Newspaper Page Text
THURSDAY, December
t H E
SAVANNAH : Printed
Council Chamber, 18th Dec. 1781.
WHEREAS his Excellency the Governor i*
desirous to purchase a certain Quantity of
Clean Rice, for the life of the Refugees and Loyal
Militia, for which he is ready and willing to con
tftttt end allow a reasonable price: And whereas
the Governor L informed that parcels of clean rice
are daily disposed of in Savannah for feventten
(billings the hundred weight, notwithstanding
which, and the very neccffiry and charitable use
it is intended, for, he is sorry to find that the
Gentleman who, at th.e Governor’* requett, has
endeavoured to purchase rice, cannot procure it
upon the fame terms, although the payment mull
be equally good, being in Government Rills, or
Cafii if required: It is therefore thought fit to give
this publick notification, that rice is wanted on
purchase for the purpoTts abovementioned, that
Samuel.lfunt Jenkins, Esq.. is authorized to con
tract for the* fame, the Governor is per
suaded the Planters will supply him on as good
terms as others, and therefore thofe
Gentlemen who have rice to dispose of will please
to give in to the find Mr. Jenkins an account of
the quantity they have- to dispose. of* and their
■’ “ ‘-7 GEO. D’ERBAGE. A. C. 0.
i** l 11 ■■■■"■ ■ ■■■ - - - - - - - !■- :
To Refugees and other Perfoas in
THE Comntons House of Assembly hath ap
pointed Mr. Goodgion, Mr. Seymour,
Mr. Zubly, Mr. Wylly, and Mr. Jenkins, to he
* Committee to enquire into the diltreffes of the
Back Country People who Wave taken Ihelter in
Savannah front the barbarities of the Rebels.
Notice is hereby given. That the said Commit
tee will meet on Wednesday and Saturday morn
ings, and fit from eleven until one o’clock, at the
house of the Chairman. Applications in writing
may be delivered at any time, but it will not be in
the power of the Committee to give perkmal at
tendappe except only on the days above nanfed.
S. H. JENKINS, Chairman of the Committee.
Savannah, 18th Dec. 1781.
I- — r — _ . [ mrnmem -Jt
ON Chriflmas Day next a general collection
for the benefit of the poor will be made, at
the doors of the Church in Savannah, immediately
lifter divine fer Vice, when it is hoped that the
Congregatfon at b-ge will contribute their chart) 1
and thole persons whole circumilances unhappily
prevent their attending divine worfliip oil that day
are requested to fend their donations on the morn
ing following to Mr. Jenkir.s, and the Lme wiil
be thankfully received by
S. 11. JENK.IN&* J wardens.
Savannah, loth Dec. 1781.
-- 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ ..
To be fold at private Sale*
A NEGRO MAN, named HARRY, who Is
one of the belt pilots in the province fur this
h.n hour, as he was formerly the property of Capt.
William Lyford. If not fold by the 22d January
he will then be fold at publick vendue. For
ter ™ a PPb t 0 Mr. John Nicholson, or the fob-’
fc,lbcr - 7Z D* ZUBLY jun.
1 *
SAVANNAH, December 20.
ON Saturday the Bth Instant arrived it ChaHejloWn*
his Majesty’s packet-boat Daffiwood, Capt. Roberts,
in foven weeks fipm Falmouth; and the brigantine Con
vert, Cayt. M‘Naughtun, tYom Kingfloft, Jamaica. The
car . lhip in whi :h Governor Chester Went paflenger wai
* u j vs 7 jn England before the packet failed.
And on Sunday the 9 th also arrived at Charleftown, the
ip Admiral Barrington, Capt. l'affinore, in seven weeks
from London. *
,afta,r -ivd at Tybce, from Charleftown, a
0 and merchantmen, under convoy of the
fter and Savage men of war.
A confiutrab e number of troops arc arrived as a rein
fon.ement to this garrison.
airnr^fV^ ] , . rcv Major in his Majesty’s 6cth rtgi
;v, rT’ d ‘ ed m f amaic * ** Oftober last.
Mrs Arne'7^ *u n ' n •* <ie f artc J this troublefom? world,
i £ u riv y L 1 *• nr. John
herlelf \ P3 . t n f U ". n * 3 P a,n f ul iHnef* fhc manilefted
n : A ra ; and . tru, y tfmfti ,r. refignati
fitifr. in the • u:J ul >’ P‘ ous social and domdnkk rc latio/)£ (he
: *■ y- . , r - , a- .- n “*—-- -•-- ———
wag adm.ied and befoved. To attempt a defeription of her
character would be fruitlefs, for,
The character of the just cannot be drawn
By mortal pen**it merits a divine.
It may truly be said of her Ihe was an ornament to the
Chriflian religion, for Ihe was indeed a tbrijfian.
Also died in Savanriah last Saturday, Dr. Charles
Yoongej and on Sunday, Philip Box, Esq.
We are informed that oh the evening of the iqth Tri
flartt, near M'Bean’s Swamp, eight of Capt. Bramley’s
riftemen came up with Meyrick Davis, President of the
Rebel Council at Augusta, a Joel Lewis, and Major David
Emanuel, whom they fired upon, ar.l killed the two for
mer, the latter made his eicape. It seems they belonged
to a party under Gen. Twiggs Who had a few davs before
plundered and murdered fcveral Traders and Cherokee In
dians, (not evtfn sparing women and children) who were
on their way to Savannah, and were returning to Augusta
when Brantley’s men fell In with them. Twigs* and the
rest of his gang were about a mile and an half ahead of
_ .them* r -j,
i ST. JAMES*!, September lx.
r j M, H!S morning a mefenger arrived at the ofßce of the
A Earl or fiHU’oorough, one of his Majesty’s principal
Secretaries of State, with a letter to his Lordlhip from Sir
Horace Mann, Bart, and K. B his Majesty’s Envoy Ex
traordinary at Florence, enclosing a letter from Lieut*
Gert. Murray, Governor of Minorca, dated St; Philip’i
Castle, August 1.9, in which the Lorermor gives an ac
a Sp&migtlrftrd ffanfpoV
* that rttorninrto rfre daft. s os the harbou*
of Mahon, with air intention, as wa* fuppfed, to land
tioops in that quarter} and that anothef division appeared
to be going weft part of the harbour. The Gover
nor adds, that he Had for fome time been apprized of the
intention of tlfo enemy, was perfeftly prepared to receive
them, that the garrison was in high health and spirits, and
that he had no doubt of making a vigorou* refrftance.
LctuJvh, September tB. The agreeable advice was re*
ceived at the Admiralty, that the Baltick flier, under
the convoy of the Venus, Camilla, and Galatea fixates,
was arrived in Leith Roads, Yarmouth Roads, the Hum
ber, and t-hc River; it coiififted of 152 fail, all of which
air got lase into port, except one, which foundered near
Yarmouth Sands, but the crew were Caved.
Ext mil of a Utter dated off the Tex el tbe X\k ulu
** The Admiral General, a Dutch ship of 74 euns, is
now on Ihorc in the Texel Road. Capt. M’Bride\vas out
taxing a view of the fleet, and brought this intckfiilice ;
tney have now 12 or 13 fail of the line, afid 12 frVates,
ready to cwne tml; we art anxiously cxpeeiing Our
Be.lona, Berwick, and Fortitude, of 74 guns
tagh ; Princess Amelia of 80, Sampson and Bitnfaifant of
t 4 each, Buffalo of 60, Princess Caroline and Preston of
54. each; Artois, Roebuck, and Dolphin, of 44 each;
Lalona of 38, Qeopaira and Apollo of 3 a each, Myrmi
uon oj 24j onc brig and two cutters.
s‘pt, 25 Ye&erday afternoon Admiral Sir George
Brydjes Rodney arrived at his house in Albemarle Street * (ymouth, in a better Rate of health than he ha
been tjtn fame manths past.
On Wcunci lzy 1 aft was launched at Liverpool, the Ce
res, a frig ue of 32 guns, butfhd Will mount 38 ; the com
li t 0 Ca P t - H-iwkinsq Ihe is said to be
one of .he fineft ot her class at present in his Majesty’s fer
_Otfobe r 3. Yesterday the ’Sheriffs reported to the CWt
or A.dermcn the numbers of each candidate on the poll
tor a Reprcfentative in Parliament for this city, in the
..pomof. George Hayley, dectnfed, Which Tor
Sir Wat kin Lewes for Clark 23874 wh*reu
pon the former was declared duly eleiftedi^^^
WiUiam Gill, Esq. Aldctrtan, aad
Wtiham Nicholfoii, Es.;. were rechofen Sheriffs.
A Cabinet Council is summoned to be held at the Lord
Chancellor s house tomorrow, on the fubjea:. we Hear, of
fome terms of peace with the Dutch.
_ 4‘. Yesterday in the afternoon Ccn. Vaughan ar*
nved Lord Lilburny h*ufc its the Admiralty from the
Weft Indies, but last from Cork.
wt’ r r eftCr u 3y f ? mt dif P atches ‘ Vere received from
Plbfo bro “El it in the Lightfoot, Capt.
s arrived “at Doyer.
The Four FrienJs, from Amftcri|am to Boston, very
ftnrij ad a n W ! th u° rtß ° f Deccirir y Goa thing au d
stores, and taken by the Livfcly privateer of Glafgow*
W< iT b^b,oocil * ent red Leich harbour on the 26th ult
telie/ofM neft,y t 0 bC A l mlral Dirb y is to ihe
tenet of Minorca; we havemothing to apprehend from the
power ©f the enemy this ftafon in the Channel.
Letters are received from Gibraltar, advifmg that the
. Pamards had railed the siege of that important fortrefs,
and left it once more to resume its wunted peace and haf*
mony* -■ r 1
Yesterday morning farthet advices Were deceived it the
Admiralty from the Hon. Commodore Keith Stew*art.
with an apeount that he was off the Texel, watching the
motions of the Dutch fleet, and informing their Lordfliips
dffuatchld ■ f thC A^r,C;l guns, which was
a.[patched a reinforcement to the squadron under his
command. He adds that the present state of the wind,
being “i it is Iheir determined resolution
peaed that 3n aoC ° Unt ° f an a ' aion be ll ex
fTherf are ; etters 5,1 tow ” from Leghorn which
I \\ . rnat an h* 3 * l wa * arrived there from Mahon,
wuh .otters from Governor Murray, dated the 10th of
inCfoAK , y , WI ” J Ch . lcJrn tha garrison weie
in perfeffdieaahand (pints; that they were in no danger
of being obliged tp surrender the fortrefs to the Spaniards
havmg provisions and fufficient ro hold out two
mootlH longer; Uiat tiiey had received advice froai £i|.
20,178!. [N.
land that a was doming to their afliftance.
ind that it was probable at its appearance the Spaniard*
would raise the (iegf, as they had learned by two men who
deierted from the Spaiiiih array that they were apprehen .
five a fleet would be font to rclievd the garrison, and there
fore had dispatched fome floftps of war td JlVe them notice
of their approach towards that port.’*
Otf. 16. The regiments to embafk OH board the next
ihips that fail for India arc, the 23d regiment of light
dragoons, Sir John Burgoyne’s; the 101 ft of foot, Sand
ford ; and io2d, Rowley’s j the whole forming a body of
aooo effeflive men.
The Helena, which failed from Gibraltar the 20th of
September, saw the Spaniih fleet on the 28th, the French
fleet on the sth inst. and Darby on the Bth. l hifj there
is at present so great a probability of at least ft partial en
gagement, that the attention of Ministry is now withdrawn
from Keith Stewart to Darby. , #
On. 18, This morning at eight o’clodk the Puffer 0/
the Earl of Oxford East Inhuman, Cftpt. White, artived
exjMefo at the Raff India Routt with the agreeable news of
the following East India Ibips being fafe arrived off Ply
mouth on Saturday last, all well, vie. the Belbormigh,
Montgomery, from Bombay: Granby, Jobnfton; Foe,
Blackburn; Earl of Oxford, White; Haflewell, Pierce;
A, las, Cooper ; fronfCoaft and China : Duke of Grafton,
Bull, from Fojt St. George and Bombay; Princess Royal,
Kerr, from. St. Helena and-Bencoolen ; Earl of Sandwich,
. • Dcan > from Bombay; True Briton, Timbrifr, from Coaff
? d J a y = Webb) from
and ■4^ ina I B Cotton; ‘from St.
-Helena aftd- Bwtfifif ; Bridgewater, Packer, from.Coaft:
and China Stormont, Roger* j Duke of^Portland, Sot-”
tort; and Lafceiles, Wakefield; from Coft and Chin*.
iCapt.AVcbb died at China.
, *
Hague, Sept, 25. The Ruftian courier wkieh went
expicis through this place fome time ago for London,
witii the mediation of his Court for a suspension of arms
between this Republick and England, has just repaired,
here on his return.
From /^LonrtonGazetteExtraordinarr.
G ST. JAMES’s, Oflobcr 15, 1781.
APT, Home* late Captain of his Majesty’s lhip Rom
ney, dispatched from Comrtodore Johnftone in the
Lark Hoop, arrived at the Earl of Hilllborough’s office
yesterday morning, with dispatches from the Commodore,
dated the Zl ft of August last, of winch the following is an
On the 12th of June we were in the latitude ofz6 qS
*nd longitude 20 24 W. and here I detached the Jason,
Aive, Rattlefftake, aqd Lark, to precede the fleet, irt
orae 1 to gain intelligence.
On the 9 th °f July in the evening, being in the rendez
vous given to the above named lhip*, they rejoined us,
together with the prize Heldwoltemade, a Dutch East In
du lhip, lately commanded by Capt. Vrolyk, bijund to
Leylon, loaded with stores and provisions, and about forty
tnoufand pounds in bullion.
. Thii'prjxe, Heldwoltemade, kad come last from Saldan*
ha Bay; /he failed the 28th of June; /he struck to thd
Attive on the ill of July.
Frqm Capt. Bigot lreceived a Wy of mtefilgefieer dl
geltci by Lieut. d’AuvCrgne, a very promising young o<s
- it contained, as your Lord/hlp will observe, a cei tain
account that M. Suffrein had arrived in False Bay. on thr
atft of June, with hi, five firipa es the line, and the pear
eft part of his transports, ahd thaf there were five Dutch
Bast India /hips at anchor in the Bar of Saldauha: I the e
forsjrgfolvcd edter that Bay i l fleered ta the North of
the harbour towards St. Martin’s Point, other wife called
lh. Bay of St. Iftltn-.. I .f
myfdf, and run in fedre undercover of the night, judging
fliy distance by the lead : the weather was very tbggy, and
continued so till the morning of the t ill of July; the wind
was at North East. At eight o’clock in the morning we
had a clear light of the land, dl/hnte about Four miles,
and bore u;i for Saldanha Bay. Wg were forced to turn
by tramfe* into tho bay; neyertheiefo mm arrival wa, so
Uufccpe&ed, and our movement to rapid, by carrying ever/
fail we could bear, that the Dutch had just ti me to cot
tba/H cables, to. loafe their.fore-top-failt, Which were kept
bent for this purpo/e, and to run their /hips on fitore, and
tofetthemon fire, as the Romney drdpt anchor; but
6ur boats boarded them so quickly, and our people hchav
ed so gallantly, that the flame, in all of them Were fooa
extingui/hed, except in the Middleburg; /he burnt with
Incredible fury, and becoming light-as /he ftonfumed, /he
got afloat, whan her masts tumbled, and had nearly drift
ed on board two of the other prize* ; howefer, by an ex
ertion ot the bodt, of the squadron, /he was towed oft;
stern foremoft, in which the Ceneral In person alfiftcd.
The boats had not left the Middleburg teri minutes when
/he blew up, close by the south point of Hotties Bay.
At this time also * boat was seen rowing to 6m> /hip.
fiUed wnh people lft thc Eastern garb, making humble
signs of fubmiflion. They proved to be the Kings of Ter.
hate and Tidore* with the Prince, of their refneftive fa
milies, whom the Dutch East India Company had lon*
confined on Iflfe Robin, with different malefaftors, but
had lately removed them from that island to Saldanha.
Before had got all the prizes afloat, and
day we got them rigged and ready for se a, having
brought tha principal f|ils from the Hooker, which la?
concealed under Schapiu llhnd, where the fails had beeW
lodged, m hopes wc uever /fiouldhave difeorered them*
This Hooker had been seized by the Rftttlefnake in fut.
prize, according t my order in the disposition of attack.
The names of the prizes are: The Dankbaarheyt, Capu
Sceetfel, trom Bengal, 24 guns, icoo tons; the Paerl A
Capt. Piokker, from China, 2 guna, 1100 tons; the
Honuoop, Capt. Laud, from ditto, to guns, ixootonsx
Koo|carfpolj Capt* fh* Jlitg, ogujt*>