The monitor. (Washington, Ga.) 1800-1815, January 05, 1806, Image 4

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C f i-’ C -t” \r 1 1 i (endmens ca Oi. * - 0 * * m ~ *” *3p ~~~5” V-jlgli 11 ‘ “ 3-"” ..- .>. .•■ * ■ v-'?£-■ ..■■■■ ■>•* ■ ■4 , ~ “* r "*KM . • I S’ I J | jLj |JJ V i 1 ‘ V'. - r < I r j . i 4 a ~ l i \ V 11111lif*1on *p c*\ (Jdjjny jj(gjo*t gg ()f l0X ” ‘ S SCHEME; j $ .500 1.500 \ 10 100 1000 * 20 - 2000 I 10 5000 ‘ ~ ?*"* 13.74* Prizes, 2346 iMswiiKf. 4vr J Tickets at 4 dollars is 16,000 J JLefs than two blanks to a prize j —onejeetro a deduction of fifteen j p. vacant, lo raile the above fijtagT j Having, only a few tickets now . or, band, we can with certainty assure the public that the drawing oi the above Lcttery will corn- | induce on the h.(t Monday in ; hJ iJ , Thole who wife to ‘ pr cure tickets had better make | irnmedf ite application at the store : oi Wro. & Felix “Gilbert, or to DocL G. Hay. - N. Long, President, “j. 4 Jomg Griffin, b Fei lit H Gilbert'. § December i6,.Bq> * ilitclv 2f puircd or tpp <-,> , p 1 *l*p % A i 1 V 4 * I T ’ r ♦ 1 ’i* # i _Ol &pt in comorumy co uic ihiu e <ili iw r t j • | lUV ’ J ’ V ’ Z WILKINSON, Those of ibe lirft diftiicl com of Thpfe p£ the, third diftriS, on the i jnli of March, urnil the 20th, ilie; Oil ve* Thole of the fourth diftrifl, oil the 21It of March, until the’ 24111, inciuilve. llioie of the fifth difLiQ, on the 24th of March j umii me 2jth, iucltuive. : X; BALDWIN, ‘ Those of the fait diltrift, on the ; 28th ‘of March, until the ill of , April, inciunve.* ••• ! Thole of the second oi ft riel, on ; the 2nd of April, to the gth', in- ] clufive. Those of the third dilinCt, on j the 10th of April, until the 14th, inclulive. r l hole of the fourth dianci, oa | the 15th of April, until the 19th, inJuiiye. ; Ihofe of the fifth diftrtdf, on the 2Lit of April, until the 28th, “inclulive. Af 1 WAYNE; Those of : 4 die full did rid, on the 291 h oi April, until the yih . oi May, ind alive. Those of the* second did rich, on the Brh of May, until the 12ui, 1 iaclufive. Those of the third di ft rift, on \ t the 13th of May, mini the 16th j iaclufive. TERMS OF SALE. Oi the purch Liters, bonds for the amount of the purchase mo ney will be required ; at iour*e- j qua! inftahneuts, to. ,be pud in j silver or gold ; the firft payment twelve’montas alter date. In ad j dition to which, a mortgage on the premiics will be required. Moses Sptiiß, Simms, v CoaFfe* Patrick Jack, j a'M v ' v Vv r aflhngtoii, Dec. 2lit, 1805. TIC £4 *C3n Monday the 3d of March in the town oi I\tvUe;t^- V - tb e j bly to an act pallfd by the legif* lature of Georgia, at their lafi iefiimi.—The faie to continue from Ijday to day until completed. John lIERBEkT, ~) . ; /■-. M., / hrp£ loch this following p** I l* 1G 11 vi * f.) JL JLUri V G U j | i I b, foie! to contain 287,1-2. acres, situate m me county or - Oar of the; Oco fy an eecunn, Thontasi Carter vs tTie aantiiiftrarorsof John Gor ham, deceased. Conditions Cajh. Abner Banckston, D. S. Dec. 20, 1805. V< V*; ‘•’ •’ ‘3* ■■ A *.'l* . ‘ i?’ - • -p - 1 -1-IIT-l I 4... . W* FOR SALE, /% T my houfo, on Thursday the twentr thiyi ot J muary, ni ie likely an J vTmnble NEG ROES— they c nfid of yocmg men, wo men, and boys,. accußomed to !a bou in the fuld. They will be fold for bond and fecurky, pay ade in nine months, with fegjtl intereil From the date if not punc tuaiiy difeharged. Also, a (lock of CATTLE and HOGS, and a ; few good wdrk HORSES. HENRY L. RIYEISE. : Wilkes county, Dec. 28, 180.5. [ 1 A V” ; 1 “ ’ -t ‘’ . / .. A■ ; . T ~ “• ‘ . N. ■>..— ■..■■ GEORGfA . —Wilkes county. By David l crnli, clerk of the court of ordinary for said county. j .’ey., g. ‘ *’ W HLREAS James Trainer ! apples hr letters ol adniiniftratfori : with a copy of Jacob Bremen's , Will annexed, . . Theie are therefore to cite I and admordih all and Tmgular | the kmdreu and creditors of laid ! dec. to oe and appear at my cf : fice within the time preferred by 1 | law, to Ihcw cause (Jf any they .! be granted. Given under my hand this 28th day of December, 1805. David Ferrell, c.c.o. ->-> • i ■ - ■—^—— GEORGIA. Wilkes county. . j Oikf cisrk oy the e::trl mr- - ■ - -*!,•>— ■ . dirET 9 r _ . ‘ ’ 7WA ■**■'*“* * O /VJL vy ljV/vjf X p j ill* J L ■ Ua* 1v vl IVj XIOfT f* |A a 7 1 lfj *"M f}i fl . _! i s -s, i. | ■ v Ari r % I * “* Oj J — : • ‘ j I v-’ ‘1: T/*> -"O ‘ - >■? ■ S ’ ‘ - I\{ I I I t H ‘* v -’ * j ,1 * * * 1 * ‘ _ quvi i.cs (0 j - - - - ... . - 1 /~i AT TCT TCy AT ‘>^l ~ * “""’ “‘ ‘ I y t* 1 VW* i Z>y I*l i y cv *** J %1c- j „ 1 y^r* ’ p p ,-!+■’ I ——• 1 ‘"***l j. T “* f tP a y?[s E | t*o the irkrid'l * -i r\u L it * u I ‘e , .- I ; &e ox G !^ “^jl 1 * . V v ’ f t a T/*a v TXv r. p P ilC*