Newspaper Page Text
T H E R O Y A L •
Just imported,
And for Sale by the Subscriber,
HIGH Proof Jamaica Rum,
Mufcovado and Clayed Sugar,
I?reft Irift Rose Butter in kegs,
‘fallow in
Soap in small boxe.
Paint* ground in oil,
London Porter in barrels,
Florence Oil and Scots Snuff.
Savannah, 30th July, 1781.
A giyierous Price, will be given for Tar and
White Oak Heading.
—■ *"•” ——— ——— •’ 1 ■
Afar (ha Vs Saks .
On Friday the io.h of AmululLnext, -at the,iioufe,
grefent kept, the fate to beg-h preciiely at 11
-’ o’clock, / ‘ ’ .
APLANTATION/in two trails of land, in
the parift of Chi id Church, containing by
estimation toco acre*, be the - fame more or less,
tvhich lies in the diftrift of Little Ogechee, and
adjoins lands of Benedick Bourcjuin, George De
.. legal), and Edward I)ek*gall, on the north branch
of Little Ogechee* River, together with all the
dwelling-houles, buildings hereditaments, rights,-
members, and appurtenances, ihesvta belonging,
the property of Stephen Lean, deceased, and seized
on execution by T-pi-.- ——Vi_
Savannah, July 12,
On Saturday the -athr-Auffuit next, wrff be fold,
at the Marfhafs Office in Bull Street, for which
payment will be received in the indented bills of
credit of this province, the falc to begin pre
cisely at 11 o'clock,
A NEGRO Man, named Okie, belonging to
the Estate of Mrs Hcriot Crooke, deccaf
ud, and fold by virtue of a mortgage to the Coui
miflionera of the Loan Office.
LEWIS JOHNS fOxNjun. Pro. Mar.
‘Savannah, July 26, 1781.
- ... fv , 2 —-—• .■■■■-■. ... .. ; i 1 r ‘
On Saturday the 4th of AugUil next, will be fold,
at the Marfhafs Office in Bull Street, for which
payment will be received in tire indented bills
of credit cf this provinceythe Lie to begm pre
cisely at 1 i o'clock,
TWO Negro Men, named Clof and John,
belonging to the F/.lue of WUlitjh Wylly,
Esq. dece:<c*d, and fold by virtue of a mortgage to
the Commiffioner*; of the Loan Office.
LEWIS JOHNS I ON jun. Pro. Mar.
Savannah, July 26, tyft,
J.y.t—■■■■■ .. I—l xr--T—JcnE .. . . gHji jjjgy —,, j ■ ~ Tm ■ jfhLt
To fee foM to thehigheft bidder; fur ealh,:tn the
causes, under attachment from his Majefty** General
■Court qf the province of Georgia, -&n Moftday the 2-rh
day of August next, the sale to begin precifdy afro
o’clock in the forenoon, and end at 1 o'clock in the af
ternoon, and to be continued from day to day, between
tHc fame hours, Until the whole is dilpOfcd of,
Ifhe undermentioned Property, viz.
Kelfall and Another, survivors, v. Samuel Stevens; A
traftor parcel of land, in the parift of St. John, contain
” ylfhyTftlmattaH^sCx£reT, - P<rfheTTmc ffiore‘sr IcTT, ad
joining lands of Samuel Saltus and Peter Winn.
. * f he fame v. Edward Way. A tradl or parcel of land,
in the parift of St. John, containing by estimation 500
° be the fame more or lei's* adjoining lands of John
Jones. J
. the fame v. Thomas Quarterman. A trafl or parcel
Jf land, in the parift of St. John, containing by eflirfu
♦ion sco 5 co acres, fee the fame more or left, adjoining lands
Jonathan Cochran.
-The jamc v. Peter Winn. A traft or parcel oflmd, in
the parift ®f St. John, containing b,y estimation 500 acres,
Z? the fame more or left, adjoining lands of John Wffin
the elder. * f — ~t.
The fime v. William ©rales A trjift or parcel of
, nd> in the parift of St. f .fin, containing bv estimation
,00 acres, be the fame more or left, adjoining-lands cf
jonn Stewart.
?"? ** i,lia ”i nrt(,rn plantation or
tTo 0 ?i s °K°r s ’ be th v' i;ucmol^'1 - 55
atfla Os John Stewart on the east. ,
• he fame t. Nathan Taylor, A trail or parcel vs land,
in the parift of St. John, containing by estimation 500
acres, be the fame more or lefs* adjoining Jands of
The fame v. William Baker jun. A trail or parcel of
land, in the parift of St. John, containing by estimation
330 acres, be the fame more or less, near the Meeting
hobfe, adjoining lands of ~
The fame v. Samucl Sakus . TCeHaH ahd another v. the .
fame. A trail or parcel of land, in the parift of St. John,
containing by estimation 500 acres, be the fame more or
left, adjoining lands of Samuel Burnley’s estate.
Ihe l.imc v. Josiah Bacon. The fame, survivor, v.
the fame. Several trails or parcels of land, in the parift
ht St. John, containing together by estimation 500 acres,
be the fame more *r less, adjoining lands of James Dun
woody aud John Stevens.
Ihe fime v. John'Elliott. The famd v. the fame; Se
veral trails of land, in the parift of St. John, containing
together’Viy estimation 1000 acres, be the fame more or
less; adjoining lands of Thomas Elliott and William
-1 he fame v. Sam'utjl llurnley - .’ .Kelfall and another v;
fame. Same v. fame. A trail or parcel of land, in the ‘
parnb o; St. John, containing'by estimation 20c. acres, be
... Ay* 1 ” :ni 1 ’ Vyyjfe*. : .
Vera] trails of land,” in the parift of-St. - Jwhnj (pntairllhg ,
together by estimation 1000 acre;, be the fame more or
iciy, adjoining lands of John Stacey.
The fame v. Davis and Parterion. A trail or parcel of
land, in the parift of St. Philip, Containing hv efHmatir.n
500 acres, fit the fame more or less, adjoining lands of ■
William Maxwell.
The fame v. Thomas. Shepherd. A trail Yr parcel of
land, .ip tlttv parfth of St. John, ‘.'cmftYYifbgfty estimation
aco acres, be the fame more 01 Ich, adj nning lands of
John Winn the younger. • -
v. W.iy jun. A trail or Parcel of
Un4,m the parift of-St. jnlm, CoffTalnWg"by' c(tlmatieii
500 acres, be the fame more or lefr, adjoining lands of
Nathan 1 aylar, late Screven’s.
aru * ‘‘^ ,ei 7 v * Nathaniel Saxton. A trail or
parrel of land, in the parift of St. John,'containing by
c imatipn 2cc acre?, be the fame more or less, near Sun
bury, adjoining lanas of .
and another, furviv >rs, v. Jofcrh Wav. Kel
!all and another v. fan**. A irag'w of land, 1 in the “
paiiftofSt. John, containing by rftimotion r;oo acres, fee
the fame m n'c or less, adjoining laiVls of John Jones.
; ,* Ceh; * 11 a!>i inother, survivors, v. James Stewart. Kel
fall, fiuvivo-, v. the fame. Kelfall and others v. the
fame.. A traft or parcel of land, in the parift of St. John,
containing |>y estimation qco acres, be the fame morh or
a J j ll,n!n S kinds of Lj mm IILI, and lying on the
Midway road.
The fame v. Thomas Elliott. Kelfall and another,
survivors, v. the -fame. A or parcel of land, in the
pmft of St. John; containing bveftimaß'on 50c acres, he
tlie fame more or less, adjoining James Screven
and Wav.
’I lie fame v. William Graves jun. Kelfall and another
r. the fame. A trail or p afceToT land, mThe ’ parift .cf
ct. John, containing by estimation arres, be the fame
more oi less, adjoining lands of William Baker.
Same, survivors, v. Robert Quarterman. Kelfall and
others v. fame. | A trait or parcel of land, in the parift of
St... John, containing by estimation 500 the fame
more or lets, adjoining lands of .
. The fame v. Thomas Morris. A trailer parcel of land,
in the ra.ifh of St. John, cpntainir.g by estimation 400
Acres, be more or Jcfs, adjoining lands now
Either aaa C 0., Aifo another trail oi parcel of land, in
the parift. of St, John, ccntaihingfey estimation
. be t J he f}'™ morc or J c- f s 5 joining lands of Jordon’s estate.
And aifo another trail or parcel of land, In the parift of
St. Andrew, containing by estimation 500 acres, l'e th r
fame more or less, adjoining lands of -d —. And aifo t
town lot in Snnburv.
Kellil!, lurvivor, v. Mathon Brounfon. A trail or
parcel, of land, in the parish of St. John, containing by ef
trmation 500 acres, be the Jam? more or iefs, lying near
North Newport Bridge, and joining lands of
Kell all and another, survivors, v, Ilcpworth Carter.
A. trail or parcel of land, in the parift of St. John, con-s
- u 'r ll pi ay f.(Hir>aton be ibe-fatne more-ordefs.
adjoinmg the estate of Samuel Spry.
I he fame v. William Brown. A trail or pnrcei of land,
in the p.irifh of St. John, containing bv estimation roo
acres, be the fame more dr less, King near a place called
the Defai t, and adjoining lands of .
Kelfall and others v.'Samuel Miller. Several trails of
land, containing together by estimation 1000 acres, be the
lame more or lets, in the parift of St. Philip. Aifo ano
ther tract or parcel of land, containing by estimation eco
actcs, be the fame more or less, on Bulitown fwartp, in
the paiiih of St. Andrew. Aifo another trail or parcel of
bnd, containing by estimation acres, be the fame
more or less, ,n the parift, of St. John, known b v the
name of Btmlcjr s, Aifo another, trail or parcel of [and
containing, by estimation acres, be the fame more or
less, in tlie* parift of St. Jonn, or Oswald’s fveamp. Aifo
two town lots the town of Snnbury, known by the
Numbers and , each- containing .. h front and
depth. V.
Smr and Rjed r. James If ftcrftam. Graham and a
notner v. the fame. John Eailcy y. the ftme. Admini
fkaur Hmiftoun v. the lame., A lot of End in the town
■Ol Savannah, iwUUiing. 65 Let in fL;.: ar.d ; • Let in
depth, more or less, w*hereon the defendant formerly re
fiddd. Aifo another lot in the fatd teWn, containing 60
feet in front and 90 feet in depth, formerly the property
® f r deceafed, fronting the call ccmmon. And
*Mo a plintatiop or parcel of land, in the parift of Christ
Church, containmg by estimation 1500 acres* be the fama
more or less, which m commonly called Silk Hope, and
adjoins lands of Jofcph Habtttftam and Frahcis Harris.
htorr and Ried v. WUHihaßakir. A trail or parcel of
land, in the parift of St. Johnifxcontaining by eftimatioii
SCO acres, be the fame more or less, which lies on the
Baker” brinCh ° f Mldv;iy rivcr * ana hear lands of John
Cowper and Teifairs v. John Winn fen. A trail or
parcel of land, ip the parift of St. John, confining by
estimation 500 acres* be the fame more or less, adjoining
lands of Osgood near Midway Meetinghouse. ‘
Spalding and another v. Peter Nephew. A trail or
parcel.of land, in the parift of St. Andrew, containing
Tl oricft ’
Thomas v. W&im Leconte, Executor
ouftoun v, fame. A’piantctiari in several trails of land
’ u;" m s Suiiwi Munro,, kt>ger Ke|-,
fall, and John Jortea. Aifo another plantation or parcel
ot land, near Canouchie river, in the parift of St. Philip
containing by estimation 500 acres, be the fame more or
less, adjoining land* of
William Telfair and others v. WHlfam Holaenddrff. A
p.antation or trail of land, in the parift of St. Matthew,
containing by eltimation 400 acres, be the fame more or
Jcls, about three miles south of the tavern la-te Pucker’s.
M Goun and others v. David Hugueneru A plantain
ortrail ofhnd, in the parift of St. Philip, containing by
eu.mat.on 350 acres, be the fame more or less, on Which
the defendant formerly resided.
; The fame v. Chifolm and Wife. A lot or parcel of land
7 thc townof Hannah, in the parish
of Christ Church, containing by estimation xoc feet
fjuare, be the fame more or less, which adjoins lands of
Dr. Zubly.
. S . toir ai ?l ß i ed v * Dan ' el Sullivant. A trail of land,
in the parish cf St. Andrew, containing by estimation tco
*k reS wur he or le / 3 =>hd adjoins lands of Ste
phen Williams and Thomas Sullivant.
Together with all the dweiling-houfes, buildings, he
re itamer.ts, rig t.>, me/nbers, and appurtenances, tothc
prcmiles aoovcmcntnned refpeaivTly belonging.
< , • „ LEWIS J°HNSTON jun/rro. Mar,
Savannah, m Georgia, July 26, i 7 Si.
To be fold to the Ligheft bidder, for caffi, in the
follo wing causes, under attachroeat from his Ma
* ** c . ne,ai Lourt of the province of Georgia,
on Monday the 3 J day of September next, the
tale to begin precisely at to o’clock in the fore*
noon, and end at 1 o’clock tn the afjerooor, and
to bt coctinucd from day to day until the whole
H Ottpofed cf,
T[ he undermentioned Property, viz.
i and another v. jenkin. and Wife. Ktl-
Lil and ar.oiher, survivors, v. fame. Rsbertfuff^T
o” 1 uu ,- traA °f parccl of !and ‘he parilli of
st. .bihp, containing by estimation 400 acres, be
GoHfmkh ° rC ° r ltf *’ ad,osr ' i,4 ,aod ** Thomas
Robertson v. Survivors of Rats, Elbert, and
Graham. €owpcr and Tcifairv, fame.. Storr
aodßied v. fame. Alexander Inglii, Executor,
v./amc. A lot of land in the town cf Savin*
rah, containing by estimation 6e Let iu f ront
and eo feet in depth, known, by the N • . y, „4
J,ing between lots of John Richa.dsand John Ly
cn. Al.o a Jot or parcel of land at Yamacraw,
qomaiuing by estimation 300 sett in front, and ex
tending as far as low water maik. A!fo. another
tiaa or parct ! ©Hand on the iiand of ITilmington,
in the Lid province, containing by.eftimation row
a u’ C rft bC tn f f r niure cr adjoining lands of
of jofiah fan, deceased. Allb another
t.aa or parcel of land, in- tjic pariffi of Christ
r'. hll: ~ n ,be province aforefaid, containing by
mat.on acres, b e ,he fame more or less, ad
joining lands of John Jamiefor.
* j uIJ A and af jO*herj survivors, v. J*iries'Dun-’
f C(rtaio trafl or parcel of land, in the
pariffi cf St. John, centaiaing, by estimation •
aces be the lame more or IcA, joining iandi of
Kjllsll and another, f-irvivors, v. Ch%ilei Star
key MiUeton. A plantatiun or parcel of land, sa
the jP? cf St. Andrew and S . Jbhn, contain
ing by estimation 1500 acres, be the f*me more or
1:1', late the prope.ty cf William Jonn, adjoining
Hnds cf —. Aifo another trail or parceLof
1 tnd, in the parift of 6.t J ahn, in the (aid province,
contaum g by eftirhauon i#o acrer, be the fame
mo or less, lying near Sunbury, and joining lands
ia"* iotmtrl 7 occupied by Aitliur Carney.
Kelfall and another* ftiWivorrj v . Jofe t h Lewis.
A lral vr fkicel of land, in the jatif.t T S:. j 0 hn^
[N°. 127.]