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VOIi. I.
5EW 13 C HOT A, W JK OXESSUAY MAY-14, 1828.
XO. 12.
At $2 50 if naid in advance, $3 in six
months, gr $3 50 if paid at the end of the
To subscribers who can read only the
Cherokee language the price will be $2,00
in advance, or $‘2,50 to be paid within the
Every subscription will bo considered as
continued unless subscribers give notice to
the contrary before the commencement of a
new year.
Any person procuring six subscribers,
and becoming responsible for the payment,
shall receive a seventh gratis.
Advertisements will be inserted at seven
ty-five cents per square for the first inser
tion, and thirtv-seven and a half cents for
each continuance; longer ones in propor
ICJ 0 \11 letters addressed to the Editor,
post paid, will receive due attention.
GWy J tf a U 0- a a D h*i JF,6,6d.
t»0ARXol>a TAJIT* HW* JIuTBAJI 1*4<®a.
B®aE aiiWiia<®y ktji d^p o>ojra
P4®>a, TGTZ TEdSO-J 0 DOR&o®Po8a.
TG?"Z ^TiP TiiJO-A TB D0I»$o<>Pol>a., KT
BS4 0 3 eJBvI P4<»a. DSa»Sc»EZ TB yw
D0.T»6;S!Po5)a, O-y/lT DsfP ff’O.lB.l P4ol>a.
Givyz <y>cai aiicsuacsjy, wr-w* d<*4
©3©JBJI P4riia X»*aB!T’, TCTZ TF.iWCM” DO*
jiSdepoia. ktjiz d^?p ytv <6i» (PsaBa*
VUR DOJ^atb^atU.
The following persons are authorized to
receive subscriptions and pa} r ments for the
Cherokee Phoenix.
Henry Him., Esq. Treasurer of Uie A.
B. C. F. M.' Boston, Mas«.
Georor M. Tracy, Agent of the A. B.
C. F. M. New York.
Rev. A. D. Eddy, C inandalgua, N. Y.
Pollard &. Converse, It chmond, Va.
»Rev. James C vmpbelt., B' aufort, S. C.
'Col. George Smith, Star''■willp, W. T.
Rev. Bennet Roberts—Powal Me.
Mr. Thos. R. Gold, an itinerant Gen
treasury. The person or persons o-
beying such summons, upon present
ing the officer’s certificate before the
national treasury, for the service so
performed, shall be entitled to receive
one dollar per day for the time so en
gaged from actual necessity. The
constables, when executing their du
ties in arresting & conducting criminals
to the place of trial, shall also be en
titled to one dollar per day for the
time actually engaged, Each mar
shal shall be entitled to receive for
ty dollars, and each principal sheriff
shall be entitled to receive thirty dol
lars per annum, for their services from
the public funds, in addition to their
fees of eight per cent, for collections.
The deputy sheriffs and constables
shall also be entitled to receive eight
per cent, for collections.
By order,
’ JNO. ROSS, P'-es’t N. Com.
Approved-PATH * KILLER,
A. M’COY, Clerk of N. Com.
E. BOUDINOTT, Clerk N. Council.
New Town Nov. 8, 1825.
Resolved by the National Committee
find Council,. That the law authoriz
ing the appointment of light ho: se com
panies, passed at Brown’s Town, on
the 11th day of September, 1808, be,
and the same is hereby repealed, and
that in lieu of light hoi se companies,
a marshal, sheriff, deputy sheriff and
two constables, shall be chosen & ap-
J minted for each district, in the fol-
owing manner; to wit:
The marshals to be elected by the
national Com. and the principal sher
iffs to be elected by the people in their
respective districts; and the two con
stables by the people within their
particular bounds, for the term of
two years. The marshals and sher
iffs shall enter into bond and give two
or more good and sufficient securities,
in a penal sum of not less than one thou
sand dollars. The sheriffs to appoint
their own deputies, and for whose con
duct they shall also be held responsi
ble and bound. The constables, shall
enter into bond ahd give two good se
curities in the penal 6ura of two hun
dred dollars. The duties of the mar-
.shals and sheriffs shall be to make
jf collections of all just debts, such as
notes of hand, liquidated accounts and
judgements, & to arrest horse thieves
and other rogues and murderers for
.trial, according to law.
The duties of the constables shall
be $*© same as that of the marshals
and sheriffs, but they shall be confined
within their respective bounds in ex
ercising their official duties; and each
icf the above named officers are herc-
lby authorized, when in pursuit oferim-
I inals, to summons as many men as may
be necessary to arrest such criminals,
[ and any person or persons refusing to
[ obey, without any reasonable excuse,
Uuch summons, he or they shall forfeit
land pay a fine of twenty-five dollars
for every such offence; to be recovcr-
lahle in the same way and manner as
jail other debts, and the fines so col-
jlcctod, shall be paid into the national
a rape upon
so offending,
New Town, Aon. 9, 1825.
Resolved by the National Committee
and Council, That all written wills,
bearing the signature of the testator
and signed by one or two respectable
witnesses, and the same appearing to
the satisfaction of the court of the dis
trict vvhereiu the testator lived, or
where most of his estate may be situat
ed, that it is the last will & testament of
the deceased such will and testament,
shall be valid and binding to all intents
and purposes.
Be it further resolved, That nothing
shall he construed in the foregoing, so
as to impair or destroy the validity of
any will having no witnesses, which
may be found among the valuable pa
pers of the deceased, bearing his or
her signature, which will and signa
ture, shall he satisfactorily proved to
be the hand writing of the deceased
Be it further resolved, That nuncu
pative wills, where witnesses are call
ed, and the testator, in the presence
of two or three respectable persons,
at his or her last sickness, make known
his or her will, and one of the witness
es being a disinterested person, such
nuncupative wills being committed to
writing in ten days after the testators
decease, and the same appearing to
the satisfaction of the district court to
he agreeable to the testators last will
and testament, such wills shall also
be valid and binding.
Be it f urther resolved, That where
a person possessing property and dies
intestate, and having a wife and chil
dren, the property of the deceased]
shall be equally divided among his law
ful and acknowledged children, allow
ing the widow a share with the chil
dren, after all just debts of the de
ceased shall have been paid by those
obtaining letters of administration, a-
greeably to law, and in case the de
ceased leave a wife without children,
then, in that case, the widow shall be
entitled to receive one fourth of the
estate, after said estate shall have
been freed from incumbrance of all
just and lawful demands, and the resi
due of the estate to go to his nearest
kin; and in case a woman claiming and
having exclusive right to property,
dies and leaves a husband and chil
dren, her property shall revert to her
children and husband, in the same
manner as above stated and provided
By order of the National Com. ‘
JNO ROSS, Proe’t N. Com.
MAJOR RIDpE, Speaker,
A. M’COY, Clerk N. Coin.
E. BOUDINOTT, Clk. N. Council.
person, and committing
such female, he o^ they,
upon conviction before any of the dis
trict or circuit judges, for the first of
fence, shall be punished with fifty
lashes upon tljfi bare back and the left
ear cropped off close to the head; for
the second offence, one hundred lash
es and the other ear cut off; for the
third offence, death.
Beit further resolved, That any wo
man or women, making evidence a-
gainst any man, and falsely accusing
him of hiving laid violent hands upon
any woman, with intent of committing
a rape upon her person, and sufficient
proof havingbeen adduced in any of the
district or circuit judges, to refute the
testimony of such woman or women,
she or they so offending, shall be pun
ished with twenty-five stripes upon her
or their bare back, to he inflicted by
any of the marshals, sheriffs or consta
bles. By order,
JOHN ROSS, P|es’t N. Com.
\. M’COY, Clerk N. Com.
E. BOUDINOTT, Clk. N.Coun.
New Town, Nov. 10, 1825.
Resolved by the National Committee
and Council, That any person or per
sons, whatsoever, who shall lay vie,
lent hands upon any female, by forci
bly attempting to ravish her chastit*
contrary to her cooseqt, abusing her
New Town, Nov. 10, 1825.
Whereas, it has been represented to
the general council, that much in
jury is sustained by the inhabitants
living on the boundary lines, from
citizens of the United States, feed
ing and keeping their stock of prop
erty on Cherokee lands, whereby
horses, cattle, hogs, &c. belonging
to the citizens of this nation, are ex
posed to be taken off b such per
sons, trespassing; therefore.
Resolved by the National Committee
and Council, That the circuit judges
are hereby authorised and directed, to
appoint an assistant ranger in their re
spective districts, which border on
thejboundary lines’ofthe United States,
whose residence shall be nearest to
said boundary line, and whose duty it
shall be, solely to pay strict attention
to such trespasses herein complained
of,& to forwarn the frontier inhabitants
of the United States in the adjoining
counties, against placing, keeping and
feeding their horses, cattle, hogs,
sheep or goats on Cherokee lands;
and to take up, post, and dispose of,
all such property which may be tound
within their respective bounds, agree
ably to the laws respecting .estrays,
and any citizen or citizens of the Uni
ted States reclaiming and proving a-
way any such property, and be unable
to produce satisfactory proof, that he,
she or they, did not wilfully place
such property on Cherokee lands, to
feed and graze thereon, the assistant
ranger, in that case, is hereby author
ised and required, to exact a fine of
two dollars for every horse, gelding
or mare, and one dollar for every
head of black cattle, and twenty-five
cents for every head of swine, sheep
or goats, so proven away. Such fines
shall be in addition to the fees al
lowed by law to the rangers for their
posting, keeping and selling estrays;
but in case sufficient proof cai> be ad
duced to shew that such property was
not wilfully placed on Cherokee lands
to feed or graze thereon, and that such
property had merely strayed thereon
unknown to the owner or owners; then
in that case, the fine herein imposed,
shall not be exacted; excepting the
necessary expenses and fees allowed
by law in such cases.
Be it further resolved, That the as
sistant ranger is hereby required to
observe and pay strict attention to
the same rules and regulations requir
ed of rangers by law, and who shall al
so be entitled to the same fees of eight
>er cent, on the amount collected for
:he fines herein imposed, the remain
der for the benefit of the national trea
By order of the National Committee,
JNO, ROSS, Pres’t N. Coro..
A. M’COY, Clerk. N. Com.
ELIJAH HICKS, Clerk N. Council.
aeoftArhaa eivy (potps.
[tfStfO-3" DR Ah-ifli j.]
tt ssju, 8 1825.
D.3P dAGhO-Roiy Dtf Ah-W©!,
jp/ics 11 8F<aa, 1808,
DoaBTAa, uuy t„y« <Mpiiac®t.. aei.R0-
<®y«v*z Go?y Eaet.^iGBo«t.L qf.wctr
athGwty wpaz SAy KTa s.\y, drwpz
o>yji JiiiAy P4<®a. sssc«,urz uf.?-
<®a.2> G<»y J)D Rc^ritvI. 4RF.GCTR aut
hority ivs^(*a4>. D-pp Deti0-x>ay uriiy
R0V.0<®P<»U DR4TZ aeBhG«y Wl-Vl Dll-
Ay hsacriY* b® Gc%y i*4di>a gl
ssvG Daa. o-yaz aitAy di,wp Gt, d-
hsaGr*rz no E&.et»^ai*-
c»a Go®y. wpz JsaBir
JISP 0 J h0-a DIiVVPZ DZmXT, D(T T-l«y WF
F.CVOT’B/l^ WiCvJlot;IvM>a. li^Z TcoSBP
cpejBa P4<«a tgtz qor-
a«To?a. wpyiz DiiAy (fo-r jep^a t-
i*4<#a Gc^y Ecai6t>rr-oiy kt/i Dwy- »-
o'o-R wpa Dh/. y (pep>5r-?a i*4o?a
Terz o‘‘GXhar qea».n<r<a>a CtS.y ktji Dii
Ay. o-yyiz DiiAy AiSjp o^ho-a p^a,
DIAVPZ DZmXT’ G«>y \VP EC-em/)./) Tili-
wpjtp D?-tia o^ejEa TP4-
«>a Tcrz ^oirvidva. <niF.©-
(tkz Dif wpa DiiAy aeciiGftiy o j Aa<TR
eBSE, Dtf AiOP joi«o-.a^.a, Dtf Giiw®;
jqAWo-,9 Ti-4(S>a y? cp.iparS, Goty jn-
-a®M)i./ia K4osa; d& Tthh^cS-i-^a <I‘TPf
DhZoTyM'y, DtT Dh-rT TSSTfT 5 AToSa Dh-
Zcsyay, ntf n® Dhaa o 3 ep*5F?a,s> <i-
oSt 5 , o j p./ic= tpeaj^. oya aiiAy a-
OMiGcSy TJiVoP«Y* P4«>a GcSy T(Tb?a ri
ll aii-a©<s)t.aa* reogtr Drf wr-a DhAy
oyaz ahAy i*si 3 ^ra'* gw* c,oi)Soia
sh^i®(«)T,aiiiT, D<f aD eiigtiV* s^wap
IrAIrZitrP D^P O^eTP JIi^®«)t.aa G«y
Airair tgtz Biii v a4dta o^iitsso-c^a. y
c?z DhotiSca t.iiaT?«'a Co?y ^p ar.c,K-
iica pr o^iiosso-fsa. tctz yis tcpg"^.-
,Sn«!p' l i?a*v* o^wacra^) Goty DiraTA a-
ra'az’Tfu^Aiia^e TP4«ia, G«;y o j Jra
i.4rS;a aesyrca Ds^a, TGr^aoP Dctsoy
aph.?yiv*z k-YiapiiGoiA c«ya mpiiG-
,<?r^a. DisriV-z o>0Ti iiSPM)a«;P'M;a G-
«>y DipTiBo-a. ysz (Fwacro-a DbaT-
4a G«)yz atiiiGory o^CJiUwo-a szapdDa
DS’WSahT, GtrZ DSJBR?(»a HA 1 * D?4a
rs hAa-a acir’ s4®oTi;a4T, dct o-ya
DiiAy aoufiGosy sh4©oviia4T DiiZ«y-
o'jy RIiIi^.«)F. Goiar TPS.TBR?« , a U l V* D?-
aa rs RAa4 o 3 AacrR sii4©oiT.a4T.—
4E©crRZ aRRGoiy o-SciAa DS4a, aF.s-
RRPdSa r’faBd" Sli4< M)Ra4T, D^FZ D-
aa d$4 i*sJBRa?c«)a. g^iV’z D<«:AajTP
Rp<j?a DIpIiGiSy, DcT GotA** KTa, Dtf 0—
ya DhAy DiCAajtp D34a doerps Gator
jaw D?4 TP'SJBRroia.
DRay D,pp Riiw©i'r,
GR .J©oM®,'aXRaGT ©IIA.
*RGF' t6oia>(540, 0-ZoPWJ, DyEGGra,
R. rsti, aAJtfPoty ©liar,
sivyo, aAtfSPoty d^p ssw©:.
Wo6a p'4ot)a, Dtf G<«y aecava p ft H
aotyii Cm,<\r oaty T!»t cpiiyRK jisih.'T'a
o^iMwaataoep-ota, dug y w ajcp i-u-o-a-
4a ssw©i c*y jF.cvoa jR4©<*ia^.*,.
jo.iispo-az r*4«a Rsacr o^.vaG^R lr-set
TGf Dtf y>? O^RI TZ JOtfh. Oajl.0 DliI\SP-
atu Gatyz GC5fOI*a 0-Y TSf’a G«y
JEG,CVa U*V*Z (FTP RSFoiaritp-otfA c*y
c=a dug yw ajuro-a D4stu usu-
gt o 5 vacr-R upse G«y o j RrRa drz &a-
t3otiP(®a Gc*y 3i Gu«U 0IRP*V*Z AIo?a J-
&.t, gotiw* G«y cpeTF Rsi-o?ac%paa tgt
Dtf y « DPB (F&.R 0 9 TF8<& ^>y JE(A.f?a
Gays. (TRrrilR ^)RoTZ DR (F3a Dtf 4>oa-
op jasip G«y jEG.Ga (F^aayii d<t JiEir
o a 0TP TP4Jta Got yA/*v* S4wap Kfcay
Goiy Rspaeabipdea.
Dpay, qu
tr-Ztf- ca.
R. D£P .lACTciy.
svvy0, aAiUPo?y fswe;.
tt s 10 sRza, 1825.
*iray d,?p o i Gio-'&«y. Dtf aipivgiT,
tcfz y<? F.arsTcSiy Tsii^xspcra i>i>-b
JORRa/5 (PSPwpM'a DI*T’Z <7,RCF - a^4O*0
Tp4c*a ©R.trwwrz td-tpo-cp, G^yz
CPdJSO-teTV?’ TDAMaaotPoia Gt r Si VO Dtf
\VP IiSlitr aqA.Toty TF..5.S G oeSO-fiT Dh-
piR?«;a aascS".a oFi.fota o\s4op i*r
s-Ta^ dsjcsrz Tap StfR Dii eyRicra, \vp-
az Dotso-Pwa Dotfiaj'P Gr:Rfo?a 4ivsz
SPR DlrPoSTOiPoia, KTaZ D««S0-0=op Dlr-
To'i.-A-’z p-4cs;a, Dtf an tf>h<ay tgfz ys
DotScO EoSSTcSty tyRBity Tiiy.TPIiKy
Dtf ry-tpo Tnaafi*b?a c«yz di*' dta-
iot>! or DZAtc._aoer*<w'a g»-t ssjst Dtf wp II
S' vt- a^Aaoty Gcsyz o-TAc-a niri iRroia
a«yi:a GERr^a (p^4op p^r s-1'a.o), 4K-
©ct-rz aRRGo®y Dtf WFa Dtf kt.i Dtf
o-ya DhAy aoi,iiG«y cay aD jr4©*
ofiaa P4o?a.
DPay d^?p sswei, grjooiJ®.
so-R] y.
snye, aA,wp«y DsSP 2sw®;.
TT SSJS7, 9 0-TSX, 1825.
Alray D.?P dSGR0-‘b<»y, Dtf AhAV©;,
hSaGT JRhrRa O^liac: DRW* DaahT TGT-
PMJWRRoDa AEoia 0»0TP P-R Goiy CPhrRa
GoCy DRSWa SAI AtfJ4T, GLZ (PaiViP «-
Si5r Dtf Difc JECu«a G«y O^TP TCRPotWO-a
viirRa, grz sstfr rrw©i (PAoScru G^y
i5B<r, Dtf oTtier^a guv cpc?itswo-a td-
aPoDp-Mia, tr*v* Gcsy DoHi^Gr i*4o6a Dtf
atsu” o 5 i»o-Tj4 Goty a®eci3”ara RStf 5 P4-
Dtf aD *iray, aD Gray ?<®a ctr<»a-
wa<»a o»Aa<ra* y« Dhswa soai raas-
40 TP4«ia Ajtfpz Kotut’ set 0“RrRa gl
DRG&,adep'0®a Goty D«>Si4 Dtf DPB Tp-
4(*a, SAIZ TAJtStfJSa, Dtf GcHW* DAacr-
,jb<«)p(»a ya drZp<»e Go?y assp, Dtf sai
AiSJ4 (FC«.R (PC5.3R (PG-VVO-a O’CtftfSVVO-a G-
aty aiirR TDaPoiPosa.
Dtf aD *h>ay EG.c5RRaw* RAJtf4e t-
P4«>a y« 4<»ir» o 3 ac5!, t,w* o 3 F(*x4a o 1 -
pet ©tuaiio?p«)az y<s DZcSisr drwpop
Dtf DIiKTop eiiRdra DRBGZ D»\X'a T4aP
Tap 4PA(T’0 TP4ofa Goiyz DRSNX'vR (ppy
©apo?a 4<»(r» c j sfo®e Goiyz <i<x<r o a acs
DZiSSPoliPoDa DoJAaw* TG*RT0-a O’RI’Ra
RRWeiZ Gt, SSitr JSRCT Dtf O’AaCTR G«y
jhrR (pPc»x4a o»acsT TDaroepoDa, t,or
Gciy AJ»P DCH.rSG?- TP4oia, Dtf G«S»T’ Ii-
eo- Gatyorz a©0Co<r’d?a TP4*a.
ntf aD o 5 h-ay, tgtz y« biiroDPtsa
o>rp jjairZ DA.fc qaesez, Dtf «w>vo-e
TP4»ia tcfcmsaua jKaffa o»<»xiiA«*T,
0 3 AaGTRZ Goiy JiBIrf’a TSSTJ^oIW* 0>ha-
TT SStfr, 10 0-L?X, 1825.
ergtw* ajea <7-yz?ao?R dr d^p arr-
w©i o j er*r cphhr+A a re® a dg- tf 3 fait
aiiaw e-ivy* Tap aotsa^aoiE sgbgt
DIiCcIpR, GfSyZ RRcSO- SREtfr GolW’Z U-
Ecaidao-aw* tp-t RoTsr Daa jeTi- ttpp,
Dtf C^S, Dtf RX, Dtf TSST(T>. GtSyZ T-
<r«!a *iray d^p doxo-RcTy dj Airive-
j, wf Rssjir a4\ao\y Goiy aiio'cr dii-
carii 0; 2s c tfT Daa r,«y Ah>aio jRaxa*
yis oiRp aRaiv dgk<t ejipt, Goiy d©-
pjiipoiy P4c®a o 3 0riT sobgt jR4&«;i!-
aa prt, Dtf g«tV" 00-R aotiWawaac
Goiy cpesu^oiaspoia. Dtf SR4©*
oia RRO-oDRSPiiia Dh Call'll 0; Tast.w Dh
ewyA Tap jraj<5 jo<r»t,a(S)AaA jotp
^TP, Dtf CoS, Dtf RX, Dtf DO JIiZ?© Dtf
d© JiiJiyAiy; Dtf RRR^Ptsa, Dtf gay
40M)ai.O- AtWP LRt34Ii®P(®a, Dtf Mi0S-
psa h£UG? S0£GT CPOFtf 5 TrRCvaolPc®a
Gtr jR4©(®taa^i prt, o-racw-z
ajvi o-epip euy iiRo-af<®a, Dtf yw b©-
aF. DCoirR AAi-poia, Dtf DAacritoiPdea
Gc®y JTP PRT S0BGT <P44it.olip«:aA‘*Z
G«y J!idl<P WAAOrUJb B D4 rhair©a Dh
Gwy* Tap Gt, o>0T’t,aiioEa* tdj«p-
0®a, TGTZ Goiy h(p(»2dia DPolSFoiyZ S0-
cgt J4©c»i.aa Goiy *iraii> JBhva^ 4-
-TP TP4c®a WP DS4a, CoSZ CW* DS4 R-
XZ DIitCSoF Dtf D© JIiZS©, Dtf D© Jh-
<®y.\ty yq<paoT gm Doj^jipoia tcfz
T,zi'p<®a GJiyz (pehiiBO-a o'haw’Tfdia
o^optf 9 jh4©o6i.aa Goiy o 3 Pac= PSJBRa-
AiSSF Rhd34IolE, Dtf RhoDXliAaoliE, Dtf
UiO?E; TGToiyiiZ DAMCraoDPoiaW* D4
Gtr OJOtf’tvai.riliaA, 04 (M.GT-0P(rW* TP4-
tSia 40O-£r0Z JIiGBT, T8T-Z Goiy MFoll-
oiaLdia ph-hva ^>p4<®a »4ivap Kha-
y o°0JBa»5. a.^oiyiizo- o’o-R shoi'XhA-
\VO« D4 DJBa IrP4T Dtf aJBRa PR 0-6F-
<r Jh4©oii.aa Goty (poJRa P4«®a jzf-
Dtf Gator <Mi-a>5 D0FJl»P<®y 60BGT 0=-
OFIP Jh4©<»Raa Ah>ah. a>pac= O o 0PiT’
jh4®oti>aa jh©0(V(J»(«!a JGTAa^w* Geir»-
apoaa DePd®»Foiy, Dtf Coeycew* tst t-
PSJBRPoia, Dtf DotAaJT? DS4a DOIrhP-
otpjta s4wap Kiray jaw D84a o=©tp
hSPotaoiPota (A.oa.<s,®Ez d^p4" o j ©tp
o^hacsa d^?p ssxvsi,
Gh j©<»j®, axoacT d^p ®irjr.
*R«" *oia^40, o-zopia, DyE®cra.
R. -rs»s, aAtfiPoty d^p ©iijt.
swyo, UAJSPatY DJIP »SW©J.