Newspaper Page Text
THE royal
4 * ■ t *'* • #I • ‘ •- V *> t t • T
NEW-YORK, February 12.
Extra ft of a letter from Portsmouth in Virginia, dated
Jan. ?,6.
following gentlemen are appointed
‘js ~J L NJZ at Portsmouth : Lieftt. Peter Hun
ter, g o th, to be Barrackmafter and
l< ‘JV J u^8e Advocate j Lieut. Murray,
W RangejSi Town Major;
Sj/"s|i f*W and Lieut. J,,hn M'Dannld, Hnrii,
1 t 0 to Brigadier General
“ Our animated and very excHfent commander having
declared a strong disapprobation of marauding, plundering,
and diffipifion, I am furc never did aprarmy aft with
more perfect decorum in my whole knowledge and obser
vation : There was but the following instance ofjrregula
rity-j fome unfortunate^jiLl'and ftieep came in the way of
a corporal and two pnvafes; they were sentenced to%-
ceive ;oo lalhei each, and the corporal sent to the right
about.” X
Feb. 17. The following prizes were brought into this
port Lift Tuesday by his Majesty’s (hip Charleftwwn, Capt.
Evans: Brigs Rattlefmke, Charity, Lango Lee, Royal
Cedar, and Jenny, laden with fames River tobacco, ta
ken by the Charleftcwn. Schooners Retfey and Peggy*
Fly, laden with James River tobacco. The fehooner
Polly, from St. Euftatia, .talcehMiy the Ani-ihiuite in
taken by the Swift. Surprise privateer, .and two kLqon
*rs, her prizes., • ‘
Prizes left in Elizabeth Rrvcr'in charge of the Charon,
&. 1 new fliif* 11 ports of a fide, lower myt in- une w
krig, 8 ports of a fide, no m.i!l in except (he bow/pfit.
Lark sloop, cargo fold, except fait, from Statli, by the
Charon. Jack fehooner ditto, from ditto, by the Amphi
trite. Brig Kitty, captured by the Hope, flic failed from
Charleftown daft December. Schooner Sally, from St.
Euftatia, by-the Swift. Brig Wolf, coppered, taken at
Hood’s Point, James Rivc.r, bv the Swift; this vcfTei aas
through the treachery of her owner conduftedinto C’ljcfa
peak fome time ago with a'valuable cifgo fYofn Liverpool,
bound to New-York.- Several sloops and fehooncts were
also taken.
Yesterday arrived a fchobrieV from St, Euftithu for
Chefapcak, prize to his Majeftyqs axmed brig Swift, Crn't.
On Thjurfday evening arrived in to wn, Cot. Igggg Col.
Turnbull, Major ffgmyfi, and Ja.ncY Siinp/on, Vfq.
Feb, 26. Prizes sent in since our I ill; The 1 .>Moner
Centunen, Boyd, and brig Fanny, Tanner, both from
Philadelphia for the Havana, by his MdjeilA.(hips; ano
ther of his Majesty’s ships wa.iTft in ch .fe of Tx brig and
fehooner from Philadelphia for the Havana.alfr; a fifth
failed in company, but (he got aground iu cotfting down
tlie river.
Feb. 28. Yesterday arrived a brigantine from C.uada
lupe, bound for one of the rvbei parts ; (hr was taler,, f v ,
his Majesty's ftip Savage, and is kudtx-v with logo, me
lanes, &c Also the fame d:iy arrived a fehooner from the
Havana for Philadelphia, freighted with f n <nr, taken S’
’ • feis Ai> Roebuck ; ’tis said flie has. dollars
Onboard, exclusive of her cargo,
JIWA 3. We have the mod pofuive afTurince that the
•fficen of the rebel army have nor received any pay finer
the ißthofM,mh, r-So, they ever fmee t’l it date ie-~
iufing to take the fongrd* paper dollar.
_ confij-.ulv averting that
the Pcnn(yDam| line had i.rliftr I agai A .in the rebel army,
inhumedthat tiwy are aim ad all of them
returned home, and thofc who “were bred to-t radcs have
commenced bufinea; of the Europeans onlv fix-had re-in-
Lfted, and’ that at York Town in Pennfvlvania;
March 5. Last Friday seven tcbel prisoners wwe
brought to town; they were on Thurlday attacked bf a
party of Col. De Lancey’s ‘Refugees, near the Saw Mill
when about li* were killed.
Paul Jones is arrived at Philadelphia fr- 0 m France in *-
a/hip called the Aiiel of ao guns. bn the paTij-exhithw
crew made an attempt to take the vclfel, for which m
of them received ftntenre of death, and are. expected to
fft . few day,. Mr. Samuel Wharton, glfe
mcd >ard> Wa * Aqi df ld a bcl,, i&. tlic W ftp,-
„Mirch 7i.. .Lafl Monday one of his Mammy’s floors of
f ° Ur Ghcfiipenk ; many letters by
this veflel are cxpreflive pt the great exertions used hv
JStdTn 1 Arn(,,c! ’ “M? rs is already made
number Tt b b Cby new WCrk? ’ 0,1 w % l i aic mounted a
umber ot heavy cannon and field. pie%*- f„ that Porrf
outh the Head (Quarters is now fe cure'll in ft the unit
-2??*“ 0, ,J : JntC 3lut °*' the A VCH-V re
,S c ; nflruar ‘ j at Great-Bridge, where
tenmil / ICnt n ,rn r ,ei '° rbrif:: W^ n ™moLd, it is
man? fi'omcPortfmout!}) the kef of the country, rom
u* thc /^ d rpnd to Norrh-CJarelims The-Jcadin-
SSte °S! r ’$ e f<£ n - n Cou^- y havif T informed
ti/b neral Arnold s intentions were to ma'uita;in a Bri
Jt* S* a m their COunt y> and they wouH eo-nre-
Kis ? e - ri " rcs tn drivc every man difcffcdodjjSl.
al C6u d v y s .g°f ct,i rnc.nt ) feure tranquillityan that lov*
nd “ ty anJ f "tT*y trfc troops ’Vith alt forts <Jf £filk.
*nd provifipns, which has prue, to xt, mo
iSZT* a V cnal,,cd Arlu to form.a
aienr k^ r^ V ’ VOn8 ’ ‘ ,vbicb vVas t 0 aecomptttry a rtTFtach
♦f Teh-uar! CC, r 400 s °° rncn> to nrj ve on the 28th
sbruar y P Jam::- ? nd aj|e a dlrerfiftnin fa.
THURSDAY* APRIL 19, 178 r.
vour of Earl Cornwallis, these were under the command
of Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Duudals.—There were
accounts received at that bis Lordftilp with
even hundred cavalry, and four thousand infantry, had
crofted the. Dan,, a branch of the Roanoke River, abodt
one hundred and eighty miles from Portsmouth, and was
proceeding with great expedition in pursuit of the rebel
army under Mr. Grecn The Generali Stuben, Grego
ry and Muh.enburglr, had collected all the force they could
assemble and gone to op P ofo his Lordflup, whole ebjeft
was supposed to be immediate pofleftiori of Petcrlburg, a
very important pnft on James River. Gen. Lcflie, With
another army, is advancing by quick marches to fnpport
lus Lordlhipis operations.—WilUnefs and dcfpalr lias seiz
ed the inhabitants* their troops and their leaders. The
passage of the Yadkin was an event which greatly increas
ed their difniay, for it wAs prefcntlv fuccecded by his
Lordlhip’s erdfting Jefterf>n and Taylor’s Ferry, on Ro
anoke, which separates yirginia from North-Carolina;
\* e * s computed to be about £0 miles distant
from Petcr/burj.
it. It appears by’ an arrival at Wilmington in
Delaware, in 47 days from Cadiz,'that the Comu d’Es
taing s fleet in that port the aflth of Deccntber, and the not beeq .at fca (Incc he repaired his
ships X. 1
a brig for Philadelphia, called
..., C:ipX :
. ~ ;o.tfd;lij’ 1
• we har, h tohet c*f his
ibeft Continental troops to the in order to aflift
rneir military operations in th.jt quij-ter. x
A party of Rebels from Conncft icut, in S'Syhalc boats,
and an armed fehooner. to the amount, aa is fuppcfrd, of
about men, arrived at Southampton, on Long lAind,
lM Monday, plundered the inhabitants of that pi ic c , Af
several thoufmii pounds worth of rf nd carried ilweral x
or them away prisoners.
The Members of the AfTembly for the city of
3t th f. fi tting under their prefcnt’cnnftr „t
w-re voted in by only tS per fans, where there were no
less than 2000 voters j and thole for the county by ”
wn re tTiere uftd to be 3000 voters. 1 J 7 * ‘
Ma, h T 3. Ye Her day arm cd the fehooner Maria, C*nt
Starks, in 40 hours from Portsmouth, Virginia -r'l *
a ‘counts brought by her are : That on Thursday M jc *
jagmg party of about 300 of o ,r troops landed at Newport
‘wv, and hal a (kirmrh with iom’ rehattroins, which
terminated to the d.f.ulvantagc of thv latter, one of tV-i r
C o oncls and 27 rank and file killed, and one officer
Os the fame rank and 10 privates made prisoners; aor loss
4 ‘ J i C r d tw ° 5 mounded ; that Gen.
Arnold had detached a party as far up as the Tangier HU
-toliddV ,rt,m ° Uth f n ° W /° r£i!ieJ ‘n such a manner
t ,-a> to M defiance _toanyf>rc & iht can be font a-ainff it •
and that the army were in gooJ health and faints, -
March r 7. Three faij.i which failed fr ,m this port
('> nr time ago, recruit, on boanlaUw Gen T>oUa
army, on riw.r paliage fell in with a French oolace’ of m “
nine pound.-rs, which they took alter a ihort engivemeut
.and two of them convoyed her into Montego Bay • the
third, witn the prisoners vn board, was unfottunately cad
March 19. Snur.hv morning hi the Sandwich packet
boat, Capt. J,hn Grills, arrived here from Charteffivw^
‘ r r ol l na > Am* vctfel came r . : ,k
Col. Bruce me M ijedy’s Sft l regyaent of so >t.
thirledn V n y hauth Larollr.j, March *.,... J t if hv - u .
thorny we mtonn the publick, that a body of
upwards of too cavalry, having formed the dc
fign of ftirpnfiftg tog poll at Pocotaligo, was proceeding to
execute it on Sun lay mg'u lafd; but Col. Fenwkke hav
ing received t mcly notice of their intentions muched with
only-“3o oT his troop to frufbratc them, and meeting the
enemy Jra-vu un ah uit fix miles from Pocotali*>, no“with!
fianoing their ereai funcnonty in numbers, charged the
m un body wna luch (jurit as totally muted and drove them
th ’ next swamp, 14 of their men Lwing killed and
vsounded, and fume harfes taken, with the lols of five
men w inded and one milling on our fide. Anv colouring
would be nevdjefs the intrinfick merit of au aftion
which does fij much honour to Col. Fenwicke and hi,
iM iH party . ... , # -*■
A hand of wretchbs, forced from civil focierv by their
enm.-s, have lately maae an irruption into the lower parts
otjhis province. On the night of the Sth of this month
1, surrounded the hoqfe of Dr. Clitheral at the
Horfefiioe, ‘and by pretending-they had a meflage ofcori
le.]uencc for their mafier, they prevailrd upon the for
vants to give them admittance. A young gentleman
}ohn h: >pp^ed
to be n the Dodfot s on a vrfat, and being awakened by
the no.fe they made, came hastily down ltairs, naked and
defcncelefi, to enquire mto the cause of the difiurhance • **
om ot the ruffians infiantly met him with his mufiect, and
discharged its contents into his bread. Mr. Inglis imme
Jntcly expiretl. Dr. Clith.ral cried
quarters at one Harding, whom they call Colonel, whence
he returned ta toyvn yesterday on his parole ~
No furcr test can be given of the expiring power ofCor
gic.s than that, their mahifity to oppo/e bravety
m the fn;!d thc, puigrefs of the Britiffi amfreV, they now
yer.un i*rJcT S rs and affilflb, in their fervi<e :
Inou. oi tiwu impotency to conquer, they derive pleufrir
fiom the milcry and fuftenngs of individuals. Jtfif j n r j;,“
from the amiableness of his manners, .-id his abfenceV?
v OuW hare had ms lvr o
qnemiei, The guilt of his niurder must therefore whoiy
foil upon Cougrefs, under whole orders the ruffians have
1 i a7 V,rt r U * ! disinterested band of Patriots, fe-
Icdted from the common mass of your countrymen for your
wildom arid integrity ot heart! confide not too much in
the strength of your capital, or the fidelity of your follow
val/?ur an<i corid udt may overcome the former
and lelfMOtercft the latter to atone for their
enmes i.y the racnfice of their leaders 1 for distress
ever diflblves thofo combinations df men whose only bond
of union s a community of guilt. .When this period ar
rives, and we trust it is not far distant, in vain will you
l°°k f L f r, ty fr o° m r th ° fc Wh ° fe rrlations An< d friend* yotl
bafoly aflatfmatcd, as pity is but weakneft, when
extended to deliberate crimes and wanton cruelty,
Mr. Olbornc, who kept a store at Pocotaligo, has bred
also murdered by the fame banditti, and iri a manner too
mocking to relate.
Lieut. Thompson of his Majesty’s Ihip Bloridri is an
pointed Agent of Transports for {he Southern
(Jamaica) February 3. On Sunday l a st the
J)an,r fehooner Eclipse, from Tiberdori Bav, bound to
F-uropc, was sent info Port Royal by. his Majesty’s Ihip
Pelican j Ihe is loaded with sugar, coffee, andindiro, and
brings information that the Pelican, during her cruise.
l ad chafed a large Frerich Hoop ashore on the Spaniffi
-Main, moun ting ,0 carriage gin*, swivels, arid coforqs;
out the choicest part of the cargo. ****?&
On Monday the bfig Sparrow, from Salem, hmffid to
t>t. Dommgo, loaded with lumber', fait filh, ind oil a
prize to his Majesty’s /hips Diamond and Pomona/
td at Post Royal. *
r ° n th s lalm.oriith died, Toby Caulfield, tfa,
Commapder of his Majesty’s (hip Bristol. -
Feb. r@. Orders were iffifei by the Admiral on satur
f°l 3 fcUu J hc of all the Dutch vef
lols K thd harbourp the boats of the squadron were man
ned for the purpose, which they readily effected.
On Monday an American brig, prize to the Halifax
Packet, arid a Hoop and s rench fehooner, prize*
to the Pelican frigate, anchored at Port Roval
On Sunday morningdaft failed from Port'Rovak threM
line of battle fltips and two frigates agairift thtgutch ifland’
of t-uracoa. - \
*‘ b ‘ 17 On Saturday lafl a Dutch fchbcner l#ade<f
with provifinn,, day. from Curacy, was Tent into
lort R oyal by the Hercules letter of marque; when foe
k-ft that ifUnd two Dutch frigates and an i*menfely rich
fie.t ot qcofa.l of vertUs, chiefly y com r ofed. of French,
Americans, remained in the hartiour.
On 1 nurfday a valuable Dutch vcflU, the Bra.
thers, anchored m this harbour.
rf\l PU A r f Ua ” C t' rf “f rd w from the Lord. Commtflienerf
f the Admiralty, a c-ourt Martial affcmbled on Tuesday
tue 13th infl. on board the flag foip at Port Royal, to en
qalrtjtUQ the conduft of Capt. Motray of his Maiefty 1 #
22 SS ? nd / n r*t- Carnier of the Southampton
if;; 4 r s ?? a to Suable fleet committed to
h , a - r *L ‘* Aug “J I,ft and fortunately taken by
the contained fleets ot France and-Spain. Capt. Gsra'w
was nonourably acquitted. F wjicr
Feb. 24. On Wedntfda* two Dutch fchoohers, frir*
to the Diamond frigate, a valuables floor to the Oen4f
lrapaeil i sloop to the Adventure;-and af t hooner to thl
Sir I acr J a.kerj were lentintoPort Royal. The
nera. Cambell and the Arrow letters of marqhe were 1r Jr
ii vhafe of ten foil of Dutchmen off Curacoa/ and we U
ce.a> hope they have been fuccef?ful in the fmrfait.
Same arrived his Mojefty’* foip j an * s from ,
l” Eliz^b e th r ° U T I ‘? Witl v bCr 1 of
the Eluabeth, Taylor, from and a Dutch
polac.e, both cast away on the ilbnd of Heneaga, who
we rclieved/rom thence by the Punch tender. The fa
nus left the Punch a few days ago all Well. - ?
v r ‘ Befo t | ie T n uc arit ! >n S the Windwr-d
Elands Sir George Brydges Rodney had received dispatch-s
Aom the M.mflry, dated the Sth of Jan^rv,’ with a de!
c .aration of war again ft Portugal as well as Holland. TJuf
Emprcfs of Russia had joined her arms to those of Great
Britain, and her Imperial Highaefs had sent a powerful
‘?r With 3,1 Ell * i Afqtdr o n, mthe rJ
rSn^fe 7 . WOC^ and “ P hy tbc Frcnch
rie ron of sh. n^ 3 Up at St ‘ Kltt * the
reeejtion of the prisoners taken at ?t. Euftatius. who are
1° . co " ve y ed England, there to remain till a cartel ia
fettled between the contending parties ‘ *** “
‘7 * ,rou ß^ t ir Oeorge Bfvdees RoAj
zficEs&Kf&g ftOTes * hid s
p < l artial ° kwd his Male fly’s flflt
Prmccfs Rbjai, fbf enquiring into the conduct of Caut
Moutray, Commander of the Ramillies, refpeftitfe the
the outward bound East and Weft E 61:!
committed to his protection in Atieuft r,* . -r. .
f J iillbcrM, hwin e , Vhich
i , • *
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[No. 114. J