The monitor. (Washington, Ga.) 1800-1815, June 15, 1805, Image 3

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,* *•: Jar, -bad toturWlnto port} rua 4 a very considerable alteration Hi had taken place in, the fentiments’ the Emperor </ Ruftia, refp,d gfe France* wht/it is now after ed (Mines all Jcjfive or aHive inter- ih the war, and contents hitnfclf w th offering his affiifance fer, jffie ending the operation of • ‘■'ributed to this cause. k l litti rip received at Hamburgh 4 aflkrt, that Mr. crnzow is to be lent a minister :j rSrh. Fraffia is laid, tobp very vely employed in adjuf.Tßg the between Ruftia and | ‘(■ The French troops lately drawn tljjrom tJw fesi-coaft. have received! larders to regrarto their former fta ordtred to his poll. Mhffma is to the command of the army of bind, Angereau of Ireland, and of Scotland. ; lM Philadelphia editor fays, ir-i- admitting the accounts from Feterfburg to be true, he fliould -Snot fee fin prised if the present sum produce an universal •e, and that he is ; -|Lrcn.gthfed. •; n-Jpojideut in London, who I; in hk recent letters urges the p-o - habSity of speedy general peace, i ith ccnfiderab le force. | Titrod at ‘ XViiihlngigii, by S. get, appears thgute <> tiiirnher ft Lurr file ■BKnted States and Louisiana, a- in- *H I r 1 V ‘’ A'*?-"*.- c DO * 43ras'-g8>950, < pCfo Thar the exports • 77,699,074 .dikfe, That the hard money in {?- firculanon amounted to -17,500,. coo dollars, and thefbank notes to 1 and that the cullom -i 1 houL bonds and in the ltea--j dollars, and the ex- ae : i i ,1258,285, ■ Emi- grafts imported, 5,000, besides 4 ? fob fiaves. - -■ ,■’ * A-letter from Great F.xuma, da ted the 29th ult.flatcs that upward! If ioo,coo bulheis of fait have been raked, -there within the last Hse weeks, and were (lift raking it all the ponds—fay at Norman's, at the Bash aad Great pond. fhPAiA True Amer . • — -mm* ! A gentleman (fays the editor of 4 the Philadelphia Ji rite American) favored us with the perusal of fa inter from his friend* at Malta, n, March 1, 1805, fri ora which ■We extract the following 41 The schooner WutiliK C nf . . Lent, has fuff come in ffie captur ia i brig yesterday with guns and rtlimllon All Kaofd KAim/^ 1 Uviai Uy uvliilU IU ■ • tJvlit V% 6 ii'f.llFfl Tjl 11 jgIT i v vv * ** wu * Ht^Gibraltar onThe l&hZ L mak ‘ ■PW§ piti®*. The ihip fails remarks .. i. rj .j 0 ,, | _ _ v - 1 ini tceu uiucc an nour iince X uafe been on board ” * ■ * . ) JV # < ‘ ‘ gH|., ■ V T%ss --- -W yr -4: . “, .f - •7We Itiam flof. Toulkrd has” revived the ap :■ - ;> •’.if * * Wr c ‘ “'M t fmn ? ; he of etnh l’s 1 1 f Wi[S n bout to j X —T'J° m B ° Urd l aux ‘ ur this J - * , fh ?d; p; v, w T left h oi > 12th mil.,, He brings no letters t om ‘ he r America officers, but Mr. Mason lay, in his letter to me, good IptrL --Ik? WC “ iU j Extrait of a letter from Lisbon, da i ted the 6th April, 1805. , ! \ our nation is not the only . one at War with the Barba: y pow ... /The Algerines have lately done much damage to the Portu guese in taking 21 vessels, in corde- j qimnce of which, a fquaJron con- ! . pqfed of two 74 gun fhi}7s, and fix ; frigates of 44 guns, set fail this day I to blockade the port of Algiers. j libid. INDIAN WAR. A Lexijigton (Sen.) pa-ier, of 30, fay3— 3.y a gentle.riau from the lower part of this dare, I intelligence hus been received, that* : a ar cfOunEJf confiding of 500 Indians has lately been held at the ; mouth of the Wabaih river. This convocarioi^T fatd to of ,l Lll - puties from all the North-Wefterg Fh-r- übjed Lif'Ttfcrr ‘hieet on the fuhjea whoemthev ■HSiwmy* -It ieaiarked bv a cen- 1 tleaian ,r f!ie‘conyocmon, to as- Mr. Jeff..;non was of a pacific temper, and ayerfe to the eftulion of bloody J^^would • very probably use his exertions to prevent hoftdities. But the Indi : ans appeared to think, that the pre ; fident had no right to ilterfere in a j matter that particularly related to their own lo vereignty. When the gentleman who bro’t this intelligence, left the Ohio, he had not learned the refute of their deliberations. It is said to be a fad that Com modore Preble, who declines an appointment to the lecretarylhtp ut ed by admlniftration to inaKe a Lour of Great Britain, and vide tne emi navy yarns, for the puipoib of formation on ail iuojv.cts conmc|;.d with the ait of naval arcmuctare, cr that or maritime wanai\. ihe charader of couimoeoie Preole, gives Us affuAace, tnat Lie wi.l ex- j eeme the trul£ with ability „uU U demy, and that wuetner m tue | I . . —rr . r It IS reported that m come- , ! ?“?“<* ot W- % fmal to accept the appomcment of Secretary of the Navy, theicals of , , J ,.; •; ’ ; lj. I tYipr pmmrtvinpnt. 1 piti * . -* 1 a . ud Wedwfday cJn tmued their: journey ta.V°fiT ward. ‘I hd- teneral ‘ to St Louis, in th<heiritory W of P pper Louisiana, to * kc L”’ hnnfeif the dunes of his new an gomtment, [Fredrkktown pa.) Ivarß’ I aVOREO, as I have been, \sr. a? aJies and gentlemen of and its vicinity, 1 once more offer my service to them as a Richer. On Thursday the 4 th of July next, I fha 1 attend at the houte of major Wilkins, in order to form a fchool for dancing. All may avail themselves of this oppor tucuy :~-and it is expeded those who wilh to come, or lend, will do 10 on that day. tt* 1 r WtLL * Spencer. Wcdnefday sth June, 1805. NOTICE. HF.REAS James Coehlin j hath obtained two notes of us, I bearing date the Bih iidtant, one 1 payaldc on the fifteenth day of ! next November, fur ieven hundred and five dollars, and feventy-five cams, the other payable on the firit day of next ApnJ, lor eight hundred and live dollars and ie- cents ; both of which notes were made payable to Alex* Brown or bearer. And as Lid notes h-wff h f>f ri dmaintalTThis is to forewarn any pei lon or persons from trading for Liu notes a a§ they will not be paid. b ‘ . Vv M. Mii.TCN. A>A-N-iEL JTj. * . ’ Green county, June 10, 1805. a xiMiirig of j > ilmr hm&s* we Jackson county. ) justices of the in emt jor said comiiu Present—their honors E ; he Id red Woods, James Hendricks, and Buckner Harris, inquires. F —*—^ j. HE petition of Moore j fMweth, that he is now confmed ; in the cuitouy of a Conltable of the ! county alorelaid, on a capeas adsat- Court in laid county, at the in- Itance ot ivieion Ezard, that he is unable to pay the Janie; and further, that he is whiling to deliv er up all hiti property, both real and pei Tonal, for the benefit of h s creditors, ana therefore prays the benefit oi the infolvcm ‘aw in iuch cases made and provided. On motio ) be let apa t for the laid James j Moore to come into court; to have then and there (at Jefferfon, in the county ;hc necessary en- t qui.y as to his infolvmcy ; and ! that the laid ja des vloore dc give j J all bis creditors refilling |n this \ j 1%• -...KJifKp lin nnp UI [ o- . ous to the said day id I Augutt next. I uAllLMsfor I |4 TT . /. J I WM. rENTiCOaTy C/£. .*t“BOOiwBINDING Carried on at this office—old books 1 re-bound on very low terms. I c. urt rs feu* county | or an . Older to fell ftventy acres of land, hueZMof?'? 0 * a ,raft of ,Wo ’ hundred and fifty acre survey, l y . mg on Cabin creek, in said county &'isiiiSf£Sr . Apnl 32, rSos. V „„„„ Kolmnst. \ GEGRGJa, ? A, an kf^ r Jackson countv, $ %€<>urt h, Id m and for the count v afd February terra, 1805. ! ‘ On the petition ofWrtton. v.amp, admimftrat.T ot buncaa Camron ticcealed, Hating Lid Duncan J'.amrt,a h s hfe time puddled of a died c f conveyance from Jaiin Cti s to . , * ~ ~ O' 3 " 1 * vva 5iQ laid Camron fur one hunareu u and tmnv acres of land ; a c<* y 0 f Winch deed, as nearly as can W u coileded, is filed in the eh \ 1 lice of the inferior court or j.i W4n county, with the nenffiny ; La mis, and praying lame be eftaWifilfd M the law dlriTts. It is ordered that the ini J # y be eitabliihed in lieu of the ojhd( j deed so lull nr defiroyed, prow if J that the said Nathan C amp cr nq 1.. a with the requiiites of the law, and no objediou fufficient ffiaii be Jkwji witlvn law. ‘ 1 Extraft from the minutes, Kbw- Adamj, 4m ~AVm. Pr.%- yfemyr-r