Newspaper Page Text
THURSDAY* November
Just imported , and to be fold by
John Mitchell and Cos.
M their (lore on the Bay, next door to David
Zubly, Esq.
A Neat Aflbrtment of European
t Goods,
COnfifting of fuperfihe fcar'et and faffiionable
coloured cloth, second blue and brown ditto,
Bath coating, white plains rose blankets, ozna
brigs, ravenfduck, - Russia fhfcting, huckaback,
bed tick* Irilh linen* and (Wring, checks striped
holland, g rlix, dowlas; oznabnv, coloured, and
nuns thread; men* thread and silk hose, Persian
petticoats, fafhionable buttons, fevving silk, tw<ft,
Calicoes, chintzes, jnuflins, cambrick, holland and
diaper tape, needles and pins, cotton counterpanes,
mens and womens gloves, mens fine and coarse
flioes womens ealamanco ditto, printed handker
chiefs, romal and check handkeichiefs, black silk
ditto; mens, youths, and boys fine and coarse
bats; saddles and bridles, lo<f fugai*. black pepper,
flatronary, queen's ware, table knives and forks,
hoes, axes, adzes, locks, hinges, &c. &c. r I,_. L
J > f^n ’ IIIW ” 7r ~~ a*’ { . .v ‘ ‘*'• V ’
For Sale, at the Subscribers Store,
A BOUT Fifteen T.houfand Yardt of Negro Cloth of
jt\. different Colours.and Qualities,
A few Bales of Rose and Striped Durfil Blankets,
Two Calks Pewter Plues,
Two Cases well ifforted’ Hardware;
An elegant AfTortment of Chintzes, Calicoes, Printed
Cottons, and Handkerchiefs.
The above goods are a consignment, and will be fold
wholesale, or by the piece or package, on the lowed
IMPORTED, in the Ship Georgia Packet, from
London, and to be fold by
On very reasonable terms for Calh, Bills of Ex
change, or Counrry Produce,
fuitab’e for the season, among which are:
White, blue, and green plains; rrd and blue h/.'rf,
duffils, ftrouds; 8-4ths, g-roths, and tooths rose bho -
kets; ftrioed linfies, ermine, fwanfkin, embofled screes;
white, blue, and scarlet flannel; blue, grey, and brown
Bath coating; fuperfine and second cloths, bhrc fearnought
and pea jackets, beaver furtouts and rug, great coats, me :s
and womens worftcd gloves and mits, Kilmarnock and
Worsted caps; mens, womens, and boys worsted hose ;
silk, cotton, and thread ditto; brown, black, blue, gtcen,
and pink durant and calamanco; black, white, blue,
brown, and scarlet (balloon; fer edeni;mr, Mark rtifiel,
princes ftuff’ and florentine, oznabrigs; 4-4ths, 7-Sths,
and |-4ths Irish linen ; 9-Sths sheeting ; ravenfduck, gar
iix, dowlas, Rulfia diaper; cambrick, pistol and long
lawns, 7 Bths and yard wide cotton and linen check,
tablecloths from fifths to soldiers and officers
shirts, chints, calicoes, printed linens; muslin, fawn,
and ITrvFn handkerchief; figured and plain silk romal,
kandsnoc and Barcelona ditto, ribbons, linen and diaper
tape, needles and pins, Barcelona cravats, ready made
coats of different colours, regimental waiftcoa's and
breeches, nankeen and Ruflia drab overalls and
rns, womens, boys, and childrens leather flioes; mili
tary 1 itto, gentlemens boots, fafhionable Interring aHI
brocade, ladies stays, rnuflins, womens white kid and co
loured gloves and TBits, mens buckskin and Woodwork
gloves; china, glass, and queer’s ware; ftationarv, tin
and pewter ware : a comfflete afTortmefit of ironmongery,
of qm."and fnike n.vt* ;
broad hoes, grubbing ditto, fockct fpaffes, falling and broad
axes, hinges of various forts, carpenters and coopers tools,
fhocmakers tools, iron froes and wedges; fire dogs, (hov
els, and tongs; kitchen and chamber bellows, locks of
all farts, augers, chisels and gouges, corn and coffee mills,
iron pots and skillets, teakettles: cotton and wool cards;
Currycombs and bruihes, hemp fiihing lines, white rope,
firyingpans, spits, gridirons, brass cocks, fiihing hooks,’
copper and brass feales and weights, iron weights from 1 lb.
to a8 lb. fteelyards,'Tteel luring and plated spurs, curiery,
* fine and coarse rice sieves, mens and boys beaver and felt
hats, hogfkin and common saddles, bridles, furcinglcs,
girths, faddlecloths, portmanteaus; hyfon, green, and
bohea tea ; loaf sugar, raisins, currants, almonds, prunes,
nutmegs, c|avet, cinnamon* mace, black pepper, mustard,
fallad oil, fylit peafe, soap, tallow mould and dipt candles,
wax candles, Pfrker’s bottled porter in chests of seven
dozen. See.
AL L persons indebted to the Estate of William
Olais, deceased, are defiteJ to make pay
ment, and thofc who have demands against the fime
are required to fend in their accounts, properly at
telled. to MARY OLDIS, Admix.
Has imported from London, in the Ship Georgia
Packet, Capt Haift,.
An Aflbrtment of MEDICINES,
and sundry other Articles,
Which he will fell on realonibe rerins tor CASH.-
Among) f •wbicb art the Jo!lvw\ng 1
Distilled vinegar, j
Cinnamon water,
Hungary ditto,
Lavender ditto,
Rose ditto,
Balf. capivi,
Engiilh faflfron,
Spanish files,
• Camphor,
Shavings of bartfhorn,
Peruvian bark, .
Crem. tartar.
Elix., vitriol.
Stoughton's, bitters,
. Godfrey’s cordial,
Eau dc luce, ,
fames’s powders,
Turlington's balfatn, v
Britlfli oil,
Squire’s elixir,
Bateman’s dr
- Anderfim’s pills.
Hooper's ditto,
- Chamomile flowers,
Gum- Arabic.
• r 'L—•
aloes fucc.
Ifirglifs, -
White lead,
Red ditto,
’ Nux vomica,
Oil of mace,
of sweet almonds,
of mint,
of lavender,
of amber,
of cloves,
of olives,
of linseed,
of turpentine,
Pit- coch
Liquorice root, and juice of
Spirit of lavender,
of wine redlified,
fai armoniac. .
Sweet spirit of nitre,
Spirit, vok feetid.
Saltpetre, •
Epsom faltt; “
Glauber ditto,
Ignette’* or Roehel ditto,
Volatile fait of hartfhorn,
O I*R AYEDor stolen frorti'the Common of Savannah,
Q about* week ago. A BAY HORSE, about 13 hands
high, branded on the near buttock GR. Whnrvrr will
return laid horse to the subscriber, or to Mr. Simon Krafcr,
Conductor of Artillery Stores, fliall receive'one guinea
reward. I .
Alto stolen out of the subscriber’s house, Tuesday night
the sth instant, A BLUE SURTOUT COAT, with ‘
plain yellow gilt buttons, lined with red lhalloon, ftaincd
a little at the bottom of the skirts, a fed cape, double
breasted, with the upper part of them lined with red doth.
Whoever will return the coat and thief shall receive one
guinea reward, or the like reward withput th<? thief.
Wm. CHARLETON, Lieutenant Royal Artillery.
N. B. iffucha coat Ihould be offered for sale, to any
person in the town or country, they arc requested to stop
it, and the person that has it, until the owner can be in
Nov. 7, 17S1. , J
An OVERSEER wanted.
TTTANTKDimmediately, to take thtschargeof
a plantation about 12 mile* from Savannah,
an Overseer who understands the Planting Bufrrefc
, in genera], and that of Indigo in particular Good
.. encouragement vvilT be given to any person bring
ing a character of their being properly qualified,
and of their diligence, honelty, and fobrieijT—
Inquire of the printer.
j V J.Tal armoniac*
Sperma ceti,
Tart, emetic.
Soluble taitar,
Vitriolated ditto,
Ung. b^filicon,
e lap. calamin.
e gum. elemi,
White \itrioi,
Roman ditto,
Wliitc wax,
Bolus knives, -
Flint b ‘ttles with ground
ftopptrs, . .
Inftrumcnts for drawing
teeth, . . ‘
Lancets, ■> - .
*StV iei
. Marble mortars,
Bell metal ditto, ,
Gali pot; in nests,.
Stone p ‘ts, 1 • • ,
Pill boxes,
Plaifrer knives,
Irbn spatulas.
Boxes of feales and weights,
money ditto.
Pewter and ivory syringes,
Lawn fievti,
Sets of brass w eights,
Cooper fciles,
Phials green and white,
Alum, ■ -.=Sb====-
Flowers of ditto,
Pearl barley,
Jordan almonds,
Raisins and currants,
Cinnamon and cloves,
M cc an-) nutmeg;,
Olives, capers, and walnuts,
Oipger :’nd pepper,
Loaf fu^ar,
Brown sugar candy, ‘ ...
_. White ditto,
Barley ditto,
F.aft India sago;
Hyfon, fouchong, and bo
hea tea;
Vinegar in jugs,
Porter in caflcs,
Port wine in hampers of 3
dozen,- —
Gold leaf,
Perfumed hair powder,
| Florence oil,
! Scotch and rappee fnuflf,
Pigtail tobacco, St c. y
15, 1781. [N 0 . 142.]
John & Alexander Mac Iver
HAVE imported, in the (hip Britannia, Capt.
Ball, jult arrived from London,
A large Aflbrtment af GOODS,
Which they will dilpofe of, at the store lately oc
cupied by'Vlr. John Wallace, by the package,
piece, or orherwife, on very reasonable terms, for
calk, ptoduce, or Government bills oi exchange.
Nov. 1, 1781.
MarjhaPs Sales.
On Monday the 19th November next, will oe fold,
to the higncit bidder, for Ca(b, at the MarihaEs
Office in Bull Street, the laic to begin precisely
at 10 o'clock,
A HO USE and Lot in the town of Savannah,
adjoining a lot now occupied by Mrs. Ruffe],
and immediately opposite the lot formerly occupied
by Joieph Haberlhain, containing 60 (eet in front
arid 90 in depth, more or less, the property of
Francis Hemy Harris,'and fold under attachment by
Lc. WIS JOHNS i ON jun. Fro. Mar.
Savannah, 17m otl 1781.
... .r ■ • rai- i ‘•.murn'-u. 1 .. •
- On rrjjy:tKt Z ort l ar,> drNoemb hext.Cui
be fo.d, at the Mai Ihai’s Office, to the higheff
bidder, for calb, trie falc to begin prechcly at
11 o clock,
A • 1 RACT or Parcel of Land, containing
between 500 and boo acres, be the lame more
or ief>, lituate in the parilh of Chrilt Lnurch, on
the Jfle of Hope, bounded northerly by land of
Mrs. Anne PaiKer, widow; eaftcriy by Skidaway
river, southerly and wtnerly by a marih. Alio a
‘I rad or Faiceiof Land, containing 400 acres, be
the lame more or icls, lying within three miles of
Savannah, in the panlh afore Lid, and late the pro.
perty of John Milieage. Andalfo anotner Trad or
Parcel oi Lenand,
more or less, joining lanus of Nobe Wimberly
Jones and the Eliatc of Francis Henry Harris, de
ce.ded, in the panfh /if Uhriii Chuich afonfaid.
Together with all the dweiiingnoults, buildings,
right?, members, and appurtenances, thereto be
lorrg ng. The whole the property of Noble Jones,
deceukd, and fold uncei execution by
LEWIS JGHNbi oiN jun. Pro. Mar.
* Savannah, Od. 18, j 781.
On Saturday the 24th of November next, will be
fold, at the MarfhaPs Office in Bull Street, to
the higheit bidder, for cash, the sale to begin
precilcly at 11 o’clock,
APR ACT of Land, containing 650 acres, fi-
on a large lfland in the river Savannah,
neany opposite to Puryfburgh, bounded on the
north by Savannah river, on thp south by Cale’s
Cieek, and on the north-wed by lands of Zubly,
the property of John Stirk and the late Quiatin
• - . ..
Also the Lot N 0 .1 in Savannah, fronting to
the south on Broughton Street, to the calf on Bar*
nard Street, and to the well on the Jot N 0 . —,
lately in the occupation of Mrs. Shand, containing
60 feet in front and 90 feet in depth, being direst ly
fronting the lot occupied by Mrs. M*barline. And
the l.ot N 0 . 10 in ■Savannah, fronting to the fontk
on Bioughton Street, to the welt on Whitaker
Street, and to the east on the lot N 0 .9, contain
ing 60 feet front and go feet in depth, fronting to
tie welt the lot occupied by Mrs. Tondee. Be
longing to the Eltate of Qurntin Pooler, deceased.
i He whole lazed under execution by
LliWir> JOHNOTON jdfi. Pro. Mar.
Oft. 25, 1781.
On Saturday the firft day %>f December next, will
be fold, at the MarfluK Office in Bull Street,
to the highest bidder, for eulh, in gold and iil
ver at the current exchange, the sale to begin at
ten o’clock precisely, *’ i- /
Keliall and Spalding > a TRACT or Parcel
v * > ‘ i. of Land, in the pa-
Silvnnus Robeson. J rifh of §t. John, containing
150 acres, joining lands of
William Jones; also another Traft or Parcel of
Land, in the panih aforefrid, containing by efti
ngrtion ico acres, joining lands of Ducker ;
and also another Traft or PafCel of Laud, contain
ing by eflimation too acres, be the fame more or