Newspaper Page Text
* ■‘■4 TUT* ~ WF° i,| 4b ■ ‘id t r ‘*- - , ‘■■"'■■*. -*•*:*• *-rw> <v a—.
,/fo AC'T ti explain, amend, and reduce inf) one AB cf Af
femhty, ihc jcperdf Laws, and Parts or Laws, new In
Beingy relating to tire erecting and keeping in Repair For
tif cations, and other JPotks of Defence, in ill; Province j
an i for other P urpofrshvrcin afterr.tertioned.
•> sfi£"*SHivßEAß-it is at ail times necefi’.try,
w / for the iafety of the province, hut
■ mare efp,\,i iilt at this critical _ueri
-1 Ty j*? od, so kwo in repair the f> .1 1 ft ati
#■ ons ajiil other works of defence here',
W and also to creftft Inch fui theft park's
’ k/'f as m '*y bought ncc.eii'ary fur the
*f\J& defence of the country : ‘And whereas
the laws now in force for that pur
pnfe have been found to he of great •utility, b it are in Jome
refpe&s ‘hi -live; We therefore p r nv -y n. roost facrcd•
Majefiy that it may he eii.icled, And he i: F.nattcd, by his
-E-xeehkmty Sir Jamks Wp ton r, Baronet, Captain Ge
nera! and Governor in chrrftn ind over this his Majeflv's
province of Georgia, b\ and w ; th t’j <- advice ano content
of the Her. u. tble 1 trie T - T tp ;r Hoitfe and the Cwi'n, as
Ido life of Allc-nbly tfi .tire f .id province, in General Ai
•{- nbly.-njcy, ■ ■ ■ , A tin a fa. Ti. : ,
from and -1 lately after the p.-uing -of this aft, pine
Governor or C vran: >i in chief for the time being may
• and OvaUi ‘\iyr Vi-n : V :c- hr-i opjffeiH tjr ! G 51 1 .i.;X . .
. If 0p c oft ah * c -C oun v ias oftc n. 3 s ci n f \ -•.*! ;-cc cr^,
cjiKcrmanl-rnwe of more than’ two mule. (lives.’ he - -
twe.-rt the .i 0 ;ol ii wen a:i l lixty years, t.rretum t<> the*
captain, dr other ehir-v commanding the company u s mi
litia of the diifri-a within which such IhvXthoil reside,
and if there is no niiluja'. officer in t].e, th. n vothe
militia officer oft any other JifirifV next to whi hti ..v
----uer, or other pailion havirWthc - harge of aitv m ,|? H.m ,
fliall happen To live, a true tend particular affyum in w rat
ing of ail lvich mile Haves, on pain cf fot’Vfling r-v ntv
/hillings, lawful mHerof Great Britain, for each and v’s’
neglect or re fufal to make- such return, and thirty-pounds
like money for a dalle return ; and every such did Gth
relpstl to either of the of Ch.ifi Church, Saint
Philip, and Saint Matthew, dial] “be returned in as aio;e
faid within fifteen days, and yv itli refpeftl toeverv other
psrilh within twenty days after thc.miaauun of foch no
tice in the Gazette as a fore fa id, excl-ufive of the cinv cf
the date of such notice; wh\ch laid fcveral ueftalrie /to
gether with all the charges attending the nVofecution and
the levying of theTatne, /hall fee ruix-di/dy recovered fey
. warranLof did ref, and fate under the i: arm 7r, 1 f \{ 0 f any
of his Majesty’s juflltcs of the peace <>f th- r.. ; i ifh or dif
tridd wherein such delinquent may dwell, qnj so of
fuflicient eftedts whereon to levy any lueh\efraitv rhen
such be committed r> the ne trfedl cm ,rhon
gaol, there to remain for th- of three calendar
months, or until he (hall pay the laid line, t G t : x „
pence ol his mamtenatree dtrrmg-hin imp-rs .nnVr- t : 1
in every case the roof of hiving mad- such - etuni IhalTTie
on the, or other perlon having in; char e of i v
(ach male -das ss. G- .. * y.,.. ; .. : I.’
And lea LnaFtca, *1 hat the Gove-nor or Os mm.-: v Vr
in chief for the time feeing jnav and ‘flv.tll, with ‘rhe advice
and conlrr.t of hi, Myj .[/, Uor .urahle, anv
time dump r.e (onfm-m- of this-ac% direct a c-rv.fhi
proportion offo.h m l:- f tw, v t -■: G-,r wi; G h
\yorktng toils as he may think proper, -ffTf piit uii.', r
the diie£t:o.'i ot fticn persons as lie a’pp aiiitifor that
purpose, and to employ them on such rbrtiiicatk.ns or o
thcr wwrifcs-j ‘miapy'paTt-, and for such
(pace gPtpgj as the (aid .<gpvemor §r C.-mmanG i in
chief, with lh.e..aahrke. and roafent
our able Giuncil, may- thitak me ft aft/cat- .'a: ; fir foch
publick fe. vices! Provided always, that no g ~ rc ffd
in the paaflns of C hG l Ghutcn'i Sajnt.l*hi:ia, and Saint
Matthew, ftait be obliged to work on any’ fortificatrout
without thy-hmits-ot thofo .parilhrs ; and that no iTaves
gliding in the ptrtlh- -f SSffif I'au! SiTnt
(hall be ohiag- it- waork <-uj arv {oitific.rti.T'r ;•'; h ■ ••- ■
limits of thofc two .all rneiuioned panih-s j and also that
no Haves rebcUng in the paiifhci of Sfmt .John,: Saint
foines, 1 atiick, Sauut Day ad, .-ireva*, Sairtt
Thomas, and Saint. Mary, (hall be , bligcd tay work on any
fortifications without flmiimts of thole haft mentioned
seven paiilfics, any thing ir, this adt contained to.the con
trary in cmy wife notwithiLilfd-ing.’
And be it Hr.alhd, That every person fending any num
ber o. bases cxc. c ling ten (hall lend a black diiv-r ax ayiae
ot the number during TKc continuance of such work ; that
every pper.inn feuviing a c;t.? w w.u'gon, with four horses or
I.x oxen and two drivers f>r each, to a (gift in drawing nia
i'*r‘als fsi an y kuch fortifemons, .(hall-in-lieu thcrcof-fee .
aliowca to retain ten o. his >r her negroes from yvdiking
on such farificationype-and thi re very, pci lota iVnltuig twae
gi a carpenter ih.ill ;n l eu -if nini be allowed to retain two
uegroer 1 ran working on foch.fortifixations; and that e
very perlon fending tsydTjrgro-eai peuters Hull in lieu of
tnean l.e a i owed to retain live ajgrccs trom workiiig on
such fort'fic iti'ons,—w-i * ” “
And be it Eva Bed, Thru incafe any. owner, or other
perlon having the care and management of any Haves liable
to uoik under this aft, In aid decline to lend luch Haves,
Or (ball ino-.e them away or receive them, before they-are
dilshirgc-d by proper autliSflty, evfr-y such delinquent fl;all,
*or each liive that he or.ihe Ti all decline to land to such
vork aa, and alio for each (lave 1 that he Or (he
jiu.l'jr. nc a.vay or receive he ic diuh.irged by pro
f-i aut.i.-.vty, lufic:;:. * v 'a,r (hilling. ahd eight pence like
THURSDkVy MAY 3 , t 7 Bi.
iiicney for each day that any such Have is absent, in either
calo to be levied by diftrels and sale of the otl'ender’s goods,
by warrant under tin; hand and foal of any justice. cf the
peace ot the diftrieft within which such delinquent lives j
and in every inf.aiice of a Have or Haves being absent from
the publick works'tile proof that such Have or Haves was or
weie not moved-away, and that he or they was not rtor
—were not received on the plantation before he or they was
or were difchnrgcd by proper authority, ilia'll iie on the
owner or other person having the charge of such Have or
Have,. ‘ y
And be it F.r.aßed, That in case any white overseer, lair
ed to fupermteuj Have, at work on th- said fortifications,
or othcrwile, Ihal! abler,t.himfclf, or ihall negtefl or lefufe
to do his duty, every such delinquent ihall, for each of
fcnce,. the lem at ten pounds like money, to be le
vied in'manner _as iaft abo\cotrentioncd, .Ind-fvr vv.v.t of
fuHicient eifteofts whereon to levy fuch’ penalty, the rfalTn
quent (hall tvCommi tied to t’-e nearest common gaol, thete
to cm.tin tor t..c (pace of t-irce calendar n.onths, or until
i.e ihall latisfy the laid forfeiture, and the of his.
maintenance in ga al.
Ar-.i-lc i. Fra tied, That, in case a fufficiertt number of
car**, and waggons not-lent to draw materials for eri-cf
iny or repairing any fortifications in thisrprovlnce, the
G i ,n i oi Gommamleig i;i chie-f for the time i* -m.,; r< ay
■ 3Jy.TlhalU.Av.dl *.f-V! .<'• .rppfggfonf- h ‘Sgf.dq y:
ah )>. einent iontd, luch daily hi if. being allowed far each'”
’ <?ait, Waggon, an 1 team, as is ufoal in other cases; and if
any such cart, waggon, .pr team, or :ft any (lave employed
-on the publick f.rtifieationi, (hall be dedroyed in such
P’foljck service, Owner thereof ,>. and! be paldlxe value; ‘
and m cafe.the fame Hull be only xbmaged, the owner
Hi dl be paid in propott.oii to toe damage fuftaiped ; and in
n.ner calc an appr.iifement (hallfee ina ie in manner herein
aftermer.tioned, that is, to fayv the- peafon appointed to
fuperiiitciid the for till ‘ations (lia.ll nominate one appraiser,
jsaod the owner of ft. :h property so deftfove 1 andjdamngcd
Ihall noihinate an ti rApor-ailbr, which laid aprr tifers
(bill return an aprrnifemerft in writing, under their"hands,
tScre'm stating the value oft tire ftubjeft if r )ta}ly deft roved,’
and if only ‘damaged, then the amount-of such damages,
as the case n>.y be, to the end that aTutitfelc rccomp -nce
may b- provided bv th.c l.t' c iHatm'e. •-”
A,ui whereat AGs. jaiA and fc.ifohabln that- alk-pit| > i*||
works fho'iid been me an equal burlc.o. noon the”
t ammunny, be it inneeine. J. n ,, -a-rt the 1 a'marr aTid y
u.G of ail fl-;ves,, cattle, carts, aßUxacriuges, e r.-
ploo e ! on th - ibtbck Ih dce Oil any mrcafion, (hail be r rid
for at the l uM'i.k exp. ce at a■ rtaihn\b! hire, and
proixcr perfms fob! ! c fipy i l -by Gw.eru,, r .r Com
i. in < ,-et rre the ti Viz feeing to k-* • an exuiil ac
coM.t Oi the rime the fid fltv-s and other are
vompjoyed o the pubfok, to, ihe eltf Cx
pence incurred may be provided for.b.-, G ; . Cm
bly in the ‘fax If!!, in ‘Vhkh-4he hu,d.e n t. as v f o ,ijyV-n
cquaily^dtviae-i, bvtaxmg*-as.vvell the faior! & of those who
.mbdld-pilbhc,if =i Gficr the Hock in trade oft merchants^ -
as allu ot thole who arc owners oft .lands, and ;c
----nements. ....
A in.iHci.ns n-.i'm; hj-.-e damag--. the
...lines.—it- Savannah, fey cutiiry the wi rites that tied the
f'tepS.b •If'-i others make it a’nafHcc fto go acrolV such
lines, along, the parapetyfomd to do other thlrgs-
Irqliir injurious to. luih works, and, if a fr-erdv stop is not
F'B so favly pi.unices, thofc lines, which have cost the
public!;, a large Aim, may in a (hnrt tirm: be fouTfred ufo
lefs, le it therefore Eiw.Bed, J h it it any peaforr th ill, either
by Jlav Or by iiiatat-,-Te-ftroy, break, —tirrow—d-ov.'iTr burry”
:!::ce, orTp'-TT any fortifications, lim*-Si redoubt-,, ibl.uG,
or.nrhf.r c\~ok ot .tvtctKe, or any-part therect, which rrtjw
are FCvfted* or hereafter Hnll ire erected, by the Tifhoii"y
of to.CrU.Titht in this province, \ i if any-peffon-fiiall waile
or. the pa. nf my such winks, or go rhrougfc
i'.'Ji'iif or ‘ nt °g: ;c Jj}. c b or auy other a£t which tend*
“to 2pOT? foch .virrof dcte.irc, or-any part thereof, then,-
an 3 :£txathtr of ‘i eh calcs, it H.aII fee lawful for any white
peif'-u Wapprcli.-nd such delinquent on the spot, without
-•forptftfenge of aconllable, or the wairant of a
jHii-A of the T-rav ; ;Ad the person apprehending such
and. Ihall forthwith convey such ‘Offender before fome
j. oft >1::’ p • ice ot <> t diflridft in which cither cf the
oft-.-.-i- .. \ !pes : A-*a is committed, and, on proof oft’ the
P'.ern’f• such magistrate ihall in a lummary wav convidt
llu: in a (urn not lefts than-five pounds lawful
rr,.m.:\ of Gccat Britain, nor more than twenty-live pounds
liar ... ,r.;y, :ii ■.- .portion to the
which fine (hall be received by the mauiftratc w li6 convidfts
the delinquent, and fhull by such magi ft rate be forthwith
paid, in to the Trraforer, and be applied by the General
A (fcmbly in aid cf the publick taxo; and 1 in case the de
linquent h :fh no eftfi-iffts, or hath not ftu.Ticient eftfeds there
on to levy the fa i J pen.iljy or fine wherein he or file is con-,
vi fled, and aifo the- charges attending the fame,, in
e. cale, toe (i’-d order fucly to
Ire imprifonedin the common gaol of Savanhafe^there to
remain, without b.fil ofominprize, for the spice of three
calendar months, or unffl the deiinqucntlhall p?v and dis
charge the fine that may be impoled on him or her, and
the rxprnces attending the, and of his or her main
tenance ifi gaol: Provided ■ne-vcrthelefi, that in case arty
ftiwh jail ce ihall conceive the ofience with which the de
linquent Charged to be so oriminal as to deserve a higher
punifhrwent than is above fpccificd, then the said justice
(ha!! proceed no further than to cojaniiit such offender to
the common gaol in Savannah, or to take bail for his or
her appearance in die General Court, if he (hall fee fit
there to such puniflimmt, not extending to life o?
member, as the laid General Court, on conviction by in- “
formation orandidment, (hall in its diferetion fee fit to
impute ; Provided also, and it is hereby declared, that no
tlnng in this a dt contained ihall be con (trued to extend to
thofc who a:e employed to throw down and level any works
‘; efciKC> or rc ,f" ve an y by order, of che civil
Goternoi , or the Commander of the King’s forces here,
for the time being, nor to any ftoldicr who may W3 lk a
long a parapet, an emferafore, or into a ditch’
belonging to any wmrk of defence, by order of his office-*
or in the necefiary execution of his duty. *
And wUr&s the lines about Savannah are now nearfo
eompleated, but the lame may soon fail to decay, iffonZ
-pe iun is not appointed superintendent of the said lines an I
other works there, be it therefore Enacted, That rhe Go
veinoror Commander in chief for the time bdne mav and
Ihall, immediately after the passing of this appoint
fome person to ad as superintendent cf the lines and forti
neations about Savanna!,, (except the citadel, which ii
; umle, the mredion or tne -military) with a salary no* ex
fi, ty r o-ui;u_ iav. ful money of Great Britain a year*
and fuda .tn^outer, lent Hull” at lcaft three'davs j„ l x *
wvk, cate Iftr . v Jnd-a i. i.; v n 11 y examine the said lines, an J
;.°A; f'ykM&jsenM. - •
y.,r.>r or-fc'^my®?#d £ r in c href for tie ‘
tu-m; iuirij w’G is hereby -empowered,- with the advice
ot bis ri;.iedy•- Council, to author!fe such funeri„tende'nt
to emp.oy nr-aroes and teams, and to purchase fuchmvi.
rials as may be necei.ary to repair any defed in or iniury
done to fuel. lines 3 r-d works of defence, and the charge at.
tm. -mg tU - lame Hull fee J:,: J Before the Ceneril
bly at their next meeting, in order that the fame may be
provided for injhe Tax Bill.” ,
Add be it Entitled, That all former ads, and pa-ts of
ads, relating to thz .reding and keeping in repair fortifi
cations and other works of and. fence in this province, OuP m
Gom ana after the palling of this ad, be and they ar£
iiereby repe.i:ed. 1
And be it F.r.aßed, That nothing in this ad contained
Hull in an wife extend to annul or make void any thine
already Tone m purfoance of former ads, and parts oTadfo
reUrmg to the erecting and keeping in repair forti(kat ic-.’
and other works o( defence in this province, cr any of
° r “ nt lhe compie,tfog iny works or pro
ccedmgs already commenced in parfuancc of the said ads
: or pattg Os acts-—; *
And be it Ena Bed, That if any fine or fi-if*. ad= n nr
adorns, (hall be brought or commenc ;d against v person
or persons, for any tiling done in ptirfuan. c of thisWl, the
or suits, (hall bo o mmericed wrrMn
fix calendar montns alter the fait committed, and not af
ter a ards; and the defendant or defendants in such suit or
hiiU, mayiieardthri^
ner tl .Hue, and give this ad and the foechl matter in e
v.deuce; and ii the jury (hall find for the defendant or
defend int-r in fodfojkij: or :ui*-, adi-m or adions, or if
the plamtifi or plaintiffs ft.,--] be nunu,;*ed, or difeontinue
h.s ot. tneir tuM or lints, action or afttn ns, aftt ;r the de
fendant ftm de-cr. foots (hail l*ve appeared, or if upon de-
TudptQg -gfre? j?, the dcfouJab? or Uerendants (hall have trehfo
costs, and na.c rhe"’ lih renuniv ft ;• t!,e fame as anv de
tenJmt .rd; “n : h.,th nr have ia to Jeco,
ver costs by X *
. J * rj FtfiAcd, ad (hall continue and be”
in tor.e (cr the tp .f c ot .>m* year, and no lonerr.
- 0 Upptr Hoitfe.of Affembfr,
‘'. i° K N Gk am am , Prejldent -
By drJcr gf-cceCctnnuns Houje cf Afembty,
r ••/* L la. . fAiiEY,
Lskmtt L>. tn'hfr, the 6 \t> of Marco, iyßi,
AJJit.teJ to, G- ■ ‘
g e'o rgl aT ;
WHercas the Provost Marffial of this province, bv v’r
tufe of a ‘Writ oi Attachment to him directed, did
attach th lands, tenements,- goods, chattels, monies,
a- bts, and books of account, (in the hands and pofTeffion
ot J.ofeph Fox) of Nathan Brounfon'and Elizabeth his wife
late Elizabeth M’Lean widow, who are abfent’ from and
without the limits of the said province, at the suit of Sa
muel. Dcuiglalsand Andrew
Sam He. Douglaß and Andrew Lord have,’ agreeable to th
vhreAion ot the Attachment Afl, filed their declaration }*
the General Court of the said province againfti the said
Nathan B round on ail d Elizabeth his wife, andhaveob
tnined the following rule:
Samuel Douglaft al. } Ordered,-That the defendaftts
(do appearand plead within a year
Nathan hmunfen and C and a day, dtherwife iudgment
*if dir. J ’ 4S
, By the Court,
‘’ X 7“ tp John Simpson, P. &C. C.
April, i 7 S T . ‘ ft
Notice is therefore nrrcbv given, That, unless the said •
Nathan Brounfon anu Elizabf-tix }r wife do appear and
plead agreeable to the aforefaid rule oft rdei, juda.ent
will be entered againjl them aic irdinglv.
s** JdNx iy Biaintiitj Attornev.
*•* BLAh A fOPMS of a'jFfrent forts to it fol&
at ;hc /*dinting Ofict, /
[N ° . 114.]