Newspaper Page Text
fN purfuar.ct of a Writ of Attach mint to the Pr~
* voft JMarjhal of tbt province of Georgia, in the
ftvtral cnujes under mentioned, directed, 1 have
attached in the rfpeSlivt causes the fnfertj and ef
ftßsfollowing, viz, , >
John Simp fan A Lot or Parcel of Land in
Ver/ut >tbe Uwn of Savannah, in the
John Houftoun. J parijh of Chris -Church, in the
province of Georgia, containing 50 feet fquart, be
the fame more or left, which said lot or parcel is ad
joining a let of the Hon. John Graham, Esq-, and
fames Chapman.
John SimplUn J A Plantation or Trail of
versus > Land, containing by cjlima-
Walton and Telfair. J tion 500 acres, be the fame
more or lft, commonly called Sabine Fields, in the
parifj of Cbriji-Church. f
to hoo! bred J A Plantation in-two trails ,
vtrfus > containing by eftimatiin 1000
Stephen Deane. J acres of land, more or left, in
the diJlriß of Little Ogccbet, in the parijh of Chr jl -
Church, adjoining lands of the late Benietiß Bour
quin, George Ddegal, and Edward Dtlegal,'and
lies on the north branch of Little Ogechee river ; and
also a Town Lot in Savannah, 60 feet in front and
90 feet in depth, formerly occupied $y Philip Minis,
and adjoining Gerjhon Cohen's lot.
! M'Cuun and other* 1 Two Plantations, in three
versus > trails, containing by eftima
, Charles Myddcltcn. J tion 1500 acres, more or
William Telfair and J less, about fix mi la from
Others i North Newport Bridge,
’ ‘verfus F f ing in the parijhts of fjef
I The lame, p \jthn and St. Andrew, for -
Storr and Ried 1 merly the est ate of William
versus * > Jones, deefajed ; aif ano
; _ The fame, w \ tber Trail of joo acres,\
j hore or less, near sunlury f in the parijh of St. John,
i; lately occupied by eirthur Carney. f j
* Ild'Goun and others 1 A Plant alien or Trail cf x
versus > Land, containing by efima-
David JHugucnen. yTten 350 acres, more ir fs,
in the parijh of St. Philip, whereon dfsndant lately
ref ded, adjoining lands of > 1 ■■ •
M‘Goun ar.d othCiS J A Plantation or
versus > Parcel of Lana, con -
j Adam - Fowler Brilbaae. j taining by i/lhxcaion
j Same J 750 acres, more or
versus > hfs, in the pat ijh cf
1 Same. J St, Philip, adjoining
lands of Shen Butler and” James Maxwell ; also a
nother Plantation or Parcel 0/ Lands, containing by
es: mat ion 500 acres, more or less, in the parijh of
Chris-Church, dfjlrtfl of Little Ogechee, adjoining
lands of tbt late John AJjLean.
M‘Goua and Othitra 1 A Lot or Parcel of Land
versus >at Yumacraw, containing
I Chifolm and Wife. ) bytfimation 1 05/rzi- fquare,
1 mere or less, in the parijh of Chris -CL urch, aajoin
\ ing lands of Dr. Zubly.
| M'Goun and ot:.e:s A Plantation or Traß of
I versus • Land , containing by tftma
!Shem Bti:!er. tion 350 aerts, more or less,
James Graham and” in the parijh of St. Philip,
another adjoining lands of Adam
versus Fowler Brijbant ; and also
IShem Butler. another Plantation or Trail
of Land, containing by ts motion 500 acres, more or
•• hft, in tbt perift? aferefaid, whereon the defendant
formerly ref ded, and near Fart A*gy!e.
\ M‘Goun and others 1 A Plantation or Parcel
versus >of Lands, containing by es-
Thomas Savage. 3 timation 500 aces, more or
less, in tbt pa r ijh of Chris-Church, on Gnat Oge
\chtt river, called the PJnl Plantation, adjoining
| lands ofjeftph and William Gibbers ; aid also am
\ ihtr Plantation or Parcel ts Land, containing 750
acres, more or less, in the parifj es St. Philip , called
\ Starling's Eiujf, adjoining lands of James Mac hay,
1 E/q
----f Storr and Ried } A Plantation or Parcel es
p versus * 5. Land, containing by tfimation
\ William Baker. } acres, more or lefsl on the
| Northern branch ts Midway river, in the parijh of St.
John, near lands of John Butter.
a Storr and Ried J A Plan'alio* or Parcel es
n vefus i Land, containing by ts imation
I Daniel S illivant. ) 300 acres, mortar hfs, in tie
§ parijh of St. A drew, adjoining lands of Stephen
e Williams and 7 bunas oullivant.
ts James Graham 1 A Plantation or Parcel ts
* and another j Land, containing by es lmat on
■ versus f. oo acres, more or less, m the pa -
I Joseph Clay. J r:Jb of Chris - Ckstrcb ,on thejoutb ■
9 Wtf road leading to Bryan's Cowpen, and about
|i/i (net miles from SaehevcrePs Old Fit Id ; a'fo an un-
V improved Town Lot in Savannah, in the parijh of
\chrifi Church, containing 60 foot front and go feet
|f< depth,, and lying a lot of James Haber
jthm’s t and also another Lot or Parcel of Ground at
ftfamsuraw, am the Bat, containing 2CO feet front,
■ nitd 500 feet in depths mere or lft, fsrt&rly occupied
Kfe Ribtrt Watts t dtcetftd, ~
Storr and Ried 1 A Plantation or Parcel of
versus > Lane, containing by efiima i-
James Haber(ham. J •* s©o acres, more or less,
James Grahamf’ Jin the parijh es Chrif
and another I Church, called Silk Hope,
Verju* J adjoining lands of Joseph Ha-
Haberfham. :J J berjham and Frtncis Harris',
also a Lot in the Town es Savannah, containing 60
feet front aud tto feet in depth, more or less, whereon
defendant formerly ref ded ; and also another Lot in
Savannah, containing 90 set in depth and 60 feet in
front, formerly the property of Farley, diceaf
ed, fronting the esf, andformerly in the oc
cupation es John Light erf one, Ejq.
Houttoon “) Part of a Town Lot in Sa
verfus • > vannah, containing 45 feel in
John M‘Cluer. J front and 90 feet in depth, more
or left, formerly the property of Chris opher Ring ;
and also another Lot es Land'at Yamacraw, in the
parijh of Chris -Church, containing 90 ft ft front and
100 feet in depth, more or hfs, adjoining the house
fornfcrly occupied by Mojes Nunez, and nearly eppeftt
a bouje lately occupied by John Wereat.
Storr and Ried J A Plantation or Trail of Land,
versus > containing by rfimation 500 acres,
James Stewart. ‘ more or lejs, near Midway Meet
ing- House, in the pai ifa of St, John, adjoining lands
cf Lyman flail. . * *
Mac Way. lifq;\ A Plantation or Trail of Land,
. * versus yentairing by tfimation 500 acres,
John W crcit.Jmnre or hfs, in the pen if? of Chrif*
Qhureb, on Grec.t, Ogechee river, adjoining laudi
granted James Maekay, Esq.
Storr andl Ried, “J A Lot of Land in Savan
verjus * nab, said to be the property
Survivors Raes, El- [ of Samvel Elbert, contain
bert, and Graham. J ing 60 feet in front and rc
feet in depth, Ijing hit ween lets cf Jyhn Richards and
John Lyon.
Hvwat \ A Lot of Land in Savannah,
versus “ I containing 90 feet front and 200
ftrwerd Telfair./ feet deep, more or left, on the
Bay, adjoining the lot lately occupied by Philip
Moore', and also a Plantation in Chris-Church pa
r:jh. called Sabine Fields, containing SOO acres of
land, more or less, adjoining lands cf Dr. Zubly.
hiewat f \ A Plantation or Parcel
• versus ‘ {cf Land in St. Philip
Adam Fowlrr Brifbere.J#>//&. containing 750
actei, more tr less, adjoining lands cf James Max
well ; and another Plantation or Panel of Land, in
the dfrid of Little Qgrcbee parjf? cf Cbri/t-
Cburcb, containing 2c o acres more or lejs, adjoin
ing lands of the late jehn M Lean.
Together with all the dwelling ‘dboifts buildings,
hereditaments, rights, members, and s,
thereunto fever ally and > ej'pefliveh belonging and ap
pertaining, the property if the several defendants a
bove named, his, her. or their hen sar and offgns for
ever, as it is said: Wbirtjut ever v perjon and per- thejamt, or ary pa-1 or pared thereof,
have hereby notice to appear in bis K'njefy’s General
Court in Savannah, at ih: return ts tbt aftrtjdid
writs, cn Tuesday the five-th day of December, to
jhtw cau/e why the said premijes, attached as afore
• said, jheuld not be acjjdged the property of and be
longing to the before naeqed rejpeßivt defendants and
ahfent debtors.
P. HAWKINS, ABing Pnvef Marjhal.
December 2, 1779. *“■’ /
gig T 1 1 ■■!■— ■ ■* nrnmnrnmm t I ■-
WHEREAS the fences round my fields,
upon the plantation adjoining Thunder
bolt, have been cf Inte frequently thrown down,
by (everal ill disposed persons, under pretence
of viewing the cattle adverted in this paper
tVe 15th of l&ft month, and by that means I
have loft part of my stock which were within
those inclofures, NOTICE is hereby given,
that I am determined to prcfecute such offend
ers in future with tie utmost severity, the road
to the plantation being well known to all ihe
late trespassers, and mere ignorance could not
fnppofe 1 would tike lo much dllinterefted
troubleao save the property of others, (which
the delivery of many cattle to the cl-imers fret
of all expence will prove) for such ungrateful re
turns, and the certain loft of my owe..
Bonaventure, the 13th Dec. 1779.
N. B. A small drag for timber, which the
French left at Mrs. B jweA’r* is removed to the
plantation. If the owner will go through tbt
gatt like an koneft man he may have it.
HAS for sale, A large and complete Assort
ment of Europeau and EaR-lncia Goods,
whtch he will difpois of lor caCi or bills es ex
change; also Rum by the hoglheaa, and Spa
tifh Sugar by the chest.
N. Jl. The tale of the schooner Tweed and
Antonia ie pjitoff.
By bis Excellency Sir JAMES WRIGHT, Bar br,i ff
Captain-General, Governor, and Commander m
Chief, cf his Majefiy's Province of Georgia,
ttlltr, Pice-Admiral, and Ordinary of the f&md,
WHEREAS, by n .8, iMilied, “ An Aft (A
* * “ pitvenr, as much at may be, the spreading
“ of the SmaUpcx in tbit Province,” it is, among#
other things, cnzAed, that, from and after the eighth
day of'Apiil next enfuirg the paflirg of the said a£t
“ if any person whatever within this province Cull
“ inoculate or ingraft, or cause to be inoculated or
“ ingrafted, the disease cr diftenaper commonly cal
“ led the smallpox, in or upon him,, ber, or them
“ selves, their family cr slaves, or in or upon anjr
” other person at perfens whatever,” (except ap
therein after excepted) “ or shall wilfully or know
“ ingly inflict, or cccfe to be inflifled, the said cfif
“ ease or distemper, or shall ufeanyafi, device, off
11 contrivance wbatfoever, or shall willingly or
** knowingly do any aft, matter, cr thing, by
“ which, or by reason whereof, the inst clion of the
t ( said disease or distemper may be icfiifted upon,
“ given to, or received by him, her, or themselves,
“ their family or Haves, or any other peifon or per
” sons whatsoever, within (he province as aforefaid*
** or by which, or by reason whereof, the infeftioa
“ of the said disease or distemper fpread or
“ commuoicated to acy person or perfers whatsoever
” within the fame, tber, and in every such case, e
“ very person who shall offend in any of the premi
“ fes, for every such offence shall forfeit the sum of
“ one hundred petinds fterlingt” Ar.d
“ that, in case any Have Hull he- inoculated or in
“ grafted, or, being known to heinfefted with tho
“ said distemper or disease, shall be sent, hrtught,
** carriedj or cocveved, from the usual place of re
“ fidence of the said (lave, to any ether part of thig
** province, contrary to tbe true intent and meaning
“ of thia ait, the owner, oi other person having tho
** care or charge ts entry such Have, shall be ad
** judged, deemed, and taken; to have cauftd aod
** procured such offence to be committed, and shall
be fubjeft and liable to the fame pentlty end for
“ feiture as is therein before imposed on euy other
“ peifon infefted wiih the said difteoiper; apd com
“ ing, being brought; or sent; within this pro
“ vince, unlefj such owner, or ether prrfhn as a4
” foreftid, flnll upon oath declare that such
<f or other Have did rot.come, or was not fen* off
“ brought with hi* or her knowledge or consent s’*
Also further, “ that where any person of perfon4
“ lhall be infefted with the said disease, in aay houfo
“ within the limits of any town, village, or plan
“ tatiou, within this province, every mailer, o*Ss
“ et, or other ;eifon having the care or charge of
“ such hctsls, shall, immediately upon difeovery of
“ fuc} infeftion, fix, or cause to be affixed, on tbn
“ front door of such house as aforefaid, and also at
“ the raoft publick place within the said towns,
4 ‘ village*, or r.eaieft to the said plantations, adrer
“ tiftments, fignifying that the fmallpoS is at such
“ heufe; and in case such mailer, owner, or other
“ f erf.n having tbe care or cliaige of such heufe M
“ afoiefaid, fiiall negleft or refufe to affix, or cause
“ to be affixed, such advertifementa hereby direftedg
“ each and every person so neglefting or refuting
“ foifeit for every such offence ten pounds
“ fterlinp >” And further, “ that if, at any time;
“ it fiiall b thought expedient; durrrg tbe contin
“ uance cf this aft, to admit inoculation; then it
“ shall be lawful for the Governor or Commander
“ in chief for the time being, by and with the advicn
and corfent of the Honourable Council, to give
V permiflion for peifon being inoculated with thn
“ said disease or diflemper, under fuch^iemulation*
“ aßd reftriftion* as they shall think proper, and
“ notify by proclamation, any thing in this aft con
“ taired to the contrary notwithstanding.” AND
WHEREAS the fmallpcx is said to have broke otit
on feme plantations in this province, wherefore, in
order to prevent the spreading the fame, and that no
person or persons may pretend ignorance of tbe lawg
of this province in that behalf made, and tha penal -
ties annexed to a disobedience thertto, I have thought
fit, by and with the advice and coofent of his Maje.
fly’s Honourable Council of this province, to notify
and make the fame publick; and I do hereby require
that due attention and obedience be paid by all 2nd
every person and persons within tbit province to tha
before in part recited law, as tbay will anfweff tho
contrary at their peril.
GIVEN under my hand and the great seal of tho
province of Georgia, this 9 tn day of Decem
r ber, in the year of our LORD *779, and la
aotb year of his Majtfty’s reigr.
By his Excellency’s Command,
Gxo. D’erbagi, Dep. Sec.
James Walker,
TJEREBY informs *he publick, That he intendi
A following said bufiaefs in Savannah, next door
to Mrs. M‘Farlane’. Ladirs and Gentlemen wb
may be plealed to employ him may dspend on being
served in the newefl taste, and on the ihorteft notice/
Dccimfcer 9, 1779.