The monitor. (Washington, Ga.) 1800-1815, September 14, 1805, Image 3

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* f am employee! il Hinting the cannon on the boa tvith my main yard, and the infoant is done, if the wind will favor, I jhad weigh my anchor for Tripoli. “Captain Stewart failed from jience on the 2d, in company with one of our (lore ihips, tor Malta. “ P. S. Comfnodore Barron’s health is perfect!y restored.” fatraft of a letter from an American ‘ ’ gentleman at Gibraltar Bay to his friend in New-lark , dated Jun •16/A. ; L... j “I have’the pteafure of inform jpgyou that seven of our gun-boats tfavt arrived here in 30 davs from Three of them, in cluding Mr. Iz ird of Charlefton^ * left this two da/s ago for Tripoli, all well, and we shall follow them with the remainder to-morrow eve ning. The Spaniards, it is faief, have at Algebras on the opposite fide of the bay, three hundred gun boats and thirty thousand troops ready to begin the feige of Gibral tar. In the afternoon of yelterday the Spaniih gun boats got under vdgh, and mahoevred a little; which occasioned the garrison at the rock to beat to arms, and lay at quarters during the night. We have no late news from ourfquad ran. Our confui informs me that ; tm days ago a Brig left this bay la- i den with powder for the bombard- \ went of Tripoli. The plage rages ; ; with much violence at Cadizi and I Malaga,” GEORGIA. ‘ Greens Superior Court, September ■ term, 1805. The melancholy event of the I .death of Cdf. Robert Watkins, j of Richmond county, being an- ! flounced in the public papers, the j members of the bar, practicing in j the western circuit, convened at the | , request of his honor Judge Tait, to a%>t the mod proper and refpeft- J ful means of teftifying their refpe£t j for the memory of their deceased j brother: And a committees con- i filling of Col. Stith, Mr. Crawford, i and Mr. .Early being nominated for that purpose, reported the fol lowing resolution, which was uaan imoufly agreed to. Resolved, That the Judge and I bar of the Western District will j a crape on the left arm during the present circuit, as a teflinxony of their refped for their deceased fend and brother Col. Robert atkins. Ordered, That the foregoing re- P art ad resolution be entered on tninutes of the court. H. Carle ton, for 1 Thq. Carleton, c!k. * 6 the Electors of Wilkes county . I L Rom mistake, it has been pub- [ * bcly announced that I had ex- 1 ptefled a willingness to serve as a j t cnator , at the next session of the s ure, “ if I could be elect- k y* * I fed ?t a duty thus to de that I do not feel, either a *%fefs to be elected, or to serve a Eegiflator, this y :ar ; many tfeutnftancee, intimately connedt with my prosperity j at present PPofe every idea of an engage ens in public bufmefs : Yet I reel ; Intrude for txpr> flions of coirfi nce have been held cut 2- many refpedable citizens, on occasion. v; - * , JOEL ABBOT, t Vi w 4 ,v J -?f Qa U ■£s£ 13 X 4 T i • ’ jv? Th i • ’ f^b AN . D v lyin s in Gree county three miles foiith ot Grenf. j borough, containing 1 688 acres. wpII r a k Te , lanti ls wcli watered, S t nl ber l d ’ and the whole of it adapted to the culture of corn, cot i ton, wheat, rye, oats, &c. and much oht to that of tobacco ; it is alio an excellent range for. cattle and nogs. I here is a small plantation on the land and a number of cab bins erected convenient tef a good fprmg. K file whole tract or a part there ot wi.l be fold, and a great bargain given. Persons wiflung to purchase may. fee the land and know the -terms by applying to the fubferiber on ti'ie premiles. Nat. G. Macon. S.-pt. 14,1805. 6t j FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS j REWARD!!! !0 N Tuesday night the 27th of j Auguit last, was felunioufly takea from my houle, three thouraud live I hundred dollars in fiiver, a quanti -1 ty of filjfc and leverai bauuamia j- handkerehiels, three guns (viz) a ■ a large iowling piece, and a ! hnaH shot gun. On the lame night j four cf my negroes abiconueu—* Jack, a wed made feiiow, about 35 years of age ; Peter, about L c feet high, 25 years of age, which i I lately purchased front Sahtfed i Ramey of Clark county j a young | lad named Toney, very black ; alio : a young lad named Sam, about ts\ I or i3 old each; k Any perfoa i who will apprehend the aobve rfe : groes, and bring them and the ’ money as'above mentioned, fhafe receive the reward above oiforea. ! jAMEb v/ijS.s, Cherokee Nation. > 3: Sept. 7, 1805. ) EX+CUiviGs SAilii; Will ll sild 9 On Monday the 18/A day of Nov. next, at the plantation ff John .1 Gilbert. deceased , the remHiiitg part oi the j pertoiial property of laid deceased, ; conlifling of negroes, horieu, cat* j tie,hogs, fluep, goats, the crop of corn and cotton, a waggon and ‘ geers, plantation and blackfaiulTs i tools, chaise and liarnefs, cotton machine, houf'ehold and kitchen • furniture ; with a number of articles too tedious to mention.- j Twelve months credit will be giv- 1 en, the purchaser giving bond and ; approved iecuiiryr * J ihe sale wrll day to day, within j the hours preferibed by law, unril j the whole of the property be foldr • All persons indebted to said es- J tate are requested to make muneai- j ate payment. • Abner Franklin, Isaac Strickland, Black 9 s creek , Franklin ? county, Sept . 1, 1805. j . \ iT H£REAsTMary Wright, Vy my wife, has eloped from my bed and board, these are there fore to forewarn ail persons from trading with her on my account, as I will not pay any debts of her contra ding from this dats. ObadiAit Wright. Sept. 15,1505. - GffofJJtGIA, pmWk county. W Willi- Patience Harris uas appik* ed for letters ot aUminiitration oa tllatc ot bamucl ii. lianis, de ceafol, Ihtle are therefore to cite and admomlh all and lingular the kin dred and creditors of Hid deceased to be and appear at the next court ot Ordinary 10 be held in and tor tjiv couaty aforeiaid on Friday the 25th day of O&ober next, to shew cauie, ii, any they have why laid letters ihoaid not oe granted. Given uncUr my hand at office tnis 7 m day of September, vj ,Q r\ - ’ , • ... , ‘ix,o. Carleton, C. C. O. GEORGIA f ~ At a court of Ordinary held in and for the county of Wakes, March lSib, ISOS. j X_JPON the petition of Benujah Suiiih, itating that he is poifoiLd ot an obligation given by Fctcr L. ; Van Alien, in his ijfo urne, to ex : tcate tides to a taft of land, fitii afM being in the county of Greene, in the Reserve fork of the Oconee and Appalachie rivers, adjoining Charles Abbercrombie • and Benjamin Fitzpatrick ; and the laid Peter departed this Lfe without execuuug titles, or other ! vobe providing lor the lame by . valL Ail pei tons concerned are here by nobbed, that after the expira tion of fix months (if good came is not (hewn, to the contrary) the ’ court will direct the executors of said deceased to crake titles to laid • tra6f of iand, in terms of the afliu iuch cabs made and provided. ■ ? ’’ and rue copy from the Record, David Terrell, c.c-cr GEORGIA. At a Court of Ordinary held for the aunty of Wi tkes 9 Aug 8, 1805. OI V the petition of Silas Hop- dating, that William Hen drick, in his life time, made and executed his bond to the Hid Sk las, whereby he bound hindcif to make good and effectual titles Jo a fracl of land, lying and being on Little rh'er, joining Jobh Garrard, and that faid William Hen drick departed this bde without ex ecuting titles, according to said bond/ cr otherwise provide for tha by law.—All concerned are hereby notified that after the e:c* pi ration of three months, if good cause is not shewn to the contra ry, the court will direfl the a&- miniftrator of the said deceased ot make and execute titles for- said land to the said Silas Hopkins, ia 1 terras of the ad in that case made j and provided. ■ True copy from the record, David Terrell, c.c.o # NOIICE Brought to ray liable for fafe keping, by a p>erfon who found him astray in the fuhurbs of this town, a BLACK HORSE, with a roach main and iwab tail, with a fuddle and bridle, ftirrip irons p!a- ; k, te l but old, the saddle about half W{)rn. Tae owner may have him by paying charges and applying to WILLIAM SANSOM. Wa&ington Sept, i3, 1805. GEORGIA* (cj ,ri % ivglftiu icr. C ; cufi, ip tjgJufo t<# 11 PON the petition of William (hewing LI was in tb<t pofeelßon ot a certain in u of harr.d, yhgncd and delivered to him l v Seawlet A] . n, U r the jum cf * cobars, ff r value it- faid note beard g c*ate iome time m the year tiihutm hundred and one, and that ir aduully Ldt ; a copy of v hreh is afiiicxed to laid petiti* n, ard \ u: - ed m the clerk’s office <1 j ‘ j court, togetlto with affid.v ’ P tefhmony of the loft oi laic cr- u , -JWZ , : thereupon it is ordered \Wt the laid note be dUbliffied, at tr to * ad intents ar and purpofos in L equity be taken and cot fkWd ; J the original, after puhlicaritn of th:s rule in one of .the* G; Zl tu i f this date, for the foace cf p--- months; unlds a :client caifu within that time, cr on vppUcrk for a rule ablolute be then fccv.a again ft the fame. . A true copy from the mmnr* 3 of said court, rb - - Nath. Wums. c :k. • NvJUC. rt 1 I HAT 03 the (bird daV o f’ October next, will he fold,’ tie whole estate of I!];am Hendon, dd -1 ctal’ed, both real and ptsftmul, ; confining ot four hundred , C ia , • j land, lying on the north folk-or I the Oconee river, in Clark coui - | ty, adjoining John Ranu-v, | Nathaniel Heart j alio, hoifes, cows,, hogs, fo ■‘tr.', houlehold and kitcha-ti Vu in;u 11 • F'velves months credit wi I so giv. i en, on good and appeved bond and tecurity being riedved—'life Wo will coniineiico'iit the ufu::l hotitf. jb&x C/.r.\t£*r, } r,- . EITJJH HIIXDQSt b ” tt Sept. 7. 1805. A List us (LjaulUr; s.i Giiens ty, for the year 1805. ; Vfe.Va-’ ■ - • t r . ••. . k.- ■- # Capt. Abraham Greer’* daft rift* AVilloby Bowles, liobtTt Me> fop, JohtL Roberts, Chriit ipher, Taktr, William Sorrel, ‘fhonors Ham!, Gilbert Enftey, Abbahaa Ycfift, Elcy Floyd, Joha held, Gilbtit Brock. John Alford’s AiftfiS, ‘William Bagiey, W r iilkm p; f >c r , Hardy Wheelis, James RidKir, - son, John 11. Wa kur, Char!, j SiißaioD3 A Buffi, Isaac Bun-.- ~ John Decn, David Brewer, T);w { Estes, Joab Wfieelft, JoSua W:i* ton. Capt. James Armor’s dTtrlA. ‘Thomas Reed, Zachamh ReeJ, John kelly, David White, Arthur I Barefitld, William Biker, Hemy I Anglen, Henry Markneh, Ua:k iey Warren, Sam ml G?<s; S; - phea Pace, fen. Widcw Sundc r>, k . Nancy Sanders, g- , _ Capt. Iffiain S. Fannin’s diftnfl. Robert Biikey, John Birkey, Mathew Coleman, Join* Coleman, James Fur low, XJzzs Fin! y. Wil liam G. Grimt s, David Lee, Fie!, s Kennedy, JpfephJJllalluway, I)i ----vld Parker, Abner Farmer, J ha Pliikard, David liardwiek. Thmiti Sanford. Samuel Jtffiti Fannin, Jefte Reed, R< hurt Ai)i fon, Waklon Lewis, Tavner Le* . • c.. W-‘ k : • “.Wl} Zim ms. j Thomas Johns^ Aujuft 28, **