The Atlanta daily sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1873, June 24, 1873, Image 3

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JN.J^ the daily sun, CONDENSED NEWS. Georgia Items. The Arkwright Amateurs, of Sa vannah, are playing a new piece un der the title of “Captain Jack,” writ ten expressly for the Association. Rebecca Pratt, a four-months ola twenty-two^pounder, took u prize at the Macon Pair, and Miss Peyser got the milk maid prize. Miss Jones’ hacker challenges any lady to milk against her for five hundred dollars. The executive committee, with other leading officers of the State Grange, has just held a meeting in Macon. Last February there were thirteen Granges in Georgia; now they are sixty, and by next Christmas it is believed, there will be two hun- .dred. Several of the volunteer military companies of Savannah have instruct ed their officers to vote agaiust a parade of the First Volunteer R gi- mtnt on the 4th of July next, and it is believed that all of the companies will acquiesce m the movement. The proposition is that the parade shall take place on the 21st of July, the anniversary of the first battle of Ma nassas—an event which will ever be remembered as glorious r.nd honora ble in Southern history. James Welch, charged with killing a white man named John Butler, with n slat from a mosquito net frame, last November, and who left the city immediately after the occurrence, was arrested in this city last Friday night Me was armed to the teeth, but offered no resistance. Me was placed in con finement. Welch stated to the officers that he had been in Florida princi pally since he left Augusta. He walked through the country from that State to Berzelia, where he got on the train and came to within a mile and a hall of Augusta, where be got off, and proceeded the rest of the way on foot. Miscellaneous It* ms, The debt of New Tors city has in creased $12,000,000 since the “ re form” party came into power. The Washington Chronicle denies that Speaker Blaine has purchased an interest in that paper “with the view to a candidacy for the Presidency.” The outlets of the Mississippi are sa d to be closing up. Government granted aid to keep them open, but it is said not to have been efficiently used. The Buffalo Courier thinks that “there is more real life and spirit in tho movement of the Western ‘granges’ thou in all the other poli tics of the Union added together.” The New York Evening Post makes the sweeping statement in regard to our national legislators that common honesty appears to be dead, and even that arbitrary governor of men’s ac tions, honor, is so shamefully distort ed as to be undistinguislmble from vulgar rascality. A committee of the Mobile Corn ell report that on the 9th instuDt there was a deficit of $-12,941 77 in the city finances, and that the city will be unable to meet its July cou pons and bonds. The total bonded debt of the city is $4,361,800. The Allen county (Ohio) Demo crats propose the formation of a new party in that State, and call upon nouest men of all political organiza tions to meet with them in Mass Con vention at Columbus, June 30, to de vise a plan to rectify things. The stage routes of the territories are to be investigated by a special agent of the Postoffice Denartment, before the letting of the new mail contracts in September, in order to discover what grounds tnere may be to the repoits of frauds in the length ol roads and the frequency of the mail delivery. The Clurk (Vu.) Courier says: Last week a case involving the provisions of the act passed by tho last Legisla ture, authorizing the abatement of interest during the war, was tried be fore Judge Turner, of the Circuit Court of this county, who, after hear ing arguments of both sides of the question, decided the luw unconstitu tional. The debt of North Carolina now amounts to more than $31,000,000. The question of paying it has been repeatedly ignored by the State Legis lature, and now u most summary way of disposing of it is suggested Mr. W. A. Smith, Republican Con gressman elect irom the Ruleigh Dis trict, has published a letter favoring its absolute repudiation. Tne London correspondent of the New York Graphic says that there is something in the rumor that Mr. Jus. Gordon Bennett is about- to start u daily journal in London, to he the Herald of that old fogy city. The story is that Mr. Fitzjames Stephens, the most powerful journalistic writer in England, is to lie the editor, with a salury of 415,000 a year, and that the expenditure for news and tele grams is to be on u scale to astonish John Bull. Wm. H. Powell, the artist, is work ing steadily upon h,s picture o' the battle ot Lake Erie, ordered by Con gress in I860, and stretched in an Te clip the folluwiag letter from ihej Gfonbus Enquirer, As will be seen, it I® wtten by » colored nun who emig.v- Columbus Georgia, to Liberia, >'■ bfo ^*4 Hill, Grand Ban-a Cocntv, ) Krpubuc of Libkiiia, V WFt CoAsr Africa, March 22,1873 ) Mr. T. > y ThrtviUt: Mv g IB —tliiA t.pp .r unity | lsll try to give you u fund shadow o ni y j lle j n X^Ueria during the past four io«o***L*l Mn-cogee depot April 28, tube, and ay. r d in Liberia on the first day of Ju.y> t |, e samt . ] partly acclimated 0Be R,, v . j. yy V on Broun, a resist on gt John's river, about nine mq, )rom t |, 0 aboard, at whiob place 1 miained one year; after whiob time I moved out into the woods on a pit. 0 f land of my own *" on * t "f' ve _ Sen from the sea board. There I to work, cotnpar lively with no toolq U( i aith the African fever with all, for h „i tbe fever , fost and lust, all of luunltis. I went to work on m. place in the year 18b9, on a small goal,*,, y t,ad no tools except my hoe, and tb^t year I raised only s few potatoes, fettle own, and oane enough only to oq] and make about four gallons ol syrn, j f onD a onti however, oil tbe trial of i„ corn tbl8 coontry, that for the prdd,tion of that article, arrow root, Biug-iooffee, sugar cane, ground nuts, and oth< articles t'o numerous to mention, the wdj n,ts never produced a better country tb« t |,j 8 Io tbe year 1871 I was *(«, to make four barreis of syrup and fifty umbels of corn. In tbe year 1872 I got me a ox an d went to ploughing, ana from t 9 cro p plunted in 1872 (which Funi now wiping in this present year! I have lvali,. up to this date 866 guilous of thick yru.» and 400 pounds of sugar, and 1 au^iy bail done getting out. Now, I have been in the country l*,g enough to have some idea of it. Vey tables of every description, ocmmon\ tropical climatc-s, will grow here. When Mr. Philip Monioe wj*s leavini this country for America, in »870, w- ( wrote oy him several letters o you, Mr. Smith, and the colored Baptist Church tu Columbus, but I have never received any answer from aDy of the parties, and we have never beard from Mr. Monroe since. We don’t know whether he is living or «tead. My wife enjojs better health in this country than she did at liume, and she is now making t^ine of the wild cherries ana pineaophs, which articles grow very numerous in this country; and she makes the Dost cordials of bananas. I nave about seven huudred coffee trees, some of wnich are bearing. This rain I expect to plant out a large quan tity—they will be.»r within four years from tne beny. Please have the kindness to write me by the first post the current prices of tools and machinery in your country, vz: What will be the Cvst of a common still, one of a hundred callous: a steam sugar-mill aoout five-hor e power; a box of axes, plains, drawing-knives, chisels and such tools that are suited for larming generally ? 8o far as the country is concerned, if we had sufficient means—I mean ma chinery for manipulating and muuufac- Hiring the different .articles that is sus ceptible of being produced by the coun ry—no greater has ever been dis covered by man Our forest abounds with,dye-wood or ever) description. Our} fields abound with palm trees and medical herbs. And the bowels of tne earm are tilled with earning wealth and precious stones. But we have no menus of developing tue spontaneous wealth ol the c »uut»y. As 1 have different clerks, from lime to time, who do mv writiug, my letters will uppeitr in uillereut huudwritiug, not withstanding my name will always appear written in my own ha d. I have much to say, but must come to dose. I am, anc* shall ever remain, very res pectfully, ) ours, Richard Hudson. P. S.—Please give my regards tc the color- il BaptDt Church iu Columbus. It was stated some time ago that a number of docnmtMite that bad been de posited iu the public archives at Wash ington were missing. It was charged, also, that Gen. Baden, Gen. Grant’s bi ographer, the American Consul at Liv erpool, hud carried ofl a number of them which were ri-taiued iu his possession. Later discoveries mow that all tho pa pers relating to t ic secret history of "the rebellion” are missiug— those, we pre sume, that Col. Pickett sold at a round price, included. A speed >1 dispatch from Washington to the Boston Past says thut: “Within a few days, it has been dis covered that a 1 .! tho archives of tho War Depuitlhent pertaining to the secret his* lory of the rebellion have been atolcu. It is known tuat th« y were all in tbe War Office when Mr. Htuntou retired. He hud them systematically briefed und stowed away iu a safe place, und, had he lived and reuiitned hi publie life, they would probably have figured largely in pre venting the appoiuimcut of men to < flloa who have since uh wu tliut they were no better fitted for the civil service than they were lor positions of trust and high command in the army. .These private archives covered a period ot time from the first buttle of Bull Hud down to tbe surrender of Lee’s arm). They embraced orders f..r courts martial, with their find ings—some of them sentencing the of fenders to be shot—records of which the people were ignorant.*' M P GALCERAN. ~ Havana Cigars* Dealer in Tobacco, etc. O FFI ’E AND SALESROOM—No. 9 BROAD fll., NEXT DOOR TO A. T. F.NNET'B CARRI40E BHOP, ATLANTA, GA. June6-3tn 80UTHEKIK TERRA COTTA WORK T HE nndaraigned nave xneir works In tall ope**- tlon and are now prepared to receiveord rs tor all kinds of TERRA COTTA WORKS —sooa as— WINDOW O A I* Enrichments for Corn ices, such as Brnnkcta, Atednllf on, And everything In tbs Architecture lli> >. -AIW- KHunjs ni m thph, iahkh, via*urn* pot*. STAT! AB\ Jfl.. Also Manufacturers of SEWEn PIF E From 8 locbes to 8 Inches In dltrustor, ilso. Interior Decorations, such as Cesttf Pieces, Cornices, Etc. PERLEtlRINI * OIOBM. O-lots© Flower COUGH SYRUP rpHH famous Cough and Lnng Remedy is tbe ac- JL tlvu principle, ohiained by chemical process from the •-Globe Flower,” known also as “Button Root,” end in Botany as "Oephaianthns Oociden. tolls.’' This rare and delightful oompound ia a certain onto for orory form of CoHgh, Urohrhitls, Hoarseness, Whoop- Ing Cough, Asthma, die.. And will positively cure tjONSUMPTION I When token In ilme, as thousands will testify. It cures wheu all other means and remedies fell. It ' as cured people who are living to-day with only do remaining lung. Within the past few years Ms rnmedy has been used in thousands of oases Hh astonishing and uniform suooeas. Actual ex- P»ienco baa demonstrated the fact that it ap- P*Vche* nearer a specific for all Throat and'Luug *“*tiona than anv medicine ever discovered. It is n *Jnly now being used and recommended by tbe lea.-ned and skilled pnysicisns, but by tbe distinguished persons on the amerl- Or. J. 8 EMBERTON A CO., of Atlanta, Ga. the proprttors and manufacturers. For sale by all druggia everywhere. Prico one dollar per bot Lie. Its enres cumbered by thonsands. It fall- K W IHPttdVKD HOUEfflDTLE SEWING MACHINE PRICE »ROM $25 TO $75. O UH MACHINE is a Hhuitle Matine. and do all kinds of work equally as \*u „ any big priceo machine it durable, ngut ruotng aud war raute<l tor live yeais. Wo receive alt« a t every day certificate* from parties residing In be city, and from all parts of tbs countvy, wucUcite % wl o apeak in the highest terms of the “N*w Iiaptved Homs ATLANTA AUCTION HOUSE. WITT JJjOYNER. . H. H. WITT k R. W. JOYNER will give their unite.' services to the sate of uny goods that may bo entrust© i tc them. They will have a competent Auctioned aud make PROMPT And PAZTfiCFUXj RETURNS to patrons. Goods for sale will be brought to their house FREE OF CHARGE. We refer, by Atlanta Nationul Bunk. Citizen’s Bank of Georgia, State National Bank, John H. James, Banker. W. M. & R. J. Lowry, Bankers ami Merchants, A. C. A B. F. Wyly, Wholesale Grooeri-j J. R. Wyl^y & Oo., Wholesale Grocers. No. 34. Peachtree street, opposite T. M. Cla ke A Ce.. Atlanta. permission, to, Silvey, Dougherty k Co., Wholesale Dry Goods Merohants. Moore, Marsh & Co., Wholesale Dry Goods Merohants. M. O. & J. F. Kiser, Wholesale Dry Goods Meronants. Williams, Langston A Crane, Wholes Commission Merohants. Redwine & Fox, Wholesale Draggists. Henry Banks & Son, Wholesale Shoe Dealers. Cox & Hill, Wholesale Lfquor Dealers. K aprtl lit-dtf A. T. FINNEY. M A N IJ F A O T TT R K R DEALER IN CARRIAGES, 8UCH AS ARE NEEDED FOR THE SOUTHERN MARKET. ILEDUOJHD FEIOEB i Using nothing but the very beat Material, Employing none equaled by nonr, I am prepared to acll the earn Duplicated bv anv other Manufacturer I make a Speciality ol Harness ol every class, fjC tmiRON Only SO Cents per Bottle^ K rronotn th. GROWTH, HtBimilTM Uke COLOR, and lncr*r«M the Vigor and BEAUTY of tho HAIB.4 1 graduato of Prinoskea la derived from tha Greek, “ Katmo," Jr- —.. cleemte, jnirifv. r^junnaU, or rutort. Tho favor it haa received, ana tne posularity ithaa obtained, la rnprecodentod and incredible. It incroaaoa tho i JmowTB and Baxtmr of tho H*ra. It ia a delightful i Ireeaing. It erndlmtoa Dnndniff. It prevents the —*—'*—gray. It keepa tho headoool, and h, auft, gloeey npnearanoe. It fa the uin: in Qt'Airrmr end Omr,mr na ft waaover a Qtrai Country Store* at only Fifty ContapevI BABY CARR. I AGEN. “Carriagea Renovated on Bbort Notice, and all work warranted to give general satisfaction.- A. T. W. Lane, in bankruptcy. t> trace, a week for * weeks that 1 have been appointed aaaifcnee of the estate of Ourtle W. Lane, of Wultfield county, In said Dis trict, who haa been adjudged a bankrupt upon his peUtion by tb* District Court of aald District fuhstbnr. !I" .1 -THE HOWE! Richardson, In bankruptcy. This la to give Lotlco once a week for three weeka that I have been appointed aamguee or the estate of Kobt-rt Uicbardiion, of FI >yd county, in aald Dir- trict. who bae been ad<udg> d a bankrupt upon hla own petition by ti e DMflM OMfl * of tho United Htatea, North- bankiuptcy. Tills is to give nottO' once a week for I hr that I have been appointed astlguee of the John Moore, or Kioyd county, In »aid Dim has h en adjudged a bankrupt upon Ma < Mon by the Dlatrict Court of • Northern District of Georgia-In the matter of Hampton W. Collier—In Bankruptcy. This la to give notice, once a week for three weaka, that I have beeu appointed assignee of the estate ot Uatu tm W. Ooiiier. of Cher kee county, In said Dlatrict, who has been adjudved a tunkrapt upon his own poUtton by the District Court for aaid Dlautct June 14th, 1878. Et DEBT B M0DANIF.E. Aaslgme. Juni7 Carte-sville, Ga. Established 14 Years J HTJt jy'll.l Ull iJTKTiTV TSOJT l.«rgest, Cboapeat and Best In the South. por c . less than it will coat a student to attend efflclcntand combined course of study through tha operations In the Actual Busineas Di-pai tment, and the success of tha graduates rants It the LEADINO BUH1NK8S. SCHOOL IN THE SOUTH Sludonts 'admitted at any time. Ne teaching In class-*. Business Advocate mailed to any add Fhkk Address B F. MOOltE A. M tanJflwly _ President. UNITED 8TAT4 INTERNAL REVENUE, I C01 hKCToa's Orrirr.. 4th DtnnuoT. O*., I A'lento, May J7th. 1878. ) N 'OTICE 1* hereby given tnet the following seisurca have been made by me, U».wit: Three packages of Corn Whisky, contaiDlng ab«ml 40 nallons eacti, for vlotatiou of Hec. 48, Act June aotb. 1884, aa the property or Cbaa. P. atv allt, ol Atlanta, Oa. Two packages containing respectively 81 gallons Corn Wetaky; and 31 gallons Rye Whisky, and rour empty barrels hevlng stamps and iua>ks not etisced, or violation of Pec. M and 43, «ct the property of J. ■Oi " packaip! c _ _ _ Whiaky. for vioiallou of See. 48, Act June 30th, le84, aa the property of Uryton A of A'Jauta, Ga. Any person or pereona claiming any of aald prop. ‘ ‘ * appear and inako aoch ejair- __ .... *• *— M -*—bon July 30th. lbC8, u lai ta. Oa. ing about 18 gai A poBtliumous volume of poetry liy Lamartine liae just appeared. It con tains some of bis early pieces, which lie in all probability thought un worthy to see the light, and among others a tragedy entitled “Zoraide.” In it there is, of course, a confidant p p r . r fp l K|u Mills who bears the name of Einest-a * anilJZ rOTTapie JUJUS within thirty days Lorn date her of aud giva bond as reriulied by law; otherwise tho same Will be sold 1 snd tne net proceeds deposited t«• tbe credit of lha Secretary of thaTreaaury. may39 wilt J. A. HOLIZOLaW. Coltoctof. unfinished condition on the wall of 8in g H i ar un i 01 j 0 i ancient aud mod- one of the marble staircases of the Senate lost winter. The artist has a plan for dedicating the whole stair case to the navy by calling it the naval staircase, and painting three medallion beaus of naval heroes on each side wall, and surrounding them with emblems and trophies. ere nomenclature. The Turf, Field nnd Firm announce, that JuDu Day. the celebrated Eoglinb trainer, ia a bankrupt. Indorsing notea did the bnamefa. He baa, however, made satisfactory arrabgeroents with bil creditors Korcuri, r>wt kail WtiMt Ki. iir - H«l.ct.d I'r.ncb hut,r Htno, — o,.r ..UK! I.o. I. IIM - IM Mill MmI. - All kina, nr Mill M. chi . ry -H'.iuag OMb—U-rn nlny Mills, Fries MEND FOR (.TRTULAR HTKAL'fl A CO.. Box 1480, CINCINNATI, 0 NITED 8TAT» 8 DINTR1CT OOURT-Nt 1 lint 1 lot Georgia—In tha matter of • h . Bankrupts'-No. 581. Alt persons intor-aled are notified to ah • d from all thair ilabto. 1 he awoond W. B. MM ITU, Clark I N IV IM drift Court of tli« IJnltod Hlataa, Norlh- ern Diair i t 01 Georgia. Iu tho matter of Robert WMdow-, In bankruptcy. Tit* la to giva notice once a weak for Ihreo weaka that t have li-en appointed aMlguaa of the estate of ltobwt Wuldowa, of Atlanta, tu tha couuty ul Kui- ton. It aald Dlatrict. who haa been adjudged a bank- n|on hia own petition by the Dlatrict Court of Juno 10th. 1875 THOMAS W HOOPER, )«13-la«3w of Atlanta, Assignee. - ^ — - j* Northarn Diairtci of OaorgU—In tha m»Uer of Alaxan-ler A. Lacenby—In bankruptcy. This la to live uoiloa once a w*ak for three weaka that I nave lean ap| olnttd Aaalgnea of the aatato of Alaxaodar M. Laseuby, of Wa'kav c-utuy. la said dlatrict, who has b«an adjudged a bankiupt upon June 14.b, 1873. Jwaaa Jay, of Walker eoant>, In said 1 lairiot, who baa been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own peti tion by tbe District Oourt for raid District. June ltfth, 1873. DAVIS c. HUTTON Aaaignaa, JuDlfiuawSw Laf ayette, Ga. TUE BEST EXTANT AS TR VERIFIED BY An experience of oyer Twenty Years. IT 18 MORE SIMPLE IN CONST RUCTION I MOHS DURABLE! PERFORM! A GREATER VARIETY OP WORK! RUNS LIGHT I IS EXPEDITIOUS IN PERFORMANCE I The Best Machine! FOB ALL WORK. Io ihrao raapeota wa Invito a Comparison, and war OKr*»t entire saiiafhotlon with every Machine. THE Ti O W IC MIIIDW SLOW MIN, OVER BEAMS, DROPPINQ 8TITOHES OR BUEAKIEG * NEEDLES great objections to all other Machines. IT 8EWH A flOHT BEAM IN THE H EAVIE3T GOODS! C. BOHIVEFELD, Funeral Undertaker, Metalic CaffeiT^oi Casa ft or all Stsee anti DtnriptlOBa Ajeat for Tayl Preserver. no. 1 iteoivrs opera houkr, falfidfim AnktrtA. Oa. LYON’S» ATHAIRON Magnolia, Balm A FEW APPLICATIONS MAKE A 4 Pure Blooming Complexion, It la Pwraly Vegetable, and Ita operation Is Been and felk at once. It does away with the Flushed Appearance caused by Heat. Fatigue an t Kicltemeut. Hralaand removes all Blotches end Pimples, dispelling dark and unsightly epota. Drives away Tan. Vm-klea and Brm- kwrn, and by its gentle but powerful lnducayoo mantles the faded cheek with 'youthful bloom Aim bractt. Rdd by all I>rii t 'K«sta and Fancy Stores. Da* pot, r»3 Park Plaoe, New York- ^ m , I N THE DISTRICT CGlttf of tha United Stoles, of Georgia— In In Eankraptcy. Tola Is to giva notice « noe a waak for *hree weeka that 1 have bean appointed Aaalgnea ol tbe < f Uaahiugton lUuaom, of Walter county, iu aaid Dl*-, who haw been ad)udge« a bankrupt upon hla (' md petition, by the Diairn t Court for aald district. J me 16th, 1873 mUUr ol | or XKMHIOM. that 1 have been ap^otntod Aaaignaa -f the aatato of 1 homes A. Duke, of Polk om.ty, lb aaid District, who ha* been adjudged a bank npt upon ola own pe liiou. i>y the Di*>rlctCoar< 'or aaid district. June lith 1873. LEONARD H. WALHIOL. V^Rnea, Jun’HoaaJw Oder Its . Ga. This la to giva uotie* ones a * oek for these weeks that 1 have been appoint'd Assignee of the estate of DautolC. Roberto, of Polk county, In aaid «ittrict. wnd baa been adjudged a bankrupt upon kls 0wm 1 tout, by the District Court for aaid Die'riot. IS! 16m, »M3. JOSEPH A. BI.ACAaalgnea, Cadmr Town, da. Tha inventor, EL! AS HOWE, known aa the “Man- tar of Master Mechanics.” once truly remarked, 'The Machine is MechanicallT Comet.’ While Marhlnsa of other Inventors have had an ephemeral popularity-soma now aim *at unknown, while otbera have ceased entirely to exist, aud a few been compelled to make changes—a weak effort to keep pace In part with the mechanic*, improvements of tne day. Unllls.o Howo. Whose combination of Mechanism was perfect from tho first; besides now owning and has adopted all the LATEST IMPROVED ATTACHMENTS Koch t* the desire to obtain the HOWE It tOHlRl that, although now manufartnrlng ONE TH 1 1U8AND PER DAY, It is unequal to tue demand. Wa respectfully invite all p-rsooa deetioua of par- chasing A rilUff-CLAEd MACHINE, on LIBERAL TERMS, to tail at our oAoe and examine tor them THI HOW* MAOHUtB COMPANY. flabll ■ iBrnmfc_. trltlona, Dtnr^lo. AlftMNftvn and AnU-WUloui whole I- preserved in a Sufficient quantity of from I st PAROANNIO tatflMRl elimrt -. .i. uuiakeathn a LANTATION _ ITTKRS go. of (h. mnat a«tnt>l. To«t»« »m4C.ta»r- only to be need *°They are the sheet-anchor of the feeWe and dehill, taled. 7 They act npon a diseased Uvea, and stimulate tztS+srFi jjjaffL^iavLa; They are a aplendJd Appetiaer. They 0 gtrong. They — purify and inrlgorate. , , ilea of disorder* wkMfro bodily airangth and b resit do up WRanf £«pot, 63 Faik tWet, KewYsb, .. TO THfc MOUNTAINS I 1 an rpikd vodr RCKan at tbs WAYSIDE HOUSE, Towhl-.t- has bean added seven large cottage wwma. For information, address jobkdfit A. J. HEALAN, Proprtator.