Newspaper Page Text
THURSDAY, December m 27,1/81. fa a, i^T
( Centinuctffrom our Paper of the 6th infant.) ,
5 si/ ‘JL/ A :*£ltfND whereas the said corporation intend
Stl to fett,e a coson f* and t 0 makc an
JFS *Lrt\ habitation and plantation, in that
A * part of our province of South C'aro
w lina, in America, herein after de
feribed, Know ye, therefore, that
r* 7* s. W e, greatly desiring the happy fuc
kxxemji cefs of the said corporation, for their
further encouiagement in accornp
|ifiling so excellent a work, have, of our fpeciul grace,
certain knowledge, and mere motion, given and granted,
and by these for us, our heirs and focceflir. s, do
give and grant to the said corporation, and their f iccef- _
fors, under the reservations, limitations, and declarator:':,
hereafter exprefled, seven undivided parts (the whole into
eight equal parts to be divided) of all thofc lands, coun
tries, and territories, situate, lying, and (ring, in that
part of South Carolina, in America, which f'es from the
moft northern part of a Hi cam of a river there, comm miy
-ealled-the Savannah, all along the lea coast to ibc fouth
•ward unto the moft northern flream of. a certain other
great water or river, called the Alatamaha, and we ft ward
from the heads of the said livers refpeftively in direfl lines
to the South Seas ; and all that space, circuit, and pre
cindt of land, lying within the said boundaries, with the
(Hands in the sea lying opposite to the eastern coast of the
fffid lands, within twenty leagues of the fame, which are
not already’ inhabited or fettled by any authority derived ;;
from theTrewn of Great Britain 5 together with all the
lUs, gjrouiula, ill ■..
as wdh'tnyal gold 1 ind'fincr'us btner rhnieraJs,
prccio'us'ftoncs, quarries, woods, rivers; waters, fifhjngs,
as well royal fiftiings of whiles and sturgeon as other fifh
iiigs, pearls, commodities, jnrifdittions, royalties, fr in
thifes, pritileges, ami preeminences, within the said ter*
fitories, and the pr oinfts thereof and thereunto in any
fort belonging or appertaining, and which Wc by our let-,
ters patent may or can gfant, and in as ample manner and
fort as vte, or any of our royal ptygenitors, have hitherto
granted to any company, body politick or corporate, or to
ny adventurer or adventurers, undertaker or uodercak- .
ers, of any difeoveiies, plantations, ortraffick, of, in, or
into any foreign parts whatsoever, and in as large and
ample manner as If the famp were herein particularly
Mentioned and exprefled t To have, hold, poflefs, and
enjoy the full (even undivided parts (the whole into eight
equal parts to be divided) of all and Angular the said lands,
Countries, a.u! territories, with all and Angular other ike
premises herein before, by these presents, granted or men
tioned, or intended to be granted, to them the laid cor
juration, and their fucceflbis forever, for the better fop
pot t of the said colony to be holdcn of us, our heirs and
fucccflbrs, as of our minor of Hampton ‘Covert, in Tmr
county of MiddlelYx, in free and common foe cage, and
not in capite, yielding and paying there!or to us, our
heirs, and fucceifors, yearly forever, the* so rn of four
(billings for every hundred acres of tlie said lands which
the. said corporation (ball grant, demise, plant, or fettle*,
the said payment not to commence or be made until ten
years after such grant, demise, planting, or fettling, and
to be an fwe red and paid to us, oui heirs andfuccellors, in
such manner and in such species of money or notes as full __
be current in payment, by proclamation, from time to
‘time, irt our said province oF South Carolina ; all which
lands, countries, territories, and premises, heiebv granted
Or mentioned, we do, by these prefcnis,*tnike, eredl, and
create one independent and leparate province, by the name
of GEORGIA , by which name we will the fame hence--
forrh to be called ; and that aft and every person and per
tbns who (hall at any time hereafter inhabit or refine within
tmr lari province lhall he, and are hereby declared to hr,
free, ami lhall not be subject to, or bmmdto obey any
laws, statutes, orders, or constitutions, which have been
heretofore made, ordered, or enaflcd, or which hereafter
fhurll be made, ordered, or ena&ed, by, for, or as the
la as, orders, statutes, or constitutions, of our said pro
duce of South Carolina, save and except only the rorh
ro indiai chief of the militia of our said province of Geor
gia to our governor for the time being of South Carolina
itr'manned* btTdfodftfcLAhctarCd, butlfuTl be fuhjetl to,
ahd bgind to obey luch laws, orders, ftutute% and consti
tutions, as fnall from time to time be made, ordered, and
emitted, for the better government of the fold: province of
Georgia, in the manner Irefein after dite&edt Arid we
do hereby, for us, our hciis and fuccelfors ordain, will,
and eftablilh, that, for and during the term of one and
twenty years, to commence from the date, of these our
letters parent, the said corporation, allembleJ for that
purpose, lhall and may form and prepare laws, statutes,
and ordinals, fit -aridnecrflary for and concerning the
government ofothc said colony, and not repugnant to the
laws and statutes of England, and the fame lhall and may
present, under their common seal, to us, our heirs and
focceflors, in our or their privy council, for our or their
approbation or di (allowance ; and .the said ‘ laws, statutes,
aid ordinances, being approved of by us, our heirs or fuc-
C ’fTors, in our or their privy council, (hall from thenceforth
be in full force and virtue within our said province of
Georgia. And for as much as the good and. profpefou,
luccefj of the said colony cannot but chiefly depend next
*>ndcr Ihte blefiing of God, and the fuppovt of our roial
nuthonty, upon the provident and good direction of the
*li°le enterprize, and that it will be too P - ea t k. lf , f t;‘_
TANARUS” al } the c nibcrs of the said corporation to be conven- r
ed so often as may be reqoifite so hold meetings for the
fettimg, lupporting, ordtring, and nwifitaining fuel, co
‘ thf; relore we do will, ordain, and eftablilh’, that the
fudcommon council for the time being of the laid C ornm
h, that rurp,*, w
qf them, fliall from time to time, and at alt times here
after, have hi!! power anti authority todifpofe of, expend,
and apply all the monies and eflfedls belonging to the said
corporation in such tnannei and ways, and in such expell
ees, as they lhall think bell to conduce to the.carrying on
and eftpfling the gO'>d purposes hereir\ mentioned and in
tended : and also lhall have full power, in the name and
on the account o 1 the said corporation, and with and un
der t ieir common seal, to enter into any covenants and
con trails y„ r cauying on and effuftinn the purposes aforc
faid. And our further will and pica lure is, tnaf the said
common council for the time being, or the major part of
• -p* tire laid common council which lhall be present
a*nl alien / a . t.: ftirnqltc, (rini time to time, and at
all Hmes.hereafter, Lhall and no.’-*nate, conftit’itey
’ : ppoin: a treasurer or tieafurers, fecrctarv or fecreta
, and luch other officeis, minifter.*, and. fervanrt, of
tin: said corporation, as to them, or the major part of such
* for management of their affairs; and at these
■will an I p eSKt’i’ to diip.ace, remove, and put cut fueli
treasurer or treasurers, facretrryor fecrctaries, and all such
other-officers, miniltrrs, or fervafits, as often as” they lhalf
think'fit lo and others in the room, office, place,
01 fie’ju, of him or them so dilpiaced, removed, or put
out, to nominate, constitute, and appoint; and lhall and
may (jcteimine and appoint such reasonable falarics, per
quifitesj or otner rewards, tor the labour or service of such
officers, feivants, and pe:fons, as to the said common
. .courcil lhall.feem meet ; and all fuc'h officers, servants,
and persons, lhall, before they ads in their relpeftive offi
ces, take an path,' to be to thefn adminifte/ed by the
for rhe time bevirgof rhe laid comrn6n\*ou%cii **
, f> h GlO laid- corporation, who is hereby authorized to ad
mi at Her the fame, for the faithful and due execution of
their respective office's and places. And and plea
fore is, that all and every such perfon.and persons who
Ihoh from time to time be chosen or appointed treasurer
or treaforers, secretary or fccretarlcs, of the said corpora
tion, in manner herein before dire£h>d, lhall, during foch
time as they lhall serve in the said offices rcfpedliveiv, be
incapable of being a member of rhe said corporation/
:( * be continued. ‘ )
LEGHORN, August ij. *
ON the 25th ill ft ant a Rufiian Iquadron arrived here
fiotn 1 e.wnourgh, and last from Copenhagen,
coufifting of the following ships, viz.
Pan’.atcun 5 Vice Admiral Succobin ?
i Capt. Berg 5 74 7=o
Nebrcn Aleaju MeJincorfF 64. g- Q
Etiropa y..*- Scuratoff %a 6<o
tifehincoff 1 (f. 5- e
Garnet JeftrolF PauluHji c.y 6co
Frigate Yoine Schcuben 34 300
LM,feda Gnrrr.’inofr 26 250
A Vei*eti \ 1 hip ernved here yesterday from Mahon in
12 days, with few.j J pafi’engerson board". They left the
i!la:i,i on ti e f ■ e.iing of Sunday the 19th instant. The
Sr. infolds had eftcdled a landing that day at noon, at two
difi’ places, about two miles fiorn St. Philipp Caltfe.
Londony Scptcmhjr Letters fromFeghorn, dated,
the 20th of Aug a ft, bring advice, that on the 19th Go
vernor Murray’s lady, and about 20 other ladies, were
arrived at that place from Minorca. The vessel which
brought this frttelligcflcc failed from Gibraltar on the ath,
at which time the garrison were all well and in high spirits.
In her paftage, nfrAr Malion, /he heard a heavy cannonatle,
fuppolcd to be between the Spanilh troop3 and"the garrifoil,
that ttegtaogf ’vdiu well provided with provisions and
milka'-y ftorcs. .. \~ 2.
Gen. Governor of St. Philip’s, having been
informed that the Combined fleet had failed from Cadiz,
and being apprehenlive of its fleering towards Minorca,
gave orders to all the Mahonefe privateers to g© out, and
seize all jfijfLS whether nqutfi%or not, that they Ihould
find laden withammunition and provisions, to re visual
thfe garrison; they obeyed this ord/f, and have carried into
that island a considerable number of all nations.
fogjThe garrison of Minorca caafijfts of the sjft s jft regiment/
880 men 5 61 ft ditto, 94 0 ; Prince E.neft’s Hanove.ians,
190Q} Goldacker s ditto, 8205 corps of artillery, 120;
artificers, 408 ; mail 4168. Tins, with 1500 militia;
make up the total force of the island.
Sept. 18. A chest of letters, said to contain the trea
sonable correipondcnce of our Anglo-Americans, was
landed at the dock this morning from the Gibraltar man
of war from the Weft Indies ; Ts it can be proved, it lit to
bt hoped, Guveramcnt will make severe examples of those
people who, under the moll lenient administration in the
universe, dare to i upply its enemies with stores in time of
war. .
Sept. 25. An express which arrived ?n London ®n Sun
day, from/Mr. kitzherbert, our Minister at Brussels
brought ad\ i.:c, that Guicheu, with moll of his fquadron’,
had entjued )>ieli the 11th, and that the feniajiider had
gone with CVdova to Cidiz.
Sept. 27. Yesterday Admiral Rodney was at the fevee,
had an audience of an hour, and kifi’ed” the King’s h-ms/
in conference oi the Knighthood of the Bath ha/ing been
conferred on_hfm w h+lft in the Weft Indies.
* OAohcr 2. Yesterday feme dispatches were received
from Jerfcy, try whick we arc informed, that the Fox and
Tartar privateers belafiging to that place had t*kcu two
large French merchant ships, laden with bale goods, from
Rochelle to St. Domingo, part of a fleet of 20 fail which
f filed under convoy of four ships of the line, but were fe
paraied. ‘ i
Oft, j. 7he Dutch have received very difagrccable ac-
counts from Eataiia, hy a Daniff, Indiaman, of the great
damage done M thciv fettlcments on the iflahd of Temali
by the monfoous and a dreadful earthquake.
£ ” r, f °f a l ftter from St. Mary's, Sxiily t dated Sept. 27.
Arrived the Seven Sifters privateer, Capt. Falkncr,
and has brought m vvith her Amiable Maria, a French
Ih.p from Rochelle, for the Weft Indies, laden with bait
goods. She was foparated from the convoy the 2 ,d,‘ m i
hard gale of wind, and the Captain of her foppofes fom(
of them to have been loft, as tHey were obliged to throw
overboard part of her cargo to keep the /hip from finking.
She came through the grand fleet all well.”
_Yefterday arrived in the river the Rosalie, Capt. Shafts,
a French prize, from Martinico, taken by his Maicfty’s
cruizcrs. J 1
The Tartar privateer has taken and tarried into Beau-
Weft Indie? 6 FrC,Kh mcrchant ’*%’ ftom France to the
fk v hC G r nCra . l Conwa y privateer, of Jersey, has
taken the Viper American letter of marque, of four 10
pounders, afutr an aflion of two hours, in which the A
fi^ C ‘ vounded 5 was bound from Nantz to
1 hdadelphia, loaded with felt amS bale goods, is arrived at;
Jei ey, and valued at about 60001. 7’here were three
American schooners in company, which efeaped.
On the 23d ult. arrived at Limerick from-a cruize, the
.ntcrprize privateer of London, Capt. Dennis, .with two
pr-'ze!,’ t h Thomas, Smith; from Boston to Cadiz r
and the Harding, from Port au Prince to Bilboa,
both laien with fogar, cocoa, tobacco, &c. >
A letterjfrom’ Dover brines advice, that a cartel foip is
fr Y ll Irk ” which JlsL
‘ k ‘ U,t * a,nf,w privateer of 18 guns, launch
-. ed about a fortnight before, as Ihe was taking in Tome
barrels f -ppwdcr, by feme means it took fire, blew, up
the Ihip, and all the crew perished, and three -large W ai4-
Jioufes were thrown down by the explosion. C
/. ? a \ 5* Th,: Wutch already begin to repent their folly,
in laving aggravated Britain to take up arms against them}
their Jaft accounts from Curaflba, together with their
i>altick trade and ships of war being blocked up in their
very ports, ha* e opened the eyes of thole who have hith
erto leaned to the fide of the Amfterdammers, and a ge
neral excci ntion against the authors of the present war flows
s from every quarter, -
There are (fey S a correspondent) the mod faneuioe ex
pectations of.the Dutch fifing for peace ere Christmas; nav,
reported among the falhionable circles that Count
Wddeien has written over lately to feme of his lady’s re*
At'ons that he expeds to be in London ere the expiration
OA. 9. Advice is received that ten fail of transports,
with tioops oil board, bound from Cadi* to Mahon, to
reinforce the army there, are taken by feme Barbary cor-f
airs, and carried info Algiers; that Don Louis Cordovl
- _ T d d ‘fpatched a squadron of men of war to demand these
re.eafeiaent, and if refufed to bombard the city.
OR. 11 Private accounts from Paris fav, that the*
Court of Verlailles are of opinion that the States of Holland
will enter into a separate peace with England, which the
Tfoke de Vaugnyon is endeavouring to prevent by his intee
tereft at the Hague, where he is Ambalfodor. Should he
tail, and the Dutch make peace, the Court of France will
,m | n —y declare the States to be a common encmv,
and proceed against them as such.
Extraß of a letter from an cftcer enfoard hh Mate fly's fib
Berwick to his friend in Ncwcafle, dated off the Texet,
Sept. tgrh.
“ It is With pleafore I acquaint you that we have atlaft
formed a grand squadron, and are now watching the mo
tons 0 Dutch ; we are ten fail of two deckers, be
sides a 3> many frigates, cutters, Sec. under Commodore
Mewart s command. This day the Myrmidon joined us,
after looking into the Texel, and reports Ihe Law a two
decked foip on ifiore, and lying on’ her broadside, on the
out e the_ Texel; as Ihe has been in that situation for
our ays, I now think it irnpoffible for her ever to get oft".
Every ship has now joined us that was in the a£li©n
on the sth of August, whereas the Dutch have loft four
or theirs, one of the line on the Dogger where we engag
ed, one of the line in the infidcof Ihe Texel so much da
maged they were obliged to run on shore, and one frigate
or 40 guns and a two decker on the outfidc of the Texel.
Gur ,ltua J‘°n, 1 allure you, is very pleasing, as nel
er homeward or outward bound fleets can nafs without
our feeing or hearing of them ; indeed, on our firft coming
on tnc coast, we were rather unlucky, just time enough
for lome of our squadron to fee two Dutch line of battle
flups and a convoy of 12 foil f rom Rotterdam g*into the
Texel. . , . * .
_ “ The Artois has just returned from looking into the
iexel, and reports, that the 74 I mention to you in this
letter , s now totally loft. We mud have feme fun soon.
We have made them Ihift their birth since Ve came here,
from lying without the Texel ; they are now close in with
the fort; fome of our frigates fee them relieveJthe guard
Extraß of a letter from on board the Myrmidon, Capt. Trot
lcfel date / the Texel, OR. 2.
, “ avc been so dole in fliorc to reconnoitre as to
have very plainly fefcn the Dutch guard relieved at the
o.ts; their convoy are removed to the ihner'harbour un
do) cover of ibe fortifications, the men of war lying juil
without them j their large ship the Admiral Genera], of
1S iirecovt.ably left. In my mind the Mvnheeis
will give up their expedition Baltick this year, tho™
they mult fufter fuph inconveniences from it.’’
On the 7th inst. failed from Portsmouth, his Majcftv’i
ships Rotterdam of 50 guns, Capt. Knxmter* the Aftrea
of 32, Capt. Squires; and Due de Chartres of 16, Capt.
Purvis ; with a large (text of (hips for America.
OR. 12. The Prince William, the Dutch 74 gun fhlfi
which wu loft & hfl gntfwcc us\9 tky Texel, wa laden