The monitor. (Washington, Ga.) 1800-1815, August 17, 1805, Image 4

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Ait norfons are hereby fore -T* Y'xfnft trading for two —. S jiven Frederick Conner to Revert Rogersi dat. a tip fiiii. of September 1804, “Z L'-tV he 25th of Decemoer F-fsLi. 8 •A 01 5s jil. ,p-. 6 for one hundred dollWtd>, UrKffed by Edward Grefl*- Rich notes were loft -! r last, as Wi appear •wan a %&* fo J H ,n , . Ft efo Line In cpapty- the.aid are r< iH wee?, therefore thole ion - r _. dlfchsrged. John Rogers. Aug;i/l i y*, 1005. • n for c,aE. jr"*'-* I*4ft'i'St of 360 acres, and I j? one 200 acres, lying with iu ivb miles of Franklin Court ] i/i QC ditto, and 200 ditto, * ,h iag lldmund Henley, with a s : *r- don of about 30 acres— , j g■ ditto on Bear creek; . v the North. fo<k of die wateis thereof. ‘*^fvref tfiftfcsrcf brnd b' 4 f. Iti on two years credit.——foi , euhrs apply to the jut;; riber, Oft the Hudion fork or |}ro 1 river, iti Franklin county. y.mi und Kino, fen. August 1, 1 >OS. _____ 1 ILL. nr r T , and : Cre ’ ‘•? VV HERE AS my wife Eliza beth King has left my bed and , v&fcmL aMLilBfS2qBfoJ therefore to Forewarn all ;io from trading with, or mill ing her on my accou. t, as I do , hot mean to pay any of her con t;.ds. ... Edmund King, fen. 11, 180^. ( EORGIa* - ‘ ■ At a C.cuft of Ordinary held in and fut ike m&y vs Wither, March \ jh, ISO3. , ][J PON the petition of Bemjah Smith, dating that he is poiTefied < i an obliga ion given by Peter L. V . AUt n, in his life time, to ex ecute tides to a tradf of land, fku ate, ?y ; ng and being in the county of Greene, i k the Reforve fork of the < *conee rad AppaJacUie rivers, a • ng- * Abercrombie and Benjamin Fitzpatrick ; and the fdid Peter departed this life without executing titles, or other* \vK; providing for the fame by will. All perfvns concerned are here by notified, that after the expira tion of fix months (if good cause ‘ is not shewn to the contrary) the j court will direct the executors of j said deceased to make titles to raid j tract of land, in terms of the act in such cases made and provided* True copy from the Record , David Terrell, c.e.o. administr ator^alk” WILL BE SOLD, Saturday the fifth of Oft. next, at the plantation of John M*Key deceased, in the county of I brankTuV. *l\ me Term.mniJ ncr- I fond property of said deceaßd I Terms will he made known on the § day of fa.e*- Elizabeth Hargrove, ad J x 1 Henry Par ks, adminlftrator. 1 Augufl 10, iß^s„ r - NOTICE : The Concern of GILBERTS & HAY Is this day dissolved by mutual con sent. The iublcribets will conti nue to carry on the business as usual, here and at Upton, and wm fettle the affairs of the late concern. They have now on the river a large and general affbitment of Gtiods, which they expc& to be able to offer to their cuffomers . m a few days on very goodjernis. W. &F. Gilbert. :* Augutl 5, 1 8 05. DM OCT. HAY, having declin ed buftrtels in the foregoing concern, now offers his. for vices to n Tbticmer .-cu + LOiners |fi ay oi his profoiFioft, on life usual terms* SHERIFF'S"SALE. G ; Will be Sold At the Court boufe in Chirk coun ty, on the firjl Tvefday of Sept, next , between the hoursfof ten and three o'clock, t/jc foifowing pro . petty , viz. i: | IiREE hundred acres of land lying on Shoay/ creek, adjoining Jordan Anderfota and others, brigi naliy granted rdfcrawford ; take id as the property of Mial Barnet \£ fatisfy an execution in favor M John Fjfccman vs. said Barneyfnd Lincefifcld Kilgore. i * cdfo Om hundred and fifty acres of lmdr more or less lying on the a fS ; nl fiSp t i - 4mfng Jti pe Hull and orhefs'lt being the plantation vvhereon Wil liam Jrreeman now lives, to fatisfy John B. Parks vs. David p'rifpli and William Freer man. / also r waggon aad hind gear, ta- the property ‘of Daniel Trammed to fatisfy an-execution Abraham Simons vs. said T ram mel). afo- y ‘ One hundred and eighty eight a- land, ori inalfy. granted to Walker RicharJfon, lying on S&d creek,adjoining Stamps-and offiers, it being the “plauiation John Smith now lives, well impro ved ; Alfo—foven negroes, viz. Monday. Betty, three xhildren, Jenny, Nancy ard two boys, Torn and Dave, one-bro\yn geld ing, ope bay do. five cows and calves, two four head of hogs, three beds ffnd furniture, one cupboard, two ta- bles, two pots, two ovens, fix split bottom chairs, three five hundred weight of fodder; twenty five barrels TdE com, one clock reel and one cotton -wheel; the whole taken as the piopeity of John Smith by virtue of an exe cution in favor of advert!fed to be fold the firft I’uet day in June and poflponed till the fir if TuJday irr Septemberr- ■ •• -t & One* negro boy known by the name cf Will and one girl by the name of Jin, taken byvimie of an execution Ferdinand Ph-nizy vs. Tofhua Browning, levied on by the Buty fljiff and retutned to me. i Conditions caQi. r v , v July 17,1805. . •- • ■ ‘ * s ■ ■■'’■* —*—<—- ■ ‘ ——■ BLANKS*r : ‘ 1 alJ.kXn js ftolr sale at this llv ; SHERIFFS ?. |1 WILE BE SOLD ?| % n the firjl Tuesday in September f next, at the court-houfi in Wilkes county, between the usual hijurs of\ ten and three dclocU, the. follow* ing property, (vizjj 1 OnE undivided/moity or third part of a two hundred acre tra£fc of land Equate in Wilkes county on Kettle creek, in khe occupancy or JJaldwin Robertson, adjoining Cy-j rffs Btrfingaey and others, fameh bdi% the dower of the said Baldwin, formerly the; widow of JefTe Walker deceased ; taken by virtue of ans execution, Johin Bates against faidfßaldwin Robertson. / al f° / , Two I und red andileycrry. acres of land/be the fame Wre of lei), in Wilies county, on/the waters of thefeeaverdatn creek adjoining Jameji Henderson, Aquiila rougfs and others, l/eing the feme traCjf whereon John/ Dickin > now live/, on the roaq leading 1 from i Wlfhington to Aqmlla Buriroughs , JFaken by virtue/of an execution Hfenry Smith-'agajnff JohmDickin, * it eorge Runneli/ and Richard Po- Ibet, and pointed out by-laid Pe- Jtcet. / . ‘/ Ia jfo / One hundred a,hd ieventy-five acres of land the fqme more or less, in the /county of Wilkes, on the watent/of Kettfo creek, with the following improvements, (viz.) about twelve acres at Cleared land, with fame cabbius thereon, adjoin ing John Chaney and Peter Stro id junjor ; it being now m'the occupm|y Af WitTfsHfT jSrrv zitr.—Alfo. eighty-two apes 6i land, more or lets, being wood bjad, adjoining David Bares, land Williams an4|/ofhers, granted to Peter Strozier/fen.—° n^ tUpkired acres of land, more or fs,jh Wilkes cc|bnty .on the \va ,, Kettle crejk, adj lining John Petect, Jacob Hindi.y, John Johns and otters.—Aljo, one negro man : known by the name of Jack, one | negro woman kno ( wn by the name ■ nf.Nancy.—Afto, three flills, one holding by estimation 100 gallons, having a cap and worm, one other (till holding by effimation 110 gal lons, with the worm and cap, one Other stills holding by estimation 32 gallons, with cap and worm.—Alio, one cotton machine having forty ifk ‘’ ~ w J saws, in good repair*— Also, one brown bay gelding, upwards of fif teen hands high.—Also, one bay gelding, about five feet high. •-! Alfo —Three hundred acres of be the fame more or lets, in county, on Kettle creek, being the fame trad whereon Peter Strozier, fen. now lives, with all thehnprovements thereon, adjoin ing .Peter Strozier, jun. and others, including a grift-miil, &c. The a bovementioned tract of land will be fold on the abovementioned day and time, if the before mentioned ■ property, or any part of it fail to be j fcjd, or after being fold not equal to ■ the amount of the execution levied. I The whole of the abovementioned property levied upon by virtue of an execution, the executors of E tijah Clark, deceased, againfl Peter Strozier, fen. and Richard Sap j ly the defendant, Peter Strozier, j 1 At .Lincoln; Cauirt Hemp m r usual bwrt t *'* AtILL BE SOLD, ■ ■ y yNE thousand three /and fifty facres of land, t:fs, lying in Lincoln county a ayannal/ river, irtcludingtt ,'tatipn whereon Mrs. Clark now I j sides, and adjoiiiingJands of * negroes, now in fion'(tv) wit) —Old Harry, p3| Little Harry, Tom, July, CsefPß i Mark, Poly do re, Ifham, Hercu|Ji Big Phillis, Ike, Sam, John, Big Cgefar, Nancy, Sarah fiamjl David, Lizy, lanuary, Lucy, Till by, Pompy, Essex, Rose and j the whole levied on as the ty of the late Gen. .Elijah Chi; j ideceafod, to fatisfy two exccufionsl one in favor of Charles M‘Donald ! and one in favor of the adminiil J tors of Nee Smith, George NorjsaN, S.L.C.I July 30,1805.- • o S^bLES* - I Will be sold, - 4r .... v * At the court hmfe t in the counfj 1 of Clark, on the firjl Auefdaj 1 of Sept, mxt, between, the hourt\ of ten and three o'clock, the folios J in * property, viz A V. WO hundred acres of fed! lying on Barber’s creek, it being the plantation \Ajxco4 -Baakildft ■ now lives, granted to Thomas WalhingtoJ adjoining Abner Bankffon and others ; t Aen to fatisfy an execu| tion, Samuel B. Shields vs. jamf Stringer, pointed out by the dev fendant. also- One negro girl named Alefey, taken- as the property of “Richard Marrable to iatisfy an execution ia favor of Wm. Strong. also Two featherbeds and furniture, taken as the property of James Nall to fatisfy an execurio:v tot costs, Ignatius Few vs. laid Nall. # Two hundred and thirty acrcsf of land, more or left, lying on the waters of the Oconee river,- adjoin ing John Armstrong and Leonard Kdgore ; taken as the property of Bartiet & Gilly Wootoh, at the in fiance of William Melton, and sti ver tifed to be fold on the firft J uef day in June, and pofiponed unti the firft Juefday in September, Conditions aifls Samuel Jackson, D.3. ; July 27, 1805. JUST PUBLISHED , ‘ And fir Sate at this Office* tjjjff A BLOW at rm ROOT . ‘Vy,, A i'ERMON , by the Rev . John (Author of The Bible Baptist) | NOTICE M, * *K O INE months after date appH cation will be made to the Inferior Court of Wilkes coutity for an or ■A*? tn fell 2 zo acres of land m lain county, real est ate of Ames Green, dec - eu, benefit -J|-’