Newspaper Page Text
L O ND .O N, January 5.
Extraß of a letttr from Plymouth, December jj.
Friday the Hero, of 74 guns, Capt.
\*/ Hawker, came in with fotir Dutch
7? JK r&J7vl vedels, laden with indigo, coffeb;
<1 r\ and bale goods.
* X . ** Since Saturday lift no hcfs thah
?5-*£ fio Dutdli vefiels have,been sent Into
7ft Ihis port by his Majesty’s (loops and
W Jr gutters and the-privateers ; the lat
ter arc now so numerous that it is
iifScult’ to prociire hands, notwithstanding the pioft tempt
ing allurements of present arid future intercft.’’
Col. Bradhim is appointed Chief Engineer in the Ar
tillery, in the room of Gen. Skinner, Jeceafed.
Jan. 14. Extra!? of a letter from on board the Heart of
Oak, t/zo guns, Capt. Redmond, dated Milford )da<ven 9
Jan. i. r
On December 14th we failed from Portfmoiith on a
druize; the 15th wc fell in with a Dutch frigate oT 94
guns, which we engaged two hours before fee ftrucje $ fee
proves to be llc Whilliemc, Capt. Vanoftan ; (he had zqO
men on board, 21 of which were wounded and 16 killed.
We had two wounded by our foretop-gallajit mad falling,
but arc in a fair way of recovery. W& brought her in here,
- iaSTwtH you tin ‘her particular 5 ; per next poss.” : *
Jan. *i,S. tom- Howe, -af I the?
flag on board th<T Vi&nry as soon as- the fqriadrdn returns
(From the relief of Gibraltar. Admiral-Barrington, in*thii
case, will certainly go out second in command. „ ‘
Richard Braithwaitc, Esq. late-Captain of the Centu
rion, is appointed to the command of his Majesty’s feip
Bienfaifant, at Plymouth.
On the 14th inst. failed from PorrfVnoutK on a cruize,
the Non.uch mm of war, Sir Jimcs Wallace, and Mon
iieur frigitc. ‘ - ,
On the 4th inst. Was sent into Mcrazion in Cornwall,
the Dutfh fiiow Scfaoule SUgler, from Surinam to Am*
flerdam. taken the Ift inst. in the mnrning 20 leagues oft’
the Land’s End by the Phxnix cutter, Ralph Seven m.if
ter, laden with cotton, coffee, and Cocoa; also a Smyrna
flip laden with mohair, cotton, yarn, and fruit, of about
joo tons burthen, taken by the Dolphin, Ford, of JVn
ftnee. In the courfc of a week rioiefs chart 19 Dutch
£ips were sent into Mcrazion.
Extra!t oj a letter from Fare , Dec. 16.
** An English privateer has sent in here two prjzej,
which Ihe took in the latitude of Cadiz ; one of them was
from Hifyuniola, laden with sugar, toffee, eottoa, and
ibme gold and film, and was bound to Cadiz ; the other
an American feip from Boston, w ith a cargo of funiries*
pitch, tar, hemp, cordage, masts, yards, bowsprits, and
many other articles; fee was bound for the fame poit as
the Spaniard. The above privateer, ft nee fee has been on
a cruize in these leas, has taken ten fail of prizes, foilie
French, feme Spanife, feme valuable, aad Tome Wa-tK
cry little.”
J an ’ 2 4* H appears by the registers of the Admiralty
Court, taken for a private account ta be laid before Lord
North, that the value of the Dutch prizes already con
demned amounts to above 700,000!.
■° n & lr t ? T i . n( 5* Chc fecondby tqlipq r L 4
ment ot Highlanders were embarked in transports -at
Portsmouth forWeigii service.
_J a "’ a s* r.hi.3 day the House of Commons agreed to
ft. mt 01 the rtf jtftyrday, far |ra n ti„ s
*OiO)l. for the relict ut BarbaJas, ami 4 o,<x>cl. for TANARUS.!
aiaica. J
Sf’ eiidows of Guards is promoted to
tne ranlc ot Major General. 1
&Xt raft from an autk curie k letter -Wrote by M. Van
2 tSs. Sdfefe u*., M,
You will no doubt be furprired when I acquaint yeu
that theioH_re 9,:.jk4*ica and Cos. have flapped payment
€nce the xWJI salt. They have S at lead S co,oZt>l. rter-
Dng by the at Martinique, 2*,c001, by captures, and
it is believcu they wiK never open again.”
btb. 5. The following is an citra# of a letter nn
eminent merchant in Dublin, dated Jan. 22. * j n t i r ; s
f£ y ? r,^ Jy coll'e&ed about Socol. for the relief of
its ft J n J r a jl1 :" ,as * Ihc lar ? elt donation was by the
an mg- >oute ot Me firs. Latouche &nd Sons, who noblv
cont ntt , tcd Icao j. Thc minjgcmcnt of th( / fuu j jj J t
J; *r th f ° c . drc (jt * committee of merchants, who
>^g^ c iasmi3: veUeL, aruLpnrxhahn* herring,
iV, 3? ; f std aV ' U y ai as th “ituie of the business
adm . u wc have also appropriated 20001. of our funds
mbounuc, to be paid to private adventurers, who will’
end flour and hetrings to Barbados, to be foil there, or
us t,ic
lt '^ un ’ J 3- The Kin S Has been plcafed to
the <WhK ! iarn **•?* be one of
she r^?Tl' e ” f ° r v ‘ aualli S his Majetty’s #ivy, in
she room or Thomas Colby, Ef 4 .deceafed. * *
puTfed^' a ‘’ i j**’ I3 * The een has **en
Maieftv’ S PO, “ t GCOrge Au * uftus North, Esq. to be her
Hoiflfi CU f lafy - *” d Comptroller of her Majesty's
VarVr r T? ° f Harris ’ E <V deceafei.
C aMl --/r r 'JP“> ft t>ruary 10. Promotions.
l '! S Maify for tbe Art* in Ireland.
Wnaghy,’ Ucut^ut i > hn
Dc pmy Adi"?,-T yCr ’ < l f - thc 6 ? th r^iment °( foot, and
Arixiv. 7 iXwii :u he Major in Use
THURSDAY, MAY i 7 , i 7 Si,
“Feb. 13. jqd reg. foot. Capt. Frederick Mackenzie
to be Major, Vice Thomas Mecan; Capt. Lieut. Charles
Apthorp to be Captain, vice Frederick Mackenzie ; lit
Lieut. John Blucke to be Captain Lieutenant, vice
Charles Apthorp.
qqd reg. toot. Capt, Lieut. William Gofc/to be Cap
tain, vice Allen Malcolm; Capt. Lieut. James Ingram,
Os 70th foot, to be Captain Lieutenant, vice William
- - .Gore ; Ensign John Wheeler Collington to be Lieutenant,
vice Thomas Nicoil. -
37th reg. foot. Ensign Frederick A. F. Beckwith, of
33” foot, to be Lieutenant, vice .Henry Pottlnger.
ihth reg. foot* Lieut. Henry Pottlnger, of 37th foot,
to be Captain, vice William Wade; Lieut Frederick F.
. Robinfori, of 4th battalion of the 60th foot, to be Lieu
tenant, vice Edward Moncrieff.
42J reg. foot. Serjeant He&or M’Lcan to be Quarter*
master, vice Culih Smith.
54th reg. foot. Ensign Stuart Brisbane to be Lieuteii
? V jf*. J-hnes Dillon; Brant Schuyler Luptdn, Gent,
to be Ensign, vice Galbrieth Holmes.
69 Ji ieg. foot, 4th Battalion. Lieiit. Edward Moncrieli)
of 3.Bth foot, to bd Lieutenant, vice Frederick P. Robin
son. .
yoth-reg. foot. Lieut. Thomas Nielli, of 33d foot, to
- Serjeant’ Stuatt’ to. - be Qftartee*.
K 4 tb reg* foot, ad battalion. James Roherrfoft
to be Lieu tenant, vice Alexander M’Donalu*; VoluntdcF
Dancan Campbell to be Ensign, vice James Robertfori.
_ Jo,enh Hutchinson; Gent, to by Surgeon to the garri
son of Bermudas, 6
B\SSK FPRRK, (St. Lhnaophcr) Maich 28F’
I HE follhvtiirg is an extra# of a letter from Mohlfef.
A rat, dated March ro, i7Sii
it S ‘
isdar Oir,
. “_ V er >’ fortunately two privateers frrim New-Vofk. fell
#'! | VVI 1 ftit r flUrrr fnim
ta lend with difpitcbev of mornent froin the DuUh Con
u:l there to the Governor of ’Statia. Mr. W— with hii
il zeal fa the service immediately difpatehed them to
r e .vuruira), but and many of them are in cypher; I am a
tiaid Ins information will be bur (lender, they fufticientiy
evince the duplicity of the Dutch count!ls. Mr. W_ ha#
Wife tr.tnfmitced to Sir George a very curious account
rom the Count Durat of the and torce of the
lilanu Os Grenada to .Vi. Sardue* I hupe it mdy Be of
tome fervkei ■
I rind the French Beets have already fduad their way
to-Str Croix ; a very large one is crpeCTcd to fail in a few
days for Martinique; it h hoped our crdizers will give a
good account of them.”
The following is an Accdunt of the Taking of Bcrbice,
\wiu the i-irncics Qf (Japitulation ;
Go the sth of March they mide Berbice river. Capt.
sent in an ofheer in his barge to reconnoitre the
place and found the channel. On the day following the
baege returned, not being able td flnJ a fate charirlel for
the (hip to go in. On the Bth Capt. Wolcott feriTm the
T rimmer, with 40 men, under the command of the ill
T.teuU'uani £BeKgil4tor|r Hriake poffe/lion of tirs
Fort St. Andrew, vyhich they accompli feed on the oth,
by a joint attack from the (loop ,and a detachment of men
who landed within 100 yards of their right Hank, ‘
(formed the fort, and routed them, their progress being so
rapid that no more than three guns were fired from file
fort before the enemy were out to flight. ’They immedi
ately spiked up the guns and rolled them over tire bread
works into trie river, and sent a party of men to a redoubt
or one 4 pounder and eight men, which they likewise ef
fected.’ On the 9tli the Trimmer returned with a pilot
tor the (hip, who was plying off and on without the bdnks.
On the 12th the Regulator got fufe over the Unks Into
the river ; a Hag of tmce was lent off to the feip to know
our intention ~ upon which Capt. Wolcott fcjit in his pro
pofeis, as mentioned in the following articles of capitula
. Hon: r
** -ftebh* of Capitulation between fames Wolcott , £fy.
Commander of the Ship Regulator, and tie Honourable the
ft over nor and Council of tie Colony of Berbice.
“ ift. The fort to surrender to hi# Britan nit It
arms, and the troorus belonging to the United
States of Holland to pile their arms and remain prisoners of
war upon parole u/uU fiuch time as a regular exchange
pUCCt’ ... ,—’ ■■ “■J
** Article 2d. Tlie arms, colour*, and ail warlik
ftores, belonging to Fort Naftau, with the /hipping, t 0 be
delivered up, with their cargoes and utenhkj, without
hurt or embezzlement what foe ver.
“ Article id. Upon which proviso the inhabitanks of
the Colony of Berbice (hall remain in quiet pofleifion of
their properties and estates.
r “ ..•Arricle dth. And it fs further agreed between the
fames WoUotr, Esq. Commander of thk: private
fe.pof war Regulator, and thc.Governor and Council of
the Colony of Berbice, that, in conlideration of the for
mer giving back the (hip de Vrow Johanna, Capt. P.
Kroon, to the Governor and Council aferefaid, for the
foie ule and of the planters of the Colony of Ber
bicc. to fuppiy them from any BrlrifH fertlement with
provmons and liie, the Governor and Coun
cil do covenant and agree to load the ihip dc Anna aad E
uzabeth, Oapt. F. with Cotton, coffee, rum,
and sugars, for the Benefit of the faiil James Wolcott!
Lfq. and crew, to he loaded with all polTible dif H atch.
, Ri ’ 3 *r~;e t Kn&cjffu, the lfh
1 On the 14th a second flag ojf truer <• c 4. A
, ir^te’^ or JbrMft *
The cdloiirs of the fort and fWtJfiTng were hat*a
d r W i, n, n he *? ldiers driw and adfls piled, at the command
©f the Regulator’s officers. Five (hip# were lying at Naffatr ‘
( winch is upwards of fnile# from, the entrance of rhe
river) three of wliUh were loaded aud twWemnev- I
which way let* for the use of the Colony andNT. bne .
loaded on her way down the river with coffer™^*-
AC The feip, vvere ten days fiom
ln | g f F °i rt Na K fla , U - ulia, . th y wei-e Clear of the bar, icafiJa”
1. mm
tunately got aground, which we were obli * a™**? unfor,J
hind with the Trimmer to assist her xfterV’ CaVC
at anchor without the feoal# wdt’i SliFSL * W
leagues from the land, in four fathom tarer ?’
pr x - with tW priics ’
kat o ,h^? , k fl ’' !,r s'’ k 'nL heHytn * < “ a tetanus;
diftjtice 35 leagued. # f-W*
“ W
St. Andrew, a eighteen
mne’s and 4 three’s, ao (land of small ‘arms
“ Poft a Ni'(hTf ,kcttl " d,uni * * large bell, “
4i \rV V foUr . poUnder *°ftand offmall artes
A's ,ron {l * pounders rhdunted. and!
dismounted, 12 brass field pieces, 6 howitzers tn f •
guns, 94 barrels of powder and ao rouads of filled cartrideS*
300 (land pf fmill arm> jgc cutiaffes, 6 kettl# A *
56 fuit* of regimentals;- * 5 * kCtU€
„ ** Before the Regulator left the river they rk+
overnor two field pieces and a quantity offmall arhisllff
— M ftot,a rte inhabitants fti/h M
_ fU. Jrn, tttl , Belbo.l Capt. Drifcall 1 Mctcurt-
Lislr; u ‘ r"h’tn _ a r i . i aXr J .“ PP ” f™
not without success; when they arrived therd w^
thit they knew nothing of a Dutch war, txpeiled
*ith no resistance, but were fired upon ? bf t t °fwV s
which after 2 few broad.icks were fbon silenced •
Retting over the bar they theri eaoitulated twS
Veireb arrived here yeftei/ay with , i valuawAv “ Vtl
Barbados, all of Xhich w
ofyfar. ley * CJ 1 lte Ulan ' iia of two Britiih (loop*
A~tides of Agreement bevween P. Van tr
f b rr a ’ *
PJ’ in’ es,> F i Uy ’ in the f ame Cotory, and MefTrso
’ Bel/oM r Vmmdnd r tLc f ' ri " ,un Sb P War
Hrlr *\* oUrt Cr W Commander of tie private Sbi6
Vote Kemberi C ° m *ianicr of ‘ tie p r fa
Sloop of tfar Hornet ; and Join Jack fen Cam*
•We,, of the private Schooner of War Porcupine, *
lft Bropofal to the Commodore, Sec. Havim> rrtW*wilf
fion* of his Britannick Majesty,
jocts of the States General, and all inhabiting wih?n their
e the said Commanders of the aforementinn,?
‘lTa ‘t^C^life!! V,rcu<t of thei - commissions,
That thfc Comihodore and Council of Demerara ffiall giv e
tip to them all the Dutch vessels, with every thing apper!
timing to them, that arc now m this river/arid in conse
quence of their compliance the colours of the fort and ves
sels must immediately be hauled do wn, in which case they
h r, Cy ** yd C - Very ? /tilte in this river
and colony (hall reraaiin in ©uldt poffeilion of tfieir property
and übmolefted ; but m case of rCfui'al so rhefe condition!
they feall proceed td the extremities of W2rs
Artrwer. The Commodore and Council of ijcmctkraa
not being able to make any rcfiftance through want 0 f fat
TJ l ll A the f r, d L Ca r ta ‘ ti 9 take 411 the they
frid Coml! 7 W ‘ lJ f h l U d ? Wn the Cuiuuri i Provided th!
laid Commanders of the aforementioned veflfels will take
this colony under their proteOion, and defend it from any
,r,vatee, s or other ve/Tels that may come ao,i
dufuru the colony and plunder the irihahitanfe, dr put them
under any contribution whalfeever; that they (hall for tha^
time as the river feall be able to pfoteft itlelfT
Article a. The afore said Commanders declare the#
cannot promise to leave any of their reffel# behind; but
they promise to take every privateer veflel out of the river,
and w,H leave a certificate* by which tiiey declare that
they have taken from this river what they in reason
thought they Could take, and therefore desire all Captains
of privateers that niay come hereafter nor to molest any of*
the,nhabitdnts of this colony, and thit in fuchcaVethey
will take care that no injury feall be done to any perfoa
whatfoerer; and likewise ,h the merchant
sign their bills Os lading, and the manifefts of their car
goes, and elear out as ufuai; this being the Only best and
tb r r a° J d thfy Can make or giviuj owe hour
the Coifimodorc and Council to agree to it.- L
Aril■ wer. The Governor and Council, not finding them-’
selves in any state of defence, aircly mentioned, find
tnemfelvcs obliged to agree to die terms proposed. and m
consequence thereof the colours (hall be hauled down -
provided the said Captains will take care that no other ot J
trieir.people feall come on ftote but those that are in the:
***** *** othgej tc.T.rtin u ‘
[NO; tig.]