Newspaper Page Text
fjreateftexpedition, it if now ready to
4>ut to (la* and this afternoon Sir
Charles went oo board the Vi&orv in
|>eife& health and high spirits. The
town is full of Gentlemen and Ladies
to fee the fleet fail from Spithcad*
which ViU be tomorrow, if the wind
permits. .
\ c Admiral Ross is eXpefLtd to join
Sir .OgpiS of? the Lizard, aftd then
the filet ♦rill conflft of near $o fiii of
the line* Zo frigates* three $o gUn
(hips, seven sire-ships, bcfides floopt
smd cutters t leueral bomb veffcls have
likewise joined the fleet, from which it
Is imagined they are going to bombard
fome town* / They have taken in pro*
Visions for two months.** “
Sept. It. By a letter from Brinfwick
We learn, that a body of 50,000 Prus
sians have received orders to altVfnble
on the Lower Rhine, and they are of
opinion there, that, with the Hanove
rians, their own troops, and those that
rtiay be procured frgm Hefle, this will
co-operate to turn the balance, by en
abling the Dutch freely to declare for
Great-Britaln. ■ ■ •
have an tunyof 80,000
men quartered in this kingdom during
c the ensuing winter, including the new
and old regiments and befides
the volunteer companies railed and
railing in many of the towns in Eng*
JQgtra& es i Utter fr%m Qefpjrt, Sept Icy,
“ Sir Charles Hardy, with his wfcole
fleet, it now under way. bound to St.
Helen**, and will, if‘the Wind is fair,
proceed 10 set tomorrow/*
EfttreQ, est Utter frm fenryti, Sept. tj.
u “ This morning We received advice
that the s&lfr privateer, belonging te
this place, had taken a rich Spanfth
ship, called the Pad r a boa del Alcafrta-
Ta, burthen *SO ton#, loaded with bales
of silk and other goods, bound from
Marseilles to* fome port lq America.
She failed under French colours. It is
said her cargo is Worth 20,0q01. She
is carried into Limerick/’
Though the destination of the flying
sq aad rod is nbt announced, the proba
bility if, that they have failed for two
material purpose?, to scour the Irilh
feat of a dumber of American priva*
teers, and to destroy erfibar
* katiojft of the French troops. Sir John
Lockhart Rofs*s (hlfting hi* flag from
a 74 to the Romney Os 50, and his
ing with him a number of fire- (hip*,
See. prove the latter suspicion alrttoft to
a certainty.
Wc, are credibly informed that the
Empreft of Ruflia has commiffinned
*4 more of her line of tmtle (hips*
which, with the ifi (he has now nrady*
are intended for our fer Vice, and will
, very (hortiy be in oUr ports to ad in
conjunction, with our fleet.
■ Liverpool, Ah£i*JT6. The fllofforti,
Doyle, from hence for Africa* has ta
ken the Cfiamont, a French (now*
bound from Carolina to Nan nr, laden
with tobacco* naval (tores, and indigo*
4°d (ent her to Sligoc, where flic arrived
the'Tzd ult. > ’ \ ‘
The Byron* Ruflyl, of Bristol, has
taken an American bfig, from Carolina,
bound to Surinam* and lent her into
Ringroad. , . \ .
Sept. if. The VoltuYr, - Capt. Alan
’ ion, • has brought into the
snow Stephen, from the River Oroon
oque, bound to Cadiz, with 24,000
rolls tobacco, 400 hides, 370 dollars,
nine 32 pounders, and fome boxes of
medicine, taken the 14th August in
lat. 38. lon. so. /
The Defiance* Thompson, has Hfcin
ft Spaniih prize, valued at 10,000!. and
carried her into Clydes 13,000 dollars
are part of the cargo. >
Sep*. 24. The Coulthard,
from hence Tor New-York, his taken
and lent in here the Nancy, troi¥i Vir
ginia to Ntntl, laden with lb j kogf
heads of James River tobacco.
’ ■ Jfii-I—■ nm i in ii rl 1
AKT perfoti th want of A WET
** NURSE, may, on applying to
the printer, hear of ft healthy woman*
with a good bread of teilk, and who
has lod her child of fcVeU days old.
Jan. ij, 1780.
’ “ ,l ” ■ v; —■ ‘tit -.-<1
to. k i so i,, .
tftv TbarWay the iyh Say of Pcbrnary nett, It th*
Vfn*m - H.afii In
*mi cook, waft, and irea, •a4 a.very rinbl
MEORO Ifti ta the State af Dr. Ro
han Trail, docot and.
All pa'Toat ta wh*m tbeßfltte i iadcfctd art da
f*d ta fia, j, thoir Se-aaat*, breperlr aiteSe*; by
tbedaf offtl, * Sad all KeStthla dua theEtam, and
mt fettled hytkai lay, wit! Ha pa.- la (bit.
. > JOHN IRVIN*,).. .
- JjOHN S TORR,}^”
8 laaaaah, J’h Jio.
IMPORT£ t> “b~V
J. SIMPSON junior,
I. ik. la* IRIFI fr.m LONDON,
at GOODS, amang wHith a*a iiouimm-gotf tad
fotdwart, tv Ha-Tulti al ibt ftfick Stare Mar ik
M/in Guard Kaa r , 4i ero it o. or tod At. A RGB
ro r Loti do it, ‘
WILL fail tatl a two maoihfi t left*
fro* tnt daft he e.f. Fir p.(C\gt at*p)jr to
Jeaathaa Elqj at hie la.* or ‘ta And
Mi'tw. , Dtcdhbti 3a, X 7711.
Light Dragoons.
A LL Pereas haring receipts freta Capt.
Taw fit. or aay ewer Officer of the Light
D agooah for horfea pertSaftd'fsr that sere left,
trill (epee briefing proper proof Os their loy.
altrftace the receipt! were giveh, dad es their
kavteg aOed in the liadt St SavaShsh ditrfri
the la e receive pSyteent. by apptyfnf
ttt Capt. Archibald Cstopbell, bf thhlberpt, at
Mra. berth dibboraS plahtatioa, oh er beferft
Ar 1 fth day of janeary near.
Capt. Campbell trill pay alt eh •vtetpek fivea
by Capt. TeWfit which are not pfodaCWl pieT
oei ta ijtb jairnnrv,
Savaa-ah, xSd Decembet* *77^.
0 iTrr
At tha Ca>ta*tat of the Raw-Jet Fey V.laattCrt ai
tba OrphaV-ll ufr, an Cnridwat Dofo
A fmail hay Mare,
■ With a hlatt ia her fact. WMbnadrt4bi< it
. Capt. Othtr-S of An Corpt, at H• 1 xhf, Baadgbt
tea Straat, Bull ha ItaeMi
A LL parfM ieAhtad to tba Eftal* es MoiW and
n Aaa Dyaft, dacraftd* are and. i.ed • Wakt pay
•mi a f ihair haada, nataa# atcaeatt, tr widt fpa
eihßirc, ta the fchlciiber* ,aad fb* Ft bevirg daWaadt
against said Edafa ira defrad ta And than is* pie.
perlv attefted* to
r,& Adm* Exicitti.
■— -- —* ——- —.—i
” brought ta my pUafauan 6ae tha of Sa
vaahab hj a ctrtain Robert Voaag, wha waa A u
unfartuoataly dftrwaad* The dfrfa Way be ftdl
there, and aay parfoot preythg their peefSity to them
aay have tkuh again by aofdyi-r ra
martKa Young.
Q <3faa:bae** Dac. xj, ayry.
W.A ittiß*
Alf OVRJtyzRt j e fiegle wtr, ta taka epea hiA
, *h* dircAiea of ar to ftndble Nrgrrct, td
ha eaaplryad an a fall plan tat ioa Cx ir. ilea fra iA
Savenah. wha eadetftaada pirating aka, car*, and
tMtbfMrav.fina, tha aMhi| of tar aad terpentine;
?* •° 4 wko *• I*W l*i preaf es
bta At!) add assiduity, every reaTdmable racnaraga
naeat will he givee. ter furthtr (nfaratatien ap
ply te tha Printer. vv
. 11 “ -n
iLfV frem the StAfcfUer /##d
. I ft*r the Defat 4 the FrtiUk M Re*
M Armies t j
Two Negro MeUi,
0 N ! • * g ß r,,r t lAt Sight iaehta high;
*wt J j year, ofm, Fpeafct atatb thraogkhir
“wiMb and. Reify ta ba ehderftaed; he
.he* Uha Vetf-Aaa m Saabnry 1 Tba atbar ftlUw
it eonatry bpra, aheet no yean af age hndfra feat
ftrf at <!* inebet high, rs an apen picafing eaaStra- <
aew, h- waa foriterly the prerarty af Thonaa-
Williaaa Hr*la ne*r Saabary t B >tb es tha abave
Negroc, a>c called JAMES. Tan Dallera Reward
win be paid far each >f the said Sfaprenta aay per
(ft Mid wiH deliver then te lew at S vanoah.
-rwtau, , 1-
Trtojkw'y cfat, otti t>tcm*tr, tyyy.
W faljnvdag parf<wa have tailed eta*
TT L,c “ fe4 > *h* PwWnet aT Oeyroia, far eae
- GIOROS? WlfClt, far reuftiog Fyk-itcna li.
In : at bib house near the M*ling-]Ronfe in
tvankwbh ..
__T*OMAS WILSON, far refilling f iritoda li*
Jaert, at hie haA aaartke Meatihg-Kenfe in
arannah | ‘
Tbertf .rt, if any patlb* will giv4 Htfatwtation;
bpoa aathy cf aay otbfra; b-fidei theft above-men
treked, that flulLVtll eay wine, cyder, beer;
bwndv, raid,.or other ftrang liqUart whttfoever.
In left fiMtitr thaa Unit gallea*, er keep a Kit
tle-alley, mua -biard* or billiard-table* er any
Rn>f place whalForver; ar (hall batter, exchaage*
'*♦ wjtndj any fiqnara, in atder ta evade tha Ll
feala Cftw, Brail* upon doe cboviAioa es the affn
in* ncrive tka l*m afPire Panada Sterling. ,
The Ttdubr of ret the abet* notice wrimhlt am
lfc * ftbftbe A *b# Ufa at* Lew, bet ai'tak detar -
Wned Id kiny that lap Snßly lata ehehution, ad
far aa it t*dO with him, ba tbi-k. Itprbpmw intern
thefa it may caocerr, that deary UerFea aftndiar
agnieft thla law ie Fabieß tea Am es Tea Peuade far
every offence * and alfb* that H tba Ifceafra grantad
before Ike Art of ORebcr left expired at that lima.
tN 1 Cafolins of lgfl iflonth
A there Ate fome moft fcurrilqut ftfpefti
lions Oft a lace Honourable Comman
der, whole humanity his enemies have
felt and acknowledged in the tnoft pub
lick manner* for flrikihg the Rev. Mr;
Allen* then ft prifontr, Which probably
Would hot have keen made if that Offi
cer wtfe (till alive. This fatne Mr.
Allen Wfts finee unhappily dtowned bf
an effeft of the dime Faftmefs whicn
guided him lh thfc day of. bactlei aft 4
betrayed him mco a condu& rhat might
have juftified harihnefs ftgainfl any man*
Clergyman or prisoner. This hrri ter**
remarks deferVe fte rtolice, though
himfetf fliould have ftitraded fome
attention* end may poflibly yet re
ktive his dtjfi Mean while* it will
be gbod advice, if* like hie hErt)* Re
bellion flioUld be reduced to fur for
duarters* hot to piece (Hi fafety in in
lolerice, nor to furrehder Kith his hat
mfultliigly cocked oft his head and hie
arms akimbo, or eßpea better treats
ment bccanfe id every refoeft he
out of character * end* if he has any
regard for this CAPTAIN and Chap'-*
laitt* he will do. well not to disturb the
poor man's ashes, kft be for up what
those he called hia enemies are very
willing (hould remain in oblivion i eoA
Os all this it will be prdklent in bis pub*
hflif r to give him nftsfoe io the Ggaemg