue medleal*prefbealou IA recipe' of the -‘Hume — i — — Sft Del toi cLattanoog* Inward Tralu New Yo Leave Chattanooga Arrive ork,' ...6:6-4, p. I »0 45, p. I ga, IM Leave DaUon Arrive at AUaeta fast Line to New Yor* , . Leav.- Atlanta • P “• rrlvn at Dait. • * w SW » P* “ Pral Lino wid put off aud lake on pranauger* only i Marietta, CarteravlUe Klngnion nud Dalton. Way paraenger* are requraUtd not to get on thta trail uuieaa they winh to be tand.-d at above named tilioe*. K. B. WAl.Kluft, V uiy‘J‘2,2w. Master lrajapovtaltow. I N THE DISTRICT COURT of the Unitad Mai**. Northern District of Jeorgl*-In tbe matter ol William Duke-In uankruptoy. Tbla ia to give notice, once a week for three weeks, that I have been appointed naaignee Of tb* estate of William Dnke, of t.’uattooga coenty. in tald DUtrict. who has beet* adjudged a bankrupt upou bit own petition by the Dutrict Court of aaid District. June 9th, 1873. Jill MUM* iuiux.m^ Lafayette. i petlUoi lefth, IL._. JU1MON CLEMENTS, Anaign**, iunlO law3t rut inn IHHI1IOT OOU»T « (b* UolHd HtoWI i.fiSr. Watkins—In benkrupt*^- Tbla U to aive notioe onc-i a week for three weeks that I have been appointed Assignee of Ibe caUto o William Watkiua, «*i Atlanta, in oounty ef Fultoo OPIUM JMorphi** Mnhii cur*-U t»y Dr. Deck's only known and aure Remedy. NO « IflAKUK cuied. Oatl on or addreaa DR. J. C. BECK t.'IMOINMATL 1,1110. fHE UbfHU STATES IlOTKl^ LOUISVlLil-R. KENTUCKY! ri-lHE t,.nUng pnhllc win Bndlb. Fro»rt.tor. I 0 a\ce attache* most coortaeua, liberal and kind eervant* pcllte and att nttve; room# neat ludroty; table# abundaeUy auppltod. vary moderate. janinx nntei** *u»edln”’.*ii coeip**lilnn arn Un nf lb* «J*»* te which they brlottf, being highly TraW, SUmalrat iMemrabl*. Ctnulnitlic, »u t ilijhlly Lasntlr*. Tb# mta* prfj.aring them I* rtrletiy la a*cord*n«* with ihe ruWsnf ykarmnas JUmi “."u.. SS t"IliyiSti'S.I 1 ™. "'"““W ..t^... rmr. Ob.utrl..... TMw,... of tr.nwn, M*. «f Fty«- “u' SSShmtrw rut. o*-*" - »i— - 'sra,“iiicfcat. 0 S!T:. u " r ’“V¥.-JSwu y&T- y..r. a.....;, M#.u«ii..i <-.ii>«. ."J i.‘" r> »‘ | - — c "f “Wiirnr rnnru. fm. Qi»i l f‘. < rif' ,Dl n*l&Jy* nqttfclK .Vin,, d. y.’Ti 'tm/.Tffi*. •f Mldwtmry nnd Uimnn* of Women. Coll*** •fllnmw*- bto Fbjdeisn* and torgynju^ ^ Tvflp , R „ prof. f*(<n»..ou||g4 Tkarnupcntic*. tlomwopaAau u«il. “ZZ It cuJSS SSKSK siht'imsu in dinssw < HAMtKH VaHTISK. U. U.. .f rny-w. *“• Cliaioal tfndletnn. M. no»tMi**»bW ttay ... “P" JJU iuiAoMCyilM UaU. m •‘■Ksswjiafa**-; ftr- Eminent Phynleiiuiii or Uilenfio. Th.tere .1. »>rttx U>w. J], 1 ''*",ilnl ...... .Li-JW."'” *. n.. Ht&fWt. D " «,?•*“!!!•*- ? S 8H5S.W ' ■ VSSafckx. w. r. TAUwnao. II. D„ j. j- Sfc 1 "* 1 **• P Wu J n « ‘i n „‘ TcJ^cSmSh* "n“ Sma ■- O. gsg. “iSTanim nleU»« in Pltlnl»y|Vl b r i »Cu“it% i « toSxVJ w And Hundred*.OUtaffi tn *11 parts et tba NnrlU, WM *^A$**ta»« , w.. iJS^iSJttfeaasiBdfcBb. BO fjV*?Ml*r ta aft«rwa» »•** ** l .„„ n ,| 1 (a**. 'tax For r*ale'in Atlanta by WEST & EDWARDS nooiEY? PowdeR JiL . u ,| Jr.ilic.u.. frulu 111. .y.l.m tb. .^clOo ’»{• “d .vary kind of humor >ud ^ iu... .uoh . loo. li.t of hum*Q .ulf.rln, nu la- irU *porfoot bMltb ml yorlty w th. .nffr. ~n.U- lotlon. In ~.ry form of Krofulon., nt-rcarl.Innd •yphlllUc blood oomplOnU II ““i* dm-...Idly oaring ULumu. Fumnm, Oj»*u» Ucado U^u. lUtr EiiuDx .od teRiCn tie* of akin affection*. It i* a poaittv* turauve «« scrofula, chronic ^JpgStT^Zittff and the deadly anemy of merotim )««*«£<> hm». qutokly eliminating them from the *y*tem. Tne *o Son of th»* remedy to baaed upon ih* ■Diration, tbe law* ef nature, and th* know Jed g#oi cLeiotatry. The Fluid Kxtbaot or »»a Dj- uo^7prepared by Dt. J. 8. i'embetion hae made the most wonderful and astonishing cur a. Ita pw rli ring, vivifying aud tonic properties * x *^**~* miickeet and moat wonderful effect* in rratoring heal to. H I* harmless to th* mo*t dinltoeta. *P d elver be uaed emiM It is tbe true beeutifler of oomplextou. If yon went riob blood, clrar skin and hraniiful cornul*iloo. aw the CourouaD lCxTaAOT Diligat. Read Tna gsnnine each label—tak* MWXJt'K tja FEDvIaLE college, it*)idvi!l«, H. o. (Near Attauta and Bichamd Air-Lia# Railroad.) U*v. THOR WARD WHITE. President B OARD (ten Calendar Months) $136; i uiUon $40; Mnsto $4 . Mo extra*. Fall f*rm op-i • July-I* The PrraUient will leave th# Kimball -tra. Ah taut*. 3d July, in charge of pnpU*. Ja.nltwil #78.00 UACH WEEK Ml Btriotir tddrra* J. whuumu umrui , i» MBWtrmmxr, nw-ro* 12,000.000_ ACRES! CJheap Farms t i C!ie*t>«-t*U*ndHn Msrk-t. Cyr Hale by the OIIQI PACIFIC IMLI01D COINP IE TuqU&EXT ELirnSVALLEY. S 000.000 AorM in 0EMTEAL HlfiBIIXJ. now for Ml. in trMtn ot fwS n~M Hd ttpvrvdana sixszxs: SOLDISBE EMTITIJtD TO A HOMESTEAD O Ejfee/SaSroed.'wlth good ararheto endi venleooee of on old ratiled QQMtry. Free passes to porchaeers of HMtvond I under the Homestead Law, near th e ottoual Maps, of Descriptor! aptlft-doaWw$m. MnmiMpr Resort X KKNWK8AW UOIlin ' MARIETTA, Oh. yt.xtoiieh a mm*