The monitor. (Washington, Ga.) 1800-1815, April 24, 1802, Image 3

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* THE MONJTO R,_ WAS HI MU X ON ; • SATURDAY A?ril iSoaf. _Xcnu SiriSlure, THE late ad. of Con gte fa Apportioning th: R:- prefcatative* of -each (late at the ratio of one for eve ry thirty-three thsufand, allows this Rate lour after th: third day of. Mircb, >BO3 It appears to he the prevailing opinion that al tho’ we ara to have two ad* ditionaL members,, yet it requires the interpolation ol,this state by an ad or resolution of the Legtfli tore, to authorize and give authenticity to the voting for m ire than our farmer ziutnb*r. Th: ad of the ttth of Febru 1r * i7q), un der which* t% reLe&on's have heretofore given their fuf frages, has the following appropriate clause, (viz.) *’ Th tt at the general elccli- Oh which Hull be hel l lor members of the Gsn-ral Aliembly oh the liril M n ---day in Odaber one thou fxnd eight hundred, and at every fecood General SSledioh therea ! tir, the c ledors at fach ‘elections sh ill voce for numbers to teprefent xh*3 It ue in the Haafe of ReprefeatatiVes ‘©f ths - tpnited States.” B y Which it appears that! the law does not defigmte the two heretofore lea': uoJer the former ait of Coiigrels, but wai wifely left open sh ai to embrace any addition al nan > r that might ac crue u l ier the cenlixs then to be taken. Our elcdio.i law thus ap pearing to be complete, We n*‘y proceed at the nett General Eledii.a to voce for oar lull quota of R:- preteat*fiyea. . * . BRUTUS. To tfft editor: A Divine hot lon* Gnce in .the hearing of a number, of your readers, laid, in the course of ha firman, ** T'Wt the firft clay of itu i’s life being the favepth from the creation of the world, was the Sihbpith, whicli was orderly obferv* cd bv the anti dituoian peo ple.” . It his long Gace been ac knowledged by divines, tor feripture will not war rant them in believing any thing to the contrary, th'if the days of the Patriarchs were spent without the ob fervaaoh of any day, as -a tiivio: iajlir.iri'*'*. Nor ’ * ■ # was there made toman any institution bearing the flight* elt relemblance to ietung apart as holy, a periodical portion of time, until the palling of the children cf lfreal through the wilder nels. At tms time they, were commanded to g idl er a double portion oi’ rai’ ; na on the morning of every ftxth day, and to abHain from any prdvifion of the kind bn the seventh. Soon after this, the Sabbath was inliituted according to Vhe fourth law cf tlic Mosaic decalogue; ’ Thele inftitutionn. hap pened many years after the flopd. IV e all Acknowledge, that the seventh day from the beginning of time, was hakowed, aiid confecrat-. ed for divine purpofeg, But pointedly deny, that fever It wars /? xiedly kept, as ftcred. by mankind, du ring that tpace of time which elapsed before the deluge ; nor for many years alter. If the divine ip able to lubflanthste hisalfartioos, as true in this iullaitce, we will give hun all the credit of an original thinker; or he mull certainly procure aid from fbme caraaoltgifi of whom no mao.; bntbun fdf: has ever heard. This’ we do not think probable- Fdnhcr, he laid, th it the Sab oath now Observed, was th; dov which could be V ¥ m and; appear, as devolving in orderly fuccelS >n,’ from period to period, after, id tervah of fix days, from the day fi r lt consecrated; (i. e.) yeti after time. This unequivocally and pererna. tortiy gives the poor Jews the lie 5 as well as all who lived from the fettling of Canaan to the refurredion of Chrill. We believe the divine arrogitecl to himfelf. the knowledge of things, entirely out of the circle of hum, in know ledge, and for this realon we will not be f ofoo'ijh as to aik him upon what he grounded his calculations. When We conlider that his dtta were conceived in the womb of JiippofUijn, we can but believe his deduc tioa .to be the offspring pf th* probability of error in hir cooje&ures. Divines • Ihould , never preach themfdva, other men, k:it Chrlft | other Vile the ob ject of their mtllim will be but lamely effected. Tney- Gnuld not ipnofe on the credu’.ou s cohghega t io 33 er ror as truth, and auchenti tyfroux divine record. Spe* relative theories are only fit ferthe fire fide; eflablifbed’ truth, cr truth eitablirfha lS|plheuld fill the pulpit, v - .- 1 E.-H. Cummins. ... f poz tfcTßonitcr, • Ans moreover Job continued, jf ■ a ddress in his . own tKVhind as follows: b',, J {WHEN we look arcund jh Solomons in the House, .:okr eyes constantly meet with who leave argil* ment and betake tkem/eives tt> prophesying evils to the na tion in case this law is repeal• cd . It would not be wonderful indeed if foine deluded 1 pco \ple fhmld- come into ‘ongrefs .half to have their fortunes (old. As l have no faith ’ in 4?eams, witchcraft or necro • fhan(er\ this kind of logic nai no weight with wit. Our political Jhip has been in a ttnipekuous ,fea 9 and whm it was sou id that there Was no other way of feiving she vcffd, surely all the Jo* nasc.s inuft tie cajl overboard . Rest eajy my ffiends 9 for you may be landed on dry ground after a time , and when yoil dfc fufficie ntly chajtifed by the rod of experienceyoil may be fitted to preach to the peo ple of N i'liva dgain. Z jt frejTU as though tinmens tongues were hung in , the middle* When the Eri tifh treaty was pn the anvil, Vie conflitiaion was like Wax, or the potters clay $ it could fay any thing f mean any thing and do anything* It was a wfofkyjug for the weft trn boys 9 or it was a dungetn for and babler . But now it is solid marble . In former times it was [aid th it fke confitution itfelf must give, way to necessity. We now hedT it from the.fame iHLUtC ihat it hot bear and saving conflru&ion. it is faidty fount we \will carry juflice to etic-y man’s door. ‘ Are gentlemen azoarc that they are carrying law in to every'man’s house. Mul tiply Phyjicians ana the num ber of patients will increase; multiply Courts, and you will multiply Lawyers, of course increaje lawsuits. The -fuggefi ion publijhei “fame time ago that Loufiana or the Ftoridas was ceded to was founded on the 3 'A article of * treaty fight and ■ between France and Spain in ‘tki words following : “ At this treaty derives its ‘■origin from that which has btfn ■ concluded by the Fir ft Consul with his Catholic Ma- * + “ : jcjly, by which the fCihr ■to trance tUpqffejhonof jicma, the contracting ties agreey> execute t he\rtu cles cj tke anterior tre&ix • and, to employ their rrfpe&iv’e pjzver m the adjuJU i£nt of the differences therein menli. ened.” ‘ ■ . . - v’ * • ‘jh* MU repealing the in* ternal taxes has paffd boi ft . noufes of- congtefs. , It may appear JurpriCtnt that in, the p efenf rage for economy which prevails in, the Federal Government that ‘ the Jalaries of all the officers Jhould uio per cent* It ts fbitpsi l on thezStfiof March where,- by the Secretary of /late who formerly had 3 , 5 00 dollars is tc receive 5000, all others tn proportion a and a refoht* tion u pending f or rat f,,g the wages of the members of congre/s. ’ i SiWiff’jt &Ht 6 iS;fi fa & am,. Onabe fi.,l l u-fj.y in j BBe a (o., w , | un : r . S fy mar * - ■ A |sd • oh or ti£ !n aj tb p-onenp of v&Bmmmartitik*,- ‘L^ ty, lyivfon Hr* waters ofßro.d Ri„l r ‘ the name of si th ’ .> p ‘. l n, ' iC fillips, Oardr„ :;* ii< of iur r ! A so 1837 Sere, t„ r,;<j county, f arW r. Garrett ,"*** f,id C * !t - ® > fao’s lairs r * r ’ * T il,,n S P ’ William* i n , ‘j.' and on °7 ‘He. Charles Vearb/ a„ t l/ n d , h “°*’' 0lh ” parr * h f •ill more full* < " D ’ of f n * fame, wbibmatTV kp p,,t * ‘ M r ij, taken as ,u, b seen on ,be af RiebsrJ Call a .rT e, ' r ° f ,h * f ! <* P rt mcd 0n bu -M V M . 3 . tBo, W - T£R£LL ’ y# A m misu.'O smih E( , to mm&£s t ,s fi-ft of sou IBn ,J . r . ‘he 0t fi“ and !,’"*’ f °'’ f " nr ?nd fi fi* ty 6* dotiar, and ,w-„ ty ”7 f ny per,o„ who find, ,„e f mf *’ deJietr t 0 m , ; *" 1 warded. ” 0 h4l, l®®eljr r* A-n, t THovt * s C. RUSSEL. collectors oat-, 11 IL a , . Wili heEold, f~* coa-ity. on Fitting € r k ;g J. D.*, rtwJ * w S : k 2 n *V h ‘ F-P-V of Fie,, or>^ L. dJ , ’ T ** <* ‘'mi. Tlief.m. *mJL far flch* i ( h of M. ‘ b firil of A*. G ~ WmGriEL °. T. G. ALL kind B LANK s. MAf BE HAQ AT THX* Q ric*.