The monitor. (Washington, Ga.) 1800-1815, April 24, 1802, Image 1

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THE MONITOR: ■ * * * IMPARTIAf, Q R S E R V E R. #ct a ToUat* VbtVME ll.] gt LisT </ L& TrERS remaining in s*t Office Wafbinjgien $* A W 4 Vihich will k$ relumed to tU General Pofl Office -mi Deed Let ten, if *ot tak:n cut in thrtttoombi. ■t. • ‘ ■ & • iAMES SEVER 4G£, XVm. Brown, Bird, Or. 77 - 0. bj&, ‘>* ••'wjMjv'Al* *** ’ .;>’ ts WtfjSiT'fr--'-* ‘ %s*"** J • I. Owjrfl.ekfen, Tbo ** Jarthw. % .~J'-.'.. . ** , Hik*riab King. L. W*ifoo tllßfiH, T -- iQli UfetOQ LsiJ. *W Li£g ;r, • . M. ‘‘ - - . lbsa Mabry, Marffi*j| Martin, -‘Aljft. Jcfo Mereer, Wot. MtHfe, John ‘&XtDr, Strip Mirtin. Charts* Mir tpOWif O cor ge M *• He nrj, P. • f’opf, Nicholas pt>jw. R. ‘ •': ‘ ■■• River# • sjfiJß# Benfamiu r|Jffcrro,‘Bps over *faias, Matte*Talbit. •;; - W. . John C. Walton, Ef(j j, Natbsftirl Willis, Georgs VValtoa, Jofcjf Wing field. |C7* N.9. Those indebted for let*, ter or newspaper pottage are requrXttfk to tn*ke immediate payment-{ ai L have to feme qjanerly with ibf General Poll O&st, it will not be convenient # credit letter pottage in future. , Tfie following it ;Ue prefect arrange* <*W of fhs >Ua: rhe Northern irrt?eMfy Tuesday at %o o'clock rcta $ A- M.— t** WxngjiQu nail is doe V/ery fri 4*X it so Am M, and retains every T* 1 */ 4 ** ** *> Reukis to infarc * *£*’ ®dii He it 4ht office 30 mratwe* Itcfole tbs departure of the m ils. KSkLgf; P. ‘<r, Match 0S the petition of Lewis Magair® jnd Nicholas Lepreftre, Adwwii* Ittraiors of Ambroid Sr. Ama’i deeeaf* tUiing that being podeliVd of * re* isUpt Cgued b/ one OechineJ, citizen of lit. Ujiningj for the piOpjr:y of me dftste el raid £l. Amind, a c py where off uegr as your jietidonen could re* Colic& was an iexsd to the laid petition, if iso? lodged in tne clerk's office, to* getber witu an affiiavic pUri iam to the p 4 of the ssd of February, ijSs, that lbs faii rec-ipt ergs iolt or dtftroyed, end prayi Ig visa beaefi; intended by tbs ffttd and other circumfti.uiai prouf alfo laid before the court. v It 14 Ordered, That rhe oid receipt be eftablifiied at directed byi t,kU fa id acl, onihe said Le<s and Nicboi’ispnbiifh*’ ing a notice as thereto required* and for the (pace of (in tnontb3 in oVe of the public Gj£*ttej of thia dace,’ unlrf* €4ufe (ball be shewn to the contrary within the Paid fix months or other mat* *er fhiil appear to the court again!! the lima. True copy from the JSUnute lm H. WILU3, Clh. WasHin o to : rCwr C - ? VX.lofin il GAINES. Afi fllefliof of ||| CoomrifGfoneri of of Waflifogton audthe Ac* • fbereof, on tbo 3d day of fSardt libit s—lt was refolted, That all the Bfeetf In the town of WaOiiegton bo opened inmodiatoly j end that upltfs they re opened by those pOrfont who have encroached on them by the 15th indent, that after that time, the over* leers of the ftreetj are hereby authoriffd r° * IX I'D IIeW apaaed at the czpeaM pf web persona fb encroaching] tt&d that bo mode paWie by **> fertile merit. And we do furtheg re* cooimiod to all ptvfosa hob4sg corner oinm oi the - “‘i- :. Mk *sai'S”kv4^e r-wftttif 1 , mtjplitd wivh widitn fifteen da/* thereafter, Th Commifiiunera of the {town of Waihingtoo end of the Aosdamy there w n<o Upon cxamiuatlob, that there is a cinitdirablo balance (HI dp|r fog the lota of said towta, and thu Ilf Jon no part of the psrtiitft mo* noy appetio to Hfor tdie information $ t hose fpmi holding luch l.Hs, that rs the partbxjfc mohay together with the iatorefi tlepf* •** for ail ha lancet ft if i due, is not paid by the fn ft day of Joty wei it, that tte fiid Inryufifi ba for the *tef* bt of the A£i(l*iay, e>ter i/ ihf ;/ 3> ioi. gjj Ogiethcrpc County , Superior Court, March Term, Hs Honor JUDGE CARNES'S ch A*og TO T Gra N 0 Juxr at the com* mencement of the term. Gentlemen 0! the Crand Jy^Yt } r mud be 1 ecolieffcd by those who were atuaiUnt at ihe last Soptrlor. chulrt held for this county, that the cofidui! of fonie of the’ w'ere truly exceptionable, and I am sorry tht t aflr conffrained* to fay, (bat z retrofpeaUe view of the difurder which prevailed it that moft be painful to ell wiftj for a re gular and uniform cftabliflmmeni: of good order* end a total fupprrliiun of vice add outrage. Va> fruitlefg indeed ere the exertion*, of public fundion&ries, and to very little ac* count do we bear (fee: bucthen of fup* porting government, if the base and degenerate among us are to go on with their law left and licentious projeds without poniftimenc. Wi have a government of laws framed, by our reprefentaiivcs, who are called annually together f*t the pur pole of paffi g new ones to meet oor exigencies, and reviling and amend, ing such aa on experieuce are found not to answer the parpofes of iheir creati on, this is done by the wifiom of the Rate, and the foie end is the happiness and protedions of every individual of thi community. Why then let it be •flttdg are.not thole dcfirable euds per manently secured 1 Tlie acfwer is pal pable. There is a want of prompti tude end determined exertion 00 the* part of those to whom the peace of the Rate it committed. The laws them* feUas are falotary and fufficiently en ergettc, yet they remain r'dead letter without the helping band of thole in trotted with their Executive. I am inclined to believe that the ori gin of the disorder which we seq pre vail in mod of . the court yards, is to be found cite where than at the Superior court*. It accords with experience that men do not grow wicked all at once, they begin to commit L**il SATUgOi I 1, 4Vyjai 241 4802. Khalit stft, And not tefng checked by tbtrfe living authority tu do so, they g* # iguiar grade to ihsmeful immor* raliW [tbagicg go small vices, and at |rr*ve At th# aaoiili of human torgitß 0. attribute moft of this to a wan, of drcutnfpe&ion in the ma. gift rat n bolding diltr id courts, they penttit tbofa attending Inch places, to i ttoting and tntoxicatioa, Urtbfelves to be in fulled in sane ttA the feat of justice, and to * fN& of violence bare fonie of ftnclpled proceeded, trat jufti* mfr'i cSTaoltetl pn the bench. k* 4 *6 iijkftjt •( tha inferior tribu* v teQ they LiJPmS&k***** ‘** Uh tdbunals. - r -■ . tbefe ob **&&**+ * their full L ! jm. w 4 ,r* liioufl i’ bo P* ‘Vy )*• y ttiould know fa ** 1 Pait and e*ift who *recud by their co un . ,0 ,tleir *♦ of judise. 1 w * n d ogibiL to * “ . *• fcuwh Informstlon end ‘*£'**’ , **dng your body to require ■ tetfllwf thaduty aftjgned you the oath you have tak- JWffl ;®,,ln the wiil fa “ ‘?W|f and do the ******** 6® ‘hcv fplfmft obUgauoli. y Priftntintntj- by the Grand WE present at a grievance, that the of Ihe Superior court hat not paid over to the dark of the Inferior court, the tnuoies in* hi* hands ariftng from the fslea of ettrays, por the books Slid do* cutnents (on* book of tranfmhs except* ed} relative ai required of him bylaw. r . Wi present Pcrdinand’ Phro'zy for a breach of the Sabbath, in nuking a general pridiee of reuioving bis pro. that day, from hie store in this place to hie owa house, and from his own house here. , Wo present John Jonas and Anna firiaot lor living in aduiury. We present Benj .mo Griffiiih and Marp Albert for living in adultery ; W* pr.t fent ’ Alexander Mart id And OUy Tope for living in adultery. We present Win. CoHjenfon for re taUingof fpiritoous| qdori without ii* cnce. We present Samuel Barber and John Mscwborter for profane fwearirg. We present Robert Lumpkin for pro fane swearing and diforde.l7 bthaviour. Wk prelent as a grievance that a number of persons summoned as Jurors do not gire their attendance. We present John Legitt for profane fweafing. We return* oor t hanks to the clerk of the Inferior court for the fatisfaCiory delivered to us by him of the pubJc money in his hands, We return our ftneere thanks to his Honor Judge Carnes, for hi* j idic ous charge delivered to ua at the commence ment of the present term, and for his attention to the duties of his omcc in its progress. W. pray that bi, Honot'i Charge, l-’gaihar -ith thef, our Prefauuncot, ka publiChed. JoEt Barnett, Foreman, Win. Hurvie, John Booth. Jatucs Thomas, Rodgerr, Robert Holme#, Jama* Smith, Mi@iehC!ark t - Thorn*. Hill, a . Siroiher, [•payable bait gearfg. Robert Elitetc, John Phillips, Thomis Hendon, Abraham HiU, Wm. Berry, Ilham Rainey r Jofiiua GUIs, H(E. Luckie. . The court, took into conliderttloa the prefentmants of the Grand Jury. Whereupon, h It Ordered, That th# Solicitor General aft upon such of these $• the law req tires, and that th wbolw together with the charge from theceort, be puuUlfied in one of the Gamettes ia Augutta, and the Mouisor to Waftnng too* Eatraß from the Minuter. JOHN LUMPKIN, CUt. Xhf fo'lrwiqgpjrikuiars of late events <lO Egjrpt, are tianttatcd for the Mr- A-f+erd&T £:*§t '9*ria paper of the i-td January. 4 * Cofiftentinople, gtii Deccittber -TteJforte , ever fine* the beginihg of the war, had Lcretly detgemi,ud ai. ter the goverement oi the Beys in E gypt i end to conceal this pro] St. dill muia sfffeaually, every dcrnaiiflrotipa frorn tbe.grand Visffier and the captain Eacbi Here wholly falcuiatrd to p*r fuade them of their approach ing r- est - aolifbuicDt. Afir tire c?tcoation bf £g?pt, (even of theic deys were incited to Alexandria v thet they might adeife upon me <f their re eltabl,foment) they 7et/ rib xoroplisdwith the r ved wilh * r Jfc 4 *lf bifthesb diftmato#; t* t (he Ctptl#rkche ToA mimited to ft nr*e th* wifi of the Porto (hey rcflfcunjga ier the : of&zretT H ‘Wioi iatne t ? Ibein, howmr, (bait net ouh ha aZ Lm| wouht be mad. .giidft , b . ir but eteu ibeir it*non In the Oumrarr eupu. would not be lb. left briUanr. ** ’* WM ' lb * i°iiion of the Pin* to P r * , ' r> * *J" r P'op.rti.t, or e^nifa, t ’ <* OMKMIbW tokrte* them with honor Abie offices* ‘*•?* , “ m * * i, "* nc *ir iranfaJicd to tho ge„,,| ,n eiij.f Hoicking, The grand Vil.r b*ii,gVpjf,a and bo “ !r? ‘, r ° m ‘ ht •"£ taat l* bad m*d* fm. t>t finob of ifceld , ***’ 1,1 “>*< *uhio bn reach to be orreded. bUilirtea were so Well aken ,h„ .a I*6 it,*,. bour tilt r a l.i# rulers of Egypt where lis . •r. T wo of them on!/, Mehehiet t!f. Bry ...d Abaodieb Bqr. *„ , w ,f 0 make tbetr The 6lft „„ , SSfiftlW* *>ulwJ l haA bwl ac std, *“ t i recall, undo* rom. prctcac., r.ifed a dllbuft IrVl mind : and .nftead of drawing,.,*.* “K“"K2 bilQleif to fl rtl,t U., : • • w *VOK wb,bwa/nf;^ l H U°rdr. a r canl U h ?C tT'?"* t 0 TOtk * thf U es! andm h w , of 'r* |j * ***** • Uchmenr's l”‘ Z ° ,h ” *• of rkm M * bcen reru,fl pu foit of pf tbu Mameluke, of tht f f ‘ Ssjjf I*‘ •-. Tb. Cir.nd y z>r held out “.eh,?* ““ Uu£tti 6* ““> Cap ai„ .iißicsir’sSr ~ “ W Mulrhiuroo, jjg; has determine him lo „ k , Tb cap:,i„ pacha hd ‘ . parfuade ehofe i„ hi, p,,. r • 5-T ° f . h! ‘ * •>- . e Uking them Ibore, bi| t> dor!n “ paflago, tbo be,, be*.,, to r * too gro w eunfid.^ [Numbbit6i.