Newspaper Page Text
Summum jus fumma injuria.
a me publick calamity
j i WJK whatever may tend toleffentlie
♦ “at fufTrrings and loffes-of individ-
I uals is well deserving of publick
m-w attention, and to be received
with by all weiiwiflieri
,It will n>t be denied shat we have.of late Teen a
succession of troubles following each other with an
amazing rapidity, and even the beginning of our
recovery could not take place without making us
more fenfib'e of the greatness of our difeale. The
firlt and moft popular step of rebellion, and which
Indeed gained them moft adherent?, was to (hut up
the courts of justice, and under publick spirited
pretences to deprive private creditors of their just
due# to pay debts, ar.d in such times, was thought
,*oo great a hat'd (hip, and accordingly was put off
fill receiving paynrent in wKat they then call*J
Usoney became the greatest curse. Justice and good
government aft upon prineipterdhi'mctrically oppo*-.
#>■£. ~snd As-fe^ll efexwopee.*:.’
ing the Courts of justice became ope of the firft bleC
ftngs of the return of his ‘Vhjpfty’s government;
but as unhappily that government has not univer
sally brought with jt tne means or inclination to
pay debt’ and do justice, paying their debt? by
many is still looked upon as a iiardfhip, uod they
would rather under .< government that fereened
them from payment, or funiithed them with nteans
to deceive their creditors, than under a government
that does equal j.ifiiee to the creditor aud those in
Tne creditor that sues evefrin these times for
what is justly due ought not to incur any blame ;
he has no other way to do justice to hirr.feif, and
to negleft it might febder himfelf ur.juft to those
to w’hom he is indebted ; his forbearance probably
woud not save his debtor from the suit of otheis,
n®r himfelf from those to w hom he is indebted!
At the fame time it is very obvious, that, in a
Country largely indebted a general suit rnuft be
produfti. e of general bankruptcy ; in the general
failure those that sued may at left feel fhemfclves
s deeply involved as those ngiinft whom they
brought their aftioos, and in tj-s vi. ,v a
ftwt will rather prove a general dtfe.ffe rhin afford
an effectual remedy. The bare expenses of the
law will marry times exceed the htavieft tax ever
paid in this province, and in many cases, where
no fufficieut effects can be found, will only incre.fe
the losses of the plaintiff, while it leaves the de
fendant ruined beyond recovery. There are nei
ther cash rsr pnrehafera fuff cient in the province to
iftake a purcbale of that amazing property which
jtj a very “few muft be exposed to sale, the
creditor w;. I be obliged to become purchaf'er, and
fome may wife to become to at the lowed rate i
but all thut now sue may not have an immunity
against suits hereafter, and perhaps the property
which they bought for a song at the firft sale will
be fold for a ballad at the second; at all events nu
merous debtors will be totally ruined, and many
creditors that mw-fue will nos receive sixpence in
the pound for their debt.
Such is the evd, but is there nny remedy ? If
What at least leffens’ an evil may be cal'ed so, I
trust there may ; and if any there is it must do e
qual justice to creditor and debtor, elfc it is no re
aedy at all It is evident that much of the cala
mity antes from the university of suits, want of
and purelnfers, aud too g eat quantity ot est
leets to be fold ml at .once; tune would thcrefo-c
nng a teinedy, and it is humbly submitted whe
f to free all such honest debtors
from immediate Tuitsj-as are willing and able to
f’ ve fullic:er,t RYunty, to be approved of by the
enen or ortditor, for principal and interest, would
ot iu a great nreafure aftver this purpose; as it
would fi.Tcc ti e creditor in the fame degree of se
curity agauift his creditors this would not feetn any
‘ r n ' Hn y industrious might be re-
L V Jj’ u 2IH ‘ r ,t l'- rvc d, the culture of the province
vwS’* n ? d V lht ’ £ f n ‘‘ ral Men more equally du
arv ’ arc *W'hi!e little or,Do loss would accrue unto
y, numbers and their pofte-ifv would look upon
Aigmattfre that Ihould cnaft Left a law with
,n 2 .slide, and venerate ibem as tfleir prs.
THURSDAY* APRIL 26 , 1781.
serve-s. A general application to the Assembly for
that purpose probably would not be dilhonoured
with a repulse. A CREDITOR.
*1 - ‘
Admiralty Office, December 1 2, 17 So.
Extra SI of a letter from Capt. Charles Holmes S
•verst t , of his Majeftfs jh'ip Sole bay, to Mr.
Stephens, and ted at Spit head, December il, 1780.
BE pleased to acquaint their Lordlhips that I
faded the 9th inftatit, in the morning, from
Spithead, and proceeded in company with Capt.
Lloyd, of his Ivlajefty’s lliip the Portland, inpur
fuance of the orders received Irom*Admiral Sir
T hoinas Pye, and in the evening, about fix P. M.
being then to Ihe foathward of the weft part of the
Ille bf Wight, fell in with t.vo French privateer?,
.which immediately engaged*the Solebay, being the
fhip; but the ‘Portland coming up they
hautrd .t wind ami endeavoured Cojsicaiie. r s hc
ofthe SE
nfiTry, irjo whom ftie poured fevera! brcadftdes,
and followed the hcadmoft. I. kept close in pur
fair of the other, who held a running fight for
three hours, when, being much difab ed in Her
fails aud ringing, (lie struck, and p oves to be Le
Comteffe Beianpois, of twenty 12 pounders and
14j rr.en, fronl Hav ede Gncc; which place she
left the morning before. Her loft in the aftioh
is 1 2 nr en lil'pd and 1 wounded. The Solcbay
has only o c feamart materially wounded,-and two
very nightly* but Hie in her rivuinv
and mails. B
Phe F ortland pursued the chafe in the night out
of fight and hearing, but the next morning joined
company again, and I had the pleasure to find that
Capt. Lloyu had been fucctftful, having captured
the consort ot La Comtrfle liefanpois, with th
loft of rwo men kill-d and /even wounded? The
privateer is called I c Marquis Je Seigr.ela v, Fran
50H Cottin commander, of twenty 9 pounders and
150 men ; she failed in coropwrrv with otiier
from Havre de<Tace ; the Infs she sustained by the
Portland was two killed and two wounded. The
and companies of each ship behavei as us
ual, bkc Englishmen.
1 g*ve chafe yellerdnjr njOrr'rg to two cutters
and a brig, which proved the G:;fHn and Rambler,
and the latter the Eagle, a recapture of theirs.
I arrived 1 hi? day with the Portland and the two
prizes; Lkewife the two cuttera-with their brig.
sttwiratty Ojpec , December 13, 1780.
Extract of a litter from Capt. Pigot, ofthe Jason,
to Vice A.lmsral Parker % dated Pljmosttb Sound,
Dec u t 1 7 d O .
Yesterday morning, the Deadman bearing N.
N. K: I discovered a velfel in ihore, which I sup
posed to be ah enemy, and immediately gave chafe,
end coming up with her she hoisted French colour?.*
1 theri fired two shot, br ought her to, and fooa
took pofffHon of her. She proved to be apriva
belonging to SL?ALloes, called Le Due
de Monnmart, mounting 16 four pounders, with
7‘ Hien on board.”
Admiralty Ojfcc, December 1% 1780.
Extract of a letter from Capt. M'Bride, of hit
Majefty't’ jrdp (he Bienfaifant, to Phikp St*ph,
**** Dff, Secretary to the Admiralty , dated Cork,
the 20th of November, 17So.
Oh the Bth iMtairt, hieing in lat. 50 N. and lon
3°. and took the Comtefle <^Ar
toi?, a privateer of 17 guns and no men, be
longing to Dankirk, out ieven days, and had only
taken one brig, (the day before) laden with her
rings, which was ferrt to h'rohee.
St. James's, December 23. The King has been
pleased te'Order letters patent to be palled under
the great seal of the kingdom ©f Ireland, contain
ing his Majesty's grants of the dignity of a Baron
of the ft id kingdom unto the following gentlemen
and their heirs male, by the names, Riles, and
titles, as under mentioned, viz.
James Dennis, Esq. Chief Baron cf his Majef
tyVCourt of Exchequer in Ireland, Baron. Trafton,
of Trafton Abbey, in the countv of Cork.
Sir Rohm Tilfon Deane, Bai t. Baron Mu&er
ry,, in the county of Cork,
, Arraar Lowry Corryj Esq. Baron Belmore, of
Caftlecoole, in the county of Fermanagh. •
Thomas Knox, Lfq. Baron Welles, of Dun
gannon, in the county of Tyrone.
John B tkcT Holroyd, Baron Sheffield, of
Dunnamore,, in the coutity of Meath.
Also like letters patents containing his Majefty’i
grants of the dignity of a Viscount of the'find
kingdom, unto the following Nohlfemen and their
heirs male, by the names, Riles, and titles, as
under mentioned, wjz.
James ILron Liftofd, his Majefty*s Chancellor
of Ireland, Viscount Lifford, of Lifford* in the
county of JDonncgall.
Otway Lord Defart, Viscount Defart, of De
fart, in the county of Kilkenny. *
John Baron Erne, Vifeount E r ne, of Cruqi-
Castle, in the county of Fermanagh.
Barry Lord Farnham, VifcoUht Farnham, Os
Fatnham, in the county of Cavan.
Simon Lord linbam, Viscount Carhampton, of
CaiUehaven,. In the county of Cork. - - „
‘■'fyfamti Bangor,’ of
CkftlCward, in the county of Down.
Penyftone Lcrrd Melbourne, Vifcdunt Mel*
bourne, of Kiimore, in the county of Cavan.
James Lord Clifdtm, VifcountCJifdcn, ofGow
ran, in the county of Kilkenny.
John Lord Naas, Vifcottnt Mayo, bf Moncer*
Alfb like letters patent, containing his Majcfty *
frant of tlie dignities of Baron and Earl of the f*id
mgdom unto Henry Lord Viscount Conyngham,
and his heirs male, by the came, itile, and title,
cf Baron and Earl Conyngham, of Mount Qharles,
in the county of Donnegalf, wrth remainder ol tKe
Barony to his Nephew Francis Pierpoiot Burton,
Lfq. ah 4 his heirs male. ,Y
Ar.dTike letters patent, containing his Majesty's
grant of the dignity of an lari of the laid kingdom
unto Stephen Lord Viscount Mount Ci.fbtl* and
his heirs niale, by the name, Rile, and title, of
Earl Mount Cafhell, in the county of Tipperary.
The King has Been pleaitd to appoiint the Earl
of Inchtqum, John O Kiel, and Lake Gardiner,
E qrs. to be ojLhis Majesty’s Moft Honourable
Pr*vy Council in the kingdom of Ireland.
r*’ TT “**-**—— t w ... r ‘.TIIJ 111 ~J"” ” ‘ ‘ ~~ “
L 6 N DO N, December u.
BY autlientick letters from Cork, we lesra,
that Sir Richard Peaffon, in a ship of 60
guns, feW in with the Don Velafco, a Spamfh man
of war of 74 guns, ft* league? N. \V. off the Ma,
deira? * the engagement commenced at half paA
two A. M. and Capt. Pearson kept beating to
windward in order to closely engage the enemy.
At seven o clock Capt. Pearson came within piftoi
shot, and although much damaged by his main
gallant-fail going overboard, yet he kept up a moft
desperate fight with the Spaniards for (even glasses,
and at length obliged the VeLfco to strike her co
lours to the Briti/h Hag. The Vtlafco had ftventy
two uien killed,, and sixteen wounded. Onboard
Sir Richard sfhipfive men killed, and seven wounda
Dec'. 14. The Pandora, appointed to convoy
the horaeWird-boond Quebeck fleet, k a/rived a-
Jone, and brings advice, that the fleet was dispers
ed in a gale of wind, in the mOuth of the river St.
Lawrence. The fleer, When the Pandora was le
parated from it, eonfifted of thirty Lit.
Dec. rg. Yesterday morpirg fome difpatclies
w’ere received ftofti Gibraltar, Whifch.vtfere brought
over in the Mery armed ship, arrived at Falmouth,
by which we are informed, that every thlig re
mained quiet, and that the garrison was well (up*
plied with all kinds of provisions. *-aA !
Plymouth, Dec. 1 1. In the coutfe of this week
was lent ip here by the Defiance priVateer, of Je£
fey, the Uialie, from Bourdeaux for Bfeft, ladea
with wine.
Also a French brig privateer, mounting x£fi*
pounders, and 140 men, taken by his Majelty’s
ship Monfieurr
- Ihe Sophia Elizabeth, a Swedish vessel, bound
to Brest, laden with hemp, pitch, and tr, is ilfo
taken and sent in here by the above frigate.
The Hero is appointed to convoy the trade
fxorh hence to Fortfmbuth, and join the Carlos,
[N°. it 3 .]