Newspaper Page Text
. , Men Os.
Konfucb, * Copt Griffith, coo 64
Saltan, Capt. Gardner, ✓ 600 74
71 4< 9 ,
Albion, Capt. Boyer, 60074
Bdf lingcaftle, £apt Carlrett, coo 64
’ lUizabeth, Gipt. Tfufcott, 600 74
Rear Admiral Parker** Diviion.
Varmoath, Capt. Bateman, . * 500 64
Lion, Hon. W. Cornwallis, - 500 64
Vigilant* Sir Digby Dent, joo 64
25*#': W&ST* *?*
‘’Comwail, Capt. Edward*, 600 74
Monmouth, Capt. Faoftinw, 560 64
Grafton, Capt. Colliagwood, 600 74
“to f * f? • _
A return of tht killed 4nd Wtundtd on heapd his Mm
jtfty't squadron, under command of the Hon. Viet
Admiral Syren. imam *3iennvith ibs French fiett,
j iff Grenada, tht 6th day ts Jafy, 1779,
. Killed. fTottaded
.gaibllr* 2 S
Boynf* Tt jo
Royal Oak, 4 li
Pnace of Wales, a 6 4$
Magnificent* 8 ~
Tridents 3 6
lr 9i + l
Saltan, 16 *4
- Priacefa Royal} * 6
Albion, 1 a
Stirlingcaftlt, j 6
Elizabeth, , ~ •
Cornwall, ‘ ‘ 16 ay
. Monmouth, ‘*s ‘ *8
Grafton* $r 63
Medway, J
Lion, not knOwa witli eef-
talhty, bat said by Capt*
Fanlhaw, who spoke her
after (he parted with the
squadron, to be li 30
• 183 U 6
kited. Lieut. W. Bowen Parrey of the Royal
Oak 1 Lieut* John Hutchins, id Lieutenant of
the Grafton, and Mr. Nicoll Bower the Gua
fcers Lieut. Jonah Veale, of the marines, Sul
Wounded. Lient* Richards, of mariner, Royal
Oak * Lient. Brett, of the Grafton | Lieut.
Caldwell, 46th regiment, on board toe Sultan j
and Lieut. Bowdens, of the 4th regiment, Mag
txttaaofa letter from tie Hon. Vice Admiral SyroU
• to Mr. Stephens, dated Princess Roped, off St.
Cbriffofber't, Jaly 17, 1779.
I ARRIVED here the 15th with all the fliips
Os his Majofty's squadron that were with me off
Grenada, except the Monmouth and Lion; the
flamer got in ywfloiday, and the latter is said
to be at anchor off the island of Saba, where the
Maidftone frigate Is feat to her afli Ranee.
Major General Grant with about half of the
transports are arrived, several more are now
comiag in*
kktreed of a letter from the tton. Pico Admiral Byron
to Mr. Stephens, dated Princes Royal, at ft a, tbt
i 779 .
THE account 1 had of the Lion being at an
chor order Saba proved to be a mi flaks, and I
liave net learnt any tbing certain of that {hip
stne the Monmouth {poke her foae days after
the adtion. All the transports reached St. Cbri-
Ropher’s except one {hip with the {Jentenact
Colonel and part of the 4th regiment on board,
which Aip bud loft hbr mizen.maftby another
esffri, rorning foul of her; and I learnt from
two Gentlemen who loft Grenada about a week
Gentlemen acquainted me, that, although great
pains were taken to conceal tMefofs kdlch the
Frecch fuftaintd-in Ox engagement, yet they?
were well assured, that thrCe Captains, eighteen
Lieutenants, mr.d twelve hundred men, left their
live 3 .‘and that the woandpd amounted to dearly
two toon&nd,; which aocoua? doth not ftiftbr
materially itqm aW fret* 61 *>£ total.
3, and etbet 4jurtfr^ v V
I WniTtHALL, September to, j 7i9 .
€* tradi Os A ttttii firdm*Uajtr Generatorakt, Qoat
v eempdmdm Wind
£ ioard Jjlands^toKijjht , Nek herd, George
<m>, .<•/*,
1* ‘■W .
, *f State, dated on hoard tie Syltlla viSuallet, mi
ft a, the %tb f July, 1779.
My Loro,
ADMIRAL Byron bore down to leedrard the
6th of June to preted the trade, which had tf
fembled at Grenada, and were to rendezvous
at St: Chrifiopher’s. He proceeded accordingly
r4e the last .mentioned iflihd, and wa loft fight
of his squadron, from the height of St. Lucia,
tha,Stk of Jane,
The Preach taking advantage of the abfencC
Os the Britilh fleet, when employed ia protecting
the homeward bound trade of the Weft-Indies,
sent fear armed veflels, under the command of
Moaf. le Chevalier Duruttiin, with three hand
red men, com posed of regulars and militia, and
landed the 16th of June upon the island of St.
. Vincent* The idaad fubaaitted without firing
• ftiot, and the capitulation was figaed the 17th.
t waited on Admiral Byron as foen as possible
after he Came to an anchor, the ift of July, it
Grot Islet, upon returning with his fleet from
the cruise to leeward. When I got on board I
foand he had bat just received an account es the
redaftion of St. Vincent, lftfae of the express
. veflels which had been dispatched for him hav- .
ing been lucky enough to fall in with the f<£b*-
The Gentlemen of the Navy who were on
board with the Admiral Teemed much alarmed
-nbcut G>eaada* I had not heard of
upon that island, but readily agreed to proceed
, with the fleet and army to save or retake Gra
nada and St. Vin Cent,
Upon my return to head quarters, at fix ©♦-
dock in thc eveeing, orders were given for em
barking next morning v at day-break, and the
embarkation wrs com pleated in the courfc of
that day and night. The Admiral was inform
ed the 3d, at fevan o*clock in the morning, that
. Avery thing was ready to go to fee.
( In consequence of which, figdals were made,
and we failed with 21 fliips of the Hoe, the Ari
adne, 14 t; an (ports, 4 ordnance, 4 hospital,
and 2 cunvalcfcent fliips, 3 vidmllers, the a-
Seat of txaafportj* the engineers, and a harfe
We made St. Vincent the 4th, Sad wera in
formed that the French had but 300 regulars
and 300 militia upon the island; that they were
fortifying themfslves with tht affiftanca of 400
Ntgrocs 1 and that the Charibs had jtiued
The Admiral received Advice the 5 th, in the
•, that Grenada was aftoally attacked y
that the French had from eight to ten fail of
the line, with fsven or eight frigates, and had
landed from two to three thousand men { that
Lord Macartney was in pufleflion of the hill
which commanded the town of ftr. Georges
and, knowing from a Mr. Houften that he was
to receive immadiate support, would of course
maintain his post as long ns poflihle.
The flset carried this dty nil the fail thqy
conld, and was in fight of Grenada and the
French, fleet the 6th at day-break.
The British squadron bore down upM them
with all the fail they coaid cxend, and the at
tack began at half an hoar after fevea ia the
morning, and continued till twelve \ was rc*
ne*ed again at two, and continaed till sunset.
But things turned out very different from
what we had reason to cxpeA from the intelli
gence which Admiral Byrim had received. D
Etaiag was reinforced before he left Marti
nique, and had at least 26 fail of the iiaeaad
8 friskto with 6or 8000 man* The French
gave cut io.coo land troops and marines.
Admiral Byron therefore very prudently de
termined to (land for St. Ckriftopher’s *0 refit
thedamagei ships, nodfilnt .to inform me of his
intention. lam convinced be will foen recover
the superiority at fed, at the F;ench, though
niptrfte ia number, rnuft nt last give way to
the intrepidity of the Briiifh /quadrun. *
. V .S’ *IG ‘ ■ l ■ A’•
Au *at j^y-OtFra, 177^
Beelrdß o/ a letter frm Sneer Admiral Sdmeardt,
Commander in Chief es bis Majejtp’s Jbipt at Nenu*
v /gumdLtnd, Je Mr. Stephens, dated St. John's,
*4* *779’ -
I ARRIVS® here the S[ift ififtdut j 1 found
Sotpriza, CapL Reeve, who,
on the t4“hTr,ftaut, wa* preparing her for feat
And vaempg Jnformation thAt bis MajeftyY
Armed fchocuer Egmont had bedn attacked and
take* oJTC*p Spear, that day, by a privateer
brig, immediately flipped bis tobies* and west
om after |ee# Jaih evening4ie got fight of
her, chafed) wad about t*t\yt6*e\ndk ut night’
*ok her* vdkd JBotod .to -bafKfl%tld Cat pri
vateer of Mem, not ten weeks off the, flocks,
to#unting .44, Carriage,gtmi, and had 75 xnen
when Die caito 6tU. Lieut. Gar die es And if df
the EgmtmH people 'were retaken id her, bn!
unfortunately the schooner had fisgarated befbtff
- Capt, Reeve, wbofc Coadudt upon thisoceefiA*
defcfves much commendation, conld getflghf
of them.
I have the pleafire to inform their Lord Aide
that Capt. Cadogaa, in his Majnfty* ftiip Ll
come, on the 31st May, fail in with 1 tadteoA
L’Audacisufe French privateer, cf 14 fix poan
ders and 194 men, who engaged him half ad
hour* The privateer had 12 men killed and ts
wounded. The Licorae had only one mad
Capt. Falley, in his Majrfly** ftiip Sibyl,
Arrived here on tbe ajd May. Ik his paflagtt
one he retook the Towafide privateer of Liver
pool, and on hit firft cruize eh toe Banks hen
took a brig laden with wine) both which prised
he has brought in with him to St. Jokn*ii
- ‘ - ,s- ■* , - • “
- St. James**, September 13. ‘
ftlS Majesty in Council was this day pleafeft
to order that the Parliament, which Bauds pro*
rrgued to Thursday the 16th dayef this inftnttt
September, flionld ho further ptorogubd tk
Thursday the yth day of Oftober nest. *
The Irifli Parliament is also prorogued CO
the 1* to of OReber.
tvrNIREAf it has been induftriuufty reported
that ftvcral persons had got th fmalipow io tbO
town us Savannah, and that the said ditemper wad
io many howfes .in the said taws* on Which it became
nectfary io make Inquiry into the truth Os fach re* -
ports, that it might be determined what ares Uauft
salutary and proper to ha done for the welfare of the
ii. habitant*, and general geod of the province, In
order to which Dadtor D-naid Madsod aad jamsi
Mwffuaaa, Kfqj one *f the Chutck-Wardsns fop
Chiiti-Cbureh parifli, were desired to cxanunoail
the boufe* iu and abeut the town of SavinAah, and
Which they did in a very careful aunuer on MondaytbO
jd indent, aad mm Taefdawtha 4th, at appears by
the foil swing report, made by them to hit BxceUeucg
tbe Geveroor, vis. That they ksd vidted anX
< carefully examined all the Inhabited baulks ia
‘• Sivaanah aid iu aaviront, lad fauu| that op
“ individual perfan Was then affsdUd with the fmalU
** pox i but that, at the boufe of Capt. Jlaalock,
“ his fan and two daUghtars, and one Negro fel
** low, have lately had the said difeaA, but are no#
“ p#rfaijt recovered and well.” Which report Ming
this day laid before the Honourable Council by kia
Excellency the Governor, it was reikived, that the
faaaa Aould bo pabliflied io tho Gisette, for the in
formation and fatitfaAionof the inhabiunts, in boda
town and country i And it Was also rcfalvcd, that
every moans bo used, aid tho direfiions given by
law duly observed, in order to keep out and prevent
the said ditemper from getting into tfaf town | and
if unfortunately it flreuldbreakout, and ildifcevcr
ed in any heufe in town, the person in whole hesfs
the fame may be is hereby required to advertise the
fame immediately, at tbe law direflf, under tbs pe
nalty thereof.
fly Order es hi* Excellency, -1.
GEO. t> ERBAGE, Dep* gee*
■■ 1 *"“■ ■■■'■■ ■■ ■ ‘■ --"■■■ ‘■ ■■■■! a
p AN AWAY, ob the 15th December left, front
the fleop Sally, A NEGEO FELLOW, named
SAM, belonging to Fowcli Griggs, and carried
away with him a double caofcs boat, with two
fwivcl*. A reward of twenty (hillings is hereby,
offeied f*c the said Negro or boat, on delivery of
either to the Frinter, os Wiliam Oldii, Mailer of
said Aop*
- -.. a win ■ mm ,a Semtewe ------- --
CASH will be giv§n for a fraall Quin
rity Mpt’ Lampblack and Linfccd Oil,
to the printer.
- . -On) 111 Hi „., M |
THI fubfcribtr intending to deport this provinces
requests all perfa<w to when be it any wife in
debted to-call and receive,payment; aud all person ■
Who ore indebted to him are desired to mkt immedi
zte payment. ‘ . SMITH CLARENDON*
Said Clarendon has to difpefeof, Acentcsi Rid.
tig Chair and Haraef*, tie.
*T!T""*.■■* •■***?>+-fa ‘ i . -
AWAY from thetwbfcritor.laft week, A
L f oun S NEGRO FALLOW, named ISAAC,
about 1 j yearrnf age, Clholioa bora,-had on a light
blue waifteoat, check thirt, aod old green, trpwthrs,
has a large fear Under bis tight eye and *crfs this
upfit* A reward of one guinea, and all rcafieuabl#
charges, will ba paid to whoever deliver* him to
.January j, 17So. 1 * ‘ 3 ,
A VERY faeall WHITE LAP DOG, with liver
. cedeurCd ears, and a spot upon bis back, of tbff. breed* Any person that witt‘deliver him td
1V P>inter (hall receive h*U a gointo reWordi “ ,v \