Newspaper Page Text
ANY persons willing t@ cor.tra£l with the
Com miff: ry General Department to supply
his Majeily’s Stores with new Corn Blades, Indian
Co r n, and Rough Rice, are desired to fend tiieir
propofols in writing to the Commiflary General’s
N. B. Cash will Be paid, as usual, for any
quantity delivered, on the receipt or certificate of
the Storekeeper, without any delay.—-r
Savannah, ill Augult, 1781.
LL persons arc hereby forewarned crediting
any pevfon rPr persons in the fubfenber’s
name, without a written order from under his
hand, on any'pretence whatsoever, as he will pay
no such accounts after this date.
, Savannah, August 8, 1781.
Just imported,
‘* And for Site by thivSiiblcnber, .
JpJ and Clayed Sugar,
Freih L-iffi Rose Butter in kegs,
Tallow in firkins, _ _
Soap in fm:tli boxer,
Paints ground in oil,
London Porter in barrels, *
Llorence Oil and Scots SnufF. - L
Savannah, $-oth July, 1 ;&i.
A gene: _ LLc Will be given for. Tar ani
-White Os.!: Heading.
THE. fubferiber iriterd'rp f on to leave this
province, defi es rh) pr* ..sp indebted *9 him
to pay their account’ immediately, other wilt they
will be put into the hands of An -ucorncy at Law
to be sued for;- and those havirfg demands agaiuil
him are desired to fend them in that they may be
fettled. _l_ DAVID MURDOCH.
Savannah, August 1, 1781.
T i gh t h o r s e.
ALL adl'v© you “g men, fit tor Light Hoife
men, and wiring to serve his Majeily King
GEORGE, for the space of two years, or during
the present rebellion, have riow and fair and honour
able opportunity or revenging themfelyes on the
authors of the many cruelties and horrid murders
committed on their relations, friends, and fellow
fubjed ; of teftifyir.g their loyalty to the belt of
Kings, and manifelhng fheir abhorrence and aver
sion to thit *unnatural and unprovoked rebellion;
by applying to Lieut. CJ. George Campbell
commanding the King's o vn Americin Regiment,
now quartered in this town, who hns power
raise a body of light hoife, to be attached to and
Live constantly with the fid.’ regiment. Ea:h loya 1
and smart young recruit ihall receive five” guineas
bounty, and a crown to drink his Majesty’s health,
be provided with free quai tors, a good hoife, pav,
cloathing, arrna, accoutrements, and evety other
requilite, fit for a light dragoon, such as a cap and
helmet, a brace of good pLibL befoie him, a keen
edged fvvord by his fide, and good boots and spurs.
Thus equipped as a Gentleman Dragoon, he mult
carry lure, and certain viflory, acquire honour to
himfelf, and render feivice to his Sovereign and
- %tmrdGcniTTtty7 “,
Savannah, sth June. 1781. .
N.B. Any prrfoti who brings a recruit ihall re
tcii-e a reward of half a guinea. S rch icrviceuble,
adive, able, and yoting'dragoon hoife:, as are to
be sod, will be purchased, and a generous price
g'ven, by applying at tiie Colonel's quarters, the
yellow house near the weir gate.
J.t. Cos!, and Commanding.
‘TTMKEN UP Rear Eber.ezer, A WHITE
j -i COW, with a ted iiciJ, his a {avail liar in
forehead, marked on tle light ear like a half
L, 00 - ! V on the left with a crop and two flits.
-a k owiiCf inayap ply “t o
IMPORTrD, in the Pallas, from London, and to be
fold ly CRQOK.SHANKS and SPEIRS, a general
AlTortment of Goods, amongst ivhioh are a number of ar
ticle;* fait able for the Army.
B'ji AN away the subscriber
IK on the Ift inlt. A N kGRO
B()Y named TOM PC V, between
made, well known in and ab rut the
kJ/uWJSJs&siMY/i , , ,i
town, and was only employed as a
waiting boy; he had on when - i.e went •|pvay a.
check ihirt and a pair old (locking-br- eche . Who
ever will apprehend fiid bov. ana i.e Ler h m to
me ip Savannah, (hall be paid four guineas reward.
If he returns of his own accord he shall be forgiven.
HE subscriber intending to e ;ve the province
i. in a lew weeks, returns Ins thanks to those
geßt’cmen whb favoured him with their cuftbm,
and iequefts tho'fe that are indebted to call and
f l e, Chat .he mavhe en a bkdL
He.®f ‘fbr
dale, fome Dozens Pari.e, b London Bottled Pcr
ter/Sherry and Port Wine, which he will fell cheap
foi crifti only. JN ° . HioNDERSON.
Savannah, Auguji 9, I yßt.
*J O HN~ F ~O~X~
HAS just opened, at the store near the
Guard lately occupiedby M• ._!)imcanYea*
dae-ivfaftcf.-a fatal! Auui tmenicf Dk Y GOODS,
imported in the lad vtlfeis from London,--which
will be difpoftd of on toe moil reasonable terms.
Also, Loaf and Mulcovado ‘Sugar ; Ilyfon,
Green, and Bohea ‘Leas; Jamaica and Welt India
Rum, Port Wine, Pickles, Jar Raisins, &c.
INTENDING to engage in the Practice of
Piiyfick, will be obliged to his friends and oth
ers for their employment in that way, and will
endeavour to give them every latisfhition.
Savannah, Augufl $, I~S l.
barrels of
To be fold fur Cafb,
11 ~ ™ ‘ ‘? *
% Xj Hereas fandry Matts and Spars have been
V v lately liolen from below the Bluff, any
perfdn who will give information of the thief or
thieves (hall receive
A Reward of Fifteen Guineas,
to be paid on ennviftinn of the offenders,
CAME into my plantation, A RAY HORSE,
about 13L hands.high, branded M with a
diamond atop on thp mounting shoulder, P
.jffi.JU- . GHon
the near buttock, T
J, with a diamond betwixt them
on the oft*buttock, with thrceother obfeure brands.
~ The propeuy iHirfTiJtr £loveeff andT application
made to ‘ > PETER DEAN.
Bth Anguft, 178 r.
T O B E S O L D,
On Mr- Doughik’s wharf, for the benefit of the
? Underwriters, cn Tucfday the 25 th inlL
‘T'HE undermentioned articles, imported in
the Crown Ga-.iey, Capt. W ebb, from
London, vi*.. 50 pieces Cannon, 6,4., and 3
pounders with cartages, round, grape, and
*> double headed fiiot, and every other neceftbry com
ph'te; deep lea, hand, and log lines; porter in
barrels, queen’s and glass ware, (hot, lead bars,
gunpowder: t brand horn lanterns, carti idge paper;
‘■ cnmjon, btue,- cittd white bunting ; and a number
ot other articles. Mhe laic to begin at n o’clock
in the forenoon. D, ZUBLY jun. L. V. M.
, John Maclverj
At his Storson tke Bav, oppoftte the Main Guam,
The following Articles:
Bftoadcloth, velverets, and negro doth ; wor
ffed, jean, andsi l k breeches patterns; vest
ditto, sailcloth, oznabrigs, Irilh ln.en, ,dowlas,’
garlix, firiped holland, ftockinget, Raffia drab,„
Scots ffiecting, calicoqs, printed linen, handker
chiefs, brown and white filcfias, check, cotton
holland; oznabrig, pound, and nun’s thread;
white cord and jeans; mens, womens, and childrens
hat ; chip hats, ladies caps, ditto caps and lhade.%
muffin, gauze, ribbons, muffin and igauze hand
kerchiefs, Barcelona dkro ; mens, womens, and
childrens (Toes; ladies French heel ffuff ditto,
mens beil London-made lhoes, ditto calf skin boots,
military flioes and ftiirts, table knives and fiQrks,
c'utteaus, penknives, _ftiftbrs, razor s^.wrk-ficrew;
reaping hosoks, orderly book?, inkpowder,
pencil cases and pencils, quills, hair powder Rent
ed, curjing tongs, James’s powders, beaunr dc
vie, p iffy’s elixir, crockery and glass ware, mops,
paint brufhe<, Ihoe brulhes, paints, jinfeed oil,
laulad oil; bohea, fouchong, and hyfon tea; brown
filgar, &rc. &c.
ALSO, BeiT Port Wine by the quarter caffe,
and Rum by the hogfiiead, -quarter calk, or three
By lbe Honour able Anthony
Efa. Bar rift cr at
V “ V Law, Chief JuJiice, and
the Honourable Martin
marttn J°llie and Lewis John -
L. JOHNSTON., ftsn> Efqrs. sttantjuf
tices, cfjhit MajeMfts Pro
\ Z'ince of r <eorgia.
W Hereas the plfee that hath for fome time past been
used as a common giol in Savannah is in a. ruinous
condition, an ! not futheient for the fecuP- g priioners,
many having broken gffi from thence and eftaped, and a
building hath been lately ereaed in Savannah for a Work
house, which is roomly and secure, we do therefore
(with the approbation of his Excellency the Governor)
order and direa that the AAing Provost Marlhal of this,
province, and the Gaoler of the common gapl in Savan
nah, do forthwith remove all prisoners committed by the
TCivil Authority in this proving,, both in picas of the
Crown, and also by civil procefs,\to the said Workhouse
in Savannah, until further orders fr\m the General Court,
or fome of the Judges of this provhrc& at Chambers, to
the contrary. And it is also ordered, that a copy of this
rule be inserted in the Gazette printed in Savannah, that
all persons concerned may take notice thereof and condmff
themfeives accordingly. Given under our hands, and the
seal of the Superior Courts of the said province of Geor
gia, at Savannah, the 24th day of July, in the year of
our Lord’1 7 8.1.
I'a ft rs-jc y to: alovi a> far a: lies VJirb trie,
„ , .. * JA. WRIGHT.
bavarvih, iotb July, 17?!.
JlyTtisreas tot Provost Mar foal of; he previneg of
Georgia, by virtue of a nor it of attachment
.to him direZledln the sever a l causes under
mentioned, did attach the lands, tenements goods ,
■chattels, monies, debts, and books of account, of
the fever al defendants in the'faid causes, vuho art
absent from and without the limits of the said pro -
JStmU at-the flit of the fever al piai niffs 7~ And
whereas the said plaintiffs ha in. agreeable to the
directions of the Attachment ASI, filed a declaration
in the General Court the /everal defendants
in each of the following causes, viz;
John ‘Joachim Zubly versus David Kea/l;
David Maxwell versus Ccfbman Pollock ;
and ha ve obtained tn each of the said causes a rule
to the following"ff'edl, viz.
Ordered, *7 hut the defendants in the said fever ai
aSiions do appear and plead wit Lin a year and a day,
otherwise judgment willpafs againfi them by default .
* By the Court,
OJober 27, 1780. ,
h'ot;/* is therefore hereby given, That judgment
will he entered agreeable (0 the dftre/aid rule or
order againfi each of the said defendants who do net
appear and plead conformable thereto.
bA R LEY, Plaintiff* Attorney.
[N 0 . 129.]