The monitor. (Washington, Ga.) 1800-1815, June 29, 1805, Image 3

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‘A. ‘ jjL ** . A “ V’ : ; - ‘ a£ lan^l. iituatc m coho* ■'£! * *^ V . V *. ‘* ; , ; --j •-■ _ J -J _ ■ Jk tffi Sp^.,. a -jji >3fc v *•*} .*'•■ * a rfe oof- * Os I G rab -*peryilo 1 j i j i Ixtl' l hifr*.’ ’M'-y • F4- n ——m... i r^ W'*^ §■■'. / mup*y jot fetid county. *. . V all onr] /j n ii < fi;>V Ty ** ■* ‘ ■• •• %T 1 *1 V| . • ‘--” __ SHERIFF’S SALE, WILL RF. SOLD, On Ihefirjt Tuefdav in.AuguJi next, at the Court house in Greene county, at the ufuai hours, the fil- y r \ J llz 'J VJ>NE hundred and forty acres oi land, lying in Greene county, on the waters o[ Ogechee, granted to Few and adjoining lands oi’ George Dawson and A. Perkins. also Two negroes, Peggy and John ; two horses, nine head of cattle, twenty head of hogs, Evert head of sheep, four leather beds and fyiiii £££ ISJ; NE ? omh r after the „ d f y \ tiereor, application wily .“ e creek in said county •, being the real eltate of James Jenkins fen. deceased, for the benefit oi the heirs and creditors of said deceased. JXS ed. jp* T* v ■P W-l ‘ •*’! * *• ’ “ V” gust, ‘ 7 7 ‘ h ° f Au ” P 'j fes^LTK^l | the residue of the names • t J under P. and all under Q. R.’ Wednesday 21st and Thun day 22d of August. :‘S.v j|nday ?yl, Saturday 24th, • and Monday a&h of August; ; r , luefday 27th of August f p u t ct the names under T. U a I ‘ Thursday i 9th and Friday ;W, 30th of August, part of jj_ the names tinder W. and j / . !■ Saturday 31st of August, Y. 1 the residue of the names under W.'and ail under Z. J X Y. andZ. ’ . 5 JARED IRWIN, ; - e GEO. WATKINS, .■’ EDWIN MOUNGER,’* Gl: °- CLA ™ >T ’ • REWARD, ~ ( ‘ five fel hi jh, stout made, not ve lry dark, has ioonr ok her upper r sere teeth out, has fome marks tit* her hack or fttles (ml.m inform-t ed) —took away with her a num ber of cioathes* It is said that (lie was pken a mulato fel low, to be conveyed by him iSSHS and upon conviction of the thief, I will pay three hundred Mars, or forfeit the negro, which is worth three hundred and feventy-fivc dol thirt’y dollan, ot her being deliv ered to*me, or secured in any jail ■ & b Wm Stark. 7" >■>“• # | CARD. ■•m ;..<f , ■£': ‘ i **■ > ~ | _J f+P I , VV J I GEOKr , T4 -v a and fj t • • o \J t pit W * .'•Jf • 7 lUSltCfit fjY / I-JSI fL county y , ■’ i resent—their honors nCkSj I rjp “ narus Squires. 1 ■ * j B /,, §8 ‘*/ mhn i.vard, and that further, that a:)d er 6c|h tt-b! On motion ! b e ftt apart for the said James Moore to come into court, to have then and there (at Jcffetfon, in the county aforefaid) the ueceffaryen sm~'is itate (their agent or attorney) no tice thereof; * and that a copy of this application be publifned in one of the public gazettes\of this ilate for the space of sixty days, pil ous to the said feveuteeuth dav of August next. A mimics, this Eb wjA Az jtes y ; h'M. i'ENTICOSTy CL\ j —*+n ; —~— - plication will be made to the holt erable inferior court of the county :of Clark, for permiffionlo fell, for ±JiA-benefit of the heirs and credl tofgTrliy ot the real ■ tsv4tv Thomas Bonner, late of said coun tv, deceased, to wit, Two tra-cb of £d,P attl being on the AP palatchee and its waters, in the Hid county, one containing fifty acre and Ike other one hundred twenty three and a half acres-~“both trs£ls being parts of a survey granted to 7) Meriwether. * * Igrda’-j & Zadoc Bonner, J * rm . , > & AdmmutratOfS. GEORGIA, Wilkes county- % fhbtig ! S£™% h irS: Ms ”0 Tt‘l& of land, a diferip tiou of which is contained in the copy of said bond, and that the fame is loft or diltroyed to he cannot find it. , r ‘ Ordered, on motion or *-*. ** * Cummins, attorney, tnat mei uL 1 h ii*! jin ttrois of ths .. . ; -: ; JVt J W- J # t revival of 7. _