Newspaper Page Text
STOLEN an Sunday morning last, by three
men who were drefled like Gentlemen,
;;rWO NEGRO MEN, the property of the
( iucfcnber. The two Negroes, one of whom
is named JACK, anti the other PRIOR, were
sn waiting on a boar at the Poblick Wharf in
Savannah, when they were forced into another
boat by the said three men, and carried down
the river. Whoever will discover the thieves,
lb that they may be convidied of the crime,
Ihall receive the reward of five guineas from
Hermitage, Dec. 1779.
Two Guineas Reward.
RAN AWAY from Great-Ogechee Ferry
end of November last, A NEGRO MAN,
named SAMBO, but may probably change his
name, and pass for a try lor; he is about five
feet nine inches high and 35 years old, and has
a nick in one of his ears. A WENCH, named
MARIA, with her CHILD, named CHARI
TY ; file is a very flout laity wench, has loft
fome of her fore teeth, is of a yellowilh com*
flexion, a feamltrefs, washer and irocer, and
formerly belonged to Mr. Dupont, who lived
at Yamacraw. Whoever will deliver said Ne*
groes at the Proved! (hill receive the above re*
ward from Mr. Swanson, or PHILIP DELL.
ALL perfinyfJdehttM to the Eflate of Wil
liam Barii, deceased, late Pilot in the
Navy, to make immediate
menff"and. those having demands against she
fttdc to-fend in their accounts, properly atteft*
ed, to JOHN MILLS, Adm.niftiator.
u “ \ ’ “” 1
Ten Pounds Reward.
WAS broke open lafl night, that part of
Mr. James Somtrvile’s houfg occupied
by me, and carried off, a pswder hag
with above 1201. cafli In it; a fap.rfine blue
teat with white lining, lapelled, without any
buttons on it 1 a Marseilles quilting waifleoat
with linen sleeves, a black drawboy ditto, one
pair corduroy breeches, one pair black cotton
Eeniftae dittft, one Ihirt marked C, with fome
Rocks, Ac. The above reward will be gi-.en
to any person who will give- me information
whe>e any of the articles arc fecrctcd, so that
they are recovered ; an J a further reward of five
guineas if the Cash be found, and the offender
convi&ed, will be paid by
Savannah, ljd Dec. 1779.
SAVA NN A H, December’ 23.
*pHE P/tfident and C urcil ol Pe .nfylvar.m, at
the departure es the French AmSaffidor, X'm
pliment him on his “ conduct, -which had,” fay thev,
ttndency to conciliate and cement oar af
** feAions to the Monarch and People of France *nd
the F.ench r in fenn n i, hspj y m the
te/limsny -which they y-ve unto his zeal bo all means in
his power ti confirm their confidence in tmfriendfhip of
bis mafier” Happy >hc K.njf and Peoi.ia of F.-a-ce,
in having conciliated unto tW t n theaffeflions of P.e
fident and Council of Pennfylvanis; surely. never did
the Grand Monarqne fee! so great before, and hanny
the Prefulent and Couccil that the French Ambaflj
dcr endeavoured by every means in hi* power, and
success untold, to confirm tlyiir confidence in the
friendlhipof the King his mafler! Thrice happy the
Ambafialor, who, having effefled all these great
things, i* recalled and ordered, to quit America by hit
Saver rig-t, which ti the surest proof that can be gi
ven j|f mutual f iendfhip and affeflion !
By the arrival of Lieut, Col, Rohmfon from Ea<
Florida we learn, h .t Lieut.Cel. Fufer, ermtfiand
iog his M*j*fty*s troops in that province, has paid
the greatest attention to Sniffling the fort at B>. An
guftine, and preparing the lines, which he has ac
complished very handf>mely, and stands ready to
receive the French, the Spaniards, or the American
Rebels, should their vanity induce them to ‘attempt
an its predion upon that garrison.
At St. Augustine, on the 9th of November, at fix
o'clock in the evening, wai a very elegant bdl open
ed, which was made by Col. Fufer, to entertain the
Ladies and Gentlemen, and in honour fignal
viftoiy obtained by hit Majesty’s troops over the un •
itad so ces of the French and Rebels at Savannah,
In order to perform the necaffary ceremonies feur
Managers were appointed, via. Capt. Bu/rard and
Lieut. Campbell of the 60th regiment, of the mili
tary, and Mr. Thomas Foibca and Mr. Archibald
Lnndie of the civil line, who performed the pleasant
trust with great pclittnefs. The agreeable artiufe
merit commenced with a few country dance*, after
which bi* Excellency Governor Tonyn and Mr*.
Holmes moved a minuet, and performed it with a
very handsome air and grace; next fuceeeded Lieu
tenant Governor Moultrie and Mri. Catherwood,
Ac. There were present above 40 of the fir ft Ladies
ll the province, and a much greater aamber es Cin
tlemeo. The ball room wss illuminated with abere
an hundred lights; the pictures of the King and
Queen were exhibited and enwreathed with laurel;
and the whole room was decorated with ivy,
and branches es tender myrtle. A collation wss
prepared of an huadred and fifty difee* for the La*
diet and Gentlemen, and at the head of the table a
trophy displayed with all military hrmr,
with the colours of twn battalion*, one on the right
and the other on the left, and In the certtre a banner
richly embroidered with goi J, reprffitoring the royal
arm*, Ac. ingeniously adorned with the evergreen
branches. The ball continued with much harmony
and happiness until about three o'clock next norn
ning, at which time the band es mulick was dismis
sed, and the cheerful rx.rcife ended.
The Gazette of the State of South-Carolina, of the
a+tb November lass, contain! the followiog para
graph under the Chailcftown head 1 “ General Sul
livan, having executed the purpose of the expedition
upon which he was f-nr, by burning all the towns
(save one) of the Five Nctiors cf Indians, 40 in
number, and destroying ail their corn, was, the be
ginning es last month, on bis return to join the
main army es the United States,”
W'VW'VWWWWI ‘■■s/or W W Nj/WU/WNi/Vad
The Subscriber has for Sale,
Best Mess Pork and Beef
tr _ /.
in Tierces
■- ‘*i *'■ ■' l “- 1 * - >
WHEREAS there are many very poor dis.
trelLd people, who, by the calamities
of war, have been reduced to; tfie nec.filcy of
.coming to the town of Savannah, and who art
real obje&s of charity, fend as the efual means
of fubfifting.the poor in this province cannot ti
present taka efted, it is theiefore hoped the
humane and benevolent will contribute their
mite towards clothing the naked and feeding
the hungry; and such as are so generously dis
posed are requefled to pay the fame to the Rev.
Mr. Jenkins, the Rev. Mr. Stuart, or the Rev.
Mr. Zubly, who wii] diflribute the fame with
that attention the refpeltive wants of the con*
cernad make necelT.ry, and to whom it** 3efir
ed applications may be made.
wnMMiMiai • mmauuXMi
With mails. fills, and oars, fit-for a privateer,
and will nnfwer for a hjrqe velf 1, havirg a well
in the middle to lift anchors. She may baleen
along fide the febooner Lgdy Parker.
WHERF.AS many H-.rfcs belonging to'he
different Denartments of the Army have
Brayed, and been loft, during the late liege, and
the scarcity of Hot ft* for faiein this neighbour
hood makes it difficult to replace them, all per*
font therefore who are willing to dif t >ofe of
Horses or Mules, for draught or fiddle, are re
queued to bring or fend them to Major Fraser,
Adling Dsputy CLartermafler-General at Sa
vannah, and he will purchase and pay ready
money for them.
■ ■■ 111 ’■ * ■ ‘ ■I! vmmmmw
WHEREAS, daring the late Urge es the
town of a great many Horfis
in tbe Qjartermafter-General’s Depart
ment werd kil ed, and many pot out of the
lines and were stolen ssod left. AND WHERE
AS a considerable numbe'of Horses are imme
diately wanted to replace such as hare beenr loft t
Therefore all perfims are required to aid and
assist his Majefty*j fervicein this particular, and
to bring into town forthwith fell Horfes
which they can poffibiy spare, and deliver them
to Major Fraser, the Deputy Quartermr.fter-
Gc-iera!, and for which they will be paid
full value in calh : And Notice is hereby given,
That, on failure thereof, the laws in such cases
made *nd provided will be enforced. >
By Order of his Excellency the Governor,
Geo. D’EasAOi, Dep. Bee.
Savannah, i6ih D.c. 1779.
ST. )AM RS < JIII, ts
THIS Day Sir William James, Bart. Chair
man, William Devaynes, Esq; Deputy
Chairman, and the other Dheftorsof the United
, Company of Merchants of, England trading to
the Eaft-Indie-, prefemed the following Ad
dress to his M’jtftr, being introduced by the
Lord of his Majefty** Bed-Chamber in Wait
ing; Which Add refs hisMsjelty was plealed to
receive very graciously; and they all had the Ho
nour to kiss his Majesty’s Hand.
“ To the KING’S Moft Excellent Majlfty.
** WE* yoor Majesty’s loyal the
United Company o?Merciantsoiftngiifk) IrlJl
in'g to th&Eaft Indies, beg Leave, in this Timd
of general Alarm, to eXprefs oar Sentimeatt of
Zeal and Aficflion to your Majesty’s Royal Per
son and Government; in an Hoar of threatened
Ruin to our Commerce* and of possible insult td
this Illand, it is a Duty incumbent on all yof
Majesty’s Sobjeds, but peculiarly on great com*.
metrical Societies, to exert their best Mdaaa of
strengthening that impqftaat and conftitutioaal
Defence, the Naval Power of these Kingdoms;
which we trail, notwithstanding Ser
vices required in the distant Parts of the Empire;’
will prove faperior to the combined Force of thd
Houle es Bourbon In Europe. Asa final 1 Te
stimony of our carnrft Desire to promote this est
fen’ial Interest of our Country by an ionnodi
ate Supply of Men, we have offered Bounties
to thole who Ihall voluntarily enter themlelvcd
to serve on board your Majefty** Fleet t And at
the fame Time, that we may coatribnte out
Assistance to its future Strength, we have re
foived, at our own Expenfc, and with all post
fible Dcfpatch, to build three Ships of War;
of 74 Guns each, with their Masts and Yards,
of which, when finiihed, we request your Ma
jesty’s gracious Acceptance.
“ Whatever Judgment Posterity may format
the unhappy Contest with our Fellow Subjects
In America, one Sentiment Only can arise re
fpeAiag the Condnd of those Powers, who,
pretending Injuries which never lifted, and
a firming thO- Patronage of Rights which they
never feel noßusder stand, could have but one
Ohjedt—am id ft the DiftraAion of the Britiftt
Empire,- to gratify their pwn Ambition. Sac
cefs, which fometlmes palliates Inj.ftice, haa
not hitherto attended their Arms We have
seen your Mxj.ffy’s Enemies driven from India i
We have seen their Commerce almost deftfoyed
by the animated Exertions of your Majeft;’a
Subjefts in Europe and America j and we are
confident that the Vigour of our Countrymen
will rife proportioned to every hew Danger.
Those who have conspired the Ruin of Great-*
Britain may number her People, her Fleets, and
her Armies, but they know not to efliaite the
Energy of a free Nation united in Affedtioa,
auclardent in Defence of their dcareft Rights i
Which, under the Blefling of Providence, we
da;e t hope Will finally defeat the pc.idious
JDefigns of til your Msjefty’s Enemies.
“ Given under our Common Seal, this
Thirteenth Day of in the Year
0/ cur Lord, One Seven
Hundred and Seventy-nine.*’
L O N D 0* N,
Administration #4 m great expsc
tation. of acquiring no little credit by
and-by, throngh the means of Sir Edward
Hughes, whe is certainly destined for the Phi
lippine lilandt, with infirufßons to attack the
Manilla?, the success of which is greatly de
pended upon,* as that Commander-failed with
seven fli p* of the line, and is to be reinforced
verv ccntiderably at the East-Indies.
We are credibly informed that four additional
regiments of FencibleS are forthwith to be raift
ed in Scotland, and that second battalions will
be added to the corps ralfed last year, to make
all together 10.000 men. Gen. Fraser has or
ders to raise fix additioaal cum panics for the
7* ft regiment, which, with the four farmer!/
raised, makes three battalions of 1000 men
Upwards of 6od letters of marque have been
applied for and granted at the Admiralty Offied
fmee his MajelFy’s order in Council tb make
Spanilh reprisals.
,7 u b 3- Yellsrday the Hon. and Rev. Dr*
Yorke, Bilhop of St, David’s, kifled his Ms
jelly’s hand on being tranilated to the See o t
Gloucester, in the room of Dr. Warburtoa.
The fame day tbe Rev. Dr. Warren kifled
his Majefty** hand on being appointed Bilhop
of St. David’s, in the roc m of Dr. Yorke.
On Thursday evening lull an express arrived
at the Admiralty, and to the Ministers of State*
from Sir Charles Hardy, with an account nf
his having taken a French frigate going front
Fra tee to Count d’Orvillier’s fleet with dispat
ches. Y
July 6* A treaty is negotiating with thi
Court of Berlin for tsking into tbe pay of thd
electorate of Hanover 40,000 troops next year,
if they lhou}3 be found necufiary. *
Extras of a Utter from Portfmoutb , July 5.
•• Arrived the Conception de la Torre, front
Cadifc, laden with wine, oil, aad barilla, and
14,000 dollars, a Spaailh prise taken by Sir 1
Charles Hardy’s fleet. The fleet have alio take*
a French and an American privstfcr, and ft
Spanilh merchant flrip,”