The monitor. (Washington, Ga.) 1800-1815, April 24, 1802, Image 2

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* l ’ * ‘ fcnt violence might hs exerdfiii to* them tobeo coc on boird of the Ififitt; Th tj commanded the cheers %l ej®duelad them io turn bck i iht’ •lUcers, alledging toe admiral* orders, vvtured complyi eg with their demand. Aip<m which the t>ys took to their arms to CMt|e| them i a corrffd enfuCd, in fc'meh lour of the beyt were killed and • ’vee wounded pfeeer a i of the boat me a capericoccd the fame fate. On the iil intimation of thiw ca Rrd general Hat coinfun baring o. *ddM* ttWps wader arms, addi tiled the ru alt poitdai reproaches to buth tire |{iand Truer and captain pacha, and m .uacingly demanded of ike lat er to dfitter him ibe three wounded beys '< lhe Ottoman aduiiiat, in avtibuting ..ifct wUforiuot that bad befcilleo toe bktfo to then own fault, and r© ther’ -unfounded fufpici na, juitifi and himlelf Ja the me .times 10 Iccuic their per fens, oa the Itreng'h of die or Jet* he and the f irand Va cr had received from the alter affuranccs had been obtain and, that the court of’ London ao t Intermeddle in the reflations o| the Turkilb government on lhat head, and that the AieoiiOi sos Great B itaiii iu * ro ' ; P* 10 Kgypt were merely to fctfitt * u r®tnk*og (bat province, leaving s ® £orie the enii<e management #iV •wuabidliing w hat loe n*r form of govern „ mcirtd Offhe Gfjfca V*r h.virtg aUcmbitd st i>U r elide nee iti beys m .ni power, kndHaving even contrived to pcrluade Mehstnet kify Bey to re turn to Cairo, had Tucceed to convince them of the neccHity us lubmiit ng to the Porte, and haa renued ie them the* i ms. pronufes and a flu ranees for the M/ety of their persona and properties, end of the prtfervation *of a billliar t Nation for them in the Ottoman empires aod in order to give sro Ins w rd a more f.wred and impofi g ciura&er, hr has livotn to the dbtervance of it op the'-Ko f*a which he Hauled to be be- re bisn. . performed tola aftion vMch the jgjreareft CdetgsTy* These fheafutvs ot the Q r H v* er have been ‘|>r dufUve of iM h%ppieit the iftepltavf agreed to renounce Kgypi, nod tp proceed ro Cor ftsnrinople they Wm >ten pfoted ilieir fubmifion by nn address to the G'an I Signiur, which they have itfntd md (bfendd to Con* (lantiftrtple by one of their officers. They h*e besides tnnounced'in wilting T* General Hutch!nfoo, their voluntary foUnUta°n to the will of the Pnrte. I be Torre efttUlifties lt Epypt the iyftetn of Pach*s $n in Europe i that province will be dir'ded into four Pacbaliwrckn ‘■■'■■■- I- ■ ■ ‘—■■■- CONGRESS. HOUSE or REPRESENTATIVES. 7hu jU)y Mar*h 13, 1803. INTERNAL TAXES. Mr. Gmswoifc. The question i whe’hlr we carnages.— On tins Knitted motion I did nn< ex peA to hate heard gemlcmen go ioto a hitl examination of the merits of the whole ioicraftl revenue. Having, how ever, indulged tb-*i‘flv*a L> the liiqit* ry, it seems neceiftry to follow them, even remark* thould fail in 1 heir eppUcation to tli*carrige tax It is not true, as dated by the gentile* man from Malfechwfeits (Mr. Bacon) that the clergy of New EogUnd are paupers; toey are not paupets? vtr. Bacon said he had dated no such thing. ‘ ■ Mr Gritwold. They *re not pau ptrs, dr. They are able and willing ao imv wi'h cbeerfulncf. their portion ot abe public burthen., It l> not true that vionneSicut doe. not pay her proa portion ot .be carriage ta*. Jhe doa. cameo. Ihe* h> * does pay her proportion of it, .bough that pcopor t.on is not to high a. that paid by Ma- Jlachufetta. Gentlemen hate made it necdfoi to fta-e the fi.uation of .he eler oy of New England, in order to re. more the inputetion agaioll thet order of men, and to date the proportion of the ta pd by • p.o that waarc partuoUrlf lolrrtflef b the coati nuance of this tax. T . ‘• f We wt& io riUibb'NMb we deem it necef£afyV*bVcai!lSft*ttenrlt * fonvbie tax % add becaulelt if one that U Ui Vexpcufive m colic Ann, than otto- Hr tardea. i “ -1 are potfutded, thitlf gtmltnien waff examine tttrck*uoei< on the*ta * bte, they will dtt ia due to th tor Ib *<ii >•>< blilhmeut of tbc^efsg * bt > ‘will “fee that there tb! its atoounft for the eight ci*hmg years being to produClive .k ib *) itjfin eo lup pofe. It they refer to ‘tbc documem, they wilT to id rfaat for ib rtnee fuc ceifive yeaia ot /7po, ‘*79 1 end *79*9 iht average pjroduA of cafcu iatcuou the prcJeot rate of cmiea. was 6 l*.j,cc© dollars j they wic| ilfj bd tuat lor the fix iuae ding f) ears, the average proovet was 8,350,00® dollar*. No.v, i imuk it ia not fau n> .the. receipts tuf the c gin conn g years high* (hau ‘tiiutt tfieU fix year*. It ia to be obfervtu tnaf;ih e tu >ira LciuueJ a period of vlHr* wbicu ex- ÜBded the ‘Taiue s os our reu dered the conlomeiHe-ftr to p>, from the high price received for the ’ productions o.| hir lab *rj rndniial* ed che toniuptjan of loadiitf wom titan -* ©f peace. Jt’ wJil l<4kb dtni, flat V? cty of winch have g‘)uc to uiifc up *m*&*\* * it venue, will, it, unit 1 here er>6,ooo cAonaied on dtawbeclis, wliurt! paid 011 imported afierward* exported fivra the Btatcs, and which will Ccafe the casry kg ii ide cdles. W ill anyHgcntlvinan •-fay, that in line ot p*e %Vpihii con tmue to imptfu articles twr tae coa foaiptyffr ot * Europe, tb% c io. liltx i bis item ti uo Ii nature <a,i ii cait iheeuu'wi the war# Tt muitxcaje borne duties ‘mult toe refuccd* Os wines the a vir -g- ywodud vs tire Un ite* tor lue y ra. a r was 317 tea doilaia i for fbt luc ceedn g year v, it was 714,090 auliars. L)ogt.itkm.n iiiinlt this aWiuint will be kepi up i Ouriag wwr ar able to purcbaie . the anility mud decline Tim duty on sugar in thftc years has risen from 560,000 dorian to dollars. - * Tue duty ©o coffee bat rrfts a into it in the fame proper Lion; stud il ii i not reduced, you will lose by iia being linuggled j the empuuioo will be too Hrong refilled. ‘ You canpot,pibetfort, calculate up. ontuore than the average of the above fix year*. Indeed ytf cannot wittf fafe- Cy calculate fa bighv The Secretary bf the Treasury has grounded his calcula tions on the iden that the Conluiop, j o n bl foreign articles will increase vritfc our population e>u# 1 totally diUgree with him. 1 wilf wrbeiher you ■wHI ctifume wort than yum can pay for l i will aflttjow yon stiff be enab led co pay r,r m r/ niw fa* time of pekiu Uun you welt able to pay 1 for formerly f Are the European m n'kois, of fhbfe ot- the Weft Indies inertaieo ? if not, it will follow that the con! im ers of y.‘Ur j> r dlice eVe iifet_ increxicdi tlioogii your product tons are iocrcafed. A *d this fititjof things mlWad of >h creifing the c >niuoipti< nos foreign g J ods, wdl only tend 10 in create your manuiadurcs Other circum’fonces to > have ar fen that have ena >trd ue for f -me years pad to pay for more goods than we can ex* peA to. be able to play fqr hereafter 5 tic the fundu g the national debt, and the telling a Urge amount of It aoroad. 1 hope ts (hall* have no more national debts to fund If it is not fate to rely upb6 a higher amount ot duties than the average re fpi f° r tjie shore fix years, theu yo\l cannot rely upon a higher annual re ceipt for Katies on foreign article* than B>3f3ooa dollars ; But suppose you derife t j00,0Q9 fdttars from this fonree. Iq addition to this’ fund the fe* cretary of the treafitry calculates upon Teceietog annaalif 400,000 dollars for thefale of lands. lam inclined to be* lieve iht’ amount wifi not be so Urge ; ha l fax it dbwa at thit. The pjfUge ; ©f lettftrs ffjl! ricW s*,**<> ~s * and the dividends on bank Hock 71,000 dollars.—-And here you have the Wlitl* ’ amount of yobr revenue, with the caption of a tr.flirg I uni fi om paienii, fines, &c. The whoie,*n the gate, emounis to 9,071>0c0 dollvis. 1 will now ei quire iotc the expeueef for the eight coming year* Accoid ibg to the If cretaiy o* the tieafury, are 10 pay 7',300,000 dollars on tcCiunt 4ha daua. But- 1 wdt not take k* Calculetibn. f m’lniif at\ which we Diuii pay—the civil .780,000 dollars; it will be understood that this is only what i* alifuluul> ceffaiy—foreign imercourle, &c* till mated st 200,000 dollars— the mili ta< ry eihblifbinent, 1,420,000 dollars, as eltixnatcd at the opening of corg es f „ and which is the eHitnate cf the ensu ing,. aud not ol the pill yeir, as flat •ed by the honorable member from Vir ginia. Mr. Randolph said bed and nor ftvte it to be che old eltknate, bat an eitimate formed on the old b lik Mr G>iUold I took It f.v. It ia noi “late to put the tx jcncts • f the ini licay etlatsi.thin cut'ior ihe tg!\( com ivg yeirs lower Mian tins dl ro*e Gcniicmeii ought io co.jfiaer the fi'uaii on in whicii w S a:c placed. fhey ct>g T t to cot.iiihr bwr luigbhour# (iu u* Ironticre, ad who dre liktly .. •• .. ? ei ß lr , ? |ji,'7. dWIM|kW) c ’ ,^ <ri rhe aceidciiia'lo which Una lions *re expofrd. They ought to eon hdeT the neceiliy of fetid rug a Hrong gsrrifun to ihe polls on the Miffiflippi s And wiicp they confider all tuefe cir- cuniituncas, t hey w:ll igroe with me mat it is not faffc to trdft the defence o£ the c uiitry to arrusgesnents that will involve a fmafli*r expeoce. At the hbginn’ng of the *feflion (be • Xpeoce of the navy was cftima ed at i,r‘>o,ooo doßera ; w Ginte fiud it rc 'tiueed io 6 00 ;o6o dollar*. On ife>a cltunate l have two remarks to make, i alk wheihff.gcnthrteen ‘are ern oof to takr this estimate for the eight tiering years. Ha* is it made but I By ogoif Ty o oot) do lars appropriated to ■ P*og r #fl!t)g ip t |j e buihiirg of ibe seven ty lottos, aiitl |o,ooo dollars for ‘tnsik* lug navy yards. What is meant by thisT May • not geht! eaten t wrii lay oowij the nary ai once. Tdu haw nfct ’ m ( resent a li gle dock where a large Tel. I can be ct ni.Qodn?oty repaired; ai'd to xttike (tied a dock will roil at ijtooii dollars It itesfyto make ‘ this reduction on ififcpcy > btft Wk may *• burn our fctips ‘bT war or give them as a prefeat to our tiler republic* I iruft, however, the country it not prepared to give up the rprotertiet. of cummerte'i and if not prepared, we m ill devotee nnualiy 1,1 oo,o<>o dollars ; which, indeed, is short of what will fee required. Taking the d!J cdifß ites, tohlth arc the only correal o.,es, Government mull expend annually 10,310,000 d A Urs. £u: matte a reduction for the miiuwry and naval efl biilhmen • of , 300,000 dollars, which tlie rrieaUrrei of ib* government will, n<t warrant—and the annual expenditure will b 1,ooo—compare with this yuiir revenue; which only amount to y.i-7 1 |uo dollars. And in shis cftitnare I hare made ho allowance for that iubuite variety of con wgant ctents that under every go Vernmcitt are continually ar-fiig. 1 frik then, if it is fafe or proper, to g vc up the carriage tax, and all the other internal taxes, when they will probably be wanted for the expences of government I 1 am perfectly aware that our H en> cea are iu such a (late, owing to the great fkll with which they were ma naged under the old adminiftratioa th t we have now three millions of surplus revenue in our Treasury ; and that gentlemen, by applying this fuo to the wants of the two or three canin.g years may the cxpfenccs of the government, and pdrhaps go on-till so other Prefid*otial elation. But I trufli we (hall not aft upon ibis narrow fy llem. I trust we (hall not look forward only to another Prelidential ele&ion. But that taking into our view the eight ensuing years at the expiration of which lime in coniequencc of the reduflion of the debt which will then bare been aq : “JtilWft* ‘ st £* km ctri te differfr/ Wiiti, .vjie will wait t*|. that period vr. before we difpmfe with tUie ’bracdses of revei ue or any other. (7o be continued) From the Comndrtut Currant. The already been inform ad, thirtßill F©to4er, otherwise csiUd general the bell wether ©f <j nioercy in ibe towu of Gwiilprd and at neighborhood, baa detery hid the set ia/?# -so tfai*BMhh money, knowing It to be cuunurfcii 1 and thae the honorsble buperior Court bea.g *f. sored of the tad oy the pa |,a of nvi ?e •‘able, judicious fieehol4e fe> *’ have charitably furrnihwd 11 at wiih a f eitef ts rec'jM*> f *datiiti 10 the keeper of Utw gate, a procured him a haodlohie ea tanliibmeui .i the ne.i mji.Ui-cluie f ol two years. To this information, 1 beg leave t 0 add paritcuUrs,. winch in jnftic to me aud i| i6 ough ( to be yecorded t Be it r numbered, then, f>r \be h n or of the GeiurM aud tm parts, tntL tit has bteo,.lor U veral >eai p u ir, n a t out ly a leader, but a.eacbar, tho iltiTiocrais—one of the very “‘cli.cieft of th.* apoUies’* of republics 1 aud ihat the whole mali.ol democracy m che eallern pait of tt< eoiioiy ol N#w-iia* V by owes It* creation and **^-* i &* l *'*? 4 *'?** Be 11 also remembered, thst this fjf. feme General b*r beeti, P*r .tCuj /earl an of theanoii viulcm pwrle* cuitoo, u.uis aui /. .Oder, •crt>ig tuc- trues of the pcopie. i o prove m 4 s out multiplyu g lads, i beg leave 40 Mik the fully wing &ori ana (unp.e Baifiae n s A lew ago, A. C. t-.q. it Gudlortl, a noiyruxjs aftliocrac puo, fulennjy, and rtptraiedly <iec:ar* cd. T thai General tow ter wa a tht-jff Aotl in an aAiuin ol ilauder bfoaghw njr the General to vindicate his cuurawUr Hg&ihit ibis fcaDdatous charge, the (aid a C. efq with the molt prjvuUing‘ol* fu/cnce, conj jf and to open eourt, ihst l> hadwtade the charge, and, tiidicg ififuit to i/jurfi proved il to bo Iru: i t it auo be remembered, that tins General Fowler was ibe flt r*prefer.:- stirv fr tD iheitVNvn ot Guilford to the i.frfmtfus Wailgr-ircf conteufiott. in March LU. And now. Be it fmther remembered, That ‘cit'xen Kueb?n S oCt ot Li.c • one of the .three honoiable dels gties from that town 10 the aforefsid Wallingford Convention, baa. within a Tew weeks pall committed an unlucky •miUafce tailed In cmr law—KORGEKT. (AUsI ail men are liable tu vitiakt* t But Cttiztn S one, not having a lade, like General fowler, for the uaii hi k ing bi', bat fought relief from, ins fnisfertune in the ••msmie 1 ex* r.le v£ heels 1 ***ttd ha aduilly left democra cy in Conaeidicut to manage us coo* cerns without ‘hie aid. Hr few fit li ,s face wcrtwad It ii tnppoled, ‘hatth* 3 frier ds ot tbc people have lurtolbcd him with recommendations Cos the CouiicT of.Afppii Yuk, or so -Governor M K an* It so, the doors of •honor and cpi fcdence will bcbu'll open to ltccifc him. r * f P. S. As it is imports®!, thet the ytuple fliould f ir.foimod of afl occur* ranct?, intimately conmfted with tkt triumphs oj ttafiu and re^u^ltr.ani/rp, I beg and pray, that th t rspnbttc*** priuicrs in the United States would m iert the fame in their ufelul papets. A letter soma member of Ongrefe, received at New-York has the ing iropoitani intelligence. “This day the French Consul infos#?# hji that-a French fleet if twenty fi*e f*! ot the line, may betxpc&ed in he Cbt fapeake in all next week. 1 Lois is prov/ftfns for the *tmy in the Waft- India* i bm they have no money.. A coiifpiracy of the black* at Toba go, . irrigated by emigrant C'e was difeoverd just in time to prevent its being carried into ftc&. The difeo* very is aferibedt o Mr. Hoanfton. Tb government of Tobapohere prefemed him with an ackowledgemeui of the el* feniial femes h* had rendered them- QCooneiltcut CUacue-