Newspaper Page Text
TtatiUmikup f |<twn With
TWt b ktß btftn W • Jib
Tin til fiKittn dhall k* *4
Impartially twkaiiged, oScsra fo, **®*rjr
a g rtn dfeiditrt fat fcUkrt. #* dtitoar aso
takabitaau for tke fme
lakabiuau, MimW* <• ink *** iouoo.
* HII. .
. Tta tto M Frt-locMbr.^
That tha llfci ? Bt u!ki
In. ifued, ar *atl he Wat* •* to tha
futfcn diftriA, M the w ) * d>>
(fell harated at the pri•
saerailee, tehe “ w * **
SaUar at (am toHfag*Jf* •k>*rt mt -
WkMNr ik# eaahaage ukM PM#. Ikt
mmmMm of ftVomm book Mw.
tirtNW KC#Ntl pratetlv fethtatkated, es
Hm sealer of ratieaa tkat fcr# W to
- mUonm who Audi be #**haag ad,
so said .t tke r#i#
* k,rfd anpdiliulty enft.-oN tl
k. lift t# dfotara m 4
? privett
TUI rpr •*••• ft ctvyt< fttHU
, I lfood? t *kk fo^
~ih#£c*n fc,l! ** SJUCT^S
mtacttud qear'rt fo * *•*
ot - tkm H “* c * lta
4 t lie cllinrii ■•#* cc*lfi##4 #icrr
*nA~frivitt, #k# Uv# hsn take. at F*r
Id* Uteft ea Bitilla, .1 lU 4#fe. of
taker, the late e*c#ri •* lk# I'jo *
l.l# Gtergia, ar.d other placet, wko ktv# beet
liberated .#4 sot pel nckanged, tdl U ##•
Cdeeted/or tad exekaaged upoa heaoc.
§**<{ syvt4ft, N Iktmri F*. Ji I/ft*
SIX, V . .
i A I ut cotUcii if kavtag c#*i •
A eaadid par. it W eoafofog Oftfe**
Reid, relative to k.ttekt#*f pAfmmmkt
ik# &ti f war kaa rtdaced tat# capuntp g;I
3 a# tot it U Itat apprtUU# * cor#*ma*
go paper, tad febmittiaf t# pt>lic lafpeAioa,
srspofalt faapfted bp kaaaaaity, t# wkieb i
tklnk it as hoaort#fobferib* mj ■•• <
At lk# alverati#fi, which p#u kav# etdoi.
’ veared to introdect I#to mj orlputl propol#!**
{torn to kav# broajht freat#*’ dic#ltet ittkt
o—ilolta of • cartel | I wo#l4 wtfli thaw
•bop were eqo<t#He pHteipttt, t#
•ItcVatioM wit oudobaKack at, fr# eucaN-,
tan cot, raqflir# f#te aot eerp witrut ct*l^;j
With therefore poo
- !• tdra|sja #fkaaga of citi#at aatfpilh.b*
itatt of eqoaFraitianHteUoav w>M annapfiM|
ther eitraocdioirp. Von c#oaoa be a U| ( p
Sir, that •• peaceable iehabiuKti
apan bp ut at ptif*aeri of war, ‘tilt krfAtftu
•he illegal dett.iion .f’ k#
fir#, aad of ptrfaat es weight |4
•keft fa!o erfme, i* p#uteys wrf
to flaad forth a* inimical #o inY*Ufra
It fßTfraitCßt, t#4 t# dif#r i opMMfll #*'
ttople wl# mcent to fabrert it: b'djtt rr **
frtt Cent timet #ccafco#td repifalt. *Jtd thofc
f e.-font who fell ito #ur hatdi, l>c not till
fo#r after, for thefaktof liberatlac l k* f f #ada
mi f# tlwr#lly detained. #| j
!#*. opea fomeoccafeot. etchuged, tr#
fared ctocrallr by wt te retur# •• tkair n Ipt c
tioe koeiet, maty iaiatyt of which I coold
meatiea fin tny o# perforal
Ihiwerar. t at prefrni, iaSraaitlu a*d old
•re not fwAcVeat r#t(ba tot to U
wad*. *iihrr - uU trmt. cr t adWogiptiH
tin r q sally k 411# ttrifT •**
|r..Ach chcotnlucei fallti# ® >r
It, aad otarovba c##fidered it “*^*99**
‘—rtbi' —rtbi that th #f • otwl'; A
SH wo—U fakh*“i ,k J'*
*iiiii. iny I- —
Y„ will dib*< * ,M (Wb llfcW, lb** I
■■■ u„ tb. at (*c b anew
lk. anjT *#*£*”' ** ±
Ibii.a nmchaa (fWbe,*
m. f.„< fwka,|aama a.tww'g
•ad pour Oatcral. apM poor reprafrau^oa.
attempt to palliate f#ah t mfalal bp t 4*fti •
Hon t#o aico it faA *• U
thro# it into a proper ytfltt of tiewrTVf
laar# M rafer yat to bi of tba
krtkle cf mp propoAtt, aad thaitf ih# lui*
trtkto with poor alwratioat on tha #e*t dtp.
To til the otbar artklea bcrealih fimt* I krw;
MM ihf tltcraliaat which po# wtlhod
he modat to ay othae i ctatok po®Wp coo
civa t* l<ejeftitaUe• r* **
the cKchaogc coatot *U pltc#. tfrecable
Ml# fpiiit of awp propofur, I hep# • ha e*c#l
pa tad. aad that tko *•©? the #tfeq#eec##
will a#t ha laid a pea me.
li the offer i midr, that tU pnf #wt oo
hottd af tfc* prison bipa might be pet •# tore
for tk fak# of praferriaf mrty ma* ( a livat,
wifoy##,to oodtiftaed, that Gaaeral LiacrJn a
koeormak b# pladecd, <kt* a)l tk#fwkfca!i
thfcMd witkoxl tk# kimwladg# f the cam.
rtftry of prifoaert bail he #ccoottad for it
mar fatara exchange, a#d allowed,at havme
hoc* rttaratd to foa | their htWog abfe#ndtd
beitg certified epot oeth hp the eomaitffa r T*
meb be fuficieei proof withoet Nip o.her : No
adraataga ia ieteadad to ha takas; it m etlcn
latcd oaly to praraat toy d*fj?tt# that might
: eMio ea that head,
f,, ‘ lir.
| have tko honor to h# ,
Voar mod phhitrti 4c. -
lint . Colonel of the f lft Rtzimcaf,
anJ Commander of the Worth* Detach
meat of fits Majtjly's Arm v in Geer] 7.
Tit ADDRESS tf'tix hbai*** 1 * V ‘t*
J OWn qCHUta.i -/ T . 1 --~#wr*t trig
TfrWliitiabi rants of the town of
Savannah, being deeply itn
pfefled with gratiiiiJr, for
the benevolent and humane attention,
which you have conflantly fltewn to
their incereftt fincc the arrival of the
troop# under your command in Savan
naht takethit opportunity of returning
you theirmcftgratcfulSf
They beg leave to afTurc you, that they
will for ever remember in tke wartneft
manner, your uniform endeavours to
promote harmony and peace, betwixt
the army and inhabitants i and your
fondant attention to the complaThts cf
Ltbc diftrelTed. -With mind* imprinted
Uyith these sentiments, they ardently
Ki(h you a fafe and happy paflage to
▼ B*g leave to return my best ac-
J knowlcdgetnems for the honour of
JL your That my conduct
fcould have merited your approbation,
gives me teal latitfadinn.
J£o relieve the diftrefled. and promte
JsSce & harmony in Ameiica, has ever
the objed of my attention IfGeor-*
BRrhas felt an impreflion ol cliofc e r .~
l am happy.
1 have the honcpir be t o Gemleme L
(fi-ned) AJRCHD.
s&anruib t ytb frffirib,
0 *bhii# seep* ra, wlo are wHUrngg.
Jl taka ch.'geef a eeaher of Wack lit
era eedtr fever.! c,veif**n +kzZm
qvalifitd for sitkirg f tv. aad v-ho c*a htiew
iccoSmudttteaa >f tkeir jbbtirtvtMdkdA
to fuck gr#et eetearageaeaa will |p glTiSf
robe sold or***
Adam Austin,
pKo. go.}
Brmrllta-Jlmt,/tr Ct/h, tiU af~Mm
ckanri, or Comity Pradu*o\
SUP&ItPIMBtbv fafltieuhlr caleers -
Calmer, Germs forge, mMemp# -
Cerdad dimitty.
Black fiUc Veechct Iccaa, ‘...
Blaaketr, milled piidieg,EesdM WWßm v-
Irish liana ) 4tbt,'.gJuatd
Ditto fkcctlag,
Canb iek, mails, md sMm ckratg
Garmas, eed BriMA Oaaebrg> # „
Brewa roll, foihdet,
Omuhvrgha, sad NaSthsl,
Werlcd, aad tkreadPockisga,
Meat glevcv, MUicaf ftes,
aftsr, ted fstt Isti,
Priaied, aed eheek Udkarc'aleA,
Table-dotkea, millmr)wd C Airs
Check, aad ftr!p*d Heaad, do.
Aadlery. \
Ivary, aad ksnt esmba,
A variety efhard warn.
Breed, aid aarrew hoet,
Hrfoa te,l>af fogar, >
tUalliag wmr, Aa.
For SAL £,
A e 4 chair, to he foil
cheap for caftt, enquire of
Mr Jafeph Ovtdivire in Sa
vannah l 22, Feb. 1779,
ON ik* aigkt If Si a] 1 LI. kett tkc Inr #
tSelvr, tpaity *1 M’ d*af f*d iik fo'di* ,4
hr.kt tot* my (Miltrp- 1 y.t o my fV,
fpaktmd UM*.le*a t:<m th ,> i/hw.nt, tom f
*0, limy btkave# *# a vary ii>ti*u Bliuf
kicaiMHg mt .# my i,rns#i ‘hmtii memi*|.g
fauad tkty cirriad away ana dcsm mi isVti, t
dvirn af Veckt, sd two dean fawla.
Wkoavsr uell give inforwatia# of ika rlUiaa
Hat caauaittad tkJt rihhrry,u#se aarvjilae at tha
Jamce Somerville
(iJviog iaA* Hoofi Uttfy/ttffiiodly Mr. Jmcthef
War tboClmrcbJ
tlfdKTI tt puxduCi a. quantity sf wUt#
yy oak kagOicad ftifti aed kradisg, aad
taker 1 amber, for which tkckighcA pricet till
b* gif sa. Ha hat for (ale at (aid place, aa
fins tat of Bare peso gwfo | f jjgt akirh
V* military (beet, fiairt#, aad trtaftri • Ha haa
elfo old idadeira. Part ad •Kerry wiatt, fiagl#
and double rafiaad fagarklofcerado da. tea tad
cofoa. Cevatry prodac*cf re rp hi ad will he
talma ia payment. ——jße g
Jr a ntTd,
APcrfoa epeseae es the sea If.aed* a#
heat up, aad brttk fome ycaeg korftt,
with the afifttsce of three or fear head* | a*v
eee that *rrlUidt tka asaaeegesaei es herfw
aad sill wedertake ikit befiaelt, 00 bring*
tig a racom waadatieß es hie ability asd ckar-e*
ter, will meet with good eacaaranmrat, hf
applylag to tbs Prints*- Mark* 4. 1779
To be S$L A BT
M‘ Chriftic,
At ib, D*Wm. (H.. 96J ik,
folfoilag tnielee. via.
Aid Jamaica fpirltt, Wtß India had Frank
rum, by the gtllaa at <4iS>a (air, fuga/ aJ #S
jm, rtoJlaiTae, tea aad rofyft, h foam e*Mf
■} mhwiH*
• ‘V ±-r - . IT?-