The monitor. (Washington, Ga.) 1800-1815, August 31, 1805, Image 1

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Tiiree'Dolls. per anrif] Volume V.] (1 31 AUTHORITY.) AN ACT so incorporate the Bank of the state of Georgia . Will the House of Representatives, > a d Ist. time Bth Nov. 1804. -vfe. time loth Nov. 1804. 3d. dfie 22d. Nov. 1804. And pafs cd. H. IIOLT, Clk. mm ’ . ‘ IN SENATE. Read Ist. time 23d. Nov. 1804. ’ 3d. time 24th. Nov. 1804, — and podponed till the next ief | f lo n of the Legiflature.] “I X IP conce * v£ d Jujy that the eftab II foment of I a'ltatc ~Bao£ ia the city of Savcn-* ’ nab, will T e productive of a con s fideral le advantage to the fame, fe trade and inc ‘(try in general. Therefore, be u enafbd by the Se nate and House oi Representatives of the hate of Georgia, now met and titling ,in General Assembly, .and by the authority of the fame, That a Rank be eitabliflied, the capital flock, whereof {bail he fix fund.ed thoufed dollars ; Pro | *isd*a akms, th ,t at any time af | tcv the effablifexent of the said feoib, tfie directors may increase | the said flock to such other amount fey fhdl thick proper, r- tig c, ■l 1 J G kdT foto iix thotifand fan res, fetch sere being one hundred dpl i lars, and that iubferiptions towards conllituthig the said flock fliall, on £ the fecund, Monday in January next, be opened at the city ol|Sa* | vaimah and Augufla, under the ■ fupedntendance of Edward Tel* f fair, William Stephens, Charles Harris, George Anclerfon, John < H. Mord, Thomas F. Williams, | and Jos. A. Scott, at Savannah, | and Joshua Meals, J.'.mcs Mnrren, jAn Connie, John Wilson, junr. | John M*Khmer, Samuel M. Smith I hoinas lla uxu, at Auguffo, i hratnajerity cl them, v. iiictl sub- I’ kriptfcns fell continue oocn uti lil the while of the laid dock fell | Lve been fnbreribed ; and that it E llidil be lawful for any person, co ’ fenerfhiper body politic to iul> | icr *fo for such or ib many seres, 25 he, foe cr they Audi think fit, j act exceeding Any, except as Ihall he hereafter. drreded, relatively to c hiefoaie of’ Georgia, Provided al p that if the said capital dock I feul net be filled up in fix months .*>• the copunimoncrs herein ap -d ihall open their books for ; ! Ijheri-tions for that purpose. that % and in that case any person, 1 u-meiihip, or body politic, may j f or foch or ib many ihares A (he, or they fliall think tit, m ? ct acceding in the whole one ’and red fliares ; and provided also, ? m ore than the capital dock he fable rib 6 j the furpius fell - Inducted from,, the h igh est num* u o of mares. p* And he it further enadi fo* r those who fhail h e ~ fubicrlbers to the said Rank, 1 nga Py’ - IJJ| B| JE& jg?*| * Washington, (Georgia) Printed weekly for SarahHilujovsb, their fuccefiors and afligns, fhail be, and are hereby created and made a corporation and body po litic by the name and stile of The president, directors, and company of the Bank of the date of Geor gia,” and by that name fhail be, and are hereby made able and ca pable in law, to have, purchase, receive, pofTefs, enjoy and retain, to them and their fuccefiors, lands, rents, tenements, hereditaments, goods, chatties and effects, of what kind, nature or quality soever, to an amount not exceeding in the whole two millions of dollars in cluding the amount of the dock of the said Bank, and the fame to fell, grant, demise, alien or dispose of; to foe and be sued, plead and be impleaded, aaiwer and be armvered, defend and Le defend ed in courts of record or any o ther place whatsoever ; and also to make, have and use a common leaf, and the fame to break, alter ar.u renew at their pfor*fare ; and also to ordain, edablifli and putin execution such bye-laws, ordinan ces and regulations as fhail Lem necefibre and convenient for the J government of the said corporati on, not being contrary to law or to the conilitution thereof ; for which purpose, general meetings of the {lock-holders fhail and may he called .by the directors, tune or times as to them fhail be deemed ncceffary, and generally to do and execute all and fmguiar such acts, matters, and things, which to them it {hall or may ap pertain to do, fubjetl nevertheless, to the rules, regulations, reflric tio;is,; limitations and provisions, herein after preferibed and declar ed. Sec . 3. And be it further enabl ed by the authority aforefaid, that for the well ordering of the affairs of the said corporation, there fell be fifteen directors, four of whom fell 5c appointed by iegfe iure, in the manner herein after mentioned *, and the remaining c- Icven directors fliall be chosen an nually, on the second Monday in J muary in each year, by the pri vate (lock-holders or proprietors cf the capital flock of the said cor poration, and by plurality of the votes adually given ; and thole who fliall be duly chosen at any e lefolon, fliall be capable of serving of serving as directors, by virtue of such choke, until the end or expiiation of the Monday next am nu:;iiv ensuing the ime of fochi e kftion, and no longer; tk said direclors, at thgij firft inET after each eledion, fliall chooL om of their number, as present. • And in case of the death, re%n tion or absence from the late, or aon, o by the frock l e ?r ,a hnl A may be filled up holders, fe the remain by 3 VI tar But fnould it so to|> To-d ” lhC “, tl vc“ or Rotia day ap- SATURDAY, AUGUST 31, 1303. 7 \ fad corporation fhail not, ior that exilic,. to be aidolved, but it fe.ll be lawful on any oth er day, to hold, and make an e ledion or dirediors, in such man ner as may be regulated by the laws and ordinances of-the said corporation ; and in case of the djßßth, re Agnation, or absence from the hate, or removal of all, or ei ther of the directors repreitnung the (late in said corporation, dur ing the recess of the legislature, the vacancies {hall be filled up by foch p oper person or persons as the governor for the time being, ihall or may appoint to serve as cliredor cr directors of the said C v **pDrat:crs, until anew appoint ment Ihall or may be made by the legislature : Provided always, and it is hereby enacted, that as loon as the sum of two hundred thousand dollars in gold and silver fhail have been actually received, on account of the iubferiptions to the laid Hock, notice thereof Ihall be given by the persons who arc hereby appointed to superintend the fame, or a majority of them, m at dead two public Gazettes, I oricted m the Hate or Georgia, or.a tne said persons mall, at tKs v fame urn.-, and in like manner, rvptdy a time and plane within the City of at the dhlance fA'Piz ry-uays from tiic time cf such notification, for proceeding vo the efodion of directors ; and it fell bt lawful for such election, to be then, and there made, and the persons, who fell then and there . be chosen, ihall be the firft direct ors, and ihall be capable of serv ing, by virtue of such choice, un til the end or expiration cf the se cond Monday in January, next enfoing the time of making the fame, and fhail forthwith thereaf ter, commence the operations of the said Bank, at the said city of Savannah. See. 4. , And be it further ciiaeic ed, That the following Rules, re ftricHons, limitations and provih 6ns, (halt form and be fundament al articles of the Conilitution of the laid Corporation, Viz. Rule i ft. The directors for the time being ihall have power to c le& and remove the Caftiier, and foch officers, clerks, and servants, under them, as fliall be neceftary for executing the bufmsfs of the Lid corporation, and allow them such compenfotian for their ler vices refpecfcively as fell be rea sonable. They |ffiall receive mo. ney on deposit and pay away the fame to order, free of expence, tiiifcount bills of exchange accept ed, and payable in the ciry nf Sa vannah, and notes, with two oi more good names thereon, * or se cured by a deposit ol Bank {lock, at a rate of interest not exceeding one per cent, difoount for sixty da vs. Provided , the faidfoills notes have not more than ninety days to run. They fhail have po wer to fee notes, irgned by tne President, and countersigned by the caihier, on behalf oL the mid C Pay able half \ early. [Number 236. eorpormion, fi.r sod- krns. rr.d • with inch devices, as they m:.y deem mo ft expedient and fate. They fhail also be capable of ex ecuting Inch other powers and au thoriiits as may be necufou y for the well governing and orderin g afiuirs ol llie said coipc yatloii, and of promoting irs interests aud its credit, and of foch ns flirJl be u thorifod by the ruks thereof, or by the dirc&ion of tlie ilock-holu ers. Ride 2. In voting hr diesa cis, and all other questions, on which the flock-holders may be called to give their votes, the num ber of votes to which each flock holder fhail be entitled, foal! be according to the number of forms - he fell hold in the proportion fol lowing, that is to fay : for one sere, one vote ; for two (hares, two votes ; for every two forr s above two and not exceeding eight, one vote ; for every four seres above eight, and not exceed fog twenty, cue vote ; for ev r, so j!t Ihares above twenty and nit ex ceeding sixty, one vote ; for ev. try twelve ihares above sixty, and not exceeding one hundred, one vote. The state by the autJ of the majoiity of their d.ix*c..,rs focjd Le-xuhtfod to two hundred and forty votes, except ii clcwli | ons lor Uurctors rcprilehtiTtg the t private ftock-nokiu**. Tho mro ner, however, of voting for the dire dor % for the private llocfo- HcTdcrs, and iztrsiJ other quekiomt relating to the officers of the find, corporation, fell, at any t me be altered by such private ftock-hoid ers, at any public meeting, to be .for that purpose called, after two weeks previous notice in two pub lic gazettes. Provided , that at such meeting-a majority of all the private (hares of the Bunk are re prtfented, and the ho’ders of two thirds of such seres concur ia foch alteration. Rule 3. Aflcr i he firfl electi on, no sere or (hares firall confer a right cf fuforage which fhail not have been holden three calender months previous to the day of c ledfion. No other than stock holders, who are citizens of the United States, in the United States or not, fhail be ajlcwed to vote by proxy, or oilier wife, provided foch proxy be a flock-holder, and a ci tizen of th* Untied States. Rule 4. To prevent a drvifion of (hares, in order to obtain to the person or perlons so dividing them, an undue influence, the managers of elc&ions for directors foail ad minister to every flock holder of forfog to veto, I You A. B. do fsvear (or ahirm) , that the flock you now reprefont is bona fide, your propenv, and that no other person or persons r. or are concerned therein, and that you are a citizen oi the United Stares,” and to any person voting by proxv, or for a minor, or rfoht of or in trust for any other person entitled to vote, the tollou tag oath : You A. B. do fwcar >0