Newspaper Page Text
. “ ®
VuitTHAH, Feblliary 17, t/81.
Sxtraft of a letter frem tic Earl Corn'*-’ slUs is Lord. George
Germane, one ts bit Ma; city's principal Secretaries ts
State, dated Ifynnefiorcugb, December iZ, 17S0.
your LordTiip will doubtless be glad
Stl l hear, by every fafe opportunity,
tlse atf *dates in the feuthern
A ‘ diffrifr, I have the honour of tranf
# n x raitting to you a cony of my letter
vv to the Commander in chjef on the
J 0i * this month. As thi3 letter
sk. vOtyJ* explains fully our past operations,
and present (Uuatibn, I have only to
add, that Major Gen. Lcflle ii fately .arrived with ids
whole fleet at Chailcftown.
JZxtraH ts a letter from tit Ear: Cermoafa to Sir Henry
Clinton, dated Camp at tt\nnefocrourbf Dec. 3, 1780.
TP - TT A. tfXk n i’ C*l* *” T \L<* x ” .^UfC%'vtaps.
JL Ferguson had taken infir.ife pains with lon.e of the
militia of Ninety*!;*. He obtained my per mi (Hon to
Slake an incurfiofi into Trym county, whitft the ficktiefj
•fmy army prevented my moving.- -As he had only mili
tia 3n I the tuffi remains of his own corps, without §sg
fv>e. ©r artillery, and as he!|>d to come hack if he
£:irdof any fupericr force, I rhought he could do no form*
aid might help to keep alive the spirits of our frietuib in
Koftb Carolina* which might be damped by the fIo-.v.->ciV’
©f oar motions. The event proved unfortunate, without
any fault c.f Major Fergufon's.’ A numerous r.od uuci
pe£Ved enemy came from the riunti ; rs ;as they hoi g,ad
bo fes their movements were rapid ; Major Fergufoti was
totaled to flay near the mountain < longer than he iriteud*
ed, in hopes of cutting off Col. Clarke on hid return from
Georgia. He was not aw-c it the enemy *ms fy near
him, md in tmlcavotirihg to execute my orders of raffing
the Catawba, and joining. me at Charlotte Town, he w..j
attackeJ by a very fjperior force, and bully defeated'oj
King's Mountain. 6 ’
Wynneib;>rou*h, my present pof.thn, is an healthy
spot, ‘.veil lituated to prutedl the grereft p.;rt of the nor
thern frontier, and to affitl Camdeh and Ninety-^.
Sumpter having passed the Broad “River, and joined, Clarke, See. I detached -Major M’Arthur with
the iff battalion of the 71st, and 6yd regiment, after
having sent my Aid dc Camp, Lieut. Money, to ukc the
•oramand of it, to ffrierby’s Feiry on Broad River, in or
der to cover our milk, and to give foait check to the ene
my’s Mattfcgk Ninety-fir. At the fame time I recalled
Lieut. Col. ’lVleton from the low country. Tarieton
was fa fortunate as to pafi rmt only the Wateree, but the
Broad River, without Gen. Sumpter s being apprised of
it, who, having increased his corps to irot>, had paTtd
the Ennoree, and was 01 the point of attickinr our xot>
snilitu at Will: mask House, :< miles from Ninnv-fi*
arj. where l be heve he„wouli wt have met with much ft-
Uffance. Lieut. Col, Tarleton would have surprised him
ion the Couth cf Ennoree, had not a defertcr of the 6*d
given notice of his march: He however cut to pieces his
,n paTmg that river, anu-purfueA his main body
wito such rapidity that he could no: fafely paG thtTvaer
and was obliged to halt, on a very ifrn* position, at I
jlace called black Stocks, dose to i;. Tarleton had with
him only his cavalry. -and the 63d mounted, his infantry
* nd a th: funder being feveraf miles £HirifdT“ the m
! my being ab!e to retreat with fafety, and being in',
formed of Tarleton s approach and want of infantry by a
woman who parted him on the march, and contrived bv a
jearcr road to get to them, were encouraged by their great
fhper.omy ot numbers, and hegan to fire on the 6sd, who
were <i>fmounted, ticui. Cbi. Tarleton, to them
from confiderabledoff, was obliged to attack, akhaui-h at
lame htxard, and (frove the enemy with loss over the ri-
P n r , ; S ’f*lf n r J W * i J sn Bcrouf8 croufl y wounk;!, of thek
o..R c k ki.led, and about 120 men killed, wounded, or
J. ‘ our r,de * bout 5 • Wf rc killed and wounded.
L‘_<utj. Gibson and Cope of 63d were amongst t he former -
and :ny A.d deCamp Lieut. Money, w'ho wa-ramoff pro!
rlf V^" Cr> d;C( J. of hls wounds a few Lieut.
Cos.. Tarleton, as soon as he had taken care of his woun i
td, pursued and difperlca the remaining part of Sumpter’s
ps, and then, having aflembled fpme militia under Mr
‘-v.nmngham, whonvl appointed Brigadier General of the
raihtu of that diffnft, who h is ky far the -rc.neff in m ttia: country, he rrturned to the Broad River,
iere he at piefent teinain*, as veil as M’Vrtlvu-
the neighbourhood of BrhrlcyN Ferry J
Pu atL n Vtift. Col I'arifton to add to the re
ij ° a gr'w.,!, , nd .cep*.
:> i°g haufes, with 190 cavalry and 80 infantry kn
“• VU* .S th.
. ‘ Heratial fcrvices to his cmn:ry. Lirut, Col T*rlp
men C u?d ni r n H. n ‘ UCh ofthr officers and
SSt stw C ™ aad * a " J S r*tticu!.,r!y mentions
fclf. * * -h* U§ujn, him
* f ‘ 4 r i .: ii , ‘ • - © . , r
THURSDAY, JUNE ai, 1781.
WRiTtiiAtt, Fcbraary to, I7ti
iUxtraff ts a letter from Sir Henry CffrtTon to Lard George
Germain, erne _ cf bis Majtfiy's principal Secretaries cf
State, received tbit morning by Lieut. Sir Wtllitm T-uyf- ~
den, wlc arrived in tie Grantham Packet , c ubicb Jailed
from Sandy Uadi the iqtb of lajl month.
ON the 3d mffant it was reported to me, that on the
iff the PermfyivanisMiae htd revolted. The parti, as far as I have been able to afeertain them, and
the firps I took in consequence, are contained in the jour
, ‘ v 1 ‘■ 4 * l * b , aVe th* honour toiuclofe. My offers reached
the Cch, together with a ddciaratioft of the Ad
i.ii u sand in ne a; Commifiioners. They admitted two
ot thest ■Gdnarals to a conference pit the 7th; their de.
lair were, p‘iy f arrears ol pav, the depreciation of mo-
J, V 1,11 "’ U P to them according to the different peri
c Sand their dTcharges from further fervjce. I had no
eaioa to fuppr.e they -incended joining us; nor was it
pa iffe to lay what injures they meant to pursue, until
t.iry removed at a .liffaoct From us, and delivered over tvvd*
of our mffTt rrgeri to Crrg tL; On the cch, notwich- dca-lon wAAfo far adva.-icci, I/Made a move
, . r.iite lolUilfe -ar-gy. to- Stutgtt-lfiuruL. ia- .
(u til ct 1 fhfp of War, and a number--of boats to eo
with-the army, I v/it r'riJ> to afb a’s circuimilances
mijit maxe
toru.atffjo Ttfpachng their intentions or wishes, it would
u.c An very imprudent lor. me to have done any thing
t° r V h T’ fivo f rcV -If, m offer asylum, for one
} _>--u rn: ght have reunited them to their eppreffors.
■i : -th 1 receiv-u, by the return of two of my mes.
,h * sHcl-’fetl princcd pipers, by which I plainly
i' / .' 1C ‘ a: “ was ar. app.-arance of accommodation. I
the.ehue returned from Stated bland j and the Genera!
fK-'l* 1 ‘r U r'° ° rnrnmd there reporting to me that
th troapsfqff;rd much ls , :n the inffemcnoy of the *£.
- tier, a. a t.nt thnr rtitr in f.t£l might be termed a conti
uul j?-quet, I ordered them to return to their huts ou
i-o >g 1 flu nth
it is impo.hbie Atff.fent to fuy in what manner, or
.... loon, bufliicf* w;ll be fettled j it is generally
t ; . that Mongrels cannot fat'sfy the demands of the
tyiter;, and it u probable, rlienefore, they may attempt
to fore,- them ; if they do, thole people can ftiil fall back
u r on us, ui nere is no force in Jrr.ey to prevent them,
or any nve.-j t > pafi but that at South Amboy, which our
lh.pi. can command.
Gc:i. Wiihl ngtori ha.'not moved a man from his army
a<. vet , and us ■-,* probable their demands are nearly the
EmS* iin.,j n ., it is not thought likely
that he .viff. I ©in howcv*- in a situation to avail myfelf
ct 1 ; vmmole evmts, Ut to ffrf before they offer might
I hive received m rfrt&ln ifitelHg&nce from the frvutH
w-ird unce my liff, but I make no doubt that Gen. Leile
has joined Lori Cornwallis, and I c*pe& every hour to
hear tnac the’ reUk have quittci'the, more e
lpvuuhy Gen. Arnold arrived in the Chefa
peak on tkf id. Rebel repartsTajr be mlml Rlctl
t ‘ :c capital of Virginia.
There is every reason to fugpofc that Echaa Allen has
quitted the rebel caafe.
Lieut. Sir of the Royal Tuxileery,
who hn requeffed ray permission to return to Europe on
his own private affairs, vriH hive the honour of delivering
mydtipaccheg.’ I beg leave to refer your Loidlhip ro him
for further particular?, pafttc jlarfy ‘idiih regard to the ooe
tations to the southward.
T'; r; >- —• — : ?
St. James's, Telruaro. 17. The Kinghas been oleifi-d
theklngdom us
Crca: Bn tun unto the Right Hon. Geoige. Lord Edc- =
cumbf/ a rst hls bjf narfcei stilt, and title,
of Viscount Mount E Jgcua'.bc
tt T' )c has been pleased to grant uto the Rev. John
Hallara, Dofror in Divinity, one of his MajdH’s Chap
lalnslnrprdigary* thence srtd dignity of Dea of the Ca-
Piedral Church of Briflol, void by the death of the Rev,
Ik. Cutu Barton.
V’~“. ‘ “’ /’*'.i *• ‘ , •• . ...- ~ 1
em nilficns f.gnei by bis Afa)c/h-in Ireland.
1 3tn regiment of ingoohs,’ Litbt.'Gcii. Frand* Craig
to be Cobael. *
Capt. ! homas farrat, of the corps of Engineers in Ire*
.and, to be Major in the army.
ff'ar Cfice, Febrrrttry TANARUS?, zjtr.
- 3 d raiment of dragjons, Chulcs Forth Wintour, gent,
is appointed to be Cornet. * - •/.-
: W re ,S of dragons, Lieut. Le* is Majeudic to
b<: Captain Lieutenant. ’ Greaves- Town-
Icy to be Lionrenant. Ralph Smyth, gent, to be Corflet.
191:1regiment of dragoons, Capt. Lieut. John Q-i 3H .
tfick, of the 2 lit dragoons, to be Captain.
.Cof.lffreain regiment pf foot guards, Enfiga Henry Gre- bC'Lteur>mint, J tt hn Caicraft, gent, to be En
’ ; ■ - ,
* Lieut. Jeremy Lifter to be Cap
r in. Thomas Lucas to be Lieutenant. Albert
Smart, gent, to be F.nfign.
15th cf foot/ Willi gent, to be
i'-n.-gn. , •
1: ™ . . v
28th regime at of foot j Lieut. Thomas Meyrick, of 6th
foot, to be Captain.
35th trglmeiit of foot, Capt. John Gillen, f <<tU
foot, to be Major. Surgeon, George Roche.
51st regimeut of foot, J; Michell, gent, to be Inffgn.
55 regiment of foot, Capt. Lieut. William Gomm to
be Captain
i 73 and regiment tff foot, tdbattalion, Ensign Philip CroG,
from half pay, m the late 103d foot, to be Ensign.
74th regiment- of foot, Major Robert Montrefor, of
tooth foot, to be Major.
86th regiment of foot.Enfigtv JameaWilfon to be Lieu
tenant; ahd Robert Burns, gent, to be Ensign.
.? 7th regimentof foot > Hrfpital mate WiUiam Heart
Whafton to be Surgeon. _ *
89th regiment of 6>ot,F.nfign Jfrac Sargent to be Lieu
tehant. Surgeon’s mate Georgi Atkinfotv, of 46th foot*
be Ensign 3 and Ensign George Ottlev, of 15th foot, to
be Lieutenant. - J *
90th regiment of foot, Hospital mate Daniel Vaughan
to be Surgeon.
100th regiment of foot,'Major John Campbell, of 74*
foot, to he Major. ‘ 74
Cajjt. Hon. John Rawdon, of 4th foot, to be Captai©
i a rra°uth Caftlc.i'n the Hie of Wight.
RooS - c a *OOtb fOdt, tpf bt Major in tti
army ;i Oapber 1 i,.i 779 . ‘ ■ J . ‘
•f 3 ’ vjfci, February 24, 1781.
tr n° P ° f 1 ? or f Srcnadici; guards, Corntt Sir Toh*
Scott, hart, to be Sub-Lieutenant. ‘
6th regiment of dragoons, Inilgn James Wafcemaa
Newport to be Comet.
CoWffre am regiment of foot guards, Cap?. William
Augustus Bofcawen to be Captain of a company,
f ° ot ’ \ d ll3£Calion Ensi gn Hen. G.
Conway, of 39th foot, to be Lieittcnaitt.
f 2d r S gi . me 1 [l t of L fo ? t > En/ >gn George Fitrwilllam Hodg*
son, ofthe North Liftcolnlhire militia, to be Ensign. *
~ ot“ reginient of foot, Lieut. Robert Adair, of nth
foot, to be Captain.
lath of foot, Endgn Frederick Drought Od
ium* to be Lieutenant. Eafsgn Alfctdiiddr M uur o to be
Lieutenant, DC
16th regiment of toot, Liedt. James Eallmer, ofocth
foot, to be Lieutenant. .
3! £h regifncnt of foot, John Lade, gent, to be Ensign.
id regiment ot foot, Ensign Drake t r be Li caUv
nant. ■
re i ,l ? tftt p of Z Arthur Baynes, gent, to be
Ensign. Ensign Peraval Meggs to be Lieutenant.
regiment of foot, Ensign Charles WiJf OIJ t 0 be
L^nanr Ea6 r n r £ ’ ?r t ederlck of 56th font, to
bw LieuttnanL Ensign John Upton to be Lieutenant.
Volunteer John Lewis Evchgh to bt; Ensign.
73J regiment of foot, 2d battiilon,- Volunteer John
Gordon to be Ensign. Volunteer Donald Davidson to b
Ensign. Volunteer Alexapdcr M’Keozie to be Eniign.
Volunteer Alexander Grant to be Ensign.
Hugh M Kenzie to be Eiifign. Volunteer David Rose to
b, Ensign. Volunteer Charles Clarke, gent, to be En!
-94 of foot, Ensign Jehm? French, of Seth
Ros “ mm
rj? : **••.?-**• ±
gimeiit of foot, Rowland HaTefton toW Lieu
tenant. -
Su^ h . Duncift Carnal, gent, to be
Africais Corps, Ensign James O’Shanley to be Lieutd-
HBv ■
Ports Corps, Henry St. Germam, gent, to be
““ ** Ft,,scian “*“ Tm “ ****
LitutenantCoJonel. Col. Weft Hyde to
be Fir* Col.Jr John Wrottefley, Bart, to le
Second Major. Col. Thomais Co* to be Third Major.
Lieut. Col. Frederick Thom*, to be Captain of a company:
Cppt. Ihomas Coffins to be Captain'-Lieutenant. Ensign
James Perrin to be Lieutenant. - ... ..... 5
Ojfictf February 27, 1781,
6(tfth rtgiment of foot, iff battalion, Volnnteer Tohn
-ft ! 8 a EnfieJ
to be Lieutenant. John Gordon, gent.
to be Ensign Thomas Foy to be Lieutenant.
rkT U s* ?T C F g ? nt ’ tO , be Enfign * Jotnßrown
r?fll *? ij f* . Enrifin * t eut * J a mes Grey Tucker,
or the Jamaica Legion, nbe Ensign. Capt. Lieut. Joh.”
Peter Ri chat to be Captain. George Brown to be
Captiin Lieutenant. Lltut. John Barday Scriven, of
79th foot, to be Lieutenant. c. *
79th regiment of foot, Capt. Lieut. Edward Mareue
Captain. Lieut. Clotworthy to bi
Captam Lieutenanr. Enfigh Baker Davijfim t® be Lieu-
t l ei ' ant ’ Y U6 c e . Morgan ’ gent * t 0 Fnflgn
Jd 5 S .? irCl - y of 60111 foot tube Lic^rtiant.
.• of toot, CapG Lieut. A&*ander Salant
to be Captain. Lut. Henry We&b to be Captain Lieu
tenant. Ensign John Duke to J>e Lieutenant. Freke
Bulkeky, gent, to be Ensign. Capt. Lieut. Georg-
Munro, of SSthfbot, to be Cajptaljx. Serjeant Thomas
Grey to be Qoartcrmaffcr. Capt. Ralph FhiiUps, of 6otli
foot, to be Major. of foor, Ftijor H’ .vy Phipps, of Seth
[N 0 . iag.J