The Atlanta daily sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1873, June 24, 1873, Image 4

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NIK DAILY HUN AtiMlft, Urn., VJmu* »1, uri “O. E, Whisky, sad Old Vallst, * fi. M.jcO*EA 00'S., Broad he A0UIT * 00. DAILY AID WflRKLY 80S fw a^B«BotMr"la«i." emtMA MMOMCl.VMU C'«H tm Iftor «T IH*'« mnI nl « bottle «T MWr OMhw MmdMua Fmmllho •kmtld hoop 4$ urn A—A. JIW* AmM Irnri uAlhmmt 41. Jin MMN d >nw»Mw h tovrlA « pound at tun. _ Joi.10 *W D«. H. L. W.Ckaio u» author ised to aoliait btMoaa, and motive rah- aeriptton* for Tm Sue. Camlet, Bock * Co., Atlamta BmancmObca* Bouthebn Oi* Headodahie*, m Aanam 14. Tn Lunot afd turn Connm txocK n the Booms* Statu,, such a* On, Tom CaxiM, OaO abb Uoon Watbb Cou>biv Babels, Palettes, Stketohebs, warn tm vnrnovr Cae- vam ; Onn, Vaeniebes, Pastel Cmay- ■*», to. PBIOE* TO COKBABB WITH An 0TBBB Mabeeta. O* Sunday morning, Johnnie, the in. font ran of Ml. M. D. Parka, one of the attacks, of Tbb Sob, died. Our friend hae our sympathy in hie bereavement. Tbb Kimball Hottee ie overdo ring with eoetomera from all parte of 'be Booth. Col. Nieholle ia making ample arraagemanta to aooottmodate all who may deaire room, for the aeavon. Amuiement for tha crowd wax fur niahed jeateruay morning by the railroad men in endeavoring to gat back on the track a aleeping our which ran off near Whitehall eroaeing. A pammmoeb on the train from Weat Point ytiterday aaya it ran ao faat that the telegraph polea were aa thick aa teeth in a fine comb. That paaaenger had got on at Weat Point, and had perhape been taking aome of Bill WUilam’a “Valley Tan.” Fan Baptist Chough Pew Renting. —Pew holder,, and all other, interested in obtaining pewa or aittinga in the Firat Baptiat Church, are requested to be in attendance at the ohureh tbia day at four o’olookintbe afternoon. The new aye- tern will go into operation let of July. Lbotcbb to Yocno Ladiw.—At the Firat Baptiat Ohureh the Jargeat atten dance that haa ever been had waa ont to hear the aermon of the Rev. D*vid Will,, D. D„ ou Sunday night to the iadiaeot the city. Hundreda were compelled to leave for want of room. The Rev. Dr. acquitted himaelf in hia usual eloquent atyle, adding to hia already wall earned reputation of being one of the finest pul pit orator, in tha South. JTJLtx-r.t jmJMMMT*. Wheat—Red nominal, 81 00; white. •170. Food*—Fancy tlOMkjUl; KEtraFam- <9 76@10 25; Family U(g9 BO; Ext. a M 60@9; Buperfloe $6 60@7 60; Fine H@6. Cobh—Car load lota 78(380; less 80i yellow 77®70o. Mmai-SOo. Bacon—Shoulders 0(30ic; clear aides Ilf; clear rib 11. Hams 13(7^131; sugar onre.1 16(0,16. La«d—Tierce lOR^lle ; keg 11)0 bucket 11 i@lA Bulk Meat,- Clear sides 10fc; clear rib 10. Oat,-65c. Hay—Timothy $1 60(0,1 75 ; clover •b 66(31 66. Like- -46(360 per bushel. Co ad —By ear load for lamp 26o; black amitb 22Jo. Cotton—Middling 17t@18i; low mid- dl'ng 17(317*; good ordinary 16f; or dinary 140141; inferior 8(313. - The above quotations represent whole •ale pricee, end ura tbia day approval by tha Atlanta Chamber of Commerce. OltOCEIlI IiTM New Grocery Store. TBOMFftO* ALLAH JH. Hot.—Id Alabama the anu ia ao warm and the weather ao hot tuat much sick neaa ia complained of. Train, on the Macon & Eufaula Rail road, will leave Montgomery aa follow. Leave Montgomery : Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Leave Enfanla; Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. A Glorious Sunset.—Last evening s most glorious Bunset wa' seen. The western horizon was one bright illumina tion, the reflection on the dark clouds wbioh overspread the heavens, ou the mountain tops located near the oity made the fineet picture ever seen. 0000,000 IN 0A8U GISTS, TO Iik D1SIBIDCTKD BY THE MERCANTILE Prize Association, Passbmgib and Ticket Agency.—Wo notioe that Mr. R. D. Mann, the General Paaaenger and Tioket Agent of the Oen- tral Railroad, whose very oonvenient offloe is et No. 4 Kimball House, has oreoted quite s handsome sigu at the oorner of Wall and Pryor streets. Mr. Mann tells tickets to New York and point* North and West, aa well aa all the popular watering placet. He also ex changee tickets lor travelers when do- tired. Tbb Domestic Bawnra Machine is one of the simplest and beat machines that is manniaotured. Its simplicity makes it a pconliar favorite with ladies,while its light running qualttiea arc just suoh as to ren der it no lest than mere pastime for those who operate it. Mr. Pell, the State Agent, is fully awake to its merits, end gladly furnishes all needed information to those on the lookout for a good ma chine. Bo sure to give him a oallatthe oflloe, No. 4 DeGive t Opera Home, Ma rietta street. OF NEW YORK. D aily drawings i a prize for every TlcksL 1 Oub out. ..$100,101 76 Cub Qirta, etch $1,0(0 6Cub Gifu. aa. 60,(100 300Oh Oliu.och 60J 13 Caah Olrta, aa. 26.HOO 200 * aah Olfta, each 200 3U Oaab Gllu, aa. 6.000 660 Caah Guta, each 100 400 Gold Watches.. $75 to |300 (-log Maobiuea 00 to 150 75 Elsgaut Plan off, ffaob 350 to 700 50 Elegant Meliwbtnn* — •• to «oo OMb Gifu, 8Ur«r Wore, «to., rallied et $1,500,000 ▲ chence to drew any of tb« ebore Prlt«* for Twenty-Five Cent*, llcket* doaenbing prlsea ere ••eled In envelope* end wml mixed. On receipt of PAilKS and ALLAN 47 Peachtree Street, W E announce tu oar ,ri*nd* end tbo public generally Uiet we uave ,ust opuned. et the u d •tend of McPherson k tiam.ut, Peechtn-e giroef, e Grocery KatabiUbtneiit We thell keen on fiend et ell times e full Stock of Family Grocery Supplies, ^fclcb will lie sol.. M low M by any other home ot the tameklud In tbo city. parks <& Allan. at»i«- tr. GETTYSBORG KATALYSDiE WATER, 'I 'UK United States Dlepmsatw/, the authorized I r*v J 1 Materia Me*uca, claws* tbli oo TO i a late notioe in the La Fayette (Ala.) Clipper we see that 1 r*. Joe Phillips, the bereaved wife oi an old friend and former oilmen of At' lent*, Is profitably engaged in writing in tba oonnty judge's offloe at Union Springs, Ale. Mrs. Phillips hoe deter mlnedly gone to work to raise her ohll- dien, and wa are glad to ohronlole the eaooeaswith whioh she ie meeting. She ia the widow o( an oU member of the Prase, and one of the founders of the New Era paper of this oily. She la the daughter of the lamented GoL Charles MoLemore, well known and remembered in Alabama aa one of her beat oi lisecs. Wa hope she will auooaed in har efforts to educate bar orphan children. named upon It will ba delivered to tha ticket bold, on ptymort ol ONE DOLLAR. PriiM nre immedi* aUly «f<Dt fo My ffddrttff by expr«M or return m»il. "an will know wbkt Four i rise Is before you pay U. Any prize exchanged tor another of the aame value. No blanks. Our patroua can depend a fair dealing. urwioMd or the Prxaa.-Fair dealing can be re* »d on—N. Y. ilenld, August 33. A genuine dlatrl< button -World, September 0. No* one of the day— Weekly Tribune, July 7. They give general fiction—StMta Zoituug, August ft. llxrMUKABa.—By kind permission we refer followlug: Franklin H. Lano, Loulaville, drew $13,000) Mine Uaitlo Banker, Ooarleaion, $9,000; Mrs. Lonlaa T. Blake, St Paul, piano, $700; Hama -I V. Raymond, lloatou, $5,»0t>; huvene P. Prackett. Pittabi — “ - ■ “ - leans. If.oca On# Cash Gift In arary package of 160 Uokets guaranteed. Five tickets for $1 00; eleven for $3 "0; twenty-five for $3 00; fifty tor $5 00; one huudred ul fifty for $tS 00. Agents wanted, t > whom we offer liberal induce ment* aud guarantee a Refaction. Addreaa ALVAH YOUNG, Agent, GEO. E.WAKD& CO.’S TO BUY YOUR ' CLOTHING! They bare opened a aplandld Stock of Olotliing; CMTS’FilllN ISIHHG GOODS! Ii lain Sine, Mifittla Street. jayMtL KNGLISH BAKING POWDERS AND ENGLISH FLA YOKING EXTRACT XT'OB MAKING (8WKET AND WIlOLKSOMh X 'tread and Biscuit*, A BETTER AKTIOLK TBA* ANY IN THE MARKET, having the quaiiUah of the Obat Raking Powders and Yeat combined, and recommended by all eminent Kugllah Physicians. Bread made irom the ENGLISH RAKING I'OWDKKS be 'isked at once, oi may remain in the manufactured from atrictly pure 'ingrediente, iZ under the aupervlalen of one of the beet Engllal Obeiniat*. For Sale In (Quarter, Hair and Fount) Tine by ahttctpci table Urocora end Drugirietas Wholeemle by WEST k EDWARDS, W. L. HUBBARD k 00., W. W. COMPTON k CO., GOODMAN k WADE, T. J. PHILLIPS, Atlanta, (ia. Head Office fur the United state*. Ao lltf DllAKIk MTKRlfiT W. V. ATLANTA WATER CUKE, Dr. F. KATiOW. Corner of ;Hunter end Rell street. KALOW, well known through hie greet „ a. a a - our citJf ftad . _ • cure of all Chronic Diaeasee, of what he will lespectiully inform the citizens of Atlanta and surrounding country. Livhtt Complaint*, Fever*, Peralysia, Epilepsy. larUtty. Asthma. Rervous Affection*. Dt»fbpma, idigeatioii, ltnxuMATihu, Nkubaloia, Scrofula, Diseases peculiar to Women, All Impuuitiuoi tub Blood, Skin Diseases, Kidney an i Bladder uompiauu, oiu Vi ,» c « „f tlio Water. Pile* of all ziud* STUOTUlUta, GoNonenuiit, zj. and lac Complaint* after Meaeela aod scarlatina, tie., etc. T. W. Rucker, of Chapman, Rucker k Co.; Majoi •ord o/ Water with the moat rtnewned Aikaiine or carbon- at. i Springe of Luioy*. it far exAej* any known ■ tta *c|f preserving proi>ert.t» It do deteriorate tv bottling and keeping. It nke never been claimed fo.* any other mineral water the power to diaeolva the nraie*, or ao eelled chalk formations in the body or «m the ilu.t« and Joint*. Tht* the Getty sburg Katalyffine Water hae done in hundred* oi matanoee. Gout, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Dya- pepaia, Gravel, Diabetes, Kidney knd Ji nary Dis ease* gmerally have all yielded to it* influent hu reauiml muscular power to the paralytic, cure.. Abdominal Dropey, and give i healtby action to lht$ Torpid Liver. It hM cured Chronic Diarrheas, Pun, ConetipatioD, Asti,ms, Catarrh, Disrate* oi the Skin, General Debility and Nervous Proetra* tion from mortal and physical eKCuaae*. All theaa by the Bottled Water. It ia a powerful antidote for exceasiv* eating or drinking. It oorrecU the *‘om- ach, promote* digestion atuhreUevee tba head almost immediately. Of Pamphlets containing a history of the Spring, reporta from eminent potaiciau* and mtdical w riters, marvelous and wel -atteated cure*, and tea- union lain from distinguished citi$ene, will be tar nished end *ent by aail ou application to gieta UGUHUU—Fulton Cunutir: 7b the Superior Court of laid County: 1 1 HE PI'.riTIUN of Lo.Uk JA Blackley. Jol.u Gut- . litr. 0. Pwepies, Robert B»ugb. N. J. Ham* mond, William Kzzird, B. U. Thrasher, T. 8. Far row, P. L. Mysatt, Reuben Arnold, Josae M. Gose, George Hlllyer, R. U. Clarke, John A. Btepht us, Henry Jackson, M. J. Clarks, Julius L. Brown, Dennis V. Hammond, Sidney 1>«II, W. L. Calhouo, E. F. Hoge, E. P. Howell, and such othor person* m are new Maociatsd with them or may hereafter becom - associated with them, and who ere mem bers of the bar of the Atlanta Circuit, end resident in the city of Atlanta and said county and 8Uti, ‘hewutb that they and ihoir aucoeMora (who shall likewise ne membeiaor the bar of eaid city) desire to be incorporated under the came and siyltf of The Atlanta Bar Association, with tuelrohltf odice or place of busloMS in the said city of Atlanta and aald county and State, tot the tpsce and ume of twenty luoty, by sucq suggestions as the experience ol your petitioners may, in aa organized lorm, pro- due*; to promote social Intercourse amongst tLe members of the bar of ttaid city, end to elevate the ne of professional etiquette. Tbo privilege* that your petitioners desire h ■oise under and by the name of The Atlanta Bar Association are inch m by the lews of the Bute o! Oeorgia are now, or may hereafter be permitted to be, exercieed by corporations of a like character. The amount of capital proposed to be employed by yoar petitioners is only aa ;h sm may arise from initiation feea and uues, and from donations by gift wiiL Fur which purpose your petitioners prey the pesa ing of an order incorporating your petitioner* as aforesaid and conferring upon them and their successors the privileges specified, aud such other prlvil. gea m are now flowed by law aud may b« re ef tor be conferred by Jaw. This May 13ih. ;M3. CINCINNATU8 PEEPLES, ) REUBEN ARNOLD, S Com. OGLETHORPE CO. W O T I O H. TO CASH jOYERSi VVE HOW OF. KB TO 1HE TRAD!, YOB UAMj. aa/atu* aleak at ttoeia. UMloato, BACON AND Clear mb Side OO Tierce* riiiparior a PLAIN A! LAhD in Tierce*, Barrels, kegs • ud Cans; Orieaun < hclce SLd Pnme BY HUP in barrels Yeti nr JOHN; 3/ 00 bushels OATS; f 10 bales lit* to CAI Omci AND 8a LxaaooM - Corcer Forsyth tf TIMFI On crop liens, with approved security, /CL<£ MEATS let Sbouldora 'ar-onreu hmoltctl Horn IANVAB3ED. I cads MOLaHiEn, in bofsbiads eno b»rr ie; Kew . FLORIDA WYlCP; bu«bek*Mt# and ^“(ABS, ell isMfi taU.a'IOBN; 3,'uo bvahala OATS; ttobale. If ■ ,71 “™,‘* ']-?“?■ inti.; alao COkFKB, PlaH. 300buii. T.IO»l? ’*‘ lo “3“-’ , ** , ‘ < ‘P r ‘“*;Bl*!;2 1 W *^i*JS^, ff;“' rors. and many otner goods usually kepi in e Grocery and Produce House. We offferr.- %1 lu st. K* SkAOU aatlw W. H. C . NIOHBLBEKRt Hitckeii airecta, AtlauU —Advanc» to Planter* i to march vnts'on w ar-vth ^nJ mtckeil streets. Atlanta. Oa. DOWIE/MOISE & .DAVIS, * or*. Manufacturers and wholesale druggists, o. which bM atteu led our efforts in the poet, we have determined to spare of the patronage ao liberally oestowed; end. with this view, bow MerohaaM |-- * - - — *“ * ~ ( Country MerohaaM the largest aud most complete stook of Drugs, Oils, Dye dtuffs, Perfumery, GiaMware, Druggie^' Sundries and Fauoy cet. andat price* that shad compare favorably with New York, Philadef* P LATTKRED by the ai no paiaa to merit a effer to Druggiats, Pbyi Medicines, Oinmtcals, Good* ever elfered In IL... i; . , plda and Baltimore. The/*i u 7 «-*ld by Wt> are p oprietors of following sundxrJ Family MeiLdiues, wbioh ws offer with ooufidenoe as being equal to any befc Molse'a Fever aod Ague Pills, warranted to cure. Moise’a Popular White Worm Gandy. Mol-te’s Morning 8Ur Yeast or Baking Powders. Oolller's Remedy for Man aud Beast, tko Best LleL meat ever used. Grey’s VegeUble Vermifsg*. a. Davis’ PaingOurer. Parker's Gough Byrup. "Wliolesalo Agents for CCBolAfUITTEHS, t~OJT BaLAJTJTSSCHJTdtPB Simmon's Hepatic Compound or JLivcr Cure. Patent In* 8hoir Cane*, Walnut nml W.-tal Frames, a 1 Sizes, a Specialty Sumter Bitters, th^® 41 doulhesn Tonio. Molse'a Liver PillyPnwly vegetable. Molse’s Horae, H/ 1 ® nd * Powdors, Molse'a Soothln// ru l > > Meliabio and Harm- 1*#-. Molse'a ite*dy/ ,ior ® r fr«m Pain. Vallet's Mang^Urtm®®* > Clayt in'* Ki7°f Pain. Southern Freight and Passsenger Line Vi Ml SMITH (AROMNA MIIHOMS. JnnDO-dAw P. O. Boi 3)10, 21*5 Broadway, New York. Grand Excnr«ion! Sals of Union Paodto Railhoad Lands.—The Union Peeiflo Railroad Company sold daring tba month of Mej, 1878, 10,433 71 100 ura ol .and, at an average prioe oi 16.16)o per acre, amonnt- ing to S6B,743.800. Bale* averaged 76 8-100 aeroe to each pnrobaaer. Total sails to Jane Ut, 1873, 736, 883 67-100 aorai, at an average prioe of •4.30c per acre, amounting to 83,118,- 619.81a This Company baa a land grant of twelve million aoreo, lying on each side of the track, and extending through one ritate and three Territories Theee million aetae of ohoioe faming Ikndaoa ih* flret three handre l miles of the road in tha btato of Nebraska, are now for sale at vary low ptoees, oa ten jean’ time with interest at aix per cent. No interest is required in advanoe. X dieoount of tan psroent. ia allowed when fnll payment is made in Otoh at the time of poroheae. I PORT ROYAL, 8. Cl, LEAVING ATLANTA O'tdntsday Jttorning^ %5th inst, ■ ABO RETURNING ON SUNDAY MORNING, Six Dollar* for the Round Tri|»! to pleasure by attending AN AUCTION t»ALE of tb* fineet and beaUblvat Building Lota end Truck Farms within the city limita, to be held o • Friday. 97th, at 10 o'clock. Payment—Oi e-fiftb et the sale, one-fifth ou delivery of detd. ai d the baJeno* In three yearly pet} meuts. A reduction oi twenty per 10,000 GIFTS! Girt Oobckrt. under the mauegrineat of ux- ““ ' “ Bramlette, and autborlsed by laiature for tbe Public Library tly and unequivocally come* of! lail, at Louisville, ky.. wbei 10,000 Gifts, all cean, amot.uiit:p to $500,uoo will b distributed by lot among tbe ticket-holders. The money to pay alt the*,- gilts lu mil la already In beufc aud sat a*.do for th»t purpose* a* the following oertlfloate shows: Omci on Fananaa *m> Daovnas' Bank, Louisvi'le, Ky., April 7th, 1373. This ia to oertlfy that there U in the Farmers and Drovers' Uauk. to tbe credit of tbe Conoert, for the benefit ot the Public Library of Kentucky. Five Huudred Thousand Debars, which haa been aet apart by the manager* to pay the Uifla In full, at, will be ueid by the Bank and paid for this put pose and this purp<we only B. Cox. Mr. T. J. Hightower, Genl. W. 8. Walker, Messrs Jobn end Jamea Lynch, T. Fleiahel, beer- man k Kuhrt, Mr. Bhulhaler, Dr. M. Mit hell, Su perior Vicar; Mr. lamer, of Brooklyn; Father Ma- rony, Philadelphia; Rov Mr. Smith, Macon; Gaul- den Quitman, Mrs. Danwoody, Darien; Mr. White. the flr*t symptoms. Tbia treatment given i YEARS AGO MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT published in tbe cibrouiole and sentinel, Augil B. R. MITCHELL Ordinary of Ogiotborpe Couf Lexington, Ge.. May 13tb, 1373. NOTIOB. GEORGIA—OGLETHORPE COUNTY: 8HBRivr'j rilHE public la hereby notified that the^ c *»l ed- A vertisemeniM of tbia offloe will greefter be published in tbe Augunta Chronicle an4Seutinel. TUOH. D. QILHAL Hheriff. Lexington, Gff. May l itb, 1373. MOTIO] GEORGIA—OGLETHORPE COl OrncK or thk Clerk or THaA^rKRioa Ccubt, r| HIE public ia hereby notifiedtne official ad- X. vertlaemeuts of this offl-Vwill hereafter bo published in the Auguste Chrome end dentiuel — 1 H. LE3TK11, 8upenor C -urt, Lexington. Oa., May 13th, /d- my!4wtf UKOKUI t-0 R lfthor|x County. WiiKHiUM. Poliver U. Gty*ly$ Administrator of * ' Dtvl*. o« e.d count) * , f..r/tie nuil.-tsory from said adimuii .. hcrofore./ - oito nud admonish all peraonsluteruated to bo/ud appear at tny offleo, or betore tuo first Alou>y n> August, 1373, to show causo, if any they have^rhy said tetter# should not be granted. ‘ Wituoaa my hand aA official aignature. H it April 38th, 1873. K. Ii. MI1CHELL. ap3U / Ordtntry O 0 (jkoitUIA -l*l.(hoi-|ii Ui.u»lf, Whereas, WillUn J. Mathowa, Adimuietrator de bonla non, ^>n tbe estate of Francis h Gionu, late of sad County, deoeeaod, petltloua for dikcbarge from Mid Administration. Therelore all peraoua conceded are uereby required to show cause, ii auy t|*y have, why ud Administrator, do bonla non, slbula not, at the regular Term oi the wjurt ot Jrdhfisry of aaid County io be bold let Monday Ju July u»-xt, be discharge.; i.-o Adniinlatra/ou. Giveu under my hand this 7th day of AprL 1873. R. R. MITCHELa., vpllO / Ordinary G 3TK flUIA—Oclethorpe County: Whefl •. 8. H. Uardeman, aa Adani Yea flret merits nre well kn •own tn Amerlen. I to ell known. KA hats tko Hdeet sand best record of any Liniment fin the world. From the millions upon millions of bottles sold no complmlnt •me ewer reached ns, and ne a hcnlli nnd PAIN-SUBDUING LINIMENT. IT HAS NO EQUAL. Administrator , petitt i»i ... - discharge from said ation. Therefore ell p*rs.»ua concerned .y required to nbowceu- e, if any they have, lmlniatrator should not, at the re i Court of Ordinary of said Coun ou the let Monday iu 4 U .y next, be d’la- :rom said administration, under my hand tbia 8 th day of April, 1873. pliJ- B»_B- kiliOukLu, Oruinary. KOltUIA-Ugltthnrpe County: Wherkah, Isaac R. Hail baa applied to me for Lit re o! Administration do bouia non oa tbe estate of Dxntol Hall, lan of taid county, do< oaaed. iheaearo, therelore, to admouish alt persona lu- tereatod to show omm, if auy they have, wuhiD prraorbed bylaw, why such letters should . is. Sprains, 1 tnathna. Hard Hwellings, Bltca. cbilblalus, ^Uff- day oi April, 1873, neaa of tbe Joints, Froten Fcot. Lars, Ac, Ae.. among ell peraona, and for Hprains, SnOders. Ring-bone,roll-evil, Scratches. Wind-g alls. Hfof-elsw Spavins. Spring-halt, Saddle. Collar and fimw Qails; also diseases ot tbe Eye and Ear lu not be granted. my band and official alguaturo this 28tb “ ,0 "° ** MIaCHKLL, OrdMiary O. 0. and 675 for 66,000. my <dttaw weow3m r $100; 66 for $500; 113 lor $1C00, CBEEIBHIER WHITE SULPHUR SPHIIGS, West Vlrjflnlu. Famous for Uteir altbaativb waters end fashiona ble patronage, erenow open. They are 1000 feet above tide-water, affording en tire relief from proetreung summer beat Capacity * w acoommodauog 3,000 persona. CaABons: $3 10 per day; *.1 per weak. 186 per TERMS HERE: $3 perdflf) $10 per month, junetnodim GEO. L. PEYTON A OO. Horses, Mules or Cattle. ISTMt lonm Halt-rheum, Poieonoue Bites, External Bone and Muscle Affections. Sore Nipples. An. end may bn Justly termed tbe panacea for all EXTERNAL WOUNDS. ceased, eppliea to mi (or letters dlamlssory from said adminiatration; lhe*e .ie, therefore, to cite eud admonish all pereous Intel seted to be and ap pear at my office in Lexington, Ge., on or before the aret Monday in July, 1873, to show cause, if auy they have, why aeid letter* should not be granted. Bate*—Iu Bankruptcy. This ie to give notice, ouce a week for three weeks, that I have been appointod Atntigueo of tbe estate of Isaac Bates, of tbe county of Uordon. who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon bis own peiiUou,'by the District Court for said District. Calhoun, Ga., June 3,1873. U KITED STATES DI8ITUCT COURT for tbe Nor ma WOST ABSURD ABDUNKATUBAL CUBE* CLAIMED BX Nbw-Bobn and Mushroom Linimektb. Hut tluu, by the we have the experience of over thirty years * — of trial, with the most substantial results, end by Daniel trtout. of Walker county, in said District, wno has been adjudged a bauki-npt upon hia own peti- »• District Court cf eaid district, June 2d, JI we uauuruua uui aa lavuiureuu™, Money will be Refunded. ■ - Uo .or. ud I. .re . Cut ud . frud. uotklaa but 2ll£uict& Liniment. 0>Ibu nx axx Dauoovn 4 mutu aset, OOc. and * I par Bottlto Soon *bb or Botbe. hx Sa « LYON MEG. OU Northern District of Georgia—Iu tbe mailer of Widiam A. Edward*—In bankruptcy. This ia to give notice, once a week for three weeks, that 1 have been appointed Assignee of the estate of Wt liam A. Adwarda, of C ieroke county. In aeid District, w:.o ba* been adjudged a baukrnpt upon biv own p»iiUou, by the District Court for aaid Dis trict. June 7th, 1873. Johnson, tn bankruptcy. This la to give notice once e week for three weeks that 1 bvve been appointed assignee of the estate of Hiram Johnson, of Cherokee, in said District, who hae been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own peti tion by tbs District Court of said District. June 10th, 1873. d A MU EL T. HOUBTON. * of Cherokss county, Aaaignsa. JunelS-lawSw TO AND PHOM BALTIMORE, PUILnAOEEPHIJl. JTEW TO HR A BOS TO JI Anri also irhe Mew Euitland Manufacturing Cities. First-el as s Steamships Three Times a Week! WFOE INFOKMAXION, APPLY IO J. M. SELKIRK, Sap’t, Okarlestoa, 8. 0. J. J. GRIFFIN, Wosteta Agent, Atlanta B. D. HA8ELL, General Agent, Nev* York. h30eod A. L. TYLER, VicePres'tS. C. R, B„ Chailestou, 8. 0. CHEAPEST FURNITURE HOIjSE IN QA. u the fuhniture EMPORIUM, Corner !M arietta, and 2 ’eacti rre© Sxi ATLANTA, OA. THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS WORTH OF CHEAP MEDIUM AND ELEGANT OFFICE, CHAMBER AND IARLOR FURNITURE CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. 250 Complete I'eri Honiu Suits from 640 to 6600. 100 Par or Sait, ia Hair, - loth, Wool aod Silk Reps aud Terriea B.ooka- telle aa lSatins, Plato, Pip.dor Puffed. Manufactured HERE and (VAR- RANTED TO STAND. IN IBIS 11ANCM WE KEEP HU OLD S OCX NOB STYLES. AIX OOB UOUDS ABE EBE.BAHD t El IBABl.E, .BOM THE BA D8 OF 0DB DPHOLATEIUL—TBE LAltOEST SlOOKOF COBB N AND MEDIUM AUBH1TUBE kspe'ully adapted TO THE WHOLESALE TRADE, To whom we oan give the Lowest t iguree. All enquiries | romptly answered. 1.000 Cheap Reditead- from 63.60, Upwards. 3.000 Chairs from 60 t ents. Upward,. And averjtMcg Usually and UNUSUA- ,LY kept ia a first and EVERY OTHER CLASS Furniture House. Alao, the Celebrated wo VBN WIRE MATmawa, H>. On.iwt Is.osuon of tt. Ajp. Tb. CLEANEST, CO iLUT, ui MOST DEUOHTFUL BED la I w. Parties in scare' of 7URN1TURB will find U decidedly to their advantage to CALL, and w* promh • either to aeU yo. or make soma other Daaler "CARV1 HIS PRIORS," aud grit hia tooth. In olthoi event wo will bo t» ana of oaTing you fully IU par cent. M. T. CASTLEBERRY. KILE’S CORNER. > n hNiHiR aprl»l*'-so4 Announcement. Da. j J. B. MURPHY haa returt od to tha will bo louod ot hia office on AJabanu otro > by pas- daalring hia aonrteos in dentlatry. pjrjuvraN CHKaP WBbL* VOh RVfiRIkODY. I OKFtlH to tbo people of Georgia "fOFi'l PAT E3T WELL Ic.kR.' invited and pteouted by bainpson Peps of Covlagton co.iaty, Miss. With :bia Auger, four hands can, In common soil, bora wo iutih up FIFTY FEET PER DAT. » wlU DO re through rock* that are not v ery bard. It glvas the cheapvat well ever made by any process. County Rights for sate. BA _ fT iii lf*Si W. 1ft HOWELL, api lifffi-dkwfim AUa^a, Ga.