Newspaper Page Text
way* to nnd
the military .-guards ami
r-ndcrcQ them all the hondW^Q
war. - ,■■
£xtrud of J htt ‘r fn m Cork,
8* A company of artillery from
Dublin arc expelled daily to em
bark for .the Welt Indies.* The
Cove is full of ihipping waiting
_for convoy. The appearance of a
frigauua*bf two cutters has and j<en
away the Dutch privateers from
this coafl.”
_ Jan. 29. They write * om
Dublin that the Volunteers rire
■)and aye going to take . . 9
> . -u view, but
llut “ t’ *■-
JSSled wStt th’ difcipUnc and
prefer 4 camps. For this pur
pofL. there ire to be lour provincial
- WTipmcnts, each to consist of
•Mfe'ott 15 or 16,000 men. mis’
- different corps are prosidHiginem
felves with camp equipage, and it
is said that early in the spring Vt\#f
will begin to* march to the ground
w tnarked out for theiucfpeflive en-
By accounts from
learti. that the French trade
tlie Wed confiding of 140
fail* arrived at Bred on Christmas
fencelcls corrVty, tvhicli ar >ctii lMc ..
frt>m Jtke Cape confided of wily two
74 gun ihipa it hr*
line of battle (hips bound with
ropes from end to end to keep
them above water, but not fuffief
cntly to prevent orie.of tfyem from
* the bottom a few days af
ter failing, and the other with the
the utitiod difficulty getting into
port by pulping day and night.
Jlalf the French navy (fayi our
corrcfpbndeiTt) are in a much worse
date than the (hips we break up"’
Estraft of a letter from Capt.Tbonnis
Moore, of the Fame * privateer of
Dublin , dated Abiers, Dec. i, 1781.
§ In addition to my hft of the 17th
ult. from Algers, in which I informed
you of my having captured the Eagir
schooner, copper bo*rmii£d*.f&m Mar
itille* tr> Sr. Domingo, commandett by
Honoar Tot have now the plea.
fore to inform you, that I failed from
Algiers on the 18th, with the#ind at
yr,W. and landing on a bowling
towards the in order to
what ground I could to enable me
Ja embrace the firß opportunity of an
wind to run through the
(freights; 12 at night, the wind
veering round to the northward, im
mediately tasted /hip to the westward; .
and on the evening of tfre'iych, Cape
O* Palos b taring N. W. diftanceabout
“*6 leagues, fly men at the matt-head
iiywlail icAhac quarter Hand-,
n thp nor^ward, Au ™i*iv.h [ gave 4
cb/es hut coming on we iolt
fight rf * : however I fli|pv4 , n y
coiiftc toj&tb *vtth and ’fgcjk them
tg tc'.ny txpcd.rr ;'sm*4i\rJ fail 0
jJLjrd, tour ft which were large ill pf,
a le.u;*! C -., ;U seven pti
: tj£j£*tv> i\ be armed ih'psi at
rtjjtorhe I ;r•tl hoilled the
rJWucJiatcSy hore down
on company with the
j lT i,ft of thPSwvJy and fternmoft
I being dehfimined to riik an
cement wifi them thought it mod
c igibW to larged Ihips fuft,
,nd by maklrty thcm Itrike might have
it in my powei the rest. I
soon came u) wicTi the two larged,
who kept wit’v'm pillol Qiot of each o
thcr, and so lliewing any colours but
the bloody f'g tt t the rrfc.n-top-m *ll
- thought it betw r t 0 (ht\v no co
lours until t came wtt'-Uj half pillol
mo\, wnenf ihewed my cok s . t hey
immediately Ihewed the French cV, irJ
. anti gave u.three cheers,, which we re
turned with a b.oadfiJe and a well di
rected bit, and was returned with
great lpir< by the’ Activity, Capt.
intepuon v ai to rake, if
, p.udiaSKlL m£ l v, L t . hc Urge
blip an opportunity T a
* broadfulei but, perceiving Ids inten
tions,i filial my raked him,
aid carried away his heaJ and buw
fpWf. I, fnding him ■dilabkJ, thon
free red u^| un g(jj CQ f the large ftfli ip,
he kce[)ing fire on us, as
did thaler, though muen dueled,
and on the large frip*s quarter
deck rakd him, as weU-aS give the
Activity ny. larboard brOadfide, one of
which fro carried away the Activity's
ljr c-cop-<MfV which caused him to
VcCi th* win A*, jlifq Clojfb
V,.,,;; , lircelt /hrp, whe,T t u lb ,
.ip or 1 3 guns got under my
Hern, anc kept raking me for fome
time, afer five glaifes the large It Ihip
(truck, hring much disabled, and hav
ing eightmen killed and i4 wouhJed:
the polacr, which kept under my
feeing this, very wifely made all
the fail hi could. The'Fame having
received i.'ur y pound (hot betwixt
wind aud/jtrr early in tbeadtiun made
it for fort time a difficult matter to
thefhip free. I sent my thir+l
Lieiuenac on board the largest sh p,
and a 9 pound Ihot through my
through my bow
sprit, myfore-top-niaft wounded, my
Handing nd running rigging totally
disabled, Prevented me for dome time
. gi y ing case to the rdf*, and, after
getting Lcxn in fome meal lire repair
ed, bore the difabled./hip who
had not fuck his colours; but he fee
ifg; reason, that it was in
vain to cfpute the n,„L.
intn kill! and 1i wounded, ftfua- hi,
colours, l.thtfn knt my Mafcr and
e.giic melon board of him., and chaf
ed the ref who were still in fa*-, oui
at a greajhfliace- Mr ‘tabled con
dition prremed me from making f a jj
as faffc as could wi/h to have don*
and the ay being far spent f thought
it moft (udent to tack /hip a„£ take
ca;r of he two 1 had already
ed ; aftfhftcr taking the prisoner s on
buard ts Fame. I took tfcw n*d£:dif-.
j?bjed Ü tri-> end proceeded for
laVt UK'ljf W comply with the prizes:
but inform yon th.j-t the
• : \> ** !:f L -
Falnc !3. irtuch d;fjb T e.l in bull, ring
ing, ami fails, and which was the only
re a |bn that-prevented me from taking
the rest. I had only one man killed,
and eight lightly wounded. I canndt
in juftiee do less than mention How
bravely the French Captains defended
ihrlr ‘fhips. The largest Ihip is an ex
ceeding fine veir.l, burthen 600 tons,
mountifig nine pounders,, 12 (wiv
eh, commanded by Jean Fougon, from
Marfcilles, bound to St. Domingo, and
is named the Marianne Ojimpe; the
other a very fine English built (hip,
called the Activity, mounting 18 guns,
12 of wh : ch are nine pounders, and 6
fix pounders, 8 swivels, commanded
by Capt. Berard, bound from ditto to
Mtrtinico. lam using every pofftble
expedition in my -powento repair the
Fame's damage.
(Signed) TFIO. MOORF.”
.... * The Fame hoi zs sue poundor* atd r:o nift,
Btt'in, yimtrry ■ , •
the letweLl‘ ) nit
,on ths I'ibjeU of * body or kieirt*e ziif
4 t/’r J *f’Si*'>ay ii'to fend into the cUOonte ol H:> rt| *•*
* rcpU.a the Huoteiim re|iinent which flill>e nf t >
Ain:ii.i. •
l'erh, Jjh.'24. The loft letter* fiom Mihon, rte 4
’ the 1 uli,'m:ntion, thet the or Fort St. Philip
0 TiT?
■ itoj t y the Englifc, bat that tlie btfieger* bd
men in unirufking a battery placed behind a wail, wbb
war ibrawn down under the fire of the enemy.
William Clark, ;
HAVING recovered from hit late iUaefi, ha
again opened hit house as a tavern, for the
reception of such gentlemen as may be plcafed to
fjvour him with their company ; and as he has a
large Hore of the bell liquors, he is detrained to
fell on very reasonable terms, for ready money
oly. <
‘Tu/ri OlXinia.s Reward.’
on Tlurfday t: ,0: t
A Silver Watch,
Enameled, with various fignyes on the dial plate,
and a blue silk ftriog with a fiber seal hanging
thereto.—-Any perion who will deliver thefaid
watch to the printer pf tlds paper fKal] imaetiia’ely
after thn
will he afleed. VP
’ * I ‘HE fubferibers Intending (hortiy
to cloft their business in this pro
vince, are now felling off, at a low ad
vance, for CASH or PRODUCE,
their remaining Stock of Goods, con
fining of articles fuicable for the pre
fen t and approaching frafon. All per
lons indebted to them are requested to
make immediate payment, and thofi
to whom they are indebted are dcfr<*
to lend in their accounts in orde
they may be fettled and difeh
Savannah, 23d Apfs§? 2,
TOMORROW, tiw tf£*?**’ , ac ;® uV Wic
in the forenoon, U ** fuWtr^*
Al 7: • *
-'Soap i* a, £ ,
j-t W irh , briery of Dry Good* and \hfdwntr,
fxcdJcnt Field Wench and fomeHouleto/rf
i-urniture. . - D. DUNCAN, l. VM
Smiwah. April a 5 , ryf a. 1 * \ *
K. B. To be hired by the day or norf), a large
Perriagua, burthca about jp tfe.cci of £. Apply]
at above. ‘ _ ‘ w
pSH JOHNS! ON miencJing
v foor> to k|vr thw proy irtce requrfis
those indeed to hirti 10 •*Hk fc ihcir
accounts as poffibl*^tTwtv^.
be er.iy^to^latis/y luch perfunj
leave dcjmds ugainß him#